Formation and development of legal protection of cultural heritage in Ukraine

Analysis of the formation and development of monument protection legislation in Ukraine. Study of problems of legal protection of cultural heritage. Cultural revival of the Ukrainian people, the need to return national, cultural and historical values.

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Department of Public Administration, National Academy of Internal Affairs

Formation and development of legal protection of cultural heritage in Ukraine

Mazur Tamara V.,

Candidate of Legal Science, Professor


The purpose of the article is to analyze the formation and development of the legislation on protection of cultural heritage of Ukraine.

The scientific novelty of the article is as follows: the analysis of the fundamental legislative and regulatory acts of Ukraine, that resulted in the reforming of the sphere of cultural heritage protection in Ukraine according to international norms and standards.

Conclusions. The protection of the cultural heritage of Ukraine by legislation can be divided into several stages. The first stage was the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine dated July 16, 1990, which initiated a change of state approaches to the cultural heritage of Ukraine, declaring the cultural revival of the Ukrainian people and the need to bring the national, cultural and historical values beyond its borders back to Ukraine. Furthermore, the Basic Legislation of Ukraine on Culture dated back to February 14, 1992 became a basic legislative act. The Constitution of Ukraine adopted on June 28, 1996 provided guarantees of cultural rights of citizens and obligations of the state to protect cultural heritage more consistently, than the Constitution of the USSR. At this stage, a number of international acts in the field of cultural heritage protection were ratified, as well as national legislation and by-laws aimed at implementing these norms into the national legislation of Ukraine, in particular the Law of Ukraine «On Exports, Imports and Returns of Cultural Property», 21 September 1999. The second stage was the adoption of the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Cultural Heritage» dated June 8, 2000, which corresponded to the main trends of international legal protection of cultural heritage, in particular provisions of the UNESCO Convention concerning then Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 1972. The law regulates the rights and obligations of the entities of cultural heritage protection, as well as the procedure for establishing the State Register of immovable monuments of Ukraine under the categories of national and local importance. At this stage, such important normative acts as the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of the Cultural Heritage» dated March 18, 2004 and the National Program of Preservation and Use of Cultural Heritage Objects for 2004-2010, approved by the Law of Ukraine dated April 20, 2004, were also adopted. The third stage was the adoption of the Law of Ukraine «On Culture» dated December 14, 2010 and continues nowadays. At this stage, a number of important legislative amendments have been adopted aimed at arranging the legislation on the protection of cultural heritage in Ukraine tacking into account international norms and standards, including the protection of cultural monuments included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Key words: law, legal protection, cultural heritage, cultural property, memorial, register.

Мазур Тамара Вікторівна, кандидат юридичних наук, професор кафедри публічного управління та адміністрування Національної академії внутрішніх справ

Становлення й розвиток правової охорони культурної спадщини в Україні


Метою статті є аналіз становлення та розвитку пам'яткоохоронного законодавства в Україні.

Наукова новизна статті полягає в аналізі основних законодавчих і підзаконних актів України, завдяки яким відбулося реформування сфери охорони культурної спадщини в Україні та приведення їїу відповідність до міжнародних норм і стандартів.

