Competitiveness of ukrainian food enterprises, features of assessment
Analysis of product competitiveness as the main factor of its commercial success in the market with a large number of manufacturers of similar products. Description of the features of evaluation and analysis of products of food industry enterprises.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 08.05.2018 |
Размер файла | 308,1 K |
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УДК 005.332.4:[664-027.3:504] DOI: 10.15673/fie.v9i3.625
Competitiveness of ukrainian food enterprises. features of assessment
Stasiukova K.
Department of Accounting and Auditing
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
Competitiveness of a product is a main factor for its commercial success in the market with a large number of manufacturers of similar products. The article describes features of assessment and analysis of food enterprises products. It offers an evaluation algorithm and the ways of competitiveness improvement.
Keywords: competitiveness; analysis; evaluation; production; food industry.
Вступление Украины во Всемирную торговую организацию требует от экономистов осознания связей между конкурентоспособностью товаров и конкурентоспособностью предприятий, а от ученых - разработки современных методов управления уровнем конкурентоспособности товаров и предприятий.
Конкурентоспособность товара - решающий фактор его коммерческого успеха на развитом конкурентном рынке.
В статье показаны проблемы анализа и оценки продукции пищевой про-мышленности. Разработан алгоритм оценки конкурентоспособности продукции. Предлагаемые меры, которые будут способствовать ее дальнейшему повышению:
- повышение технико-экономических и качественных показателей продукции предприятия;
- ориентация качества и технико-экономических параметров продукции на требования потребителей;
- выявление и обеспечение преимуществ продукта по сравнению с его заменителями;
- выявление преимуществ и недостатков товаров-аналогов, выпускаемых конкурентами и ис-пользования полученных результатов в деятельности фирмы;
- определение возможных модификаций продукта;
- выявление и использование ценовых факторов повышения конкурентоспособности продукции;
- изобретение и использование новых приоритетных сфер использования продукции;
- дифференциация продукции;
- усиление влияния на потребителей (продвижение).
Ключевые слова: конкурентоспособность, анализ, оценка, производство продукции, пищевая промышленность.
Вступ України до Світової організації торгівлі потребує від економістів усвідомлення зв'язків між конкурентоздатною товарів та конкурентоздатні™ підприємств, а від науковців - розробки сучасних методів управління рівнем конкурентоздатності товарів та підприємств.
Конкурентоздатність товару - вирішальний фактор його комерційного успіху на розвиненому конкурентному ринку.
В статті показані проблеми аналізу та оцінки продукції харчової промисловості. Розроблено алгоритм оцінки конкурентоздатності продукції. Запропоновані заходи, які сприятимуть її подальшому підвищенню:
- підвищення техніко-економічних і якісних показників продукції підприємства;
- орієнтація якості та техніко-економічних параметрів продукції на вимоги споживачів;
- виявлення і забезпечення переваг продукту порівняно з його замінниками;
- виявлення переваг і недоліків товарів-аналогів, які випускаються конкурентами і використання одержаних результатів у діяльності фірми;
- визначення можливих модифікацій продукту;
- виявлення і використання цінових факторів підвищення конкурентоздатності продукції;
- винаходження і використання нових пріоритетних сфер використання продукції;
- диференціація продукції;
- посилення впливу на споживачів (просування).
Ключові слова: конкурентоздатність, аналіз, оцінка, виробництво продукції, харчова промисловість.
Statement of the problem and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. One of the main trends of 21st century beginning is the rising attention to protection, preservation and improvement of environment. Protection of environment is tightly con-nected with the health of the population and social well-being of society. Growth of the global industry and in-creasing consumption of natural resources occurs against the backdrop of a global economic and environmental crisis.
Competitiveness of a product is a main factor for its commercial success in the market with a large number of manufacturers of similar products. This is a multilateral concept, which means that the product must meet the requirements of the market and specific requirements of consumers. Quality, technical, economic, aesthetic characteristics are important, but factors such as price, delivery terms, sales channels, service, and advertising are also very significant.
