Mechanisms of state regularion of fire safety in global scientific opinion
Normative-legal regulation of the implementation of fire safety, at the national and international levels. Methodological approaches in the implementation of analytical calculations on the level of fire risks and scientific approaches of the government.
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Дата добавления | 27.02.2023 |
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Размещено на
Institute of Public Administration and Scientific Research on Civil Protection
Borisov Andrii Viktorovych Candidate
of Sciences in Public Administration,
Head of the Scientific and Information Department
regulation fire safety level
It is determined that at the present stage of development of the public administration science in the field of fire safety there are certain problematic issues. For example, inadequate normative-legal regulation of the implementation of fire safety, at the national and international levels, is considered by researchers in various related fields of science (law, management, marketing, etc.). It is proved that there is a clear difference between domestic methodological approaches in the implementation of analytical calculations on the level of fire risks and scientific approaches of the British government. The Great Britain, in the context of calculating the level of fire safety, studies much more closely the separated ethnic groups as separate components of the community group. In the process of research, the systematization of information data, which are plotted on maps of the area in order to identify the most vulnerable areas and, based on this modeling, a “Risk Map” is drawn up.
Examining the European scientific opinion on the concept of “public administration”, it was determined that it is one of the elements of the field of law. The definition of the term “public administration” is disclosed as the activity of the public authorities in the relevant field, which has no legislative or judicial basis. That is, the content of public administration is outlined in the sense of the practical implementation of statutory provisions, and, consequently, it is defined by law-specific methods and tools to achieve the relevant goals in certain areas.
It is noted that the process of understanding safety issues can be traced in the first attempts of the state to objectively assess external threats to the environment. The essence of the category “safety” contains only relative and semantic meaning, which it acquires only in the relationship between certain objects, or in a particular area of operation.
Keywords: public administration in the field of fire safety, “Risk Map”, British specialized services, fire protection, soft spectrum social systems.
Борисов Андрій Вікторович кандидат наук з державного управління, начальник науково-інформаційного відділу, Інститут державного управління та наукових досліджень з цивільного захисту
Визначено, що, на сучасному етапі розвитку науки державного управління у сфері пожежної безпеки, існують певні проблемні питання. Наприклад, неналежне нормативно-правове регулювання впровадження системи забезпечення пожежної безпеки, на національному та міжнародному рівнях, розглядається дослідниками різних суміжних галузей науки (право, менеджмент, маркетинг та ін.). Доведено, що спостерігається виразна відмінність між вітчизняними методологічними підходами у здійсненні аналітичних розрахунків щодо рівня пожежних ризиків та науковими підходами уряду Великобританії. Велика Британія, у контексті розрахунку рівня пожежної безпеки, набагато ретельніше вивчає відокремлені етнічні групи населення як окремі компоненти групи громад. В процесі дослідження, здійснюється систематизація інформаційних даних, які наносяться на карти місцевості для того, щоб визначити найвразливіші територіально-розподілені райони і, на основі цього моделювання, складається «Карта ризиків».
Досліджуючи європейську наукову думку щодо поняття «публічне адміністрування» (public administration), визначено, що воно є одним з елементів галузі права. Визначення терміну «публічне адміністрування» розкривається як діяльність державно-владних органів у відповідній сфері, яка не має законодавчого та судового підґрунть. Тобто, зміст публічного адміністрування окреслений у сенсі практичної реалізації законодавчозакріплених положень, а, отже, - це визначені законодавчо конкретні методи та засоби для досягнення відповідних цілей у певних напрямах.
Зазначено, що процес осмислення проблем безпеки можна прослідкувати у перших спробах держави об'єктивно оцінити зовнішні загрози навколишнього середовища. Сутність категорії «безпека» містить у собі лише відносний та смисловий змісти, якого вона набуває тільки у взаємозв'язку між певними об'єктами, або ж у конкретній сфері функціонування.
Ключові слова: державне управління у сфері пожежної безпеки, «Карта ризиків», британські спеціалізовані служби, протипожежний захист, соціальні системи м'якого спектру.
Formulation of the problem
The constitutional norm in Ukraine is that the highest social value is a person, preservation of his life and health, honour and dignity, inviolability and safety [1].
We can state the fact that safety is one of the key conditions of human life and the most important factor in the existence of the society.
At the same time, it can also be argued that fire safety should be defined as one of the most important components of the constitutional order in peacetime. It is functionally aimed at preventing and eliminating the risks and threats posed by various internal and external fire hazards for people, the individual country and society as a whole.
At the present stage of development of the science of public administration in the field of fire safety there are certain problematic issues. For example, inadequate normative-legal regulation of the implementation of the fire safety system, at the national and international levels, is considered by researchers in various related fields of science (law, management, marketing, etc.] [2, p. 5-6].
