Тезисы о развитии криминологии

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1. As the expert platform we consider materials of the scientific and practical interuniversity seminar held on April 19, 2011 at department of criminal law, faculty of the right, NIU of Higher School of Economics devoted to the analysis of a current state of criminology on a subject: "WHAT CRIMINOLOGY is NECESSARY to the COUNTRY TODAY? (PROBLEMS of TEACHING AND PRACTICAL APPLICATION)", the specified educational institution which is carried out under the leadership of the now deceased, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, the head of the department of criminal law, д.ю.н., professor, A.E. Zhalinsky. The most active part the famous scientific doctors of jurisprudence, professors have taken in discussion of this problem: Babayev M. M., Broom YU.V., Matskevich I.M., Samovichev E.G., Savyuk L.K., Tsepelev V. F. and many other famous scientists and experts. Access mode: crimpravo.ru/blog/conference/...

2. See, Dolgova A.I the Article "Whether the Criminology and a Criminological View of Crime Is Necessary" published 23.08.2015 on the website of the Russian criminological association. Access mode: http://crimas.ru/?cat=81

3. And there is a wish to tell - "you learn an equipment", i.e. (1851-1919) should rely at least in a basis on Ferencz von Liszt's works - the founder of the concept of criminal policy and not only … He has laid the foundation of the theory of the general and special prevention of crime, on the basis of intimidation, correction and neutralization of criminals. At the same time Liszt considered as the main cure the educational measures differentiated in relation to various categories of criminals.

4. See, V. S. Kashin "Shamkhalova has made Livanov" the Electronic resource: The mode of access is http://polytika.ru/info/52644.html

5. See, Yu.V. Golik "WHO WILL GUARD WATCHMEN"? Independent newspaper on March 15, 2016.

6. Further professor Golik YU.V. writes that "According to the chairman of the Siberian office of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the academician Alexander Aseev, they "drive science as bath-and-laundry combine". Multivolume reports and references gather regularly. Here only the science from it only withers. There is no time to develop her - all the time for references leaves. According to the same Aseev, "the general share of the Russian publications has decreased from 2,7% in 2008 to 2,3% in the 2013th". At visible quantitative insignificance of these indicators behind them there are thousands and even tens of thousands of not appeared publications. Around the world this indicator steadily grows. At us the share of various reports and ridiculous requirements grows. For example, officials demand to be published in the magazines Scopus. (It is the well-known Dutch publishing company which has developed several decades ago a certain index for tracking of efficiency of the publishing activity. The index has got accustomed and began to be used besides in the technical purposes by other publishers and libraries. But only in our country it was adopted by officials from education. From where such touching care of financial wellbeing of this Dutch firm?) Technical and absolutely auxiliary indicator became self-sufficing size. The tail began to twist a dog! I have somehow heard on one action in speech of capital professor: "Well, I have published article in the skopovsky magazine in Pakistan. Officials were satisfied - have got the new column. And what the Russian science from it has got?" But such questions in principle don't concern officials. The world with big surprise looks at these senseless constructions. However, he not only looks, but also actively entices our brains. Will study Hirsh's index (a technical indicator), and the specific scientist receives a specific proposal. Why? One promise to exempt from drawing up silly reports of much costs" See, the decree. соч. Golik YU.V.

7. All printing activity of the Russian Academy of Sciences -- an inner sanctum of the Russian science -- belongs to the American. Alexander Evgenyevich Shustorovich, he is Alex Shustorovich, I was born in 1966 in the USSR in a family of the corresponding member of Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In the 1977th I have left with parents in the USA. I have graduated from the Harvard university. In 1988 thanks to communications of the father I have created the American-Russian joint venture International Academic Publishing Co which has acquired the rights for the publication and distribution abroad of works of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Electronic resource: The mode of access is http://rusplt.ru/society/komu-prinadlejit-rossiyskaya-nauka-17518.html

8. The Deputy Prime Minister Olga Yurevna Golodets supervising the social sphere on December 25, 2015 I have reported that in the Russian Federation by the last estimates of 22 million poor from which the most part -- families with children. Moscow. December 25. INTERFAX.RU).

