Strategic analysis of information in ensuring economic security of European Union countries
The essence and stages of strategic analysis in ensuring economic security. Its main features and structure. The establishment of a domestic network of think tanks according to EU standards, which will be actively integrated into Euro-Atlantic networks.
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Дата добавления | 22.07.2022 |
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Strategic analysis of information in ensuring economic security of European Union countries
Serge Yeskov, Candidate of Legal Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor; Oleksandr Zaiets, Candidate of Legal Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor; Yurii Kononenko, Postgraduate student; Centre for European Reforms Studies Odesa State University of Internal Affairs
The purpose of the article is to study the essence and stages of strategic analysis in ensuring economic security. Research methods: the use of system-structural method and the method of generalization allowed to analyze the general trends in the use of methods of strategic analysis. Using the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, as well as methods of analysis, synthesis and abstraction, the content and purpose of the research problem are clarified, its main features and structure, as well as the relati onship with systems analysis are determined. Results: these methods of strategic analysis significantly increase the efficiency of forecasting the development of situations in the field of economic security due to the possibility of compiling a SWOT-analysis, PEST-analysis, etc.
Discussion: in order to improve the system of strategic analysis, it is necessary to involve certain independent think tanks. Such think tanks should work closely with the authorities and be partially funded by the Government of Ukraine to obtain any necessary analytical information from them. Thus, the key issues of economic security are: the system of forecasting management activities; the process of research and analytical examinations; development of information and analytical products and their distribution; professional activity of specialists, professionals, analysts. Given the above, we conclude that the strategic analysis ofpublic administration in the field of economic security is aimed at providing quality information to public authorities, and its improvement is impossible without studying the methodological principles of its formation.
Analytical centers provide a link between government and civil society; represent and protect public interests; evaluate power and its decisions and formulate alternative policy proposals. Analytical centers are involved in the formation of European policy, promote better public understanding of EU regulations and decisions. The establishment of a domestic network of think tanks according to EU standards, which will be actively integrated into Euro-Atlantic networks of think tanks, will help find additional reserves to improve the mechanisms of strategic analysis in the field of economic security and state policy on effective forecasting and analytical support.
Key words: strategic analysis; economic security; analytical methods; information analysis; system analysis.
Стратегічний аналіз інформації у забезпеченні економічної безпеки країн Європейського Союзу
Серж Єськов, Олександр Заєць, Юрій Кононенко, Центр досліджень Європейських реформ Одеський державний університет внутрішніх справ
Мета статті полягає у дослідженні сутності та етапів стратегічного аналізу в забезпеченні економічної безпеки. Методи дослідження: використання системно-структурного методу та методу узагальнення дозволило проаналізувати загальні тенденції використання методів стратегічного аналізу. За допомогою діалектичного методу наукового пізнання, а також методів аналізу, синтезу та абстрагування з'ясовано зміст та призначення досліджуваної проблеми, визначено основні його ознаки та структуру, а також співвідношення із системним аналізом. Результати: зазначені методи стратегічного аналізу значно підвищують ефективність прогнозування розвитку ситуацій у сфері економічної безпеки завдяки можливості складання SWOT-аналізу, PEST-аналізу тощо.
Обговорення: для удосконалення системи стратегічного аналізу необхідно долучити певні незалежні аналітичні центри. Такі аналітичні центри повинні тісно співпрацювати з владою та частково фінансуватися урядом України, для отримання від них будь-якої необхідної аналітичної інформації. Таким чином, ключовими питаннями економічної безпеки є: система прогнозного забезпечення управлінської діяльності; процес досліджень та аналітичних експертиз; вироблення інформаційно-аналітичних продуктів та їх поширення; професійна діяльність фахівців, професіоналів, аналітиків. Враховуючи викладене, доходимо висновку, що стратегічний аналіз державного управління у сфері економічної безпеки спрямований на якісне забезпечення інформацією органів державної влади, а його удосконалення неможливе без дослідження методологічних засад його формування.
Аналітичні центри забезпечують зв 'язок влади і громадянського суспільства; представляють та захищають суспільні інтереси; оцінюють владу та її рішення і формулюють альтернативні політичні пропозиції. Аналітичні центри залучені до формування європейської політики, сприяють кращому розумінню громадськістю положень та рішень ЄС. Створення за стандартами ЄС вітчизняної мережі аналітичних центрів, яка буде активно інтегрована в євроатлантичні мережі аналітичних центрів, сприятиме пошуку додаткових резервів для вдосконалення механізмів стратегічного аналізу в сфері економічної безпеки та виробленню державної політики щодо ефективного прогнозно-аналітичного забезпечення органів державної влади.
