Optimization of mastering language means of communication through interactive teaching methods

The specifics and technology of creating visual aids; the use of visualization technologies ("augmented reality") in modern educational trends. The directions for using computers in education. The essence of the most common games in pedagogical practice.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дата добавления 11.10.2024
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Optimization of mastering language means of communication through interactive teaching methods

Nataliia Kalashnik, Ph.D.(Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Ukrainian Studies Department, Vinnytsya Mykola Pyrohov National Medical University; Dmytro Kostenko, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy) of Public Administration, Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Assistant of the Foreign Languages of Mathematical Faculties Department, Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology of Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, Associate Professor of the Language Training Department, Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection, Doctoral Student of the Institute of Problems on Education of the NAES of Ukraine

The article substantiates the importance ofproper mastery of language means of communication by future specialists with higher education in universities of Ukraine, which is based on learning a foreign language. Emphasis is placed on the need to use interactive methods in the educational process, which have recently received considerable attention in pedagogical science and practice.

The publication reveals the features, specifics and technology of creating visual aids; the use of visualization technologies in modern educational trends is highlighted; the principles to which visualization must comply, taking into account its main functions, are clarified. It is indicated that the combination of reproductive and creative exercises is important in the formation of students ' speech communication. Educational-gaming activity was noted as one of the most effective interactive methods, the essence of the most common games in pedagogical practice was revealed. The authors recommend using the technology of interactive visualization (“augmented reality”, abbreviated AR), which supplements the image of the real world with virtual elements, where augmented reality can “revive” almost any educational materials - illustrations in books, models, diagrams, maps, drawings in albums, etc.

The following directions for using computers in education were singled out: 1) the computer as an object of study; 2) the computer as a means of learning; 3) the computer as a component of the system in the board ofpublic education; 4) the computer as an element of scientific research methodology. In addition, the importance of modular rating control of educational achievements of students in the process of mastering language means of communication is emphasized.

Keywords: student; higher education; language means of communication; interactive learning methods; educational and game activity; visualization technologies; modular training; modular rating control.

Оптимізація освоєння мовних засобів спілкування через інтерактивні методи навчання

Наталія Калашнік, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри українознавства Вінницького національного медичного університету імені М.І. Пирогова; Дмитро Костенко, доктор філософії в галузі державного управління, кандидат педагогічних наук, асистент кафедри іноземних мов математичних факультетів Навчально-наукового інституту філології Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка, доцент кафедри мовної підготовки Інституту державного управління та наукових досліджень з цивільного захисту, докторант Інституту проблем виховання Національної академії педагогічних наук України

У статті обґрунтовано важливість належного оволодіння майбутніми фахівцями з вищою освітою у ЗВО України мовними засобами комунікації, в основі чого лежить засвоєння іноземної мови. Акцентовано на необхідності застосування у навчальному процесі інтерактивних методів, яким останнім часом у педагогічній науці і практиці приділяється значна увага.

Розкрито особливості, специфіку та технологію створення візуальних засобів; висвітлено використання технологій візуалізації у сучасних освітніх трендах; з'ясовано принципи, яким має відповідати візуалізація, враховуючи її основні функції. Вказано, що важливим у формуванні мовленнєвої комунікації студентів є поєднання репродуктивних і творчих вправ. Відзначено як один найбільш ефективних інтерактивних методів навчально- ігрову діяльність, розкрито сутність найбільш поширених у педагогічній практиці ігор. Авторами рекомендовано застосовувати технологію інтерактивної візуалізації (“augmented reality”, скор. AR), яка доповнює зображення реального світу віртуальними елементами, де доповнена реальність може “оживити” практично будь-які навчальні матеріали - ілюстрації у книгах, моделі, схеми, карти, малюнки в альбомах тощо.

Виокремили такі напрями використання комп'ютерів в освіті: 1) комп'ютер як об'єкт вивчення; 2) комп'ютер як засіб навчання; 3) комп'ютер як складова частина системи управління народною освітою; 4) комп'ютер як елемент методики наукових досліджень. Додатково наголошено на важливості модульно-рейтинговому контролю навчальних досягнень студентів у процесі оволодіння мовними засобами комунікації.

Ключові слова: студент; вища освіта; мовні засоби комунікації; інтерактивні методи навчання; навчально-ігрова діяльність; візуальні засоби навчання; модульне навчання; модульно-рейтинговий контроль.


