Formation of the concept of the socially responsible state as a factor of increasing the public governance and administration efficiency

The importance of socially responsible state as a factor in overcoming instability and crisis in COVID-19, which requires reformatting the principles of public administration, survival of organizations and their adaptation to changes in the environment.

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Дата добавления 17.10.2021
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Formation of the concept of the socially responsible state as a factor of increasing the public governance and administration efficiency

Voronkova, Valentyna

Engineering Educational and Research Institute of Zaporizhia National University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine)

Oleksenko, Roman

Dmytro Motornyi Tavria state agrotechnological University (Melitopol, Ukraine)

Fursin, Alexander

Engineering educational and scientific Institute of Zaporizhzhia National University


The urgency of the topic is due to the fact that today the importance of socially responsible state as a factor in overcoming instability and crisis in COVID-19, which requires reformatting the principles of public administration, survival of organizations and their adaptation to changes in uncertainty in the environment and needs constant modernization. To form the concept of a socially responsible state in COVID-19, it is necessary to overcome the conditions of crisis and instability, to create conditions for sustainable development, reset the management of public administration, to form new survival values of organizations at risk. The purpose of the study: theoretical and practical aspects of the concept the formation of socially responsible state as a factor in overcoming instability and crisis in COVlD-19. Objectives of the study: 1. To study the formation of the concept of socially responsible state as a factor in overcoming instability and crisis in COVID-19. 2. To analyze the methodology of research of the socially responsible state as a factor of overcoming instability and crisis in the conditions of COVID-19. 3. To identify complexity as a sign of unstable and unbalanced public administration. 4. To identify the increasing complexity of organizations in modern conditions and the need for self-adaptation and self-regulation of systems. Research methodology. AGILE methodology acts as a system of new values, which extends to many areas of activity, including public administration and administration. Methods of synergetic analysis, including the theory of self-organizing open systems, which find themselves in points of imbalance, uncertainty, bifurcation (bifurcation), stochastic information (lack of information), system drift, resulting in a change of priorities. The result of the study. It is concluded that the state should realize and be responsible for its influence on society, promote socially responsible attitude to all processes taking place in society, for which to rebuild consciousness, principles and methods of activity that would be focused on obtaining social, economic and environmental effects that do not harm society and the environment.

Key words: concept of socially responsible state, instability, crisis, COVID-19, digitalization. Problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks

socially state administration survival

ФУРСІН, О. О. - кандидат наук державного управління, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту організацій та управління проєктами, Інженерний навчально-науковий інститут Запорізького національного університету (Запоріжжя, Україна)



Актуальність теми обумовлена тим, що сьогодні підвищується значення соціально-відповідальної держави як чинник подолання нестабільності та кризи в умовах СОУГО-19, що потребує переформатування засад публічного управління та адміністрування, виживання організацій та їх адаптації до змін в умовах невизначеності, що відбувається у навколишньому середовищі та потребує постійної модернізації. Щоб сформувати концепцію соціально відповідальної держави в умовах СОУГО-19, слід подолати умови кризи та нестабільності, створити умови сталого розвитку, перезавантажити управлінські засади публічного управління та адміністрування, сформувати нові цінності виживання організацій, які знаходиться у «ситуації ризику». Мета дослідження: теоретичні і практичні аспекти формування концепції соціально-відповідальної держави як чинник подолання нестабільності та кризи в умовах СОУГО-19. Завдання дослідження: 1. Дослідити формування концепції соціально-відповідальної держави як чинник подолання нестабільності та кризи в умовах СОУГО-19. 2. Проаналізувати методологію дослідження соціально-відповідальної держави як чинник подолання нестабільності та кризи в умовах СОУГО-19.

З'ясувати складність як ознаку нестабільного і незбалансованого публічного управління та адміністрування.

Виявити збільшення складності організацій в сучасних умовах та необхідність самоадаптації та саморегулювання систем. Методологія дослідження. AGILE-методологія виступає, яка вис тупає як система нових цінностей, що розповсюджується на багато сфер діяльності, у томі числі й на публічне управління та адміністрування. Методи синергетичного аналізу, що включають теорію самоорганізаційних відкритих систем, які потрапляють у точки нерівновагомості, невизначеності, біфуркації (роздвоєння), стохастичності інформації (не вистачає інформації), дрейфу системи, у результаті чого відбувається зміна пріоритетів. Результат дослідження. Зроблено висновок, що держава повинна усвідомити і нести відповідальність за свій вплив на суспільство, сприяти соціально відповідальному ставленню до всіх процесів, що відбуваються у суспільстві, для чого перебудувати свідомість, принципи та методи діяльності, які б були орієнтовані на отримання соціального, економічного й екологічного ефекту, які не зашкоджують суспільству, людині і навколишньому середовищу.

