Peoples of America
The People of North America. Sub-ethnic groups in the state of Morelos tlauika. The main traditional occupation of the Aleuts. Algonquin Indian people groups in Canada. A characteristic feature of the ethnic history of the American people in the USA.
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United States of America was traditionally known as a melting pot of cultures, but recent academic opinion tends to culture diversity, rather than confusion. Within American culture there are a lot of adapter, but unique subcultures. That is, American culture - it`s a lot of different cultures.
My Aim of course work is showing you a variety of cultures of the people of America.
That to reach an aim in view I should set tasks.
My tasks are to explore
· Sources of culture,
· History of development of culture.
· Religion of the people of America,
· Household life of the each people of America,
· A geographical arrangement of the people of America.
«How many nations, so many cultures.»
1. The People of North America
1.1 The Aztecs
Country: Mexico Region of residence: North America
The Aztecs - ¹ 9. is self - Aztec, Nashua, asexually (ancient name - «The Deer Hunters»), tenochki, Mexico, Native American people in Mexico. The number is of 1070 thousand. Belong to the American race of the great Mongolian race. They speak the Aztec or Nahunta, the Aztec language of the Aztecs-tanoanskoy family. Dialects: Nashua Akasakastlan, Kailua, Nahunta, Nahunta, Niger. Nearly two thirds say the Aztecs also in Spanish. Writing is in the Latin alphabet. By religion are Catholic. His ancestral home was considered a mythical Astlan («place of herons' - hence the self). Appeared in the Valley of Mexico (Anahuac - «water country») in the 12th century. among other nomadic tribes of the Nashua (Kula Akolhua, Tepaneki, Chalky, Shochimilki, Teochichimeki, Tlaskalteki), called the valley of Anahuac sedentary peoples Chichimec as («barbarians»). These tribes have won several waves of the valley and assimilated its population (the heirs of Teotihuacan Culture - State Nashua of the 1st millennium AD.E.) By taking its culture in the 1519-1521 State Aztecs were conquered by the Spaniards. The Aztecs were significantly under the influence of acculturation of Mexicans, mostly lost their ancient culture.
Traditional culture is typical of the Indians of Central America; most have remained in sub-ethnic groups in the state of Morelos tlauika. Agriculture and hand plow, shifting, chinampovoe (on lakes in the Valley of Mexico), irrigation (at mullah - cleared of forest mountain areas and river valleys). Grow corn, agave, beans, squash, peppers, Chile, potatoes, barley, wheat, tobacco, cotton, alfalfa, cassava, horticultural and vegetable crops on plantations - coffee, sugar cane, rice, cocoa. Diluted with large and small cattle, donkeys, mules, pigs, poultry. Among women, development of home patterned weaving on vertical hand looms (especially in Puebla), among men in the townships - the machines of the European type, ceramic production (polychrome ceramics, plastic arts - the states of Puebla, Mexico, Hidalgo), weaving (baskets, mats, hats, bags of colored straw fibers of agave, palm leaves). Distributed is by employment. Single chamber housing, rectangular, with walls of adobe, cane or stones, flat-roofed adobe or a saddle of straw, leaves, agave or palm. Characterized by a steam bath is Timescale, rectangular with a flat roof with a hemispherical or round, tall latticed barns, tall round in terms of adobe granaries with conical roofs. The main is food - tortillas, beans cooked with peppers - Chile, gruel of maize flour. The grains are ground on a stone grater - mettles.
From the juice of the agave produce low-alcohol drink pique, made from sugar cane - the vodka. Menswear Mexican society is mainly the type stored raincoats - Serape, woven belts.
Women wear white and patterned uipili, shawls kechkemitli, rectangular cushion (ribose) (which also are behind the children), patterned belt (Faja), long skirts Zapashnye (chinked). Hawaiian kinship system is type. A small traditional family or extended (up to 4 generations). Matrilineal kinship is account. Developed system is kompadrasgo. Division is preserved settlements in the 4th quarter (sometimes exogamous). The community is headed by an elected council, in cities - chaired by the municipal authorities - ¹ 9..
Developed system of ritual societies is kofrady, to worship the holy patrons of theatrical performances in masks, dancing, fighting bulls. Preserved ancient calendar ritual (dance eagles Valadon, dance quetzal), to the Spanish musical instruments (flutes, drums, rattles, etc.), folklore (songs, fairy tales). There is a belief in spirits, nagualizm (belief in the zoomorphic human counterpart), the cult of ancestors and the gods of rain, mountains, caves and wells, witchcraft, sorcery and divination with the use of hallucinogenic mushrooms.
1.2 The Aleutians
Country of residence: USA Region of residence: North America
The Aleutians, Aleut is the people in the United States, indigenous peoples, the Aleutian Islands, southwest Alaska Peninsula and some surrounding smaller islands. The number is about 6 thousand people. Part of the Aleutians (about 550 people.) is lives since the beginning of the 19th century. By the Aleuts consider they part of the Eskimos south-western and southern Alaska. Belong to the Arctic (Inuit) race of the great Mongolian race. Aleut language is Eskimo-Aleut family. Dialects: Unalaska (Eastern), atkinsky (central), attuansky (west).Bilingual, and many go on English and Russian languages. The settlement of the ancestors of the Aleuts main part of their territories occurred in the migration of peoples from Asia to America, 10-12 thousand years ago. The name «Aleut» was given after the opening of Russian Aleutian Islands and was first mentioned in documents of 1747. In 1799 the territory was ruled by the Aleuts of Russian-American company that populated the Aleutian Pribilof and Commander uninhabited island. The Aleuts were converted to Orthodoxy, was strongly influenced by Russian culture. In 1867, the Aleutian Islands and Alaska have been sold to the United States ¹ 6, p. 139.. The main traditional occupation of the Aleuts is to contact with Europeans - the hunting of marine mammals (seals, sea lions, sea otters, etc.) and fishing. Utility value was gathering. Produced hunting and fishing, weapons of stone, bone, wood, leather-covered boats - canoes many oared, one-, two - faced kayaks. To the middle - 18th century. There property and social differentiation, a military organization. Iroquois kinship system type. Aleut village usually consisted of 2-4 large (10 to 40 families) huts. Traditional clothing of the Aleuts (masculine and feminine) - Park - a long blank Furs seal, sea otter, bird skins. Worn over kalmias - clothing from the intestines of marine animals with the sleeves, collar and hood deaf. Shoes - torbasa (boots of leather of marine animals). The hunters wore wooden hats - cone-shaped or open-top, with a large elongated canopy decorated with carved bone, sea lion whiskers, feathers, etc. The main traditional food - meat of sea animals and birds, fish (especially raw), marine invertebrates, algae, berries and roots. For traditional beliefs characteristic of a belief in spirits, there was shamanism. Modern Aleuts in in the United States engaged on fur seal fisheries in the Pribilof islands, employment in fish processing plants. In the USSR, the Commander Islands were identified in the Aleutian area of ??the Kamchatka region (1932). Along with the traditional developing new economic sectors: farming (mink), livestock and horticulture.
