- 181. Cтратегия повышения конкурентоспособности промышленности в условиях формирования новой экономики
Методика оценки уровня конкурентоспособности промышленности России. Основы ее структуризации в соответствии с макротехнологиями. Государственная политика по повышению конкурентоспособности промышленного комплекса с учетом требований "новой экономики".
Методика прогнозування економіки аграрно-промислового комплексу країни. Динаміка обсягів виробництва та реалізації сільськогосподарської продукції. Ціноутворення сільськогосподарської продукції. Розвиток зовнішньоекономічних зв’язків АПК України.
Ринкова інфраструктура як економічна категорія, її сутність та функції. Фінансово-кредитна, організаційно-технічна, державно-регулятивна та науково-дослідна системи ринкової інфраструктури. Стан та шляхи вдосконалення ринкової інфраструктури в Україні.
Аналіз сучасного стану та особливостей залучення прямих іноземних інвестицій до економіки України. Ключові проблеми залучення іноземного капіталу та шляхи їх вирішення. Розподіл прямих іноземних інвестицій в Україну за основними країнами-інвесторами.
Классификации доходов: в зависимости от учета динамики уровня потребительских цен, по форме единицы, в зависимости от государственного вмешательства. Бухгалтерская и экономическая прибыль. Условия максимизации прибыли при совершенной конкурентности.
- 186. Cущность инфляции
Определение понятия и сущность инфляции, факторы ее определяющие. Характеристика видов современной инфляции и ее классификация по странам. Анализ закономерностей инфляционного процесса. Основы социально-экономических последствий инфляции в государстве.
Analysis of the essence and methods of pricing in natural monopolies. Regulation of the rate of return, calculation on the principle of "cost plus output". Setting fixed maximum price limits. Participation in profits with a movable (sliding) scale.
Development of conversion of the decision tree to be used in a balanced scorecard. Definition of key performance indicators, profitability analysis, toolbars, and signals of the close connection with the operational management of production purposes.
Influence of target and acquirer characteristics on deal premium. Breakdown market value of acquirer into three components: value of assets in place, value of growth opportunities and mispricing. Analysis the merged sample of public and private targets.
The relationship of indicators of tax policy and shadowing of the economy in a comprehensive interaction in the context of the implementation of a competitive tax system. The essence of the role of shadowing the economy in the use of Laffer's concept.
Factors that determine the quality of the audit of insurance companies in Nigeria. A study of the reports of individual companies. Pearson correlation analysis, ordinary least area and regression. Verification when using the services of an audit firm.
The Definitions of Control Premium in Financial Literature. Global Financial Crisis 2008-10 effected on control premium determinants. Investigation of Control Premium Across the Country. The size of the acquired company related with the control premium.
Criteria definition regarding the management state of economic agent's financial capability. The monitoring the capital of the enterprises. A matrix approach to the selection of criteria for the state of economic agent's financial capability management.
One of the main reasons why the EU has achieved such impressive results in minimizing landfills and increasing the rate of recycling has been the "polluter pays" principle. The cost of waste management for the producer should be equal to all the costs.
Limiting factors of agrofood system development in conditions of strengthening of integration processes within the Eurasian Economic Union. Possibilities of regional system adaptation to the changing conditions of external and internal environment.
Characteristics of the main prospects for human resources development in the oil and gas industry, which is the main source of fuel and energy resources. Human resources in the modern economy as the main capital and the main competitive advantage.
Conceptualizing structural elements of the economic system belonging to production processes. Defining an entity of economic management mechanism is a complex of organizational structures. Research and analysis of economic features of the food market.
State policy in the field of development of agro-industrial complex of Russia for the purpose of elaboration of suggestions for improvement of mechanisms of regulation of the grain market. Shortcomings of the mechanism of regulation of the grain market.
The main conditions for favorable investment climate in the region. Critical analysis of the Far Eastern mechanisms and development institutions and economic indicators growth and dynamics of the Primorye development. Investment opportunities of region.
Analysis of tendencies of development of the Russian tourism industry. The number of Russian tourists who went abroad; the number of foreigners visiting Russia; revenues received by Russia. Activities for the development of the tourism industry.
The content of the category employment. Identified the dominant factors influencing the development of the labour market and in Ukraine. Analysis of the main tendencies of employment in reions. The key problems that require structural changes in economy.
Інноваційний підхід у діяльності підприємств та його роль в розвитку економіки України. Впровадження новітнього обладнання для вирішення ресурсних, технологічних і управлінських проблем. Використання сучасних digital-технологій в управлінні підприємством.
Prospects for the development of Ukraine’s economy taking into account the potential of social processes and business digitalization. The priorities of development for small and medium businesses of Ukraine under the conditions of the pandemic.
Research of the main concepts and trends related to digitalization and transformation of the investment landscape. Development of fintech startups and digital technologies in Ukraine. Assessment of cyber security, volatility and financial fraud risks.
Public-private partnership, which is created as a result of the consolidation of efforts of state authorities, local governments and business structures. The practice of applying public-private partnership projects has been investigated; concept.
The study the most important areas of e-business development in Ukraine through war time in the context of such economic models as G2B (Government-to-Business), B2G (business to the processes of state governance), and B2E (Business-to- Employees).
Consideration of the issue of capital accumulation of individual human health, taking into account its special qualities and characteristics. The outline of the directions for acquiring capital of individual health throughout all periods of life.
Critical socio-economic factors that influence the low level of implementation of reforms and reforms in the social sphere. Rationale for the need to develop areas of cooperation in employment, social policy and equal opportunities for the population.
Consideration of social challenges facing people in the conditions of digitization of production, everyday life. Analysis of professions and professional areas that may disappear under the influence of automation, robotization, digitization of production.
Problems of economic and resource security of Ukraine and the importance of using breakthrough technologies to achieve sustainable development. The peculiarity of reducing dependence on traditional energy sources and promoting sustainable development.