Лінгвальні аспекти неправди як когнітивно-комунікативного утворення (на матеріалі сучасної англійської мови)

Зміст та обсяг вербалізованого у сучасній англійській мові концепту неправди. Методика опису номінацій неправди й неправдивих висловлень, їх англомовні форми подання хибної інформації. Когнітивний і комунікативний зміст, фреймова та прототипна моделі.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.07.2014
Размер файла 85,3 K

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Lying is considered as a cognitive and communicative formation which exists

in the spaces of language and discourse. It has been established that these existential spaces of lying are interlinked with the concept lying which is interpreted in the dissertation as an event of endowing a linguistic sign with sense. It has been shown that the concept lying is a unity of the static (classifying and structuralizing) and the dynamic (identifying) modi.

The thesis introduces and describes a unit of discourse instantiation of lying (the discourseme of lying), models the concept lying as a frame and a prototype, reveals the principles of structural organization of the conceptual category of lying as well as suggests the phase model of the situation of lying and the configuration model of the deceptive utterance. The latter model is used as a basis for describing the inner form, the cognitive and communicative content of deceptive utterances. Discourse instantiations of lying are modelled according to the rhizome principle.

Key words: lying as a cognitive and communicative formation, the discourseme of lying, the modi of the concept lying, the conceptual category of lying, the configuration model, the phase model, a frame, a prototype, rhizome.

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