Ключові слова: концепція соціально-відповідальної держави, нестабільність, криза, СОУГО-19, цифровізація.

ВОРОНКОВА, В. Г. - доктор философских наук, профессор, Академик академии наук высшего образования Украины, заведующая кафедрой менеджмента организаций и управления проектами, Инженерный учебно-научный институт Запорожского национального университета (Запорожье, Украина

ОЛЕКСЕНКО, Р. И. - доктор философских наук, профессор, профессор кафедры публичного управления и права, Таврический государственный агротехнологический университет имени Дмитрия Моторного (Мелитополь, Украина)

ФУРСИН, А. А. - кандидат наук государственного управления, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмента организаций и управления проектами, Инженерный учебно-научный институт Запорожского национального университета (Запорожье, Украина)



Актуальность темы обусловлена тем, что сегодня повышается значение формирования социально-ответственного государства как фактор преодоления нестабильности и кризиса в условиях COVID-19, что требует переформатирования основ публичного управления и администрирования, выживания организаций и их адаптации к изменениям в условиях неопределенности, которая происходит в окружающей среде и требует постоянной модернизации. Чтобы сформировать концепцию социально-ответственного государства в условиях COVID-19, следует преодолеть условия кризиса и нестабильности, создать условия устойчивого развития, перезагрузить управленческие основы публичного управления и администрирования, сформировать новые ценности выживания организаций, которые находится в «ситуации риска». Цель исследования: теоретические и практические аспекты формирования концепции социально-ответственного государства как фактор преодоления нестабильности и кризиса в условиях СОУГО-19. Задачи исследования: 1. Исследовать формирования концепции социально-ответственного государства как фактор преодоления нестабильности и кризиса в условиях СОУГО-19.

Проанализировать методологию исследования социально-ответственного государства как фактор преодоления нестабильности и кризиса в условиях СОУГО-19. 3. Выяснить сложность как свойство нестабильного и несбалансированного публичного управления и администрирования. 4. Виявить увеличение сложности организаций в современных условиях и необходимость самоадаптации и саморегулирования систем. Методология исследования. AGILE-методология выступает как система новых ценностей, которые распространяются на многие сферы деятельности, в томе числе и на публичное управление и администрирование. Методы синергетического анализа включают теорию самоорганизационных открытых систем, которые оказываются в точках неравновесия, неопределенности, бифуркации (раздвоения), стохастичности информации (недостаток информации), дрейфа системы, в результате чего происходит смена приоритетов. Результат исследования. Сделан вывод, что государство должно осознать и нести ответственность за свое влияние на общество, способствовать социально-ответственному отношению ко всем процессам, которые происходят в обществе, для чего перестроить сознание, принципы и методы деятельности, которые были ориентированы на получение социального, экономического и экологического эффекта, которые не затрагивают общество и его отношение к окружающей среде.

Ключевые слова: концепция социально-ответственного государства, нестабильность, кризис, СОУГО-19, цифровизация.

The relevance of the research topic is that we live in a time of deep instability and crisis, the transition to digital development of society, taking place under the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which requires a restart of civilization, and at the same time public administration as an extensive and multilevel system of management and search for innovative approaches to its implementation [17, p. 335-337]. The wide connection of nature to market relations deepened the contradictions in the system "man-nature-society- government" and led to a situation of instability and the emergence of the concept of VUCA, which affected the activities of all organizations of public administration, VUCA concept comes from the acronym: Volatility (instability); 2) Uncertainty (uncertainty); 3) Complexity; 4) Ambiguity. COVID-19 pandemic has provoked a sharp decline in production, falling demand, declining incomes and falling economic activity, with global quarantine leading to rising unemployment (trade, transport, tourism). Economic trade, education, and tourism began to be digitized, which led to new challenges, as the achievement of sustainable development goals began to be jeopardized accordingly. According to experts, the model of modern development of the state and society can be partnership and cooperation as components of multilevel and comprehensive integration, able to become the basis of global governance in the post-ancient world [20, p. 8-22].