1.3 The Algonquin
Country of residence: Canada Region of residence: North America
A group of Indian peoples in North America. The number is of 260 thousand people. Belong to the American race of the great Mongolian race. Languages form a separate group of Algonquin-mosanskoy family. Before the collision with the Europeans in the 19th century, there were four geographical groups - the north-eastern Algonquin: Cree, Montagnais-Naskapi, Malecite, Micmac - fishermen and hunters St. Lawrence River basin, betook - fishermen and gatherers about. Newfoundland, The Atlantic Algonquin: Pennakuki, Nippur, Pokamtuki, Massachusetts, Nauseate, Wampanoag, Mohegan, the Mohicans, Nanticoke, Picot, Wappinger, Montauk, Delaware, Algonquin and other virgin - settled farmers, fishermen, hunters and gatherers of the Atlantic coast between the bays Maine and Chesapeake, central Algonquin: Ojibwa, Ottawa, Potawatomi, Algonquin proper, Menominee, Napissing, Shawnee, Miami, Kickapoo, Fox, Sauk, Illinois - farmers, fishermen and gatherers in the Great Lakes, western or prairie Algonquin: Arapaho, atsina, Cheyenne, Blackfoot, Ojibwa steppe, steppe Cree who settled in the steppes of central areas and gone over to the horse breeding and horse hunting buffalo. -¹ 5. p. 134.
After the defeat of the uprising in 1811, many Algonquians were gradually evicted from ancestral lands in the west of the Mississippi. During the colonization of many tribes (especially the Algonquins the Atlantic) were killed or died.
Actually Algonquin - Algonquin Indian people groups in Canada (Quebec and Ontario). The number of 2,5 thousand people. Speak a dialect of Ojibwa language. Also common in English. By religion is Catholic. Prior is to the colonization of the living to the north of the St. Lawrence River. Traditional culture is typical of the Indian sub-arctic zone. Hunting, fishing, hand slash-and-burn agriculture (corn, beans, squash, peas, borrowed from the Europeans). Matrilineal clans gathered in the summer of settlements in areas of fishing, hunting in the winter fell into roving groups. A large family is patriarchal. Traditional beliefs are Shamanism, cults Manitou (the supreme deity), the trickster Viskedyaka, cannibal Vindigo, and the spirits - the patrons of hunting.
One of the first came into contact with Europeans (16). French colonization of Canada caused conflicts with the Iroquois Algonquians of the monopoly on intermediary trade with other tribes of the river St. Lawrence. Involvement of Algonquin is in the 17-18 centuries. Anglo-French rivalry in Canada led to their extinction, and significant destruction. Part settled in Catholic missions and reserves in the valley of the Ottawa River, the upper part pushed the Ottawa River and are involved in the fur trade. Modern Algonquians engaged in hunting and fishing, weaving baskets to sell.
1.4 The Americans
Country of residence: USA Region of residence: North America
Americans United States, the people, the main population of the United States. The number is of over 182 million people. The core of the people was representatives of different European populations. In the formation of the Americans was also attended by representatives of large blacks and a few elements of the U.S.A. separate group of Americans ethno racial is African-Americans. They speak American English. Distinguished northern, southern and western dialects and dialects. Distributed and Spanish. Writing is in Latin-based. Most of the believers - Protestant (Baptist, Methodist, etc.), a significant portion - Catholics, there are numerous sects and adherents of non-traditional cults.
A characteristic feature of the ethnic history of the American people has always been racial and ethnic diversity of its components. European colonists are the ancestors of most modern Americans in the 16th century. began to move into North America, displacing its indigenous Indians from their lands and destroying them.-¹ 4 ð. 149. At the same time borrowed from the Indians, some elements of material and spiritual culture. Europeans imported Africans in America, turning them into slavery. Africans were slaves, brutal exploitation. In the new environment, learning and producing new language and culture, they evolved in the African-American community ethno racial had a great impact on the life and culture of the American South. Initially, due to the predominance of the English colonies in North America, most of the population of European origin was those who came from England and her possessions. It has defined the leading role of the English language and culture in shaping American ethnic community. But the British tradition in America have distinctive development and subject to cultural influences coming from other European nations (Dutch, Germans, French, etc.), as well as Indians and Africans, helped by mixed marriages. The vast majority of Americans live in cities and suburbs, employed in industry and service sectors. Kinship system is in the English style. Americans are highly mobile. Moving is mainly in the West, partly in the southern states. Features of the ethnic history of American folk and reflects the professional culture. For the modern culture is characterized by massive American standardization lifestyle, its commercialization. Large role played by the national sports: baseball, basketball and boxing, rugby, ice hockey. Tourism is very common. In folklore, fairy tales blend of European, Indian and PRA. origin, a characteristic feature of the new American folk - modern stories that have appeared under the influence of technological progress. For folk music is also characterized by the synthesis of European and African traditions (village music, religious hymns and Negro blues).
