Improving of students’ motor activity as a motivational orientation towards a healthy lifestyle

The flow of human motor activity from its biological needs, which are formed during the interaction with the environment. Study of motivation to increase recreational activities. Influence of physical activity on a person's health and ability to work.

Рубрика Спорт и туризм
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Дата добавления 27.10.2020
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Ph.D. in Physical Training and Sport, Lecturer. Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Improving of students' motor activity as a motivational orientation towards a healthy lifestyle

Maksym Yachniuk, Iryna Yachniuk, Yurii Yachniuk

Assistant Professor. Yuriy Fedkovych

Senior Lecturer. Yuriy Fedkovych

Chernivtsi, Ukraine


An individual's physical activity is the result of human biological needs which are formed due to the interaction with the environment. But the problem itself does not acknowledge the nature of the individual's activity because it may be solved with the help of different things or methods. The satisfying feature is defined when an individual starts to act. Consequently the research has been conducted among the students of the Chernivtsi National University. The aim of the research was to learn about the motivation for the improvement of recreational activities. As a result of the research it turned out how youth usually spend their free time after studying, why students want to train, which factors encourage them to use recreational activities, what reasons hinder them in their efforts to do the chosen recreationally curative activities and what effect they want to have on such trainings. Moreover, it was found that the majority of students want to do recreational activities although they have some obstacles to train systematically. Furthermore it was ascertained that the preference is given to the free time activities which do not require special equipment and significant costs. According to the results of the sociological research, we've discovered the actual motives that encourage students to the recreationally curative activities. It is worth saying a physical activity is the priority among different factors which have an influence on a young person's health and efficiency. The analyzed data gives reasons to affirm that on the one hand students' free time depends on demographical changes, social and cultural environment and on the other hand it is linked to the system of the orientation of their values, needs and interests.

Key words: students, leisure time, desire, priorities, motivation.

Максим Ячнюк, Ірина Ячнюк, Юрій Ячнюк. Підвищення рухової активності студентів як мотиваційна спрямованість до здорового способу життя. Рухова діяльність людини випливає з її біологічних потреб, що формуються під час взаємодії з навколишнім середовищем. Але сама по собі проблема не визнає характеру діяльності суб'єкта, тому що може бути задоволена різними предметами та засобами, а предмет задоволення визначається тоді, коли людина починає діяти. Для вивчення мотивації до підвищення занять рекреаційною діяльністю проведено анкетування студентської молоді Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. За допомогою проведеного анкетування встановлено, як саме молодь зазвичай проводить свій вільний від навчання час, із якою метою студенти хотіли би займатися, виявлені фактори, які спонукають їх до рекреаційної діяльності, причини, які заважають їм займатись обраними видами рекреаційно-оздоровчих занять та який ефект бажають вони отримати від подібного роду занять. Виявлено, що більшість студентської молоді бажає займатися рекреаційною діяльністю, але в них існують певні перепони для систематичних занять. Також установлено, що перевага надається тим видам діяльності у вільний час, які не потребують спеціального обладнання та значних витрат. За результатами соціологічного дослідження нами виявлено актуальні мотиви, які загалом спонукають студентську молодь до оздоровчо-рекреаційних занять. Потрібно зазначити, що в складній системі чинників, які впливають на стан здоров'я й працездатність молодої людини, пріоритетне значення має рухова активність. Проаналізовані дані дають підстави стверджувати, що проведення вільного часу студентами, з одного боку, залежить від демографічних чинників, соціально-культурного середовища, з іншого - пов'язаний із системою їхніх ціннісних орієнтації, потреб та інтересів.

Ключові слова: студенти, дозвілля, бажання, пріоритети, мотивація.

Максим Ячнюк, Ирина Ячнюк, Юрий Ячнюк. Повышение двигательной активности студентов как мотивационная направленность к здоровому образу жизни. Двигательная деятельность человека является его биологической потребностью, формирующейся при взаимодействии с окружающей средой. Но сама по себе проблема не признает характера деятельности субъекта, так как может быть удовлетворена различными предметами и средствами, а предмет удовлетворения определяется тогда, когда человек начинает действовать. С целью изучения мотивации к повышению занятий рекреационной деятельностью проводится анкетирование студенческой молодежи Черновицкого национального университета имени Юрия Федьковича. С помощью проведенного анкетирования установлено, как молодежь обычно проводит свое свободное от учебы время, с какой целью студенты хотели бы заниматься, выявлены факторы, побуждающие их к рекреационной деятельности, причины, которые мешают им заниматься выбранным видом рекреационно-оздоровительных занятий и какой эффект хотят они получить от подобного рода занятий. Выявлено, что подавляющее большинство студенческой молодежи желает заниматься рекреационной деятельностью, но у них существуют определенные препятствия для систематических занятий. Также установлено, что предпочтение предоставляется тем видам деятельности в свободное время, которые не требуют специального оборудования и значительных затрат. По результатам социологического исследования нами выявлены актуальные мотивы, которые в целом побуждают студенческую молодежь к оздоровительно-рекреационным занятиям. Следует отметить, что в сложной системе факторов, влияющих на состояние здоровья и работоспособность молодого человека, приоритетное значение имеет двигательная активность. Проанализированные данные дают основания утверждать, что проведение свободного времени студентами, с одной стороны, зависит от демографических факторов, социально-культурной среды, с другой - связан с системой их ценностных ориентации, потребностей и интересов.

