Neuro-linguistic programming conceptual basis and perspective technologies

The theoretic and practical opportunities of NeuroLinguistic Programming within projection onto the need to both correct the modern communicative space’s aggressive, manipulative tendencies, and discover the ecological mechanisms of empathic interactions.

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neuro linguistic programming

Neuro-linguistic programming conceptual basis and perspective technologies

Т. Yu. Kovalevska,

Doctor of Science, Professor, Odesa National 1.1. Mechnikov University Ukrainian Language Department Head;

A. V. Kovalevska,

Phd, Odesa Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Project Management Department Associate Professor

The article deals with researching the theoretic and practical opportunities of NeuroLinguistic Programming within its projection onto the need to both correct the modern communicative space's aggressive, manipulative tendencies, and discover the ecological mechanisms of empathic interactions.

Key words: Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Language Metamodel, Milton-model, influence, suggestion, empathy, communication.

Т. Ю. Ковалевская,

Одесский национальный университет имени И. И. Мечникова, кафедра украинского языка;

А. В. Ковалевская,

Одесский региональный института государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, кафедра проэктного менеджмента


Статья посвящена рассмотрению теоретических основ и практических возможностей новой гуманитарной парадигмы нейролингвистического

программирования в проекции на необходимость коррекции агрессивных, манипулятивных тенденций современного коммуникативного пространства и одновременно - обнаружение экологических механизмов эмпатических интеракций.

Ключевые слова: нейролингвистическое программирование, Милтон-модель, влияние, эмпатия, коммуникация.

Т. Ю. Ковалевська,

Одеський національний університет імені І.І. Мечникова, кафедра української мови;

А. В. Ковалевська,

Одеський регіональний інституту державного управління Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України, кафедра проектного менеджменту


Статтю присвчено розгляду теоретичних підвалин та практичних можливостей новітньої гуманітарної парадигми нейролінгвістичного програмування (НЛП) у проекції на необхідність корекції агресивних, маніпулятивних тенденцій сучасного комунікативного простору та водночас - віднайдення екологічних механізмів емпатичних інтеракцій.

Застосування основних ідей, технік і технологій НЛП уможливлює не лише гармонізацію особистості в усьому комплексі її психоментальних, нейрофізіологічних, соціо-генетичних та інших базових складників, а й сприяє встановленню природної емпатії у віялі поліорієнтованих інтерактивних процесів. У сучасному дискурсивному просторі на особливу увагу заслуговують такі складники нейролінгвістичного програмування, як 1) Мілтон-модельна ідентифікація, що уможливлює профілювання (вербально-невербальний контур) індивідуально-колективного адресата, забезпечуючи встановлення емпатичної домінанти спілкування та надаючи змогу коректного впливу на співрозмовників завдяки ознайомленню із систематикою та внутрішньою механікою мовних сугестогенів; 2) технологічний апарат НЛП, зокрема техніка спелінґу, завдяки якій досягається оптимізація сприйняття і мнемічних характеристик у процесах навчання з огляду на активацію нейрофізіологічних процесів; 3) типологічна кваліфікація особистості, яка містить вербальні та невербальні маркери представників візуального, аудіального і кінестетичного типів, що відповідно уможливлює «розпізнавання» співрозмовника через особливості його мовленнєвої поведінки, психоментальні пріоритети та комплекс невербальних ознак, що, у свою чергу, максималізує емпатичні або ж (залежно від стратегічного завдання комунікатора) деструктивні ефекти; 4) реконструкція т. зв. метамодельних параметрів мовлення уможливлює ідентифікацію проблемних станів особистості, що теж має бути в арсеналі сучасного професійного комунікатора.

Використання зазначених та низки інших технік і технологій НЛП дає змогу, з одного боку, здійснювати прогнозований вплив на потенційного реципієнта, з іншого - максимально дотримуватися коректних, емпатичних стратегій текстового і дискурсивного моделювання, уникаючи комунікативних деструкцій. Дієвість зазначеного напряму доведено представниками Одеської школи сугестивної лінгвістики у низці докторських і кандидатських дисертацій (Н.Кутуза, С.Бронікова, О.Яковлева, А.Ковалевська, І.Лакомська, М.Столяр, О. Щербак та ін.), що визначає доцільність подальшого опрацювання зазначеного напряму у проекції на актуальний спектр поліжанрових дискурсів.

