Term-forming potential of translated verb terms of non-equivalent type in Ukrainian computer terminology

Peculiarities of adaptation, functioning and use as a motivational base for term formation of computer verb terms of the non-equivalent type translated into Ukrainian. Consideration of verb terms in computer terminology as self-sufficient lexical units.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дата добавления 28.07.2023
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Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University

Term-forming potential of translated verb terms of non-equivalent type in ukrainian computer terminology

Smienova L.V.

Kushlyk O.P.


The article analyzes the peculiarities of adaptation andfunctioning of original computer verb terms of non-equivalent type translated into Ukrainian and their use as a motivational basis to create further terms. The authors consider computer verb terms as self-sufficient lexical units along with noun and adjective terms. They emphasize that, to a certain extent, actualization of verb terms violates the well-established Ukrainian terminology tradition to use only a noun as the most suitable part of speech for term formation. Recognition of their ability to convey a concept accurately and dynamically makes them an essential component of each terminological system and a requirement of the time.

It was found that the fact that the computer industry originated in the USA and, accordingly, the original language of computer terms determine the need to translate the original term into the language that borrows it to convey the denoted concept in computer term systems of different languages. In this case, the type of translation (equivalent / non-equivalent) affects the way of creation (for the equivalent type) or the way of translation (for the non-equivalent type) of the Ukrainian verb terms. Because the authors focus on forming verb computer terms on the basis of non-equivalent translation, they suggest the key ways to translate verb computer terms, outline the continuum of meanings capable of expressing a certain verb term, and ascertain the ability of some of them to express additional semantic shades within the term system. Furthermore, the article elucidates the potential of translated verb computer terms of non-equivalent type to serve as a basis for producing deverbatives, confirmed by the entry of the translated term into the lexical system of the Ukrainian language and belonging to the internal resource of the language.

Key words: verb term, verb, computer terminology, translation, translation equivalent, transcoding, transformative borrowing, modifying word-forming meaning.


Смєнова Л. В., Кушлик О. П. Термінотвірний потенціал перекладних дієслівних термінів безеквівалентного типу в українській комп'ютерній термінолексиці. У статті проаналізовано особливості адаптування, функціювання і використання як мотивувальної бази для подальшого термінотворення перекладних українською мовою оригінальних комп'ютерних дієслівних термінів безеквівалентного типу. Передусім актуалізовано розгляд дієслівних термінів у комп'ютерній термінології як самодостатніх лексичних одиниць. Наголошено, що актуалізація дієслівних термінів певною мірою порушує усталену в українському термінознавстві традицію послуговуватися лише іменником як найбільш придатною для термінотворення частиною мови. Визнання їхньої здатності точно, динамічно передавати те чи те поняття робить їх необхідним компонентом кожної терміносистеми і є вимогою часу.

З'ясовано, що факт зародження комп'ютерної галузі в США і відповідно мова оригіналу, якою створено комп'ютерні терміни, зумовлюють передусім при передачі позначуваного поняття у комп'ютерних термі- носистемах різних мов потребу перекладу оригінального терміна мовою, яка його запозичує. При цьому тип перекладу (еквівалентний / безеквівалентний) детермінує спосіб творення (для еквівалентного типу) чи спосіб перекладу (для безеквівалентного типу) українських дієслівних термінів. Увагу зосереджено на творенні дієслівних комп'ютерних термінів у результаті безеквівалентного перекладу. Названо основні способи перекладу дієслівних комп'ютерних понять, окреслено континуум значень, який здатен виражати той чи той утворений дієслівний термін, простежено спроможність деяких з них у межах терміносистеми виражати додаткові семантичні відтінки. Окрім цього, установлено потенціал перекладних дієслівних комп'ютерних термінів без- еквівалентного типу слугувати основою для продукування девербативів, що засвідчує входження перекладного терміна до лексичної системи української мови і уналежнення його до внутрішнього ресурсу мови.

Ключові слова: дієслівний термін, дієслово, комп'ютерна термінологія, переклад, перекладний еквівалент, транскодування, трансформне запозичення, модифікаційне словотвірне значення.