Ключевые слова: студенты, досуг, желания, приоритеты, мотивация.

Introduction. An individual's motives are corresponding dreams, inducement, needs, thoughts or desire, interests that initiate the appropriate behavior. The characteristic feature of the motivational priorities is their purposefulness. If an individual wants to make an action purposeful, he needs to realize what he wants and needs. If we want to leam more about students' motivation in the sphere of recreation and tourism and the ways of its formation, it is necessary to establish the current priority inducement. This inducement is managed by youth in their desires and actions in the process of their learning and extracurricular activities [2; 3].

The results of the research show that current students' motivation is sufficiently low. From our standpoint it is connected with social factors that predominate in different correlation in modern society and to some extent characterize the conditions of upbringing in a family, youth life and their circle of friends etc.

In our mind the significant factor, which will promote the immediate and effective elaboration of the improvement in students active lifestyle, should be based upon the sphere of the modern people's priority interests, motives and needs. They can be realized in a wide spectrum of recreational activities which are constantly updated with different elements of physical activities with the usage of modern technologies [5; 6].

Materials and methods of the study. Sociological and pedagogical methods, system analysis and mathematical statistics were used in the research.

Discussion and the results of the study. We have conducted a survey among the students of the Yurii Fedkovych National University. The purpose of the survey was to explore the motivation to recreational activities and active tourism. 330 students took part in the survey (147 boys and 183 girls).

The survey gave us a possibility to find out how the youth usually spend their free time, time after studying, why students want to train, which factors encourage them to use recreational activities, what reasons hinder them in their efforts to do the chosen recreationally curative activities and what effect they want to have on such trainings. Moreover, it was found that the majority of students (48,5 %) are only partly satisfied with the organization of the recreational curative activities in the higher institution, third of the students (30,3 %) are satisfied with such activities although 21,2 % are not satisfied with the activities at all. According to the respondents points of view it is connected with different reasons. Here are the main reasons:

imperfect facilities for the conducting of recreational activities;

the total absence of taking into account the interests of students in different types of physical activity which is promoted in higher educational institutions in the Academic out of time;

the authoritarian approach in planning students recreational activities

the episodic nature of recreational activities;

the lack of specialists in recreational activities that possess innovative technologies and their organization;

insufficient systematic educational activities among students;

the lack of the consideration of factors that affect the amount of students' free time and form its structure;

commercialization of recreational activities, inaccessibility of trainings among different categories of students;

After the analysis of the students relations to recreationally curative activities, it was found out that the vast majority of girls (70,5 %) and exactly half of boys occasionally participate in recreational activities, 12,0 % of girls and 18,4 % of boys are not involved, almost a third of girls (30,6 %) and half the size of boys (17,5 %) participate in recreational activities.

The received data has given us the possibility to discover that the vast majority of students, who want to be engaged in recreational activities, have certain obstacles to regular exercises. According to our point of view, these obstacles are caused by the inadequate recreational culture of students. Students have a lack of knowledge, skills and self-rationalization abilities, the absence of free time rationalization and poor health among the majority of students [4].

In our opinion, it was quite important to investigate the structure of the students' choice of recreationally curative activities. The results, which were received after the survey, show that gender features influence on the organization of the free time sufficiently.

The vast majority of students (80,3 %) think that their health gets better after the recreationally curative activities; 49,1 % think that these activities influence the improvement of their mood and health. 41,5 % of respondents noticed the improvement in their physical performance as the effect of recreational and health activities, and exactly a quarter of students (24,8 %) believe that such exercises are effective for normalizing their body weight. One of five students (20,0 %) sees benefit in recreational and fitness classes for improvement of their mental activities, and 14,2 % - increase self-esteem with the help of these activities. Very few respondents (1,5 %) noted that the effectiveness of recreationally curative activities becomes apparent in other things.

The received data shows that the preference is given to those types of free time activities, which do not require special equipment or significant costs.

As stated in the work [1], the way the students spend their free time, on the one hand, depends on demographic factors of social environment and on the other - it is associated with the system of values, needs and interests.

In general, it is advisable to use the analysis of motivational systems, in order to get a complete understanding of factors that promote student involvement in recreationally curative activities in their free time.

According to the sociological survey, we have discovered the real motives, which generally encourage students to do recreationally curative activities. It should be mentioned that physical activities have priority functions that influence an individual health and efficiency in a complex system of factors. The recent researches in our country indicate a certain connection between the physical activity and health. It is established that the curative motives dominate in the hierarchy of recreationally curative activities among girls, as well as boys (to improve health - girls 70.5%, boys 73,3 %) (figure 1).

