Предумышленный прилов каспийского тюленя и развитие нелегального рынка биоресурсов в Дагестане: экономико-социологический подход

Анализ предумышленного прилова каспийского тюленя как экономико-социального явления нерегулируемой рыбодобывающей деятельности в Республике Дагестан. Характеристика основных звеньев нелегального рынка товаров из каспийского тюленя в Республике Дагестан.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Портес А. 2003. Неформальная экономика и её парадоксы. Экономическая социология. 4 (5): 34-54. URL: https://ecsoc.hse.ru/2003-4-5/26593865.html

Рождественская Е. Ю. 2012. Биографический метод в социологии. М.: Издательский дом ВШЭ.

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Стародубровская И. В. 2015. Неформальные институты и радикальные идеологии в условиях институциональной трансформации. Экономическая политика. 10 (3): 68-88.

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Beckert J. 2010. How do Fields Change? The Interrelations of Institutions, Networks, and Cognition in the Dynamics of Markets. Organization Studies. 31 (5): 605-627.

Beckert J., Wehinger F. 2013. In the Shadow: Illegal Markets and Economic Sociology. Socio-Economic Review. 11 (1): 5-30.

Bell S., Hampshire K., Topalidou S. 2007. The Political Culture of Poaching: A Case Study from Northern Greece. Biodiversity and Conservation. 16 (2): 399-418.

Boeke J. H. 1942. Economies and Economic Policy in Dual Societies. Haarlem: TjeenkWillnik.

Bruner J. 2004. Life as Narrative. Social Research. An International Quarterly. 71 (3): 691-710.

Bunnefeld N. et al. 2013. Incentivizing Monitoring and Compliance in Trophy Hunting. Conservation Biology. 27 (6): 1344-1354.

Burt R. S. 1992. Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Brymer R. 1991. The Emergence and Maintenance of a Deviant Sub-Culture: The Case of Hunting/Poaching Subculture. Anthropologica. 33 (1-2): 177-194.

Castells M. 1999. Grassrooting the Space of Flows. Urban Geography. 20 (4): 294-302.

Cohen A. 1997. Sturgeon Poaching and Black-Market Caviar: A Case Study. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 48 (1-4): 423-426.

Davydov V. 2014. Fishery in `Free Spaces': Non-Compliance with Fishery Regulations in a Northern Baikal Evenki Village. Polar Record. 50 (255): 379-390.

DeWalt K., DeWalt B. R. 2011. Participant Observation: A Guide for Fieldworkers. Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.

Dewey M. 2011. Fragile States, Robust Structures: Illegal Police Protection in Buenos Aires. Hamburg: German Institute of Global and Area Studies.

Dewey M. 2014. Crisis and the Emergence of Illicit Markets. MPIfG Discussion Paper. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies.

Dmitrieva L. et al. 2013. Assessment of Caspian Seal By-Catch in an Illegal Fishery Using an Interview-Based Approach. PLOS ONE. 8 (6): 1-7.

Dmitrieva L. et al. 2015. Inter-Year Variation in Pup Production of Caspian Seals (Pusa Caspica) 2005-2012 Determined from Aerial Surveys. Endangered Species Research. 28: 208-223.

Ermolin I., Svolkinas L. 2016. Who Owns Sturgeon in the Caspian? New Theoretical Model of Social Responses Towards State Conservation Policy. Biodiversity and Conservation. 25 (14): 2929-2945.

Ermolin I., Svolkinas L. 2018. Assessment of the Sturgeon Catches and Seal Bycatches in an IUU Fishery in the Caspian Sea. Marine Policy. 87 (January): 284-290.

Fass S. M., Francis J. 2004. Where Have All the Hot Goods Gone? The Role of Pawnshops. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. 41 (2): 156-179.

Feige E. L. 1989. The Underground Economies. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Fligstein N., Dauter L. 2007. The Sociology of Markets. Annual Review of Sociology. 33: 105-128.

Forsyth C., Gramling R., Wooddell G. 1998. The Game of Poaching: Folk Crimes in Southwest Louisiana. Society and Natural Resources. 11 (1): 25-38.

Forsyth C., Marckese T. A. 1993. Thrills and Skills: A Sociological Analysis of Poaching. Deviant Behavior. 14 (2): 157-172.

Gambetta D. 2009. Codes of the Underworld: How Criminals Communicate. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Gavin M. C., Anderson G. J. 2005. Testing a Rapid Quantitative Ethnobiological Technique: First Steps Towards Developing a Critical Conservation Tool. Economic Botany. 59 (2): 112-121.