Висновки. У законодавчому забезпеченні охорони культурної спадщини України можна до певної міри умовно виділити кілька етапів. Перший розпочався із прийняттям Декларації про державний суверенітет України від 16 липня 1990 р., яка започаткувала зміну державних підходів до культурної спадщини України, задекларувавши культурне відродження українського народу й необхідність повернення національних, культурних та історичних цінностей України, що знаходяться за її межами. Водночас базовим актом стали Основи законодавства України про культуру від 14 лютого 1992 р. Саме Основи законодавства України про культуру визначили правові засади діяльності органів публічної влади у сфері охорони культурної спадщини, а також започаткували процес формування Державного реєстру національного культурного надбання. Конституція України від 28 червня 1996 р. більш послідовно, у порівнянні з Конституцією УРСР, забезпечила гарантії культурних прав громадян та обов'язки держави щодо охорони культурної спадщини. На цьому етапі було ратифіковано ряд міжнародних актів у сфері охорони культурної спадщини, а також прийнято національні законодавчі й підзаконні акти, спрямовані на імплементацію цих норм у національне законодавство України, зокрема Закон України «Про вивезення, ввезення та повернення культурних цінностей» від 21 вересня 1999 р. Другий етап розпочався з ухваленням Закону України «Про охорону культурної спадщини» від 8 червня 2000 р., в якому враховані основні тенденції міжнародно-правового забезпечення охорони культурної спадщини, зокрема положення Конвенції ЮНЕСКО про охорону всесвітньої культурної і природної спадщини 1972 р. Законом урегульовані права та обов'язки суб'єктів охорони культурної спадщини, а також порядок формування Державного реєстру нерухомих пам'яток України за категоріями національного й місцевого значення. На цьому етапі ухвалені й такі важливі нормативні акти, як Закон України «Про охорону археологічної спадщини» від 18 березня 2004 р. і Загальнодержавна програма збереження та використання об'єктів культурної спадщини на 2004-2010 роки, затверджена Законом України від 20 квітня 2004 р. Третій етап розпочався з ухваленням Закону України «Про культуру» від 14 грудня 2010 р. і триває донині. На цьому етапі ухвалено ряд важливих змін до законодавства, спрямованих на приведення українського пам'яткоохоронного законодавства до міжнародних норм і стандартів, зокрема щодо збереження пам'яток культурної спадщини, включених до Списку всесвітньої спадщини ЮНЕСКО.

Ключові слова: закон, правова охорона, культурна спадщина, культурні цінності, пам'ятка, реєстр.

legal protection cultural heritage


Problem statement. For many decades, the Soviet authorities tried to reduce the national cultural differences of peoples in the Soviet Union, forming the so-called Soviet people. The spiritual basis of the peoples was the development of Russian culture. At the same time, the specificity of Soviet legislation in the field of culture was to ensure the citizens with access to the heritage of the so-called socialist culture and to develop appropriate spiritual, creative activities and other needs on that basis. However, the cultural heritage of earlier epoches was called vestiges, the preservation of which is possible only if they do not contradict Marxist- Leninist ideology and theory of class. Therefore, in order to gain independence, Ukraine needed not only to update legislation in the field of cultural heritage protection, but also to change state policy and the philosophy of protecting the cultural rights of citizens.

Research and publications. The protection of cultural heritage has been the subject of researches by many foreign scholars for a long time. Without going into the national features of such protection, international legal protection of cultural heritage is import for our study. Foreign authors such as J. O'Keefe Patrick, V. Prott Lyndel [1], C. Forrest [2] and others did the analysis in their researches. During the years of independence of Ukraine, some issues concerning the development of legal architectural protection were considered in the works of V. I. Akulenko [3], N. I. Kuderska [4], T V Kurylo [5], I. M. Myshchak [6; 7] and other scholars. Nowadays, the process of the development of national law on conservation in accordance with international norms and standards requires a thorough study.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the formation and development of the legislation on protection of cultural heritage of Ukraine. It does not include the analysis of the preparation for ratification and ratification of international acts concerning cultural heritage protection, since this issue is studied in the works of V. I. Akulenko, O. I. Melnychuk and in our works.

The main material

Changes in state approaches concerning cultural heritage were initiated with the adoption of the USSR of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine dated July, 16, 1990 by the Verkhovna Rada. This document guaranteed «Ukrainian national- cultural revival, historical consciousness and traditions, national and ethnographic features, the functioning of the Ukrainian language in all spheres of public life» [8]. Although the Declaration did not directly state guarantees for the protection and preservation of cultural heritage, the national, cultural and historical values in the territory of the Ukrainian SSR were proclaimed the property of the people of the Republic. Moreover, there was a right to return the national, cultural and historical values to the Ukrainian people outside the Ukrainian SSR borders [8]. Thus, the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine defined the basic principles of state policy of future independent Ukraine concerning cultural values.