As for other motives, girls' and boys' answers were distributed almost on the same sequence, but with a different ratio of respondents elections: the improvement of the psycho - emotional condition, communication, the improvement of mental and physical performance, the improvement of self-esteem, self-expression, the improvement of physical fitness.

In the process of the study, the interests which encourage students to train were noticed and the desire of the health and psycho - emotional condition improvement. The sufficient number of students are sure that

they have reached a certain level of expression and have sufficient physical fitness. During the survey it was reported about the reasons that prevent students from engaging in recreationally curative activities.

Overall, the most significant reasons, which were emphasized among girls and boys, were lack of time, 59,7 % and 50,9 % accordingly, the large workload 52,5 % and 40,3 %, the absence of recreationally curative groups that were emphasized among 16,9 of girls and 24,5 % boys. The lack of funds to pay for employment is an essential obstacle for 15,4 % of girls and 13,6 % boys. Also it was interesting to find out that girls and boys do not have the relevant knowledge for recreational and health activities and do not have friends with whom they can attend these classes. Quite a small number of students indicated such reasons as lack of support from their families, lack of comfortable sportswear and willingness to train. In our view, this means that girls and boys do not have compelling reasons that would prevent them from being engaged in recreationally curative activities outside the classroom. motivation recreational physical health

The in-depth analysis of indicators showed only our assumption that students are not fully aware of the importance of educational work in terms of efficient use of their free time.

The respondents' answers have allowed us to identify the most wanted forms of trainings which were chosen by students for the recreationally curative activities. The responses showed that most students chose group works (62,3 % girls, 68,0 % of boys). The received results demonstrate that companies, communications with friends, sharing experiences are very important for youth. Respondents gave the clear understanding of the priority of group works, not the individual types of work, which will allow us to take into account this fact while organizing and planning outdoor activities. Almost the same number of respondents among girls and boys chose individual and independent activities.

There are many places where you can be engaged in recreationally curative activities. According to the research, the majority of respondents would like to be engaged in recreationally curative activities in nature (52,5 % girls, 51,0 % boys) and in fitness centers (51,4 % girls, 47,6 % boys) (Figure. 2). This confirms the trends available in the special literature [1] about the tendency of choosing the place for the employment. According to the respondents, training outdoors has a higher health effects. It is more diverse and interesting. It also improves psycho-emotional state due to the combined impact of exercise and environmental factors.

This is due to the fact that college students spend a lot of time in dormitories and this fact explains th eir choice of preferring to have recreational activities outdoors.

Free time plays an important role in the young people's lives. This is - one of the main means of forming the individuality of a young person. Free time directly affects the educational spheres, it helps to create the most favorable place for the processes of recreation and reproduction that remove intensive physical, intellectual, mental stress [2].

Student's free time is limited by lots of factors: age, gender, traditions, material possibi lities, free time activities, health condition. The ability to change the roles within the free time and to switch from one activity to another improves its significance in a young person's life. The ability to be flexible of every individual is influenced by the family experience, school, society and work experiences [1].

The results of the survey clearly demonstrate that the structure of the interests among girls and boys in their free time is different. Exploring the free time activities, which are preferred by college students, it was found out that most of all girls like to walk (61,7 %), watch videos and television programs (53,6 %), read books (49,7 %), listen music (48,1 %), visit relatives (47,5 %). The main free time activities among boys are trainings (46,3 %), walking and watching video programs (42,9 %), helping parents in the household (41,5 %), computer games (38,1 %).

There are contradictory trends in students free time activities: some activities have a positive focus and lead to the cultural enrichment, others - contain negative potential, cause impoverishment and are monotonous.

In most respondents' answers, among boys as well as among girls, passive types of activities were listed (watching TV chosen by 53,6% of girls, 42,9 % of boys, reading literature, periodicals - 49,7 % of girls, 19,0 % of boys, computer games, social networking communication - 20,8 % of girls, 38,1 % of boys, etc.). Nowadays, there is a radical increase in attracting young people to the Internet. Today this kind of activity is probably the most popular type of a free time activity. There is a «real shortage of live communication», most students prefer to live with virtual communication. Students think that virtual communication can solve problems that are not solved in a real society. During the passive holiday there are a few elements that provide sufficient and necessary levels of physical and mental recovery, especially with the recreationally curative orientation.

Students were not limited to one kind of hobby in their responses, and could choose from several options(the evidence is the total percentage - more than 100. Despite the great variety of activities in the spare time, the involvement of students is very low, and for most students the set of activities in t heir free time is very limited. It is noted that the actual free time among many students is spent with habitual actions that do not require conscious effort.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. All things considered, the formation of new understanding of free time activities and their social value among students require the quality content. The effective solution to this problem depends on many factors, material resources and recreational areas in higher educational institutions, formations of the individuals' recreational needs and interests, skills of planning and organizing their free time, the ability to choose the most effective forms of recreational activities individually, opportunities and desire to learn about the culture of leisure time.

Джерела та література

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