Analysis of the recent research and publications
Aspects of fire safety and specifically public administration activities to ensure and guarantee it have always attracted the attention of a number of researchers in this area. Some issues of the public administration in the field of fire safety were revealed in their works by such domestic scientists as: M. Andrienko [3], V. Balyabas [4], S. Hovorun [5], V. Yemelyanova [6], O. Martyn [ 7] and others.
Among foreign authors we would like to single out such representatives of the science of fire safety administration as: E. Dean [8], D. Appleton [9], M. Taylor, H. Frankis, E. Higgins and others.
Unfortunately, I must say that regardless of the available scientific work in this area, the vast majority of innovative ideas and improved scientific approaches to the public administration in the field of fire safety were insufficiently used in the implementation of public administration in this area, or completely ignored.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the conceptual problems of the modern mechanisms of state regulation of fire safety in the world scientific thought using the experience of expert analysis.
Presentation of the main material
Analyzing the foreign spectrum of scientific research, we can say that in the Great Britain in particular, much attention is paid to issues of the public administration in the field of fire safety. It should be noted that the following research is conducted on the principle of multidisciplinarity: long-term planned researches, results of the mathematical and statistical analysis received on the basis of the received information data of the carried-out modeling of various processes in a society, methodology of social psychological sciences and other are used.
The scientific achievements in the direction of public administration in the field of fire safety of Great Britain deserve special attention of scientists: E. Higgins, M. Taylor and H. Frankis [10, p. 48-49]. These authors interpret the public administration processes through the institutional aspect of the implementation of mass fire prevention using soft spectrum social systems. From this point of view, measures to ensure the proper functioning of the public administration in the field of fire prevention in the Great Britain were considered as the most effective approach to improve the operational activities of the rescue and fire services.
The substantive component of the implementation of such a scientific project, proposed by the authors, was aimed at using a new systematic approach to administration decisions on fire protection. It involves the use of special approaches to the interpretation of soft spectrum social systems based on experimental modeling of the scientific-statistical field of research.
The team of authors, including M. Jones, D. Appleton, M. Taylor, H. Frankis, E. Higgins, in the process of studying the problems and developing ways to optimize the British public administration in the field of fire safety, conducted a long-term scientific and practical study on prevention of fires in residential buildings (except for arson).
As a result of such research, it has become clear that close cooperation and interaction between the British specialized services (police, ambulance and fire service) is extremely important for effective and prompt fire prevention in order to respond quickly to fires.
Important in the context of this work are also innovative research carried out by a number of scientists, such as: E. Dean, A. Clark, M. Taylor, H. Frankis. In their work they reveal a direct link between the cultural characteristics of the formation of the respective communities and the level of fire risk in the British county (Greater Manchester).
I should point out that there is a clear difference between domestic methodological approaches in making analytical calculations on the level of fire risks and scientific approaches of the British government. The Great Britain, in the context of calculating the level of fire safety studies much more closely the separate ethnic groups as separate components of the community group. In the process of research, the systematization of information data, which are plotted on maps of the area in order to identify the most vulnerable areas and, based on this modeling, a “Risk Map” is drawn up.
It should be noted that, in this perspective of determining the level of fire risk, this structured approach is also outlined in the research of the same authors in 2012 and 2016 [10].
But, unfortunately, it should be recognized that today, despite a number of scientific studies around the world in this area, there are still unresolved issues related to the implementation of innovative and effective mechanisms of the public administration in the field of fire safety.
I consider it necessary to investigate, in the process of analyzing foreign research on theoretical aspects of mechanisms of the public administration in the field of fire safety, definitions of such categories as: “public administration”, “mechanism of public administration”, “safety”, “fire safety”, “risk” and etc.
Examining the European scientific opinion on the concept of “public administration”, we can determine that it is one of the elements of law. The definition of the term “public administration” is disclosed as the activity of the public authorities in the relevant field, which has no legislative or judicial basis. That is, the content of public administration is outlined in the sense of the practical implementation of the enshrined provisions, and, consequently, are defined by legal specific methods and means to achieve the relevant goals in certain areas.
According to G. Markou [11], the definition of “public regulation” is also closely related to the science of law and is often used with relevant legislation, which explains its meaning.
It can be concluded that in Europe there is a common approach that identifies the concepts of “public administration” and “public regulation” and reveals their meaning in terms of means to achieve the country's goals in this area. At the same time, it is a specific activity of the country to formulate such goals, and subsequently - to perform certain tasks for their implementation.
In the context of W. Knorring's scientific views [12, p. 251] in the field of administration science, we can define the following position: “Administration is a process, and the administration system, in turn, is a structured mechanism that ensures the functioning of such a process”.
