Англійська мова
Оригінальні тексти з урахуванням специфіки навчальних вимог для студентів технологічних спеціальностей та сфер обслуговування харчової промисловості. Лексичні коментарі, спрямовані на розвиток комунікативних вмінь і навичок. Вправи для розвитку мовлення.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | учебное пособие |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 19.04.2015 |
Размер файла | 283,6 K |
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The dates known to commerce emanate from a species of palm-tree which grows in the Canara Islands, Northern Africa, the South-East of Asia, and the North-West of India.
The oblong fruit of the palm-tree is well known to consumers. The saccharine nature of the flesh makes it very pleasant to the palate.
The finest dates are produced in the "Sunken Gardens" in Algiers, and are known by the name of Deglet Nur. In countries that experience cold and frosty nights, the young trees have to be protected with canvas or some similar covering. The planting is generally done in rows, seven or eight yards apart.
The fruit bearing capacities of the trees differ, according to the quality of species and degree of care spent upon their cultivation. One tree gives an annual crop of 60 lb. of dates; mother yields 100 lb. and the finest specimens have been known to yield 500 lb.
There exist about twenty branches of the date species. They are known as the sweet dates, originating in Tunis, Algiers and Morocco. Of the sweet dates there are several kinds; the Geglet Nur of Algiers, the Tafilat of the Morocco Sahara, and the Menakher of the Tunis Sahara.
The best kinds are large, soft, slightly wrinkled, and of a reddish brown colour with a pale sort of skin dividing the fruit from the stone. The mild sweet dates are invariably consumed in the vicinity of their production, while the dry date is pressed by the Arabs, or ground into a flour, and used by themselves as a common article of food.
Active Vocabulary
cultivate культивувати
cultivated культивований
species (s, pl,) сорт, вид, (види, сорта)
spoil шкодити
stone-fruit кісточковий фрукт, плід
large fruit (pippin-fruit) насіннєвий плід
flavour смак
delicious дуже смачний
soft м'який
juicy соковитий
ripe дозрілий, стиглий
ripen дозрівати, зріти
green housе теплиця
prolific плодючий
decay (n) руйнування,гниття
smooth skin гладка шкірка
pear груша
lemon лимон
peach персик
pineapple ананас
cherries вишня
grapes виноград
currants смородина
berry ягода
lb (libra) фунт (дорівнює 0,41 кг)
Task 1. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box
pounds; figs; crops; stuffed; species; cultivated; grapefruit; pineapples; varieties; preserved; olives |
1. The leaves of the tree ________ are large, and big white flowers are produced on the branches.
2. The fruit often weighs from ten to fourteen ________ , but the average weight for table use is about one pound.
3. The most perfect _______ grown in the open air are to be found in the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific, some 2,000 miles from San Francisco.
4. The _______ known to commerce are grown chiefly in Asia, Syria, the Spanish Peninsula and the South of France.
5. There are about 360 _________of figs grown, the colours of which range from dark purple to yellow, white, and green.
6. The trees usually bear two ________, one in the spring and the other in the autumn.
7. Figs are _________ in several ways, in syrup, brandy, ect.
8. They are ________ also, and in that form find a ready sale.
9. In the East India a _________ of fig-tree, known as the indiarubber tree, furnishes much of the word's supply of caoutchouc.
10. The olive is an evergreen tree or shrub extensively _________ in numerous subtropical countries.
11. The green _______ destined for picking are gathered when the period of growth is at an end but before the final ripening begins.
Task 2. Match the word with its definition
1. cultivate 1. become ripe
2. species 2. succulent
3. prolific 3. do harm
4. flavour 4. weight unit (equals to 0.41 kg)
5. juicy 5. grow, take care of crops
6. ripen 6. sort
7. lb 7. fruitful
8. spoil 8. the particular taste of a food or drink
Task 3. Group the words below under the following headings:
pippin - fruit
stone - fruit
exotic - fruit
nuts (shellfruit)
apple pear lemon peach pine apple
grapes strawberries lime currants raspberries
plum melon fig mango kiwi
banana orange bilberries quince black berries
pomegranates apricot olives gooseberries grapefruit
avocado coconut date walnut hazelnut
peanut almond chestnut cranberries nectarine
Task 4. Which verbs do we use to cook any fruit dishes and preserve fruits properly?
pickle, cut, sweeten, salt, dry, cure, bake, slice, peel, wash, boil, stew, steam, pour, mix, stir, spice, put, grate, chop, microwave, freeze, squeeze, press |
Task 5. Give your own recipe for the fruit dish you cooked yourself. Concern the following items:
- Ingredients
- Equipment
- Nutritional value
Task 6. Comment on the following English proverbs and sayings. Think of their Ukrainian equivalents
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Trees are known by fruits.
First come, first served.
Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper.
Pick the plums out of the pudding.
Stew in one's own juice.
Task 7. Translate into English
1. Яблука - унікальні плоди, тому що в них містяться майже всі вітаміни і мінеральні елементи.
2. Сорти груш відрізняються за формою, величиною плодів, кольором шкірки і будови.
3. Мушмула вживається у свіжому вигляді, а також використовується для приготування варення, вина та інших продуктів.
4. Поживна цінність абрикосів визначається високою цукристістю, значним вмістом вітаміна А, наявністю органічних кислот, мінеральних речовин.
5. Сорта персиків можна класифікувати за двома групами: пухнасті та гладкі.
6. Виноград вирощують на відкритій площі і в теплицях.
7. Серед сортів мигдалю розрізняють солодкі і гіркі.
