Dialectics of the toposity of the level of aggression and latent extremism in candidates for military service under contract

Consideration of conscripts and candidates for military service. Revealing the peculiarities of the level of aggressiveness and latent extremism as a commitment to extreme and radical views, methods of action (in politics and the military sphere).

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Дата добавления 26.02.2023
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Kyiv University of Intellectual Property and Law

National University "Odessa Law Academy"

Department of Criminal Law, Process and Criminalistics

Dialectics of the toposity of the level of aggression and latent extremism in candidates for military service under contract

Vitomski Yuriy Leonidovich

PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor

Chernyakova Olesya Vladimirovna

PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor


The problems of aggression in the context of a subject's stable characteristic reflecting its predisposition to a behavior aimed at damaging others and autoaggression which in our understanding is nothing else than an activity aimed (consciously or unconsciously) at damaging oneself in the physical and mental spheres among conscripts and candidates for military service under the contract have been considered. Our article also reveals features of the level of aggressiveness and latent extremism as adherence to extreme and radical views, methods of action (usually in politics).

Both individuals and organisations, mostly political and religious, have been shown to be susceptible to extremism. Political extremist actions include provocation of mass riots, acts of terrorism and guerrilla warfare. The most radicalised extremists have been shown to reject compromise, negotiation and agreement in principle. Socio-economic crises, a sharp decline in living standards for the bulk of the population, totalitarian political regimes with suppression of opposition, persecution of dissent and external intervention usually contribute to the growth of extremism. In these situations, extreme measures may be the only opportunity for some individuals and organisations to effectively influence the situation, especially if a revolutionary situation is taking shape or the state is engulfed in a prolonged civil war - in these cases, we can speak of "forced extremism".

Not enough time has been devoted to identifying the specifics of the level of authoritarianism and ethnocentrism, and the differences in the main indicators between conscripts and candidates for military service under contract have been determined.

Key words: conscripts for military service, conscripts for military service under contract, level aggressiveness and latent extremism, authoritarianism and ethnocentrism.

Вітомський Юрій Леонідович кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри кримінального права, процесу та криміналістики, Київський університет інтелектуальної власності та права Національного університету «Одеська юридична академія»

Чернякова Олеся Володимирівна кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри кримінального права, процесу та криміналістики, Київський університет інтелектуальної власності та права Національного університету «Одеська юридична академія»

Діалектика топосу рівня агресії та латентного екстремізму у кандидатів на військову службу за контрактом


aggressiveness latent extremism military

Проблеми агресії в контексті стійкої характеристики суб'єкта, що відображає його схильність до поведінки, спрямованої на заподіяння шкоди іншим, і аутоагресії, яка в нашому розумінні є нічим іншим, як діяльністю, спрямованою (свідомо чи несвідомо) на заподіяння собі шкоди у фізичній і психічній сферах серед військовослужбовців. Розглянуто призовників та кандидатів на військову службу за контрактом. У нашій статті також розкриваються особливості рівня агресивності та латентного екстремізму як прихильності до крайніх та радикальних поглядів, способів дій (як правило, у політиці та військовій сфері).

Доведено, що як окремі особи, так і організації, переважно політичні та релігійні, а також військові схильні до екстремізму. До військових екстремістських дій відносяться провокування масових заворушень, терористичних актів і партизанської боротьби. Було показано, що найбільш радикально налаштовані екстремісти принципово відкидають компроміс, переговори та згоду.

Соціально-економічні кризи, різке зниження життєвого рівня основної маси населення, тоталітарні політичні режими з придушенням опозиції, переслідуванням інакомислення та зовнішнім втручанням зазвичай сприяють зростанню екстремізму. У цих ситуаціях крайні заходи можуть бути єдиною можливістю для деяких осіб і організацій ефективно вплинути на ситуацію, особливо якщо формується революційна ситуація або держава охоплена тривалою громадянською війною - в цих випадках можна говорити про «вимушений екстремізм», або «латентний екстремізм».

