Рід Потоцьких в Україні (Тульчинська лінія): суспільно-політичні та культурологічні аспекти
Історія тульчинської лінії Потоцьких. Маловідомі факти життя та діяльності знакових постатей цього магнатського роду. Ідеологічна упередженість до цієї родини, оцінка її значення в суспільних процесах і українсько-польських стосунках означеного періоду.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 28.08.2015 |
Размер файла | 120,8 K |
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В исследовании показано, что социокультурная наследственность вырабатывается предками и принимается потомками в виде таких составных, как имущество (от недвижимости до библиотек и фамильных архивов), воспитание и образование, принадлежность к высшему сословию и ориентация на определенные виды индивидуальной самореализации, культурно-интеллектуальные проявления, память о выдающихся предках и связь с другими родами.
В результате научного поиска доказано, что каждое поколение рода Потоцких было представлено неординарными личностями, которые внесли огромный вклад в экономическое и культурное развитие региона, страны, нации; подчеркнуто, что Потоцкие не были простыми наблюдателями или фиксаторами событий, а наоборот, были их участниками, созидателями общественно-политических, культурологических процессов, основоположниками культурных традиций.
Ключевые слова: просопография, биография, семейная история, знаковая фигура, род, графы Потоцкие, герб Пилява, тульчинская линия, магнат.
Chubina Т.D. Pototsky family in Ukraine (tulchyn line): socially-political and cultural aspects. - Manuscript.
The dissertation submitted for a scientific degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences majoring in History of Ukraine - 07.00.01. - Donetsk National University, 2008.
In dissertation on the basis of scientific analysis of the base sources and historiography of problem the state and degree of research of tulchyn line of Pototsky family is found out, the level and plenitude of scientific and theoretical ground is pointed out. For the recreation of Pototsky family history the prosopography method which appeared most suitable for this genre of researches is used.
It was determined, that main directions of socio-cultural activity of family were socially-political and cultural activities. The income of prominent representatives of family in these spheres of life of society were established.
During research of genealogy of first generations of Potockikh and their places in social and political processes there have been discovered that the first documentarily confirmed facts are found in XIII century. It was proven that Pototsky family purchased political power in a middle the XVI century.
The result of scientific search was become by the selection of coats of arms of silver and gold Pilyavy. Potocki of tulchyn (hetman) line belonged to the coat of arms of silver Pilyavy.
Military and political figure Stanislaw Pototskiy Revera (1579-1667), great hetman of crown, chief of Kyiv, Krakow and other was defined as the founder of hetman branch. His activity left noticeable track in history of Poland and Ukraine, especially in the middle of the XVII century. After his marriage with daughter of Bratslaw head, general of Podillya earths Valentine Alexander Kalinovskiy and Gelen Strus, Sofia, count Stanislaw has got in a dowry estates in Bratslav, Volin, Podil and Kiyv provinces.
The hem of estates between the sons of count Stanislaw put beginning of two lines of hetman branch: first - Andrei and second - Felix Cassimere. Marriage of son of count Felix - Joseph with Teofila Teresa from Centners, lady at Tulchyn finally fastened Podillia estates after Pototski, putting the beginning of tulchin branch of the second line.
The information about Pototsky family unproportionally light up the separate representatives of the family. From one side, there is wide enough circle of sources about Stanislaw Schensniy Pototsky, his parents, wives, separate children. From other - there is fragmentary information, different sources about sons from marriage with Josephine Amalia Mnishek (Stanislaw, Yaroslaw, Vladimir), except Ezhi Schensniy, as his name was involved in domestic scandal which purchased considerable publicity in the Russian empire. Certain disproportion was set as a result. But research would be poor if to exclude the certain persons, the information on which is not complete.
Gender approach, which was used in research for the study of features of functioning of Pototsky's family, foresees application of gender methodology of history which examines a historical process through the prism of gender problematic and conducts the reconstructions of models of the past, coming from gender experience of the probed epoch.
In dissertation research, it was shown that socio-cultural heredity is produced by ancestors and accepted descendants in such constituents, as property (from the real estate to the libraries and familial archives), education and bringing up, belonging to higher power and orientation on the certain kinds of individual self-realization, in a civilized manner intellectual displays, memory about prominent ancestors and domestic connection with other families.
As a result of scientific research it was defined, that every generation of Pototsky family was presented by eccentric personalities, which did ponderable payment in economic and cultural development of region, country, nation. History of Pototsky family at the genetic at genetic level proved that heredity had a prominent influence on the spiritual world of individual.
Genealogy of Pototsky engulfs the large period of history of Ukraine. It is marked in dissertation, that Pototsky were not simple observers or fixings of events, opposite, they were their participants, creators of social and political, cultural processes, founders of cultural traditions and breathings.
On the example of research the possibilities of domestic history, enriched co-operating with historiography, soursestudy, historical psychology, gender researches sociology, literary criticism, study of art, history of culture and political science are pointed.
The purpose of dissertation work, which was made in sociocultural civilized manner intellectual history does not dip out all of aspects of history of Pototsky family, and consequently, research results open the prospects of subsequent work both from history of the probed family and others.
The author marks argued, that achievements of research are payment to the study of such questions of intellectual and social history, as functions of family, family, in a maintenance and transmission of national culture; history of national elite (forming of elite; self-identity of national elite; factors of integration of elite and its influence on development of Ukrainian-Polish Culture; intercommunication of economic, social and intellectual factors is in forming of status of family; correlation of status of family and personal status of his representatives); before development of Ukrainian historical science. A scientific search is carried out by the attempt of synthesis of intellectual, social and psychological studios in researches from history of Ukraine.
Keywords: prosopography, biography, domestic history, sign figure, family, counts Potocki, coat of arms of Pilyava, tulchin line, magnate.
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