Defining the problem and argumentation of the topicality of the consideration

Industry-specific vocabulary and a number of related issues, in particular, outlining the place of this type of vocabulary in the national language system, its structuring based on scientific approaches, determining the differential features of structural units, establishing their multi-parametric (semantic, morphological, word-forming, stylistic) characteristics, clarifying the features of their functioning, codification, etc., in the era of globalization as a social development phenomenon, based on the systemic, multi-faceted and multi-level “integration of state and legal, economic-financial and socio-political institutions, ideas, principles, relations, moral-political, material and other values” [10, 437], as a global process covering all spheres of social life and leading to “the adjustment of national state administration systems, changes in economic, political and spiritual development strategies” [41, 4] of states and consequently development of national-ethnic, economic, cultural relations between states, adoption of high technologies, predominance of intellectual work over manual labor, etc., feature prominently in the linguistic space in general and within each national language in particular.

Industry-specific vocabulary is defined as words or phrases that “name objects and concepts belonging to different spheres of human labor activity and are not in common usage” (SSLT, 522), or a set of “lexical units (primarily terms) from special fields of [knowledge, which creates a special layer of vocabulary that is most quickly subject to conscious regulation and ordering” (Grinyov, 5), or “lexical devices for denoting special concepts of scientific-theoretical and professional-practical human activity, as well as for professional communication” [2, 4]. It is natural that linguists aspire to convey the concept of industry-specific vocabulary as accurately as possible, as evidenced by the above definitions, especially since each author tries to impart, to some extent, the relevant basis of the object of research in the definition. All interpretations share a desire to distinguish a set of lexical devices (“words”, “phrases”, “lexical units”) to denote specialized concepts used in a particular field of human activity.

One of these areas of human activity is computer technologies. The formation of terminology as the main layer of computer vocabulary (along with professionalisms and jargonisms) in various national languages in the context of the global rapid development of the computer industry is still ongoing. This is proved by numerous studies, the authors of which raise the issue of different quantitative composition of terminology, the existence of doublets naming the same concept (phenomenon or process), separation of terms as the main layer from professionalisms and jargonisms as secondary layers, non-codification of many units, ambiguity of their belonging / not belonging to the modern Ukrainian literary language as representing an independent term system, etc. [3, 90; 28, 1; 7, 190; 6, 6]. Despite the fact that computer technologies have already undergone five stages of their development [34, 69], the urgent need for using computer technologies in the context of modern processes of globalization, informatization, technologi- zation of society determines further development of the computer industry along with the computer terminology designed to ensure successful communication between users of these technologies.

Recently, Ukrainian linguists have been increasingly addressing the issue of the part of speech status of terms, including computer terms [30; 33]. They argue that substantivity as an essential feature of naming scientific concepts does not ensure clarity, precision and transparency the term should conform to. Consequently, it is quite logical to assert that in order to ensure clarity, accuracy and transparency, we should use terms from other parts of speech, which would directly convey the concepts they denote. A special place here belongs to verbal terms. Given the national specifics of thought formation and, accordingly, sentence construction - to use predicates (most often expressed by verbs) as carriers of the information communicated in the sentence (verbo- centrism theory), they make a statement more dynamic, natural thus reflecting “Ukrainians' natural ability to see everything in motion, in development” [31, 96].

