Translation strategies in reproducing the expressive means of public political speech: peculiarities and techniques

In the scientific article the authors consider various features of the application of translation strategies in reproducing the expressive potential of modern examples of the genre of political speech in their specific national-linguistic variants.

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Translation strategies in reproducing the expressive means of public political speech: peculiarities and techniques

Oksana M. Vasylenko

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Yaroslava V. Khyzhun

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine


The paper considers the peculiarities of the application of translation strategies in reproducing the expressive potential of modern samples of the political speech genre in their specific national and linguistic variants. Political speech, which aims at embodying a certain ideological influence, will be effective if it combines rational and emotional elements. Speeches by politicians are usually expressive. Expressive political speech produces the most intended effect on the audience, its purpose is to increase the influence of what is said by the speaker and the presence of expressive function in political speeches is almost mandatory. When translating speeches of well-known politicians, the translator is interested in a certain choice of language means because the taget text should influence the foreign audience in the same way as the original own.

Metaphorical utterances and phraseological units are important elements of a political speech that cause difficulties in translation. In order to transfer the expressive function in the translation of metaphors, the translator resorts to a number of stylistic modifications, transformations in which instead of the units belonging to one stylistic register, the units belonging to another one are used. Expressiveness in the speeches of the English-speaking politicians is also achieved through the use of not only metaphor but also metonymy, antithesis, epithet, hyperbole, litotes and lexical repetition. Among the types of lexical repetition anadiplosis, anaphora, epiphora and symploce are considered in the paper. When choosing a translation strategy, it is necessary to take into account the linguistic and cultural features of American rhetoric, the reaction of recipients, as well as the political situation in the country.

Keywords: expressive means, public political speech, translation strategies, phraseological units, metaphorical utterances.


У статті розглянуто особливості застосування перекладацьких стратегій при відтворенні експресивного потенціалу сучасних зразків жанру політичної промови у їх конкретних національно-мовних варіантах. Політичний виступ, який має на меті втілення певного ідеологічного впливу, буде ефективним, якщо поєднує в собі раціональні та емоційні елементи. Промови політиків є зазвичай експресивними. Експресивний політичний виступ найбільш результативно впливає на аудиторію, його метою є збільшення впливу того, що висловлюється оратором і наявність експресивної функції у політичних виступах є майже обов'язковою. Перекладаючи промови відомих політичних діячів, перекладач зацікавлений у певному виборі мовних засобів тому що перекладений текст повинен так само впливати на іншомовну аудиторію, як і оригінал - на свою.

Важливим елементом політичного виступу, який викликає труднощі при перекладі, є метафоричні висловлювання та фразеологічні одиниці. Задля передачі експресивної функції при перекладі метафор перекладач вдається до ряду стилістичних модифікацій, перетворень, при яких замість одиниць, що належать до одного стилістичного регістру, використовуються одиниці, що відносяться до іншого. Експресивність у промовах англомовних політиків також досягається за рахунок використання не лише метафор, а й метонімії, антитези, епітетів, гіперболи, літоти і лексичних повторів. Серед типів лексичного повтору у статті розглядаються анадиплоза, анафора, епіфора, симплока. При виборі перекладацької стратегії необхідно враховувати лінгвокультурологічні особливості американської риторики, реакцію реципієнтів, а також політичну ситуацію країни.

Ключові слова: експресивні засоби, публічна політична промова, перекладацькі стратегії, фразеологічні одиниці, метафоричні висловлювання.


The public speech, taking into account the constantly growing global interlingual dialogue, is currently attracting the legitimate interest of specialists in the field of translation studies. Therefore, in the branch of political linguistics, which arose as a result of the close intertwining of linguistics and political science, the study of optimal ways to implement the expressive function of political speech plays a key role today. This encourages experts to study the ability of language categories to achieve an effective impact on the audience in terms of achieving certain actions (the works by A. P. Chudinov, O. Y. Sheigal, O. L. Mikhalova, N. Fearklau, etc.). This direction of modern political linguistics in the field of translation studies involves, first of all, the study of mechanisms for reproducing the possibilities of expressive means of the original language by certain methods of translation into the language of a particular audience. Achieving this goal includes a comprehensive study of the texts of a political discourse in the context of the interaction of semantic, expressive and pragmatic levels of its structure.