Ключові слова: стратегічний аналіз; економічна безпека; аналітичні методи; аналіз інформації; системний аналіз.
Structural changes in the field of national security of Ukraine, their focus on the effectiveness of public administration occur in difficult conditions that are constantly changing. The state's resources in the security and defense sector are used inefficiently and do not correspond to its economic potential. This problem is especially relevant in the context of the need to concentrate resources to ensure the effective functioning of economic security. Therefore, strategic analysis is an important measure to ensure the sustainable functioning of the system of public authorities, which provides a comprehensive analysis of the security and defense sector. Thus, at the present stage of state formation, the problem of rethinking the role of strategic analysis in the field of economic security is acute.
State control over the implementation of strategies in the field of economic security in various forms is analyzed in the scientific works of M. Weber [1], G. Hegel [2], T. Hobbes [3], Confucius [4], N. Machiavelli [5]. The activities of public authorities in the field of national security in the context of Ukraine 's integration into the European Union (EU) were studied on the basis of scientific works by V. Gorbulin [6], V. Bogdanovich [7], A. Kaczynski [8] and others. The effectiveness of strategic analysis in the process of public administration in the field of national security was studied by V. Goshovska [9], G. Sytnyk [10], A. Thomson [11]. V. Tertychka [12] and others.
The issue of applying strategic analysis in the field of economic security has been the focus of attention of many domestic scholars. In particular, V. Gorbulin developed the technology of implementation of doctrines, strategies, concepts and programs of state policy in the field of national security, based on theoretical principles and historical experience [13]. A. Semenchenko studied the provision of 19 optimal relationship between policy and strategy [7]. V. Averyanov - problems of administrative-legal theory and practice of public administration [14]. O. Belov and E. Lysytsyn developed a scientific concept for the development of a system of strategic documents that should ensure the functioning of public administration [13]. A. Kaczynski studied the threats and risks to the n a- tional security of Ukraine using mathematical methods [8]. Dynamic changes in the domestic political situation in Ukraine encourage the improvement of ways and mechanisms of public administration, development of concepts, strategies, doctrines for the long term under the conditions of: introduction of strategic analysis in public administration processes as a component of Ukraine 's economic security system; theoretical and methodological substantiation of strategic analysis in the field of economic security of Ukraine to increase the effectiveness of state policy mechanisms for the interaction of public authorities with the institutions of the security and defense sector of Ukraine.
Research results
The initial concept of the study of strategic analysis is - the mechanisms of strategic analysis of public administration in the field of economic security, the essence of which is determined by the concepts - strategic analysis, public administration, economic security.
The study and transformation of the information obtained as a result of the analysis of internal and external environments shows that strategic analysis is important for studying the strategy of the state, which, in turn, is the initial stage of developing a strategy for any activity. Z. Shershneva, considers strategy as a tool for solving problems of public administration in the long run [15]. According to A. Thompson, «It is necessary to combine the planned principles of the strategy with the behavioral aspects of the organization, because the strategy is a specific management action plan aimed at achieving the goals» [11].
Strategic analysis is the process of studying the information obtained from the analysis of the environment, taking into account the strategy of the state. On the other hand, a strategy is a plan of government aimed at strengthening its position, meeting needs and achieving certain goals. It is the initial stage of developing a state strategy and assesses the situation in which the state finds itself. As noted by O.O. Goroshanska: «In the course of strategic analysis, general scientific techniques are used: analysis, analogy, induction, observation, planning, comparison, modeling; synthesis, system analysis, evaluation and classification. In the process of strategic analysis we have to work with information taken from analytical reviews, forecasts and trends. The basis of information support is an in-depth study of domestic and foreign areas of activity on a wide range of indicators and quantities that affect the management and performance of the state» [16].
Strategic analysis is the initial stage of strategic forecasting and plays a key role in its formation, to implement an effective process of public administration, which is a conscious and purposeful consistent activities related to the implementation of public authority by public administration in the field of economic security.