The way original computer terms enter the Ukrainian language is common for words belonging to different parts of speech. Taking into account that the original computer terminology has a distinctly English coloring (both the computer industry and the original vocabulary denoting relevant concepts came into existence in the USA), the first stage in the formation of terminology in different languages was translating the term from the donor language to the recipient language, and later, depending on the translation mechanism, the term underwent various semantic and structural changes determined by the specifics of the recipient language. This way original terms entered the Ukrainian language also applies to verb terms. Depending on the presence or absence of an equivalent when translating a verb term from the donor language to denote a process, action or state, translated verbs are divided into two types - verbs that have a translated equivalent (equivalent verbs) and verbs that do not have such an equivalent (non-equivalent verbs). Belonging of a translated verb to a certain type correlates with the ways and mechanisms of computer term formation. In our previous articles, we have already considered the ways of forming Ukrainian verb terms based on translated verbs of equivalent type [35], while the formation of computer terms based on translated verbs of non-equivalent type, their functioning in various scientific texts, the development of their semantics, and their ability to produce new words remains outside researchers' attention, which determined the topicality of the proposed study.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The computer industry is one of the youngest among other industries and is still developing. Foreign linguists' studies show that they are interested primarily in the issue of adapting English computer terms to another language, in particular: Polish [21], French [15], Spanish [42], Arabic [11; 12; 1; 36; 37], etc. Ukrainian terminological studies demonstrate a two-vector nature of research interests. Some linguists scrutinize computer terms that already exist in the Ukrainian language and conduct in-depth research of their features at different linguistic levels and sub-levels. In particular, A. Niko- laieva made an attempt of a comprehensive study of the terminological system of programming, computer networks and information protection, taking into account the lexical-semantic and word-forming levels [28].

Filiuk offered her version of word-formation analysis of computer terms. She focused on the description of word-forming types of morphological and non-mor- phological ways of creating terms, and also outlined the issue of the variability of computer terms by establishing types of word-forming variants [6]. I. Mentynska in a series of scientific articles, some of them in co-authorship with H. Nakonechna, elucidated lexical-genetic, lexical-semantic, structural and word-forming features of modem computer terminology, identified the specifics of computer term lexicography, and also considered linguo-stylistic problems related to their use in scientific texts [22; 23; 24; 25]. O. Havrylova determined the areas of computer vocabulary development, typologized computer vocabulary into hardware terminology and software terminology, and characterized the ways of replenishing terms of each type [7]. In contrast, other researchers focus on ways of translating original computer terms into different languages [43; 8; 38; 4; 5; 19; 16]. These authors consider mainly the translation of noun computer terms (both simple and compound words), whereas L. Smienova researches into translation peculiarities with further word-forming changes or adaptation in the Ukrainian language of verb computer terms [33].

Setting the goal of the research

The aim of the research is to analyze the peculiarities of the formation of computer verb terms based on the translated Ukrainian verbs of non-equivalent type, their functioning in scientific texts (we mean scientific texts of external professional communication, i.e. articles in journals, instructions for users of various devices, instructions for installing equipment, textbooks, manuals, etc., with a somewhat simplified level of complexity for the target audience) [26, 34-37], as well as to trace their word-formation potential as lexical units that replenished the internal language resources.

The outline of the main research material. Non-equivalence is a very common phenomenon in translating words from one language into another. Linguistics offers various definitions of the concept of non-equivalent vocabulary and the authors try to characterize it as accurately as possible. Among the most often cited definitions is “a word or one of its meanings (direct or figurative) with no “fixed” equivalent in the vocabulary of another language in this historical period” [32, 7], or “words whose content plan cannot be correlated with any lexical concepts of a foreign language” [40, 42], etc. This lack of correspondence in the target language is often associated with the national and cultural uniqueness of the ethnic community from whose language a particular text is translated. Therefore, an important factor of non-equivalent vocabulary is verbalization in the donor language of the features of culture, lifestyle, traditions, national coloring, and national mentality [39, 255] of the native speakers. R. Zorivchak defined non-equivalent vocabulary as mono- and polysemantic units, “whose main lexical meaning contains a traditionally fixed set of ethno-cultural information alien to the objective reality of the recepient language” [44, 58], etc. However, apart from words with the so-called national-cultural component, often claiming to be labeled “non-equivalent”, a special place is taken by words that name realia (objects, phenomena, processes, etc.) related to the development of the latest areas of scientific and technological progress. The computer technology area used to be one of them. Consequently, a significant percentage of computer terminology is quite logically the non-equivalent vocabulary that “arrived” together with the realia it denoted.