During the entire period of study at the university, foreign students study the Ukrainian language, which is necessary for their communication in Ukraine. The main task of teachers is to ensure that they acquire the level of language knowledge required for professional activity. Linguistic competence is a kind of preamble to the generation of statements in a foreign language and is realized through speech. The content of linguistic competence is the assimilation of categories and units of language and their functions, the study of patterns and rules for mastering system-structural formations of a semantic, syntactic, morphological, phonological nature, which are necessary for understanding and constructing speech, it is the ability to understand and implement the grammatical nature of speech.

Optimizing the educational process for mastering language communication by future specialists is a universal problem today. A special emphasis in solving this problem is placed on the skillful application of a set of interactive learning methods, the use of opportunities and tools inherent in them.

Ukrainian scientists I. Hryshchenko, O. Pometun and L. Pyrozhenko [3], N. Lalak [11], T. Peresunko, S. Sysoeva [14] and others have devoted their work to various issues of the implementation of interactive technologies in education. This problem is widely covered in foreign pedagogy. Various aspects of the study of theoretical and methodological conditions of studying foreign students are considered by H. Bochev, T. Dementieva, M. Dudchenko, O. Lysak, O. Rezvan, H. Shevchuk, M. Shcherbyak and other scientists [6].

The purpose of the article is to reveal the possibilities of using interactive learning methods to optimize the acquisition of language means of communication by students-future specialists with higher education.

Review of sources

The information saturation of the modern world requires special preparation and certain adaptation of educational material before presenting it to students, in order to provide basic or necessary information in a visually accessible form that will be understandable and easily accessible. Such activities require clear planning, consideration, and the right selection of tools for their implementation. The creation of such resources requires the teacher to have psychological-pedagogical, methodological, technological knowledge and skills, as well as knowledge of the step- by-step technology of designing digital didactic visual aids.

Features of the implementation of computer technologies in the educational process were studied by R. Gurevich, M. Zhaldak, N. Zhitenova [17, 18], M. Ka- demiya, N. Kalashnik [5, 6], V. Lapinskyi, S. Peipert, O. Pinchuk, O. Chaikovska and others. The problems of professional education are highlighted in the works of R. Gurevich, N. Nychkalo, M. Smetanskyi, A. Kalenskyi, N. Kalashnik [7; 8; 9] and others. In particular, the issue of philological higher education was reflected in the researches of G. Kytaigorodska, T. Matsko, K. Svyatchyk, and others [6].

A teacher-speaker cannot independently organize work on the study of professional terminology as a system that serves as a basis for mastering a future profession, find informative texts by specialty, select from a large number of terms the most used in a certain field of production. Therefore, we see prospects for getting out of this situation in the close cooperation of teachers of the Ukrainian language (with a professional orientation) with teachers of profiling professional disciplines, in the creation of integrated methodical manuals on the Ukrainian language, filled with texts that carry basic knowledge for future specialists, saturated with the most used professional terminology, creation of minimal translation dictionaries of professional terms and professional compounds that would describe professional terminology in the term system, that is, taking into account all generic-species and logical-conceptual connections. It would be desirable to teach professionally oriented disciplines in the national language, increase the number of Ukrainian-language textbooks, branch translation and explanatory dictionaries.

R. Gurevich, M. Zhaldak, N. Zhitenova, M. Kademiya, V. Lapinskyi, S. Peypert, O. Pinchuk and others studied the peculiarities of the introduction of computer technologies into the educational process [1; 3; 5; 6; 11; 12; 14; 15; 17; 18]. The problems of professional education are highlighted in the works of R. Gurevich, N. Nychkalo, M. Smetanskyi, and others. In particular, the issues of philological higher education were reflected in the researches of H. Kytaigorodskaya, T. Matsko, K. Sviatchyk and others [4-11].

Thus, V. Yukalo [16] in his menual developed a system of exercises and tasks aimed at developing the language culture of a medical student. “Dictionary of Difficulties of = Russian Ukrainian Translation” helps students correct common mistakes (especially Russianisms in Ukrainian) that are used in doctors' professional language: “круглодобово/цілодобово”; “алое/ алоє”; “синець/синяк” etc.

The author paid considerable attention to the assimilation of language stereotypes of the doctor's communication, correcting errors in the application of these stereotypes (“head of the department/head of the department”; “cardiogram/cardiogram of the heart”), accentuation norms: “wAlking/walkIng”; “asymmEtry/ asymmetrY” etc. Such work contributes to the optimization of communication in the medical field.

Presentation of the material

The formation of language competence of students-future specialists with higher education depends in many cases on the work of lexicographers in language classes. For this purpose, we offer the use of the method of test control of language competence, the study of the most common language constructions of the professional language of a doctor during the performance of various tasks and exercises. Folk creativity, art, non-equivalent vocabulary, etc. are important means of forming students' communicative culture. This determines the introduction of certain didactic material into the educational process.