8. Мигдаль багат на білки, жири і вуглеводи.
9. Фундук є культивованою формою лісного горіха.
10. Банани є плодами трав'яної рослини із родини бананових.
11. Ананаси вживають у свіжому і переробленому вигляді.
Task 8. Answer the questions
1. What is the classification of the fruits grown in northern countries?
2. What are the divisions of the fruits grown in warm, temperate and tropical climates?
3. What classes of peaches do you know?
4. What are the nectarines?
5. In what ways are grapes grown?
6. Where was the pineapple first known?
7. What varieties of the pineapple do you know and how do they differ from one another?
8. When was the cherry first introduced?
9. What varieties of the cherry do you know?
10. When do the dates grow?
Task 9. Kiwifruit growers hope to strike gold with new product
Zespri is risking millions of dollars on the launch of an entirely new product - the bald, gold kiwifruit. The effort, Zespri says, has been a great success. But with Zespri Gold making up only percent of total New Zealand kiwifruit production, the company must be careful to continue to promote the traditional hairy green variety, which has annual sales of NZ $ 500 m (US $ 224m) and is New Zealand's single most important fruit export.
In Japan Zespri managers decided to emphasize the fruit's health-giving, energy-enhancing qualities. The new variety is sweeter and more attractive to Asian tastes. Yu Jan Chen, regional manager for Zespri in Japan and Asia, says, “It is ideal for the Asian markets.” He says it is selling “very well” in Japan, and is also being marketed in South Korea and Taiwan. The export season began slowly because the traditional green fruit was unusually small and difficult to sell. However, sales picked up when the gold fruit became available.
The successful launch of the gold fruit is expected to increase profits in the long term. The Kiwifruit Marketing Board has retained all marketing and selling rights for Europe and overseas for the trademarked variety. This will protect revenue as the gold variety is planted worldwide.
The board has already signed contracts with the four largest kiwifruit cooperatives in Italy, and planting has begun. The area for planting is expected to grow steadily, eventually producing millions of trays.
As Guus Van Der Kleij, regional manager for Europe, says, “It is an excellent product: after 25 years selling traditional green kiwifruit, you don't know how exciting it is to sell something different.”
Scan the text and find words or phrases in the text which mean the following:
1. introduction
2. to try hard to sell a product by advertising or other activities
3. each year
4. to say that something is particularly important
5. person in charge of a particular area
6. improved
7. money received from selling goods
8. firms that are owned and run by all the employees
Task 10. Answer these questions
1. What are the most important qualities of the new kiwifruit?
2. What methods can companies use to promote new food products?
3. The article says “… sales picked up when the gold fruit became available.”
At what time of the year do sales of the following pick up in your country?
a) toys b) ice cream c) cars d) greeting cards
A customer sat down at a smart restaurant and tied a napkin around his neck. The scandalized manager called a waiter and instructed him. “Try to make him understand, as tactfully as possible, that that's not done.” Said the thoughtful waiter to the customer , “Pardon me, sir. Shave or haircut, sir?”
The great importance of milk in the diet is due to that fact that it contains most of the essential food constituents in easily digestible form. It represents the best source of calcium, a good source of vitamins A, B complex and C, and contains fat, sugar, proteins, and, in smaller amounts, all the other essential minerals. To improve the vitamin content of milk, many dairies add vitamin D either by special food given to the cows or by direct addition to the milk.
Composition of milk. The amounts of various constituents in milk vary, from season to season, with the food of the cow and the breed.
The average percentage of water is 87. The carbohydrates present is lactose, which is held in solution along with the minerals as soluble salts, such as sodium and potassium chlorides and citrates, magnesium citrate, and calcium phosphate, and insoluble salt, is held in suspension. The fat (butter fat) is emulsified, part of the protein of the milk acting as emulsifying agent. The yellow colour of milk is due to the colour pigment of the fat, which, in turn, is derived from the green food eaten by the cow.
The principal proteins present are casein and albumin. Casein is probably a mixture of compound proteins, the phospho- proteins, and is in part associated with calcium as calcium caseinate. The mixture of casein and calcium.caseinate is often called coseinogen.
Cream. The cream of milk is best separated by a centrifuge, which may be so regulated that cream of any desired fat- content may be obtained. Cream contains the same constituents as milk, but in a very different proportion. It resembles milk in many of its properties. Heat affects it in a similar fashion, and lactic acid bacteria develop in it, producing acidity. Cream intended for retailing is usually of two grades -- heavy or whipping cream and coffee cream.
Cream, without any qualification, is usually understood to mean coffee cream. The difference in the two grades is solely difference in fat content. Whipping cream must contain not less than 30 per cent of fat and coffee cream not less than 18 per cent. The selection of cream by the private consumer can be based only on its flavour and cost.
Cheeses. “The curd of milk which has undergone changes in its composition through the growth of microorganisms" is a fair definition of cheese. Most cheeses are made from the acid curds.
Cottage cheese represents the casein of milk separated by acid coagulation, along with a high percentage of calcium salts and fats. The water is not very thoroughly pressed out of this cheese so it contains many of the soluble salts of the milk. The curd produced by either rennet or acid constitutes a green cheese, which must be allowed to "ripen", undergoing marked changes in the constituents of the curd. The course of ripening depends upon the microorganisms present in the green cheese. The use of different kinds of milk rennet from the gastric secretions of different animals, and the place of ripening, all have a pronounced effect on the flavour and other characteristics of the cheese. It is, therefore, not surprising to learn that there are approximately 400 known varieties of cheese.