Ключові слова: нейролінгвістичне програмування, Мілтон-модель, вплив, емпатія, комунікація.

The internalized external reality concepts representation at the verbal-analogue structures level becomes actualized in the context of interactive communication, which is thoroughly researched within Theory of Communication and osculant scientific directions (Communicative and Cognitive Linguistics, Psycho- and Sociolinguistics etc.). Within these limits, communication is interpreted as a complex phenomenon that includes not only an interactive information exchange, but all the psycho-physiological characteristics typical for the communication participants' objectified psychological model, as well (see works by R. Dilts, A. Zahnitko, V. Rizun, G. Pocheptsov, Y. Radevych-Vinnytsky, O. Selivanova and others). In this aspect, extra attention is drawn to the problem of harmonizing the human's / society's linguistic existence via identifying the language empathic constructs, which determine the positive / negative perception of the information received, and the according rational and axiosystematic marking in the verbal world interpretation processes, thereby determining either individual's activity, engagement in the communicative existence, or one's dissociativity, marginalization (G. Andreyeva, N. Arutyunova, J. Egan, J. O'Connor, J. Seymour, G. Pocheptsov and others). As of now, not only the classical scientific paradigms could be considered relevant, but the brand new ones which are based on expansionism and cognitivism as the general theoretical principles of modern linguistics (O. Kubryakova, O. Selivanova).

Neuro-Linguistic Programming, being one of such new scientific directions, is aimed at harmonizing the interpersonal communication, considering both the synesthetic nature of the speech representations in their deep correlation with the speakers' rational and the emotional- axiological orientations, and the specificity of their nonverbal constructs, which also act as the interactive processes' conceptual components (V. Andriyanov, S. Bogdan, J. Nirenberg, G. Calero, N. Mechkovska, D. Morris, A. Piz, N. Smirnov, J. Fast and others). The methodological apparatus of this science makes it possible to isolate the speech psychoactive names and signatures, whose semantic identification will contribute to the correct modeling of interpersonal and reticular communication (the Language Metamodel), which emphasizes the correlation between the NLP's strategic goal and the philosophical "Me and the Other" problem (M. Bakhtin, O. Bodalyov, E. Levinas, O. Leontiev, B. Parygin, B. Porshnev, P. Ryker). On the other hand, the ideas and systematics of the NLP language material have created a basic conglomerate of the verbal and non-verbal levels suggestion markers with the corresponding neuro-linguistic qualification of their influential nature (Milton-model). This, in turn, made it possible to reveal the personal behavioral models' typological specificity (VAK predictive identification), and to highlight the actual strategies and tactics of optimizing the perceptive activity, particularly, within the mnemonic processes framework (spelling and memorizing technique), which maximally emphasizes the scientific relevance of NLP as an independent knowledge branch, and accentuates the need for its further elaboration.