In other words, we need to understand competi-tiveness as a set of consumer and price characteristics that determine product success in the market. Namely, the advantage of this product over goods-analogs in a highly competitive environment. Products competitiveness is an indicator of the enterprise competitiveness, group of en-terprises and the country in which production is located. It should be noted that under factors affecting competi-tiveness we understand reasons (essential circumstances), which partially affect or completely determine the level and nature of the enterprise competitiveness. The most common method of competitiveness factors identifying is based on classification features. When researching the competitiveness of products, it is necessary to select cha-racteristics that should be compared after studying. They will include not only the characteristics of the product and the benefits for consumers, but also the characteristics of the product application method and its users.
The analysis of the latest publications on the problem. The development of market economy has caused the growing interest to products competitiveness improving. A large number of economic researches on this topic have appeared. Methods of product competitiveness estimate were described in publications of foreign and domestic leading economists, including M. Porter [10], D. Fox, R. Gregory [12], R. Fatkhudinov [11], I. Boichik [4], I. Dolzhansky, T. Zagorna [6] and others. Currently, there is no single method of product competitiveness assessment. However, most methods involve the use of a complex approach for such an assessment.
Forming of the aims of the research. The main research goal is to work out recommendations for im-proving of the food industry products evaluation method in the current economic environment.
Giving an account of the main results and their substantiation. In scientific works on the competitiveness of enterprises, various calculations and calculation-graphical methods are used. Each method has its own features. With the help of these features, authors argue about the effectiveness of their approach or the need of certain factors consideration. Depending on the enterprise and industry branch, methods may have unique features. However, the majority of methods are based on:
- identifying of the detailed list of factors that determine the competitiveness of the enterprise;
- approximate estimates and "expert methods" are used by researchers to assess competitiveness factors. Such assessments and methods are mainly subjective and conventional;
- a number of methods in assessing the compe-titiveness of enterprises are based on complicated logic structures, idealized models, new definitions and indica-tors for economic science. Different matrices can be con-structed, new systems of coordintions can be built. In terms of logic, such models can look quite convincing, but for real economic conditions such models are often too abstract;
- some methods involve combining of different in their nature technical and economic indicators into a single indicator of the enterprise's competitiveness. It is difficult to agree with such an approach. The same indi-cators can have different effects on different enterprises, depending on industry and economic situation.
Reviewing the methods of assessing competi-tiveness, it becomes clear that this problem has not been sufficiently studied. It is necessary to find the ways to describe real competitiveness of an enterprise more accu-rately and ways of proper comparison of competitors op-erating at the same market.
An important indicator of competitiveness is the quality of products. To determine this indicator, we sug-gest using the following components (attributes): - product designation (functionality, compliance with the latest achievements of science and tech-nology, consumer demand, fashion, etc.);
- reliability;
- economical use of materials, energy and human resources;
- ergonomics (convenience and ease of use);
- aesthetic;
- ecological;
- juridical (compliance with patent law, protec-tion of intellectual property);
- standardization and unification;
- ease of transportation;
- recycling or ease of disposal;
- after-sales service.
Table 1. The system of quality attributes *
Indicators groups |
Individual group indicators |
Indicator |
Description |
l.Designation |
Describes useful work (the carried-out function) |
Productivity Power Saving useful properties caloric content |
2. Reliability, durability and safety |
Describes the degree of durability of use, safety for human health and life. |
Probability of failure Expected lifetime Technical resource The term of trouble-free work Deadline for storage |
3. Ecological |
Describes the damage degree to the envi-ronment and human health. |
Products toxicity Harmful substances containment Volume of harmful emissions in the atmosphere per time unit. |
4. Economic |
Describes the degree of economic benefits to the producer and consumer. |
Price per product unit. Profit per product unit. Operational level, expenses of time and money |
5. Ergonomic |
Describes compliance with the anthropome-tric and psychological requirements of the consumer. |
Operation convenience Ability to simultaneously cover con-trolled performance The amount of noise, vibration, etc. |
6. Aesthetic |
Determine the aesthetic properties (design) of the product |
Attractive and original shape. Color design. Package design. |
7. Juridical |
Describes, how innovative the enterprise is. |
- Intellectual property protection index. |
* developed by the author
Factors affecting the enterprise can also be di-vided into external and internal. The appearance of inter-nal factors and intensity of its influence depends on en-terprise activity, state of its resource base, features of strategic managment system, features of general man-agement, etc. To increase the competitiveness, enterprises have to be focused mainly on this group of factors. abroad or purchasing imported resources. The main polit-ical factors of competitiveness are the general political climate and the state of international relations, foreign policy towards social, economic and political reforms in Ukraine.