The productivity of assimilation of terms and their active use in oral and written professional speech largely depends on a suitable system of preparatory exercises, consistently aimed at both translation and thoughtful assimilation of terminology, as well as activation of speaking and listening skills necessary for the application of this terminology in specific working situations.

A combination of exercises of both a reproductive nature, which perform an informative function, and creative ones, which contribute to the active independent use of terminological vocabulary in accordance with the professional situation, is effective.

Among the large number of reproductive exercises, it is effective to use the following: give oral interpretation of professional terms; match the terms to the proposed definitions; compile a terminological dictionary for the text from the specialist textbook, explaining the terms; retell the material of the previous lecture, paying attention to the pronunciation and use of professional terminology.

Exercises of creative direction should be more complex and involve greater independence of the student during their execution, for example: use a dictionary to choose synonyms for terms, make pairs of them, enter synonymous terms into sentences, taking into account the nuances of their meanings; with the help of a dictionary, choose antonyms for the terms, make sentences with them; make an oral statement of a professional direction, using professional terminology; compose a dialogue on a production topic, saturated with your professional terminology; read the text, correct the terms used with a meaning that is not characteristic of them.

Undoubtedly, the most expedient for the formation of professional speaking competence on the basis of scientific and professional terminology is the use of texts from the specialty, small in volume, accessible in content, saturated with words, stable word combinations and grammatical constructions characteristic of the language of the specialty. Only at the level of the text, the professional terms studied appear as a complete communicative system, suitable for use in certain work situations.

For example, foreign and domestic students, respectively, can be offered to use English texts with professional terminology for translation. The teacher's task is to provide students with appropriate texts, to study the minimum vocabulary of the topic. As a result, future specialists enrich their vocabulary with professional terminology.

In the modern world, in connection with the expansion of globalization processes and the deepening of international interaction, the importance of intercultural competence for representatives of all countries is increasing. This need can be realized with the help of a set of interactive methods of teaching students. These methods ensure the comprehensive assimilation of not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills and abilities necessary for effective communication.

One of the most effective methods is educational and game activity. This is confirmed by its psychological and pedagogical features (freedom, competition, conditional role performance, imitation); the communicative nature of the game, which is close to the specifics of the discipline “Foreign Language” - addressing another culture. In the role-playing game, the emphasis is on interpersonal interaction [14]. Participants “play” roles and situations that are important to them in real life, while the game nature of the situation frees the players from the practical consequences of its solution, which expands the boundaries of the search for ways of behavior, and gives space for creativity. After the game, a psychological analysis is conducted by the group together with the coach. In our work, we use games common in pedagogical practice [6]:

- If I were a teacher. “The content of the game is that: the teacher offers students a text to study; after the end of the allotted time, students should be able to ask such problematic questions to other members of the group, so that with their help, in the role of a teacher, you can check the degree of understanding of the content of the read text”.

- “Competition of connoisseurs”. The study group is divided into two or three teams that work on solving the problem. Students study additional literature, analyze and discuss the information received. After that, each group offers its presentation of the topic. For this purpose, one representative of each team acts. Opponents, representatives of other groups, ask questions, clarifying the depth of awareness and presentation of the problem. All team members participate in the answers.

- “Detectives”. The teacher prepares a text on the studied problem in advance. Before handing it out to future doctors, he names only the title and invites the participants of the future game to comment on the possible problems of the text. After that, the group is divided into two teams. One team receives a text that lacks quite important concepts, without which understanding the content is difficult (important words are pasted over). The second command has the full text. After reading the text, the members of the first team ask the following questions about the content in order to fill in the missing information after receiving an answer from the other team. After the work is completed, there is an exchange of ideas, which allows for a deeper and wider discussion of the text problem.

- “Deepening the essence”. Players are divided into two teams. Each of them receives for study small texts united by one topic. Team members should consider the essence of the phenomenon being studied, write down a few words about the most important thing, comment on the most important information. Team representatives announce their version of the essence of the problem. Only positive thoughts are allowed for discussion, i.e. development, continuation, deepening, generalization of what was said. Then a summary is given, it is analyzed which understanding and presentation of the essence was deep.

- “Generalization”. The organizer offers students to combine excerpts of texts on one topic according to a variety of features. Future doctors make various notes, trying to come up with their own version of the generalization of these passages of texts. Then those who want to tell by what principle they combine these passages.