The modes of conveying non-equivalent vocabulary and its proportion when compared to equivalent vocabulary differed depending on what part of speech the terms originating from the non-equivalent word belonged to. A lot of linguists believe that, of all the known ways of translating English scientific and technical vocabulary, in particular: 1) dictionary equivalents; 2) ambiguous words; 3) transcoding with its varieties: transcription, transliteration, mixed transcoding, adaptive transcoding; 4) cliches; 5) contextual substitution; 6) semantic development; 7) antonymic translation; 8) descriptive translation [9, 279-299], the principal ways to translate computer terms (belonging to different parts of speech) are: 1) transcoding (transliteration, transcription); 2) cliches; 3) descriptive translation; 4) equivalent translation [16, 164; 29, 32; 19, 151; 43, 56]. Verbal equivalents mostly appear in the Ukrainian language due to transcoding (translation method, when the sound and/or graphic form of an original word is conveyed through the target language ABC [9, 282]) by translating the stem (root) with accompanying suf- fixation (if necessary, also through some morphonologi- cal phenomena), with the aim to adjust the stem (root) of a word of the analytic inflectional donor language, which is English, to a word form of the synthetic inflectional recipient language, i.e. Ukrainian. The main elements to adapt the transcoded stem (root) are suffixes -uva- / -yuva-, -yzuva- / -izuva-, -fikuva- [14, 51], cf.: avtentyfikuvaty, animuvaty, asemblyuvaty, buferyzuvaty and buferuvaty, vektoryzuvaty and vektoruvaty, deskryptoruvaty, keshuvaty, komp'yuteruvaty and komp'yuteryzuvaty, formatyzuvaty and formatuvaty, etc. As the list of the given verb terms shows, the computer terminology of the Ukrainian language currently uses verbs with the same root formed with the help of the suffix -yzuva- / -izuva-, which appeared under the influence of the Russian language, and the suffix -uva- / -yuva- typical for the grammatical system of the Ukrainian language, cf.: buferyzuvaty and buferuvaty, vektoryzuvaty and vektoruvaty (from to vectorize), formatyzuvaty and formatuvaty (from to format). However, there is a strong tendency to supplant terms with the suffix yizuva- / -izuva-, which attest to the mediated way of transition of a term to the recipient language, and to preserve the same terms with the suffix -uva- / -yuva-, which make an adapted foreign word sound more naturally in the Ukrainian language.

Most of these verb terms express one meaning. For example, verb terms asemblyuvaty (Eng. to assemble), deskryptuvaty (Eng. to describe), keshuvaty (Eng. to cache) formed by adding the suffix -uva- to the transcoded stem (root) - assemble, describe, cache, denote (respectively): `to transmit a program through an assembler (i. e. a programming system that includes a low-level programming language and a translator from that language') (SUM-20, I, 272; AUSzMK, 38), e.g.: Vkazivnyk prohram TASKING kompiliuie, asembliuie, komponuie y pomishchaie faily v ubudovanyi proiekt [Nykolaichuk & Matviienko, 2010, 286]; `to describe the content of a text using information retrieval language units' (SUM-20, IV, 158), e.g.: Vyberit “Otrymaty parol dlia rezervnoho kopiiuvannia iTunes” z dvokh variantiv, pokazanykh na holovnomu interfeisi, a potim vyberit fail rezervnoi kopii, yakyi potribno deskryptuvaty; `to place and store frequently used information in the cache to increase the access speed' (SUM-20, VII, 44), or store frequently used information in cache memory' (AUSzMk, 67), e. g.: OZP [operatyvnyi zapamiatovuvalnyi prystrii], svoieiu cherhoiu, keshuie zvernennia do zhorstkoho dyska, a ostannii vykorystovuietsia dlia keshuvannia zapysu na optychnyi dysk (Muranov, 2006, 71), etc.

