Фразеологические единицы в политических выступлениях

Структурно-семантические и стилистические характеристики фразеологических единиц в политических выступлениях. Структурные и лингвистические особенности текста. Формирование фразеологии как отдельной науки. Анализ категориальных признаков фразеологизмов.

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Язык русский
Дата добавления 12.12.2013
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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

1) Идиомы в окказиональном употреблении, несущие экспрессивную функцию:

Look for a diplomatic solution. There is no diplomacy with the world's public enemy number one, Bin Laden or the Taliban regime. (Tony Blair's 9/11 post speech)

In retrospect, the Millennium marked only a moment in time. (Tony Blair's 9/11 post speech)

But the fundamentals of the US, British and European economies are strong. We are getting to the first base - every reasonable measure of internal security is being undertaken. (Tony Blair's 9/11 post speech)

I have no sympathy with, and I will give no comfort to, those who want to use this crisis to displace him. (Robin Cook's resignation speech)

And so, my fellow Americans, at the edge of the 21st century, let us make a beeline for energy and hope, with faith and discipline, and let us work until our work is done. (Bill Clinton, First Inaugural Address)

2) Идиомы в узуальном употреблении, несущие экспрессивную функцию:

Let us then, fellow-citizens, unite with one heart and one mind. (George W. Bush, First Inaugural Address)

Они были в гневе, что живут с криминальной властью, что здесь нет свободы слова, что здесь теневая экономика. (Дебаты Ющенко и Януковича)

If you'll excuse just a little parental pride, I stand on a bended knee in front of the governor of Texas, and I am equally proud of a certain Florida delegate. (President George Bush speaks at the GOP national convention)

I'm proud to call Jack Kemp my friend. I'm proud to call him a New Yorker. And to call it a day, I and all Americans will be proud to call him Mr. Vice President. (Governor George E. Pataki of New York, Speech nominating Jack Kemp)

The present Prime Minister is the most successful leader of the Labour party in my lifetime. This is the example of honour-bound service, rather than duty-bound. (Robin Cook's resignation speech)

3) Идиомы, несущие оценочную функцию, в узуальном употреблении:

When our founders with blood and sweat boldly declared America's independence to the world and our purposes to the Almighty, back in the day they knew that America, would have to change. (Bill Clinton, First Inaugural Address)

On behalf of our nation, one nation, I salute my predecessor, President Bush, for his half-century of service to America. (Bill Clinton, First Inaugural Address)

4) Идиомы, несущие оценочную функцию, в окказиональном употреблении:

It means a better America for everyone, from the barrios to the Boroughs, and across every corner of America.

It means never blaming others or ducking or dodging, or putting our troops under the United Nations command leadership means standing against the voices of isolation and protectionism.

Senator Dole stood at my side, never cutting and running when the going got tough. (President George Bush speaks at the GOP national convention)

None of those 20 years were more enjoyable or more rewarding than the past two. I can not call it a bed of roses but I have had the immense privilege of serving this House as Leader of the House, which were made all the more enjoyable, Mr Speaker, by the opportunity of working closely with you. (Robin Cook's resignation speech)

§3. Анализ функционирования фразеологических единиц в политических выступлениях

В зависимости от поставленных задач и имеющегося текстового материала, рассмотрим основные тенденции использования фразеологизмов, выявляющиеся при анализе политических выступлений. Речевое поведение в значительной степени зависит от социально-коммуникативной роли политика, которая в свою очередь зависит от его социального статуса, от используемых стратегий, тактик и речевых приемов.

Исследование фразеологических единиц в политических выступлениях методом дескриптивного дискурс-анализа позволяет сделать следующие выводы:

сама речь политиков весьма «политически нагружена», что является знаком солидарности с другими членами общества, употребляющими тот же язык. В политических текстах фразеологические единицы чаще всего используются окказионально, так как «политическая лексика» терминологична, а обычные, не чисто «политические» фразеологизмы употребляются не всегда так же, как в обычном языке. Охарактеризуем эффективность и полемичность политического дискурса, достигаемые посредством введения в речь фразеологических единиц. Политики чаще используют фразеологизмы в качестве усиления экспрессивности речи. Как показал анализ, 68% всех фразеологизмов из 9 проанализированных политических выступлений эмоционально насыщены и увеличивают таким образом выразительность текста. Большинство фразеологизмов (49%) используются для восхваления (The present Prime Minister is the most successful leader of the Labour party in my lifetime. This is the example of honour-bound service, rather than duty-bound. / If you'll excuse just a little parental pride, I stand on a bended knee). 20% фразеологических единиц - это политические устойчивые выражения (to overturn the coach, the courtesy of the Senate, Great Seal, row somebody up Salt River). 8-9% фразеологизмов используются как вводные слова и междометия.