The Verkhovna Rada Attaching great importance to the revival of the national culture of the Ukrainian people and to the protection of the cultural rights of Ukrainians, thus the Law «Fundamentals of the legislation of Ukraine on culture» was soon after the declaration of independence of Ukraine dated February 14, 1992 [9]. (The Law was terminated with the adoption of the Law of Ukraine «On Culture» of December 14, 2010, No. 2778-VI.) The innovations in the Law, in comparison with the Soviet legislation, were aimed at securing Ukraine's sovereign rights in the field of culture, revival and development of the culture of Ukrainians and national minorities living in our country. Meanwhile, preservation and increase of cultural heritage according to Art. 2 of the Law were recognized as one of the basic principles of Ukraine cultural policy. Moreover, preservation, reproduction and protection of cultural and historical environment became the priorities of cultural policy according to Art. 3 [9].

The basic concept of the bases of the legislation of Ukraine on culture is the concept of «cultural values». These include objects of material and spiritual culture that have artistic, historical, ethnographic and scientific significance. At the same time, the concept of «objects of national cultural heritage» was introduced, which included «unique values of material and spiritual culture», as well as «cultural values that are of exceptional historical importance for the formation of national consciousness of the Ukrainian people» [9]. «Objects of national cultural heritage» were subject to part one of Art. 14 of the Law on entry into the State Register of National Cultural Property. Accordingly, for the development of the norms of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of Ukraine on Culture was developed and the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 12, 1992 No. 466 approved the Regulation on the State Register of National Cultural Heritage [10], which provides for the formation of the said register by the following categories of monuments: history, archeology, town planning and architecture, art, documentary. However, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine did not approve the procedure for establishing the State Register of National Cultural Property as the only document that led to the disparate work of individual departments on filling the Register by their own methods [6, p. 22-23].

The Constitution of Ukraine of June 28, 1996 more consistently, in comparison with the Constitution of the USSR, provided guarantees of cultural rights of citizens and obligations of the state in relation to the cultural heritage of previous generations. Thus, according to Articles 11-12 of the Basic Law, the state undertook to promote the development of culture and cultural identity of both the representatives of the Ukrainian nation in Ukraine and abroad, as well as representatives of other peoples and national minorities living in the territory of Ukraine [11]. The constitutional guarantees for the protection of cultural heritage are laid down in Art. 54 of the Basic Law of Ukraine. According to part four of this article, cultural heritage is protected by law [11], which provides for the adoption of a special law. (At the time of the adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine, the protection of cultural heritage was carried out in accordance with the law of the USSR «On the Protection and Use of Monuments of History and Culture» of July 13, 1978). However, in the fifth part Art. 54 of the Constitution of Ukraine it is the duty of the state not only to preserve the objects of cultural heritage, but also to restore those cultural values of the Ukrainian people that are abroad [11].

The above constitutional guarantees required updating of the relevant legislation and activation of the state policy on the protection of cultural heritage. In addition, at the level of the by-laws, the main problematic aspects of the cultural sector were summarized and needed immediate resolution. Thus, in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On the state and measures for the development of Ukrainian culture» of February 22, 1996 No. 236, attention was paid to the reduction of the network of cultural institutions, the plight of museums and the facts of the theft of cultural heritage. It pointed to practical shortcomings in the work of the Ministry of Culture and Arts, including the failure to comply with the provisions of current legislation and the slow development of the necessary legislative and regulatory acts, including the normalization of the movement of cultural heritage objects across the state border of Ukraine. The ministry was charged, among other things, with strengthening the protection of cultural heritage sites. In addition, the necessity to complete the preparation of the State Register of National Cultural Property and the Codex of Monuments of History and Culture of Ukraine was emphasized [12].