In foreign linguistics, the scientific status of NLP has been acknowledged and proved for quite a long time (see works by J. O'Connor, J. Seymour, R. Dilts and others), but within the Ukrainian linguistics, this direction just starts to draw the scientists' attention with its persuasiveness and theoretical basis objectivity, as well as the widest practical application possibilities. This is proved, in particular, by the works of Odesa Suggestive Linguistics and NLP School representatives' (S. Bronikova, N. Kutuza, A. Kovalevska, I. Lakomska, Y. Stankevich, M. Stolyar, A. Scherbak and others), the applied character of which is evidenced by creating the author's HEI courses, publishing the according textbooks and manuals, conducting master classes in different higher educational institutions and advanced training centers, approved Doctoral and Candidate's theses etc. Given the multiplicative nature of NLP, the proposed article is aimed at highlighting this science's theoretical and practical possibilities within the projection onto the crucial characteristics of the modern communicative space. The according tasks are connected with the need for a comprehensive review of NLP's fundamental methodological principles and provisions, and the basic technologies of analyzing the speech representations, since the latter are the potential interactive communication destructors, as well as the powerful suggestion markers. On top of that, the partial coverage of NLP's educational techniques, aimed at optimizing perception within the education process could be viewed as one of the specific tasks. Thus, the paradigm of contemporary humanitarian knowledge is the object of the research, while the conceptual provisions and actual operational research methods offered and validated within the NLP framework are the subject. Considering the methodological nature of the article, we apply the general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis in order to specify the research material and further generalize it, as well as the descriptive method to characterize the basic provisions of this science.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an essential direction of researching the communicative processes' optimization. J. O'Connor and J. Seymour define it as “art and science of the personal mastery” [10, p. 101], and О. Selivanova - as “a cross-sectoral direction of researching the communicative processes and communicative influence optimization, aimed at studying the individual's behavioral mechanisms that, basing on the certain cognitive strategies, models, and skills, realize the positive programs of effective discourse conduction and management” [12, p. 497]. The Ukrainian NLP specialist T. Kovalevska defines this science as “an independent modeling system with the according theoretical basis and practical toolkit, which aims at investigating the human's cognitive structures connected with the specific processes of the reality metatext diacriticizing, as well as the according explication of the verbalized and analogue (non-verbal) structures in poly- communicative models” [8, p. 32]. The “individual's behavioral complexes analyzed through the utilization of numerous strategies, where the philosophic, psychological, linguistic and neurophysiological approaches are united” [8, p. 32] are the object of NLP researches.

The scientists note that the very ideas of NLP go back to the most ancient times of Antiquity (the sophists, Plato, Aristotle who advocated utilizing both the verbal and nonverbal methods of influencing the individual), were being developed in the Renaissance and New Age philosophy (F. Bacon, R. Descartes, J. Locke), and improved in the modern philosophic (I. Kant, G. Hegel, A. Schopenhauer), psychological (S. Freud, E. Fromm), informational (C. Shannon, N. Wiener), sociological and other approaches, and today, occupy the top place in the exceedingly wide amplitude of the humanitarian sphere.

Conceptually, NLP is based on “a synthesis of the provisions of Philosophy, Linguistics, Cognitive, Humanistic and Gestalt Psychology and Cognitology, Neurophysiology, enriched with the advanced results of the cybernetic and IT sciences” [8, p. 44]. The following three basic fundamental ideas, reflected in the very name of this science, are the substrates of NLP's conceptual basis:

the “neuro-” part indicates that “any behavior is based on neuro-physiological processes, that are connected with the genetically coded representative systems' influence” [8, p. 40];

the “linguistic” part emphasizes that “the results of the psyche's neurological processes are represented on the verbal and non-verbal codes level” [8, p. 41] and offers “a systematic approach to defining the language's role in the thinking and communication processes” [1, p. 9], since “almost regardless of what human nature's expressions the researcher is interested in, he would still discover that he researches the problems connected with language and communication” [14, p. 88];

and the “programming” part illustrates that there are certain “behavioral patterns” [10, p. 42], that help us “organize our thinking, feelings and beliefs in order to achieve the goals we set” [1, p. 6], since “one interacts with the environment via his / hers inner programming: the individual reacts to the problems and perceives the new ideas according to one's own psychological programs type, and these programs are different for everyone” [5, p. 24].

The synthesized nature of NLP's conceptual basis is realized within the system of its “postulates” (or presuppositions) being the parts of this science's epistemological base, basic dogmas the other parts of the model rely on. All the NLP researchers emphasize the complex nature of the postulates, but each of them isolates a different number of those. For instance, G. Alder and B. Heather distinguish twenty-one basic principles of NLP, R. Dilts concentrates of two basic conditions, J. O'Connor and J. Seymour utilize three dominant theses, etc. Usually, the scientists studying Neuro-Linguistic Programming resort to the following basic positions, which “are necessary to apperceive and share in order to understand and effectively use the means of NLP” [8, p. 60].