Factors affecting the enterprise can also be di-vided into external and internal. The appearance of inter-nal factors and intensity of its influence depends on en-terprise activity, state of its resource base, features of strategic managment system, features of general man-agement, etc. To increase the competitiveness, enterprises have to be focused mainly on this group of factors. abroad or purchasing imported resources. The main polit-ical factors of competitiveness are the general political climate and the state of international relations, foreign policy towards social, economic and political reforms in Ukraine.
These attributes show conformity of products quality to the market leaders quality level. commercial market food
The system of quality attributes is shown in table
1. It should be noted, that enterprises cannot influ-ence external factors, they are determined by the state of the external environment. External factors are extremely heterogeneous, as they are the results of different levels systems activity.
Political factors have a great impact on competi-tiveness. It is clearly seen when selling products
Next are scientific and technical factors. They display the state and dynamics of scientific and technolo-gical progress, technological level, productivity and re-liability of equipment, flexibility of production processes, etc.
Economic and organizational factors. From one side they display the stage of economic development cycle, development of integration processes in the eco-nomic space, general and sectorial conjuncture, methods and mechanisms of economic regulation activity at the level of the state, regions and branches. From the other side these factors display the structure and efficiency of enterprise management system, level of organization of its marketing and financial and economic activity, nature of the organization of production processes and labor organization, degree of effectiveness of the forecasting systems, strategic and current planning, monitoring and operational regulation set up at the enterprise etc.
Social factors that affect the competitiveness of enterprises reflect the state and dynamics of processes occurring at macro and micro levels. The influence of these factors group on the enterprise competitiveness is two-sided. From one side they have a significant impact on the level, dynamics and specific features of demand in the market of products, and therefore affect the competi-tiveness of products produced by the enterprise. From the other side these factors affect enterprise level of produc-tion efficiency and economic activity.
The group of environmental factors characterizes the relationship of production and economic activity of the processing enterprise with the state of the environment. This group of factors should include the requirements of environmental legislation, costs arising from the utilization of waste products, maintenance of environmental facilities, etc.
Temporary and permanent factors. Permanent factors determine the overall level of enterprise competi-tiveness, temporary - change this level due to certain events. Most factors for processing enterprises are per-manent, because the period of their operation and enter-prise operational time are comparable. The number of factors of temporary influence is relatively small; they are usually associated with changes in consumer demand or determined by the seasonal features of production. In addition, the factors of temporary influence include ran-dom factors, the occurrence of which is rather difficult or impossible to predict (for example, an industrial accident, economic crisis or epidemic).
Independent (primary) and derivative (second-ary) factors. They are determined by interdependence degree that affects competitiveness of processing enter-prises. Independent (primary) factors themselves are the result of certain events or trend. Derivatives (secondary) are an indirect result of the action of the primary factors. For managers of processing enterprises it is important to influence primary factors and take into account the possi-ble consequences for secondary factors.
The stimulating and discouraging factors. Stimu-lating are the factors that stimulate the improvement of the company's competitive position in the market. Dis-couraging - factors that have a negative impact on the company competitive position and restrain the process of increasing its competitiveness. Examples of discouraging factors are the low level of raw materials or entry into the World Trade Organization. WTO entry led to the loss of foreign markets and decrease of Ukrainian products share in the domestic market. Factors influencing competitive-ness operate in a complex. They form a system in which the operation of one factor can enhance the action of oth-ers.
The decision of the quality problem in Ukraine under the new conditions depends on the creation of an appropriate legislative framework. Important elements of legislative framework: the Law on Consumer Rights Pro-tection; Laws on standardization and certification; Law on state supervision of standards, norms and rules; The Law on Metrology. They are closely connected to other "related" legislative acts (for example the Law "On En-terprises and Entrepreneurship", the Law "On Environ-mental Protection").
World experience shows that countries tend to export the product for which they have a surplus of fac-tors of production and have the lowest relative value; While they import products that require shortages of pro-duction and higher costs for its production. Therefore, the practical work on improving competitiveness has to be focused on production factors that can be used to develop the industry and create competitive advantages.
