Стремление Д. Милбанка - возрождение премодерной христианской матрицы мышления и социальной практики. Программа философского коммунитаризма, возникшей в ходе полемики с либеральной политической философией. Утверждение квазирелигиозной морали самоконтроля.
Discusses the issue of introducing renewable electricity generation sources in Ukraine's integrated power system after imposing feed-in tariff. Identification and analysis negative repercussions on reliable supply of electric power to local consumers.
The use of two-step hybrid asymptotic method, based on the methods of perturbation theory and phase integrals for solutions of the nonlinear problem of oscillation of the aircraft. Direct numerical integration of the equations of the original problem.
The objectives of the MIDAS iGen study. Development of an earthquake-resistant model for the reconstruction of a Buddhist sanctuary in Kamakura Taiheiji. Analysis of the main structural characteristics of the wooden structures of the Engakuji Temple.
The present study addresses the problem of European identity as it is nowadays revealed through the promotion of the multiculturalism. In-deed, the romantic visions of the Old Continent as V. Hugo and G. Gordon - Lord Byron uttered opposes the "modern".
Assessment of video game opportunities as a means of learning, assessment of their effectiveness. Identifying popular types of games that improve players' language skills. Advantages of games that use some level of communication over other types.
Cross-cultural categories influencing the process of creative expression. The commercial video materials produced by international brands. To examine the degree to which companies adapt their advertising to cultural realms of different countries.
Study of production through the prism of cinema, video production, cinematographic activity, film production. Differences between the terms "video production" and "film production", "videography", "video editing". The stages of video design production.
The role of the magazine "Fyuuzat" and its employees led by A. Huseynzade in the development of progressive socio-cultural thought in Azerbaijan in the 20th century. The place of the idea of humanism in the creation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.
Решение сессии МОК о проведении игр 1956 г. Эмблема, официальный плакат и программа игр. Спортивные объекты Зимних Олимпийских игр 1956 г. Факельная эстафета, парад участников и организация соревнований. Церемония закрытия VII Зимних Олимпийских игр.
Профсоюзы: история, определение, дискуссия о нейтральности. Основные принципы организационного строения и деятельности ФНПР. План практических действий по реализации решений VII съезда ФНПР. Анализ деятельности по выполнению решений VII съезда ФНПР.
- 72. VIII Міжнародна Пасхальна асамблея 2016, її вплив на духовність сучасного українського суспільства
Дослідження важливості заходів Міжнародних Пасхальних хорових асамблей у формуванні духовності суспільства. Українська культура і мистецтво. Проведення майстер-класів богослужбових церковних ансамблів. Відродження традицій сакрального українського співу.
Суть вопросов диагностики, лечения и профилактики гастроэзофагеальной рефлюксной болезни, функциональных кишечных расстройств у детей и хронического вирусного гепатита. Особенность применения прокинетиков как патогенетических средств лечения у больных.
- 74. Viktor Vasnetsov
Study the basics of composition and thematic diversity of artistic methods in the paintings of the great Russian painter and architect Victor Vasnetsov. Structural analysis of the most famous creations, created by the historical and folk painting.
Аналіз археологічних даних про найдавніший періоду існування села Ганачівка. Перші згадки про населений пункт і обставини за яких він почав фігурувати у джерелах кінці XIV ст. Етимологія його назви. Найраніші сліди перебування людини на його території.
- 76. Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh (March 30, 1853 - July 29, 1890) is generally considered the greatest Dutch painter after Rembrandt, though he had little success during his lifetime. He is regarded as a post-impressionist, rather than an impressionist. Life and Work.
The Starry Night is a painting by Dutch post-impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh. The charm of starry night, these include: Starry Night, Starry Night over the Rhone and Cafe Terrace at Night. The magic charm of his painting, their place is in an art.
Study of the convergence of transnational threats, armed conflicts and instability that gradually cover the entire globe. The level and scale of human rights violations, the study of possible consequences of the escalation of the US-China conflict.
Establishment of legal responsibility as part of the legal system in each country that performs preventive functions. Responsibility of taxpayers for violation of the conditions for registration of tax accounts in the Unified Register of tax invoices.
Study of mass violations of human rights, war crimes and crimes against humanity during the full-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Lawsuits against the Russian Federation and its leadership in international courts.
Considering current threats to the international legal order and security system, justice and defence sector actors, military lawyers and research fellows in military law are faced with the problems of the responsibility for the most serious crimes.
The study of the history, causes, types and nature of the problem of gender-based violence against women which crimes are hate crimes. The activities of the General Assembly of the United Nations in the field of liquidation of these types of violence.
Огляд мовного підґрунтя культурної і наукової взаємодії Польщі і України в історичній ретроспективі. Аналіз необхідності розвитку міждержавного партнерства. Роль мови в системі культурних цінностей. Перспективи співробітництва в галузі мовознавства.
The virtual choir new, but already very widespread form of musicmaking, which is gradually acquiring new characteristics and functions compared to those that were inherent in its early days. The factors of the development of the virtual choir phenomenon.
Historical tourist resources are often used in training future tourism specialists. University research and teaching staff are trying to use the educational potential of virtual excursions. To help them be aware of the available virtual excursions.
Application of historical and cultural tourism resources in the training of future tourism specialists. Topics and didactic-educational potential of virtual excursions: museums, ethnographic tourist objects, art, monuments. Use of free online services.
Review of the problem of virtual identity in media discourse. Research of language means of text generation in Internet linguistics. Determination of their participation and role in the formation of the text. Realization of virtual communication.
The main advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of the Virtual Learning Environment during distance learning of Ukrainian as a foreign language in a group of fourth-year foreign students at the National University "Lviv Polytechnic".
- 89. Virtual Memory
Levels in Memory Hierarchy. Design of DRAM caches. Locating an Object in a "Cache". A System with Physical Memory Only and with Virtual Memory. Servicing a Page Fault. Multiple processes in physical memory. Macintosh Memory Model. Page Table Operation.
The phenomenon of virtual reality, as a tool of achieving interactive behavior in architecture and built environment. Various possibilities for improving the quality of environment and space, both real and existing only within alternative perception.