1.5 The Apache
ethnic tlauika people occupation
Country of residence: USA Region of residence: North America
Apache (the language of the Zuni - «enemies»), Dean (self - «people»), a group of Athabasca Indian peoples in south-western United States. The total number is of over 20 thousand people. Belong to the American race of the great Mongolian race. They speak the Navajo language (with dialects Mescalero, hikarilla, priv. Navajo and others), and Kiowa, Kiowa-Apache or also common in English. Apache - Christian (Reformed, Baptists, Roman Catholics), part retains traditional beliefs. Divided into seven groups: Navajo, Western Apache (San Carlos Reservation, 7.5 thousand people.; Fort Apache - 8.3 thousand people., Arizona), Kiowa, Apaches, Mescalero (2.4 thousand people., reservation in south-eastern state of New Mexico), Lipan (there were some people live with the Mescalero), Chiricahua (a few hundred people, the State of New Mexico and Oklahoma), hikarilla., Reservation in northwestern New Mexico). - ¹ 10.
Apaches migrated from the Mackenzie River Basin to the south and to the 15th century. reached the area of ??contemporary southwestern USA and northern Mexico, where the early 18th century. their ethnic differentiation occurred. Traditional culture is characterized by the Indians of the southwest United States with elements of Indian culture of the Great Plains. Engaged in hunting (with a bow on the buffalo, deer, rabbits, etc.) and gathering (seeds cactus, etc.). Navajo, Western Apache, and Lipan hikarilla borrowed from the Pueblo Irrigative agriculture (corn, beans, squash). Led a nomadic and semi-nomadic life, raided neighboring tribes. As a result of contact with Europeans spread horse hunting.
Traditional accommodation - hut in the bush (vikupy) in hikarilla and Kiowa Apaches, - tipi. The tribal organization was weak. Local matrilineal groups were temporary settlements, led by elders. Iroquois kinship system type. Were distributed to polygyny (except Lipan), sororate, levirate, customs avoidance (the Western Apache). Traditional rites include shamanism, including female (at Chiricahua and mesquite-Lero), initiation, hunting rituals, dances, masks, etc.
Colonization by the Spaniards (from 1540) and Americans (with the 1840.) Provoked fierce resistance Apache. By 1875 they were settled on the reservation, Chiricahua put up armed resistance until 1886. The main lessons of modern Apache - farming, beef cattle, work in the sawmill industry, the company has hikarilla electronics industry, the Mescalero own spa and sports bases. A. Many people go to work in the city. Revive handicrafts, traditional rites.
1.6 The Choctaw
Country of residence: USA Region of residence: North America
Choctaw- ¹ 6, ð. 124. (Muskegon - «red»), Indian people Muskegon group in the U.S. They live in southern Oklahoma, on the right bank of the river Canadian to the left bank of the river and the Red River in reserves in Louisiana and Mississippi. The number on the 1990 Census - 82.3 thousand people, among them a major part in Oklahoma. They speak the Muskegon language also common in English. Writing is in the Latin alphabet. Believers are Protestants (Methodists, Presbyterians, and Baptists).
By XVI century lived in the central and eastern part of the modern state of Mississippi and northwestern Alabama. In the XVI century by the Choctaw Chickasaw separated, with whom they were in constant feud. The number at the beginning of the XVIII century 16 thousand people. Traditional culture is typical of the southeastern Indians of North America (see Indians). Engaged in manual shifting cultivation, hunting, fishing and gathering. There were primitive weaving. Matrilineal clans united into two moieties («Friends» and «some people»). A large family, matrialocal. Was distributed avunculate. The tribe had three territorial divisions: Western («long people»), north-east («The Potato Eaters») and south-east («6 Cities»). Each had a peaceful and military leader. The Tribe managed by a board of three leaders. An important role was obscheplemennaya ball game. The settlements in the west - scattered in the east - large fenced (because of the threat of attack cries). For a traditional men's clothing is characterized by the Cape of skin or feathers, decorated with shells, fish-teeth, copper plates. Practiced artificial cranial deformation, coloring and tattooing faces and bodies. Had developed mythology, the cult of the ancestors (the custom of secondary burial).
Contact with Europeans in 1540. In 1783-1830 due to the unequal treaties with the United States lost their eastern lands. In the 1830's. moved to Indian Territory (present Oklahoma), where the number entered in the «Five Civilized Tribes.» Engaged in agriculture, trade, crafts. Contemporary strongly metisirovany Choctaw, engaged in agriculture, small business, work for hire.
1.7 The Comanche
Country of residence: the USA Residing region: the North America
The Comanche - ¹ 7, ð. 235. («enemies»), Nemea (the self-name - «the present people»), the American Indian people of group shaman in the USA (a reservation in the southwest of the State of Oklahoma). Number of 6 thousand persons. Language Comanche is extended also English language. The Comanche - Protestants.
In the end of XVII - the beginning of XVIII centuries have moved from east foothills of Rocky mountains on the river North Platte. Borrowed a horse at Spaniards and have passed to horse hunting for bisons. In the middle of a XVIII-th century are forced out Dakota to the south from the river Arkansas. Made constant attacks on neighbors and the Spanish settlements, having concluded the alliance with Wichita and Kiowa became the most powerful tribe of southern plains. Number in the beginning of a XIX-th century of 10-12 thousand persons.