In my opinion, such definitions of terms as “process” and “mechanism” can not be identified, because the process is, in its content, only a certain sequence of specific actions and a set of phases to transform anything, and the mechanism, in its structure - a concept much more broadly and includes a set of different tools, means, levers of the public administration.
In the perspective of the study, we can consider the concept of “advanced administration”, which is based on proposals for innovative construction of the processes for creating and approving administration decisions. Proponents of this approach include L. Plunkett and G. Hale [13].
According to them, the priority in making administration decisions, in the process of solving any problems, is to eliminate certain uncertainties. Based on this theory, we can formulate the following main stages of the process of generating administration decisions (see Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Main stages of the process of generating administration decisions by L. Plunkett and G. Hale
In my opinion, the peculiarities of this approach to the classification of the stages of the process of generating an administration decision is that the process of conducting a comprehensive analysis of causation allows you to successfully structure ways to solve an urgent problem. At the same time, an important aspect of such activities is that the person making administration decisions must take into account the time constraints for the successful conduct of the above analysis.
In some scientific publications, the concept of “public administration” is interpreted in a broad and narrow sense. Representatives who share this approach are O. Alyokhin, A. Karmolytsky and Yu. Kozlov [14, p. 110-111].
These authors, in a broad sense, under public administration understand the process of approving the general rules of conduct of all participants in the society and, depending on changes in the environmental conditions, making adjustments to these rules. The subjects of the public administration, in this case, will be the bodies and structures of the legislative, judicial and executive authorities, and its declarative forms - legislative and judicial regulatory acts.
In my opinion, there is an identification of public administration with state legal regulation. But, in fact, such a substitution of terms is not expedient from the point of view of public administration science, because, nevertheless, the directions of activity of these concepts differ.
In the process of analyzing the characteristics of public administration, G. Wright [15, p. 143] in his scientific work notes that it should be considered in terms of division at the stage of generating administration decisions. The author considers such stages:
- problem detection;
- approval of criteria for evaluating the problem;
- defining the limitations and priorities of the problem evaluation criteria;
- accumulation of necessary information data and facts;
- formulation and evaluation of alternative solutions;
- choosing the most effective decision-making option.
In my opinion, this classification of stages is somewhat incomplete and does not take into account all the aspects of the administration decision-making process. The key disadvantage of this approach is a certain disconnection of stages in accordance with the goal, which, in turn, is achieved through the formation, approval and implementation of the administration decisions.
Examining the scientific point of view of such scientists as: M. Albert, M. Mescon and F. Hedoury, we can trace the specific division of the process of making administration decisions into specific stages:
- diagnosing the problem;
- defining criteria and relevant constraints for the decision approval process;
- determination of alternative administration decisions;
- evaluation of the implementation of alternatives;
- approval of the decision.
The structured division of the process of formulation and generation of administration decisions given by the researchers, in my opinion, is considered logically acceptable. The priority in this approach will be to specify in detail the definition of existing relationships and the systematic structuring of the stage of diagnosing the problem.
R. Daft has a similar view on the process of producing an administration decision [13]. The author identifies such general stages of forming an administration decision as:
awareness of the need to make a decision;
- conducting diagnostics and random analysis;
- selection of options for making administration decisions;
- the optimal choice of the most effective option.
I propose, in the perspective of the study, also to consider the definition of the term “mechanisms of public administration” in terms of foreign scientific opinion. In my opinion, the mechanism of public administration has a regulatory content, because with its help the country regulates society's relations in various spheres of life.
In my opinion, the most complete meaning of the mechanism is revealed by J. Stiglitz [12] in the functional aspect, as a regulator between the processes of production of material goods and their consumption.
From the point of view of J. Kleiner's scientific views [16, p. 9], the interpretation of the term “mechanism of public administration” is reduced to a set of artificially formed administration tools that implement the process of generating a scientifically sound administration decision, that achieves the most effective degree of its implementation.
I can partially agree with the author on this definition and suggest that, in my opinion, the mechanism of public administration is an artificially created set of means of influence, separate interactions between the subject and the object of the administration.
Also, from my point of view, it would be logical to consider such a definition of the term as a complex system of complex combinations of logical relationships, specific procedures that consists of many interconnected components of the system: political, economic, organizational, legal, etc.
One cannot disagree with the opinion that the implementation of any functions requires an appropriate sequence of actions, a dynamic flow of certain processes. This interpretation of the essence of the mechanism is clearly traced in the scientific work of A. Kuhlman [17, p. 57]. The author outlines the mechanism as an appropriate sequence of facts, the components of which can be both input and output facts, as well as the process that is implemented in the intervals between them.
