Brand communication in conditions of war

Behavioral activity of brands during military communications. The essence of situational communication. Channels of brand communications during war. The role of tone of voice, content strategies of brands. Rules of brand communications during wartime.

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Brand communication in conditions of war

Skorokhod T., National Technical University of Ukraine Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute


The Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022 changed the coordinate system in which brands functioned. «War is an infernal elevator that lowered all of us, no matter what level of Maslow's pyramid we were on, to the level of basic needs» [1] and changing communications for these organizations. «In the 21st century, the nation of Ukrainians began to fight for its existence. The category «survive» (in different senses of this word) came to the fore» [2]. The conditions in which brands had to function were air raids, shelling, temporarily occupied territories, injured and dead, finding a balance between the pain of losses, a constant threat to be killed and the necessity to continue living and working. «War is a crazy stress for business. At a time like this, it is more important than ever to communicate with each other, to find words of support, to give hope to those who believe in you. Communications play a key role in this. They help reveal the position of the company, the brand, find support in society, rally staff and partners around urgent business tasks, preserve its spirit and collective energy» [3].

During the war, the consumers and clients of the brands also became different. They expect and demand from brands a clear position in the war, help, support, honesty. So, in the conditions of war, brands had to change the format of communication with their consumers, the tone of communication, the messages they spread through various communication channels, the values they broadcast to their audience. In the conditions of war, brands must tell their audience exactly what they are doing to win, to communicate that they continue to work, supporting the company's team and the country's economy. «Now brands are trying to be useful, support Ukrainians and show unity with their audience. The weight of the social role of the brand has grown significantly. Someone supplies products for the elderly, someone restores a destroyed school, someone designs temporary modular houses for those who have lost their homes, gives their products to those in need, transfers a share of the profit to the Armed Forces» [2].

To stay in the infospace during wartime, a brand needs to be very active in its internal and external communications. Moreover, the war did not cancel the rules on which brand communication is based, but only strengthened their importance. In the conditions of war, communication is more important than ever. Correct communication of brands, businesses, government officials and each of us is also a weapon against the enemy [4]. «The war completely reshaped all the usual models of communication of Ukrainian brands - both with Ukrainians and with the world. Today, it is not enough to simply manufacture a product or provide a service, it is necessary to carry meanings and be a socially responsible business» [5].

Behavioral activism of brands in wartime communication

The participation of brands in communication at the beginning and during the Russian-Ukrainian war took place and is taking place in various formats, such as:

1. Pause in communication, silence, silent communication. A certain part of the brands stopped their activities and simply stopped addressing the audience altogether. Some brands were silent only in the first days, because they were engaged in relocation. This format of silent communication involves an announcement on behalf of the brand of the reason for the silence: «if the business has adapted to new conditions, the war, then in

addition to the position and changes in work, it is worth writing about the difficult points of adaptation and the reason for the long silence» [6]. Even if the business stopped before the victory of Ukraine, then the brand must tell its audience, consumers, customers, partners, employees about its position in social networks, explain the reasons for stopping work and only then switch to silence mode. Today, leaving accounts with the last update on February 23 is a moveton. Brands should not disappear from the information radar for a long time, and after a pause in communication, they should return to active communication with their audience, of course, if security conditions allow it. This is important in terms of maintaining an emotional connection with your audience. «Brands that have been silent for a long time since the start of the war have seen a significant decrease in reach and engagement, and an increase in the number of unsubscribes in social networks» [7]. To restore activity in social networks, it is enough for brands to publish a post with a national motivational attitude about starting work.

