Internet network and personal non-property rights of children
Issues of personal non-property rights of children that ensure their natural existence and social existence as Internet users. Right to health care due to the need to extend to the Internet user the rules that determine the legal status of the patient.
Рубрика | Государство и право |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.09.2022 |
Размер файла | 232,5 K |
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right property children internet
The article is devoted to the issues of personal non-property rights of children that ensure their natural existence and social existence as Internet users. The peculiarities of the implementation of children as Internet users of certain personal non-property rights on the Internet are formulated. It is emphasized that children who are Internet users, as participants in civil law relations are endowed with almost all the rights that characterize the general legal status of participants in such relations. An analysis of the right to eliminate the danger that threatens the lives and health of children as Internet users. It is determined that the way to protect this right of the child on the Internet is the right to file complaints against other Internet users in order to terminate their accounts, if they directly violate the requirements. It is formulated that these principles form the basis in the using of all services and social networks. It has been determined that in this way the Internet user as a child has the perspective to protect himself/herself from harmful influences in future. The article considers the right to health care due to the need to extend to the Internet user the rules that determine the legal status of the patient. There are opportunities that legal representatives, as Internet users, have the right to do through online search for the required doctor, coordinate their application with the necessary results of laboratory tests, register online consultation or visiting specialist, choose a doctor within a specialization, to solve insurance issues related to the provision of medical care via the Internet. Analysis of the right to personal inviolability shows that the social status, age or nationality of the Internet user is not important for the Internet environment. Therefore, it is emphasized that the privacy policy and rules of use of the Internet are the constant and equal for all Internet users. The right to a safe environment for life and health states that any Internet user, including Internet users as children, has the right to accurate information about the environment, the quality of food and household items, as well as the right to collect them. and proliferation through the Internet. It is emphasized that the issues of practical exercise of the right to choose the type of occupation require significant changes in labour regulations. It is proved that modern inquiries and threats of global scale push Internet users to intensify the exchange of scientific and technical information to unite their efforts in solving certain scientific issues. In general, the exercise of children as Internet users of the right to freedom of literary, artistic, scientific and technical creativity requires a separate scientific study.
Keywords: Internet user, personal non-property rights, the right to eliminate the danger to life and health, the right to health care, the right to personal integrity, the right to a safe environment for life and health, the right to peaceful assembly, respect for the person who died, the right to choose the type of occupation, the right to freedom of literary, artistic, scientific and technical creativity.
Анна ДОЛІНСЬКА Науково-дослідний інститут приватного права і підприємництва імені академіка Ф. Г Бурчака Національної академії правових наук України
Мережа «Інтернет» та особисті немайнові права дітей
Досліджено питання особистих немайнових прав дітей, що забезпечують їхнє природне існування та соціальне буття, як інтернет-користувачів. Сформульовано особливості здійснення дітей як інтернет-користувачів окремих особистих немайнових прав у мережі «Інтернет». Наголошено, що діти, які є інтернет-користувачами, як учасники цивільно-правових відносин наділені майже всіма правоможностями, які характеризують загальний правовий статус учасників подібних відносин. Здійснено аналіз права на усунення небезпеки, яка загрожує життю та здоров'ю дітям як інтернет-користувачам. Визначено, що способом захисту зазначеного права дитини в інтернеті є право подавати скарги на інших інтернет-користувачів з метою припинення діяльності їхніх профілів, якщо вони напряму порушують встановленні вимоги. Сформульовано, що вищевказані принципи лягають в основу в умовах використання всіх сервісів та соціальнихмереж. Визначено, що таким чином в інтернет-користувача, дитини, з'являється перспектива захистити себе від шкідливого впливу в майбутньому. Розглядається право на охорону здоров'я через необхідність розповсюдження на інтернет-користувача, дитини, дії норм, що відповідно визначають правовий статус пацієнта. Сформульовані можливості, які законні представники дітей як інтернет-користувачі мають право здійснювати через онлайн-пошук потрібного лікаря, узгоджувати своє звернення з подаванням необхідних результатів лабораторних досліджень, зареєструвати онлайн-консультацію або відвідування фахівця, здійснити вибір лікаря в рамках певної спеціалізації, розв'язати страхові питання, пов'язані з наданням медичної допомоги за допомогою інтернет-мережі. Аналіз права на особисту недоторканність доводить, що для інтернет-середовища не важливим є вік, соціальний статус чи національність інтернет-користувача. Тому наголошено, що правила користування та політика конфіденційності інтернетом для всіх інтернет-користувачів є рівнозначними та незмінними. Право на безпечне для життя і здоров'я довкілля зазначає, що будьякий інтернет-користувач, у тому числі інтернет-користувачі, діти, здійснюють право на вірогідну інформацію про стан довкілля, про якість харчових продуктів і предметів побуту, а також право на їх збирання та поширення за допомогою можливостей мережі «Інтернет». Наголошено, що питання практичного здійснення права на вибір роду занять вимагають суттєвих змін до нормативноправових актів про працю. Доведено, що сучасні запити та загрози всесвітнього масштабу підштовхують інтернет-користувачів до активізації обміну науковою та технічною інформацією, об'єднанню їхніх зусиль у розв'язані певних наукових питань. У цілому здійснення дітей як інтернет-користувачів права на свободу літературної, художньої, наукової та технічної творчості вимагає окремого наукового дослідження.