В остальном же - это узуальное использование фразеологизмов, как оборотов не столько политической, сколько обычной речи, то есть фразеологическая единица часто используется политическими деятелями с целью упростить сложные политические явления (21%). Фразеологические единицы достигают этого, смешивая разнообразный жизненный опыт людей с общеизвестными истинами. Но тем способом, которым используется фразеологическая единица, можно добиться большего, чем простое улучшение понимания информации. Когда фразеологизм используется с целью некоторым образом очертить рамки политической проблемы или события, то он, вероятно, привлечет внимание к тем аспектам темы, которые могут благоприятно сказаться на той или иной группе. Вследствие этого выбор фразеологических единиц, используемых для передачи политической информации, может иметь мощный воздействующий эффект на новостную аудиторию. Фразеологическая единица оказывает эффект на слушателей в трех различных измерениях: 1) какую информацию получают слушатели; 2) принимает ли аудитория доминирующую метафорическую модель при размышлении о содержании; 3) воздействует ли фразеологизм на представления читателей о соответствующей проблеме. Экспериментальные данные дают подтверждение мнению о том, что фразеологическая единица влияет на политическое мышление во всех трех данных областях.

Для целей данного исследования, анализируемый эффект - экспрессивность фразеологических единиц в качестве политического убеждения - определен через наличие трех отчетливых измерений: 1) усвоение (информации); 2) ассимиляция модели; 3) формирование суждения.

Измерение усвоения определено как количество фактической информации, которое индивидуум оказывается способным получить из коммуникации. Исследования фразеологических единиц в политических выступлениях показали, что важно провести грань между содержанием, которое запоминается и содержанием, которое убеждает. Посредством автономного рассмотрения этих измерений представленное исследование сможет определить, действительно ли идиома убеждает или же она скорее лучше запоминается. Второе измерение - ассимиляция модели - определяется тем, насколько близко индивидуум пересказывает сводку к терминам, связанным с доминирующим фреймом коммуникации. Измерение формирования суждения определено как степень ответственности, которую индивидуум возлагает на действующих лиц симметрично тону структуры коммуникации.

Фразеологические единицы принимаются как важные агенты усвоения, если они увеличивают фактические воспоминания по теме. Если на индивидуума оказано воздействие с целью заставить его сосредоточиться на некоторых аспектах проблемы таким образом, который имплицирован идиомой при обсуждении темы, то употребление фразеологических единиц в политических выступлениях может быть признано успешным в плане моделирования мышления и дискуссии. Фразеологические единицы будут влиять на суждение, если они структурируют событие таким образом, чтобы оказать предпочтение одной интерпретации над другой, а индивидуум принимает эту интерпретацию


Проанализировав ряд текстов политических выступлений, мы пришли к выводу, что частотность обращения к фразеологическим единицам сравнительно не высока, хотя и подчеркивает значимость приема, но не обязательно свидетельствует об эффективности его использования в целях политического убеждения. Политики используют в своих выступлениях те или иные фразеологические единицы, пословицы, крылатые фразы в целях достижения выразительности собственной речи, что делает речь более доступной для восприятия массами, а также для усиления убеждения. Использование языкового средства способствует извлечению сути из сложной информации и облегчает восприятие идей, а также вуалирует ту информацию, которую невозможно преподнести массам посредством прямого смысла слов. В этом смысле фразеологическая единица выступает средством объяснения чуждых, незнакомых или неприятных концептов в более доступных понятиях. Таким образом, политики вынуждены использовать эвфемизмы, риторические вопросы и туманные фразы. Такая фразеология используется в случаях, когда необходимо назвать вещи, не вызывая никаких ментальных образов.

Кроме политических фразеологических единиц типа «cold war», «Big brother», «fifth column», политики обращаются к глагольным фразеологическим единицам, к фразеологизмам на основе метафоры, и к адвербиальным фразеологическим единицам.