The first postulate is the common basic ground of NLP and is as follows: “the map is not the territory”. This postulate explains the fact that the human's representative systems (visual, audial, tactile, gustatory and olfactory) are the channels perceiving the surrounding information, but “their genetic specificity already determines some divergence between the information we acquire and the actual state of things” [8, p. 61], scilicet - exhibiting this statement's sense onto the communicative axis - different people perceive and interpret the same situation in a different way, “regarding the cognitive and axiological priorities of their inner world” [14, p. 25]. The famous American scientist Charles S. Jacobs emphasizes that “the only world we could know is the mental one created by the imp ulses of our neurons, and it is exceptionally subjective... everything we know is our personal version of this world” [6, p. 15].

The next basic postulate is formulated by R. Dilts, “life and mind are systematic processes” [16]. This postulate highlights the immanent connection between the human and one's environment, where mutual influence, mutual correction and mutual permeation take place, which, in its turn, accentuates the necessity to consider these processes while constructing the according communicative networks, especially in the social media and communication discourses.

The “consciousness and body are the parts of one cybernetic system” statement emphasizes the “internally oriented complexity of the individual oneself, who is an indivisible unity of physiology and cognitive and emotional networks” [8, p. 68]. It's difficult to overestimate the importance of non-verbal communication and its tight connection to the verbal one, since words constitute only 7% of our communication; voice tonality and body language make up the rest, thus becoming the grounds for another modern scientific direction named Profiling (or Lies Theory) founded by Dr. Paul Ekman, who stresses that when a person is verbally telling lies, one's non-verbal behavior would always make it obvious, being almost uncontrollable. P. Ekman defined lies as “an occurrence of one person misleading the other one, and doing that intentionally, without a prior notice about one's goals, and without the victim's clear request not to disclose the truth” [15, p. 21] and identified its two main forms (concealment, when the liar conceals the true information, but doesn't provide the untruthful one; and falsification, when the liar not only conceals the true information, but also provides the untruthful one, trying to make it look like truth [15, p. 21]), which are relevant to NLP `s Language Meta- and Milton-model processes, considering the latter one's being utilized in mass media to “maintain or totally change the recipients' beliefs and opinions, since the very news blocks represent a certain concentrated charming” [8, p. 241].

The next basic statement - “all of our life experience is coded within the neural system” - connects the human's behavioral complexes with physiology, to wit highlights that “the inner motivations direct the actual behavior” [8, p. 71].

The “our subjective experience is defined by the five representative systems: visual, audial, tactile, gustatory and olfactory” postulate reflects the “specificity and selective nature of perceptual individuations” [8, p. 71], which also accentuates the necessity of considering these characteristics during the text constructing processes, since there is a dependence between the discourse elements' decoding peculiarities and the listener's / viewer's dominant representative systems specificity.

The “the substance of the message is the reaction it provokes” postulate emphasizes the “communicative importance of feedback with the interlocutor” [8, p. 71], which is most essential for the media messages, since a competently constructed message has to have a clearly defined target audience, considering its psycho-emotional and rational dominants, and thus, a predicted reaction of the basic groups.

The “there are no failures, only feedback” statement emphasizes the importance of the “communicator's possessing sensibility and flexibility to utilize in common and problematic communication” [8, p. 76].

The next statement, “every behavior is based on a positive intention, and is connected with the primary surrounding”, accentuates the “necessity of tolerant treatment towards the other person's behavior, as well as the adequate estimation of the contextual conditions” [8, p. 78], and we consider it to be maximally essential for the very functioning of the mass communications in order to meet the empathic requirements in the media communication network.

The next basic statement, “each behavior is the choice of the best option out of the ones available at the time being”, illustrates the “inner axiomatics of the human behavior, which defines its optimality in the subjective model of the world” [8, p. 79].

The next postulate states that “the person with the most flexibility controls the system”, highlighting the fact that the rigid attitude or thinking reduces the desired outcome in our interaction with other people, while flexibility encourages productivity and contributes to a harmonious working environment [18].

The “one cannot not communicate” presupposition emphasizes that communication is the crucial part of human existence, whether it's verbal or non-verbal [18].