All cheeses may be considered as rich sources of protein and protein decomposition products, and of minerals, especially calcium. The composition of each cheese will vary according to its preparation. Some contain more of the whey of the milk, or more of the fat of the milk, and these influence the percentage of other constituents.
The composition of cheese determines its use in cookery. While it does not require cooking, it is often desirable to include it with other foods which are to be cooked. Heat softens cheese as the fat melts. Long heating causes the already coagulated protein to shrink, and this sets free the melted fat, leaving protein to appear in the cooked dish in a stringly form, a state of affairs which can be avoided only by shorter cooking. Dry heat evaporates the water and hardens the cheese.
Butter. If cream is whipped or churned for a long time, the fat globules combine, and fat separates out in lumps which include some of the proteins, milk sugar and salts with a considerable quantity of water adhering. This mass is essentially butter. Most of the butter on the market is made from pasteurized cream to which a starter (a culture of bacteria) has been added. The main purpose of pasteurization is to reduce the number of microorganisms which might be pathogenic or produce undesirable flavour in the butter.
Milk with known content of lactic acid bacteria is added to start the “ripening” of the pasteurized cream. During the ripening process compounds are produced which give butters their characteristic flavours. At the same time, the lactic acid produced aids in the more complete separation of fat from the other constituents of cream (butter-milk). After the ripening process, the cream is churned to separate the fat. The amount of colouring matter to be added depends upon the amount of natural colour in the cream, and this varies according to breed of cow and the amount of green food consumed by her. The separated fat is washed to remove the adhering buttermilk, but carefully, as too much washing produces a flat-tasting butter. Salt is now added for three reasons: it helps in the removal of buttermilk, it enhances the flavour of the butter, and it improves its keeping qualities. The amount of salt added varies with the amount of water left in the butter; the more water the more salt. The legal amount of water in butter is less than 16 per cent. The appearance of the butter is some indication of water content.
All butters contain a high percentage of vitamin A, the amount varying with the breed of cattle and the season of the year.
Ice cream is made from milk, milk solids, cream, flavourings, and sweeteners. Nuts and fruits are sometimes added. Ice cream is higher in calories than milk.
Yogurt is made by fermenting milk (whole, skim, or low - fat milk or milk solids) with different strains of bacteria. Most commercial yogurts are low in fat and high (20%) in galactose. But more than half the weight of some yogurts consists of added sugar and fruits. Dairy or related products also include filled and +imitation dairy products (for example, filled cheese). Most filled products contain milk solid and non - butter fat; they come in forms such as cheese and canned milk. An imitation dairy product is one that resembles real milk products, especially in flavour and cooking characteristics, but does not contain any milk solids. Instead, it contains nondairy ingredients.
In the last few years, the consumption of dairy products has declined for various reasons. Technology has created a large number of nutritious beverages other than milk that cater to the taste and preference some consumers. The thereat of high blood cholesterol and obesity has also played a role; many consumers use dairy substitutes instead. In addition, many people are still ignorant about the value of milk.
composition of milk склад молока
dairy products молочні продукти
contain містити
constituents складові
digestible легкотравний
digestive травний
digestion травлення
calcium кальцій
vary змінюватись
soluble salts розчинні солі
sodium chloride сода, хлористий натрій
potassium chloride хлористий калій
insoluble нерозчинний
emulsifying agent речовина, що утворює емульсію
mixture суміш
cream (sing) вершки
fat content склад жиру
separate відділяти(ся)
acidity кислотність
churn збивати масло
whipping cream збиті вершки
whole milk незбиране молоко
dry milk сухе молоко
condensed milk згущене молоко
sour cream сметана
butter milk маслянка, сколотини
curd (s), cheese сир
determine визначати, зумовлювати
coagulated коагульований
pastereurized пастеризований
lactic acid молочна кислота
whey сироватка
milk rennet згортання молока
yogurt йогурт
skimmed milk збиране молоко
margarine маргарин
ice cream морозиво
flavouring ароматизатор
sweetener наповнювач (підсолоджувач)
kefir кефір
fermenting milk ферментуюче молоко
canned консервований
cultured milk foods кисломолочні продукти
Task 1. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box
foam, aged, milk, fluid, coagulates, homogenization, whipping, evaporated, nutritive, viscosity. |
1. The optimum amount of fat for a _______ cream is 30 to 35 per cent.
2. A cream which is warm or which is not sufficiently aged will whip to butter, as the fat is not sufficiently firm to form a stabilized _______.
3. A 20 per cent cream may be made to pour like 40 per cent cream by ________, a process in which the fat clusters are greatly reduced in size and greatly increased in number.
4. A high fat cream which has _______ and is cold whips faster.
5. Milk and ________ products are available in many forms.
6. Fresh _______ milk is almost always pasteurized.
7. ________, dry, frozen, condensed, and fermented milk (butter milk and yoghurt) are used in preparation of food.
8. Long cooking at high temperatures _________ some protein, causes an off-flavour in the milk, and caramelizes the lactose that is, it decomposes or breaks it down into simpler compounds. 9. You can use dry milk in addition to fluid milk to increase the _______ value. 10. Higher ________ increases the whipping properties of cream.