Проанализировав их можно обосновать теорию, описывающую механизм убеждения посредством фразеологических единиц. Фразеологизмы будут влиять на суждение, если они структурируют событие таким образом, чтобы оказать предпочтение одной интерпретации над другой, а индивидуум принимает эту интерпретацию.


фразеология политический лингвистический

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45) Longman Dictionary of English Literature and Culture. Longman Group Ltd., 1996.

46) Longman Language Activator. Longman Group UK Ltd., Tenth impression. 2000.

47) Oxford Dictionary of Idioms. Oxford University Press. New York. 2005.

48) www.philologos.narod.ru.

49) www.ura.ru.

50) www.krugosvet.ru.

51) www.presidentialrhetoric.com.

52) www.gazeta.ru.

53) http://news.bbc.co.uk

54) http://www.guardian.co.uk.

55) http://www.philology.ru


Полагаться на авось - to rely on off-chance.

Открыть Америку - to present as new what is known t everyone.

Во что бы то ни стало - regardless of possible obstacles or circumstances.

Вступить в свои права - to manifest itself in full measure, at full strength.

Выйти на новые рубежи - to achieve further success.

Вам и карты в руки - you must know how to do it.

Непочатый край работы - to have a lot of work to do.

Как на ладони - be clearly visible.

Стереть с лица земли - to wipe something off the face of the earth.

Сгущать краски - to over state something making it gloomier.

Забить до отказа - be filled to capacity; be full of people.

Загнать проблему в тупик - to bring a problem to a situation without prospects.

Перейти Рубикон - to take a decisive step.

Процесс пошел - be underway.

Развязать руки - to untie one's hands.

Свет в конце туннеля - light at the end of the tunnel.

Свести на нет - to reduce something.

Повесить всех собак - to blame someone for anything bad that happens.

Смотреть правде в глаза - be realistic.

На «черный день» - to keep or save resources for an emergency.

Подвести черту - to put an end to something.

Do the honours - perform a social duty or small ceremony for others.

Between a rock and a hard place - in a situation where you are faced with two equally difficult or unpleasant alternatives.

A seed upon the wind - used to say when you don't control the situation.

Take root - become fixed or established.

Put down roots - begin to live a settled life in a particular place.

At its best - performing as well or effectively as you are able to.

From the bottom of my heart - with sincere feeling.

Turn one's heart towards something - be keenly involved in or committed to an enterprise.

Scapegoat - someone who is blamed for something bad that happens, even if it is not their fault.

Reap the whirlwind - suffer serious consequences as a result of your actions.

Angel rides in the whirlwind and directs the storm - there is always a calm region in the center of the storm or hurricane.

March to the music of our time - act according to the existing situation or circumstances.

Blood and sweat - extremely hard work; unstinting effort.

Arms race - the attempt by different countries to produce powerful weapon.

The backbone of America - the most important part of; set of ideas.

The heart and soul of the Republican party - a person whose vivacity and sociability makes the party enjoyable.

Break somebody's heart - to make somebody extremely sad.

To be in office - to be in an important position.

Get underway - start happening.

Sweep across - to look quickly at all of something.

Cutting and running - make a speedy or sudden departure from an awkward or hazardous situation

Keeping one's word - do exactly what you have promised to do.

To have the last word - to put an end to a quarrel.

Ducking or dodging - trying to hide or escape a difficult situation.

From the barrios to the Boroughs - from the lower to the upper classes.

American Dream - the ideals of freedom and open opportunities for everybody based on the belief in America's unlimited potentials.

Within the grasp - your ability to achieve or gain something.

Go side to side - closely together with each other and helping each other.

Know what you are about - have enough skill and experience to deal with something properly.

Of your own accord - without being asked or forced to do something.

Apple of discord - a subject of dissension.

In the final analysis - when everything has been considered.

Out of the ark - extremely old-fashioned.

With open arms - with great affection or enthusiasm.

Armed at all points - prepared in every particular.

Change not for change's sake - change so that to have real results.

As if! - used to express speaker's belief that something is very doubtful.

As it were - in a way

At that - in addition

Have something on good authority - have ascertained something from a reliable source.

Back in the day - in the past; some time ago.

Get to the first base - achieve the first step towards your objective.

An act of evil - bad or violent actions.

At someone's beck and call - always to be ready to obey someone's orders immediately.

Beat the system - succeed in finding a means of getting round rules.