For example, as the Stylus brand did: «We have fully resumed operations and are ready to deliver orders. While the Russian ship is going to a known address... Our employees are gathering and going to work. So, we're happy to announce that Stylus is fully operational again! You can pick up goods at the drop-off point now only in Lviv, but they are about to open in Kyiv, Dnipro, Odesa and Ivano-Frankivsk, so stay tuned for updates...», or Bukovel: «Bukovel is your reliable rear. Ukraine has been heroically fighting and winning for almost two months. From the first days of the war, our resort became a refuge for displaced persons and a helping hand for soldiers and volunteers. Today, our victory is forged not only on the battlefield, but also in the rear, which works and thereby helps the army. Therefore, we have now decided to gradually resume work and expand the list of services. Let's wait for victory together!».

However, the reason for silence, a pause in communication, may also be the desire of the brand to hide its trade ties with the aggressor country or delay in formulating its position on the war. These reasons become the prerequisite and basis of reputational and communication crises. Yes, JASMINE Lingerie, a Ukrainian lingerie brand from Lutsk, did not voice its position on the war for 20 days. Moreover, the brand was accused of trading on the territory of the aggressor country, because social network users discovered the company's Russian website and a store in Yekaterinburg. When this communication crisis got out of control, the CEO and owner held a live broadcast on Instagram and denied the rumors about exports to the aggressor country, and an official statement appeared on the brand's page. The general director explained the silence about the war by the fact that she did not want to do PR on this topic. However, for most users and consumers, this has become a weak excuse. JASMINE Lingerie has been boycotted.

2. Careful or slow communication. This is a simple direct communication without special creativity of positions. Under conditions of slow communication, brands resort to certain periods in communication, constantly monitoring the appropriateness of broadcasted messages. For example, Comfy. In the first days of the war, the brand communicated only about what was working, in which cities and exactly how. About a month later, useful services for those who went abroad were added to the brand's communication. And the brand's product communications appeared only in April. These were only communications of popular positions, which are connected with the changed life in war conditions. The slowdown in own brand communication could be caused by the brand joining the general communication campaign «Ukrainian bravery» by the agency Banda. In this case, all content and communication were primarily generated through the concept of «courage». As part of such a communication campaign, Comfy broadcasted a photo of a tank on which an employee with the call sign Comfy was fighting. It was another confirmation of the direct and sincere communication of the brand in the conditions of war about what it really believes in.

3. Active and bold communication. This format of communication can be defined as «communications that have turned from words into actions». It is about brands that actively broke into the information space with their support from the first hours of the war, about brands that made and are making significant contributions to victory. For example, Ukrzaliznytsia. The company, both in communications and in business, has demonstrated itself in the vein of «no matter what, we do our job and even more». The brand's communication channels reported that Ukrzaliznytsia launched free evacuation trains that take people from areas where active hostilities are taking place; which equipped wagons for the transportation of the wounded and other less mobile population groups; that the company's employees risked their lives by going to hot spots to save people; that among the employees there were those who died at the workplace [2].

Communication in the style of «everyone ran and I ran» or situational communication

Situational communication, situational marketing is a brand's response to events that are actively discussed in society and are of interest to its target audience. In the conditions of war, this format of communications is chosen by many brands. There is a certain information explosion in society, attention to a certain topic is growing strongly, and brands are trying to use this trending topic to generate their content and communications. At the same time, such an event or topic may have nothing to do with what the brands are doing. The task of the brand is to use the situation ethically. «Situational marketing is appropriate when there is a clear position on a specific topic, when the «pains» and interests of the target audience are taken into account, when there is a creative component that generates real brand activism. ... In situational marketing, it is important to sound in unison with your audience and feel the line that should not be crossed. Sometimes it is better to remain silent than to try to earn a few extra hryvnias and say something stupid that will outrage people» [8].

In the conditions of war, the liberation of cities becomes a powerful topic for brand communications, for example, as was the case with the liberation of Kherson. The hype around this topic is understandable, because it is pride, joy and patriotism. So, you can find successful examples of brand communication.