Unfortunately, the implementation of the norms of the Constitution of Ukraine and the main provisions of the legislation in the field of protection and preservation of cultural heritage was complicated due to the limited funding of culture and the reduction of the number of cultural institutions, as well as crisis management, lack of clear interagency coordination and so on. The President made a number of steps aimed at improving the conservation activities in such circumstances. In particular, the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 1138/95 «On measures for the restoration of cultural and historical monuments» dated December 9, 1995 [13] (the decree terminated with the Presidential Decree No. 1071/2001 of November 13, 2001) defining the members of the Commission for the Reconstruction of Historical and Cultural Monuments under the President of Ukraine, headed by the Chairman of the National Union of Local Lore Researchers of Ukraine, the Academician of the NAS of Ukraine P. Tronok, was approved. The Commission was instructed to develop the State Program for the Reproduction of Historical and Cultural Monuments, including the restoration of the St. Michael's Golden- Domed Monastery, the Dormition Cathedral of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra in Kyiv, and other sights. The program of reproduction of cultural and historical monuments of Ukraine was developed and approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Decree No. 700 of April 23, 1999 [14] (the Decree was terminated with Government Resolution No. 543 of March 21, 2007).

In our opinion, such «reproductive» activity is contrary to international norms in the field of cultural heritage protection and is ineffective because it diverts the state's attention from direct conservation activities. Moreover, it results in significant financial costs that could be spent on protection and restoration the monuments that are on the verge of destruction. However, attracting the attention of the President of Ukraine and involving scientists to the problems of cultural heritage protection at the state level gave some positive results, including the impetus for the renovation of regulatory framework for the protection of cultural heritage of Ukraine. Thus, in order to fulfill Ukraine's international obligations, the Law of Ukraine «On Export, Import and Return of Cultural Property» dated September 21, 1999 No. 1068-XIV [15] was adopted. First of all, in Art. 1 of the Law there is a concept of «cultural values» and an extended list of them by type, as well as the definitions of other basic concepts. Thus, the unification of national legislation and its' correspondence to international norms and standards was achieved. Furthermore, the Law is applied to all cultural values, regardless of the form of ownership. The law regulates the competence of state authorities in the sphere of export, import and return of cultural values, the ownership of cultural values, the procedure of temporary export and import of cultural values, defines cultural values that shall be returned to Ukraine, as well as the values that shall not be exported from Ukraine, etc.

In our opinion, the positive moment is the establishment of state control over the export, import and return of cultural property, including the development, the design of a Certificate of Title for export (temporary export) of cultural property from the territory of Ukraine, in accordance with the provisions of the Law «On Export, Import and Return of Cultural Property». This law was approved by the Resolution № 984 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 20, 2000. Moreover, the «Procedure for conducting state expert examination of cultural values and amounts of its carrying out payment» approved by the Resolution № 1343 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on August 26 is also a positive aspect, taking into account these provisions in the Annex № 584-VII to the Law of Ukraine» On Customs Duty Rates of Ukraine» dated September 19, 2013 and other legislative and regulatory acts of Ukraine.

At the same time, the drafting and approval of by-laws by the Ministry of Culture, shall comply with the Law of Ukraine «On Export, Import and Return of Cultural Property» dated September 21, 1999 were carried out slowly. For instance, establishing of effective control over the export and import of cultural property is possible only if relevant registers and access to them for the controlling bodies are available. However, the forms and procedures for maintenance of the registers of cultural property were approved by the Order of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine only on September 3, 2013, No. 819 [16]. However, the creation of the abovementioned registers by the Ministry of Culture was not ensured fully. Thus, the control over the import and export of cultural property is significantly complicated.

