Удосконалення механізму державного регулювання діяльності підприємств малого інноваційного бізнесу

Розгляд та характеристика науково-методичних основ державної політики регулювання інноваційного розвитку підприємництва. Розробка пропозицій та практичних рекомендацій щодо удосконалення організаційного механізму державного регулювання малого бізнесу.

Рубрика Государство и право
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.07.2015
Размер файла 104,9 K

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Ключевые слова: механизм государственного регулирования, этические стандарты, классификация, малый инновационный бизнес, стратегические альянсы, модель жизнеспособности.


Ivanova O.V. Improvement of the Mechanism for Government Regulation of Small Innovative Business Enterprises. - Manuscript.

The thesis for the Candidate's Degree in State Management on specialty 25.00.02. - Mechanisms of state management. - Donetsk State University of Management of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, Donetsk, 2010.

The thesis grounds the necessity to improve the mechanism for government regulation of small innovative business activity. The role and place of small innovative business in the national economy has been defined; and the necessity of introducing ethic standards for small business of Ukraine has been grounded in order to improve ethic environment where small business of Ukraine operates. Theoretical principles are described to classify of small business enterprises by categories on the basis of their innovativeness, they give businessmen the mechanism for finding effective managerial decisions as for strategies of development.

The model of small business viability which determines basic controlled factors of viability and reflects its ability for successful innovative activity on the market has been built. The innovative form of small business organization is offered. It is a strategic alliance of Ukrainian enterprises and foreign corporations able to enhance small business's competitiveness. Conception of methodical provision for forming target programs of innovative development of small business is presented taking into account a criterion of priority alternative programs. Methodical recommendations on elaboration of estimates for priority target programs for small business innovative development has been worked out.

Key words: mechanism of government regulation, ethic standards, classification, small innovative business, strategic alliances, viability model.

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