• Studying the biography of an American linguist - J. Greenberg. Consideration of his contribution to synchronous linguistics and the search for linguistic universals. The study of a set of languages, covering a wide geographical and genetic distribution.

    статья (15,2 K)
  • Встановлено, що онтологічні характеристики нонсенсу чинять вплив на інтерпретацію лексем-нонсенсів і на створення перекладацьких відповідників. Провідною задачею перекладача є утворення функціональних відповідників лексичному нонсенсу в мові перекладу.

    статья (34,0 K)
  • Biography and creativity John Griffith "Jack" London. The writer's works, which brought him fame. Political views. London joined the Socialist Labor Party in April 1896. Brief description of literary works "The Call of the Wild" and "Martin Eden".

    реферат (38,6 K)
  • Gaining worldwide popularity and vast fortune from Jack London's literary activity in fiction. Key topics and works in the literary legacy of Jack London. Gold rush and first success of Jack London. The story and theme of the novel "Martin Eden".

    презентация (957,2 K)
  • The study of the tragedy of the creative person in the novel by J. London "Martin Eden." Consideration of the features of the literary style in the creation of a psychological portrait with the help of artistic detailing. A critical analysis of the novel.

    презентация (2,8 M)
  • Die charakteristische Visualisierung dieser phanomenalen Qualitaten des Hor- baren besteht in den Produkten selbst. Die Selbigkeit der Tone im Oktavabstand von Guido durch die Entsprechung der umgebenden Tonrelationen begrundet wird, und nicht etwa durch.

    статья (26,3 K)
  • Background intervention in the far East of Russia. Japanese intervention in the far East. Policy "allies" against the Bolsheviks and Russia. The evaluation of the events based on the theory of international relations: realism, liberalism, constructivism.

    курсовая работа (37,2 K)
  • The famous Japanese Almanac for 1945 year is a compilation of coordinates celestial objects used in modern navigation are Local Hour Angles and Declinations, and contains a necessary data for determining these coordinates at the time of observation.

    статья (451,5 K)
  • A novelist Kazuo Ishiguro is one of the most celebrated contemporary Japanese-English fiction authors in the English-speaking world, having received four Man Booker Prize nominations, and winning the 1989 prize for his novel "The Remains of the Day".

    реферат (7,2 K)
  • Introduction to the Japanese culture: japanese language, visual arts (painting), calligraphy, sculpture, ukiyo-e, ikebana (the Japanese art of flower arrangement), performing arts, Japanese architecture, garden architecture, traditional Japanese clothing.

    реферат (26,3 K)
  • Технология Java как платформа, спроектированная для глобальной сети Internet. Символы, разбивающие текст на лексемы. Легкость чтения и дальнейшая поддержка кода. Результирующий бинарный код. Ввод пояснений к программе. Объявление полей и интерфейсов.

    лекция (167,9 K)
  • Требования к enterprise-приложениям: надежность, производительность и масштабируемость, поддерживаемость и расширяемость, разработка в заданные сроки, повторное использование компонентов, переносимость. Двухуровневая архитектура "клиент-сервер".

    лекция (405,5 K)
  • Изучение Java как языка программирования, определение его пользовательского класса. Рассмотрение понятия преобразования примитивных и ссылочных типов (расширение и сужение) и виды приведений. Запрещенные преобразования и применение приведений.

    реферат (64,8 K)
  • Работа с графическим интерфейсом в разных операционных системах. Основные понятия компонента и контейнера. Принципы создание окна при помощи библиотеки Swing и AWT. Отображение фигур с помощью класса GeneralPath. Работа с компонентами отображения текста.

    учебное пособие (490,9 K)
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a fascinating individual whose unorthodox ideas and passionate prose caused a flurry of interest in 18 century France. Rousseau's greatest work were published in 1762. His natural political philosophy echoes the way of Lao Tzu.

    реферат (37,5 K)
  • The article deals with the religious life of Jehovah's Witnesses during the period from the mid-1940s to the mid-1980s. The author briefly dwells on the main works devoted to the religious life of Jehovah's Witnesses, written by Ukrainian scholars.

    статья (27,9 K)
  • Otto Harry Jespersen - Danish linguist who specialized in the grammar of the English language. He was an active developer of international auxiliary languages. He was involved in the 1907 delegation that created the auxiliary language Ido, and in 1928.

    реферат (30,9 K)
  • The outlook study of the Nordic jewellery Hedebyu (Northern Germany) to compare them with jewellery period of Kyiv Russ at the same time (9-11 century). The question of irregional contacts between Scandinavia, Poland and Kyiv Russ in 9-11 century.

    статья (34,4 K)
  • Analysis of Jewish pogroms during the First Russian Revolution. Formation of a stereotypical attitude towards the Jewish community in the south of Ukraine. Support for anti-Jewish sentiments by local communities. The facts of support of the Jews.

    статья (19,3 K)
  • The analysis of the Jewish segment of the social and political life of Halychyna in the publicistic heritage of O. Nazaruk makes it possible to form a holistic understanding of his worldview principles, especially concerning interethnic relations.

    статья (39,3 K)
  • Понятие и устройство триггера, его логическая структура, основные характеристики работы. Особенности строения и действия, классификация регистра как внутренней памяти микропроцессора. Принцип программного управления, значение команды в современных ЭВМ.

    контрольная работа (491,5 K)
  • John Kennedy as the President of USA. The first three-year presidency. Programs food and medical assistance to the poor. The history by his enigmatic murder. Date of marked the Caribbean crisis. The space exploration by running the program "Apollo".

    презентация (2,0 M)
  • Two short tracts in which Locke argues that the power of the civil magistrate should be absolute. Explaining the connection by reconstructing Locke's critique of religious politics, which reveals that absolutism and toleration are the same in principle.

    статья (584,3 K)
  • A short review of the whole of John Rawls's "A Theory of Justice". The priority of liberty is as a proposition concerning the relation between two principles of justice. In Rawl's opinion, there is a simple priority relationship between two principles.

    статья (302,3 K)
  • The English writer, poet, philologist John Ronald Reuel Tolkien: childhood and youth. Memories of the war years. Stages of development of scientific and literary career. The influence of his works on world culture. Posthumous publications of the author.

    реферат (35,8 K)
  • A study of the professional language personality of Boris Johnson. Consideration of linguistic personality from the point of view of linguistic-political personology. A combination of individual and institutional communicative and verbal factors.

    статья (31,8 K)
  • The problem and treatment of joint hypermobility syndrome of people in different ages, especially of children of the first year of life. The concept of screening and identifying the manifestation of joints hypermobility in individuals of different ages.

    статья (21,2 K)
  • The purpose of the paper is to analyze the role of business clusters and their marketing policy in gaining competitive advantage on the world market. The paper takes network paradigm as main basis of investigation looking at the development of clusters.

    статья (241,8 K)
  • Analysis of the progress of Jordan in its regional international politics in the period 2011-2015. Violation of the strategic balance of power during the revolutionary events in the region. The exploration of the ethnosocial diversity of the kingdom.

    статья (23,3 K)
  • Journalism as a profession is gaining ground in these days, there is an explosion of information. A journalist must have original thinking in the face of events that take place from time to time. Journalism is a noble and challenging profession.

    реферат (14,0 K)