- “Brain storm”. The teacher offers students to jointly solve the problem: “What is common and what is different between two certain objects or phenomena”. Students read a selection of texts on this topic and after discussion in groups of 3-5 people offer versions of the solution. The teacher writes ideas on the board, in the process of collective discussion of proposals, the most accurate options for solving the problem are determined.

- “Ask a question”. The task is that one player whispers a question in the ear of his neighbor, he answers this question out loud, and all other participants of the game must guess what question was asked and formulate it. Players receive one point for each guessed and correctly constructed question. The winner of the game is the one who scored the maximum number of points.

- “Incarnation in a role”. The game involves acting out a dialogue based on a ready-made pattern. Students get acquainted with the text - a dialogue of a certain topic in advance and memorize it, play roles, developing a strategy and tactics of their behavior in accordance with practical experience. Another version of this game is possible. The study group is divided into two teams, each of which receives its own scenario. After instruction on acting out the scenes, students independently prepare a game task in the after-school time. During the lesson, before acting out the situation, the teams formulate a problem that the opposing team must solve after watching the scene.

According to our observations, the trainings “Share with me”, “Visual sensation” and “I understand you” were the most interesting for students:

- Exercise “Share with me”. The purpose of the exercise: empathic diagnosis of personal qualities, expansion of the repertoire of ways of mutual understanding. Training participants are invited to write down 10 qualities on a card: tenderness, the ability to sympathize (empathy), the ability to create a good mood, emotionality, benevolence, intelligence, organizational skills, firmness of character, determination, creativity. The list may be changed depending on the composition of the group and the goals of the lesson. If necessary, the teacher explains the meaning of these qualities. Then each participant must decide which quality is present in someone from the group to a greater extent than he and approach this person with the phrase: “Please share with me, for example, your ability to empathize”. The participant to whom the request was addressed marks this quality on the card. Thus, it is necessary to go around the whole group, asking everyone for a quality (or several). Each participant's card will have notes on what qualities others demanded of him, and what qualities he himself demanded. 20 minutes are allotted for the exercise. After completing the task, the participants sit in a circle for discussion. The results can be discussed both quantitatively and qualitatively.

- “Visual sensation” procedure. The purpose of the exercise: improvement of perceptual skills of perception and representation of each other. Everyone sits in a circle. The leader asks everyone to look carefully at the faces of the rest of the participants, and after 2-3 minutes, everyone should close their eyes and try to imagine the faces of the other members of the group. Within 1-2 minutes, it is necessary to fix in memory the face that was best imagined. After the exercise, the group shares its impressions and repeats the exercise. Task: each of the participants must try to recreate in their memory as many faces of their partners as possible.

- Exercise “I understand you”. Purpose: formation of the ability to give feedback, development of skills to understand the state of another person by non-verbal manifestations. Each member of the group chooses a partner, then within 4-5 minutes. Verbally describes his state, mood, feelings, desires at the moment. The one whose condition the partner describes must either confirm the correctness of the assumptions or refute them. The work can be done both in pairs and in a general circle. Studying such intercultural dialogues opens up great prospects for the modern student: he takes the first step towards other cultures; gives knowledge and understanding of other cultures; discovers the theoretical and practical wealth of other cultures; allows you to understand the significance of the need to learn from other people, to be enriched by their experience, to understand similarities and differences in cultures [8].

Conducting trainings contributes to the improvement of professional skills and skills in solving a number of pedagogical tasks. During trainings, teachers practice the skills and abilities of the teacher's pedagogical technique: first of all, speech technique, psychotechnique, mimicry, pantomime, communication; techniques for restoring physical and mental well-being, overcoming psychological barriers, overcoming conflicts, preventing professional burnout, managing attention, skills for activating educational and cognitive activities and acting, etc. are mastered. In our opinion, it would be appropriate for both teachers and students to create a language training program aimed at developing communicative skills, lecturing skills, pedagogical techniques, improving the methods of conducting classes, including in foreign languages, etc. The following trainings are common in the professional development system: “Pedagogical communication”, “Voice training”, “Lecture skills”, “Overcoming problems in pedagogical activities”, etc.

The strategy of the communicative approach is the practical goal of preparing future specialists with higher education for professional and communicative interaction in professional activities thanks to the mastery of foreign language communication [9].

Computer technologies make it possible to develop and reproduce methodological support for the educational process, to create electronic catalogs of departmental resources. The use of the latest information technologies allows non-philology students, processing non-traditional sources of information, to perform tasks creatively, independently, to consolidate professional skills. The teacher has the ability to quickly update the content of educational programs, design the learning environment, develop various problematic and creative tasks, and develop the personality of students.