Ключові слова: інтернет-користувач, особисті немайнові права, право на усунення небезпеки, яка загрожує життю та здоров'ю, право на охорону здоров'я, право на особисту недоторканність, право на безпечне для життя і здоров'я довкілля, право на мирні зібрання, повага до людини, яка померла, право на вибір роду занять, право на свободу літературної, художньої, наукової і технічної творчості.
Formulation of the problem
Today both adults and children have the opportunity to use all possibilities of the Internet. Children quickly and easily learn all the latest innovations -- social networks, online games, messengers, programs etc. The Internet promotes their development and assists in learning to create school projects and research, learn foreign languages, obtain and access the necessary information at all. This also applies significantly to online studying, as the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020 made adjustments even to the educational process and all educational institutions in Ukraine have completely switched to distance learning.
Analysis of legal status of Internet users is directly related to the legal status of participants in civil relations. One of the important elements of the civil status of an individual is personal non-property rights. It is worth to note that each Internet user has personal non-property rights in the Internet. The latter applies not only to adults, but also to minors and underage Internet users. The above issues will be the goal of our further research.
Analysis of recent research and publications
The following scientists dealt with the research of Internet relations: Yu. Bulatetsky, R. Ennan, S. Yemelyanchik, V. Kopylov, Ye. Litvinov, I. Rozsolova, H. Useinova, M. Yakushev, Yu. Yanchuk. At the same time, in the works of the above-mentioned authors we do not find a reproduction of the theoretical discussion on personal non-property rights of children, ensuring their natural existence and social life.
The purpose of this article is to analyse the level of legal protection, realization and defence of personal non-property rights of children that ensure their natural existence and social life.
Statement of the main research material
The personal nonproperty rights of children have certain features compared to the general features of the personal non-property rights of individuals, as the rights of these entities are specific due to their age, physical and mental capabilities and incomplete capacity. In particular, personal non-property rights of children are characterized by the following features:
1) specific grounds for occurrence;
2) dependence (the child is limited due to incomplete capacity);
3) variability (in the process of development the scope of opportunities for the child to directly exercise their personal non-property rights without participation of parents or persons who replace them);
4) temporal limitations (some personal non-property rights cease when the child reaches the age of majority) [1, p. 70].
The specificity is manifested in the fact that some rights, according to the law, arise only if you reach the age established by law. It should be noted that in order to define a certain right as a personal non-property, a set of all these features is required. The presence of only one of these features does not indicate that this right is the essence of personal non-property [2].
It should be emphasized that human rights and fundamental freedoms must be equally ensured both offline and online. After all, according to UN Human Rights Council Resolution 38/20181, «the rights that a person has offline must also be protected online, in particular, freedom of expression, which operates regardless of borders and the means of communication chosen by man, in accordance with Art. 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights» [3]. According to this principle, it would be appropriate to classify the personal nonproperty rights of children as Internet users, because the latter are endowed with personal non-property rights on the Internet.
The right to eliminate the danger to life and health. An individual has the right to demand the elimination of the danger that may threaten his/her life and health in accordance with Art. 282 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. The corresponding right is also inherent in the content of non-property rights of the Internet user. In our point of view, such activities may be manifested in objective actions both outside the Internet and in the Internet [4].
In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 289 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, corporal punishment by legal representatives of children is not allowed [4], however, there are still problematic cases. For example, one of the rights of parents in the process of raising a child is the right to punish the child by restricting or depriving the child of the ability to view Internet content via the Internet, even if its content, duration of viewing may correspond the requirements for appropriate age group. We, in turn, defend the idea of the impossibility of such punishment, because today the modern Internet user child or adolescent has a significant emotional connection with the Internet environment and interacts with it every day in the process of education, art, every day communication, services or information, etc.