Analysis of recent research and publications, which initiated the solution of this problem and which the authors refer to

The basis of instability, prominent scholars and politicians consider uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity, which indicates the state of threat, lack of government change, lack of constitutional changes, rules of the game (S. Huntington), lack of structural and structured changes (D. Siaring), lack of balance of political forces (J. Lively), affecting the state of small and medium-sized businesses, the stability of organizations. The modern concept of VUCA is associated with the instability of society and comes from English words: 1) volatility (instability); 2) uncertainty; 3) complexity; 4) ambiguity, in which tasks are difficult to be predicted. Analysis of recent research and publications shows that the concept of socially responsible state as a factor in overcoming instability and crisis in COVID-19 was formed as a result of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, called digitization and development of creative digital technologies [21, p. 170-181]. And to survive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, you need to be dynamic, able to adapt quickly, to adapt to the demands of this world. The modern concept of VUCA in the conditions of instability is based on the theory of complex systems, based on AGILE-methodology and AGILE-philosophy, also called agile methodology (agile software development, agile - proven, flexible), which represent the methodology of complexity, which is applied to the analysis of complex systems of digital development of the world. The analysis and incomplete review of publications on this topic showed a significant change in the paradigm of thinking aimed at the development of the digital world caused by "Twitter revolutions" due to the accelerated development of information and communication technologies, promotion of social networks, Internet platform and other digital services. Big data in order to analyze new communication trends, - says O. Fursin [18, p. 851-854]. According to the analysis, COVID- 19 has led to markers of further development of digital technologies and accelerated the process of transition to the era of Big data diplomacy. 2021 is under the dictates of coronavirus issues and vaccination [20, p. 8-22].

Highlighting the previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted

The concept of a socially responsible state aims to: form a concept of flexible management thinking of leaders, based on organic-ecosystem principles of organizations and a new ethical system of values, able to solve problems of interaction "humanity-biosphere-technosphere". In the context of the development of this concept, business as an expression of social responsibility of organizations, which should develop new environmentally friendly trends and move to the regenerative development of the economy, its environmentally friendly use and eco-regenerative dimension, - it is said in the author's article [4, p.86-97]. These system components of the concept of socially responsible state are determined by the use of new digital technologies and innovative solutions, based on the introduction of social responsibility in business as a tool for balance, identification of social sensitivity to stakeholders, which can lead to socially oriented, environmentally balanced and socially -responsible concept of state development in the conditions of COVID and postcovid development.

The purpose of the study: theoretical

and practical aspects of the concept formation of socially responsible state as a factor in improving the efficiency of public administration overcoming instability and crisis in the conditions of COVID-19.

Forming the goals of the article:

To investigate the formation of socially-oriented and environmentally balanced public administration and administration in the conditions of COVID-19.

To analyze the methodology of research of the socially responsible state as a factor of overcoming instability and crisis in the conditions of COVID-19.

To identify complexity as a sign of unstable and unbalanced public administration.

To identify the increasing complexity of organizations in modern conditions and the need for self-adaptation and self-regulation of systems.

Presentation of the main material of the research with substantiation of the obtained scientific results

Formation of socially-oriented and ecologically balanced public administration and administration in the conditions of COVID-19

In orderto form the concept of a socially responsible state, it is necessary to develop socially oriented and ecologically balanced public administration in the conditions of COVID-19, which would form the conditions for survival of organizations and health care of a nation that has become a global problem. Ukraine joined the Global Compact in 2006 and domestic companies participating in the Global Compact have established a national network to spread the initiative of corporate social responsibility in Ukraine, exchange of experience, education and joint actions. To do this, the state should rely on the UN Global Compact, which initiated the development of environmentally responsible state, environmentally friendly technologies and business, which requires: 1) restructuring of management approaches to human interaction, nature, technology, culture, consciousness; 2) the formation of the organization as a collective cooperation - a collective mind, productive interaction aimed at a joint result and achieving higher goals, the formation of the organization on the basis of noosphere thinking (reason, morality, justice, social responsibility); 3) the formation of a new flexible thinking as a stable basis for the survival of public administration ; 4) the formation of a socially responsible state as the main priority of the expression of social responsibility of organizations on the basis of collective cooperation [2, p. 184-196]. At the heart of the concept of socially responsible state as a factor in overcoming instability and crisis in COVID-19 - a new cooperation of managers on a universal basis as a new culture of thinking, a new culture of organizational management, environmental friendliness, achievement of 17 goals of sustainable development, corporate responsible business (Regina Andryukaitene's concept). Modern civilization, caused by the global and paradigmatic crisis, needs to reset the worldview, as it is covered by global challenges, as it experiences a crisis of basic principles and values of the whole world, - says the famous Ukrainian scientist R. Oleksenko [13, p. 169-181]. Since man and nature were opposed to each other, there was a wide connection of nature to market relations, which created a new dependence on it and deepened the contradictions in the system "man-nature-society-power-government", which led to instability [3, p. 13-27].