Task 2. Math the word with its definition
1. ice cream 2. cheese 3. pasteurization 4. yogurt 5. caseinogen 6. casein and albumin 7. butter 8. margarine 9. sour cream |
1. dairy product made by fermenting milk with different strains of bacteria. 2. partial sterilization by heating 3. mixture of casein and calcium caseinate 4. principal proteins found in milk 5. milk product made from acid curds (on the basis of changes of its composition caused by microorganisms) 6. mixture of milk, milk solids cream, flavourings and sweeteners 7. manufactured substitude for butter, consisting of a blend of vegetable oils or meat fats mixed with milk and salt 8. cultured dairy product obtained by fermenting of cream with its later ripening (aging) 9. dairy product obtained by churning the fat from milk until it reaches a solidified form |
Task 3. Group the words below under the following headings
Dairy products
blackberry maize peanut fig
beans mint sour cream wheat
cream onions rye ice cream
flour quince pineapple lettuce
gooseberry filbert turnip parsley
grape dill nectarine pumpkin
Task 4. In teams express your (your friends`) likes and dislikes about dairy products (dishes) according to the chart:
She like eating I hates having He enjoys drinking My friend feel like cooking am fond of ordering can't stand recommending is fed up with helping can't help |
yoghurt now milk shake for breakfast syrniki every morning semolina before going to bed cheese himself ice cream at the restaurant milk for lunch sour cream with my friends milk desserts in the snack bar coffee glace myself curd pudding |
Task 6. What sort of shop are they in? Roleplay the dialogues
1. Ann. Good morning.
Ben. Hello. A large wholemeal loaf, please.
Ann. Here you are. 60 p, please.
Ben. And a half a dozen soft white rolls.
Ann. Would you like the ones with sesame seeds?
Ben. Yes.
Ann. Anything else?
Ben. No, thanks.
2. Rose. Can I help you?
Cora. Yes, I'd like some Cheddar.
Rose. Is it for cooking?
Cora. No, it's to have with biscuits.
Rose. Then I recommend this one. It's mature and quite strong.
Cora. Could I try a little, please?
Rose. Yes, sure.
Cora. Mmm, very nice. I'll have half a pound, please.
Rose. Anything else, madam?
Cora. No, that'll be all, I think.
Thank you.
Task 7. Translate into English
1. Молоко містить всі необхідні для підтримки життя речовини, що добре засвоюються організмом.
2. Білки молока містять всі незамінні амінокислоти.
3. Більш ніж 50 % мінеральних речовин у молоці складають солі кальцію і фосфору.
4. В молоці містяться вітаміни А, D, Е, С, В1, В2, В6.
5. За способом обробки молоко випускають пастеризоване, стерилізоване, вітамінізоване, іонітне, обезжирене.
6. Вершки - це молочний продукт, що містить підвищений відсоток жиру.
7. Кефір - це один із найрозповсюджених харчових продуктів.
8. Кефір готують із незбираного і обезжиреного молока.
9. Сир - це молочнокислий продукт, що містить високу поживну та енергетичну цінність.
10. Сметана - це молочнокислий продукт, який отримують при ферментизації вершків і наступному їх дозріванні.
Task 8. Answer the questions
1. What does milk contain? 2. What can you say about the composition of milk?
3. What milk products do you know? 4. How may the cream of milk be obtained? 5. How are coffee and whipping creams differentiated from each other? 6. What percentage of fat is desirable for a whipping cream? 7. What properties and conditions are essential to whipping cream? 8. What does cottage cheese represent? 9. What determines the use of cheeses in cooking? 10. What is most of the butter on the market made from?
Task 9. Read the text without a dictionary and discuss it
Milk Products and Alternates
Products derived from fluid whole milk or products that imitate milk's flavour and nutrient content may be consumed in addition to or instead of fluid whole milk. Some people cannot digest fluid whole milk. However, many of them can tolerate fermented products such as cheese, yogurt, or buttermilk, in which the lactose has been converted to lactic acid. Some of them can also drink a small amount of milk. Many children are actually allergic to milk, although some can become accustomed to the product if they drink gradually increasing amounts over a period of time.
When some dairy products are used in place of fluid whole milk, there are important nutritional considerations. If low --fat, skim, or non -- fat milk is used, the intake of vitamins A and D and essential fatty acids may be low. If available, products fortified with these two vitamins are preferred. Also, chocolate milk has more calories than an equivalent amount of regular fluid milk.
Task 10. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box to complete the idioms. The meaning of the idiom is given in brackets after each sentence
grapes, picnic, cauliflower, apple, jam, butter, pie, egg, butter, cake |
1. She is so clumsy and is always dropping things. She's a real _______ fingers! (A very clumsy person).
2. Patrice tells me my new laptop isn't that good. But I'm sure it's only sour ______ as I know he'd like one but can't afford it. (He is only pretending not to like it because he can't have it himself).
3. Your father's going to go _______ when he finds out what you've done to the car! (He is going to be really angry).
4. It's no _______ finding a job these days-especially, with the high unemployment rates. (It's not a very easy job).
5. She really loved her grandson. He was the ______ of her eye. ( He was someone she really loved, her favourite relative).
6. To some people, learning a foreign language is as easy as _______. To others it is really difficult. (It is very easy).
7. You can usually tell a boxer from his _______ ears. (Ears that have been hit so much they are permanently swollen and a strange shape).
8. If you ask me, babysitting is money for ______. You get to watch TV, eat sandwiches and drink Coke and paid for it! (It is a very easy way to make money).
9. I'm not surprised he ended up in prison. (I always thought he was a bad ________. (He was a completely worthless person).
10. The exam was so easy. It was a piece of _______! (It was really easy).
Mother (to small son who is going to a party) - “Now, dear, what are you going to do when you've had enough to eat?”
Little Tommy - “Come home.”
