The problem of study the Arabic phylosophy of XVII century by the European students and scientists. Comparison of Spinoza’s and Mulla Sadra’s philosophical doctrines of knowledge and immortality, the imaginal power of a man, the life after death.
The article represents the modification of the Knowledge Hub communicative technique of teaching English based on the OneDrive\Word-online cloud service. Specific options for the organization of group work and individual activities are considered.
Study of the necessity of learning foreign languages by law enforcement officers. Analysis of the specified discipline in mass institutions for the training of specialists. Study of teaching methods and the need to change them to more effective ones.
This article mediates between two views of the sonata-form development section: one based on key and cadence plan (Koch), another based on harmonic progression (Schenker). Three sonata movements by C.P.E. Bach, all of which agree with Koch's discussion.
- 35. Kommunikation im licht der effektivsten gesprachsstrategien: sprachlicher und situativer kontext
Bewertung der Kommunikation im Lichte der effektivsten Gesprachsstrategien. Die sokratische Methode der Kommunikation zwischen Erwachsenen und Jugendlichen. Untersuchung des sprachlichen Problems aus der Perspektive interdisziplinarer Beziehungen.
Charakterisierung begrifflicher und lexikalischer metonymischer Modelle ähnlicher Suffixalnomen in deutscher Sprache. Bekanntschaft mit einer konsequenten Analyse der Typologie begrifflicher und lexikalischer metonymischer Modelle in vollem Gange.
Device Korean state. Confucianism Impact on Social and Ruling Structure of Joseon Dynasty. The main features of Confucianism. Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism as the state ideology of the Joseon dynasty. Series of reforms the Prince's Regent's.
- 38. Korea in focus
In the past two decades Korea has been one of the fastest developing nations in the world - both in economic and social terms. A people and history in harmony. Trends of major economic indicators. External policies for greater international cooperation.
- 39. Korean name
History of an origin and structure of the Korean names and surnames, and also most widespread of them. The Korean traditions of a giving of a name. Strict norms of references in the Korean society. Romanization and a pronunciation of the Korean names.
Die Geschichte der Bildung des koreanischen Alphabetes, seines Unterschiedes in Nord- und Sudkorea. Die Wechselbeziehung chinesisch und Koreanischen der Sprachen. Die Nutzung des koreanischen Briefes in den Druckereien und der Arbeit auf dem Computer.
Separation of the categories of konglish and koreanized english words. Demarcation line between konglish and koreanized english words. Inventory of koreanized english words. Critical analysis of functional aspects of korean-english language contact.
Die arbeit von computerprogrammen: primäre textverarbeitung, das automatisierte markup eines speziellen Korpus, die kombinierte suche nach den der grammatischen kategorien für den text mit berücksichtigung der regionalen merkmale in der rec
Розгляд питання походження людства та людської культури. Вивчення основних концепцій культурогенезу: трудової, ігрової та психоаналітичної. Роль праці в процесі перетворення мавпи в людину. Описання моделі психічного життя особистості Зигмундом Фрейдом.
Особенности использования KPI при формировании эффективной системы мотивации персонала в организации. Основные стимулы для сотрудников компании при достижении высоких индивидуальных результатов, полезных для выполнения главных стратегических целей.
Подключение комплекта программных средств Kai's Power Tools 3 (КРТ3) к главным прикладным программам редактирования растровой графики, поддерживающим архитектуру Adobe Photoshop Plug-in. Системные требования для подключения. Настройка параметров программ.
The analysis of Kripke's article "Identity and Necessity". A rigid designator is defined as one that designates the same thing in all possible worlds in which it designates. The idioms of possible worlds. A "counterfactual situation", in Kripke's opinion.
The identification of a protein from human cell extract which specifically interacts with the apurinic/apyrimidinic site. Characterization of the features of the process forming the Schiff base-mediated adducts which electrophoretic mobility depends.
- 48. Kyiv
Kiev, is the capital of Ukraine, and it is an important industrial, scientific, educational and cultural centre of Eastern Europe. Sports: Football is the most popular spectator sport in Kiev. Kiev has many professional and amateur football clubs.
The artistic inspirations in Szymanowski's life during Kyiv's period, and Szymanowski's connections with Kyiv. Study of highlights of places, people and events Szymanowski and creative inspirations in the context of the musical environment of Kyiv.
The history of foundation of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and its role in development of Old Russian culture. The historical important objects of Lavra: the Holy Gates, the Troitska Church, the Uspenskiy Cathedral, the Bell, the Close and Long distanced Caves.
Presenting of results of the Kyoto global consensus meeting, which was convened to develop global consensus on classification of chronic gastritis and duodenitis, clinical distinction of dyspepsia caused by Helicobacter pylori from functional dyspepsia.
Structural reforms in the Kyrgyz Republic to obtain WTO membership. Creation of competitive conditions for access to the markets for goods and services. Attracting foreign direct investment and implementing WTO-related laws, rules and regulations.
Персонал и экономическая безопасность. Обеспечение безопасности при отборе кадров и приеме на работу. Основные этапы проверки кандидата. Особенности проверки руководства. Задачи службы безопасности при подборе кадров. Ограничение ответственности.