One of the problematic issues in the implementation of the above right is the problem of bullying, which is now a socially harmful phenomenon and is common in modern society. In December 2018, a law was passed according to which, for the first time in Ukrainian legislation, the concept of bullying is defined. In particular, the law provides for liability for bullying committed on the Internet, the so-called cyberbullying.
According to the law, bullying or harassment is an act or omission of psychological, physical, economic, sexual violence, including the use of electronic means of communication against a child [5]. It should be noted that bullying is particularly pronounced among children and adolescents.
UNICEF considers cyberbullying to be harassment using digital technologies, including the Internet. Cyberbullying is usually carried out through messages or threats that offend or may harm children; spreading lies or posting photos without the latter's consent.
It should be noted that the use of the Internet today is becoming the most common way of spreading bullying, which is embodied through video content, photos, text and voice audio messages through various messaging platforms (messengers), other programs and more. Quite often bullying is implemented in the environment of social networks or displayed on various Internet pages.
For example, according to US government research, 19 % of teens report online harassment or bullying. Other studies suggest that most adolescents are bullied online. Equally important is the fact that about the same number of children admitted that they also engaged in cyberbullying [6].
If we are talking about devices with the functions of which children are subject to bullying, it is investigated that more than 25 % of adolescents have repeatedly been bullied through their mobile smartphones on the Internet. Unfortunately, more than half of minors do not notify their parents when they are subjected to cyberbullying. It should also be noted that the most common types of cyberbullying are comments that offend the child's feelings and spread rumors about them [7].
One in three minors from 30 countries said they had been bullied online, and one in five said they had missed school due to cyberbullying, according to a study by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children (SRSG) [8].
Instead, according to Google Survey, as of January 2019, teachers who participated in the study reported that online bullying is their biggest and first security issue among children in their classrooms [9]. Almost half of minors and underages (47 %) received messages of intimidating, threatening or unpleasant nature via the Internet. About 68 % of children currently facing mental health problems say they have had cyberbullying experience in the last year [10]. Finally, according to a Pew Research Centre in the United States, 59 % of American juvenile Internet users personally experienced at least one of six types of Internet abuse [11].
Another important issue is the propensity for deviant behaviour and violence on the Internet, which should be seen as an attack on the mental and psychological safety of children who are the same Internet users as adults. For example, «Blue Whale» (Russian: «Синий кит») is a coordinated teenage game, distributed mainly on Russian-language social networks (in particular, VKontakte), the end result of which is bringing a player (in particular, an Internet user of a teenager) to suicide [12]. Without exaggeration, it can be called a «death group». After all, the administrators of such groups initially study the child's psychology, what problems he/she faces, what worries he/she has, and later give various tasks to do. At first, everything looks harmless to the lives of minors and underage Internet users. However, as a result, almost every assignment leads to the child's own injury or pain. Often such tasks must be performed in the middle of the night. The explanation is quite simple -- none of the parents (adoptive), guardians or custodians will suspect anything. If the group administrator is convinced that the minor is completely ready to commit suicide, then the child is sent a record with a task where he/she will play the lead role. The video discusses all teenager's problems, which he/she shared with the «guide» before and the only way out of problematic situations is to commit suicide [12].
The way to protect the above non-property rights of the child on the Internet is the right to file complaints against other Internet users in order to terminate their accounts/profiles, if they really violate the requirements. A clear example of this is the fact that access to their account will be suspended and, accordingly, the owner of the profile will no longer be able to harm anyone with the help of the Internet, which it provides. З These provisions are reflected in the conditions of use of all services and social networks. Thus, even minors and underage Internet users have the opportunity to protect themselves from unwanted and harmful influences. It should be noted that both children and their adult parents can use the appropriate method of protection.
The right to health care. Talking of the non-property rights of Internet users to health care on the Internet, it is necessary to mention the following provisions mentioned in Art. 283, 284, 285, 286, 287 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. The content of the above provisions indicates that for Internet users in accordance with Art. 285 of the Civil Code of Ukraine provides for the right to reliable and complete information about Internet user's health, placed in electronic databases. At the same time, legal representatives as Internet users have the right to information about the health of the child or ward. Simultaneously, Art. 286 of the Civil Code of Ukraine guarantees that the Internet users have the right to secrecy about the state of the health thanks to the guarantees created by software and electronic means of protection of medical databases. According to Art. 287 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, an individual who is under observation has the right to use electronic means, given the provision of free access to the Internet via wireless WI-FI network. In the networks of an inpatient individual, the online user's authority may include an online consultation or a skype conference in case of an urgent need to receive online advice from more experienced or narrowly focused specialist in order to save lives as children, as adults.