The pivotal moment in the legislative maintenance of cultural sites protection was the adoption of the Law of Ukraine «On Protection of Cultural Heritage» dated June 8, 2000 No. 1805-III [17]. This law has replaced the Soviet Law «On Protection and Use of Historical and Cultural Monuments» of July 13, 1978, which was inconsistent with the times. Firstly, the drafters of the Law took into account the main trends of international legal support for the protection of cultural heritage, in particular the provisions of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of 1972 [18], which was reflected in the title of the Law. Secondly, in Art. 1 of the Law the basic terms and concepts that have been differently interpreted in national laws and regulations were defined. Thirdly, the law was aimed to combine both international law and national legal traditions. Of course, such a combination is not always useful, as the developers of the Law, the definitions of basic terms and concepts, and the introduction of many changes in the first years after its adoption were criticized. At the same time, such an approach to succession, including the establishment of categories of monuments of national and local importance, allowed to extend the monument protection measures to those objects of cultural heritage that were included in the lists of historical and cultural monuments according to the Law of Ukrainian SSR «On the Protection and Use of Historic and Cultural Monuments» dated 13 July 1978.

Positive innovations of the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Cultural Heritage» dated June 8, 2000 should include: the classification of objects of cultural heritage by kinds (Article 2); the regulation of the power of cultural heritage protection bodies; the implementation of traditional environment protection; establishment of the Funding of the cultural heritage protection; the responsibility for violation of the legislation on the protection of cultural heritage, the procedure of involving scientists and culture protection activists to work in scientific and advisory boards of the state cultural heritage protection bodies and participation in protection activities, etc.

It should also be noted that the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Cultural Heritage» of 8 June 2000 is constantly being amended in order to improve protection activities. This is especially noticeable in the context of its correspondence to international legislation on cultural sites protection. These are the amendments introduced by the laws of Ukraine: the amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On Protection of Cultural Heritage» (to provide objects of underwater cultural heritage status of the Marine memorial)» dated February 8, 2018 No. 2289-VIII [19]. This list also includes an amendment to the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Cultural Heritage» on Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List dated 24 June 2018, No.2457-VIII [20], «About adjacent zone of Ukraine» dated 6 December 2018, No. 2641-VIII [21] and others.

Furthermore, the provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Cultural Heritage» dated June 8, 2000 were coherent with other legislative acts of Ukraine, in particular the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Land Code of Ukraine, the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, and the Law of Ukraine «On Advertising», etc.

A number of important by-laws were also developed and adopted for the implementation of the Law of Ukraine «On Protection of Cultural Heritage» dated June 8, 2000. The bylaws are aimed at regulating the protection and preservation of cultural heritage objects, improving their accounting system, etc. The List of Historic sites of Ukraine is approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 26, 2001, No. 878; the Procedure for defining the category of the sites on the cultural heritage register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine; the Procedure for Concluding Protective Contracts for Cultural Heritage Sites by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 28, 2001 No. 1768, the Procedure of permits for archaeological investigations, excavations, and earthworks on the territory of a monument, or protected archaeological site, in protected areas and historical areas of the inhabited cities, as well as permits for investigations of remains of human activity underground or water in the territory of Ukraine by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 13, 2002 No316, Complex programme of issue of passports for the objects of cultural heritage 2003-2010, etc by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 9, 2002 No. 1330.

The Law of Ukraine «On Protection of the Cultural Heritage» dated March 18, 2004 № 1626-IV [22] has the similar structure to the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Cultural Heritage» dated June 8, 2000. In fact, this Law was also adopted in correspondence to the Ukraine's international obligations and related to the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Cultural Heritage» dated June 8, 2000, since archeological heritage is an integral part of cultural heritage. The Law also defines the basic concepts, the powers of state authorities and local self-government in the field of cultural heritage protection etc. The main feature of the Law is the detailed regulation for the cultural heritage research studies, as well as the rights and duties of the researchers, which is according to the international law of cultural heritage protection. The right of developing and implementing scientific approaches in the field of protection, to coordinate archaeological research and conduct archaeological examination, to form a council for issuing qualifying documents for the study of cultural heritage, and to keep the reports on archeological research is granted to the State Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, according to the Art. 12 of the Law. At the same time, Article 13 of the Law provides the public control over the preservation, protection and museumification of cultural heritage [22]. It is noteworthy that all archeological findings obtained during the archaeological excavations are state property and are included in the Museum Fund of Ukraine according to the Art. 18 of the Law.