Methodology of research of the socially responsible state as the factor of overcoming of instability and crisis in the conditions of COVID-19

A socially unstable state caused by the crisis of modern society and caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, has led to a "society of risk" as a consequence of modern civilization. The methodology of research of socially responsible state as a factor in overcoming instability and crisis in COVID-19 includes a set of methods, techniques and generalization of different approaches to developing a set of values based on the principles of the adopted "Flexible Software Development Manifesto" and able to analyze system complexity, their purpose, the need to identify their functions, place and role in modern society. These principles, methods and approaches can lead to changes at all stages of improvement of specific algorithms and flexible management tools in the context of process management, where AGILE methodology acts as a system of new values of algorithmic thinking and algorithmic culture. The AGILE methodology extends to many areas of activity, including public administration, including Scrum - the "structure" approach and Kanban - the "balance approach", which are used in the innovation activities of managers, contributing to the creation of an innovative product, increasing the share of digital products and services, as well as new forms of business based on digital technologies (digital economy) [9, p. 165-179]. Methods of synergetic analysis include the theory of self-organizing open systems, which find themselves in points of imbalance, uncertainty, bifurcation, stochastic information (when there is not enough information), system drift, resulting in a change of priorities. General scientific methods - analysis and synthesis, conceptualization, abstraction; the law of unity and the struggle of opposites, because there is no development without struggle. To analyze the concept of VUCA, the SySt methodology (systemic structural arrangement) was used as a methodology for the process of awareness development and changes in the direction of stability [1, p. 169-179]. The complexity of the system is based on structural and functional restructuring to prevent or mitigate crisis and instability, increase the number of innovations, their development and technology transfer as a tool for innovation, reforming the management system using AGILE-methodology, restructuring people's consciousness and developing new value system. Principles: 1. Volatility (instability, fluidity, instability, volatility), based on which the situation changes quickly and unpredictably and on the basis of which it is impossible to imagine a future situation or plan their actions. 2. Uncertainty (uncertainty), based on destructive changes that make it difficult to predict the future. 3. Complexity leads to the fact that a set of difficult to understand facts, causes and factors contribute to the emergence of an increasing number of problems. Ambiguity (ambiguity, uncertainty), which make it difficult to answer the question "who, what, when and why". Volatility includes a state of system instability, which characterizes unstable situations and unpredictable changes in its speed, nature, volume, dynamics in unstable markets, the rapidly flowing circumstances of the formation of Ukrainian society as a socio-his- torical organism. 4. Uncertainty means the lack of information to predict the consequences and plan the necessary actions in the context of COVID-19. Introduced World Uncertainty Index (HEI), related to the situation of instability and macroeconomic indicators based on the volatility of key financial and economic variables, the stock market, risks, lower GDP growth, with economic and political instability, covering 143 countries with population of almost 2 billion people [7, p. 81-90].

Complexity as a sign of unstable socially- oriented and ecologically unbalanced public management and administration

Complexity, which leads to the fact that a set of difficult to understand facts, causes and factors contribute to the emergence of an increasing number of problems. Complex systems are systems that consist of a huge variety of parts that have the ability to generate new qualities, the manifestation of which is the spontaneous formation of temporal, spatial and functional structures in the information society [8, p. 13-24]. Complex systems include self-organization, nonlinear dynamics, turbulence theory, synergetics, dynamical systems, instabilities, stochastic processes, chaos that affect human life in the digital age of machines. Ambiguity (ambiguity, uncertainty, doubt), which is our reality, because there is nothing stable. Mankind must recognize the changes that can control, and yet determined by the lack of clear understanding of the rules of the game, the need to adapt to everything that happens, developing creativity, communication, critical thinking, as it is difficult to answer the question "who, what, when and why" [11, pp. 60-73]. It is possible that the pandemic was ignored and did not see a threat to the economic balance that led to the chaos that resulted from the rapid unpredictable changes that had accumulated over the years as a result of information stochasticity. Information stochasticity is a coincidence, a randomness, a case when there is an exponential increase in information (big data) and managers lack information; indeterminacy or a state of the system that cannot be predicted; the process when we say "probable", "inaccurate", is not predictable. Information stochasticity prevails in conditions of instability, uncertainty, turbulence, chaos, risks, so managers must master all the information, advanced creative technologies to survive in a coronavirus pandemic, which requires overcoming information entropy (uncertainty, chaos) [12, pp. 80-94]. Modern society is characterized by a state of uncertainty in the trajectory of development, the possibility of choosing a direction from several possible, unstable economy and the spread of corruption and other negative phenomena in state and regional authorities, split political elite in establishing rules of the game, imbalance between functioning authorities and lack of society of harmony [10, p. 165-181]. The situation of instability, uncertainty, ambiguity, is accompanied by problems that affect economic processes caused by the problems of post-industrial, information society, mediated by information stochasticity, and define it as an unstable state prone to self-destruction, disorganization ofeconomic and sociallife. COVID-19 and the crisis of the entire health care system.