Недостатньо часу приділено виявленню особливостей рівня авторитаризму та етноцентризму, не визначено відмінності за основними показниками між призовниками та кандидатами на військову службу за контрактом. Це ми й поставили за мету нашого дослідження, застосовуючи психодіагностичні методики за системоутворювальною схемою визначення проблематичних, дезадаптивних областей.

Ключові слова: призовники строкової військової служби, призовники військової служби за контрактом, рівень агресивності та латентного екстремізму, авторитаризм та етноцентризм.

Formulation of the problem

As a result of the unprecedented growth of aggression and autoaggression among conscripts (especially in the first year of military service, i.e. 18-19 year olds), the problem of normalising the social of the Ukrainian Army (AFU (The Armed Forces of Ukraine)) is becoming one of the most important subjects of interdisciplinary and empirical research. Every year a number of conscripts are admitted to psychiatric clinics from military units due to aggressive or self-destructive behaviour.

One of the main factors behind aggressive and self-aggressive behaviour in military units is so-called «hazing», a more common name for which is the sociocultural jargon of «dedovshchina» (Dedovshchina (Ukrainian: дідівщина, lit. reign of grandfathers) is the informal practice of hazing and abuse of junior conscripts historically in the Soviet Armed Forces and today in the Russian armed forces, Internal Troops, and to a much lesser extent FSB, Border Guards, as well as the military forces of certain former Soviet Republics. It consists of brutalization by more senior conscripts, NCOs, and officers).

Most aggressive members of the armed forces who are violent towards new recruits experience adaptation problems. The majority of violent recruits experience adaptation problems, primarily in the inability to build appropriate interpersonal relationships and meet their social needs in an acceptable way.

Attempts by most conscripts to somehow socially adapt in the role of the «obedient doer» lead to personal degradation and depersonalization even in their own perception, and subsequently to nervous breakdown and self-destructive behavior.

The purpose of the article

The aim of the empirical study: to identify the characteristics of aggression and latent extremism in conscripts and candidates for military service under contract.

Presenting main material

The psychotype of army «aggressors» and the typological features of the psychological portrait of potential carriers of pro-terrorist activity developed by domestic psychologists and sociologists (S.N. Enikolopov, V.F. Pirozhkov, V.A. Sosnin) reveal many similarities: «A power complex, inferiority and super-perfection complexes, and the complete dehumanization and depersonalization of terrorists' ideas about all «outsiders» and dissenters».

In the light of the above, the current state of affairs in the Ukrainian army is even more alarming, and further scientific interpretation of this problem is crucial not only for the problem of creating normal conditions for young men in the army, but for a much wider range of socio-psychological phenomena.

The most pressing of these is terrorism, which has taken on an unprecedented scale in nowadays. The phenomena of aggression and autoaggression are almost central to it. Determining how to prevent these conditions in humans has become a paramount task within different societies.

Not only various countries and groups of people, but literally every individual is interested in this each and every individual.

This, in turn, requires an efficient diagnostic system to be able to identify a diagnostic system which identifies the risk group of young people doing military service and makes it possible to take the necessary preventative and therapeutic measures in good time preventive and psycho-correctional measures.

Thus, the problem of research is the contradiction between the growing need for preventive diagnostics and effective psychological treatment of aggressive behavior in young soldiers and the absence of a unified systemic, holistic approach to the problems of aggression [1].

An important aspect of the analysis of psychological mechanisms of aggressive human behavior is study of individual and group peculiarities of understanding situations of violence by participants of interpersonal conflict as well as by neutral observers witnessing aggressive or violent actions of one of the opponents. Aggression is not an innate trait of the individual, but develops under the influence of the social environment, with a particularly strong impact.

It is influenced by the social environment and particularly reinforces psychological Violent traits are particularly reinforced by the technology of modern warfare. Therefore it is of special interest for a psychologist to identify the specifics of understanding situations of violence by military personnel [2].

Accordingly, the object of our study: aggression in candidates for military service under contract.