One of the major threats to the cultural heritage in our country during the time of adoption of the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Cultural Heritage» dated March 18, 2004, was destruction of objects as a result of plowing, paving the ways and communications; carrying out construction works, and illegal archeological excavation. Part 9, article №118 of the Land Code of Ukraine was amended by the Law of Ukraine «On Protection of the Cultural Heritage», considering the numerous appeals of the cultural monuments protection activists and in order to minimize these threats. According to the article, the project of land allocation is subject to agreement, among other things, with the cultural heritage protection bodies [23]. Moreover, Art. 298 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine instituted criminal responsibility for annihilation, destruction, or damage of monuments - objects of cultural heritage and unauthorized prediscovery at the archaeological monument [24], that is illegal archaeological excavations. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the problem of illegal archeological excavations for the purpose of searching and illegal sale of archeological heritage objects remains actual, since the state authorities and local self-government bodies do not have appropriate means to ensure the protection of archeological monuments and archeological objects heritage.

The adoption of the National Program on Preservation and Using of Cultural Heritage Objects for 2004-2010, approved by the Law of Ukraine of April 20, 2004 No. 1692-IV [25], greatly contributed to the activity of rulemaking and improvement of the state policy in the field of cultural heritage protection. The Program's developers consider it an integral part of the preparation and implementation of basic legislative initiatives and practical measures in order make the legislation correspondent to the international standards and obligations, improving its funding and enhancing the tourism potential.

An advantage of the National Program on the Preservation and Using of Cultural Heritage Objects for 2004-2010 was the development of the plan of its implementation, which included a defined list of necessary legislative changes with a set deadline for their development. The identification of the executors of certain activities by the state authorities, local government, academic institutions, etc. Although the Program was not fully implemented, it was an impetus for the revitalization of research works in the field of protection, restoration and repair works at cultural heritage sites, etc. for the state budget. Thus, the Procedure for the use of funds provided in the state budget for the implementation of measures for the cultural heritage protection, certification, inventory and restoration of architectural monuments and cultural heritage [26] was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine dated February 27, 2007 No8 (with subsequent amendments). The Law defines the mechanism of allocation of budget funds under the program «Protection of historical, cultural and architectural heritage in reserves, implementation of measures for the protection of cultural heritage, certification, inventory and restoration of monuments and cultural heritage» by the Ministry.

In order to adopt the provisions of the Laws of Ukraine «On the Protection of Cultural Heritage» dated June 8, 2000, «On the Protection of Cultural Heritage» of 18 March 2004, the National Program for the Preservation and Use of Cultural Heritage Sites for 20042010, other by-laws aimed at implementing monument protection measures and approving key departmental documents were approved. Furthermore, the list of documents required for deciding of a complex (ensemble) of monuments to be a historical and cultural reserve or protected historical and cultural territory was adopted by the supplement to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 6, 2011, No.727. The procedure for accounting of objects of cultural heritage (replaced the Instruction on the order of accounting, protection, maintenance, use and restoration of immovable cultural and historical monuments adopted by the order of the Ministry of Culture Of Ukraine from March 11, 2013 No. 158 (in the version of the order of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine from June 27, 2019 №501), Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 26, 2013, No.452; Standard Regulation on the Administration of the Historical and Cultural Reserve by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated May 22, 2019, No. 452, etc.

It should be noted that after termination the National Program for the Preservation and Use of Cultural Heritage Objects for 20042010, the attempts to develop and approve such programs gave no result. The approval and implementation of regional, district or city cultural heritage programs, does not solve the problem comprehensively, although that had positive result for locally.