Augmented reality is one of the bright and very effective solutions to these issues in order to constantly be “in trend”, one step ahead and constantly surprise students. Augmented reality (“augmented reality”, abbreviated AR) is an interactive visualization technology that supplements the image of the real world with virtual elements. Today, thanks to the widespread use of mobile devices, all you need to do is download a special application that overlays digital information (3D models, video, audio, etc.) on the real-world image received from the camera and displays the result on the screen. Due to the minimum requirements for 11 equipment (only a computer or laptop or a mobile phone, which every organization and every child has today), this technology can be used by everyone, in addition, the child can continue to work on projects in a familiar environment at home in any minute Augmented reality can “revive” almost any educational materials - illustrations in books, models, diagrams, maps, drawings in albums, etc. Such technology develops student's interest in learning, because not every lesson allows you to hold the planets in the palm of your hand, put a spaceship on the desk, recreate historical events and watch the progress of the battle. The listed aspects show that augmented reality allows you to learn, process and create large volumes of information much faster, which positively affects the optimization of the learning process [17].

Let's consider computer-based learning technologies, since now they are the focus of the organization and implementation of the educational process. Among the advantages of computer technologies for their use in the educational process, we highlight the following: informative and scientific support, flexibility in planning and organization of education, the possibility of prompt updating of educational materials, giving the student the opportunity to combine and choose means and forms of education and independently monitor his process, modeling the analysis of professional situations and interaction with students, providing online communication between the teacher and the student, multimedia educational information, operational and appropriate control over the process of formation of professionally significant abilities and skills, personal approach, the possibility of effective dissemination of accumulated experience, suitability for the implementation of the model of continuous education, creation of a useful discourse environment and effective specialization of participants of virtual working groups, creation of an environment of competition of training courses, reduction of time costs, savings on consumables, creation of additional means of motivation for learning, education of perseverance, diligence and respect for work. M. Fitsula singles out the following areas of use of computers in education: “1) the computer as an object of study; 2) the computer as a means of learning; 3) the computer as a component of the system in the board of public education; 4) the computer as an element of scientific research methodology” [2, 142].

We will analyze in more detail modern technological trends used in modern education and reveal the possibilities of their application for visual presentation of information. For a long time, the leading position was occupied by the Windows operating system. However, non-free software constrains the possibilities of its application, especially in the educational process. Today, an increasing number of educators prefer freeware and strive to use appropriate operating systems, including various versions of Linux (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Debian, etc.), OpenSolaris, FreeBSD, KolibriOS and others. But the use of other operating systems in the educational process encounters certain difficulties, the main of which is the lack or insufficient functionality of the corresponding software. Therefore, the question of such software, which could function on different platforms, becomes relevant. Today, there is quite a lot of appropriate software, among which the most popular are the programming languages C, C++, Free Pascal, the GIMP graphics editor, OpenGL, an open graphics library for creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics applications, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and many others.

To the tools used when creating sites, include a browser (it provides the ability to change the logo, standard images, site theme, debug web parts and connect new components), Microsoft SharePoint Designer (SPD) - free editor and program for web design (it allows you to choose the format and content of SharePoint pages using asp.net technologies, current web standards such as xhtml, and cascading style sheets; create interactive web pages without programming; create work processes). The toolkit also includes Microsoft Visual Studio - an environment for developing and configuring websites based on Windows SharePoint Services. It helps to create Windows programs, console applications and class libraries, web applications for work in a browser (so-called asp.net websites). The platform is based on such technologies as:

- Microsoft asp.net (for the development of additional functions);

- xml (for data exchange);

- html (to reproduce the site pages);

- xslt (for interaction with xml data);

- Microsoft ado.net (for receiving data from server systems);

- Microsoft Visual Basic.net, or any other language compatible with the Microsoft.net Framework;

- Microsoft JScript or JavaScript code (for developing user-side functionality) [12, 15].

Considering the features of the modern digital generation, one should not forget about the use of mobile gadgets, where the idea of creation is to establish the next technotrend of mobile learning. The idea is that learning takes place regardless of location and takes place using portable technologies. Mobile learning technologies are closely related to educational mobility in the sense that students can organize mobile classes and have the opportunity to participate in educational activities without limitations in time and space. The ability to study anywhere and at any time is a common trend of human life in the information society. Today, one of the most popular and convenient mobile devices for learning is a tablet, the use of which makes it possible to transmit information to the tablets with the help of animation and interactive actions, making the learning process interesting and exciting. For example, to turn a set of incomprehensible and abstract mathematical formulas into a meaningful and interesting process, where the student will see not only the formula of a parabola, but will be able to superimpose its graphic formula on the built bridge. Visualize physical laws and rules, and then “the force of action is equal to the force of opposition” will no longer be just incomprehensible words.

