The use of Kahoot! a game-based learning platform at education institution. This paper has analyzed the influence of Kahoot! on learning outcomes offuture. The process of the "Feedback" tool use in the educational process at a higher maritime education.
Research of history of development and opening of maintenance of subjectivism interpretation of moral is in European philosophy. A denial of moral norms and functionalism is in modern conception of moral. Theories of subjectivism of philosophy of moral.
Currently, the Leontief model is used solely due to its analytical capabilities, and the reason for this is the presence of many methodological and informational difficulties. Karaganov's opinion on the main formulations of the V. Leontiev model.
The Karakoram-Himalayan region is the cradle of ancient Indian culture, including Buddhism. The spread of religion in Central, East and Southeast Asia. Overcoming political, geographical, cultural and linguistic barriers in the spread of Buddhism.
Photography by Northern European researchers as a means of capturing data on the daily life of the Karelians. Valuable information about the population, geography, geology and natural resources contained in photographs. Exotics, myths and folk beliefs.
Revealing the mythological ideas of Karelians about animals and birds in folk medicine. Their reflection is in the Karelian national classification of diseases, in which, groups of diseases from birds, animals and insects are clearly distinguished.
Analysis of the author's reception of sagas in a text of K. Blixen's novel "The Bear and the Kiss". Consideration of a receptive theory of V. Ysera. Hierarchy of predecessor texts incorporated into the text of the novel. Metaphors and artistic analogies.
Complex economic evaluation of the real course of exchange of tenge as currencies of Republic Kazakhstan. Influence of oil prices on a currency national exchange of Kazakhstan rate. Directions of reforms of monetary policy of the Kazakhstan bank.
Location, territory and ethnic composition of the population Kazakhstan. Public holidays. Regions requiring foreigners to obtain permission to Acces. Administrative setup and religions sects. Official political parties and list of Cabinet of Ministers.
Experimental study results on the conditions of KDP single crystal growing doped by organic luminophors have been presented. Shows a possible coherent conjugation scheme for crystal-chemical parameters of KDP lattice with some organic luminophors.
История основания сети ресторанов быстрого питания Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), ее развитие по франчайзинговой системе. Жизненные проблемы будущего основателя компании KFC. Кентуккийский жареный цыпленок Гарлана Сандерса. Современное состояние сети.
A method for performing a nonlinear form of Principal. Component Analysis is proposed. By the use of integral operator kernel functions one can compute principal components in high dimensional feature spaces, related to input space by some nonlinear map.
Financial stability as a basis for the development of sectors and society as a whole. Increased attention to the mechanisms of implementation of financial stability in Ukraine. The degree of development of investment policy and the banking system.
Main categories of key competencies. Application of a competency-based approach in education, characteristic of the international educational space. Review of competence as an integrative concept: knowledge, skills and abilities, values and attitudes.
- 15. Key competencies through self-regulated learning, motivation and metacognition in school leavers
The importance of forming key competencies in the process of self-regulated learning of school graduates. The role of the teacher in the formation of metacognitive skills and motivation. Review of the influence of internal motivation on student success.
Regulation of social relations based on legal instruments accepted by the union of states by a global legal institute. Explication of the determinants of the development of legal institutions within the framework of modern socio-philosophical discourse.
The impact of technological innovations on the economy and business in the context of digital transformation. Key technological trends, such as 5G, Wi-Fi, energy-efficient processing, advanced data recognition, and intellectual data processing.
As the world faces increasing environmental challenges, there is a growing recognition of the need for sustainable business models that minimize resource consumption and waste generation. There is a growing emphasis on eco-design and product innovation.
A comprehensive study of the best pedagogical experience, its preservation for further implementation is one of the important factors in the development of pedagogy. Educational establishment - the teaching staff, which teaches and trains the youth.
Features of the origin and formation of the ideology of waveguide. Consideration and analysis of the childhood and youth years of Nikolai Khvylevoy. The process of combining two incompatible trends "Bolshevism" and "nationalism"in their worldview.
Представлено, что Ki-67 является маркером ответа на химиотерапевтическое лечение пациентов с эмбриональными опухолями. Прогноз лечения эмбриональных опухолей детского возраста. Исследованы типы опухолевого ответа на химиотерапевтическое лечение.
Прогностическое значение Ki-67 при эмбриональных опухолях забрюшинного пространства у детей на материалах отделения детской онкологии. Химиотерапевтическое лечение пациентов с эмбриональными опухолями. Прогностические факторы остеосарком у детей.
Description of the attractions one of the biggest cities in Europe. Popular Kiev places Visited by Tourists: Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra, National Opera House, monument to Prince Volodymyr the Baptizer, Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral and Andriyivsky Uzviz.
The types of mechanisms turning and folding blades used for power control and stabilization of frequency of rotation of the wind turbines. The dependence of the displacements of sliders and centrifugal weights on the angle of rotation of the blade.
Motion along a straight line. The displacement of a particle is a vector quantity. The magnitude of the force. Kinetic energy and work. Potential energy and conservation of energy. Center of mass and linear momentum. Rolling, torque and angular momentum.
Considers activities of artists associated with art movement in the field of theatrical kinetic performances, dimensional counter-relief objects, color light music. Traces parallels between proto-kinetic works of avant-garde and works of kinetic artists.
Research kinetic characteristics of the initial stages of the processes of acid hydrolysis and condensation in the sol-gel systems tetraethoxysilane, ethanol-water by gas chromatography. Using quantum-chemical calculations hydrolysis parameters.
Studying the behavior of active nanoparticles ensemble within the framework of canonical approach, taking into account the internal energy. Applying the anharmonic representation of the Hamilton function and analysis the kinetics of the self-assembly.
The biography of King Richard the Lionheart, the third son of King Henry II. The most accomplished and versatile representative of his gifted family, Richard was, in his lifetime and long afterwards, a favorite hero with troubadours and romancers.
Reconstruction of the custom of flooding residential and farm buildings with greenery and a new look at its origin and meaning. Lack of ancient ideas about demons in the Ukrainian worldview. Their predominant identification with ancestral spirits.