Increasing the complexity of organizations in modern conditions and the need for self-adaptation and self-regulation of systems

Under conditions of uncertainty, there is an increase in the complexity of the organization, which requires self-regulation of the system, the quality of which depends on the results of activities. According to the theory of complex systems, the implementation of certain processes applies to the entire system, uncertainty will always exist, so it is necessary to adapt not only to change but also to optimize the system [13, p. 169-181]. Complex organizational problems are usually associated with unpredictability, the solution of which lies in the critical analysis of the entire system, and not just changes in certain processes. It should be noted that the conditions of survival of the organization in conditions of uncertainty and adaptation to change contribute to the fact that entropy in the organization, as well as in society increases, and if the environment becomes more complicated, the organization evolves towards complexity and uncertainty [14, p. 230- 232]. The stable state of the system is an attractor (point of attraction), which drives all subsystems of the organization, so it is important to find the attractor as a point of attraction. Forcible implementation of "improvements" only in rare cases gives the desired result. We believe that solutions should not be sought within the system, but in the external environment. Since attractors depend on the environment in which the system is, when the environment changes, so does the system and subsystems of the organization. Some changes in the environment affect the attractors so powerfully that they simply disappear, and the system automatically finds a different trajectory leading to another attractor. It may be an attractor that did not exist before. When making changes to the team and the organization, you should not try to push them off the track in which they found themselves. This will require a lot of effort and will bring more than average results. It is much better to change the parameters of the environment in which the organization or team operates, until its current state loses stability, and eventually becomes impossible [15, p. 56-59]. It is necessary to create such an adaptive landscape in which the organization would exist effectively, would exceed the degree of its adaptability. Systems that are able to reach the highest points in the adaptive landscape have the best chance of survival. Systems that have the ability to reconfigure their internal organization each time, take an adaptive walk in the appropriate landscape. Adaptive walking is the process by which a system moves from one configuration to another in order to maintain its adaptability to circumstances, changing the requirements of functionality, people and tools, reviewing schedules and making changes to processes. The shape of the adaptive landscape depends on both the system and the environment. Survival strategies of one system cannot be transferred to other systems, as the adaptive landscapes of other organizations and people differ from ours [16]. Nobody will be able to do it for us. Systems adapt to the external environment and to each other, ie coevolution in the new conditions of informatization, digitalization, globalization. Thus, we can note that: 1) the internal structure of each organization has its own internal code, which should be filled with new information content; 2) people or processes work well only in combination with certain people or processes; 3) the survival strategy of the organization should be re-evaluated, recomposing the components of the system and creating an optimal configuration in which the impact of each element will be positive if the catastrophes of complexity and chaotic fluctuations are overcome [17, p. 335-337]. Self-organization - the process of emergence in the system of structures or forms that are not the result of centralized or external influence or planning, is a natural norm, the behavior of typical dynamic systems, regardless of whether such systems are built of atoms, molecules, viruses, species or companies. Self-organization as a principle of creating structures and forms in the absence of a leader who lowers directives from top to bottom, permeates our entire space, is ubiquitous or a breath of fresh air. No matter how you run an organization, there will always be self-organization. Everything that management does not impose restrictions on, tends to self-organize and cultivate flexible processes and self-organization, to define regional service policy as a necessary condition for the development of the service sector, - says the famous Ukrainian researcher N.S.Venherska [5; 6]. Any self-organizing system can have its own direction of development, and possible directions of its development are limited by the external environment. Systems as a result of creative self-organization do simply what the external environment allows them to do, and what comes out of them naturally, forming the concept of "self-organized teams" of individuals, forcing people to cooperate and be creative.