9. For example, Russia in per capita terms possesses an enormous natural component of national wealth in 6 times more, than in the USA, and in 20 times more than in Germany, Great Britain or France, but takes the 69th place according to shower GDP. The account part of the budget per capita in Russia is less, than in Italy - in 6,7; France - in 8,7; The USA - in 4,2 and even Greece - by 5,3 times. See, Lisovsky Yu.A. Myths and realities of economy of Russia. Electronic resource: The mode of access is communitarian.ru/publikacii/...

10. For the last two decades Russia in offshores has left to 2 trillion US dollars. As far as this figure is right, it is difficult to tell, however, according to Bank of international payments, the Russian citizens and firms kept in 2005 on deposits in foreign banks 153 billion dollars, and in the 2006th -- already 220 billion. If to add here what has left the country for the next nine years, and, for example, the Russian transport and fishing fleet which 90% are registered under "convenient flags" in foreign jurisdictions, then two trillion already cease to seem so unreal sum. I will provide one more reference: According to the English realtor companies, in Great Britain -- first of all in prestigious and expensive districts of London -- it is constant or arrivals from 150 to 300 thousand rich and very rich Russians live. As reports the English realtor agency in the first half of 2014 of 4,1% of all objects of elite real estate in the central London which average cost doesn't fall lower than 15,9 million dollars, have been bought by Russians. And the general investments of the Russian buyers into commercial real estate of Great Britain for this period, i.e. in 6 months 2014 have made 524 million dollars. Idle trillions. Source: http://andrey-kuprikov.livejournal.com/2448215.html

11. By various expert estimates approximately to 60% of the Russian enterprises of national value are registered in various offshore zones, i.e. are in not jurisdiction of the Russian legislation, and these are already spheres of geopolitics and geoeconomy, i.e. in case of a further aggravation of an international situation or increase in sanctions pressure upon Russia from socalled "western and first of all transatlantic friends" Russia can be left without the major industries!!! Here I will only note that for example the offshore on the British Virgin Islands belongs to the English royal family, and in general through various offshore zones of Great Britain in a year about 40% of all world financial means are wrapped approximately.

12. For example, the present situation in Russia is characterized by extreme extreme distribution of the economic power. 71% of all riches fall to the share of 1% of the richest Russians. In the USA this size makes 37%, in Europe - 32%, in Japan - 17%. See, Lisovsky Yu.A. decree соч.

13. V. V. Luneev "Corruption in Russia" State and right 2007 No. 11 from 20-27

14. The directive of National Security council of the USA 20/1 from 18. 08. 1948. "Our main objectives concerning Russia are reduced to only two: a) To reduce power and influence of Moscow to a minimum; b) To carry out basic changes in the theory and practice of foreign policy to which the government which is in power in Russia adheres". The law of the Congress of the USA "PL 8690" of October 17, 1959. According to this law of the USA directly connected strategic prospects of the national security with need of disintegration of Russia on several tens so-called independent states. The PATTERN program (PATTERN) of the beginning of the 60th years of the 20th century as "Achievement of militarypolitical superiority of the USA over the whole world" in 30 years, (what in principle the USA has also achieved to the middle of the 90th years of the past century). Doctrine "Release" of 1989. She is developed by the special research center "Naslediye Fund by request of administration of U.S. President of Bush. Her essence consisted in technologies of collapse of the USSR and the subsequent management of the processes happening in Russia. Doctrine of "Geopolitical pluralism in the former Soviet Union" 1991. She means power preservation of a partition of the Soviet Union and a further partition already of Russia, with the subsequent colonizations of the former Soviet Union. Parisian charter of 1992. This confidential program has been adopted by representatives of the countries of "seven". According to this program it is necessary to reduce the number of the people of Russia by 2005 by 30 million people.