On the basis of medium- and short-term forecasts, the strategy is detailed and the mediumterm national program of socio-economic development is developed. Experience and alternative ways of realization of the directions defined in strategy are analyzed. Alternatives of rational ways of realization of strategic purposes are formed and resource needs and limitations are analyzed. Rational ways of realization of the strategic purposes in the certain directions are chosen, their coordination within the limits of a uniform complex of actions is carried out. The obtained results are summarized in the mediumterm and short-term programs and the plan of current activities. The short-term program and the plan of current activity are a basis for formation of the state budget.
Thus, strategic analysis - a holistic system of analysis, forecasting and planning in the field of economic security, which includes: collection and analysis of information; identification and assessment of risks and threats to economic security; assessment of the functioning of the components and development of strategic planning documents; adjustment of strategic documents in the field of economic security.
Implementation of timely detection and prevention of threats to national security and determination of the order of actions in certain situations. Doctrinal and conceptual approaches to ensuring national security are constantly updated and researched, and an effective state response system is being created. Coordinated decisions are made on the basis of constant interaction and coordination of actions of public authorities and the functioning of a single system of non-governmental research organizations (think tanks, «brain centers»); the distribution of financial and logistical resources.
There are a large number of think tanks in the EU, the most famous of which are: the International Society for Human Rights (Germany); World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations (Germany); International Peace Alliance (UK). The activities of think tanks in the EU highlight the methods of their influence on the public policy of Western countries: the impact on the general «climate» of opinions on public policy; changing the power structure of policy makers [17; 18; 19].
Thus, we can conclude that throughout the Western World to the implementation of strategic analysis are involved, and sometimes carried out by certain think tanks, especially American, on a competitive basis. All think tanks in the Western world operate independently and independently. They have extensive networks outside their countries. EU think tanks are integrated into the network of American think tanks and sometimes organically complement it. They work closely with the authorities and are partly funded by governments. The existence of think tanks allows Western authorities, according to a certain hierarchy, to receive advanced and analytical information on the development of any adverse events.
Effective long-term strategic planning must be carried out taking into account the processes of medium-term strategic planning in several stages: the first stage - analysis and assessment of the security environment; assessment and forecast of prospects for the development of the geoeconomic and geopolitical situation around Ukraine in the medium and long term; identification of potential and real threats in the medium (long term); substantiation of ways and development of mechanisms of realization of the state policy; determination of national resources.
The second stage is carried out taking into account and based on the opinions of experts: «Assessment of goals through the prism of internal and external conditions that affect the formation of national interests of Ukraine, as well as threats and opportunities of state institutions. As a result, there is a problem of classifying threats and identifying the threats themselves».
The third stage - goals are defined and evaluated. This stage of development of public administration methodology is key, as there are many variables that under certain conditions can significantly affect the final decision on the priority of goals, the desired intensity of their implementation and, accordingly, on the necessary resources. The value given to one or another variable depends on professional training, experience, value orientations, intuitive abilities of participants in strategy development. First of all, it is necessary to identify the variables that most adequately influence decisions about the priority of certain goals. It is proposed to evaluate the goals that were determined at the previous stage on the basis of assessment of opportunities and threats by analyzing variables (intensity, probability, relevance and degree of interest development), which are quite universal for any management situation when prioritizing goals. In such a set of variables, the relative share for each goal will depend on the international and domestic conditions in which the process of achieving the goals takes place, and the proposed list of variables may be expanded or narrowed.
The fourth stage is a strategic assessment of goals, opportunities and threats and what are the chances of success. There are always goals that determine the political leaders or legislatures of the state, for which it is planned to ensure a probability of success at 100%. The same applies to the objectives of providing opportunities and preventing threats to economic security. At the same time, as is well known, the possibilities for the protection of economic interests are derived from the means available and the methods of their use permissible in these conditions. Since we are talking about public administration, the bulk of the funds are elements of state power and its institutions. Threat assessment and assessment of opportunities is a level that is taken into account in a comprehensive assessment of the development of economic interests of the state.
The fifth stage is the development of conceptual foundations for economic security. J.M. Kane believes: «The effectiveness of the strategy can be assessed in different ways, for example through the prism of minimizing possible losses, realistic implementation, perception by the international community, additional opportunities it creates in other areas of national security, long-term or temporary benefits, etc.» [20].