"Meat is the flesh of animals used for food"-- Webster's International Dictionary. In the sense used here, meat consists of the muscular tissues or lean internal fat, and the fat which is deposited between the tendons and tissues. Strictly speaking, meat means the flesh of any animal used for food, but ordinarily it applies only to the animals raised for food, the wild animals are called "game". The meats found in the market are beef (cattle), veal (calf), pork (swine), lamb and mutton (sheep).
Meat, as it is purchased in the market, consists of muscular tissue connective tissue, bones, glands and edible organs. All meats contain fat in the connective and adipose tissue, between the fibres and muscles, between the cells or in the muscle cells. Some of it is stored in quantities large enough to be seen as in internal covering, and in deposits around the heart and kidney, and some of it is distributed throughout the muscular tissue in very minute particles. The fat of cattle and sheep is called tallow; that from hogs after rendering is called lard. Fat adds weight to the carcass, increases palatability, and helps to retain the moisture of the muscles.
Meats contain proteins, fats, water, inorganic salts, nitrogenous extractives, non-nitrogenous extractives, carbohydrate, enzymes, and pigments. Meat is one of the most important sources of protein. The proportion of protein in meat varies somewhat with the kind and cut in beef, lamb and veal and comprises between 14 and 26 per cent in a given weight unit. The protein of meat may be classified under simple proteins which when digested are broken down into groups called "building stones" or "amino acids". The chief proteins found in meat are myosin which is the basis of muscular tissue, serum albumin or blood, the albuminoids which are the proteins found in the skin, the skeleton and its connections.
Elastin and collagen in the tendons and in the connective tissue and ossein of the bones when boiled in water yield gelatin.
Gelatin is an incomplete protein which has some food value when the red colour of meat is due chiefly to the hemoglobin of the blood which is still present. Hemolgobin is made up of the protein molecule and the pigment hematin. Meat contains enzymes which bring about ripening or aging.
Vitamins are nutritional factors which are essential to growth and health in the young and the maintenance of health in the adult. According to present knowledge there are six recognized vitamins namely: fat-soluble A, the antiophthalmic vitamin; water-soluble B, the antineuritic vitamin; water- soluble C, the antiscorbunic vitamin; fat-soluble D, the antirachitic vitamin; water-soluble G, pelagra symptom preventing; and fat-soluble A, the antistability vitamin. Vitamin A is found in fat meats, with liver being an excellent source. Vitamin B is present in lean meat especially in lean pork. Lean meat is an excellent source of vitamin C. The glandular tissues, liver, kidneys, sweetbreads, etc. are valued especially for the vitamins they contain.
Meat combined with extractives combined with some cereal grains, gelatin may build muscle. Meat contains carbohydrate in the form of glycogen which is found in the muscles and is stored chiefly in the liver.
Mineral salts are essential for the well-being of the body. Meats are rich sources of iron and phosphorus, however, they are low in calcium and must be served with foods rich in calcium salts.
These are the minerals which are not widely distributed in our foodstuffs. A high percentage of phosphorus in both organic and inorganic form is found in meat. Meat also contains copper which functions with iron in hemoglobin formation. Meat contains small amounts of extractives which, although they have little food value, are extremely important because they give flavour to meat and act as a stimulant to the flow of the digestive juices. The essential extractives found in meat are creatine and purins. They are called extractives because they may be extracted by boiling water. The extractives also contribute to the satiety value (feeling of satisfaction after having taken of food) which is one of the characteristics of meat. The satiety value of an article of diet can be measured in two ways: I) by the length of time the food remains in the stomach; and 2) by the amount of gastric activity which it calls forth.
There are several important factors which determine the quality and palatabilily of meat. Grade of meat is based on the three factors: conformation, finish and quality. The term conformation covers the general build, form, shape, contour or outline of the carcass, side or cut. The term finish refers to the thickness colour, character and distribution of fat. Quality is a characteristic of the flesh and the fat included therein.
It is related primarily to the thickness, firmness, and strength of both the muscle fibre and connective tissue. It also involves the amount, consistency and character of the juices or extractives. Colour does not determine quality, but it is an excellent index of quality. The best finish in beef implies a smooth covering of brittle, flaky, white fat over most of the interior and a much thinner covering over the interior surface of the ribs; there also will be liberal deposits of fat between the larger muscles and generous distribution along the connective tissues and between the muscle fibres. Best quality in beef is indicated by a lean of a bright cherry red colour, good marbling, firm, fine grain, a cut surface which is smooth and velvety to sight and touch. Red porous bones indicate a young animal as contrasted to the white, flinty bones of the older animal.
Meat may be preserved for future in several ways:
1) canning is one way. Fresh meats and some of the sundry parts are canned;
2)curing is a very important method of preservation.
Common salt is the basis for all curing and is the only really essential ingredient. Smoking aids in preserving meats and it lives a pleasant flavour. Sugar and saltpetre are other ingredients of the curing formulae. Examples of cured meats are: corned beef, dried beef, ham, bacon, salt pork and some types of sausages; 3) meat may be held in cold storage to preserve it; 4) freezing quickly at a very low temperature is a new development in meat preservation and merchandising.