15. Directive No. 13 of the Ministry of Defence of the USA of 1992. The directive is intended for the action period from 1994 to 1999. In her, in particular, it was said that in the near future the USA will become the indisputable militarypolitical leader in the world. And in this regard it was noted that in case of need, the USA has the right to refuse collective actions within the UN and can make unilateral military actions, and also strike preventive strikes at discretion. In this document, in particular, it is said that the purpose of NATO in the future - to enter peacekeeping forces into regions of the ethnic conflicts and boundary disagreements in the territory from Atlantic to the Urals. The same document separate potential objects designates Siberia and the Russian Baltic. In the same 1992 in Washington at a joint meeting of governing bodies of the World bank and International Monetary Fund it is developed the program for decrease in a standard of living of the population of Russia under the pretext of carrying out tough monetary credit policy and fight against inflation. The statement of the Minister of Defence of the USA William Perry which he had made in 1995. In him he, in particular has told that if in Russia there is a kickback of reforms, then the USA will apply "a military factor". Access: Electronic adulles.ru/plan resource "Harvard and Houston projects". (It is stated in a chetyrekhtomnik "Reorganization", "Reform", "Completion of reform", "the Ring of Saturn"). "The Harvard project" for 1996 - 2000 has set the following objects ("Completion of reforms"): Liquidation of the Soviet Army; Elimination of Russia as states; Elimination of attributes of socialism, like free training and medical care and introduction of attributes of capitalism: it is necessary to pay for everything; Elimination of full and peaceful life in Leningrad and Moscow; Elimination of public and state ownership and introduction of a private property it is universal. "The Houston project", represents detailed study of the stage "End". He is connected only with Russia and in him there is no speech about a partition of the USSR any more (as in the Harvard project on which it has already taken place). Here it is already about a partition of Russia on the small states. According to the same plans: Siberia has to depart to the USA, the Northwest -- to Germany,

16. The South and the Volga region -- to Turkey, the Far East -- to Japan to establish direct control of raw materials of Siberia and the Far East. Electronic resource: The mode of access is pravda-tv.ru/2011/04/17/7006

17. Electronic resource: The mode of access is adulles.ru/plan

18. Pistage de Fargent - un espert s'esplique 11aout 2011//the Official site of the UN [An electronic resource] - URL (date of the address 2/11/2016.).

19. "At us as, however, and in all rest of the world, the set of crimes is daily committed, professor Golik YU.V. Ne writes in earlier specified work all of them reveal. It is natural: the criminal justice isn't omnipotent. Recently there was a book д.ю.н., professor Mikhail and д.ю.н. Ivana Kleymenovykh "Unsolved crime", they have counted that the total amount of crimes in Russia in 2013 has made 20 086 519. From myself I will add that it without latent crime. If to consider also her, then this figure can be multiplied safely at least by three. But they have gone further. They have counted, and it has turned out that real solvability of crimes in 2013 has made 6,9%. The received results, probably have surprised also authors. Not without reason they have written that "this indicator will be hardly apprehended by employees of law enforcement agencies". And not only them. However, will be indignant especially hardly anyone", Yu.V. Golik finishes the thought.