The verb terms buferyzuvaty (Eng. to buffer) and buferuvaty (Eng. to buffer), formed by transcoding the stem (root) buffer and adding the suffixes (respectively) -yzuva- and -uva-, are common with the semantics of `to use areas of RAM to store information temporary while exchanging it between primary and secondary storage' (VTSSUM, 104; SUM-20, I, 708), e.g.: Komutator buferyzuie vsi kadry, yaki do noho nadkhodiat, i buduie tablytsiu adres, u yakii adresy vuzliv merezhi zviazuiutsia z vidpovidnymy portamy komutatora (Redko, 2007, 235) and SQL Server mozhe buferuvaty storinky dlia optymizatsii navantazhennia ta roboty (Didenko, 2022, 39).

Most of the above terms that appeared in this way are recorded and interpreted in dictionaries. Moreover, it is notable that explanatory dictionaries provide more general definitions, whereas definitions in industry-specific dictionaries are more detailed. For example, the Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language (in 20 volumes) interprets the term vektoryzuvaty as `to convert a raster image into a vector image' (SUM-20, II, 107). In contrast, the English-Ukrainian Explanatory Dictionary of Computer Science, Internet and Programming defines it as `to convert a raster image of a paper map or a photograph of an area, due to which the shapes of objects distinguishable on the raster are described (formed, approximated) as integral vector objects' (AUTS, 277). Evidence of such detailed information is an example of the use of this term in special literature, e.g.: Dlia oderzhannia maksymalnoi yakosti taki zobrazhennia treba “vektoryzuvaty”, tobto vidmalovuvaty u vektornii prohrami (Adobe Illustrator) aboperevodyty u vektornyi format za dopomohoiu prohram-trasuvalnykiv typu Adobe Streamline (Berezovskyi, Potiienko & Zavadskyi, 2009, 67).

A smaller proportion of verb terms express more than one meaning. Among them are heshuvaty (kheshuvaty), initsializuvaty, formatyzuvaty and formatuvaty, etc. The verb heshuvaty (Eng. to hash), according to the Large Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language (V. Busel (ed.)), explicates one meaning - `to organize data using tables, in which data elements are entered and further search is carried out using hash functions' (VTSSUM, 1560). The English-Ukrainian Explanatory Computer Science, Internet and Programming Dictionary gives a slightly different meaning - `to replace certain characters with a hash symbol in order to protect passwords from viewing' (AUTS, 242). The definitions obviously differ from each other. This difference can also be observed in contexts, cf.: Otrymani tranzaktsii <...> obiednuiut u blok, dlia tsoho yikh iteratyvno heshuiut vidpovidno do konstruktsii derevaMerklia... (Baryshev, 2018) and MAC - kodperevirky povidomlennia, yakyi vykorystovuie funktsiiu vidobrazhennia i nadaie dani u vyhliadi znachenfiksovanoho rozmiru, apotim - heshuie same povidomlennia (Ostapov, Yevseiev & Korol, 2013, 186). The Explanatory Dictionary of Computer Science suggests the following meanings of this verb: 1) `to determine the location of a file on a large volume by calculating the file address in the cache and on the disk';

`to find an account in a computer file using an appropriate method'; 3) `to organize data tables allowing fast searching and tabular transformation' (TSzI, 584) The meaning is derived taking into account the meaning of the noun for which the verb term served as the formative. The verb term itself is not recorded in the dictionary., e. g.: U metodi lantsiuzhkiv (chaining) usi elementy shcho heshuiutsia v odne hnizdo, my rozmishchuiemo u zviazanomu spyskovi... (Kormen, Laizerson, Rivest, & Stain, 2019, 272); Koly vuzol bazhaie opublikuvaty vmist, vin spochatku kheshuie vmist failu, shchob vyiavyty vuzol, vidpovidalnyi za yoho zberezhennia (Aleksashyn & Mykhalchuk, 80); NH kheshuie bloky po 2 Kbait, provodiachy khesh-kod u 32 bity, shcho vidpovidaie koefitsiientu stysnennia (Sievierinov, Iok- hov, Zhuchenko & Lysechko, 2006, 160). Consequently, the term heshuvaty has three meanings: two of them (the second and third) coincide with the meanings in the previous two sources and a new meaning - `to determine the location of a file on a large volume by calculating the file address in the cache and on disk', which is recorded only in the industry-specific dictionary. Thus, the development of the semantic structure of the analyzed term is obvious. It is clear that some of the meanings are more relevant than others. However, what is important is the established continuum of possible meanings, which at a certain stage of development can acquire or lose their productivity. Today, the semantics of `to replace certain characters with a hash symbol in order to protect passwords from viewing' is relevant, as evidenced by examples of the functioning of this term in professional texts, e.g.: Provedeni doslidzhennia dozvolyly vyznachyty, shcho skhemy z vidnovlenniam povidomlennia vidrizniaiutsia vid skhem z dopovnenniam tym, shcho vony ne heshuiut povnistiu povidomlennia, a zamist nykh korystuiutsia funktsiiamy maskuvannia ta znakhodzhennia zbytkovostei povidomlennia (Ilienko, Ilienko, 2017, 345).