Active Vocabulary
flesh м'ясо
muscular tissue м'язова тканина
connective tissue сполучна тканина
tendons сухожилля
lean meat пісне м'ясо
food value поживна цінність
satiety насичення
palatable смачний, приємний на смак
cattle велика рогата худоба
beef яловичина
veal телятина
pork свинина
lamb ягня
mutton баранина
bones кістки
gland(s) залоза (и)
edible organs їстівні органи (у тварин)
carcass туша
fibre волокно
cell клітина (біологічна)
extractives екстракти
texture тканина
digest перетравлювати, засвоювати (про їжу)
skin шкіра
albumin альбумін (білок)
gelatin желатин
blood кров
liver печінка
kidneys нирки
glandular tissues залозні тканини
sweetbread солодке м'ясо
glycogen глікоген (тваринний крохмаль)
preservation зберігання, консервування
canning консервування
curing засолювання
cooling охолодження
drying сушіння
freezing заморожування
Task 1. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box
connective tissue, fibres, cells, sources, tissue, solutions, structure, muscle, pigments, tenderness |
1. Meats represent one of the most popular _______ of protein. 2. An examination of meat _______ enables us to form a picture of the parts. 3. The muscle ______ are tubelike in structure and tapering at each end. 4. These are held together by the so called _______. 5. Fat _______ may be found held within the meshes of the connective tissue. 6. Bundles of muscles fibres are held to the bony _______ of the animal by dense strands of connective tissues called tendons. 7. Within the muscle fibres are _______ of salts, vitamins A and B complex and others in small quantities, enzymes and certain proteins -- myosin (globulin), myogen (albumin) and derived proteins. 8. The muscle fibres of red meat contain more hemoglobin and muscle ________ than the light or colourless meat. 9. Glycogen and dextrose are present in greater or lesser amount in all _______ fibre. 10. The location and distribution of the fat greatly affect the ________ of the meat.
Task 2. Math the word with its definition
1. aging 2. myosin 3. meat 4. tissue 5. myogen 6. hemoglobin 7. glycogen 8. lard 9. ossein 10. carcass |
1. the fat from hogs after rendering 2. albumin 3. bony collagen 4. connection of the protein and the pigment hematin 5. ripening 6. texture 7. flesh 8. carbohydrate 9. globulin 10. a body of a slaughtered animal |
Task 3. In teams give your arguments on the following, using the prompts in brackets:
- pros and cons of a vegetarian diet (healthy and useful meals; protest against animal abuse; preventing from gaining an extra weight)
- advantages and disadvantages of ultrafashionable low-caloric diets
(the role of proteins and vitamins in daily human diet; widely spread anti-obesity compaign in Europe and the USA; junk food and its harmful effect on our lifestyle; starvation (absolute) diets and their pernicious effects; nutritional additives: arguments for and against).
Task 4. Do you find cooking methods of meat dishes adequate? Correct the mistakes
Meat dish |
Method of Cooking |
fried steaks boiled sausages roast beef baked chicken grilled pork stewed lamb |
in the pot on the grill in the frying pan in the saucepan on the open fire in the oven |
Task 5. Write your own recipe for a meat dish. Mind the following items:
instructions of cooking
In groups discuss your recipes and choose the best ones.
Task 6. React to the given statements, expressing surprise, content, delight, unsatisfaction, irritation
1. “Help yourself to this meat salad, please.”
2. “The beefsteak is delicious! You've got a light hand with this sort of food!”
3. “Again you've crushed too much garlic in the cutlets!”
4. “John, what's the trouble with you? You're just pretending of eating.”
5. “I could not even imagine that you knew so many recipes of meat dishes!”
6. “How could you manage to find out that ancient recipe?”
Task 7. Translate into English
1. Поживна цінність м'яса визначається його хімічним складом, калорійністю, смаковими якостями та травленням.
2. До складу м'яса входять вода, білки, жири, вуглеводи, екстрактивні речовини, мінеральні солі, вітаміни.
3. Хімічний склад м'яса залежить від виду і угодованості тварини, її породи, статі, віку, від кормового раціону.
4. М'ясо різних частин однієї і тієї ж туші дуже відрізняється за своїм хімічним складом.
5. Білки є найважливішою складовою м'яса.
6. М'ясними напівфабрикатами називаються вироби, що завчасно підготовлені для теплової обробки.
7. Еластин міститься в еластичних волокнах.
8. Колаген є найбільш розповсюдженим білком в усіх різновидах сполучної тканини.
9. Альбуміни та глобуліни відносяться до білків сполучної тканини.
10. Кісткова тканина в цілому складається із мінеральних та органічних речовин.
11. Жир не тільки підвищує калорійність м'яса, але і впливає на його колір, смак, аромат, соковитість.
Task 8. Answer the questions
1. What is meat? 2. What kinds of meat do we find in the market? 3. What does meat, as it is purchased in the market consist of? 4. What is tallow? 5. What is lard? 6. What does meat contain? 7. What are the chief proteins in meat? 8. Does meat contain carbohydrates? 9. What gives flavour to meat and acts as a stimulant to the flow of the digestive juices? 10. What are the essential extractives in meat? 11. How can we measure the satiety value? 12. What factors determine the quality and palatability of meat? 13. What can you say about the preservation of meat for future?
Task 9. Read the text without a dictionary and discuss it, regarding the following questions
1. What different countries does the hamburger come from?
2. Which hamburgers do you prefer eating best of all? Have you ever tried to invent your special recipe of a hamburger?
3. What do you need to make your favourite sandwich, snack, fruit salad?
The Hamburger
The hamburger has no connection to ham. It got its name from the German town of Hamburg, which was famous for its ground steak. German immigrants to the United States introduced the "hamburger steak". At the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904, hamburger steaks were served on buns for the first time. Hamburgers on buns were convenient and tasted good. This become the usual way of eating hamburgers.
How did the hamburger become the most popular, most typical American food? The introduction of the bun is an important part of the answer. Another important part is McDonald's, the fast --food restaurant.