The traditional culture is typical for Indians of Great Plains (Indians see). In quantity of horses surpassed other tribes of plains. Nomadic communities totaled on the average 40-50 persons, sometimes to several hundred persons. The family big, patrilineal, existed ïîëèãèíèÿ. System of relationship of the Hawaiian type. In XVIII - the beginning of XIX centuries shared on 3 groups: êó÷àíåê («eaters of bisons»), yamparki («eaters of dogs») and yuppie («the wood people»), further - on 7 and more groups (the largest - penateka and kvahadi). The Supreme leader and tribal society council were absent, decisions were accepted by meeting of hereditary leaders of communities and getting the increasing value (and during war receiving all power) a military top. There was a military hierarchy: military leaders - «carrying crowns from feathers of an eagle», military leaders - with the distinction in a kind áèçîíüåãî a scalp and simple soldiers - «carrying brushes from raven feathers». Each community had also independent system of military societies (the largest - «bisons», «ravens», «foxes» and «horses»).
The cult of personal spirits-patrons has been developed. The general rituals - tube smoking, dance of hunting for bisons, sports meets (horse jumps, shooting from onions, a dart throwing) and games, in second half of XIX-th century extend dancing of the sun and spirit dancing, in the XX-th century - peyote.
Trade relations from the USA from the XIX-th century beginning. To 1867 are lodged in reservations in the west of American Indian territory (the modern State of Oklahoma). Have passed to horned cattle cultivation, agricultural works on hiring and delivery of the earth's in rent to Americans.
1.8 The Dakota
Country of residence: USA, Canada Region of residence: North America
Dakota - ¹ 8. (self), the Dakota Sioux Indians people of Sioux in the U.S. (Reservation in Minnesota, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, 10 thousand persons) and Canada (3 thousand). They speak the language of the Dakota (Sioux, or Nadia) Sioux family. Dialects: Assiniboine or Stone; Santee or Dakota proper, Lakota, or Teton Dakota (with dialects), Yankton. Are also common English and French. Dakota - Christians (Protestants and Catholics), the persistence of traditional beliefs.
Dakota ancestors settled in the XVI century from the east to the Great Lakes. At the beginning of the XVIII century pushed Algonquin on the western shore of the Mississippi River. By the beginning of the XIX century controlled the territory from the River White River (Nebraska) to the Canadian border and from the Minnesota River to River Little Missouri. Of 7 tribes division into 3 groups: Eastern (Santee) - mdevakanton, vapeton, vapekut, Sisseton, central (Niota) - Yankton and yanktonay, to the XVI century - Assiniboine, Western (Lakota) - Teton.
In XVII-XVIII centuries. Eastern group was involved in the fur trade with the French. Contractual relationship with the United States is since the beginning of the XIX century. The seizure of land by white settlers in the Dakota mid-XIX century caused their armed resistance. At the end of the XIX century were settled by Dakota Reservations several states.
Engaged is in agriculture, hunting, fishing, gathering wild rice. Europeans borrowed a horse, the horse went to hunt for buffalo.
Modern Dakota have limited self-government, busy with work for hire. Distributed is by seasonal work in the city.
The traditional culture of the Dakota Indians is typical of the Great Plains (sm. Indians). Nomadic hunting community consisted of a large family of bilinear. There polygene (up to 4 wives), levirate, sorority, customs avoidance.
Traditional beliefs - worship of deities and spirits (avian) are sent by shamans, personal spiritual patrons, played an important role annual dance of the sun. Were developed artistic embroidery beading, painting on buffalo hides (geometric patterns, images of people and animals), formed pictographic writing.
Retain elements of mythology, remnants of traditional rituals, dances, and distributed pietism.
1.9 The Indians
Country of residence: United States, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Brazil Region of residence: North America
The Indians are a group of people, the indigenous people of America. The name given at the end of the XV century by Spanish explorers, who accepted open their land for India. It is estimated (selection criteria Indians controversial, accurate data for most countries are not available) the total number of Indians - from 32 to 45 million people, including two million in the U.S., in Canada, 385 000, 8-15 million in Mexico, in Guatemala, about 5 million, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, about 14-18 million in Chile, about 0.8 million, Brazil has 230 thousand people. Most Indians are bilingual: they speak English and French - in the U.S. and Canada, Spanish and Portuguese - in Latin America.
The ancestors of the Indians came to America from northeastern Asia by the isthmus disappeared later in the Bering Strait in the late Paleolithic period (15.10 thousand years ago, perhaps earlier). According to some assumptions, and later in other American ancestors entered Na-Dene. Any significant population appeared in North America in the 10-9th millennium BC in South America - in the 9-8th century BC. Distinguish several economic-cultural types of Indians, existing prior to the beginning of European colonization, and their respective historical and cultural areas. - ¹ 5, ð. 243.
Hunters and anglers Subarctic (northern part of the Athabasca and Algonquin). Inhabit the taiga and tundra of Canada and the interior of Alaska. There are three sub regions: the plains of the Canadian Shield and the Mackenzie River Basin, home to Algonquin (the northern Ojibwa, Cree, Montagnais-Naskapi, Micmac, eastern Arenac) and Eastern Athabasca (chipevayan, slave, etc.), sub-Arctic Cordillera (from the middle reaches of the Fraser River Brooks Range to the north), which inhabit the Athabasca chilkotin, Carrier, tarlatan, helmet, Tagus, Khan, Cochin, and others, as well as inland Tlingit, interior Alaska (Tanana Athabasca, Koyukuk, quiver, anta, angelic, tannin). Engaged in seasonal hunting, primarily for big game (reindeer, caribou, elk, and in the Cordilleras mountain sheep, snow goat), seasonal fishing, gathering (berries). In the Cordillera was of great importance also hunted small animals and birds (partridge). Hunting mainly in pen and traps. Stone tools, bone, wood, and a number of peoples in the west (tut chon, Cochin, etc.) used extracted (anta) or purchase native copper. Transport: winter - snowshoes, sleds, toboggan - summer canoe, made of birch bark (in the Cordilleras - also from spruce bark). Made from strips of fur blankets, bags made of skins and birch bark, developed suede fabric. - ¹ 5, ð. 253.