Certain brands (such as Ukrposhta, Comfy, PrivatBank, Ukrzaliznytsia, EVA, Kyivstar, Intertop, Rozetka, MeestUkraine, Epicenter K, Podorozhnyk pharmacy chain, etc.) have added the symbol of this Ukrainian city - a watermelon to their logos (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. Situational communication with the help of logos

Fig. 2. Situational communication of the Nova Poshta brand

Certain brands have done product marketing taking into account the symbol of this Ukrainian city - watermelon. The Watsons brand reminded consumers of products with the aroma and smell of watermelon. The Farfor_home_decor brand was reminiscent of New Year's toys in the shape of a watermelon. And the LovareUkraine brand decided to expand its product line with a new taste of watermelon for tea. PrivatBank offered its customers new virtual card covers with attributes of the liberated city (Figure 3).

Channels of brand communications during the war

During the war, there was a significant change in the ways of information consumption. This applies both to searching for news and searching for information about brands. This type of communication is characteristic of a «smartphone country» [9]. The war accelerated life and accelerated the pace of communication, the need for prompt, accurate information through an accessible channel for the consumer. Therefore, brands in the conditions of war must clearly define the amount of information that will be transmitted during a specific act of communication, what to postpone for publication later, and what to highlight right now - in news, newsletters, social networks, creatives.

Fig. 3. Situational communication of Watsons, Farfor_home_decor, LovareUkraine brands

Moreover, brands had to review their traditional communication channels, once again ask themselves the question «why and how do we want to communicate?» and based on this, choose platforms for communication. If the purpose of brands before and during the war remained the same - to entertain - then TikTok and Instagram will be appropriate channels of communication. If it is important for a brand to quickly inform its consumers about both company news and general social news, then Telegram will be the best platform. Facebook is appropriate for brands to communicate with their consumers in the format of long texts and discussions.

During the war, brands should communicate with the target audience on the platforms that are most convenient for them. At the same time, messages on behalf of the brand should be simple, precise and clearly formulated, because consumers do not have time for additional, irrelevant information, information that does not relate to the concepts of «safety», «survival». Since a large number of consumers live in different contexts and different security conditions, brands have to adapt the format and communication channel depending on the consumer segment and the context of their lives at the current moment.

Taking into account the fact that the budgets of companies have decreased by 80-90%, it is advisable for brands to work with free communication channels in the conditions of war. «It is worth focusing on free channels developed in previous work (social networks, newsletters, website), and analyze whether paid channels that worked before the war (targeted, contextual, media advertising) are really appropriate and necessary» [10].

In the conditions of war, it is advisable for brands to reconsider targeting. To do this, you need to reanalyze your target audience, their habits, and living conditions. «The war changed the country and Ukrainians, so every brand needs to reacquaint itself with its audience. Where did consumers migrate? What are they interested in? What mood do they have and how far can they plan their lives? Such information will become a valuable basis for new communication activities and successful business operations. ... Ukrainians abroad and in Ukraine feel different emotions. Refugees abroad feel more confused and powerless compared to those who remain at home» [11]. It is important for marketers to understand this when crafting appropriate messages for their audiences. Angry and irritated Ukrainians will perceive the images of a human victim in the war worse. And advertising campaigns require determined and fearless characters from both the civilian population and the military.

It is not advisable to set the geography of the displays in the territories where hostilities are taking place, temporarily occupied areas and newly liberated territories. Moreover, brands should carefully monitor the situation at the front and in the country in general, and stop advertising campaigns if they dissonate with public sentiment.

Communication channels, content format, targeting during the war should be divided according to consumer groups and the type of context in which they live today. For example, the audience of the brand can be formed by people who are in hot war zones, where pain, fear, inhuman fatigue and the desire to survive; people who managed to leave these zones, but who will not be able to recover from everything they experienced for a long time; people who live in settlements where missile strikes took place, but there were no fierce hostilities, who experience and feel various emotions, who have the strength to work, do, help; people who lived in safer places in Ukraine or moved to them or abroad even before the start of the active phase of the war: they have a lot of strength to act - to help and work, but in some places there may be some detachment from events.