The first McDonald's was opened in San Bernadino, California, in 1949. Hamburgers were the main item on its menu. People liked the restaurant's fast service. By the 1960s there were many McDonald's restaurants. McDonald's was a part of nearly every community in the United States. There were also other fast --food restaurants that sold hamburgers. McDonald's alone sold millions of hamburgers a year.
Today, of course, there are McDonald's restaurants around the world. The food they serve is considered typically American. Americans often have a hamburger for a quick lunch or snack. But do you know that the favourite American "fast food" actually comes from many different countries?
Task 10. Fill in the gaps using the correct idiom
1. I woudn't want to move away from Switzerland - not for all the _______ in China.
a) cake b) money c) tea
2. The accountant was arrested for _______ the books.
a) cooking b) stealing c) reading
3. Most of the beaches in Spain in August are _______ with tourists.
a) tightly squeezed b) well-oiled c) jam-packed
4. We've missed the last train. Let's try and ________ home.
a) thumb a lift b) well-oilеd c) jump on the bandwagon
5. It's getting late. I think we'd better ________ if we want to catch the last bus back to our boarding house.
a) make tracks b) hit the bottle c) fly off the handle
6. We are going to visit the Tower of London tomorrow. Would you like to _________?
a) tag along b) hang about c) crop up
7. - Do you ever play the National Lottery, Jack?
- No, it's ________ ! You don't have a ghost of a chance of winning!
a) no way b) the more the merrier c) a mug's game
8. - Why is a dentist always unhappy?
- Because he _________!
a) puts on the shortlist b) looks down in the mouth c) pulls himself together
- Pardon me, will my hamburger be long?
- No, sir it'll be round.
Fish is about 26 per cent protein, which is complete, well balanced and not easily affected by the usual cooking method. It is 85 per cent to 95 per cent digestible. Fish supply 5 per cent to 10 per cent of the National's supply of animal proteins for human food requirement. The amount of fat in fish is less than 1 per cent in cod, haddock, whiting, rockfish and sole; to 20 per cent in salmon, mackerel, lake trout and butter- fish. The fat is easily digested and is used readily by the body tissues.
Continuing research has established the nutritive value of some of the unsaturated fatty acids peculiar to some fish.
The vitamin content of fish varies an average serving of 3--5 ounces of cooked salmon and mackerel, which are fat fish, provides about 10 per cent of the daily requirement of vitamins A and D. The mineral content of the edible part of most includes satisfactory sources of magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper and iodine.
Shellfish, clams, crabs, lobsters, oysters, scallops, and shrimp has an abundance of these minerals -- about as much as milk. The softened bones in canned fish, which are good to eat, are good sources of calcium and phosphorus. An average serving of six oysters supplies more than the daily need of iron and copper.
There are about 200 commercial species of fish, but most people are familiar with fewer than 20 and recognize even fewer than that on a dinner plate.
The two major groups of fish -- the finfish and shellfish (oysters, clams, blue crabs, lobsters) -- have enough variety to suit every taste and meet every need. Among the shellfishes are frog legs, turtle steaks, octopus and squid. They are the less common foods; urchin, a spiny brittle shelled organism, is usually eaten raw. Sea cucumbers are better known as the dried and smoked «trepang» or beche-de-mer of the South Seas. Fresh and frozen fish are marketed in various forms for different uses.
Knowing these forms of «cuts» is important in buying fish. The best known are:
1. Whole. As they come from the water. Before cooking must be scaled, and the insides removed, and usually the head, tail and fins removed.
2. Drawn. Whole fish with insides removed. Generally scaled before cooking, and usually the head, tail and fins removed.
3. Dressed or pan-dressed. Whole fish with scales and insides removed, usually with head, tail and fins removed. Ready to cook as purchased.
4. Steaks. Cross-section slices from large dressed fish. Ready to cook as purchased.
5. Fillets. Sides of the fish, cut lengthwise away from the back bone. Ready to cook as purchased. Practically boneless.
6. Sticks. Pieces of fish cut from the blocks of frozen fillets into portions of uniform dimentions, usually about one half inch deep, and weigh approximately 1 ounce.
7. Canned fish. Ready for use and includes many varieties of both fish and shellfish.
How to know good fish? In selecting whole fresh fish, look for bright, clear, bulging eyes, gills reddish, free from slime or odour; firm elastic flesh-springing back when pressed.
Amounts to buy. A serving of fish is generally one third to one half pound of edible flesh.
Therefore, for whole fish allow about one pound per person. For dressed fish allow one-half pound per person or three pounds for six people. For steaks, fillets or sticks, allow one third pound per person or two pounds for six people.
Active Vocabulary
balanced збалансований
supply (n, v) постачання, постачати
cod тріска
haddock пікша (вид тріски)
mackerel макрель, скумбрія
whiting мерланг (риба)
rock - fish морський окунь
salmon лосось
trout форель
herring оселедець
butterfish маслюк (риба)
peculiar to характерний (властивий) для
provide забезпечувати
iodine йод
finfish плавникова риба
shellfish молюск
clam молюск
crab краб
lobster омар
oyster устриця
shrimp креветка (маленька)
scallop гребінець (молюск)
squid кальмар
an average serving середня порція (їжі)
species вид (и) (рослин, тварин)
remove insides видалити нутрощі (тельбухи) у риби
fin плавник
dressed fish розділена риба (напівфабрикат)
drawn fish вительбушена риба
boneless без кісток
fillets філе
scale fish чистити рибу від луски, лускати рибу
caviar ікра
Task 1. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box
shellfish; nutrition; liver oil; caviar; amount; extractive substances; canned; prevention; herring; fin-fish |
1. Fish takes an important place in food _______. 2. A specific taste and aroma of fish meat are due to the ________ _______. 3. Salt-water fish generally contain large _______ of vitamin D. 4. Vitamin D is effective in _________ and cure of rickets. 5. It is present in cod _______ and other fish liver oils. 6. _______, mackerel, canned salmon and sardines are good sources of this vitamin. 7. The softened bones in _______ fish, which are good to eat, are good sources of calcium and phosphorus. 8. The two groups of _______ and shellfish have enough variety to suit every taste. 9. There are some kinds of caviar. 10. ________ supply satisfactory sources of magnesium, iron, copper.
