Ключевые слова в выступлениях экс-президента США Джорджа Буша-младшего и действующего президента Барака Обамы (языковая личность в политике)

Политический дискурс, характерные черты языковых личностей президентов США Джорджа Уокера Буша и Барака Хусейна Обамы, ключевые языковые единицы в риторике политиков. Анализ слов и выражений, отражающих сходства и различия их политических выступлений.

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Дата добавления 09.06.2010
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55. Bush's Remarks in Midland, Texas, 20 January 2009 (http://www.presidentialrhetoric.com).

56. President Bush's Remarks on the 20th Anniversary of The National Endowment For Democracy on Democracy in the Middle East, 6 November 2003 (http://www.presidentialrhetoric.com).

57. President George W. Bush Remarks at the United Nations General Assembly, New York, 12 September 2002 (http://www.presidentialrhetoric.com).

58. George W. Bush Inaugural Address Washington, DC, 20 January 2001


59. Second Inaugural Address of George W. Bush, 20 January 2005 (http://www.presidentialrhetoric.com).

60. George W. Bush New Year's Day Message, 31 December 2007 (http://www.presidentialrhetoric.com).

61. George W. Bush: The President and Social Security Reform, 11 January 2005 (http://www.presidentialrhetoric.com).

62. George W. Bush The Health of the American Economy, 1 February 2008 (http://www.presidentialrhetoric.com).

63. President Barack Obama Ramadan Message, 21 August 2009 (http://obamaspeeches.com).

64. Barack Obama's speech “A More Perfect Union”, 18 March 2008 (http://obamaspeeches.com).

65. Remarks of President Barack Obama to Joint Session of Congress, 24 February 2009 (http://obamaspeeches.com).

66. Remarks by The President Obama at The National Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, 27 April 2009 (http://obamaspeeches.com).

67. Barack Obama: Changes come to America, 4 November 2008 (http://obamaspeeches.com).

68. Election Night Victory Speech Grant Park, Illinois, 4 November 2008 (http://obamaspeeches.com).

69. Obama's Remarks to A Joint Session of Congress On Health Care, 9 September 2009 (http://obamaspeeches.com).

70. Obama's Remarks On Education, 10 March 2009 (http://obamaspeeches.com).

71. Obama Inaugural Address, 20 January 2009 (http://obamaspeeches.com).

72. Obama's Remarks on Stem Cell Research, 9 March 2009 (http://obamaspeeches.com).

73. Remarks by The President Barack Obama On A New Beginning, 4 June 2009 (http://obamaspeeches.com).

74. A Just and Lasting Peace, 10 December 2009 (http://obamaspeeches.com).

75. Remarks by The President On Strengthening Missile Defense in Europe, 17 September 2009 (http://obamaspeeches.com).

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