Tone of Voice in brand communication during wartime

During the war brands should build ethical communication, show belonging to Ukraine and Ukrainian patriotism from a positive side. Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine entertainment content with a context far removed from the situation in the country. So, in wartime, brands learn to communicate with audiences in a new language relevant to wartime. That is, to talk about the war in such a way as not to lose yourself, the trust of the audience and your country; to talk about the war in such a way as to bring victory closer [12].

Of course, the tone of voice for a brand must remain identical at all times, under all circumstances. «The form of addressing the audience and the style should remain unchanged, because this is the code of the brand. This also applies to the visual style: the brand must leave all the attributes in the form of a brand book, colors, font, logo. Unless, of course, he radically changed the product during the war» [13]. However, war can be an occasion for adjustments in tone of voice. A thoughtful tone can be replaced by encouragement and positivity. Tone of voice should convey to consumers that the brand cares about them. Business communication during wartime must keep the audience calm. For this, a balanced, constructive, decisive and energetic tone of voice of brands is appropriate. Brands should not sow panic among consumers with their publications. «Tone of voice is a call to battle. If anger and pride are the main emotions of Ukrainians during the war, then the communication from the company to its customers should be appropriate. Since the beginning of the war, there have been no sad songs about the destitute victim of aggression. On the contrary, at the international level, «Courage» has become the brand of Ukraine. Marketers should feel this mood of their customers and build appropriate communication» [11].

When choosing or changing the tone of voice in wartime, brands should consider the psychological state of their consumers. «Someone is abroad in a calm environment and atmosphere, but at the same time feels lonely and homesick, someone is in the western regions, but still worries about their safety, and someone is close to the war zone, in difficult conditions, in the occupied territories. Therefore, before communicating about anything, it is worth making sure that the representatives of the target audience correctly understand the content and tone of the message and will react to it in the same way. It is worth moving away from the cheerful and carefree tone of communication, if the brand used it before the war, changing to a calmer and more restrained one that corresponds to the current context» [14].

The tone of voice of brands during the war should convey the sincerity and social responsibility of brands in supporting Ukraine. Brands should honestly talk about their contribution to the victory (helping the front, weaving camouflage nets, donating, volunteering, etc.), guarantee additional responsibility for the comfort of customers (publications about curfews, traffic restrictions, shortage of goods, bomb shelters that are next to stores, offices, enterprises, etc.). It is equally important for brands to convey their usefulness to consumers in publications. Thus, the Ukrainian women's clothing brand TM byMe reformatted part of its production for the tailoring of body armor. The brand makes its help public, because such publicity consolidates the understanding that helping others in any way available to you is not an exception to the rule, but the new normal for everyone in the conditions of war. The Marsala shoe brand began to sew tactical boots instead of fancy shoes. The IT product company OBRIO publishes posts with free resources for training Ukrainians, conducts online webinars, talks about the professional paths of employees and shares advice on social networks, provided free access to the platform for automating marketing processes AdBra using the promo code «Glory to Ukraine» [15]. created a chatbot for job search, launched regional Telegram channels for job search, publishes selections of current vacancies for medical workers, volunteers, selections of urgent remote vacancies, selections of urgent vacancies for drivers, etc., publishes useful articles and materials for employers and job seekers, releases a series of webinars, encouraging job seekers and continuing to work in such difficult conditions.

