Relationship between cultural value orientations and national affiliation of Ukrainian students youth

Analysis of the mpirical study of the relationship between cultural values and the national affiliation of Ukrainian students in higher education. The relationship between cultural values and national affiliation in students who came to study from cities.

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Дата добавления 17.02.2022
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Relationship between cultural value orientations and national affiliation of Ukrainian students youth

Iryna Bulakh

Doctor of Sciences in Psychology, Professor,

Dean of the Faculty of Psychology

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University Kyiv, Ukraine

Liubov Spivak

Doctor of Sciences in Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Counselling Psychology

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University Kyiv, Ukraine


cultural value orientation ukrainian student

The strong relationship between cultural value orientations and national affiliation ensure the stability of the nation. Group identity and cultural value orientations intensively develop during the youth period. The aim of the article is to empirical study of the relationship between cultural value orientations and the national affiliation of Ukrainian students of domestic higher education institutions. To achieve this aim, the questionnaire of cultural value orientations (Schwartz Value Survey), modified method of “Ethnic affiliation” and methods of mathematical statistics was applied. The study was attended by a students of higher educational institutions of Kyiv city, who came to study from different cities and villages of the country. It was established that all students provided the greatest importance to cultural value orientations of the pole with “egalitarianism”, the smallest with “hierarchy”. It was established that the largest number of students differ in the average level of national affiliation, much less - low and lowest - high.

It was proved that the strength and direction of the relationship between cultural value orientations and national affiliation for students are different. For students who came to study from the cities, there are strong and positive relationship between the cultural value orientations of the poles “embeddedness”, “hierarchy”, “harmony”, “egalitarianism”, “mastery” and “affective autonomy” and national affiliation. For these students, the relationship between cultural value orientations of the “intellectual autonomy” pole and the national affiliation is weak. For students who came to study from the villages, the strong and direct relationship of the cultural value orientations of the poles “egalitarianism” and “embeddedness” and the national affiliation are identified. For these students, a strong and reverse relationship of cultural value orientations to the pole of “affective autonomy” with national affiliation is established. Also, the reverse relationship of cultural value orientations of the poles “intellectual autonomy”, “mastery”, “hierarchy”, and “harmony” and the national affiliation is noted to be weak. So, for students who came to study from the cities, a strong the strength the relationship between the largest number cultural value orientations and national affiliation are identified.

Keywords: cultural value orientations, hierarchy, national affiliation, city, village, higher education institutions, students.


Взаємозв'язок між культурними ціннісними орієнтаціями і національною афіліацією в української студентської молоді

Ірина Булах

доктор психологічних наук, професор, декан факультету психології

Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова Україна, м. Київ

Любов Співак

доктор психологічних наук, професор, професоркафедри теоретичної та консультативноїпсихології

Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова Україна, м. Київ

Сильний зв'язок між культурними ціннісними орієнтаціями і національною афіліацією забезпечує стабільність нації. В студентському віці інтенсивно розвивається групова ідентичність і культурні ціннісні орієнтації особистості. Метою статті є емпіричне вивчення зв'язку між культурними ціннісними орієнтаціями і національною афіліацією українських студентів вітчизняних закладів вищої освіти. Для досягнення цієї мети застосовувалися опитувальник культурних ціннісних орієнтацій (SchwartzValueSurvey), модифікована методика «Етнічна афіліація» і методи математичної статистики. В дослідженні взяли участь студенти закладів вищої освіти міста Києва, які приїхали навчатися з різних міст і сіл країни. Виявлено, що найбільш важливим для всіх студентів є полюс «рівноправність», найменш важливим - «ієрархія». У більшої кількості студентів рівень національної афіліації є середнім, значно меншої - низьким і найменшої - високим. Сила і напрямки зв'язків між культурними ціннісними орієнтаціями і національною афіліацією студентів різні. Для студентів, які приїхали навчатися з міст, визначено сильні й прямі зв'язки культурних ціннісних орієнтацій полюсів «належність», «ієрархія», «гармонія», «рівноправність», «майстерність / домінування» й «афективна автономія» з національною афіліацією. Слабким для цих студентів є зв' язок культурних ціннісних орієнтацій полюсу «інтелектуальна автономія» з національною афіліацією. Для студентів, які приїхали навчатися із сіл, зафіксовано сильні та додатні зв'язки культурних ціннісних орієнтацій полюсів «рівноправність» і «належність» із національною афіліацією. Для цих студентів сильним і оберненим є зв' язок культурних ціннісних орієнтацій полюсу «афективна автономія» з національною афіліацією. В них помічено слабкий і обернений зв'язок культурних ціннісних орієнтацій полюсів «інтелектуальна автономія», «майстерність / домінування», «ієрархія», «гармонія» з національною афіліацією. Отже, сильний зв'язок між багатьма культурними ціннісними орієнтаціями і національною афіліацією констатовано в студентів, які приїхали навчатися з міст.