Conclusions from the study and prospects for further exploration in this direction

Summarizing the above, we can say that in a crisis and global challenges of civilization, Ukraine should develop a concept and develop a strategy to achieve a stable position of Ukraine as an economically developed, prosperous and comfortable country to live, industrial competition not only from neighboring countries.

but also to seek a "place under the sun" in a global world that is now being reformatted. Ukraine must develop a concept and propose new principles, methods, technologies for achieving stability, consensus, a new model of integration of Ukraine in order to solve economic, social and environmental problems of society; improving the quality of life of the population, reducing social tensions, reducing harmful effects on the environment.

Socially-oriented state must realize and be responsible for its impact on society, promote a socially responsible attitude to all processes occurring in society, for which to rebuild the consciousness of man and management, principles, methods and features of activities that focus on social, economic and environmental effect in the process of activities that do not harm society, man and the environment.

Список використаних джерел

Andriukaitiene, Regina, Cherep A. V., Voronkova V. H., Punchenko O. P. & Kivliyk O. P. Managing organizational culture as a factor in organizational change (Управління розвитком організаційної культури як чинник впливу на зміни в організації). Humanities Bulletin of Zaporizhzhe State Engineering Academy: Proceedings Scientific publications / Ed. V Voronkova. Zaporizhzhie : EPD of ZSEA. 2018. Issue 75. P. 169-179.

Andriukaitiene, Regina, Janulionis, Ernestas & Voronkova, Valentyna. The concept of corporate social responsibility and its implementation in the activity of organizations. Humanities bulletin of Zaporizhzhe State Engineering Academy: Proceedings Scientific publications. Zaporizhzhie: EPD of ZSEA.2019. Issue 76. P. 184-196.

Воронкова, В. Г., Романенко, Т. П. & Андрюкайтене, Регіна. Концепція розвитку проектно-орієнтованого бізнесу в умовах цифрової трансформації до smart-суспільствa. Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії» : збірник наукових праць. Вип. 67. Запоріжжя : РВВ ЗДІА, 2016. С. 13-27.

Voronkova, Valentyna, Metelenko, Natalya, Nikitenko, Vitalina & Silina, Iryna.

System analysis of the economy of sustainable development as environmentally balanced and socially oriented one. Humanities studies: сборник научных трудов. Запорожье : ЗНУ 2019. Вып. 1(78). С. 86-97.

Venherska, N. S. & Kalantarova, A. R. Eksportnyi potentsial kharchovoi promyslovosti Ukrainy [The export potential of food industry of Ukraine/ Ekonomika rozvytku-Economics of Development. 2014. С. 72.

Венгерська, Н. С. Регіональна сервісна політика як необхідна умова розвитку сфери послуг. Вісник Запорізького національного університету. Економічні науки. Зпроріжжя : ЗНУ 2014. Випуск 2. С. 142-152.

Voronkova, Valentyna H., Teslenko, Tatyana V, Nikitenko, Vitalina A. & Bilohur, Vlada E. Impact of the worldwide trends on the development of the digital economy. Amazonia Snvestia. 2020. Volume 9. Issue 32. P.81-90.

Воронкова, В. Г. & Соснін, О. В. Формування інформаційного суспільства в Україні: виклик чи потреба часу? Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії. 2015. Випуск 60. С. 13-24.

Воронкова, В. Г. & Череп, А. В. Креативні цифрові технології як мегатренди розвитку туристичного бізнесу: поширення європейського досвіду в Україні. Humanities studies: збірник наукових праць. Запоріжжя : Запорізький національний університет, 2020. Випуск 6 (83). С. 165-179.

Nesterenko, Olena & Oleksenko, Roman. Social philosophical reflection of the individual legal education philosophy as the basis for the democratic society functioning. Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2020. Випуск 4(81). С.165-181.

Nikitenko Vitalina. Evolution and further development of the real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical discourse. Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2020. Випуск 4(81). С. 60-73.

Nikitenko, Vitalina. The impact of digitalization on value orientations changes in the modern digital society. Humanities Studies. 2019. 2 (79). С. 80-94.

Oleksenko, Roman. Position and role of modern economic education as the main megatrend of innovative development of Ukraine. Humanities Studies. 2019. 2 (79). С. 169-181.

