Формирование доктрины и законодательства о правовых режимах банковской деятельности

Практика применения законодательства о режиме банковской деятельности. Правила регистрации, лицензирования, ликвидации и реорганизации кредитных организаций. Элементы экспериментального правового режима в сфере цифровых инноваций на финансовом рынке.

Рубрика Государство и право
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Язык русский
Дата добавления 27.12.2021
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14. Maydykov A. F., Melekhin A. V. Problemy formirovaniya zakonodatel'stva ob osobykh pravovykh rezhimakh v Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Problems of the Formation of Legislation on Special Legal Regimes in the Russian Federation]. Zhurnal rossiyskogo prava Journal of Russian Law. 2005. Issue 10. Pp. 95-106. (In Russ.).

15. Mal'ko A. V., Limanskaya A. P. Spetsial 'nyy pravovoy rezhim kak osoboe sredstvo pravovogo regulirovaniya [Special Legal Regime as a Special Means of Legal Regulation]. Vestnik Saratovskoy gosudarstvennoy yuridicheskoy akademii Saratov State Law Academy Bulletin. 2013. Issue 6. Pp. 120-124. (In Russ.).

16. Mokhov A. A. Pravovye rezhimy osushhestvleniya ekonomicheskoy deyatel'nosti i samoregulirovanie predprinimatel'skoy ili professional'noy deyatel'nosti [Legal Regimes for Conducting Economic Activities and Self-Regulation of Entrepreneurial or Professional Activity]. Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika Laws of Russia: Experience, Analysis, Practice. 2015. Issue 4. Pp. 9-14. (In Russ.).

17. Mokhov A. A. Vliyanie sanktsionnykh rezhimov na tsivilisticheskiy protsess [The Impact of Sanction Regimes on the Civil Process]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo protsessa Herald of Civil Procedure. 2016. Issue 6. Pp. 33-39. (In Russ.).

18. Mokhov A. A. Eksperimental'nyy pravovoy rezhim kak spetsial'nyy pravovoy rezhim dlya drayverov innovatsionnoy ekonomiki [Experimental Legal Regime as a Special Legal Regime for Drivers of an Innovative Economy]. Yurist Jurist. Issue 8. Pp. 19-25. DOI: 10.18572/18123929-2019-8-19-25. (In Russ.).

19. Oleynik O. M. Osnovy bankovskogo prava: kurs lektsiy [Fundamentals of Banking Law: lecture course]. Moscow, 1997. 424 p. (In Russ.).

20. Pekhtereva E. A. Vliyanie sanktsiy na bankovskiy sektor Rossii [The Impact of Sanctions on the Russian Banking Sector]. Ekonomicheskie i sotsial'nye problemy Rossii Economic and Social Problems of Russia. 2016. Issue 2. Pp. 95-107. (In Russ.).

21. Popov I. S. Pravovoy mekhanizm regulirovaniya bankovskoy deyatel'nosti: diss. ... kand. jurid. nauk [Legal Mechanism for Regulating Banking: Cand. jurid. sci. diss.]. Moscow, 2000. 208 p. (In Russ.).

22. Predprinimatel'skoe pravo Rossii: itogi, tendentsii i puti razvitiya: monografiya / E. G. Afanas'eva, A. V. Belitskaya, V. A. Vaypan i dr.; otv. red. E. P. Gubin [Entrepreneurial Law of Russia: Results, Trends and Development Paths: monograph; E. G. Afanas'eva, A. V. Belitskaya, V. A. Vaypan et al.; ed. by E. P. Gubin]. Moscow, 2019. 664 p. (In Russ.).

23. Predprinimatel'skoe pravo: sovremennyy vzglyad: monografiya / E. A. Abrosimova, V. K. Andreev, E. G. Afanas'eva i dr.; otv. red. S. A. Karelina, P. G. Lakhno, I. S. Shitkina [Business Law: Modern View: monograph; E. A. Abrosimova, V. K. Andreev, E. G. Afanas'eva et al.; ed. By S. A. Karelina, P. G. Lakhno, I. S. Shitkina]. Moscow, 2019. 600 p. (In Russ.).

24. Raev V. M. Deyatel'nost' fmansovoy sluzhby Vooruzhennykh sil v gody Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyny [The Operation of the Financial Service of the Armed Forces during the Great Patriotic War]. Moscow, 1996. Pp. 49-56. (In Russ.).

25. Sbornik nauchno-prakticheskikh statey II Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Aktual'nye problemy predprinimatel'skogo i korporativnogo prava v Rossii i za rubezhom» (22 aprelya 2015 g., g. Moskva) /E. A. Abrosimova, V. K. Andreev, L. V. Andreeva i dr.; pod red. S. D. Mogilevskogo, M. A. Egorovoy [Collection of Scientific and Practical Articles of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference `Actual Problems of Business and Corporate Law in Russia and Abroad' (April 22, 2015, Moscow); E. A. Abrosimova, V. K. Andreev, L. V. Andreeva et al.; ed. by S. D. Mogilevskiy, M. A. Egorova]. Moscow, 2015. 214 p. (In Russ.).

26. Simanovskiy A. Yu. Bankovskoe regulirovanie: reevolyutsiya [Banking Regulation: ReEvolution]. Den'gi i kredit Russian Journal of Money and Finance. 2014. Issue 3. Pp. 3-11. (In Russ.).

27. Tarasenko O. A. Predprinimatel'skaya deyatel'nost' gosudarstvennoy korporatsii «Vneshekonombank» [Entrepreneurial Activity of the State Corporation `Vneshekonombank']. Predprinimatel'skoe pravo Entrepreneurial Law. 2012. Issue 2. Pp. 32-35. (In Russ.).