Subject of our study: peculiarities of aggression and latent extremism level in contract military service candidates.


Differences exist in self-reported levels of aggression and latent extremism among military service conscripts and contractual servicemen.

There are differences in the level of authoritarianism and ethnocentrism among citizens subject to military service and candidates for military service under contract.

Names of known psychological techniques that identify extremist intentions among conscripts and contracted military service candidates.

Name of methodology

Short description

R. Cattell's 16 Factor Personality Questionnaire.

Allows you to determine people's personality traits, degree of social adaptation, presence of emotional, personality problems.

V.P. Dvorschenko's Test of Personality Accentuations (TPA) (a modified version of A.E. Lichko's Pathocharacterological diagnostic questionnaire).

Reveals types of accentuations, lists of conflictogenic accentuations, features of communication and friendship, attitude towards work.

The Diagnostic Questionnaire of Critical Situations for Young Men (L.B. Schneider).

This questionnaire shows areas of occurrence of critical situations in young men and diagnoses conditions that indicate the presence of experience of these situations.

D. Russell and M. Ferguson's method of diagnosing the level of subjective feeling of loneliness.

Helps to identify the level of feeling of loneliness in an individual.

G. Eysenck's self-assessment of mental states of personality questionnaire adapted by N.V. Peresheina and M.N. Zaostrovtseva for young adulthood.

The Eysenck questionnaire includes a description of various mental states, the presence of which the probationer should confirm or deny. The questionnaire makes it possible to determine levels of anxiety, frustration, aggression and rigidity.

Beck Depression Questionnaire.

The technique is designed to determine the state of low mood - depression, taking into account its depth, revealing features of interpersonal contacts of a person with peers, formation of plans for the future, difficulties of adaptation of a person in a difficult social situation for him/her.

Perceived Guilt Index (PGI) Authors: John R. Otterbacher, David C. Munz [5].

It measures guilt as a condition and as a trait. The PGI consists of two scales, which measure emotional experience of guilt as a state (G-state) and as a generalized self-concept (trait) (G-trait).

A. Ellis test.

The test is given to identify irrational beliefs in thinking that provoke neurotic states and maladjustment.

The Zimbardo Time Perspective Questionnaire.

The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) is a technique that seeks to diagnose an individual's relationship system to the time continuum, which is crucial to suicidal ideation.

Diagnosis of types of ego-protective behaviour in difficult situations (A.A. Azbel).

The diagnosis is aimed at identifying types of defence mechanisms.

M. Kovacs Depression Scale for Adolescents and Adults (САА).

This scale quantifies a spectrum of depressive symptoms - low mood, hedonic capacity, autonomic functions, selfesteem and interpersonal behaviour.

A study of self-esteem using the T. Dembo and S.J. Rubinstein methodology (modified by A.M. Prikhozhan).

Gives a picture of the level of self-esteem of a number of personal qualities: health, abilities, character, appearance, etc.).

M. Lucher's method of colour choice.

This method is an indicator of maladaptation and the severity of emotional tension, and clearly demonstrates the relationship of constitutionally inherent properties to the type of response to environmental influences, the degree of susceptibility or resistance to these influences by means of the individual's own defenses.

M.Z. Dukarevich's «Nonexistent Animal».

The method is aimed at diagnosing personality traits.

«Man in the Rain»

This projective test focuses on diagnosing the strength of the ego of a person, his/her ability to overcome adverse situations, to resist them. It also makes it possible to diagnose personal reserves and peculiarities of defence mechanisms.

Our study, on the other hand, used such modern techniques to identify the level of aggression and latent extremism in candidates for military service under contract (which we also advise to be widely used for such cases).

Name of methodology

Short description

The Short Selection Test (STT) (also known as the Short Orientation Test) is a category of general intelligence tests (IQ).