Олексенко, Р. І. Філософія розвитку інформаційного суспільства в епоху глобалізації. Гілея : науковий вісник. 2015. Вип. 98. С. 230-232

Олексенко, Р. Епоха глобалізації, її вплив на інформаційне суспільство. П'ята всеукраїнська наукова конференція «Сучасні соціально-гуманітарні дискурси». 2015. С. 56-59.

Олексенко, Р. И. Философия, мировоззрение и мораль современного предпринимателя как составная экономико-социального развития общества. Социосфера» : науч.-метод. и теор.журнал. 2013. № 1. 31 с.

Фурсін, О. О. Оптимізація організації як єдиного цілого: комунікативні аспекти. Публічне управління та адміністрування у процесах економічних реформ: збірник тез доповідей IV Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції, 25 березня 2020 р. Херсон : ДВНЗ «ХДАУ», 2020. С. 335-337.

Фурсін, О. О. Публічне управління та адміністрування як розгалужена і багаторівнева система управління: теоретичні та практичні засади функціонування. Становлення і розвиток інформаційного суспільства як основи забезпечення конкурентоспроможності України у світі та сталого розвитку суспільства і держави». Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції 23-24 листопада 2017 року / Ред.-упорядник: д.філософ.н., проф. В.Г. Воронкова. Запоріжжя : Вид-во ЗДІА, 2017. С. 158-162.

Фурсін, О. О. Комунікаційні технології та інноваційні рішення в управлінні в умовах інформаційного суспільства.Інноваційні рішення в економіці, бізнесі, суспільних комунікаціях та міжнародних відносинах: матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції. Дніпро : Університет митної справи та фінансів, 2021. С. 851-854.

Череп, А. В., Воронкова, В. Г., Андрюкайтене, Регіна & Нікітенко, В. О.Концепція креативних цифрових технологій у туристичному бізнесі. Humanities studies: збірник наукових праць. Запоріжжя : Запорізький національний університет, 2020. Випуск 5 (82). С.196-209.

Cherep, Alla, Voronkova, Valentyna, Muts, Luai Faisal & Fursin, Alexander. Information and innovation technologies as a factor of improving the efficiency of digital economy and business in the Globalization 4.0. Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2019. Випуск 1(78). С. 170-181.

Щербаков, Г. А. Влияние и последствия пандемии COVID-19: социально-экономическое измерение. МИР (Модернизация. Инновации. Развитие). 2021. Т. 12. № 1. С. 8-22.


Andriukaitiene, Regirn, Cherep A. V., Voronkova V. H., Punchenko O. P. & Kivliyk O. P. (2018). Managing organizational culture as a factor in organizational change (Управління розвитком організаційної культури як чинник впливу на зміни в організації). Humanities Bulletin ofZaporizhzhe State Engineering Academy: Proceedings Scientific publications / Ed. V. Voronkova. Zaporizhzhie: EPD of ZSEA. 75. 169-179.

Andriukaitiene, Regina, Janulionis, Ernestas & Voronkova, Valentyna (2019). The concept of corporate social responsibility and its implementation in the activity of organizations. Humanities bulletin ofZaporizhzhe State Engineering Academy: Proceedings Scientific publications. Zaporizhzhie : EPD of ZSEA.76. 184-196. article/view/165128

Voronkova, V. H., Romanenko, T. P. & Andryukaytene, Rehina (2016). Kontseptsiya rozvytku proektno- oriyentovanoho biznesu v umovakh tsyfrovoyi transformatsiyi do smart-suspil'stva. Humanitarnyy visnyk Zaporiz'koyi derzhavnoyi inzhenernoyi akademiyi»: zbirnyknaukovykhprats'. Zaporizhzhya: RVV ZDIA, 67. 13-27. http://vestnikzgia.

Voronkova, Valentyna, Metelenko, Natalya, Nikitenko, Vitalina & Silina, Iryna (2019). System analysis of the economy of sustainable development as environmentally balanced and socially oriented one. Humanities studies : сборник научных трудов. Запорожье : ЗНУ 1(78). 86-97.

Venherska, N. S. & Kalantarova, A. R. (2014). Eksportnyi potentsial kharchovoi promyslovosti Ukrainy [The export potential of food industry of Ukraine]. Ekonomika rozvytku-Economics of Development. 72.

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Voronkova, Valentyna H., Teslenko, Tatyana V, Nikitenko, Vitalina A. & Bilohur, Vlada E. (2020). Impact of the worldwide trends on the development of the digital economy. Amazonia Investia. Volume 9. Issue 32. 81-90.