The importance of political rhetoric is undeniable in the modern world and it plays a significant role in the governance, functioning and development of an individual country. Modern politicians are constantly in a tough competition. And the process of victory in the struggle for power is determined by the ability of a particular politician to give his speech the desired result and ensure their support in the election by a larger electorate.

Public speaking is one of the main means of political action in a modern democratic society. Political speech is currently a specific combination of special languages and an everyday language. The functions of the language of politics are realized mainly through the political text in the discourse of political actors. Discourse is generally understood as the linguistic activity of political actors that takes into account an existing social practice. As a rule, political actors form their own political discourse, in which the political goal is emphasized, objects and specific linguistic means are singled out. In addition, it is undeniable that "a political debate is one of the main sources of neologisms. A large number of words related to politics came into Ukrainian from English. Therefore, when translating them, you can use the word corresponding to the language of translation. Here are the examples of such words, namely: president, prime minister, speaker, MP, MEP, parliament, run, inauguration, coalition, PR, pluralists, etc." (Фесенко, 2015, p. 264). translation strategies linguistic

Literature Review.

An analysis of the recent research and publications shows that the number of political speeches to be translated is constantly growing, and although the number of researchers on this issue is also increasing, in general, the reproduction of public speaking as a holistic system remains poorly studied. Such researchers as V. D. Gunko, V. I. Karaban, Y. A. Loboda, S. B. Morkotun, O. V. Rebriy, G. S. Shepel, V. S. Solovey, O. V. Turchak, R. P. Zorivchak addressed this question.

Aim and Objectives.

The aim of this paper is to study certain peculiarities in the translation of some texts of public speeches, with the direct preservation of their expressive function, and to determine the basic techniques of translation of various elements of expressive public speech. Another task is to implement a comprehensive approach to the analysis of ways of reproducing linguistic means of expression in the political speeches of contemporary politicians in the United Kingdom and the United States.


Presentation of the main material.

Political communication plays a significant role in the development of political, economic and cultural interactions of the world community. The purpose of political rhetoric is to establish and maintain friendly relations between certain countries. At the same time, a politician's speech can provoke conflicts between states or resolve them peacefully or with the involvement of a military force. In general, analyzing political communications, we can predict the possible stages, priorities, and directions of development of regional, interstate and intercontinental relations. Therefore, it is natural that the study of the means of influence used by politicians in their speeches to the audience is one of the modern areas of research of these communication types.

The function of the influence of political performance is determined by a number of linguistic disciplines. In particular, among them there can be distinguished rhetoric, psycholinguistics, functional stylistics, social linguistics, linguopragmatics, etc. Political speech is usually aimed at the embodiment of a certain ideological influence, the formation of a specific attitude to certain life events and political realities. The most effective influence is considered to be the one that combines rational and emotional elements. In the case of a mass audience, the most important is the emotional performance, which can lead the audience, "light a fire" in the souls of the audience.

The political text has certain specificity. Firstly, it distinguishes specific tasks aimed at the consciousness of listeners; secondly, it is saturated with political aspirations and views of the author on this or that problem of life; thirdly, the political text is characterized by lexical, grammatical, and stylistic features, and peculiar linguistic means. As noted by G. S. Solovey, while translating political terms, one can distinguish the following three main groups: 1) political terms (coalition forces, outlaw regime, local governments, election campaigns, parliamentary coalition); 2) political realities (the White House, the State of the Union, Clear Skies legislation, the Verkhovna Rada, the "Regions"); 3) political symbols (Nation's Founders, The Cold War, Holodomor) (Соловей, 2011, p. 8).

Speeches by politicians are usually expressive and include elements of irony. The latter is used mainly to form a certain emotional mood of listeners and achieve specific psychological goals. To achieve this goal, comparisons, idioms, metaphors, allusions are often used. Manipulative techniques are often used, such as in particular: the substitution of concepts, the creation of emotional images, the appeal to historical facts, the use of the opponent's both language and style of conversation, the formation of illusion of logical conclusions, etc. Expressive political speech has the most intended effect on the audience. To create the image of a common enemy in a political speech, hyperboles, antitheses, gradations, rhetorical questions are often used as well as words that evoke vivid negative emotions among all the listeners.