The sixth stage is risk assessment and refinement of the strategy for the future. Illustrative examples of limiting possible options for strategic decisions are growing economic interdependence, environmental problems, increased commitment to human rights, the active work of the world media, which can almost instantly draw the attention of the international community to a problem. Each state is unique in political, economic, historical, demographic and other dimensions. Strategic management in the field of economic security is the management of a set of interacting and interdependent elements that form the system of economic security, it consists of stages (stages): strategic planning; strategic organization; strategic control.
strategic analysis economic security
Therefore, in order to improve the system of strategic analysis, it is necessary to involve certain independent think tanks. Such think tanks should work closely with the authorities and be partially funded by the Government of Ukraine to obtain any necessary analytical information from them. Thus, the key issues of economic security are: the system of forecasting management activities; the process of research and analytical examinations; development of information and analytical products and their distribution; professional activity of specialists, professionals, analysts. Given the above, we conclude that the strategic analysis of public administration in the field of economic security is aimed at providing quality information to public authorities, and its improvement is impossible without studying the methodological principles of its formation.
Analytical centers provide a link between government and civil society; represent and protect public interests; evaluate power and its decisions and formulate alternative policy proposals. The activities of think tanks in the EU are legalized at the level of constitutions (Austria, Finland, Italy, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Germany); at the level of legislation (Great Britain, Ireland, Belgium, France); at the international level (European Convention on the Recognition of the Legal Entity of International Non-Governmental Research Organizations). In the EU, most think tanks work with the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the Council of Europe. Analytical centers are involved in the formation of European policy, promote better public understanding of EU regulations and decisions. The establishment of a domestic network of think tanks according to EU standards, which will be actively integrated into Euro -Atlantic networks of think tanks, will help find additional reserves to improve the mechanisms of strategic analysis in the field of economic security and state policy on effective forecasting and analytical support.
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16. Horoshanska O.O. (2012) Systematyzatsiia metodychnoho instrumentariiu stratehichnoho analizu [Systematization of methodical tools of strategic analysis]. Ekonomichna stratehiia i perspektyvy rozvytku sfery torhivli ta posluh [Economic strategy and prospects for the development of trade and services]. 2012. Vyp. 1(1). P. 164-170. (In Ukrainian)
17. Stroianovskyi V.V. (2016) Formuvannia instytutsiinykh zasad systemy stratehichnoho analizu v protsesi derzhavnoho upravlinnia u sferi natsionalnoi bezpeky [Formation of institutional principles of the system of strategic analysis in the process of public administration in the field of national security]. Visnyk NADU pry Prezydentovi Ukrainy [NAPA Bulletin under the President of Ukraine]. 2016. № 3. P. 29-34. (In Ukrainian)
18. Stroianovskyi V.V. (2017) Rol neuriadovykh doslidnytskykh orhanizatsii u zdiisnenni stratehichnoho analizu v protsesi derzhavnoho up-ravlinnia u sferi natsionalnoi bezpeky [The role of non-governmental research organizations in the implementation of strategic analysis in the process of public administration in the field of national security]. Derzhavne i munitsypalne upravlinnia: teoriia, metodolohiia, praktyka: materialy Vseukrainskoi naukovopraktychnoi konferentsii (m. Zaporizhzhia, 3-4 bereznia 2017 r.) [State and municipal administration: theory, methodology, practice: materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference (Zaporizhzhya, March 3-4, 2017)]. Zaporizhzhia; Klasychnyi pryvatnyi universytet, 2017. P. 98-101. (In Ukrainian)
19. Stroianovskyi V.V. (2017) Rol neuriadovykh doslidnytskykh orhanizatsii z vyiavlennia vnutrishnikh i zovnishnikh zahroz [The role of nongovernmental research organizations in identifying internal and external threats]. Ukraina v humanitarnykh i sotsialno-ekonomichnykh vymirakh: materialy II Vseukrainskoi naukovoi konferentsii (m. Dnipro, 24-25 bereznia 2017 r.): u 2-kh ch. Ch. 1 / nauk. red. Yu.O. Vysotskyi [Ukraine in humanitarian and socio-economic dimensions: materials of the II All-Ukrainian scientific conference (Dnipro, March 24-25, 2017): in 2 parts part 1 / nauk. ed. Yu.O. Vysotsky]. Dnipro: SPD «Myslyvets», 2017. P. 202-203. (In Ukrainian)
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