A bed of roses - a situation or activity that is comfortable or easy.

Make a beeline for - go rapidly and directly towards.

Beg the question - raise a point that has not been dealt with.

Tighten your belt - cut your expenditures; live more frugally.

On bended knee - kneeling especially when pleading or showing respect.

Give someone or something best - admit the superiority of.

Make the best of it - use resources as well as possible.

Get the better of - win an advantage over someone; defeat or outwit someone.

To overturn the coach - to replace the government.

The courtesy of the Senate - senators supporting each other.

Row somebody up Salt River - to defeat somebody at the election.

Gag rule - a rule made by the court to prevent any public reporting of a case which is still being considered by a court law.

Reach the wool-sack - to become a Lord Chancellor

Play fast and loose - to behave irresponsibly.

Saw wood - not to take active part in political activity.

Great Seal - the great seal of the realm.

Bide your time - wait quietly for a good opportunity.

Black box - the automatic apparatus the internal operations of which are mysterious to non-experts.

Blood and iron - military force rather than diplomacy.

By the book - strictly according to the rules.

I wasn't born yesterday - used to indicate that you are not foolish or gullible.

Have it both ways - benefit from two incompatible ways of thinking or behaving.

Duty-bound - morally or legally obliged to do something.

Honour-bound - obliged by your sense of honour.

Pandora's box - a process that once begun generates many complicated problems.

A breath of fresh air - a refreshing change, especially a new person on the scene.

Burn your bridges - commit yourself irrevocably.

Hold no brief for - not support or argue in favour of.

Bright spark - a clever person.

The British disease - a problem of failing supposed to be characteristically British, especially a proneness to industrial unrest.

In broad daylight - used generally to express surprise or outrage at someone's daring to carry out a particular act, especially a crime, during the day, when anyone could see it.

A new broom - a newly appointed person who is likely to make far-reaching changes.

Big brother - the state perceived as a sinister force supervising citizens' lives.

Bear the brunt of - be the person to suffer the most.

Built on a sand - without secure foundations; liable to collapse.

A red rag to a bull - an object, utterance, or act which is certain to provoke or anger someone.

Take the bull by the horns - deal bravely or decisively with a difficult, dangerous or unpleasant situation.

Have money to burn - have so much money that you can spend as lavishly as you want.

Bury your head in the sand - ignore unpleasant realities, refuse to face facts.

By and large - on the whole; everything considered.

Let bygones be bygones - forgive and forget past offences or causes of conflict.

Catch-22 situation - a dilemma or difficulty from which there is no escape because of mutual conflicting or dependent conditions.

Make common cause with - unite with in order to achieve a shared aim.

The wheel has turned full circle - the situation has returned to what it was in the past, as if completing a cycle.

Citizen of the world - a person who is at home in any country.

The end of civilization as we know it - used to indicate that someone is being alarm\mist or overreacting to a trivial inconvenience or blunder as if it were enormously significant and catastrophic.

Clean house - eliminate corruption or inefficiency.

Have clean hands - be uninvolved and blameless with regard to an immoral act.

Mr. Clean - an honourable or incorruptible politician.

As clear as day - very easy to see or understand.

Behind closed doors - done in a secretive or furtive way; hidden from public view.

The other side of the coin - the opposite or contrastive aspect of a matter.

A conspiracy of silence - an agreement to say nothing about an issue that should be generally known.

To your heart's content - to the full extent of your desires.

The corridors of power - the senior levels of government or administration, where covert influence is regarded as being exerted and significant decisions are made.

Count something on the fingers of one hand - used to emphasize the small the small number of a particular thing.

Go to the country - test public opinion by dissolving parliament and holding a general election

Crystal clear - unambiguous; easily understood

Bring down the curtain on - bring to an end

Cut the Gordian knot - solve or remove a problem in a direct or forceful way

Cut someone off in the prime - bring someone's life or career to an abrupt end while they are at the peak of their abilities.

Dance to someone's tune - comply completely with someone's demands and wishes.

Call it a day - decide or agree to stop doing something.

Day of reckoning - the time when past mistakes or misdeeds must be punished or paid for.

A dead letter - a law or practice no longer observed.

On deck - ready for action or work.

Hidden depths - admirable but previously unnoticed qualities

Have designs on aim to obtain something desirable, especially in an underhand way.