28. Tarasenko O. A. Predprinimatel'skaya aktivnost' Banka Rossii [Entrepreneurial Activity of the Bank of Russia]. Aktual'nye problemy rossiyskogo prava Actual Problems of Russian Law. Issue 6. Pp. 73-83. DOI: 10.17803/19941471.2020.115.6.073-083. (In Russ.).

29. Tarasenko O. A. Antikrizisnaya finansovaya podderzhka 2020 goda skvoz' prizmu “Bankklient” [Anti-Crisis Financial Support in 2020 through the Prism of `Bank-Client']. Vestnik Universiteta imeni O. E. Kutafina (MGYuA) Courier of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL). 2020. Issue 7. Pp. 18-28. DOI: 10.17803/23115998.2020.71.7.018-028. (In Russ.).

30. Tarasenko O. A., Lauts E. B. Pravovoe regulirovanie deyatel 'nosti samozanyatykh grazhdan v sisteme antikrizisnykh mer po bor'be s koronavirusnoy infektsiey [Legal Regulation of the Activities of Self-Employed Citizens in the System of Anti-Crisis Measures to Combat the Coronavirus Infection]. Pravo i ekonomika Law and Business. 2020. Issue 4. Pp. 5-15. (In Russ.).

31. Tatarinov S.V. Svyata... Poslednyaya volya soldata. K voprosu o vkladakh voennosluzhashhikh v 1941-1945 godakh [Sacred Is the Last Will of a Soldier. On the Question of Deposits of Military Personnel in 1941-1945]. Den'gi i kredit Russian Journal of Money and Finance. 2016. Issue 6. Pp. 13-23. (In Russ.).

32. Ushakov D. N. Bol'shoy tolkovyy slovar' sovremennogo russkogo yazyka. 180000 slov i slovosochetaniy [The Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language. 180,000 words and phrases]. Moscow, 2009. 1239 p. (In Russ.).

33. Binder K., Creco M. D., Eckert G., Kotanidis S., Malko R., Del Monte M. States of Emergency in Response to the Coronavirus Crisis: Situation in Certain Member States. European Parliamentary Research Service. June 2020. 12 p. Available at: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2020/649408/EPRS_BRI(2020)6494 08_EN.pdf. (In Eng.).

34. Chen C. Regulatory Sandboxes in the UK and Singapore: A Preliminary Survey (September 6, 2019). Regulating FinTech in Asia: Global Context, Local Perspectives; ed. by M. Fenwick, S. Van Uytsel and B. Ying. Forthcoming. August 2020. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn. 3448901. (In Eng.).

35. Cornelli G., Doerr S., Gambarcorta L., Merrouche O. Inside the Regulatory Sandbox: Effects on Fintech Funding. Bis Working Papers. November 2020. 42 p. Available at: https://www.bis.org/publ/work901.htm. (In Eng.).

36. Global Experiences from Regulatory Sandboxes. Fintech Note. Issue 8. Washington, C.: The World Bank Group, 2020. 71 p. Available at: http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/ en/912001605241080935/pdf/Global-Experiencesfrom-Regulatory-Sandboxes.pdf. (In Eng.).

37. Grech C. A., Vella S. Malta: The Impact of Regulatory Sandboxes and Innovation Hubs in the FinTech Sphere. Mondaq. October 15, 2020. Available at: https://www.mondaq.com/fin-tech/ 994342/the-impact-of-regulatory-sandboxes-andinnovation-hubs-in-the-fintech-sphere. (In Eng.).

38. Johnston C. Sanctions against Russia: Evasion, Compensation and Overcompliance. European Union Institute for Security Studies. 2015. Available at: https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep06 881?seq=3#metadata_info_tab_contents. (In Eng.).

39. Kwakwa V. How Asia Pacific Can Turn COVID Crisis into an Opportunity. January 2021. Available at: https://blogs.worldbank.org/eastasiapacific/how-asia-pacific-can-turn-covid-crisis-opportunity. (In Eng.).

40. Making Space for Innovation. The Handbook for Regulatory Sandboxes. Federal Ministry for Economic and Energy (BMWi). Germany. July 2019. 85 p. Available at: https://www.bmwi.de/Redaktion/EN/Publikationen/Digitale-Welt/handbook-regulatory-sandboxes.pdf?_blob=publicationFile&v=2. (In Eng.).

41. Moden N, Neufeld P. How COVID-19 Has Sped up Digitalization for the Banking Sector. November 2020. Available at: https://www.ey.com/en_gl/financial-services-emeia/how-covid-19has-sped-up-digitization-for-the-banking-sector. (In Eng.).

42. Morscher L., Staub L. Fintech 2020. Switzerland. Law and Practice. Available at: https://practiceguides.chambers.com/practice-guides/fintech-2020/switzerland. (In Eng.).

43. Nikolowa M. FCA Accepts 22 Businesses into Cohort 6 of Regulatory Sandbox. July 2020. Available at: https://financefeeds.com/fca-accepts22-businesses-cohort-6-regulatory-sandbox/. (In Eng.).

44. Sanctions against Russia. Current Status, Prospects, Successes and Gaps in the Multilateral International Sanctions Regime against the Russian Federation. Kyiv, 2019. 48 p. Available at: http://www.icps.com.ua/assets/uploads/images/file s/t_sankcii_rf_a4_eng_final_pdf.pdf (In Eng.).

45. Quan D. A Few Thoughts on Regulatory Sandboxes. Available at: https://pacscenter.stanford.edu/a-few-thoughts-on-regulatory-sandboxes/. (In Eng.).

46. Welt C., Archick K., Nelson R. M., Rennack D. E. U.S. Sanctions on Russia. Congressional Research Service. January 17, 2020. Available at: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R45415.pdf. (In Eng.).

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