The mobile learning environment, which includes multimedia lessons, modern teaching methods and knowledge presented in a digital format, becomes for the student a whole world filled with new opportunities. Students not only get unlimited access to scientific materials, but the learning process itself changes, which becomes fundamentally different, because the acquisition of knowledge, its understanding and verification changes before our eyes, becomes lightning-fast and interactive. However, it should be noted that any innovation in education, any new educational method must successively go through several stages: analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. In order to use the new possibilities of mobile learning in the educational process, organizational, research and methodical work is needed to implement modern strategies, forms and methods of mobile learning in the educational process, and only such an approach will allow organizing high- quality education [17].

As a result of the analysis of literary sources, it was found that at the moment there are no principles that a teacher should follow when creating and selecting visual didactic materials. Let's consider in more detail the principles that visualization must comply with, taking into account its main functions [17, 18]: transmission of large verbal descriptions in a compact and concentrated format, adequacy to the psychophysiological characteristics of the child, support of a high pace of learning and reduction of its ineffective phases and ensuring the speed of interpretation of information and, accordingly, awareness and assimilation of knowledge. Let's consider these principles in more detail. The principle of brevity, which involves taking into account the characteristics of modern youth, who have a “clip” thinking and perceive the world literally “on the fly” as a series of practically unrelated events and facts, think globally, ask questions rather than receive answers to them, spend with electronic devices more time than with peers. This pace of today's life requires the teacher to present educational material in the form of concise, but meaningful, clear, bright and interesting images.

This principle is based on the fact that visual aids should convey the teacher's opinion, omitting everything random and secondary, be as simple as possible and should not contain unnecessary elements, and the information provided should be clear, specific and short, convenient for perception and further processing. The principle of autonomy, which provides a clear limitation of each piece of information and the completeness of each of its blocks. Given that each block carries its own semantic load, it is perceived and remembered in a generalized, concise form. The principle of autonomy implies the need to separate information blocks from each other, which must be clearly separated from others and, in accordance with the principle of structurality, have a complete structure that is easy to remember and differs from others. The principle of autonomy is based on the fact that the content should reflect the character of the object, its main properties and take into account the fact that when perceiving and memorizing objects, a person's shortterm working memory is limited and a large amount of information is practically not remembered. The principle of structurality, the essence of which consists in combining key points into logically connected semantic blocks, simplified for understanding the main elements that make up the entire array of information, as well as the logic of the interconnection of these elements. This principle is based on the fact that the visualization should contain associative series, have various mnemonics that make it easier to remember information. As a result of such simplification, logically structured material is easier to remember, longer stored in memory and faster to reproduce.

The principle of anchoring, the essence of which is the creation of special visual anchors on the main semantic elements that reveal the meaning and essence of the researched question. This principle is based on the fact that in order to focus attention in the right places and to organize information, the visualization should single out the most significant elements from the point of view of perception by the observer, which should be clearly depicted, emphasized by sizes, changes in proportions, shape, selection of words, color blocks, using 3D graphics, color and tonal gradients, etc. The principle of phasing, which involves displaying information in a strictly defined sequence. The correct sequence of presentation of visual material facilitates the learning process and makes it more effective. This principle is based on the fact that each stage of visualization must be detailed and logically thought out and built taking into account certain general rules for the presentation of educational material, for example, such as the transition from easy to difficult, from simple to complex, from known to new, use of practical situations, which require students to independently see, understand and comprehend, etc. The principle of aesthetics, the essence of which is to create the emotional and psychological comfort of the student in the process of presenting educational material. Visual materials should develop sensorimotor stimuli, influence the emotional sphere of students, activate the emotional-figurative component of thinking, the contextual inclusion of cultural elements, facilitate the child's knowledge of the world, the phenomena being studied, ensure the student's success, his comfort and the safety of the educational process.

This principle is based on the fact that visualization should be provided by special means of design, traditional and new elements of the culture of educational materials. The principle of simplicity and accessibility, the essence of which is to create or select such a visualization that will be simple and easy to understand, based on the student's existing knowledge of the subject. This principle is based on the fact that it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of information perception, so that the visualization is understood “correctly” and carries the semantic load laid down by the author. Data should be encoded so that visual decoding occurs as accurately as possible without special mental loads. The principle of influencing the maximum number of senses, the essence of which is that visualization should engage all senses. The emotional component is a very important component of a successful educational process, because when a child works with emotional stress, the learning process becomes very effective. This principle is based on the fact that visualization can be implemented by various artistic techniques, animation, use of robotics for manipulation, have sound accompaniment, 3D graphics, immersion in virtual worlds, etc. [18].

