Characteristic features of lasers operating in continuous-wave or quasi-CW regimes generate a restricted output optical power, which is limited by a maximum available pump power. Analysis Raman spectrum measured for the graphene-deposited fibre ferrule.
Виртуализация электронно-вычислительных машин. Характеристика программы QEMU. Ее преимущества - универсальность, наличие открытого кода и графического интерфейса. Управление виртуальными машинами посредством этой программы. Основные аналоги для QEMU.
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Проведення розрахунку квантово-хімічних дескрипторів 9 похідних піридинкарбонових кислот методом АМ1. Описання залежності між електронно-просторовою структурою досліджуваних сполук і їх протитуберкульозною активністю з використанням QSAR-моделей.
Historical development and foundations of Quantum Mechanics: A metaphysical consideration of qualitative aspects. Returning to the Platonic approach to the way of perceiving/processing knowledge, discussing the stages before reaching the concept of eidos.
An analysis of the activities of various fundamental institutions in the church. Investigation of the process of the birth and formation of various church dignitaries. Description of the prospect of bringing pastors, deacons to the success of the church.
The influence of outdoor sports on physical and mental health. Restorative role and benefits of physical exercises in the forest, near lakes, sea. Use of natural conditions and infrastructure of rural areas of modern Ukraine for physical activity.
Ways of looking at the World: Epistemological Issues in Qualitative Research. Consideration of research methodology in the works of psychologists of American Psychological Association Paul M. Camic, Jean E. Rhodes, Lucy Yardley, Elliot Eisner and others.
The physiological definition of respiration and its structure. Characterization of physiological changes in the process of breathing in the mountains. Features of regulation of respiration in conditions of high atmospheric pressure and in a hot climate.
Analysis of the problems of interaction of public organizations with higher education institutions. Influence of public organizations on education. Public relations of non-governmental expert organizations in the field of quality assurance of education.
Assess the quality of the telecommunications systems functioning. The methods of diagnosing the quality of telecommunications systems. The using of the characteristics of the sequence of residual detunes to diagnose the quality of functioning of TCS.
The possibilities of considering the restriction of antimonopoly regulation in the context of the formation of economic security of the subject of entrepreneurial activity are determined. Aspects of determining the limits of state security are revealed.
The support of economic security of business entities. The need for a harmonization of the legislation of the country with global business standards and a decrease in the level of regulation of the business environment. Protection from hostile takeovers.
Characteristics of the audit as a control mechanism for the implementation of the program to improve the quality of products and services in enterprises. The content of the production quality management system in accordance with ISO 8402 and ISO 9001.
Development of quality management systems Minimizing the loss of the company resources. Quality management: concept, functions and methods. The major competitive advantages of the enterprise. The modern international standards on quality in the company.
Setting the context for a discussion of quality measures, the demographic landscape early care. Programs that support early language and literacy development. Defining quality in childhood that promote dual language learners’ development and learning.
Is the concept of "quality of life". Reduce the unemployment rate in Kazakhstan, the tendency to reduce poverty. Analysis of income population. Life expectancy, health of population. Providing Democratic Freedom for Citizens. Living the good life.
The article provides an overview of effective speaking exercises for advanced students of English as a foreign language and highlights several effective approaches. Significant improvement of speaking skills and communicative competence of students.
Determination and analysis of specific of investments in the change of technological process on a production. Estimation of economic and investment effect from introduction of technological change on the example of the American production factory.
The form, context, and speaker to influence the estimates that people generated. The people cognitively correct hyperbolic utterances using information retrieved from memory to generate estimates about what really happens in the situation or event.
Erspective benefits of deepening integration processes between Ukraine and the European Union. EU countries have been identified in which exports from Ukraine have been growing rapidly in recent years. Groups of Ukrainian goods have been identified.
Activation of the sympathoadrenal under stress is accompanied by the release of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, activation of mast cells that produce cytokines and chemokines. Triggering a cascade of pathological processes, violation of skin repair.
Study of potassium hydrogenperoxomonosulfate as a complex disinfectant. Analysis of the effect of the nature and pH of the background solution. Analysis of the results of voltammetric determination of potassium hydrogenperoxomonosulfate in "Ecocid S".
Determination of plant resistance to fungal pathogens as an important breeding component. 6 smut-resistant maize varieties and 12 varieties susceptible to smut and stalk rot were studied. The samples of maize grains with known properties were provided.
Analysis of the biological properties of Pantoea agglomerans from the internal environment of grapes and new formations of vineyards in the Odessa region. leave the endophytic environment of grape microbiota and tumors. Composition of Pantoea strains.
Classical and quantum physics and information theory. Von Neumann entropy and relevant measures. Accessible classical and quantum information. Data processing. Real-life applications of information theory. A commercial quantum cryptographic device.
Combination of methods quantum chemistry. Geometrical and electronic structure of clinoptilolite clusters modified by zinc and calcium. Redistribution of electronic density on the oxygen atoms of clusters during formation of bonds with zinc and calcium.
A system of Dirac equations describing the dynamics of quarks in the metric of atomic nuclei. Description of the binding energy of nucleons as a function of the quark content. Dependence of the binding energy of nucleons similar to electron shells.
The theory of wave multiple scattering of the Lippmann-Schwinger integral equation for the tensor of the operator of quantum mechanical scattering of an electric field by a non-magnetic particle. Wave coupling between the elements of a particle.