To gain the desired effect in the shelf presentation, it is necessary not only to adequately model the main aspirations of the audience, but also to properly develop the so- called self presentation. In his/her speech the politician always expects a concrete reaction from the audience and especially the perception of the spoken information, the achievement of the desired actions, change or, conversely, strengthening of existing views, conclusions, beliefs and more. Therefore, a political speech involves an implicit dialogue, and the reaction of the listeners can be directly observed both in "live" communication and indirect (for example, in case electronic media or the Internet is used for communication).

It should be noted that the political speech is designed for direct perception of the views of the politician "here and now" and the purpose of the speech, especially to convince the audience to perceive certain theses or views, and ultimately, to achieve certain concrete actions. To do this, they use various situations for communication, namely: sermons, speeches at rallies, speeches during the election or advertising campaign when the politician aims at achieving a certain audience's reaction.

The peculiarity of the expressive component of a political speech is that a large role is given to the emotional component, the personality of the politician, charisma and his/her personal example. In order to achieve the goal of the expressive component of a politician's speech successfully, it is extremely important to form a positive image of him/her among the audience either during the speech or before preparing for it.

The functioning of language means used for the purpose of a certain selection and distribution of expressive language elements forms a specific atmosphere of policy expression and effectively influences the perception of the listener. This phenomenon is called a linguistic expression. The expressive function acquires a certain linguistic form due to the strengthening of speech with the use of a certain intonation, the order of the words uses, emphatic constructions in order to convey an important thought or idea more successfully during a speech.

Modern linguists distinguish between two types of expressiveness: 1) expressive speech; 2) expressiveness of language units (Турчак, 2015, p. 165). Expressiveness is often understood as emotionality, although these are different concepts. First of all, emotionality is not always expressive, it can have a neutral expression, and expressiveness is formed not only through emotions, thinking, intelligence, ethics or aesthetics. Therefore, expressiveness is a concept much broader than emotionality and can include the linguistic expression of many, not just emotional, spheres of life.

Inherent and adherent types of expressiveness are distinguished between language units. Inertial is such an expressiveness that is inherent in the language sign and it is its integral feature in any situational and contextual conditions. Adherent expressiveness is an intense expressiveness of a linguistic sign, which is inherent only in a certain context, situation, conditions, and it does not correspond to the basic vocabulary meaning. In the Ukrainian language, genetic means of expression have mainly folklore and song-poetic origins. Furthermore, traditional means of expression are concentrated mainly at the lexical (paths) and syntactic (figures) levels. In the English vocabulary, in contrast to the Ukrainian one, there is an internal, regardless of context, expression. However, the concept of expressiveness as a manifestation of the intensification of opportunities, language elements is theoretically inherent in all languages, but it is realized only in the case of a corresponding stylistic practical request existing.

As it is known, one of the most important functions of political speech is the function of influencing the audience, and the purpose of expressive speech is to increase the influence of what is said by the speaker and the presence of expressive function in political speeches is almost mandatory. The focus of the language units in the influence on the listener is a prerequisite for their use, and expressive expressions increase this influence. The expressiveness of a public speech is realized through the use of a range of means of the language lexical system. Authors of public speeches usually use the whole arsenal of potential means of speech to form an expressive "atmosphere" of the text. The constituent components of expressive words do not function separately, in isolation, but only in certain groups, interacting with each other and forming a semantic-expressive field of a particular utterance.

Expressive language capabilities are determined by the relevant values that are important for native speakers. Criticism and evaluation of the actions and behaviour of a politician are determined by the deviation on the scale of values that are inherent in a particular society, from positive to negative or vice versa. The scale of these assessments is formed in the minds of people as a model based on cultural, national, socio-economic, age or situational factors.

Expressive text is usually called a text or expression, the purpose of which is to create an idea of the subject of communication and the formation of a positive or negative assessment, the development in the minds of people an adequate idea of the subject of communication. Assessments of expressiveness are usually based on generalized experience and are mainly based on emotions, which are a special form of human attitude to objects and events. Emotional meaning is formed as the opposition of two concepts: good and bad.

Expressive public speech usually complements the argumentative text and looks like an argumentative conflict dialogue using words of negative semantics. Expressive speech includes expressions of admiration, surprise, fear, disappointment, indignation, etc. Among the means used in expressive speech, the words of evaluative semantics, exclamations, exclamatory sentences, rhetorical questions, etc. usually function.