Task 2. Match the word with its definition
1. digest 2. edible 3. body tissue 4. amount 5. serving (food) 6. shellfish 7. drawn fish 8. fin-fish 9. dressed fish 10. scale fish |
1. number of 2. portion 3. the substance that human body cells are made of 4. change easily food in one's stomach into the substances one's body needs 5. that can be eaten without any harm 6. with fins (fish) 7. remove scale (of fish) 8. with insides removed 9. clams 10. prepared (fish) in such a way (cleaned, taken out non-edible parts) that it can be cooked |
Task 3. Choose the right answer.
1. I enjoyed this fish salad. Would you mind letting me have the ________ for it?
a) menu b) receipt c) recipe
2. A food blender is very useful ________ to have in the kitchen.
a) gadget b) equipment c) tool
3. The fridge was _______ with food.
a) affluent b) crammed c) full
4. We buy a month's supply of fish and keep it in the ________.
a) freezer b) container c) cabinet
5. Would you put the water on, please, ready to ________ the potatoes.
a) brown b) bake c) boil
6. The recipe is a secret, it has been ________ from father to son for generations.
a) made up b) spoken of c) put off
7. How do you like your eggs _________?
a) ready b) done c) made
8. Frozen food should always be ________ before it is cooked.
a) defrosted b) softened c) melted
9. Chocolate _______ if you keep it in your pocket.
a) flows b) ripens c) melts
10. Can you give me a teaspoon to _________ my tea?
a) spin b) turn c) stir
Task 4. You and your partner are in the fish restaurant
What is going to be on the menu today?
Fish pie
Tuna salad
Soup of the day
(salmon soup)
Ice cream
Cod liver pate
Sea bass
Served with spicy mango-salsa
Rock - fish fillet steak
with choice of pepper or red wine sauce
Fried trout with vegetables
Prawn salad
Seasonal fruit compote
Look at the menu and discuss what you want to eat, using the prompts below:
Asking for information Complaining
What would you like? Excuse me …..
What do you recommend? Think this bill is wrong.
What exactly is that? That's not what I ordered
Can you change it?
Giving advice Paying
I suggest …. Do you take (Visa cards)?
It's a local dish Shall we split the bill?
It's made of ….. I'm paying.
It's very spicy. Is service included?
Can I have a receipt, please?
To start …./ As a starter …
As a main course ….
For dessert ….
Task 5. Complete the following:
Where can I buy …?
Will you help me to choose …?
What's the price of …?
Where can I get …?
I've run out of …
Where is the nearest …?
They sell a lot of delicious things at the …
Have you got …?
Task 6. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following proverbs and sayings. Comment upon some of them
It is caviar to the general.
Better to be a big fish in a small pond than a minnow in the ocean.
Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper.
First come, first served.
Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.
Task 7. Translate into English
1. Рибні продукти посідають важливе місце в харчуванні людини.
2. М'ясо риб має специфічний смак і аромат, обумовлені своєрідним складом екстрактивних речовин і ліпідів.
3. М'ясо риб характеризується значним коливанням вмісту білків від 0,5 до 26%.
4. М'ясо різних видів риб містить від 1,5 до 5,5% колагену.
5. В процесі зберігання риби колаген та еластин не зазнають значних змін.
6. Проте білки м'язових волокон підлягають ферментативному гідролізу з утворюванням вільних амінокислот і пектидів.
7. Особливий специфічний смак риби пояснюється не тільки підвищеним вмістом в ній азотистих екстрактивних речовин, а й своєрідним їх складом.
8. Жир риб характеризується низькою температурою плавлення (12-28 С) і високим вмістом ненасичених жирокислот.
9. Серед молюсків високим вмістом холестерину відзначається м'ясо кальмара.
10. На заклади громадського харчування рибу привозять, як правило, замороженою, вительбушеною, без голови.
Task 8. Answer the questions
1. What is the protein content of fish? 2. What can you say about animal protein in fish? 3. What do you know about the shellfish? 4. What is the good source of calcium and phosphorus? 5. How many species of fish do you know? 6. What groups of fish do you know? 7. How can you tell good fish? 8. What can you say about vitamin and mineral content of fish?
Task 9. Read the text without a dictionary and discuss it
A British institution is under threat. No, it's not the Royal Family, not the BBC, not red buses -- it's more important than that: it's the fish and chip shops.
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курсовая работа [46,8 K], добавлен 10.02.2014Основні ознаки культури мови, що стосуються лексичних і фразеологічних засобів різностильових текстів. Шість стилів мовлення та їх особливості. Лексичні (словотвірні) та морфологічні засоби стилістики. Смисловий зв'язок між словами: слово та контекст.
реферат [35,0 K], добавлен 17.12.2010Закріплення державної мови традицією або законодавством. Українська мова - мова корінного населення України. Поширення викладання мови в навчальних закладах. Розвиток літературної мови за рахунок повернення вилучених слів та слів регіонального походження.
контрольная работа [20,8 K], добавлен 10.12.2011