Communication in the conditions of war should be with a focus on what is approaching victory. However, you can't talk about war every day, but you have to do something every day to win. It is not necessary to write about front-line events all the time, the brand needs to talk about the specifics of work in new realities, open the curtain and share with consumers urgent problems - whether it is a failure of supply, a stoppage of production or a lack of funding, or like the Kyiv natural wine company Sabotage Wine, which at the beginning of the full-scale war, she honestly announced that they no longer have a designer, so until the moment of victory, they will post simple pictures drawn in Paint on their Instagram. The brand's sincerity will help make its audience more loyal. So, brands need to «tell about the life of the company, the brand, how they kept the team or, on the contrary, lost it, how they rebuilt their business processes, reformatted the product, service, who went to the front, etc. There should be enough of this communication to give the audience a complete picture of the brand's life during the war. And now the market entry of a new product can become a full-fledged information drive, while the rest of the brands are silent. If before the war it could be regarded as advertising, today it will be perceived as an instruction for action and motivation of others» [13]. If a brand finds itself at the epicenter of events, for example, is forced to relocate production from a zone of constant shelling, it is appropriate and correct to use it as an information drive, as a reason to get closer to customers who will sincerely support the fate of team [16].

Content strategy of brands in wartime communication

In the conditions of war, certain industries require major changes in communications. «Everything that is not related to the economy and the economic front, everything that is not related to the provision of aid or the provision of life for people or the army - these are businesses and topics that have become much less relevant for the population and generally for perception. Communication that divides people, provokes negative, unconstructive emotions, causes disputes in society and distracts us from unity and the desire to win is unacceptable» [1].

In order to communicate with consumers in this new and highly complex environment, brands need to be empathetic and consider context. «In a society that is going through the ordeal of war, it is no longer enough for brands to simply have a communication strategy in order to communicate with people: it is necessary to be truly sensitive and empathetic, to sincerely sympathize with and feel for your audience. Because people in Chernivtsi, Zaporizhzhia, and Kharkiv live their own stories of the war, with their own key events and reactions to them, although all this happens against the common background of general resistance» [17]. In addition to the context, brands in war conditions should adapt their content strategies as much as possible to new realities.

Traditional division of content into branded content (information about the company, products, services, promotions, calls to purchase); fan (jokes, quotes, situations); the one that is for sale; interactive (contests, quizzes, charades, etc.) is not appropriate. Brands should distribute content by groups such as

• social / military-social brand content: national brand position, information about volunteering, support of the Armed Forces, transfer of funds to the Armed Forces, discounts for Ukrainians, consumer assistance, new adapted services/goods/ pricing, HR information on team support, assistance victims,

• supportive / supportive-victory brand content: affirmations, quotes, fan pictures, humor (if appropriate), military-themed memes, situations, inspirational video content, content about victory, development and peace, «what do we miss the most» or «what we will do after victory»

• useful brand content: selections of useful articles/telegram channels/products/services, safety tips, life hacks for adapting to new realities

• up-to-date and useful: notification of the company's operation or suspension, a list of active sales offices, their schedule and current contacts, a list of bomb shelters near your facility.

It is not appropriate for brands to post neutral or entertaining content during a war. «War is an incredibly difficult emotional test. Every day the best of us die at the hands of the enemy - this fact should push brands to adopt certain filters. Each message, publication during brand communication should pass through a much finer sieve of censorship than before» [18].

Rules of wartime brand communications

Brand communication during war affects the representation of war as a whole. «The use of camouflage and other military attributes, the exploitation of images of destroyed and mutilated cities, the blurring of the terms «hero» or «heroine» - all this distorts the war, nullifies its historical significance, and devalues the experience of victims among the civilian population and the military. Moreover, such creativity not only does not help brands to sell, but also destroys their reputation» [19]. The use of military terminology by brands («Bayraktar», «Victory», «Javelin», «Stinger», etc.) is considered «parasitism on things that inspire Ukrainians», speculation on values [10]. The use of war terms in advertising, marketing, and brand communications blurs the boundaries between war with all its pain and fear and (relatively) peaceful life. Therefore, the concept of the army, the protection of the state loses its primary meaning. The use of Ukrainian symbols should also be measured and without abuse.

In times of war brands need to check their communications for ambiguous wording, inappropriate humor, and outright disregard for war. Brand communication should take place in parallel with the monitoring of the information field. Accordingly, a brand cannot publish a meme if the consumer's feed contains terrible news about the events of the war. In this regard, the rule «remove what turned out to be inappropriate» becomes especially relevant. If a tragedy happened half an hour after a certain publication, the brand should not be afraid to delete it or postpone it, postpone it, apologize.