In the training of future specialists with higher education, we recommend holding such games in foreign language classes, where the entire scenario of the event is of a foreign language character. This approach gives a double didactic effect: the speaking skills are polished and the communication style between the subjects is developed.

The interactive nature of the activities of students with higher education in foreign language classes is due to the creation of educational and language situations that motivate students to the need for foreign language communication in conditions similar to natural ones. The educational-linguistic situation is defined as a set of linguistic conditions necessary for the student to correctly perform the linguistic action in accordance with the communicative task. The situations can be constructed on the basis of the Ukrainian texts being studied and considered in connection with the work on them, or they can be created independently of the texts and included in the classes as exercises for the development of educational and language activities. The language situation allows you to determine the relevance of language activity on the basis of the topic, to ensure its communicative motivation, to identify aspects of communicative communication using conditional modeling (agree - disagree; doubts - affirmation; unequivocal statement - free discussion, etc.); on the basis of the structural components of the language situation (formulation of communicative tasks) to exert an influence that encourages communication, the intention of statements [6, 26].

The content of the language in various social spheres of activity (domestic, business, educational, political, industrial, etc.) is determined by the topic of the message. Within the scope of solving the task of forming the language communication ability of foreign students, we will consider approximate variants of situations that will be able to bring them closer to establishing contacts with native speakers:

- The situation of a business meeting with native speakers in connection with the discussion of plans for joint work, acceptance of obligations to conclude possible contracts, etc. The following linguistic intentions are possible: to show one's interest in the topic of conversation; to support the judgment of foreign-speaking partners on the discussed issue; express your point of view; express disagreement with the interlocutor's position, want to reject it or find a compromise solution to the issue; to feel satisfaction with the nature of the conversation, its result.

- The situation of a meeting with business partners at an exhibition-presentation of new equipment in a certain field of production, supply of equipment, various preparations created by domestic associations.

- We use such linguistic intentions as: to express the desire to interest native speakers in purchasing some exhibition objects; to give an opportunity to feel your desire for a positive outcome of the meeting; to force to give an assessment of what is presented at the exhibition: to offer to substantiate one's point of view with more arguments; to ask to repeat what was said at a slow pace, to ask the meaning of words and expressions unknown to you; to give the other side the opportunity to feel firm in defending your position on some aspect of your issue; to give an opportunity to feel your partial satisfaction with the intentions of native speakers, to postpone negotiations for a later time; show willingness to compromise; to thank native speakers for their participation in the exhibition-presentation.

- The situation of staying in a foreign-speaking family. Linguistic intentions that encourage communication: you want to express your admiration for the reception shown to you, the hospitality of the hosts, the beauty of the interior of the house and the surrounding landscape; apologize for insufficient knowledge of the language; do not agree with a remark about some of your manners, which do not correspond to the etiquette of the country of the native speakers; your reaction if you consider yourself offended by any of the family members (peers); try to show interest in the statements of the owners, their information about important places of the city; your reaction if you have no desire to visit the monuments; want to get interested in your country (hometown), your family, its customs, traditions; you are not surprised by something that, from the point of view of the hosts, is important, worthy of attention; your behavior, the nature of expressions, if you do not share the emotional feelings of the hosts; you want your communication to strengthen in the future, bring pleasure to both parties.

In our opinion, the successful formation of inter- cultural communicative competence largely depends on properly organized control. Control or verification of results is a mandatory component in the learning process, it is present at all stages of the learning process, but it acquires special importance after studying a certain section of the program and completing the degree. The essence of checking the learning results is not only to identify the level of knowledge mastery by students, which must meet the educational standard for a given program, subject, but also to determine the internal state of the student, the presence of an attitude to success. During the final control, written work should be carried out, which allows you to get a more complete picture of the achieved results. To obtain an objective assessment of control works, it is advisable to:

- divide the control work into elements according to the number of tasks;

- evaluate each task with a certain number of points (depending on the difficulty of the task);

- determine the total number of points for the control work;

- to determine the absorption coefficient, that is, the ratio of the number of points received in accordance with the total number of points [1].