Political vocabulary serves as a basis for distinguishing the language of politics where political terms, ideologues and sociologists are used. The texts of political speeches use logical, evaluative, and emotional-image ways of reflecting reality, so they are characterized not only by clarity, detail, and logic of statements, but also expressiveness. This ensures the active perception of the audience of information, its understanding, comprehension, and discussion.

The process of translation from one language into another one is divided into certain moments: to translate the text, first you must understand and analyze it clearly (if the original text is difficult), evaluate it critically and then choose the appropriate means of highlighting the text in the language of translation. Any interpretation of the original text, correct or incorrect, requires a selection of the vocabulary of the language of translation during translation. If the translator works consciously, he/she is interested in a certain choice of language means because the translated text must produce the same effect on the foreign language audience as the original one on his own audience.

The elements of political speech being of great importance are metaphorical statements and phraseological units causing some difficulties in translation. After all, metaphor, according to S. Morkotun, is the most effective means of transmitting expression in a political text "minimizing the speaker's responsibility for the possible literal interpretation of his/her words by the addressee" (Моркотун, 2017 URL: 24790/1/15.pdf). It is known that metaphorical utterance of the original language is translated as the full equivalent, or figurative metaphor, or a certain figurative description, completely losing the imagery of the original metaphor. For example: " Yes, we must provide more ladders to success for young men who fall into lives of crime and despair" (Obama, 2008 URL:; "average hockey mom'" (Palin, 2016 URL: Metaphorical utterance "provides more ladders to success"" and "fall into lives of crime and despair" can be translated by means of metaphors with similar semantics in the target language. The form of expression changes almost completely: Yes, we must give a chance to succeed young people who have deviated from the right path. The metaphor of " average hockey mom " needs to be explained, because there is no equivalent in the Ukrainian language that would fully convey the meaning of this metaphor. "Average hockey mom"" means that this is an ordinary mother, whose main task is to raise children. Thus, the imagery of this statement is completely lost.

As for phraseological units, their meaning in the target language is also conveyed in several ways:

By using full equivalents, if they are international in nature (derived from Latin or ancient Greek or are biblical quotations) or are fixed phrases (the meaning of these units follows from the meaning of individual parts of these phrases): Pandora's box - Pandora's coffer, sword of Damocles - Sword of Damocles, above suspicion - beyond suspicion.

By using partial equivalents or units with appropriate imagery that are translated due to phraseological mergers (Бєлих, Ковальова, 2018, p. 90). It is worth giving the following example: trying to disarm the media, which accused Michelle Obama of wearing sleeveless dresses, Barack Obama made a critical comment, noting that the first lady is entitled to certain concessions: "No matter which party you belong to we can all agree that Michelle has the right to bare arms"" (Obama, 2008 URL: 2008/08/28/world/americas/28iht-28demsday. 15697769.html).

The phrase "to have the right to bare arms " has the phraseological literal meaning of "to have the right to bare hands"". However, the president's hint was on the figurative meaning of this expression: "to have the right to own a weapon"" (Приходько, 2014, p. 61). The use of this idiom demonstrates a typical lexical means of creating a comic effect with the help of changing the word meaning.

By using a descriptive translation that conveys phraseological units-idioms (the value of which cannot be established from the meaning of their certain parts). Here is an example including an expression from the election speech of Donald Trump - the former US President: "We have all the cards, but we do not know how to use them. We don't even know that we have the cards, because our leaders don't understand the game... " (Trump, 2016 URL: This statement can be explained as follows: We have all the cards, but we do not know how to use them. We do not even know we have cards because our leaders do not understand the game. The politician uses the stable expression " to have all the cards" here. He is played in the subsequent performance. The point is that someone has the potential to succeed but does not use it. Therefore, the word "game" is taken literally as "cards". But figurative value remains because under game the policy, while under cards a way of management, is meant.

