Определение содержания и исследование истории доказательств аксиомы параллельности Евклида, или пятого постулата, как одной из аксиом, лежащих в основании классической планиметрии. Разработка Николаем Ивановичем Лобачевским доказательства V постулата.
Основные подходы к определению качества дебиторской задолженности. Разработка V-образной модели качества, обоснование необходимости её построения в системе управления дебиторской задолженности. Система эффективного управления оборотными активами.
G’arezsizlik da’wirinde O’zbekistan grafika o’neri. Grafika kоrkem оneri tarawlari illyustratsiya. Paydalanilg’an a’debiyatlar dizimi. Tipografiya - bu matn terish mashinalari, grafik dizaynerlar, badiiy direktorlar, manga rassomlari, hajviy kitoblar.
Triangle of contradiction - Nevatl`, Teopikski, and Teotl`. Ideological confrontation between Teotl` and Teopikski. Bryusov`s artistic theory and scientific poetry, his epistemic theory of art as trans-boundary aesthetics. The Earth as scientific poetry.
A loan agreement secured by land certificates as a guarantee agreement by establishing a mortgage right. Its implementation in accordance with Law No. 4 of 1996 on mortgage rights. Contract of purchase and sale of land rights based on accounts payable.
The question of the role of television in the dissemination of educational and educational programs as a phenomenon of intellectual product, intellectual art, decorated with modern forms of media advertising, video clips and radio advertisements.
Features of the impact of financial assets and liabilities on the market value of capital. Conceptual and procedural issues related to the use of the fair value measurement attribute in financial statements. The evolution of fair value measurement.
The main factors that affect on audit in automated accounting systems. The computer system valuation characteristic test for selling and getting receipts cycle. Consideration knowledge and principles of the programmer used by auditors in their careers.
Financial statements generally value assets based on their historical or acquisition cost. Price-Level Adjusted Historical Cost. Net Realizable Value. Future Profits, Replacement Cost. Valuation of liabilities. Valuation of stockholders equity.
Principles for determining the amount of compensation for the passage of a gas pipeline through undeveloped land and for restricting the right to use real estate located on its way. Deductions for crop reduction due to changes in land structure.
Special features of metals and mining companies. Classification of valuation models and total valuation of explorations properties. Discounted cash flow and multiples. Valuation of a mining company with different methods, cycle importance in it.
Dynamics of removal from the body and dezactivation of benzopyrene. Study of individual sensitivity to carcinogen with single administration of an aromatic compound, which is determined by the efficiency of the removal of active forms from organisms.
Analysis of the problem of subjectivity in the context of the dialectic of value and normativeness in modern philosophical discourse. Consideration of the peculiarities of the influence of value and normative on the process of formation of subjectivity.
Assessment of the key drivers of the value chain and profitability in the textiles sector in Kyrgyzstan, by comparing the garment sewing sector in the two contrasting regions of south and north Kyrgyzstan. Infrastructure in south and north of the country.
Special importance is to be given to the equity of financial institutions. The Basel Committee has raised standards of capital ratios of national banks in Kazakhstan, a concept to harmonize domestic and international approaches to equity was developed.
The influence of state ownership on the market value of firms in favor of both effects. Assessing the significance of value in the Russian financial markets. The relationship between state ownership in a firm's capital and its market value in Russia.
Consideration of orientation to professional values, the formation of which is considered the most important condition for professional self-determination. The main characteristic of the formation of the personality of a young person as a whole.
Analyzes of the leading regulatory and legal documents containing relevant provisions on the foundations of the value-forming concept of personality education. Highlighted and characterized the purpose of the concept of raising children and youth.
The author tries to find out how the major two variables in economy called Economic growth and adult literacy rate influence the behaviour of African people in different zones on renewable energy consumption. The research is quantitative in nature.
Protection of cultural heritage as one of the priorities of the cultural policy for all countries of the world. Consideration of the nature of the concept of "vandalism" in criminal law. The study of lawful interests of citizens, society and the state.
The scientific and pedagogical investigations in preschool pedagogy, on the basis of which the programs of upbringing, educating preschool children in the period studied have been created and operated. The peculiarities of cognitive activity of children.
Analyzes the use of the gerund and gerundial constructions in the literary text and ways of its rendering into the Ukrainian language. Acquaintance with the results of a comparative analysis of text of the original and its translations into Ukrainian.
Phraseological units - lexical variants, identical in quality, quantity values, stylistic and syntactic functions. Obtaining a lexical composition words. phraseological units of modern English. Factors affecting the development of structural synonymy.
The object of observation - men and women aged 24-70 years, who arrived in the resort of Truskavets for rehabilitation treatment of chronic pyelonephritis combined with cholecystitis, in remission. The level of uric acid in serum and daily urine.
Analysis of the variation at the major storage protein loci of homoeologous group 1 chromosomes in winter common wheat cultivars developed in the main breeding center of the Central Steppe of Ukraine. Cultivars developed with the Institute of Genetics.
Historical analysis of the formation of the vocabulary of the Turkic peoples. borrowing and adaptation of innovations in Azerbaijani. The influence of national terminology on integration processes and the functioning of military bases of allied countries.
- 27. Variation of physico-chemical properties on the nature of filler in artificial marble production
The influence of the nature of the filler on the physicochemical properties of artificial marble. The results of studies on the influence of various fillers on strength, density, water absorption and other characteristics of the material are presented.
The modeling results of the zonal electric field and the vertical component of the plasma transfer velocity due to electromagnetic drift during magnetic storms were presented. Penetration into the mid-latitude ionosphere during geomagnetic disturbances.
Analysis of media discourse and directions of research conducted by employees of the Department of Communication Pragmatics with the aim of popularizing research. Description and assessment of the implementation of linguistic and communication phenomena.
The analysis of the media discourse as well as an indication of the direction of research led by the employees of the University of Rzeszow Communication Pragmatics Department in order to research, encourage scientists from around the world to cooperate.