Another stage in the development of legislation in the field of cultural heritage is related to the adoption of the Law of Ukraine «On Culture» dated December 14, 2010, No. 2778-VI [27], that replaced the Fundamentals of Ukrainian legislation on culture dated February 14, 1992, that did not correspond to the requirements of the time. The Law in Art. 1 aimed at regulating public relations in the cultural sphere. It provides definitions of terms and concepts, that are related to cultural heritage and were not specified in the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Cultural Heritage» dated June 8, 2000. In particular, «national cultural heritage» is considered in the Law of Ukraine «On Culture» dated December 14, 2010, 2778-VI [27] as a set of unique cultural values, objects of cultural heritage that have exceptional historical importance for shaping the culture of Ukraine. In addition, the term «intangible cultural heritage» is introduced at the legislative level. It includes «customs, forms of expression, knowledge and skills that are passed from generation to generation; and constantly reproduced by communities and groups under the influence of their experience, environment, interaction with nature, history, and form a sense of identity and continuity in them, thus promoting respect for the cultural diversity and creativity» [27]. These and other definitions of the Law of Ukraine «On Culture» dated December 14, 2010 supplemented the terminological apparatus in the field of cultural heritage protection, although, they caused debate among scholars regarding its completeness and compliance with international standards.

The Law of Ukraine of December 14, 2010 identified the protection and preservation of cultural heritage (part one of Art. 3) among the main principles of the formation and implementation of the state policy in the field of culture. While preservation, reproduction and protection of the historical environment and cultural diversity (part two of Article 4) are among the priority tasks. Comparatively, archeological sites, historical monuments (complexes of monuments, ensembles of monuments) and their protection zones, objects of World Cultural Heritage and their buffer zones, historic habitats, etc are the subject of protection in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Cultural Heritage» dated June 8, 2000. Consequently, the use of the term «historical environment» (without specifying its definition), the terms «Historic Areas of Settlement» and «traditional nature of the environment» in the Law of Ukraine «On Culture» instead of the terms stated in the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Cultural Heritage» are considered unjustified.

In recent years, a number of steps have been taken to reform public cultural policy, improve legislative support for cultural development, etc. These measures also concerned the protection of cultural heritage and the enhancement of its conservation, promotion, etc. Thus, the foreign experience, in particular, the French activity concerning the protection of architectural monuments, was considered adopting the Law of Ukraine «On Ukrainian Cultural Fund» dated March 23, 2017, No. 1976-VIII [28]. According to the Law, Ukrainian Cultural Fund (hereinafter referred to as the UCF) was established as a separate legal entity, that is coordinated and directed by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine. According to Art. 3 of the Law of Ukraine «On Ukrainian Cultural Fund» promotion and preservation of the national cultural heritage through the selection and financing of relevant projects are the main tasks of the UCF. Furthermore, UCF provides grants and scholarships to individuals and legal entities to support projects, and submits proposals to the Ministry of Culture to improve public policy in culture, in accordance with the Regulations on Ukrainian Cultural Fund approved by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine dated August 21, 2018, No.719 [29].

The activities of the UCF worth attention for several reasons. Firstly, the Fund is financed not only from the state budget, but also from voluntary donations by individuals and legal entities, including foreign ones, which is fully consistent with the practice of protection activities in developed countries. Secondly, the UCF's management system is not a subject of public institutions in most cases, but it is more similar to the institutions abroad. Thus, according to Art. 4 of the Law of Ukraine «On Ukrainian Cultural Fund» [28] the governing bodies of the UCF are the Supervisory Board and the Directorate.

The Directorate is in charge of current management, while the control over the activities of the UCF is provided by a Supervisory Board consisting of nine persons: the chairman of the UCF (by the position) and two persons appointed by the President of Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture, representatives of cultural institutions and activists of public organizations. The representation should ensure the interests of both the state and the public sector, promote democracy and transparency of the activities of the UCF. Thirdly, the selection of projects by independent experts who are the members of the expert councils of different areas, is an important element of the democracy and openness of the work of the UCF. We agree that Cultural Heritage projects may include digitization of cultural monuments; the study of tangible and intangible cultural monuments; the promotion of ideas for the protection and preservation of cultural heritage; the popularization of Ukraine's historical and cultural heritage at the international level [30].