Traditional clothing (shirts, pants, moccasins and leggings, mittens) from the skins and suede and decorated with porcupine quills and fur, beads later. Cure dried meat, grinding and mixing it with fat (pemmican), and yokel. In the Cordillera consumed fermented fish and meat. Housing in the main frame, an open skins or bark, conical or dome-shaped ends of the associated poles or poles dug into the ground with beams, in the west as rectangular, Alaska frame huts, covered with skins, earth and moss, a slave and chilkotin - built out of logs and boards in the form of a ridge tent. Semi-nomadic life is concentrating and decaying into smaller groups depending on the calendar cycle. Dominated by small family. Households (families of related small or more local) belonged to the local and regional groups. In Alaska, Athabasca, and partly also the Cordillera existed matrilineal clans. Separate groups of Indians Cordillera borrowed elements related structure of the Indians north-west coast. Inverted by Europeans in the fur trade, many groups began to settle in villages seasonally in missions and trading stations. - ¹ 5, ð. 247.
Anglers, hunters and gatherers, the north-west coast of North America. Ethno-linguistic composition of the complex: vacate (Kwakiutl, Nootka, Bella, hassle, Macs, etc.), Salish (Bella Kula, Tillamook, Central Salish), macro family Na-Dene (Athabasca Oregon Tlingit may also Halide) and the Tsimshian family. Key lessons - sea and river fishing (salmon, halibut, cod, herring, fish candle, sturgeon, etc.) using weirs, nets, hooks, traps and hunting of sea mammals (at Nootka, Makah - whales) in flat-bottomed dugout with stone and bone harpoons, spears. They hunted snow goats, deer, elk and fur-bearing animals, gathered roots, berries, etc. have been developed crafts: weaving (baskets, hats), weaving (wool capes snow goats), treatment of bone, horn, stone and wood in particular - characteristic of totem poles from cedar near the houses, masks, etc. Did the cold forging of native copper. - ¹ 5, ð. 267.They lived in settlements in large rectangular houses made of planks with gable or flat roof, leaving them in the summer season. There was a prestigious economics (custom potlatch), characteristic of property and social inequality, and developed a complex social stratification, division to know, commoners, and slaves (slavery prisoners, debt slavery in the south).Distinguished regions: north (the Tlingit, Halide, Tsimshian, hassle) and southern (most vacate and other nations to the south). In the north, were characterized by matrilineal kinship structure, women wearing labrets in the lower lip, to the south - the custom strain head, bi-and matrilineal. Vacate coastal Salish and may also be highlighted in the interim central district. In the north, and extended vacate totemic, the vacate and Bella Kula - ritual secret societies borrowed and the peoples of the North.
Gatherers and hunters of California. Ethno-linguistic composition is heterogeneous: Hawk (Caroca, Shasta, achumavi, atsugevi, Yana, Pomo, Salina, Chumash, such as-pay, etc.), Yuki (Yuki, VAPP) penuti (screw, Nomlaki, patvin, Maidu, inseam, yokes, Miwok, Kootenai), Shoshone (gabrielino, luiseno, Kailua, Serrano, tuba tubal, mono) macro family algid (Yurok, viyot), Athabasca (to ova, Huda, Kato). - ¹ 5, ð. 269.
Basic training - a semi collecting (acorns, seeds, herbs, tubers, roots, berries, insects - crickets, etc.), fishing, hunting (deer, etc.), the peoples of the south coast (Chumash, Luiseno, gabrielino) - marine fisheries and sea mammal hunting (also in the north have viyot). When collecting seeds used special tools - semyavybivalki. To maintain the productivity of land gatherer practice regularly burn.
Staple food - washed acorn flour from which the cooked porridge in baskets, putting back the hot stones, and baked bread. Equivalent of exchange of discs were bundles of shells. Was developed by weaving (baskets waterproof) material was used as a decorative feathers. Housing - domed huts, huts of conical plates bark redwoods, the huts of reeds and brushwood. Characterized by the ritual steam rooms (huts) and small barns for acorns (on stilts and platforms). Clothing - loincloths for men and skirts, aprons for women, capes of animal skins. - ¹ 9.
The Indians fish rich northwestern California (Yurok, tolova, viyot, Caroca, Hupa, chimariko) on the economic and cultural type nearer to the Indians north-west coast. Population concentrated along the rivers, the main occupation - fishing (salmon). There was stratification, debt bondage. Highland Indians in northeastern California (achumavi, atsugevi) had some similarities with the Indians, Plateau and Great Basin. Major Activities - Gathering (roots, bulbs, in some places - acorns, etc.), fishing, hunting deer and waterfowl. In the northwest and northeast California showed signs of no tribal organization. In southern California, notably the cultural influence of the southwest Indians of North America, a number of peoples has been known modeled ceramics.
Farmers Forest East of North America. Combined manual slash-and-burn agriculture (corn, squash, beans, etc.) to hunting (in the northeast seasonal), fishing and gathering. Tools from stone, wood, bone, knew the cold processing of copper, production of molded ceramics. Copper deposits have
been developed to the west of Lake Superior and in the Appalachians. Worked the land with sticks and hoes from deer shoulder blades and horns and elk. Settlements are often fortified. Spread the tattoo and body coloring, the use of feathers for decoration and clothing. There are two regions: the North-East and South-East.
Indians of the Northeast (Iroquois, Algonquin) lived in temperate forests (in the west as in the steppes) in the Great Lakes. Collecting is maple sap. Were developed woodworking, weaving. Produced from the bark of a boat and dugout, clothes and shoes (moccasins) made of animal skins and suede adorned with porcupine quills. Real Estate - a large rectangular or oval frame house, sometimes round, dome-shaped structure with a framework of branches (wigwam), a covered plate of bark or grass mats, in the north and covered the bark conical wigwam. ¹ 5, ð. 278.