The analysis of Ukraine's production factors gives optimistic results. In comparison with the six most economically developed countries of the world (USA, Japan, Germany, France, England, Canada), our country has rather high rating. Ukraine holds 3rd place in the pro-vision of agricultural land, 4th place in labor resources, 3rd place in scientific potential. However, realizing of this potential is a big problem for majority of Ukrainian enterprises. Comparing the efficiency of production fac-tors use, we can see that Ukraine, Russia and other CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries take the last places, far behind the world leaders. The efficien-cy of agricultural land use in Ukraine is 10-12 times worse than in France. Use of labor resources is 7-15 times worse, fixed assets 2-3 times, scientific potential 20 times [1].
Different factors have different effects on com-petitive advantages. It is necessary to consider that they can be different in the nature of impact and the sources of renewal.
An important aspect of an enterprise competi-tiveness assessing is that all factors have different eco-nomic nature, different dimensions and vary in different ranges. For example, if the indicator "enterprise sum of assets" is changed for 1000 units, effect on competitive-ness will be insignificant. However, the change in "abso-lute liquidity" for 0.1 unit can be critical. Therefore, it is necessary to bring all factors of competitiveness to a sin-gle form.
To determine the level of competitiveness in the food industry, we propose to use the following financial sustainability coefficients:
1) coefficient of autonomy, which displays the financial independence of the enterprise from external sources;
2) coefficient of debt and equity;
3) mobility factor;?
4) coefficient of financial stability displays what part of long-term and current liabilities can be covered by own funds;
5) the ratio of borrowed and own funds;
6) equity multiplier;
7) financial leverage.
We propose to calculate these coefficients using the financial statements of the enterprise.
Currently, there are many methods for assessing competitiveness, some of them consider price factors, and some do not. Usually, when assessing competitiveness, the main attention is paid to the technical parameters analysis. Less attention is paid to economic indicators such as price, production costs, cost of consumption, ex-port efficiency, etc. One of the methods considers the product competitiveness level, as the ratio of its price to the price of the "etalon product". Where the products price is the selling price on foreign markets, etalon product price is the price of the most popular product in the given market.
In the practice of the world's leading experts, there are special methods and indicators for determining the price competitiveness for a given period. As usual, determination of price competitiveness in the domestic national market is carried out by comparing of domestic market prices and the prices of imported products, or world prices. In the foreign market, three indicators are compared: production costs in the national currency; ex-change rates; profit (selling price minus costs of produc-tion). Fig. 1 shows the main competitiveness assessment methods.
Matrix methods
Product - technology -market share.
(SWOT analysis)
Structural and functional methods
* concentration of production;
* entrance barrier;
* production;
* sales;
* advancement;
* commodity;
* finance
One of the most advanced approaches of an en-terprise competitiveness assessment is the benchmarking method. Benchmarking goal is to find out the probability of a company's success with high veracity.
Benchmarking is an extremely useful tool, espe-cially during the revision the company's internal perfor-mance and setting new business priorities. Comparison of performance indicators makes possible to understand the vulnerabilities and rational aspects of the company's ac-tivity compared to competitors and world leaders. This allows to find empty market niches, partners for industrial and technical cooperation and figure out the benefits of companies merging. Such analysis can help to increase profit, establish useful competition and meet the needs of the buyers better.
Conclusions and prospects of the further in-vestigations. During the research, we identified the fea tures of the assessment of the competitiveness of food industry enterprises and developed an algorithm for as-sessing competitiveness. Algorithm is presented in fig. 2.
The following main ways of an enterprise com-petitiveness increasing can be offered:
- improvement of products technical, economic and qualitative indicators;
- accounting of customer requirements when de-veloping products;
- identify and ensure the benefits of the product compared with its substitutes;
- revealing the advantages and disadvantages of analogue products that are issued by competitors. Use of results in the company's activity;
- definition of possible modifications of the product;
Fig.2. Algorithm for assessing enterprise competitiveness** developed by the author
- work on increasing the price competitiveness - product differentiation; of products; - increase of influence on consumers (promo
- search and use of new priority product use tion). areas;
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