We would like to draw attention to the fact that the mechanisms of public administration are defined, as well as purposeful unilateral influence with its clearly defined direction (course).
Considering a number of foreign scientific studies of the public administration science, we can follow the evolution of the terminology of public administration and the mechanism of its implementation, in particular, in the organizational and legal perspective.
Thus, G. Ferdman [18, p. 3] emphasizes the definition of the term “organizational-legal mechanism of the public administration”, which is considered as a set of administration elements that has a clear subordination, and provides an appropriate relationship between the administrated and administration systems through an organized set of tools, techniques and means of legal impact.
In the context of this work, using logical inferences based on the analysis of the above research, we can offer our vision of the essence of the category “organizationallegal mechanism of the public administration”. I describe it as an official activity of state authorities and non-state institutions, regulated by generally accepted legal norms in the state and implemented in order to effectively address a set of controversial issues to prevent or eliminate social problems for the benefit of the society.
Unfortunately, it can be stated that in the world science of the public administration the concept of safety is not considered in sufficient detail and is not entirely correct. I propose to consider the evolution of the content of this category in more detail.
The process of understanding safety issues can be traced in the first attempts of the state to objectively assess the external threats to the environment. The essence of the category “safety” contains only the relative and semantic meaning, which it acquires only in the relationship between certain objects, or in a particular area of operation. It is of a historical nature and is directly related to various areas and forms of interaction in the general system of legal relations. Therefore, throughout the period of existence of the human race, the category of “safety” was formed in a more modern sense and acquired a new meaning.
A striking example of the importance of safety issues in any environment of human life is the hierarchical pyramid of needs of A. Maslow [19, p. 24]. With the help of such a schematic disclosure of the structure of needs, we can outline safety as one of the fundamental categories in the human life, through which the optimal development of the society and even its existence on the planet can take place.
Deeply studying the theory of needs of A. Maslow [20, p. 11], it seems clear that in the hierarchical system of needs the main aspects after physiological, is the need for safety. In the process of human life and the functioning of the socio-economic system, the dominant and one of the most important factors is safety.
Based on the scientific concepts of famous thinkers and philosophers of the 15-18th centuries [21], such as: T. Hobbes, J. Locke, N. Machiavelli, J.-J. Rousseau, B. Spinoza, the meaningful definition of safety was considered as an appropriate human condition, in the achievement of which the real threat was simply absent. During this time, research continued in the development of the conceptual content of this concept.
It is also worth noting that in the process of formation of capitalism, the development of a scientific vision of the essence of safety found its beginning in the vein of natural law. Proponent of this approach was T. Hobbes, who revealed the problem of safety in the perspective of his own theory of the origin of the state. The author's research emphasized that the state is obliged to protect the rights of its citizens, including the right to personal and public safety.
In the context of the scientific views of J. Sonnenfels [22], the definition of the term “safety” had a specific form - a certain state in which there is no real threat to all objects without exception. For example, for an individual - private and personal safety, and for a particular country - public safety.
Based on the above definitions of the term, it is possible, within the study, to offer one's own vision of the term “safety” - a corresponding state, which is meaningfully opposed to the state of physical or moral danger. One of the components of safety is special conditions (political, material, etc.) and a developed system of institutional structures that are aimed at creating such a situation of peace or absence of dangers.
The definition of safety became a priority in politics and science in general after numerous wars and revolutions.
The results of scientific research in the field of safety issues of V. Pareto, in my opinion, are now gaining great importance because he was the first to apply the methodology of analysis of the impact of various factors on the studied process and its development. The peculiarity of this approach was the assignment of specific values to individual factors of influence, the share of which is determined from the minimum to the maximum degree.
In the process of evolution, the essence of the concept of “safety” was logically transformed into the definition of a state in which any subject is in a situation of complete protection and has no reaction in response to the negative impact of undesirable factors. From this point of view, foreign researchers have their own specific approach to the definition of the term “safety”.
In J. Wedel's scientific understanding, safety is defined as a specific activity that is directly aimed at preventing dangerous situations that may threaten the relevant groups in the society or certain individuals. The essence of safety, in this context, is aimed at safety issues at various levels - from preventing coups, to preventing accidents at work or in everyday life.
It is substantiated that the need for a safe existence gives impetus to meet basic needs, which, in turn, are aimed at preserving human life as a unique form of existence. In the process of forming the social organization of the society, life was the main category and served as a means to assess the level of quality of safety assurance.
The author's vision of the essence of human safety as an objective state and, at the same time, a subjective feeling of protection of the individual, his rights and freedoms in multidimensional directions (physical, moral, property, psychological protection) is offered. I must point out that when a person's rights and freedoms are reliably protected, then he or she is fully safe. That is, human rights and freedoms are the direct guarantor of the absolute state of safety.
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