The number of definitions and the very definitions of the verb term initsializuvaty (Eng. to initialize) also vary in different lexicographical works, but the selected illustrative material allows us to single out three main meanings: 1) `to set initial parameters (data) to ensure the operation of a program or device' (NRUATSI, 141); 2) `to assign variables to a certain function';

`to mark a disk and record relevant information on it' (AR (Bork.), 133)), e. g. (respectively): Initsializatsiia korystuvacha - protses, u khodi yakoho obiekt initsializuie svii kryptohrafichnyi dodatok (napryklad, instaliuie ta initsializuie prohramne abo aparatne zabezpechennia)... (Ostapov, Yevseiev & Korol, 2013, 324); Stvoriuiemo obiekt typu GLUquadricObj y initsializuiemo yoho funktsiieiu gluNewQuadric (Matsenko, 2009, 324); Shchob systemapobachyla nash VHDX disk, yoho neobkhidno initsializuvaty.

The term formatuvaty is synonymous with the verb term initsializuvaty in the third meaning (Eng. to format). According to general explanatory and special dictionaries, it develops two lexical-semantic variants: 1) `to prepare data for printing, monitor screen, etc.', e.g.: Za dopomohoiu makrosiv mozhna vesty poshuk i zaminu tekstu, formatuvaty tekst, pratsiuvaty z dokumentamy... (Borian, 2019, 55); 2) `to mark a magnet carrier before recording data on it' (AUTS, 218), moreover, this marking can be deliberate when they intend to record new data on it, e.g.: Pershi dyskety treba bulo formatuvaty oboviazkovo (Hlynskyi, 2008, 244), or unintentionally caused, especially by viruses, e.g.: Inshi riznovydy virusiv pislia zarazhennia prohram i dyskiv sprychyniuiut seriozni poshkodzhennia, napryklad formatuiut zhorstkyi dysk ta inshe (Borian, 2019, 37).