20. Electronic resource: the mode of access is onf.ru/2016/03/15/putinprovel-...

21. For descriptive reasons we will give the material stated in earlier specified article of the deputy of the State Duma, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences B. S. Kashin: "Shamkhalov was made by Livanov" and Valery LEBEDEV'S article "The Russian top officials and discredit of scientific ranks by them". It is known that the chairman WACA Felix Shamkhalov has been arrested on February 5, 2013. He studied in agricultural technical school what he always holds back. But this only institution which he has finished. Then he only "gained" diplomas. In 1994 I have gained the diploma of the Moscow commercial university (till 1990 - Institute of the Soviet trade), and in a year, in 1995, (in 27 years) he is already Candidate of Economic Sciences with the dissertation defended at Institute of economy of the Russian Academy of Sciences! Then Shamkhalov "has graduated" from the Russian academy of civil service majoring in "The public and municipal administration". And in three years after obtaining the diploma, in February, 1998 (in 30 years) I have defended the doctoral dissertation (at the St. Petersburg university of economy and finance on a subject "Interaction of power and enterprise structures: theory and practice"). For such fresh ideas and scientific novelty I have received the award "Honour Sign" and a state award" for outstanding works in the field of science and equipment". In 31 years (a record among recent scientists-economists) he becomes the honored worker of science of the Russian Federation. At last, in May of the 2003rd in 35 years (!) Shamkhalov is elected the Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is recommended by academicians Fedorenko and Petrakov. However, there has passed Shamkhalov in academicians from the second time. The first time "has stolen a march" on him the current adviser V. V. Putin Sergey Glazyev. Since February, 2007 he is already the deputy head of Rosobrnadzor, since September, 2007 -- the member of VAK, in 39 years - her chief scientific secretary. And, at last, in 2012 at the age of 43 years - there is the director of the department of training of scientific and scientific and pedagogical employees of the Ministry of Education and Science and the chairman WACA, that is the chief arbitrator in scientific affairs. Doctor of science, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, order bearer. On February 14, 2013 charge of especially large fraud has been brought to him. According to the investigators, the former head of VAK, working together with unidentified persons (very juicy recognition of a consequence), I have stolen 1,5 billion rubles (at that time it is 126 mln. dollars of the USA) at Vnesheconombank. Shamkhalov has taken money from Vnesheconombank as the credit for construction of an elite housing estate in the Odintsovo district of Moscow region. The bank has given money of the construction company LLC Zarechye 2 which was partially belonging to Shamkhalov, but the housing estate hasn't been constructed, and the credit isn't returned. Then plunder and fraud. In A. Karaulov's program "The truth moment" of 21.03.16 it has been told that for issuance of credit "KICKBACK" - 5% of the credit sum, then when it became known that the credit won't be returned has been made, have in addition requested still KICKBACK but already 20% of the credit sum. At the same time it is highlighted that on "line Waca" to Shamkhalov there are no claims, all submitted information strenuously is taken away from "scientific fulfillments" of professor Shamkhalov and from his scientific achievements towards frauds with the credit and arising, disappearing elite complexes. As far as we know from mass media including from A. Karaulov's program "The truth moment" of Felix Shamkhalov since February 17, 2014 after all listed and other acts have released from prison from under house arrest, under a subscription about not departure. Meanwhile the investigation of case of the former head of the Highest Certifying Commission (HCC) still proceeds. Source: http://www.lebed.com/2013/art6170.htm

22. We will give one more example: On May 28, 2013 in MKRU there was Olga Marandi's article: "The education system goes to pieces" where it is said that the Ministry of Education and Science was accused of "gross violations" at award of academic degrees. The State Office of Public Prosecutor has convicted the Ministry of Education and Science of "gross violations" at award of academic degrees and ranks and delivery of permissions on creation of dissertation councils. As they say in the message on the website of supervising department, in 2012 the presidium of the Highest certifying commission has illegally issued 1323 diplomas of the doctor of science. To the Minister of Education representation is brought. It after the commission of experts has finished verification of the doctoral and master's theses on history defended in the Moscow pedagogical state university (MGPU). It has become clear that in higher education institution there was the whole line production of fictitious scientific works. Shamakhalov with the criminal and business grasp has at once felt a pot of gold. It not only fantastic sum. It is the real power. Now depended on him to what of officials to give academic degrees. All of them will be tied by mutual responsibility. Nobody will peep - on all a compromising evidence. They, by the way, in many respects also advanced the scientific representative in the power. Scientific degrees for 2014 had more than 60 (from 87) heads of the Russian regions. To be protected ministers, the highranking officials and governors became generally in the last 10 years. In the 60th years of last century there was only one ostepenenny chief-official. Their quantity has grown in hundreds of times! From 550 high-ranking federal officials at a half of them, 274 people, - scientific degrees. Here only a few examples. One of ministers in two years - skorostrelny postgraduate study. In 30 years - already the doctor of science. And on physics. Then the young doctor of physics for some reason gains the diploma of the Moscow state legal academy in "law" and right there becomes the doctor of jurisprudence. Other, younger minister - the rapid candidate, in two years - the doctor of political science (VAK demands 5 years after candidate). A few years more - and he are twice a doctor, the second doctor's - on history. And right there, only in two years, from 2010 to 2012 publishes 17 books on history! The ex-CEO of "Rosagrolizinga", then the Minister of Agriculture has entitled one of the three theses "Leasing development strategy". Why to her three theses - secret. Probably, one main and two spare. Strategy of leasing has yielded rich fruits. Or one more Scientist of the future - the Former Minister of Defence: Doctor of Economics. Electronic resource: The access mode - .http://slon.ru/russia/institut_blagorodnyh_ekonomistov-399761.xhtml).

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