Gerkey D. 2011. Abandoning Fish: The Vulnerability of Salmon as a Cultural Resource in a Post-Soviet Common. Anthropology of Work Review. 32 (2): 77-89.

Gerkey D. 2013. Cooperation in Context: Public Goods Games and Post-Soviet Collectives in Kamchatka, Russia. Current Anthropology. 54 (2): 144-176.

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Hall M. 1996. On By-Catches. Review of Fish Biology and Fisheries. 6 (3): 319-352.

Hann C. 2012. Transition, Tradition, and Nostalgia; Postsocialist Transformations in a Comparative Framework. Collegium Antropologicum. 36 (4): 1119-1128.

Harkonen T. et al. 2008. Pup Production and Breeding Distribution of the Caspian Seal (Phocacaspica) in Relation to Human Impacts. AMBIO. 37 (5): 356-361.

Hinnebusch R. 2006. Authoritarian Persistence, Democratization Theory and the Middle East: An Overview and Critique. Democratization. 13 (3): 373-395.

Hubschle A. M. 2015. A Game of Horns: Transnational Flows of Rhino Horn. PhD thesis, Universitatzu Koln.

Hubschle A. M. 2017a. Contested Illegality: Processing the Trade Prohibition of Rhino Horn. In: Beckert J., Dewey M. (eds) The Architecture of Illegal Markets. Towards an Economic Sociology of Illegality in the Economy. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 177-197

Hubschle A. M. 2017b. The Social Economy of Rhino Poaching: Of Economic Freedom Fighters, Professional Hunters and Marginalized Local People. Current Sociology. 65 (3): 427-447.

Ingham G. 1996. Money is a Social Relation. Review of Social Economy. 64 (4): 507-529.

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Johnston D. W. et al. 2015. Trends in Stranding and By-Catch Rates of Gray and Harbor Seals along the Northeastern Coast of the United States: Evidence of Divergence in the Abundance of Two Sympatric Phocid Species? PLoS ONE. 10 (7): 1-12.

Kenney M. 2007. From Pablo to Osama: Trafficking and Terrorist Networks, Government Bureaucracies, and Competitive Adaption. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.

Lobe K., Berkes F. 2004. The Padu System of Community-Based Fisheries Management: Change and Local Institutional Innovation in South India. Marine Policy. 28 (3 May): 271-281.

MacMillan D. C., Han J. 2011. Cetacean By-Catch in the Korean Peninsula-by Chance or by Design? Human Ecology. 39 (6): 757-768.

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Osborne H.,Winstanley M. 2006. Rural and Urban Poaching in Victorian England. Rural History. 17 (2): 187-212.

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Peacock J. L., Holland D. C. 1993. The Narrated Self: Life Stories in Process. Ethos. 21 (4): 367-383.

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Sandberg S. 2012. The Importance of Culture for Cannabis Markets: Towards an Economic Sociology of Illegal Drug Markets. British Journal of Criminology. 52 (6): 1133-1151.

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Gambetta D. (2009) Codes of the Underworld: How Criminals Communicate, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

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Harkonen T., Jussi M., Baimukanov M., Bignert A., Dmitrieva L., Kasimbekov Y, Verevkin M., Wilson S., Goodman S. J. (2008) Pup Production and Breeding Distribution of the Caspian Seal (Phocacaspica) in Relation to Human Impacts. AMBIO, vol. 37, no 5, pp. 356-361.

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Hubschle A. M. (2017a) Contested Illegality: Processing the Trade Prohibition of Rhino Horn. The Architecture of Illegal Markets. Towards an Economic Sociology of Illegality in the Economy (eds. J. Beckert, M. Dewey), Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 177-197

Hubschle A. M. (2017b) The Social Economy of Rhino Poaching: Of Economic Freedom Fighters, Professional Hunters and Marginalized Local People. Current Sociology, vol. 65, no 3, pp. 427-447.

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Received: January 3, 2018

Citation: Ermolin I. (2019) Predumyshlennyy prilov kaspiyskogo tyulenya i razvitie nelegal'nogo rynka bioresursov v Dagestane: ekonomiko-sotsiologicheskiy podkhod [Deliberate By-Catch of the Caspian Seal and the Development of Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) in Dagestan, Russia: A Socio-Economic Approach]. Journal of Economic Sociology = Ekonomicheskaya sotsiologiya, vol. 20, no 1, pp. 83-122. doi: 10.17323/1726-3247 -2019-1-83-122 (in Russian).

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