There is number of norm-setting initiatives of the Ministry of Culture resulted from the public proposals and aimed at overcoming corruption risks and ensuring openness, particularly in the area of construction in the cities, that should be highlighted. Thus, the Procedure for determining the boundaries and the use of historical objects, limiting economic activity in the territory of historical objects approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 318 of March 13, 2002, was amended with the initiative of the Ministry of Culture, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 21, 2018 No.92 [31] Thus, the development and approval of the construction works as part of the project documentation for new construction, reconstruction and repairs were canceled within the boundaries of historical objects from January 1, 2019. The process of approval by the Ministry of Culture of historical and urban planning that caused frequent criticism from the public activists who opposed the construction on the territory of historical objects. At the same time, project documentation for new construction, reconstruction and repairs within the territory of historical objects shall be developed according to the requirements of the historical and architectural reference plan, approved according to the amendments made by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on February 21, 2018, No.92 [31]. It is noteworthy that the review of draft historical and architectural reference plans and recommendation for their approval by the Ministry of Culture is carried out by public experts of the Scientific and Methodological Council on Cultural Heritage Protection of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine (an advisory body of the Ministry of Culture acting in accordance with the Methodological Council on Cultural Heritage Protection of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine and the amendments are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Culture dated April 4, 2012 No. 304), that contributes to the democratization of the decisions. However, most historical objects in Ukraine have not yet been approved by historical and architectural plans, which results in violations of the laws on the protection of cultural heritage.

It is worth mentioning that a number of legislative initiatives aimed at bringing national legislation in line with international ones and providing protection, as well as improving the management of World Heritage Sites in Ukraine. Thus, the Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On Protection of Cultural Heritage» (to preserve the cultural heritage inscribed on the World Heritage List)» dated 24 June 2018 No. 2457-VIII [32] was amended including the definitions of «World Heritage Site», «outstanding universal value», «nomination of a cultural heritage site to the UNESCO World Heritage List», «buffer zone», standardization of requirements for advertising on the World Heritage sites etc. Furthermore, it was completed with a separate section VI-1 «Features of the protection of World Heritage Sites», which defines the state policy in the field of protection of World Heritage Sites, the legal status of these objects and the procedure for their management, creation and tasks of the Supervisory Board World Heritage Sites, inclusion of the objects to Cultural Heritage Sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List, etc. A number of by-laws have been adopted for the development of these legislative norms. In particular, the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 24, 2019, No. 805 [33] approved the following: The procedure for the creation or appointing of the World Heritage site management body, the Procedure for the formation and composition of the World Heritage Site Supervisory Board, and the Model Regulations on Supervisory Board of World Heritage site. A practical step in the implementation of these norms was the approval of the boundaries and the use of the buffer zone of the UNESCO World Heritage site «Kiev: St. Sophia Cathedral and adjacent monasteries, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra» by Order of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports dated January 31, 2020 [34].


An analysis of the legislative protection of cultural heritage of Ukraine during the years of independence made it possible to distinguish three main stages: 1) 1990-1999 - from the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine in 1990 and the Basic Legislation of Ukraine on Culture - prior to the adoption of the Law of Ukraine «On Export, Import and Return of Cultural Property» in 1999. At this stage, the legal guarantees of the protection of cultural heritage and cultural rights of citizens in the Constitution of Ukraine were consolidated; 2) 2000-2010 - was marked by the adoption of the basic Law of Ukraine «On Protection of Cultural Heritage» of 2000, the Law of Ukraine «On Protection of Cultural Heritage» in 2004 and the National Program for Preservation and Use of Cultural Heritage Sites for 2004-2010 (2004); 3) 2011-2020 - from the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine «On Culture» in 2010 and to this day. At this stage, a number of important amendments in the legislation aimed at correspondence of Ukrainian legislation on protection of cultural heritage with international norms and standards have also been adopted. The legislation of Ukraine meets the basic international norms, but needs further improvement according to the foreign experience in the field of cultural heritage protection.


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