Dialogue of the deaf - a discussion in which each party is unresponsive to what the others say.

By dint of - by means of.

Divide and rule - the policy of maintaining supremacy over your opponents by encouraging dissent between them, thereby preventing them from uniting against you.

Dos and don'ts - rules of behaviour

Be a recipe for disaster - be almost certain to have unfortunate consequences

As one door opens, another opens - you shouldn't be discouraged by failure, as other opportunities will soon present themselves.

Open the door to - create an opportunity for.

Dot the i's and cross the t's - ensure that all details are correct.

On the drawing board - under consideration, not yet put into practice.

Public enemy number one - a notorious wanted criminal.

Enough said - there is no use to say more; all is understood.

Other things being equal - provided that other factors or circumstances remain the same.

To err is human - it is human nature to make mistakes

Of the essence - critically important

Every last - used to emphasize every member of a group

Hold the field - remain the most important

Fifth column - an organized group of people sympathizing with and working for the enemy within a country at war or otherwise under attack.

Your finest hour - the time of your greatest success.

Fly the flag - represent or demonstrate support for your country, political party, or organization, especially when you are abroad.

Food for thought - something that warrants serious consideration or reflection.

Future shock - a state of distress or disorientation due to rapid social or technological change.

God willing - used to express the wish that you will be able to do as you intend or that something will happen as planned.

A grand old man of - a man long and highly respected in a particular field.

Beware the Greeks bearing gifts - if rivals or enemies show apparent generosity or kindness, you should be suspicious of their motives.

Green light - permission to go ahead with the project.

A grey area - an ill-defined situation or field not readily conforming to a category or to an existing set of rules.

Prepare the ground - make it easier for something to occur or to be developed.

Wash your hands of - disclaim responsibility for.

The hard way - through suffering and learning from the unpleasant consequences of mistakes.

Take your hat off to - state your admiration for someone who has achieved something.

Hit the headlines - be written about or given attention as news.

At the top of the heap - at the highest point of the society or organization.

Be history - be perceived as no longer relevant to the present.

Break the ice - do or say something to relieve tension or get conversation started.

The tip of an iceberg- the small perceptible part of a much larger situation or problem that remains hidden.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - copying someone or something is an implicit way of paying them a compliment.

In all innocence - without knowledge of something's significance or possible consequences.

To all intents and purposes - in all important respects.

Run interference - intervene on someone's behalf typically so as to protect them from distraction or annoyance.

An iron curtain - an impenetrable barrier, especially the Iron Curtain, the physical and other barriers preventing the passage of people and information the Soviet bloc and the West during the cold war.

An iron hand in a velvet glove - firmness or ruthlessness masked by outward gentleness.

The law of the jungle - the principle that those who are strong and apply ruthless self-interest will be most successful.

There is no knowing - no one can tell.

How the land lies - the state of affairs.

Speak the same language - understand one another as a result of shared opinions and values.

Be the last word - be the most fashionable or up-to-date.

Last but not least - last in order of mention or occurrence but not of importance.

Rest on your laurels - be so satisfied with what you have already done or achieved that you make no further effort.

A man of letters - a scholar or a writer.

Light at the end of the tunnel - a long-awaited indication that a period of hardship or adversity is nearing an end.

The bottom line - the important conclusion.

Men in grey suits - powerful men within an organization who exercise their influence or authority anonymously.

In a manner of speaking - in some sense; so to say.

Leave its mark - have a lasting or significant effect.

Be in the market for - wish to buy.

The reverse of the medal - the opposite view of the matter

Moment of truth - a turning point when a decision has to be made or a crisis faced.

A mover and shaker - someone at the centre of events who makes things happen; a powerful person.

In name only - by description but not in reality.

Name no names - refrain from mentioning the names of people involved in an incident.

One nation - a nation not divided by social inequality.

In the nature of things - inevitable or inevitably.

Your nearest and dearest - your close friends and relatives.

Keep the peace - refrain or prevent others from disturbing civil order.

Pave the way for - create circumstances to enable something to happen or be done.

Reinvent the wheel - waste a great deal of time or effort in creating something that already exists or doing something that has already be done.

The line of least resistance - an option which avoids difficulty or unpleasantness; the easiest course of action.

Cut a ribbon - to perform an opening ceremony, usually by formally cutting a ribbon strung across the entrance to the building.

Ride high - be successful.

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