Voronkova, V H. & Sosnin, O. V. (2015). Formuvannya informatsiynoho suspil'stva v Ukrayini: vyklyk chy potreba chasu? Humanitarnyy visnyk Zaporiz'koyi derzhavnoyi inzhenernoyi akademiyi. 60. 13-24.

Voronkova, V. H. & Cherep, A. V. (2020). Kreatyvni tsyfrovi tekhnolohiyi yak mehatrendy rozvytku turystychnoho biznesu: poshyrennya yevropeys'koho dosvidu v Ukrayini. Humanities studies: zbirnyk naukovykh prats'. Zaporizhzhya : Zaporiz'kyy natsional'nyy universytet. Vyp.6 (83). 165-179.

Nesterenko, Olena & Oleksenko, Roman (2020). Social philosophical reflection of the individual legal education philosophy as the basis for the democratic society functioning. Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 4(81). 165-181.

Nikitenko Vitalina (2020). Evolution and further development of the real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical discourse. Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ4(81). 60-73.

Nikitenko, Vitalina (2019). The impact of digitalization on value orientations changes in the modern digital society. Humanities Studies. 2 (79). 80-94.

Oleksenko, Roman (2019). Position and role of modern economic education as the main megatrend of innovative development of Ukraine. Humanities Studies. 2 (79). 169-181.

Oleksenko, R. I. (2015). Filosofiya rozvytku informatsiynoho suspil'stva v epokhu hlobalizatsiyi. Hileya: naukovyy visnyk. 98. 230-232

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Fursin, O. O. (2020). Optymizatsiya orhanizatsiyi yak yedynoho tsiloho: komunikatyvni aspekty. Publichne upravlinnya ta administruvannya u protsesakh ekonomichnykh reform: zbirnyk tez dopovidey IV Vseukrayins'koyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi, 25 bereznya 2020 r. Kherson : DVNZ «KHDAU». 335-337. NIS/2019/tom-4.pdf

Fursin, O. O. (2017). Publichne upravlinnya ta administruvannya yak roz^haluzhena i bahatorivneva systema upravlinnya: teoretychni ta praktychni zasady funktsionuvannya. Stanovlennya i rozvytok informatsiynoho suspil'stva yak osnovy zabezpechennya konkurentospromozhnosti Ukrayiny u sviti ta staloho rozvytku suspil'stva i derzhavy». Materialy Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi 23-24 lystopada 2017 roku / Red.-uporyadnyk: d.filosof.n., prof. V.H. Voronkova. Zaporizhzhya : Vyd-vo ZDIA.158-162.

Fursin, O. O. (2021). Komunikatsiyni tekhnolohiyi ta innovatsiyni rishennya v upravlinni v umovakh informatsiynoho suspil'stva.Innovatsiyni rishennya v ekonomitsi, biznesi, suspil'nykh komunikatsiyakh ta mizhnarodnykh vidnosynakh: materialy Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi internet-konferentsiyi. Dnipro : Universytet mytnoyi spravy ta finansiv. 851-854.

Cherep, A. V., Voronkova, V. H., Andryukaytene, Rehina & Nikitenko, V. O. (2020). Kontseptsiya kreatyvnykh tsyfrovykh tekhnolohiy u turystychnomu biznesi. Humanities studies: zbirnyk naukovykh prats'. Zaporizhzhya : Zaporiz'kyy natsional'nyy universytet. 5(82). 196-209.

Cherep, Alla, Voronkova, Valentyna, Muts, Luai Faisal & Fursin, Alexander (2019). Information and innovation technologies as a factor of improving the efficiency of digital economy and business in the Globalization 4.0. Humanities Studies. Zaporizhzhya : ZNU. 1(78). 170-181.

Shcherbakov, H. A. (2021). Vlyyanye y posledstvyya pandemyy COVID-19: sotsyal'no-йkonomycheskoe yzmerenye. MYR (Modernyzatsyya. Ynnovatsyy. Razvytye). T. 12. № 1. 8-22.

ВОРОНКОВА, В. Г. - доктор філософських наук, професор, Академік академії наук вищої освіти України, завідувач кафедри менеджменту організацій та управління проєктами, Інженерний навчально- науковий інститут Запорізького національного університету (Запоріжжя, Україна)

ОЛЕКСЕНКО, Р. І. - доктор філософських наук, професор, професор кафедри публічного управління та права, Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет імені Дмитра Моторного (Мелітополь, Україна)

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