It is known that in order to bring themselves closer to the potential electorate, politicians try to speak in a language understandable to the listeners. To this end, they use the vocabulary of a conversational style in their speeches. It is precisely, when conveying the emotionality of vocabulary of this type, difficulties arise. After all, it is necessary to preserve stylistic equivalence. Units of colloquial vocabulary of the original language must be transferred to the appropriate units of the target language: "... a plan that would gamble your retirement"" (Obama, 2010 URL: republic) is a plan that would put your pension at stake; "... we must take out Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants" (Obama, 2009 URL: press-office) means that we must capture Osama bin Laden and his aides if they come into our field of vision. The verb "to gamble" is used by gamblers. It has several meanings: to gamble, to take a lot of risks; so, the translation put on the map can be considered appropriate, as it conveys the semantics of the verb "to gamble" completely. When translating the phrasal verb "take out", there may also be difficulties, because it is ambiguous: delete, go out, take out, take with you, destroy, disturb, etc. Therefore, given the semantic development, the verb "to capture" was chosen. The translation of the noun "lieutenants" used a lexical transformation means generalization, because it refers to all those people who helped Osama bin Laden in his work.

With the help of results. Direct transfer of metaphors from the original language to the target language is not always possible. Translation of metaphor while maintaining the level of expression of the original language often leads to significant difficulties, as it requires an adequate transmission, primarily of the associative connections of the metaphor, and it is often difficult due to the mismatch of conceptual systems of different languages. Therefore, in this case, one of the main tasks of the translator is to reproduce the metaphor not only as an element of the original text, but also as components of the conceptual system.

It is worth noting that the metaphor in a political speech, as a rule, appeals to the base of general knowledge. In this way, it creates a common platform between the speaker and the audience. Based on it, the speaker can convey to the audience unconventional theses more successfully. Appropriate metaphors evoke certain emotions among the audience and remain in their memory for a long time. For example, a metaphor is one of the most important means of agitation for the former President of the United States Donald Trump. Thus, in one of his speeches, he says, "Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves... Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; and the crime and gangs and drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential" (Trump, 2016 URL: In this example D. Trump, using the metaphor of "trapped in poverty", emphasizes that a lot of disadvantaged families in cities live in poverty and they are on the verge of survival.

The metaphor "trapped in poverty" should be translated as "stuck in poverty", or less expressively as "in poverty". The metaphor "crime and gangs and drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country" conveys a negative attitude. Emphasis is placed on the significant high level of crime and the devastating impact of drug trafficking on American society.

The translation of a metaphor often requires the solution of several linguistic, literary, culturological, philosophical and other problems. Thus, an accurate translation is used, when the language of the original and the translation variants coincide with the rules of communication and traditions of emotional and evaluative information expression, which is used in a particular metaphor. For example: "There is no battlefield of liberty on which there is not a piece of land that is marked out as American and there is no day of remembrance in Britain that is also not a commemoration of American courage and sacrifice far from home " (Brown, 2009 URL: speech-to-congress). There is no such battlefield for freedom, where there would not be a piece of land on which the Americans would not stand out. Every Memorial Day in Britain commemorates the courage and self-sacrifice of Americans who died far from home. Specific application of substitution is possible in case of lexical or associative discrepancy between elements of metaphor in the language of the original and translation texts.

As an example the following quotation is introduced: "When there's a cloud hanging over our reputation, we'll address it, as we have done by setting up an inquiry into whether this country was complicit in the mistreatment of detainees" (Cameron, 2010 URL: When something can tarnish our reputation, we will take action, as it was done in the case of accusing the country of detainees' ill-treatment. In response, we launched an investigation. Metaphors of ancient, folklore or biblical origin are translated according to the traditional correspondence. We should also pay attention to the following phrase: "Labor's Achilles' heel has been government spending, which blew out in significant fashion in 2008, the last year Labor was in power" (Cameron, 2010 URL: The Achilles' heel of the Labour Party is the government spending, which was significantly inflated in 2008, of the last year that the Labour Party was in power.

Studies on the rhetoric of English-speaking politicians, including British and American political leaders, conducted by J. Lakoff, M. Johnson, J. Charteris-Black and other linguists, have shown the dominance of certain conceptual areas for rhetorical modelling of political problems. M. Thatcher and J. Carter were inclined to military metaphors; George W. Bush preferred criminal insults and so on. The choice of a particular donor area by a politician is extremely important because it is the key metaphors, he uses, that "push" the target audience to understand and evaluate a specific situation.