Verb computer terms of non-equivalent type translated into Ukrainian, or the so-called transformational loan terms [20, 10-14], in some cases, can not only develop additional meanings by expanding the semantic structure of the word, but also serve as a basis for producing new words. Verbal nouns formed from them with the general transpositional word-formation meaning `objectified action' are codified in lexicographic sources. The suffixes -nn- / -enn- / -inn-, -atsiy- serve as word-forming means that convert the verb stem to the noun stem, e.g.: avtentyfikatsiya (AUSzMK, 41) (^ avtentyfiku- vaty), corresponding to the English term authentication; animuvannya and animatsiya (AUSzMK, 24) (^ ani- muvaty), corresponding to the English term animation; anihilyatsiya (AUSzMK, 24) (^ anihilyuvaty), corresponding to the English term annihilation; asemblyuvan- nya (AUSzMK, 38) (^ asemblyuvaty), corresponding to the English term assembling; buferyzatsiya (AUSzMK, 64) (^ buferyzuvaty) and buferuvannya (AUSzMK, 64) (^ buferuvaty), corresponding to the English term buffering; vectoryzatsiya (AUSzMK, 546) (^ vectory- zuvaty), corresponding to the English term vectorization; deskryptuvannya (AUSzMK, 147) (^ deskryptuvaty and deskryptoruvaty), corresponding to the English term description; keshuvannya (AUSzMK, 67) (^ keshu- vaty), corresponding to the English term caching; for- matuvannya and formatyzuvannya (AUSzMK, 210) (^ formatuvaty), corresponding to the English term formatting, e.g.: Taka oriientovanist deskryptuvannia na prahmatyku ye paradyhmnoiu vlastyvistiu v tsilomu dlia deskryptyvnoi systemy, shcho vydiliaie yikh sered inshykh system piznannia sutnostei (Redko, Tatarikov & Redko, 34); Zhurnal zberihaiut u faili metadanykh iz nazvoiu $LogFile, yakyi stvoriuiut pid chas formatuvannia rozdilu (Shekhovtsov, 331); ...keshuvannia mozhe potrebuvaty znachnykh vytratpamiati... (Shekhovtsov, 290). Apart from the primary transpositional word- formation meaning `objectified action', some of the mentioned substantive deverbatives can develop a secondary word-formation meaning - `result of the performed action'. Therefore, in such a case, there is every reason to talk about the syncretism of semantics and the expression of the transpositional-mutational word-formation meaning by a derivative. For example, from the context of the sentence Buferyzatsiiu varto vidrizniaty vid keshuvannia (Shekhovtsov, 2005, 370), it is obvious that the verbal noun buferyzatsiya expresses an objectified action, while in the sentence Uzahalnennia tsiiei skhemy na n buferiv nazyvaiut tsyklichnoiu buferyzatsiieiu... (Shekhovtsov, 2005, 370) it is no longer about the action, but the result that follows the performance of this action. Acquisition of secondary productive semantics by a substantive makes the dependent meaning more expressive [17, 184]. computer verb term lexical

Sometimes linguists, seeking to clarify the semantics of a verbal noun denoting a particular concept and to free it from dependence on the context, use various word-forming means as differentiators. Since the degree of verbalization of verbal nouns in -atsiy-(-a) is much lower than that of verbal nouns with the suffix -nn- / -enn- / -inn-, they are considered more suitable for naming the result of the performed action, process or state, while verbal nouns with the suffix -nn- / -enn- / -inn- are used to indicate the actual objectified action or objectified process or state [13, 40; 27, 86; 17, 88; 34, 83-84].

The production of verb derivatives from translated verb terms of non-equivalent type is not particularly active. Overall, most of the transformational word-forming top verb terms are of two types. And this means that context is enough to distinguish whether an action is brought to its inner limit or not, as it clearly shows which grammatical category - perfect or non-perfect - is expressed by the analyzed verb, without using any additional word-forming means. Sometimes texts contain verbs with temporal modifying meaning `the final stage of action', expressed by the prefixes z-/zi-, za-, po-, cf.: keshuvaty - zakeshuvaty, formatuvaty - poformatuvaty, e.g.: Profiliuvannia variantu iz invertovanym spyskom pokazalo, shcho dostup do vypadkovykh blokiv zaimaie bilshe chasu cherez nemozhlyvist zakeshuvaty yikh... (Mikhav, Meleshko & Shymko, 2021, 8). We cannot observe any systematicity and codification here.

Conclusions and directions for further research in the area

Analysis of the selected factual material gives reason to conclude that the so-called transformational loan terms that resulted from transforming the translated original verb term and adapting it to the Ukrainian language (the main adapter suffixes are -uva- / -yuva-, -yzuva- / -izuva-, -fikuva-) are not numerous. This state of affairs indicates an intensified replacement of borrowed transcoded verbs with native verbs, which nominate certain concepts in a, perhaps, more descriptive, but clearer mode. Transformational loan terms mostly express one meaning, however, in the process of language development do not lose the ability to increase the volume of their semantic structure by acquiring an additional secondary meaning, as evidenced by some cases. Their word-forming potential is also minimal - they motivate noun deverbatives with the transpositional word-forming meaning `objectified action'.


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