Today we may talk about the formation of an electronic health care system in Ukraine, given the possibilities of exercising the rights that have already been introduced into medical practice. At the stage of formation today, this system is at the level of public relations. At the same time, in the private law area, the provision of medical services via the Internet is only growing with each new day. In this article, we are going to talk about one of the brightest examples, namely the practice of «Doctor Online», which is implemented through the mobile service «Kyivstar». According to the rules of using Doctor Online practice, Internet users, regardless of their location, have the opportunity to consult 24/7 free of charge with qualified doctors and receive recommendations for treatment [13]. Consultations with a doctor take place via phone, video call or chat. Internet users who need medical care have the opportunity to immediately order their assigned laboratory tests remotely and pay for them in the mobile application. In the relevant application, Internet users can also ask the chosen specialist for advice in a convenient way for them (chat, video or audio call), get a referral for tests, order delivery of drugs, etc [13]. The above rights can also be exercised by children through their legal representatives.
Informatization of life for the Internet user determines his legal status as a patient. Nowadays, the Internet user has the opportunity to find the necessary specialist through online search, request the necessary results of laboratory tests, register their visit or online consultation, choose a doctor within a certain specialization, solve insurance issues related to medical care. etc. All the above Internet user has the right to implement through the Internet network.
The right to personal inviolability. One of the essential elements of a legal opportunity for an Internet user is the right to personal inviolability. R. Stefanchuk, L. Krasytska, O. Punda and other scientists emphasize a broad understanding of personal inviolability, as physical, as mental as psychological. Based on this, we can say that personal inviolability is not only related to the somatic inviolability of the individual, which allows us to extend the understanding of personal integrity to the sphere of Internet relations. Nevertheless, any Internet user who is connected to many relationships on the Internet has the right to personal inviolability, as well as any other participant in civil relations accordingly to civil legislation. Children also have the latter right, respectively. However, the problem of ensuring the implementation of this right is inextricably linked to the exercise of the Internet user's right to personal liberty.
The personal inviolability of the Internet user in the Internet sphere is considered to be the legal possibility to protect the individual from the negative impact on his mental and moral integrity. Appropriate protection consists of access to the capabilities inherent in the interface of each of the Internet communication services, such as interactive communication services (such as Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, etc.), forums on websites, social networks (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc.) through notifications, complaints, blocking of alleged violations and in order to apply certain means of control.
One of the well-known means of controlling content and its distribution is to «block» individual messages, accounts, web pages. For example, the ability to «block» an Internet user is provided in the social network Instagram, if the latter leaves unwanted and unacceptable messages and, accordingly, provides an opportunity to end any communication with him/her. The latter will not be able to continue to monitor the profile of the Internet user and even find his account in the relevant social network in the future [14]. In the case of a direct violation of morality, accompanied by interpersonal conflict, the social network Instagram provides an opportunity for appeal to its Internet users. In this way, any Internet user has access to the following complaint options: complaint about the publication or post, complaint about the account, complaint about the content in the web version of the Instagram network. It should be noted that Instagram also provides for the appeal of unacceptable and unwanted comments from other Internet users [14].
If we talk about the privacy policy for underage Internet users, Instagram from the summer of 2021, when registering the profile of a new user of the network, who is less than 16 years old, by default puts him in private mode. Personal accounts allow Internet users to track who sees or responds to their posts. Other Internet users who do not have a subscription to the child's profile will not be able to view, for example, his hashtags, posts, publications, stories or even leave the comments. To help protecting children as much as possible, Instagram will also make it harder to find children's web pages for potentially suspicious accounts. «Potentially suspicious behaviour» refers to accounts owned by adults who, for example, may have recently been blocked or reported or complained by a minor Internet user [15]. Thus, the Instagram network is trying to protect its underage Internet users.
The next messenger app to consider is Viber. If you take the example of chat (from 2 or more people) it should be noted that the privacy policy of the application provides the chat administrator the right to hide, remove and apply other measures against Internet users who violated the rules of posting information unacceptable or offensive character [16].