One of the leading places in modern political speech is the metaphor of war. For example, if we consider Hillary Clinton's campaign during the US presidential election, she focused on the topic of women in the social and political world, which is characteristic of American political discourse. For example, since 1998, she has used the term "victims of war" and emphasized the weakness of women in the face of aggressive acts inherent in men. Here are some of her words from the speech of that time. " Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat. Women often have to flee from the only homes they have ever known. Women are often the refugees from conflict and sometimes, more frequently in today's warfare, victims. Women are often left with the responsibility, alone, of raising the children. Women are again the victims in crime and domestic violence as well" (Clinton, 1998 URL: https://clintonwhitehouse3 981117.html). It is appropriate to translate as follows: "Women have always been the main victims of war. Women lose their husbands, the parents of their sons, who die in the battle. Women are often forced to leave the houses where they lived. Women often receive a refugee status due to military conflicts, and sometimes, more often than not, appear victims to modern warfare. Women are often left alone, and they are responsible for raising their children because of the war". Thus, the woman absolutizes Mrs. Clinton as the only victim of the war, and the purpose of this is to have a more emotional impact on the recipient.

The metaphor of "weather and natural disasters" is also often used in political discourse. Thus, the metaphor "weather" is used in an inaugural speech by Barack Obama, a former US President, to achieve a greater emotional effect, e.g.: " Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. But there were times when this oath was often heard under a cloudy sky, in terrible storms " (Obama, 2008 URL: In this context, the rhetorically used metaphors of "gathering clouds" and "raging storms" are preserved fully with minor lexical and structural transformations: the phrase "gathering clouds" is replaced in the target text by a more economical expression "under a cloudy sky", the phrase "raging storms" was expanded by introducing an auxiliary element "in conditions". Both versions proposed in the translation variant retain the metaphorical imagery of the original.

An extraordinary example of the use of metaphor as a means of persuasion is traced in the text of Michelle Obama's speech in Milwaukee: " For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. And I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction'" (Obama, 2008 URL: obama_409144). Expressiveness in this case is achieved through the use of the metaphorical expression "to be hungry for smth". Despite the fact that the given phrase qualifies as a "genetic", linguistic metaphor, it nevertheless contributes to the creation of an emotional effect by actualizing its figurative lexical meaning "extremely striving for something". When translating this metaphorical expression in accordance with the lexical and stylistic norms of the Ukrainian language, we consider it expedient to replace this phrase with the verb " to desire"", which is equivalent in its expressive richness to the phrase " to be hungry for"": `'"For the first time in my adult life I am really proud of America. And not because Barak won, but because I think the nation wants change. And I am pleased to see our country moving in this direction".

Thus, metaphors serve as an effective means of persuasion. Transmitting the expressive function in translation, the task is to achieve the expressive equivalent, i.e. to create a situation in the process of interlingual communication in which the emotional reaction of the sender of the translated text could correspond to the emotional reaction of the recipient of the original text. To do this, the translator resorted to a number of stylistic modifications, transformations, in which instead of the units belonging to one stylistic register, the units belonging to another one are used.

Metonymy is widely introduced in a political discourse, which provides conciseness of presentation, creates a stable image that allows the reader or listener to reveal a hidden information, promotes the perception of political images and reinforces them. Metonymy is close to metaphor. The meaning of words is transferred from certain phenomena and objects to others by contiguity: "When Congress last addressed this issue comprehensively in 1986, there were approximately 4 million illegal immigrants living in the United States " (Belykh, 2018, p. 88). "The enemy was advancing"" (Belykh, 2018, p. 88).

In the aforementioned examples, the word congress was used by B. Obama to refer to all government officials working in the US Congress, and the word enemy denotes countries that were hostile to the US policy.

In order to influence the opinion of the audience in a political speech, the antithesis is also often used; as a rule, the politician contrasts his/her actions with the actions of the opponent, which are not supported by voters: " So to all Americans in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words " (Trump, 2017 URL:; " Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country" (Trump, 2017 URL:; "As we strengthen friendships around the world, we are also restoring clarity about our adversaries" (Trump, 2017, URL:

In the given examples, the antitheses are used to enhance expressiveness. They highlight the gap between the working class and politicians. The antithesis is skillfully used to manipulate the opinion of listeners, forming a negative attitude to the policies of the previous administration by emphasizing the positive strengths of the new government. Opposing friendships and adversaries, the new government determines the course of a foreign policy.