The last, generalizing postulate of NLP, “the Universe is a friendly environment, and is rich with resources”, interprets everything that surrounds us, the Universe as a “part of the environment we interact (physically, informationally) or could potentially interact with” [3, p. 55], which maximally emphasizes this science's general positive orientation and optimizing dominant.

NLP's strategies are primarily aimed at “optimizing the communicative processes, and are based on studying the subjective reflections, analyzing and identifying the human's inner world's elements, as well as the skill of constructing the positive communicative behavior models, which gains utter significance within the empathic modeling aspect” [8, p. 44], especially due to the increased aggressiveness of the modern information space, and the according need to empathize it. Within this aspect, the NLP operational apparatus offers to utilize the so-called Language Metamodel, which is “an explicit representation or description of our unconscious behavior, subordinate to the rules” [4, p. 50], and describes “the transmutation of the human's experience's deep structure into a verbalized surface structure” [13, p. 152], and is realized in three processes, universal behavior laws.

Deletion process, which expresses the message's important parts' reduction, linguistically represented by such markers as:

comparative-superlative constructions with the omitted comparison object, which reduce the general logic of the statement, and transpose it into the non-dominant interpretation plane;

judgments (referential indexes) - words which are used while omitting “the nominal arguments, procedural words or verbs in the in-depth structure [4, p. 100], so that the statement starts to possess a subjective modality, its argumentative evidence all but wiped out;

nominalizations - cases when “a verb which originally described a lengthy process is turned into a noun” [10, p. 125], thus changing the local dynamics of the sentence into a static informational content;

unspecified vocabulary (unspecified verbs represented by passive forms and nonabsolute verbs models; and nouns represented in two forms: ones without a reference index, and ones with specific semantic filling), which, with its inner potential, doesn't open the semantic positions required for a full understanding of the lexeme, or causes a maximally subjective interpretation on the lexeme's sense dominants.

Generalization process, when “all the elements of the model that belongs to a particular individual get torn away from the initial experience that has created these models, and start representing a category as a whole, this experience being a singular case for it” [2, p. 30], linguistically represented by:

universal quantifiers - “pronouns with unspecified personal characteristics” [8, p. 165] and “adverb indexes which cause a local-temporal conceptualized generalization” [8, p. 165];

modal operators of possibility / necessity, which “set the limits outlined by unspoken rules [10, p. 127], and are realized via almost every modality-marked part of speech.

Distortion process, which means “verbalization of the hypothetically modeled environment with the components not having been identified in the previous experience” [8, p. 168], linguistically represented by:

complex equivalence - which is “connected with the surface structures that are equivalent to each other only within the patient's model” [4, p. 129], and is usually represented by complex sentences (or their elliptical models) with the subordinate clauses of condition and reason;

presuppositions, which are “a deep assumption which is necessary for the representation to be reasonable” [4, p. 277 - 278], and most often act as the externalized names, even though such textual presuppositions could also possess a hidden, latent purport, creating an in-depth subtextual sense base;

cause and effect attributions (cause effect) - semantic anomalies connected with the “speaker's belief that a certain person (or a complex of conditions) could perform a certain action, which, in a certain necessary way, would make the other person feel a certain feeling or inner condition” [4, p. 139], which are usually realized in detailed syntactic structures with the cause-result semantics;

“mind reading” - a class of semantically incorrect surface structures connected, firstly, “with the speaker's belief that he knows what the other person thinks or feels, without any direct messages about this from the aforementioned person” [4, p. 151]; and secondly, with the speaker's being sure that the other person knows what the speaker thinks or feels.