In modern pedagogy, such concepts as “testing the results of knowledge”, “control” have a rather broad meaning. Often in didactics, the second concept is replaced by the concept of “pedagogical diagnosis”. The latter is understood by us as a process during which, based on the necessary scientific quality criteria, the teacher observes students and conducts ques-tionnaires or tests, processes observation and survey data and reports the results obtained in order to deter-mine the level of success, describe behavior, explain its motives or predict the behavior of students in the future.

Based on the analysis of theoretical sources, we determined the following requirements for control: purposefulness, objectivity, systematicity, representativeness. In order for the control to be purposeful, the teacher must set a specific task for himself, it is necessary to think about what type, form and means of control he will choose to carry out the control action. This is done on the basis of mapping species, forms and means with controlled objects. The purposefulness of control is ensured by the clarity and directionality of all its links, their logical connection and interdependence.

To get a valid picture of the result, the control must be objective. Objectivity plays an important role in the verification and evaluation process. If the content and techniques of control correspond to the nature of the controlled object, then it can be safely said that the control is objective. If the teacher sets himself the goal of checking the vocabulary, then the object should have tasks that control the vocabulary.

One of the necessary requirements for control is its systematicity, which can be expressed by the following characteristics: cycle, time factor, skill, material. If we are talking about a cycle, then control is necessary after the end of a certain number of classes, which complete the amount that students should have mastered at a certain time. For example, during several classes, students learn new vocabulary from a certain topic, practice it, write dictionary dictations, etc., and at the final stage, the correct use of this vocabulary is monitored in various tasks.

Scientists distinguish two main types of test tasks: open and closed. In open test tasks, after each question there is a place for students to answer (a word, an ending, part of a sentence, etc.). In a closed test task, several answer options are presented after the question, among which the student chooses the correct one. Methodologists emphasize that the increase in the number of tasks in closed tests to 50 and the presence of 4-5 options in the answers excludes the student from guessing the answer and believe that this type of test work is a fairly effective form of monitoring the students' educational activities. Therefore, the test control of knowledge is quite objective, saves the teacher's time for checking, makes it possible to individualize the learning process and predict the pace and performance of each student. Criterion-oriented tests, which are created on the basis of logical-psycho-logical structures and psychological correspondence, are gaining particular popularity during foreign language learning. Each task in tests of this type is built on the basis of key concepts and terms that students must master. The use of criterion-oriented tests is effective for both current and final attestation of students [7; 10].

We agree with the statement of N. Kalashnik, who in her article: “Interactive training of foreign medical students for verbal communication in the process of learning the Ukrainian language” (2019) assigns a regulatory role in relation to the control process to didactic principles, which are introduced into the pedagogical practice of control as a set of theoretical rules that contribute to the effective implementation of control over the cognitive activity of students. The purpose of their implementation is to achieve the highest control efficiency to improve the quality of education. The leading ones are:

- the principle of scientificity, since it primarily determines the possibility of effective control. This principle requires the use in the practice of control of scientifically based means of assessing students' knowledge, and also provides for checking the compliance of the tests with the criterion of reliability, which reflects the characteristics of the tests from the point of view of accuracy and stability of the measurement results. Considering the student's knowledge level as an object of measurement, it is possible to distinguish two main groups of factors affecting the accuracy of pedagogical assessments. The first group has a pronounced random character. It includes psychological and physiological factors, the influence of which on the control results cannot be predicted. The second group consists of nonrandom factors that reflect the peculiarities of the methods and means of measurement chosen for control;

- the principle of efficiency involves the selection of a certain method of conducting control, which ensures the full implementation of control functions with minimal expenditure of time, effort and resources on the part of the teacher. Improving efficiency is facilitated by the fulfillment of a set of requirements, on the basis of which the search for a solution is carried out for choosing the best possible combination of forms and methods of control: optimal performance of educational, educational and developmental functions of knowledge control; achieving objectivity when performing the diagnostic function of knowledge control; the minimum required expenditure of time and effort of teachers, provided that the maximum effect is achieved in the control process; application of quantitative methods and reliable tests to assess the level of preparedness of students;

- compliance with the principle of hierarchical organization aims at a certain hierarchy of knowledge, abilities and skills when selecting the content of control. This principle is focused only on the field of practical development of measuring devices, it aims at selecting the most important, aggregated requirements of the standards for displaying them in tests. Compliance with it must be constant. For example, it is impossible to be guided by this principle only in the final certification process, otherwise individual excellent students will suddenly end up among uncertified students. In general, the principle of hierarchical organization directs teachers to systematically control the level and quality of educational work with foreign students in accordance with the requirements of educational standards;

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