Brands should communicate in the socio-cultural plane, focus on the development of Ukrainian culture and try to spread knowledge about it with the help of brand communication. So, the PokerMatch brand made a digital hero, a cyber volunteer, a brand mascot - the dragon Dragobrat (figure 4). The concept of the mascot involved his identification with the brand's volunteering team.

Communication during the war becomes more complicated due to increased demands on the social mission of brands. Consumers believe that through their decision to buy a particular product, they will be able to influence social and even political development. That is why responding correctly to socio-political events and communicating about your values is now a vital necessity for every brand.

Fig. 4. The mascot of the PokerMatch brand is the dragon Dragobrat [20]

Brands need to be very careful in the information space during the war and follow certain rules, including:

• «to abandon the strategy of silence and avoidance of public topics that «do not concern» the brand

• not to parasitize the war and not to use information drives related to it, where it is unnecessary and inappropriate

• be careful with decorative techniques, such as the use of blue-yellow colors, sunflowers, other Ukrainian symbols or military identities in an inappropriate context

• demonstrate a transparent and understandable political, social, environmental and cultural position and confirm it with actions that benefit people

• fulfill what the company promises in its key communication message, refrain from unnecessary promises

• try to make the brand more human and open - change the focus from the consumer to the person. Do not demonstrate a desire to expect profit from every touch with a consumer

• maintain optimism and gently entertain, for example by offering appropriate wartime humor» [21].

A series of rules on how not to use the context of war in communication with the audience was developed by the Kyiv creative agency «Patsany Agency». In particular, it is forbidden to use military attributes for brand communications in wartime where they are inappropriate; use the concept of «hero» for the wrong purpose; choose crushed buildings and shelled cars as locations for photo sessions and visual content. Before referring to the military, forming a certain image of the military and highlighting their real life, brands should consult with them - how correctly the brand understands the context [22]. Brand communications should transparently convey information to consumers about how the brand helps in war conditions and where the funds collected for assistance on behalf of the brand.

Public communications agency Perfect PR, together with the European Business Association, has collected in the brochure «How to communicate in wartime» the main tips on how to keep brands in touch with different audiences in order to maintain contact and be as useful as possible in wartime brand communications. For brands at war, it is important to communicate regularly and always be in touch with their consumers; distribute only verified information from official sources; show an attitude towards what is happening and towards people who find themselves in a difficult situation; to explain what the brand does and will do to help the country and employees; to be honest, open, sincere, try to respond quickly to important events and communicate them; to understand what concerns the target audience the most, what it needs now, to communicate with the target audience on the platforms that are most convenient for it; make messages simple, precise and clearly worded, provide support and empathize with consumers [23].

Effectiveness of wartime brand communications

The effectiveness of wartime communications is measured by actions and how transparently, honestly and sincerely the brand tells its consumers about these actions, about helping the country during the war. However, media analytics tools will also be useful for brands, with the help of which you can track the number of brands mentions in the media field and calculate media effectiveness indices. In particular, in brand communications, it is advisable to use the «Share of Voice» indicators (the ratio of the number of publications about the brand to the total number of publications; it is used to compare activity relative to competitors, comparing the roles of mentions and publications in targeted and non-targeted media); Media Visibility (an indicator of the visibility of the company in the media; takes into account the characteristics of the publication (the role of mention, tonality, news making) and the characteristics of the publication (type and level of media); Media Quality (an indicator of the quality of communication; allows to evaluate the aggregated quality of the brand's publications for the period); Media Favorability Index (the ratio of the number of positive to negative messages; characterizes the media's loyalty to the brand and takes into account the tone of publications)» [24].