The region included three historical and cultural districts. In the east (from Lake Ontario to the north-west to Lake Huron and south-east to the Atlantic Ocean) in the Iroquois (Huron's, Iroquois itself) and the eastern part of the Algonquin (Delaware Mohicans) in the basis of social organization - matrilineal clan division in lineages sublinidzhi and forming a family and kinship communities engaged in long houses. Among the Iroquois, Huron, Mohican - tribal organization, tribal unions arose (League of the Iroquois, in the XVII century - the Confederation of the Mohicans) in The Atlantic Algonquin basic social unit potestarnaya - the village, through the relationship - or matrilineal bilinear, there were local groups and associations in headed by hereditary chiefs may protovozhdestva (sahemstvo Narragansett, etc.). Exchange has been developed. From the XVI century as the equivalent exchange and used for ceremonial purposes wampum (beads made of shells). Traditional weapons - a special form of wooden maces (with a spherical head with a stone or metal. Blade). In the western area (north-east of the Mississippi basin, the area south and south-west of Lake Michigan, Huron, Superior), inhabited mainly by central Algonquin (Menominee, potevatomi, Sauk, Fox, Kickapoo, muskoxen, Shawnee tribes of Illinois and Miami) and part Sioux (Winnebago), characterized by matrilineal clans, tribal organization with a dual potestarnoy structure («peace» and «military» institutions), a semi seasonal dwelling - in the summer of frame houses in the farming villages on the banks of the rivers in the winter in wigwams in the hunting the camps. They hunted deer, buffalo, other game. There were ritual and society moiety (as well as among the Iroquois in the east), the large family. Northern region (north of the Great Lakes, also south-eastern Quebec, New Hampshire and Vermont), Algonquin village (south-western and south-eastern Ojibwa, Ottawa, Algonquin proper, the Western Abenaki) was a transition zone to the subarctic. Agriculture (corn) for latitude and climatic conditions had a utility value, the main occupation - fishing in conjunction with the gathering and hunting. Characterized by localized patrilineal totemic clan. In the summer concentrated in fisheries, while the rest live dispersed in small groups. In the west, near Lake Superior and Michigan in Menominee, Ojibwa, and other important collection was wild rice.
Indian culture in South-East has developed in the subtropical forests (from the valley of the Mississippi River to the Atlantic Ocean). Refer to misogamy on the periphery of the region lived in the Algonquin of North Carolina and Virginia, the Iroquois (Cherokee) and Sioux (tupelo and others). On hunting horn used up. Winter home round, the earthen platform (up to 1 m), log, roof made of poles with clay and grass in between, the summer - a rectangular chamber system with whitewashed walls, the Seminoles in Florida - pile with a gable roof of palm leaves, the Algonquin - frame, a covered bark. A related structure is based on maternal filiations (except Yacht). For Muskegon characteristic division of the tribe to «peaceful» and «military» half. I cries, Choctaw tribal unions existed, the Natchez and several other peoples of the southeast and the Mississippi Basin - chiefdoms that arose from VIII-X centuries after the population explosion as a result of widespread maize. Developed social stratification, singled out the privileged elite.
Horse Hunters of the Great Plains. Belong to the Sioux (Assiniboine, Crow, Dakota), Algonquin (Cheyenne, Arapaho, Blackfoot), Caddo (Caddo proper), Shoshoni (Comanche), Kiowa-tanoanskoy family (Kiowa).Were driven to the Great Plains in the north-east, and west of North America before and during the European colonization of XVII-XVIII centuries. Europeans borrowed a horse and a gun, took up horse breeding and nomadic hunting buffalo and deer, elk, pronghorn antelope. In the summer Driven hunt conducted by all men of the tribe. Weapons - a bow and arrows, spears (in Comanche assiniboynov), stone maces, and later - a gun. In winter, fell into the nomadic communities, hunting, gathering (red turnips, kidney, milkweed, thistle, berries, etc.). Tools - from stone and bone. When migrations property transported by scraper, dogs and later horses. Traditional accommodation - tip is of buffalo hides up to 5 m, with a hearth in the middle and a hole for the smoke to the top. Tribal society summer camps have a circular layout with a tent Board (tiotipi) in the center. Each community held a hunting camp in its place. Traditional clothing of deerskin or elk skin decorated with feathers, porcupine quills and beads. Characteristic of a warrior headdress of eagle feathers, bracelets and necklaces made of shells, teeth and bones of animals. Spread the tattoo and face painting and body. In the east, men shave your head on the sides, leaving a high ridge. Painted leather goods (clothing, tip is, drums), produced blankets of skins. It played an important role tribal society organization, men's unions. The hereditary chieftainship was gradually replaced by the power of the military elite. - ¹ 9.
To the east of the Great Plains (prairies) has formed a transitional type, combining horse hunting buffalo with manual shifting cultivation. Refer to the Caddo (Arikara, Wichita, Pawnee) and Sioux (Osage, Kansan, Ponca, Cowpea, Omaha, Iowa, Mandan, mapping, Missouri). Agricultural work were mainly women, preparing fields for planting, grazing horses and hunting - men. Land treated with hoe blades of buffalo, deer antlers of a rake, digging stick. Circular layout of settlements, often fortified. Traditional accommodation - «earth house» - a large (12-24 m in diameter), huts, the roof of willow bark hemispherical and herbs, covered with a layer of earth was the center of the chimney. Summer houses, huts were located on the fields. After sprouting crops migrated to the prairies to hunt buffalo, lived in a tipi. Returned to the village to harvest. In winter, living in the valleys of small rivers, where there was pasture for horses and voiles game. Minor role played by fisheries (with wicker traps), and gathering. Dominated family based on maternal filiations.