On the other hand, NLP is oriented not only towards optimizing the communication (which is the principal aim of this science), but also towards carrying out the powerful influential effects of multitier nature: starting with the clear systematics of the verbal suggestogenes presented within the Milton-model, and up to a whole complex of extralinguistic influential markers covering the individual's neuro-physiological and psychomental structures, and making it possible to fulfill the complex strategies of the deep influential reconstructions of predicted nature (i.e., reframing and anchoring techniques). The issue of influence is tackled in many works in various knowledge fields, mostly in the psychology one, the psychological discourses expertise direction gaining special popularity within it, aimed at identifying the psychogenic moments oriented at achieving a programmed psychological state, which is mainly carried out through speech construction (V. Krasnykh, G. Nardone, A. Reber, E. Rossi and S. Rossi, M. Foucault, V. Sheynov and others). This is emphasized by G. Kalmykov, who singled out the dominant psycho-cognitive correction discourse techniques, and noted that there is not enough research literature on speech and communicative influence within the domestic scientific field, and this “creates certain difficulties in the psychologists' professional activity, reducing the verbal intervention effect” [7, p. 99]. It should be added that this concerns not only the psychologists, but also any professional communicators in all the spheres of interactive communication. In this aspect, one could effectively utilize the neuro-linguistic Milton-model, which “is a synthesized set of verbal and non-verbal hypnoinductors that cause semantic diffusivity which overloads the left hemisphere, plunging the recipient into the changed state of consciousness, the state of trance” [9, pp. 352 - 353]. As it is noted by Odesa Suggestive Linguistics School representative N. Kutuza, “aside from the reverse Metamodel representations, the Miltonmodel language standards include certain additional linguistic markers that characterize the Metamodel processes, as well as simple, developed and indirect verbal and non-verbal inductions” [9, p.353], although the range of actual Milton-model constructs could be expanded, thus “creating a perspectively multidimensional heterogeneous model of interactive influence” [8, p. 206]. The use of the Milton-model verbal and non-verbal suggentogenes identification and their neuro-linguistic and psychological nature explanation has already been or is being carried out on the basis of Ukrainian advertising megadiscourse (see 9), and within the structure of commercial advertising lingo-semiotic codes (O. Shcherbak), its key words (O. Oleksyuk), religious (O. Serebrych, M. Yakovets), folklore (O. Yakovleva), political (A. Kovalevska), and postmodern artistic discourses (M. Stolyar). On top of that, a computer program to fixate the Milton-model suggestogenes has been developed (Y. Stankevich), their representation on the Ukrainian phrasemics level has been isolated (I. Lakomska), all of the above-mentioned facts emphasizing the scientific relevance of both this scientific direction and its operational apparatus' basic models.

A comprehensive approach to the individual behavioral complexes reconstruction made it possible to apply the NLP provisions to tackling the personal identification problems, speech predicative marking technology gaining special importance within this sphere. In the network of this method, it is emphasized that our environment perception depends of numerous factors, the neuro-physiological filters being one of the most important ones, since they are connected with our natural information perception and processing channels, called “modalities” or “representative systems” (RS) in the paradigm of NLP. These systems play a special role of the experience language, which forms and is spread onto all the other processes: thinking, reminiscing, imagination, perception, consciousness. Each person has a dominant modality, which “is usually used to acquire access to the data stored in our memory” [11, p. 127], and a so-called primary modality, which defines “the certain way of processing the data” [11, p. 127], even though the common perception usually happens on the channels synesthesia (interference) level. Thus, it is plausible to state that the dominant modality is used internally, in order to identify the personal implicative inner cognitions, while the primary one deals with the externalized perception and environment diacritization. Modalities, or the representative systems, assist the accentuation of certain reality segments in our internal world, while the subjective world picture is formed by the originality of the relations between these. Each RS a person has is reflected in language, scilicet each language's lexis mandatorily has names designated to mark the modality-marked extralingual reality concepts, which are relevant for the human existence, and have gained the verbalized status throughout the evolutionary processes, as well as the solely verbalized attributes of the modality phenomena - the names and the features, properties of each RS. If we are able to define the interlocutor's dominant and primary RS, then we can imagine exactly how this person is thinking, to wit, “the RS ideas are an extremely useful mean of understanding how different people are thinking, and reading the access signals is a priceless art for those willing to optimize their communication with the other people” [10, p. 54], which, undoubtedly, is an exceedingly relevant tool for optimizing the educational process, establishing the empathetic, trustworthy relations between its participants [see 17].

Thus, the NLP's innovation and creativity lies within the “correct, scientifically wellbased combination of the different areas of the humanitarian knowledge, which guarantees a comprehensive understanding of the personal and collective reality perception, and the total human's existence” [8, p. 82].