Ключові слова: культурні ціннісні орієнтації, ієрархія, національна афіліація, місто, село, заклади вищої освіти, студентська молодь.


Intensification of global processes in the modern world and Ukrainian integration to European sociocultural space actualize the research of Ukrainian nation stability update. The basic factor of nation stability is the hierarchy of cultural value orientations of its young representatives (Schwartz, 2013) that also important in condition of intensification of the processes of academic mobility and academic migration in Ukrainian institutions of higher education (Savenkova&Svyrydenko, 2018). The period of late youth age (students' age) is the most susceptible to social and political transformation processes that are taking place in the state and can have the major impact on the hierarchy of cultural value orientations of its young representatives. Group identity intensively development during the youth period. The State Concept of National and Patriotic Upbringing of Children and Youth put a focus on the importance of values preservation among young generation. In the context of outstanding projections and raising the role of education in the zivilization development of society (Андрущенко&Буглак, 2018), the importance of research on the development of such psychic processes that lead to nation stability among Ukrainian students comes up in the domestic psychological science.

An analysis of modern foreign and domestic scientific psychological research on the issues of values for Schwartz' theory among university students has made it possible to establish that scholars weren't deeply interested in its aspects. Namely, the relationships between personal values, subjective well-being and destination-loyalty intentions of international students of higher education institutions (Jamaludin, Sam, Sandal, et al, 2016); the relationships between personal values and subjective well-being of students of higher education institutions in Macedonia and Ukraine (Romanyuk, Dimitrova &Spasovski, 2014).

Analysis of the latest domestic scientific psychological research on the development of cultural value orientations of Ukrainian students in the context of increasing the stability of the nation allowed to establish that scientists studied only its separate aspects. Namely, the age dynamics of the development of cultural value orientations (or cultural values of the group level) in Ukrainian students (Спивак, 2014). At the same time, during the period of late youth, the result of identification processes associated with the assimilation and understanding of societal values is not only ensuring the normal functioning of the individual of this age in society and appropriating a number of societal norms and rules, but also designing his own mindset, position and individual system values. The acute need of youth to preserve their individuality, their own “I” and personally answer for themselves, their actions leads to the individualization of the learned norms of behavior and values (Булах, 2016).

Focus on the group (including on the nation) or on the personality leads to the consolidation of natioaffiliations' motives in the system of values of the student youth. National affiliation is the desire of the personality to belong to a specific nation, or rather, the desire for psychological unity with representatives of this nation. This desire is due to the personalities need for social protection, stability, which can ensure belonging to a particular nation. But national identity is one of the most important means of orientation and the achievement of social goals by a personality in a complex multinational modern world. The level of national affiliation presents the degree of a personalities propensity to comply with established national rules and regulations; degree of subordination of persons interests to national (Солдатова, 1998).

So, students age is sensitive for the assimilation of society values and the formation of a system of personalities value orientations, in which cultural values takes the key role.

The theoretical analysis showed that outside the scientific interest of psychologists there was a research about the relationship of cultural value orientations and national affiliation of Ukrainian students, considering where they came to study from - cities or villages, that is, how they were raised before entering the higher educational institution.

The aim of the article is to establish the features of the relationship between cultural value orientations and the national affiliation of Ukrainian students of domestic higher education institutions in an urban society. According to our assumption, the strength and direction of the relationship between cultural value orientations and the national affiliation is different for students who come to study from cities in the country and for students who come to study from villages. To achieve this aim, the following tasks were solved: 1) an empirical study of the hierarchy of cultural value orientations among students who came to study from cities and villages of the country; 2) an empirical study of national affiliation from students who came to study from cities and villages of the country; 3) determining the strength and direction of the relationship between cultural value orientations and the national affiliation of students who came to study from cities and villages of the country.