In times of war, it is important for brands to clearly define and broadcast their position and conduct communications while preserving the brand's reputation. Therefore, it is advisable for brands to calculate the level of trust. R-index is a combined metric that is supplemented by sociological research, helps to understand the impact of media activity on changing the consciousness of consumers, shows the quality of the media field and the real level of trust/recognizability of the brand [2].


Being a Ukrainian brand in times of full-scale war means being desperate and brave, sometimes vulnerable or strange, but always ready to adapt. In wartime conditions, in conditions of fear, danger, shelling, losses, air raids, Ukrainian brands not only continue their activities, support the country's economy, engage in volunteerism, but also communicate with their consumers, support them and set them up for victory. Brand communications become another kind of weapon, using which brands demonstrate their social responsibility, their civic and business position. In the conditions of war, clear communication algorithms do not work, planned content strategies do not work. Brand communication acquires situational characteristics and is not always stable. Brands often resort to silence, silent communication, a pause in communication, or slow, cautious wartime communication. Few brands at war have the resources for active and bold communication that necessarily goes beyond text, visuals, and into concrete actions.

In the conditions of war, the rules of communication change. Brands are making adjustments to their content, abandoning entertainment, fan, interactive content, and presenting consumers with social, military-social, supportive, supportive-victorious, useful, relevant-useful content. A significant percentage of the information broadcast by brands in wartime is about the brand's activities in new conditions, its participation in volunteering, the history of the brand and its employees, and useful advice for consumers.

In connection with the change in the context (geography, material condition, habits, etc.) of consumers' residence, brands are thinking in more detail about the use of certain communication channels in accordance with the concentration of users there. In addition, brands are learning to communicate with audiences in a new language relevant to war. That is, to talk about the war in such a way as not to lose yourself, the trust of the audience and your country; to talk about the war in such a way as to bring victory closer. Tone of voice of brands becomes balanced, decisive, energetic and conveys sincerity, social responsibility of brands in supporting the country.

Wartime communications are characterized by a higher demand of consumers in the perception of information. Therefore, brands should think through all aspects of communication, its regularity, take into account the expediency of spreading certain messages, types of content, apply various methods for evaluating the effectiveness and appropriateness of brand communications in war conditions.


brand military communication

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16. Kushnir Darya How to properly communicate as a brand during war. Speka Media : website. URL: dumki-pro-brend-komunikaciyu-pid-cas-viini-p112xp

17. Emotional creativity of brands in war conditions: permitted and prohibited techniques. Restorator : website. URL:

18. How Ukrainian brands do not lose face during the war. Channel 24 : website. URL: zminivsya-marketing-vitchiznyanih-kompaniy_n2166315

19. «Don't put the war on promo». How to ethically work with creativity during the war - advice from creative agency Patsany. : website. URL: etychno-praczyuvaty-z-kreatyvom-pid-chas-vijny-porady-kreatyvnogo- agentstva-patsany-146508/

20. How brand communication changed during the war. Interview by the PokerMatch team. Marketing Media Review: website. URL: brendiv-pid-chas-vijni-interv-yu-komandi-pokermatch

21. Kateryna Kryuchko Wartime marketing: how did consumer behavior change during the war? Is a brand necessary in wartime? How should the approach to marketing change? website. URL: voyennogo-chasu-doslidzhennya-havas-village-ukraine

22. 10 recommendations for a conscious and ethical attitude to war and the use of military images in the commercial promotion of products and services. Patsany Agency : Facebook page. URL: YraLNsZvqZBh2gZYgk3oNaDgpwA87eXodS3gW6GZgt55erJ5 FHToZSal

23. «How to communicate in conditions of war» : brochure. Public communications agency Perfect PR : Facebook page. URL:

24. Key metrics, risks and numbers. How to conduct brand media analytics during war - LOOQME СЕО column by Oksana Kononova. Vector: website. URL: provodyty-medianalityku-brenda-pid-chas-vijny-kolonka-seo-looqme- oksany-kononovoyi-138468/

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