Two other transitional (or intermediate) of the type represented are by the Indians of the Great Basin and Plateau. Gatherers, fishermen and hunters Plateau (upland and plateau to the north of the Great Basin between the Cascade and Rocky Mountains, mainly areas of river basins of Columbia and Fraser): mainly sahaptiny (non-Persians, Yakima, Modoc, Klamath, etc.) and Salish (actually Salih, Shuswap, Okanagan, Kalispell, Colville, Spokane, Core - Dalen, etc.), as well as Kootenai (perhaps akin to the Algonquin). Engaged in foraging (Camas bulbs plants, roots, etc., in the Klamath and Modoc - the seeds of water lilies), fishing (salmon) and hunting. Above the river flows have built a platform from which they beat salmon harpoons or scooped networks. Was developed by weaving (from the roots, reeds and grasses). Real Estate - round huts with fastening of the timber and the entrance through the smoke hole, grounded gabled hut covered with reeds or bark. During the summer encampments - conical huts, thatched with reed. Transportation - Boats-dugout, in the north (Kootenai, kalispel) - spruce bark canoe from the water with the speaker's front and rear ends («nose sturgeon») for the shallow rivers, to the carriage of goods was also used dogs. The basic social unit is the village, headed by a chief. There were also military leaders. Some tribes (Modoc, etc.) captured slaves for sale (tribe's north-west coast). - ¹ 6, ð. 146.
1.10 The Iroquois
Country of residence: USA, Canada Region of residence: North America
The Iroquois (etymology of the name is unclear, used by Europeans since the beginning of XVII century),
1) a group of people in the USA (New York and Oklahoma) and Canada (Ontario and Quebec), speaking in tongues Iroquois family, is also common English language.
By the beginning of European colonization, a major part of the Iroquois lived in the Great Lakes to the west of the Niagara River between Lakes Ontario and Erie (neutral), between Lake Huron and Lake Ontario (petunias, Huron), south-east of Lake Erie (Erie) in the valley of the St. Lawrence River (Laurentian Iroquois), to the south and south-east of Lake Ontario (actually Iroquois), the south - suskvehannoki, Tuscarora, Cherokee. In XVII-XVIII centuries. A major part of the Iroquois (except teal, as well as parts of Huron and petunias) was assimilated properly by the Iroquois. Small groups live in the province of Alberta (Iroquois West) and in the area of ??Quebec (lorettskie Huron) in Canada. - ¹ 4, ð. 24
2) Actually Iroquois hodenosauni (self - «people of long house»), the Iroquois nation in the USA (New York and Oklahoma) and Canada (Ontario and Quebec). The number of 21 thousand people in the U.S. and about 25 thousand people in Canada. They speak the Iroquois language (their names correspond to names of tribes). Also common in English. Iroquois are Christians (Protestants of various sects, Catholics) and the followers of a syncretism cult of the «long house». - ¹ 10.
It formed with XV-XVI centurys confederacy of tribes: the Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, mogauki (so-called League of the Iroquois). Traditional culture is typical of Indian northeastern North America (see Indians). Villages were transferred every 10-15 years after exhaustion of the soil.
The tribe was divided into two totemic moieties, and those for a few matrilineal totemic birth. Births were divided into lineages and sublinidzhi, which formed the basis of family-related communities (each occupied by the so-called long house). There were tribal and tribal chiefs, councils of elders in the villages, the military chiefs. Council chiefs of the League of the Iroquois had a structure based on generic principles. Selecting a new member of the board determined the kind of woman. The capital of the League was the main village Onondaga.
At the core mythology of the Iroquois is a cosmogony myth of the heavenly woman and her grandchildren - twins, deity's antagonist. Characterized by extensive calendar rites, ritual society.
Since the beginning of XVII century, the Iroquois are involved in the European fur trade, which exacerbated tribal conflicts and military expansion has caused the league. As a result of wars in 1648-56 tribes of the League were included remnants of the defeated Huron's, the neutral, Erie, in 1722 the League adopted the Tuscarora's. In the XVII century part of the Iroquois, mostly mogauki facing the French in Christianity, were settled on the St. Lawrence River. In the XVIII century, part of Seneca Cayuga and moved to Ohio and thence to the XIX century to the reservation in northeastern Oklahoma. The Iroquois took part in the colonial wars of the XVIII century and the war for independence the American colonies, during which there was a movement of a considerable part of the Iroquois in Canada. At the beginning of the XIX century finally lost sovereignty. Iroquois League was split into two parallel in the United States and Canada (with its center on the reservation Six-Neyshenz). In the early XIX century, religion has spread the «long house», whose founder was the leader of the Seneca's, the prophet beautiful lake.
Currently in New York Seneca (etymology of the name is unclear) - the most numerous tribes of the League (more than 5 thousand people), placed on reserve Kattaroges (the coast of Lake Erie), Allegheny (Allegheny River), Tonawanda (near the Niagara River.) As a result of the Seneca's in 1848, a written constitution in the tribe was split on the «Seneca Nation» managed (by Constitution) Council, elected by universal suffrage, and «a group of Tonawanda,» to preserve the traditional council of tribal leaders, elected women on maternity leave. -¹ 4, ð. 27. Cayuga (from self - «kayohhono» - the name of the village, etymology unknown) live on reservations in Cayuga, Allegheny, Kattaroges, Onondaga, the total number - about 400 people. Part of the Seneca and Cayuga live in Oklahoma (750 people, an elected council, metisirovany, assimilated). Onondaga (from self - «onotbkeha» - «people Onoteke», named after the village chief of the tribe, which means «hill») live on the reservation Onondaga (about 1 thousand) on the ancestral lands of the tribe on the river Onondaga, south of Syracuse. Retain the status of a «fire keeper» of the League of the Iroquois. In the early 1980s. deliberately introduced into Onondaga visas and passports, «the state Hodenosauni.» Oneida (self - «oneyoteaka» - «erected by men of stone» on a stone near the main village, returned to the reservation Oneida in 1974) live on reservations Oneida and Onondaga (total number - about 600 people) and east of Wisconsin, in Canada River Thames, and dispersed. Mogauki («cannibal» in Algonquian languages) live on reservations in Saint Regi (on the border of the U.S. and Canada),
Gibson, Oka, Kohnavaga, Tiendinaga in Canada (Ontario and Quebec). Tuscarora (from self - «skarore» etymology is not clear) live on a reservation near Tuscarora Niagara River (about 750). Part of the Iroquois (from all the tribes of the League) live on the reservation Six-Neyshenz River Grand River in Canada (Ontario).