One striking example of this right is the removal of 88 posts by former US President Donald Trump that were posted on Facebook. The ex-president used a red inverted triangle symbol used by the Nazis to identify political prisoners, with a text calling for a petition to sign against an organized antifascist movement. Instead, it should be mentioned that Facebook's policy prohibits the use of hate symbols. It should be noted that earlier the social network Facebook had already removed Trump's advertising campaigns [17]. In addition, the former president had problems using the social network Twitter, which noted the ex-president's post as a fake. It should be noted that this was the first time in the history of the network. A spokesman for the social network Twitter said that Donald Trump's tweets contain information that potentially misleads Internet users «about the voting process in the United States» [18].
As practice shows, the social status, age or nationality of the Internet users is not important for the Internet environment. Therefore, we can state the fact that the democracy of this environment really demonstrates that the privacy policy and rules of using of the Internet for all Internet users are mandatory and the same.
The right to a safe environment for life and health. The right to a safe and healthy environment also applies to the Internet user. The nature of the Internet is associated with the continuous exchange of information and data, which provides considerable opportunities for Internet users in the Internet space. The sources of such information are official websites, web resources, profiles in social networks of manufacturers, business entities that carry out their implementation, operation and repair. It is common to place various instructions on: hardware, appliances, software, medications and other necessary detailed information. Thus, any Internet user, including minors and underage Internet users carry out a certain Art. 293 of the Civil Code of Ukraine the right to reliable information about the environment, the quality of food and household items, as well as the right to collect and disseminate them through the Internet.
The right to peaceful assembly. The implementation of this right is undoubtedly related to the exercise by the Internet user of the right to peaceful assembly in accordance with Art. 315 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. The relevant provision creates a legal basis for the participation of minor Internet users in any online meetings. Adult Internet users have the right to hold such meetings, namely: online conferences, online meetings, online festivals, online trainings, online webinars, online courses etc.
Respect for the person who died. Relationships with the use of materials of individuals who have died or been declared dead on the Internet acquire legal meaning when it comes to the need to legally regulate the access of relatives to: Internet resources of the latter, the scope and authority to dispose of information and data contained in such web resources. It is a question of realization of the right which is provided by Art. 298 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. In the field of the Internet, the practical exercise of this right should include the responsibility of the Internet user, when posting informational content (videos, photos, posts etc.) to comply with the requirements of respect for the deceased. In our opinion, it is also necessary to provide the right for close relatives of children to access the profiles on the social networks of the deceased in order to decide the fate of the content and about account at all. The subject of Yu. Belova's research is the modern issue of inheritance of personal data of deceased Internet users [19]. We support the author's position on the need for regulation in the above issues as an integral part of the legal status of Internet users [20, c. 28].
The right to choose the type of occupation. According to Art. 312 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Internet user has the right to choose and change the type of occupation using the Internet. Undoubtedly, the Internet creates new opportunities and prospects for professional activity. Therefore, with the advent of the World Wide Web, new online professions have begun to emerge [21].
Medical robot operator, builder of «smart» roads, space tourism manager, IT preacher and digital linguist and designer of virtual worlds. All the above words are not just terms from the American blockbuster, but quite real professions in the near future. The pace of change in the world is growing at an extremely fast, and the complexity of professional tasks is only constantly increasing. At the beginning of the 21st century, we didn't even know about the existence of such professions as social media manager, head-hunter, SEO optimizer, etc. However, now the latter are one of the most needed specialists, without whom no business can «live» [22]. As a result, we emphasize that the world is now forcing us to learn quickly and learn new specialties as soon as possible. Today we can say that everyone will be forced to change their profession during life from one to another, and perhaps more than one [22].
Now we can confidently say that the active use of the Internet contributes to the formation of «new» professions (for instance, bloggers (influencers), vloggers, YouTubers, SMM professionals, etc.) and has become an environment for practical implementation of professional activities for «traditional professions» (for example, online legal consultations, consultations of specialists in selling goods and services online, conducting interviews with HR specialists online, remote performance of work duties by teachers, scientists, journalists, etc.).
Such new professions as: network lawyer, foreman-watchmaker, 3D printing designer, intellectual property appraiser, time broker, trend watch, virtual lawyer, social conflict mediator is already in great demand in the market and each of them in its field [22]. In its report, Dell Technologies Research states that up to 85 % of new types of specialties will be created in 2020--2030 [23]. All of the above «new» professions of the future are already directly relevant to all children under the age of 18. Therefore, it should be noted that the need for practical implementation of this personal non-property right, which requires significant changes in labour legislation, require clearly developing.
