Порядок очистки зерна от сорных и минеральных примесей и используемое при этом оборудование. Анализ и оценка технологической эффективности и производительности существующих машин, пути и принципы их совершенствования в связи с современными требованиями.
Лісове господарство як найбільш раціональне використання земель державного лісового фонду. Отримання максимальної кількості деревини та іншої побічної продукції з одиниці соснової площі. Покращення стану і підвищення якості всіх особливостей лісу.
Результати визначення коефіцієнтів успадковування показників відтворювальної здатності бугаїв-плідників за допомогою різних підходів. Прогнозування майбутньої спермопродуктивності ремонтних бугаїв за показниками відтворювальної здатності їх батьків.
Ринок курячого яйця. Проблеми підвищення ефективності виробництва харчових яєць. Оцінка функціонування українських підприємств яєчного птахівництва в умовах глобалізації. Удосконалення технологій виробництва та розширення асортименту яєчних продуктів.
The legislative measures regarding the introduction of organic agricultural production, its development in Bulgaria, identification of the problems that stimulated and inhibited the development of the organic agricultural market and ways to overcome them.
Implementation of the Bulgarian state policy regarding the environmental aspects of Bulgarian agricultural production in the context of European integration. The Bulgarian model of adaptation of the agricultural sector to European standards is considered.
Positive correlation and ratio between β-glucans and arabinoxylans of oats. Food engineering products are functional and specialized. A comprehensive study of non-starch polysaccharides of holer oats and toxicity of varieties in reaction with sera.
Babesiosis as the disease of dogs is known from the end of XVIII century. In Ukraine the given protozoasis was educed at the beginning of XIX century. For today this invasion has extraordinarily wide distribution among dogs in natural and climatic zones.
Testing various methods for DNA profiling of horse urine samples. Establishing and optimizing a reliable DNA profiling method for determining the donor identity of drug positive horse urine samples. Validate and refine the procedure for routine operation.
Use of herbicides for control of weeds and ensuring efficiency of crops in modern agroproduction. Defect of chromosomes, fragments, bridges, backlog or separation, unequal distribution and the condensed chromosomes in mitotic cells of Triticum aestivum L.
The effect of the aqueous extraction mixture on growth indicators of internal organs, lipid profile, hepatotoxicity of broiler chickens. Principles of effective lipid profile control, using an extract of a plant mixture in the amount of 15 ml/l of water.
Search for ways to increase the yield of sunflower. Evaluation of the influence of bacillus megaterium ONU 500 strain on the formation of a biofilm on plant roots by light microscopy. Comparison of growth characteristics of sprouts 21 days after sowing.
Beta-amino-butyric acid. In this research, the induction of some defensive compounds including peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase enzymes by this compound against the rootstock node-producing nematode Meloidogyne javanica in cucumber was investigated.
The influence of chemical fertilizers and growth-stimulating bacteria on the yield and quality of corn grain. Seed treatment with growth stimulant. The effectiveness of the use of fertilizers based on Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Azotobacter and Pseudomonas.
The influence of sowing methods and irrigation regimes on productivity of extra-early soybean cultivar VNIIOZ 86 has been studied at Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture. Analysis of the photosynthetic activity of VNIIOZ 86 plants.
Search for ways to improve the profitability of poultry farms with high meat productivity. Perfection existing technologies for rearing broiler chickens. Ensuring an increase in the production of meat through the use of the innovative system "Patio".
- 47. Equine dentistry
Equine dental evolution: perspective from the fossil record. Fossil horse dental adaptations. Trends in dental evolution. Dental ontogeny and wear. Fossil record. endodontic therapy. Technique for tooth capping. Extraction by vertical alveolar osteotomy.
Dental anatomy, equipment, examination. Basic dental techniques. Newborn, weanling, adolescent horse dentistry. The mature and geriatric horse. Basics of diagnostic imaging. Dental infections: pathology and treatment. Marketing the equine dental practice.
Structure and function of the skin. Methods of diagnosis. Activity dermatologic therapy. Bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral and protozoal skin diseases. Skin immune system and allergic skin diseases. Keratinization defects, pigmentary abnormalities.
Brief history of the disease laminitis horses. Description of anatomy, physiology and ultrastructure of a foot of a horse. Understanding of difficult pathology which supports an illness. The impact of this disease on the sports qualities horses.
- 51. Equine Neurology
Pharmaceutical considerations for treatment of central nervous system disease. Anesthetic considerations for horses with neurologic disease. The basics of equine neuropathology. Miscellaneous conditions. Electrolytes, neurological dysfunction in horses.
Study of pathological changes of vegetative, generative organs of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L). Different systematic and functional groups of microorganisms, numerous types of harmful entomofauna. Etiology of common ash diseases in Podolia, Ukraine.
The study of the etiology and pathogenesis of the spread of drying of forest plantations. Classification of basic factors and reasons that contribute to the weakening and drying of woody plants and the recommended models that explain this phenomenon.
The influence of the main emissions from cement production on the formation of their agrochemical indicators of Chernozem optsionalnogo on the distance from the source of anthropogenic emissions. The consequences of enriching the soil exchange bases.
The efficiency of boardless tilling by chisel equipment in the conditions of compaction of the plough layer. The factors that prove expediency of soil chiselling and of introduction into technological growing processes of resource saving tilling.
Characteristics of the main factors affecting pork production in Poland, the use of data from HUS, Jericho. Characteristics, the value of market purchase prices for pork and feed prices. Causes of exposure of pork production to cyclic fluctuations.
Регистрация фасциолёза у животных. Изучение эффективности триклабендазола на яйцепродукцию Fasciola hepatica с использованием метода морфометрического анализа яиц гельминта. Оценка проницаемости скорлуповой оболочки. Изменения размеров содержимого яиц.
Determination of regularities of changes in soil processes and crop formation due to the use of microbial products and by-products of agricultural crops in crop rotation, various tillage systems. methods. Description of the destruction of plant remains.
Анализ санитарно-гигиенических, юридических и гуманитарных аспектов фелинологии, требующих ветеринарного сопровождения. Значение кошки, как культурологического объекта, биологического средства в психологических и социально-педагогических методиках.
Characteristic features of the causes of forest degradation in the Indian Himalayas. Description of the environmental measures to improve forest health and prevent their degradation in areas that are managed by local communities in the Indian state.