Modern Iroquois engaged in farming, employment, migration to cities (large communities in New York and Chicago). Cross-breeding is stronger in Canada. Along with the partial assimilation, keep traditional crafts (making of leather and beads, rackets for ball games), some rituals, the high status of women, matrilineal (the Canadian Iroquois - matrilineal) account of kinship, tribal, and tribal division fratrialnoe, ritual society. Actively participate in the Indian movement. The teaching of native languages. In 1971 founded the Association of Iroquois in Canada and Allied Indians. - ¹ 10.
1.11 The Maya
Country of Residence: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Belize Region of residence: North America
Maya is a group of Indian peoples living in southern Mexico, Guatemala and adjacent areas of western Honduras, El Salvador and Belize. The population - 4-7 million people. Speak the languages ??of the Mayan family, which is divided into two branches - Maya (mainly in Mexico, in the area of ??lowlands) and Quiche (mostly in Guatemala, in the area of ??the mountains). According to another classification, divided into 4 branches: 1) language huastekov 2) Yucatan branch (yukatekov language, or actually the Mayan Lacandona, Mopan), 3) the western branch - chol group (language choley, damn, Chontal, Tzeltal, Tzotzil) and kanhobal (language kanhobaley, hakaltekov, Mocho, chuhov, Tojolabal), 4) eastern branch of the - of her mother (my mother tongue, ishiley, aguakatekov) and Quiche (Quiche language, Kaqchikel, tsutuhiley, uspantekov, Q'eqchi, pokoman, Poqomchi).
According to legend ethnogonic, Maya believed that their ancestors sailed in boats from the north. This is confirmed by the data of linguistics according to which the ancestors of the Maya migrated from the north along the Gulf Coast to the mountains of Chiapas and Guatemala, probably in the 4th-3rd millennium BC. As we move to the south a number of tribes settled in the states of Tamaulipas, Veracruz and Tabasco, among them - huastekov ancestors living in the far north of the main territory of the Maya. Another point of view, the Maya began to settle out of the mountain homeland to the north-west of Guatemala in the late 3rd millennium BC. At the end of the 2nd millennium BC in Veracruz and Tabasco (a mythical country Tamoanchan) mayyayazychnye Olmecs created the first urban civilization of Mesoamerica, degraded in the middle of the 1st millennium BC because of the invasion of barbarian tribes - the ancestors of Totonac, the target juice (see Micah, Coke) and Nahua (Aztecs, see), which is divided from the rest of huastekov Maya. In the mid-1st millennium BC, the Maya of Guatemala created a mountain Kaminaljuyu civilization. At the turn of our era, based on slash-and-burn agriculture and irrigation (major crops - corn) and the traditions of the Olmec and there was a classic Kaminaljuyu Maya civilization (its area is basically the same territory occupied by the Maya). There are several dozen city-states (El Mirador, Palenque, Tonina, Piedras Negras, Iashchilan, Dos Pilas, Seybal, Tikal, Vashaktun, Yaashha, Copan, Quirigua, Lubaantun, Tsibilchaltun, Uxmal, Labna, Etsna, Kabah, etc.) with monuments (temples and palaces on stepped pyramids and platforms, playgrounds for ball games, steam baths, observatories, platforms for rituals and dramatic performances, arches, aqueducts, paved roads, fortifications), mural painting and sculpture, developed small plastic ceramics), jewelry, solar calendar, hieroglyphic writing.
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The ethnic population of the Great Britain. The detailed data of the variety of the communities, the people, the origins and way of life. The main problems of today’s Britain, such as overpopulation. The UK's ethnic minority groups, age structure.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [81,1 K], äîáàâëåí 05.12.2010Houston is the fourth-largest city in the United States of America, origin of the name, location, Geography. History in brief. Houston's population, climatic features. Economy, main sights. JPMorgan Chase Tower. The Toyota Center. Famous people.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [3,1 M], äîáàâëåí 30.01.2011Canada as the largest country of the North America. Geographical position of Canada, its climate, relief and environment. The population, religion and moving types. History of development of territory. A state system, the basic provinces of Canada.
ðåôåðàò [20,6 K], äîáàâëåí 17.02.2010History of the relationship between the American colonists and Great Britain, the declaration of independence. Development of the first Constitution of America, its main articles and legal registration. Principles of regulation of interstate commerce.
ñî÷èíåíèå [13,6 K], äîáàâëåí 21.04.2014I think that people can change during their life. They grow up and change their world view and ideology. They get a lot of information during their life, they reed books, meet new people, go around different society.
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òîïèê [5,0 K], äîáàâëåí 29.10.2006Two famous firsts: Amelia Mary Earhart - the first woman to fly across the Atlantic; Yuri Gagarin - the first man in space. Top 10 famous great inventors of all Time, who helped change the world. Famous people of Kazakhstan; unusual people-innovators.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [3,2 M], äîáàâëåí 05.11.2014Popular holidays celebrated in America. Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival. Christmas is Christian holiday. Easter is the main feast of the Christian year. National Americans holiday — Independence Day. Memorial Day is a United States public holiday.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [1,4 M], äîáàâëåí 16.04.2013Many immigrants from the former USSR are great patriots of the United States, and these people sincerely love their new motherland. But their feeling of America is of a little strange kind; it is like a love of a parasite worm to the body of its host.
ñî÷èíåíèå [3,3 K], äîáàâëåí 10.03.2006Immigration as the action of foreigners passing or coming into a country for the purpose of permanent residence. Important roles of immigration in the development of the United States. Several ways of immigration to the United States of America.
äîêëàä [17,0 K], äîáàâëåí 12.01.2012