The test was developed by V. N. Buzin in the late 1980s and is an adaptation of the Wonderlic Personnel Test, a well-established modification of the Otis SelfAdministering Tests of Mental Ability, widely used in Western countries for personnel selection, including skilled and managerial personnel. There are two versions of the test in the literature, differing in terms of the items. Both versions can be taken here.

Self-assessment of aggression and latent extremism (V.V. Boyko, modified by N.P. Fetiskin).

In addition to aggression and need for aggression, the method allows us to determine the ability to inhibit aggressive reactions and ways to switch aggression. It includes an auto-aggression scale.

The Fascism Scale (T. Adorno, E. Frankel-Brusniewicz, D. Levinson, R. Sanford).

Designed to identify an authoritarian personality, it measures the level of anti-Semitism and ethnocentrism without reference to specific minorities or current political- economic issues. The development of the scale is based on the authors' concept that an individual's political, economic and social beliefs form a comprehensive and coherent way of thinking, which is an expression of the latent traits of his character structure. The subject of the study was a potential fascist individual whose authoritarian character structure determined his particular susceptibility to anti-democratic propaganda.

The qualitative analysis yielded the following results: in two groups of examinees, the majority exhibit a low level of aggression and latent extremism - 80% of conscripts, 95% of contract servicepersons. However, there is an average and elevated level of aggression and latent extremism among 10%.

We can assume that this contingent is exposed to such negative manifestations in the Ukrainian Armed Forces as "hazing" and its accompanying manifestations: non-combat losses, injuries, and unauthorized abandonment of a military unit.

It was revealed that the highest degree of authoritarianism and ethnocentrism is characteristic of 90% of contract servicemen, it can be assumed that this contingent is able and willing to show authority in the military environment in managing groups of people, intolerance towards other ethnic groups.

In order to refine the results, the STT-test was taken, a test of identifying social desirability, the results of the test allow us to talk about the sincerity of the examinees.

As a result of the analysis, it was discovered that the subjects differed in terms of: high is characteristic of candidates for military service under the contract in such indications as provocation of aggression in surrounding people and ritualization of aggression, i.e. they are characterized by more mature, calculating displays of aggression, great desire not to expose themselves, cause aggression in others, give a fair response to an offender. They themselves do not participate, but can become instigators of aggressive behaviour in others, and it can also be assumed that each group's aggressiveness acts as an attribute of the military.

Results of comparative analysis of aggression characteristics in comparing groups of boys subject to military service (n=20) and candidates for military service under contract (n=20) (U - Mann-Whitney test)

sum of ranks group 1

sum of ranks group 2


level significance level






Spontaneity of aggression





Failure to inhibit aggression





Inability to switch aggression





Anonymity of aggression





Provoking aggression in others of others





A tendency towards reflected aggression aggression










Ritualisation of aggression





It is also clear from the results that high authoritarianism and ethnocentrism are characteristic of conscripts. We can assume that this group is more spontaneous, prone to informal and antisocial behaviour, counteracting subjectivity.

As follows from Freud's psychoanalytic theory and Millerd and Dollard's neo-biased theory of aggression, the aggression of conscripts can be explained as a consequence of the frustration that conscripts experience before they serve.

The cause of frustration can be inability to avoid service, negativity, fear of negative consequences.

Results of comparative analysis of characteristics of fascism when comparing groups of young men subject to military conscription (n=14) and candidates for military service under contract (n=11) (U - Mann-Whitney test)

sum of ranks group 1

sum of ranks group 2


level significance level

Fascism index










authoritarian subordination





authoritarian aggression





Thus, we can conclude that the hypotheses put forward are fully confirmed empirically: conscripted young men differ from contracted military service candidates in the level of aggression (the "contracted men" have higher values of provocation and ritualized aggression than the "conscripts") and the level of fascism (the indicators of fascism and authoritarian aggression are higher in the "conscripts").

In our opinion, these conclusions seem rather logical to us on the grounds that young men choosing a professional military career have "wiser", "more sophisticated" forms of aggression, than young men who are conscripted and often do not want to serve in the military, capable of open forms of aggression and aggression.


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