When considering expressiveness in the translation of political texts, special attention should be paid to the translation of epithets. The speeches of women politicians are more difficult to translate than the speeches of men, because these speeches are more emotional. In their speeches, women use more epithets than men. Very often these elements of the original language can be replaced by figurative elements of the target language. However, sometimes it is not possible to preserve the imagery of these units fully. For example, take the following epithets: stolen elections, a sick government, "wasted" vote, right reasons, a vital pipeline. The epithets stolen and wasted express the futility of past elections and they are used to warn voters against past mistakes. Therefore, emotionality will not be lost if you translate them literally - stolen elections and wasted voice. But the translation of the phrase "a sick government"" is possible through semantic development. In this case, a literal translation is impossible, because it would be too rude to use the phrase "sick government"". That is why this phrase can be conveyed as a weak or incompetent government. In this translation, the emotionality of this element is somewhat lost. Considering the epithet "right"" in the phrase "Americans expect us to go to Washington for the right reasons... " we note that it should also be conveyed through a semantic development, because the noun to which this epithet refers has many meanings (reason, motive, argument, reason, drive, etc). If you choose a reason to translate, the epithet can be conveyed with the adjective weighty: "Americans expect us to have good reason to get to Washington... ". The epithet "vital" in the phrase "a vital pipeline"" is translated as vital pipelines. At the same time, the emotionality of the word and its pragmatic load are not lost, because we are talking about solving the problem of energy supply, without which any developed country cannot exist.

As an expressive means based on the selection of quality and signs of the described phenomenon, the epithet is always subjective. Thus, epithets create the necessary emotional background of expression, help the recipient to develop an attitude; they are also designed for a specific reaction of the recipient: "The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness" (Obama, 2009 URL:

The use of epithets in this passage makes speech emotional and exciting. B. Obama called freedom and equality precious, noble concepts, linking their importance to Scripture and God's instructions, emphasizing that all people have the same right to them.

One of the important means of transmitting expressiveness is hyperbole, which contains in its semantic organization only those semantic features of signs that have the seventh "degree". M. Fedyna (Моркотун, 2017 URL: 24790/1/15.pdf) also says that hyperbole is used to increase the emotional impact on the listener to convince or make him look at the issue from another angle. Analyzing Bill Mara's talk show, the author concludes that hyperbole reinforces the negative characteristics that the presenter emphasizes in order to express speech impoliteness. With the help of hyperbole, as well as universal indicators always, all, anything, ever, never, Bill Mara emphasizes the negative personal qualities of Donald Trump, the recurrence and immorality of his behaviour. The President Donald Trump himself has a tendency to exaggerate things in his speech. He is the author of the oxymoron term " truthful hyperbole ", which he used to denote outright "falsification" of facts. Trump himself calls exaggeration "true hyperbole", although hyperbole is "false exaggeration" by its definition.

Donald Trump uses hyperbole actively when talking about the eradication of Islamic terrorism, using the word "completely ", about global warming and the construction of a wall between the United States and Mexico: " We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones, and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth " (Trump 2017, URL: terrorism-by-radical-islamists); "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive" (Trump, 2016 URL:; " The dishonest media does not report that any money spent on 352 building the Great Wall (for sake of speed), will be paid back by Mexico later!" (Trump, 2017 URL: Speaking of building a wall between the United States and Mexico, the president hyperbolically calls it the Great Wall similar to the Great Wall of China, and global warming was created by the Chinese and for the Chinese.

Litotes contributes to the actualization of non-categorical judgment. It can also convey the caution from which the author makes a statement. Litotes in the statements of D. Trump is expressed in the negative structure of the sentence and aims at manipulating public opinion, and with its help the politician focuses on the negative characteristics of reality and thus gives a pejorative assessment of previous policy indirectly, while doing reclamation he gives his own programme: "Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done. No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America. We will not fail" (Brown, 2009 URL: congress); "The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs " (Brown, 2009 URL: congress).

Expressiveness also occurs at the level of syntax. Lexical repetition is a stylistic device that is often used to give the text more persuasiveness, expressiveness, as well as for the emotional selection of individual semantic fragments. In our study, depending on the location of the repetitive structure, we distinguish the following types of lexical repetition: anadiplosis, anaphora, epiphora.