The right to freedom of literary, artistic, scientific and technical creativity. Since its inception, the Internet has always been open to the results of literary, artistic, scientific and technical human creativity. The proliferation of the Internet and the growing audience of Internet users today are only contributing to this. It should be emphasized that children are the most active and inquisitive audience compared to adults. Minors and underage Internet users, as well as any subjects of civil law relations are entitled to freedom of literary, artistic, scientific and technical creativity in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 309 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. At the same time, Part 2 of Art. 309 of the Civil Code of Ukraine states that the Internet user has the right to freely choose the areas, content and forms of their work [4].
In the Ukrainian Pedagogical Dictionary, S. Honcharenko describes «creativity» as a productive human activity capable of generating qualitatively new spiritual and material values of social significance. The development of creative potential is an important condition for the education of the individual and the cultural progress of society at all [24]. Most scientists understand the term «creativity», «creative activity» as an activity that outlines the process of creating something new, solving and setting non-standard problems, goals, new unsolved problems, and so on.
It's no secret that there are an unlimited number of certain art programs on the Internet. One such program is the social photo service Pinterest [25], which allows Internet users to remotely add photos/images, distribute them in a collection by topics and share them with other Internet users in the form of various ideas [26]. Relevant images can be pinned to certain collections called «boards». Internet users, regardless of age, can create the required number of boards, give each a name, for example, «fashion», «flowers», «cities», «tourism» and more. A new feature for Internet users has recently appeared on the official Pinterest website, where you can find and share not only images, but also animated GIFs and videos [27]. The main purpose of this photo service is to «to bring Internet users to work together to find creative ideas» according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) [26]. What creative ideas are we talking about? Inspiration can be found in photo hosting Pinterest from finding ideas for applying professional make-up and hairstyles; planning trips and journeys abroad till learning foreign languages.
Fig. 1 Print Screen (official screen shot) of the official Pinterest website
Pinterest aims to make its users perceive it as a «place of inspiration» and in no way as a social network. Therefore, unlike such social networks as Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and Snapchat, where Internet users are deprived of the active opportunity to simulate the environment on their own platforms, photo hosting Pinterest is a very useful program for its Internet [27]. Today, Pinterest is a platform for the realization of any manifestation of creativity, from the opportunities available to minors to adult Internet users.
Another equally well-known place for expressing creative ideas on the Internet is YouTube. YouTube is considered the largest global video archive.
Every day, the service receives millions of visits and views by Internet users due to the constant filling of new video files. The service broadcasts, stores and delivers various videos. Internet users have the opportunity to choose which thematic videos to watch, how to rate them, leave comments, post and edit their own video files on the resource. YouTube is full of information on different types of queries: video blogs on various topics, music videos, feature films, TV series, news, educational videos, workshops, video reviews, trailers and much more [28]. With the help of the YouTube video archive, minors have the opportunity to exercise their right to art. For example, they, regardless of age, can create a YouTube video blog and run it in this service; any Internet user of the resource can come up with and create their own Internet channel, within which it will be possible to present video content aimed at its target audience.
Thus, web resources such as Pinterest, YouTube and similar programs are becoming an environment for the realization of children's rights as Internet users to creativity. At the same time, many scholars emphasize the problems of intellectual property rights on the basis of such web pages. After all, quite often the way to ensure intellectual property rights is a purely trusting relationship.
If we talk about the sphere of realization of the right to freedom of scientific creativity, in our opinion, it includes today's online conferences, online webinars, online workshops/trainings/seminars/workshops, refresher courses and more. Such forms of exchange of scientific information have become especially widespread in the context of restrictions caused by the quarantine measures of the global Covid-19 pandemic. Particular attention should be paid to the implementation of the right to freedom of creativity in terms of placement of research results, including through various repositories of scientific research such as: Orcid, Google Scholar, national repositories of scientific texts and more.
However, it should be mentioned that when we talk about scientific and technical creativity, we are talking about the right to freedom of creativity of adults. After all, according to paragraph 1 of Art. 4 of the Law of Ukraine «About scientific and scientific-technical activities» the subjects of scientific and scientific-technical activities are researchers, scientific and pedagogical workers, graduate students, associate professors and doctoral students and other scientists [29].
In conclusion, it is important to note that today's global challenges and threats are pushing Internet users to increase the exchange of scientific and technical information, as well as to unite their efforts in solving certain scientific problems. In general, in our opinion, the exercise of the right of minors and juveniles of the Internet to freedom of literary, scientific and technical creativity requires a separate scientific study.
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