The individual's predicate identification could be successfully utilized in the modern communicative space education segment, since bringing up the intellectual, creative individual largely depends on the communicator's ability to activate the pupil's / student's psycho-mental potential, “wake up” one's hidden abilities, direct them into the natural field of this individual's intellectual skills. Though, this ability fully depends on the pedagogue's possessing the knowledge about qualifying the neuro-physiological and psycholingual personal specificity, about the nature of the according verbal and non-verbal markers, which, if identified clearly, would make it possible to objectively reconstruct the object's (pupil's / student's) behavioral dominants, and, as a result, guarantee establishing harmonious interaction based on the ecological and maximally correct suggestion. On top of that, NLP's techniques can also be utilized to optimize pupils' / students' mnemonic processes, which, accordingly, enhance their overall intellectual potential and strategic perceptive dynamics. Spelling and associative memorization, which are based on channel (representative) activation, are the most common of such techniques. Thus, spelling as a literate writing technique maximizes the visual (V) fixation of the external or externalized (Vе) stimulus in its positive formalization (the priority goes to placing the stimulus in the upper left part, since the visual constructing fact is connected with this direction), involving the comfortable submodalities (i.e., visual ones (color, letters size, font, etc.), or additionally using the anchoring technique (see 4, 5, 17). After that, it is offered to perform the graphic and auditory fixation of the stimulus causing difficulties in being correctly remembered. The representative systems activation also serves as a base for associative memorization, which is, firstly, based on the well-known fact of the short-term memory “being comfortable” with simultaneously processing 7±2 information segments (see works by J. Miller), as well as on the internal speech systems activation (Аі), graphic fixation of the fragment being memorized (Ке), its internal visualization (V^) and the associative background, which provides the maximum mnemonic effect due to the perception processes multi-channel fixation. In addition to the above-mentioned techniques, special attention has to be paid to incongruity defining, reframing, submodal editing and others ones aimed at optimizing the communicative processes.

Ergo, the article highlights the scientific essence, conceptual provisions and applied nature of the new creative direction of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which, when utilized in the practice of teaching and the professional communicators' direct activities, enables both the end-to-end modern communicative space empathization in all its discursive practices diversity, and creating the ecologic suggestive contexts with predicted perception. On top of that, it provides a description of NLP's techniques which are relevant to be used in the educational segment, and are aimed at optimizing the mnemonic dynamics as the educational process component. The prospect of further research lies within expanding the essential Metamodel and Milton-model components and verifying their effectiveness in the modern poly-genre interactivity, which would empower the theoretical foundations and practical possibilities of such linguistic areas as Communicative and Suggestive Linguistics, Psycho- and Pragmalinguistics, Discoursology etc.

The article deals with researching the theoretic grounds and practical opportunities of the brand new Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) science within its projection onto the need to both correct the modern communicative space's aggressive, manipulative tendencies, and discover the ecological mechanisms of empathic interactions. Utilizing the NLP basic ideas and techniques allows not only to harmonize the individual within the complex of one's psychomental, neurophysiologic, socio-genetic and other basic elements, but also to establish the natural empathy in the poly-oriented interactive processes paradigm. Within the modern discourse space, special attention has to be paid to the following NLP elements: 1) reconstruction of the Language Metamodel parameters renders it possible to identify the individual's problematic conditions, which also has to be a part of the modern professional communicator's arsenal; 2) Milton-model identification, which makes it possible to profile the individual and collective addressee, ensuring the empathic communication dominant establishment, and allowing to correctly influence the interlocutors; 3) individual's typological qualification, which consists of the verbal and non-verbal perception markers, thus allowing to “recognize” the interlocutor through the one's verbal behavior peculiarities, and psychomental priorities, which, in its turn, maximizes the emphatic or destructive effects; 4) NLP technologic apparatus, including the spelling technique, which allows to optimize the perception characteristics during the educational processes considering the neurophysiologic processes activation. Utilizing the aforementioned allows both to carry out the predictable influence onto the potential recipient, and to maximally adhere to the empathic text and discourse modeling strategies, avoiding the communicative destructions.


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