Anaphora is a repetition of initial constructions within several adjacent speech segments. In Donald Trump's discourse, anaphora is the most common lexical repetition. The inaugural speech of the President is one of the clearest examples of the anaphora use: "Together, We will make America strong again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And yes, together, we will make America great again.

We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people. Together, we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come. We will face challenges, we will confront hardships, but we will get the job done " (Brown, 2009 URL:

In the example, we can note the constant repetition of the pronouns "we" and "our". In a public speech, the repetition of these pronouns is aimed at implementing the tactics of solidarity with the addressee. This anaphoric repetition is used by D. Trump as a way to start a new thought and describe the program of future changes, while creating the impression of common views. It should be noted that this tactic is followed throughout the speech of the politician and is confirmed by quantitative indicators: the pronoun " we" is used 50 times and the possessive pronoun "our" is introduced 47 times. But in addition to the repetition of pronouns, the speech is characterized by a set of parallel constructions in combination with an anaphora: " ...Their pain is our pain, their dreams are our dreams, and their success will be our success; one heart, one home, one destiny"" (Brown, 2009 URL:

Anadiplosis is also often used in D. Trump's public speech to place semantic emphasis. Anadiplosis is a type of repetition in which the final phrase of one part of a speech fragment is the beginning of the next one. Distinguishing the opinion with the help of anadiplosis, you can define the necessary position on a particular issue clearly, while concentrating the whole attention of the audience: "Law and order must be restored. It must be restored for..." (Brown, 2009 URL: gordon-brown-speech-to-congress). Another variant of this construction is possible, when the opinion is divided to evenly emphasize aspects of one phenomenon: " The war on our police must end. It must end now" (Brown, 2009 URL: 2009/mar/04/gordon-brown-speech-to-congress).

Epiphora is a repetition of the final structures. D. Trump does not often use this type of repetition, but it can still be found to highlight the meanings: "I care too much about my country to let that happen. We all care too much about our country to let that happen " (Brown, 2009 URL: speech-to-congress).

Symploce is a unique type of lexical repetition (the combination of anaphora and epiphora; the repetition at the beginning and the end of an independent construction), which is less common, but it is one of the most effective methods of emotional influence and artistic expression in political discourse. "It's the powerful protecting the powerful" (Brown, 2009 URL: congress). In this example, D. Trump uses symploce in the combination with hyperbole.

Figurative means are effective for influencing the audience, especially in a political discourse. The language in which the means of transmitting expressiveness are used is more interesting to perceive. For their accurate translation, it is necessary to take into account not only the political situation in the English-speaking country, but also the relevant cultural and historical realities. When translating political texts, it is necessary to determine the adequacy of the translation not by comparing the original and target texts, but by comparing the reaction of the recipients of the target text and the original. Taking these points into account helps to determine the translation strategy: to save, change or rebuild the original unit so as not to lose the level of expression of the original. When translating American political discourse, one should, first of all, pay attention to the linguistic and cultural features of the American rhetoric. Ignoring socio-cultural features can lead to the loss of the idea that the speaker wants to express.


The paper examines the features of the translation of texts of public speeches, with the direct preservation of their expressive function, and the definition of the basic techniques of translation of various elements in the expressive public speech. In addition, a comprehensive approach to the analysis of ways to reproduce the linguistic means of expression in the political speeches of contemporary politicians in the UK and USA has been used. Thus, the expression of public oratory is conveyed by such linguistic variants as: phraseological units, which should be translated fully or partially or by means of a descriptive method; metaphorical units, various types of which are translated differently, depending on the type, but transferring the expressive function in translation. The main task is to achieve an expressive equivalent, for which the translator resorted to a number of stylistic modifications. Metonymy, which is close to metaphor, provides conciseness of presentation, creates a stable image and promotes the perception of political images and reinforces them. Antitheses are used to enhance expressiveness and to manipulate the minds of recipients skillfully, translating which it is important not to deviate from the context of speech. Epithets create the necessary emotional background of expression, help the recipient to develop a certain attitude, when translating it is important not to lose touch with specific Ukrainian counterparts. Such stylistic means and figures as hyperbole, litotes, lexical repetition, anaphora, anadiplosis, epiphora and symploce, which help to achieve the desired effect, have been studied in this paper as well as the most optimal ways of their transmission in translation have been analyzed.


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