Research methods

For an empirical study of the hierarchy of students cultural value orientations, the adapted questionnaire of cultural value orientations by the author Sh. Schwartz (SVS - Schwartz Value Survey) (Співак, 2015; Татарко &Лебедева, 2011) was applied. The choice of this questionnaire was due to a number of advantages compared with other methods of studying cultural value orientations. Thus, a sufficiently large number of cultural value orientations made it possible to investigate such orientations in detail and determine their hierarchy. The cultural value orientations or cultural values of the group level presented in the questionnaire reflect the main ways for society to solve the basic problems of regulating human activity. Such methods are implemented in three dimensions, in which different cultures differ from each other.

The first dimension represents the essence of the interactions between a person and a group. Its poles are “autonomy” (“affective autonomy” - diversity of life, pleasure, “intellectual autonomy” - open-mindedness, curiosity, creativity) and “embeddedness” (social order, respect for tradition, security, duty, wisdom). The second dimension concerns the provision of socially responsible human behavior. The poles of this dimension are “hierarchy” (social power, authority, humility, wealth) and “egalitarianism” (equality, social justice, responsibility, helping others, honesty). The third dimension is related to the regulation of the attitude of a personality to his natural and social environment. Its poles are “harmony” (peace on Earth, unity with nature, environmental protection) and “mastery” (ambition, competence, success) (Schwartz, 2006). Each statement of the questionnaire is relevant to the values of these poles.

To establish statistical differences between the obtained quantitative data of cultural value orientations, which came to study from cities and villages of the country, the Student's t-criterion was used. The value of t at p < 0.01 affected *; at p < 0.05 - **.

For the purpose of empirical research of national affiliation of students who came to study from cities and villages of the country, we used the modified method of “Ethnic affiliation” (authored by H. Soldatova and S. Ryzhova) (Солдатова, 1998; Співак, 2015). According to the results of applying this method, the level of respondents' national affiliation trends was determined. The statistical significance of the differences between the levels of national affiliation of students who came to study from cities and villages was established using the R. Fisher's criterion ф*. The criterion value ф * at p < 0.01 marked *, at p < 0.05 - **.

To determine the strength and direction of the relationship of the cultural value orientations and the national affiliation of students, who came to study from cities and villages of the country, the K. Pearson's correlation coefficient r.

Results and discussions

The study, which has been conducted during 2018-2019, was attended by 182 Ukrainians students of higher educational institutions of Kyiv city, who came to study from different regions of the country. Out of these, before the start of training in higher education institutions, 92 respondents lived in cities and 90 - in villages. Their age is from 17 to 19 years.

The results of solving the first issue in the hierarchy of cultural value orientations of domestic students who came to study in higher educational institutions from different cities and villages of Ukraine, as well as statistical differences between them are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Quantitative data of the hierarchy of cultural value orientations of students (data in average values of ranks) n=182

Poles of values

Student groups

differences (criteria t)

from cities

from villages












Intellectual autonomy





Affective autonomy



















Grand mean




As it can be seen from the Table 1, for students, the cultural value orientations of the pole “egalitarianism”, that belong to the second dimension, are the most significant. However, differences in the importance of cultural value orientations of this pole for students who came to study in higher educational institutions from cities (5.12) and villages (5.58) are not statistically significant (t = 1.8). According to Sh. Schwartz, an important problem of society is to ensure the socially responsible behavior of its representatives (Schwartz, 2006). The solution of this problem is carried out by means of encouraging students to take into account the welfare of others, to coordinate their actions, which helps to regulate the inevitable dependence between people. We believe that the choice of this pole of values by students is evidenced by the domination in them of the desire to recognize the moral equality of people, concern for the welfare of others, etc.

At the same time, students from both groups established the priority of such cultural value orientations to the pole of “egalitarianism”, as social justice, equality, responsibility, help to the other, honesty. We believe that this priority is due to their age peculiarities of their development. Namely, by intensifying the process of awareness of the personality of youth age as a representative of society and the nation, before the expiration of this age, it is specified in the new, socially significant position “I am a citizen of my state”.

Among the poles of the third dimension, students gave greater importance to the pole “harmony”, as regards the attitude of people to their social and natural environment. The cultural value orientations of this pole are: peace on earth, environmental protection, unity with nature. Despite the fact that students who came to study in higher educational institutions from villages (5.12) appreciated the cultural value orientations of the “harmony” pole significantly higher compared with students who used to live in cities (4.47), countries the differences between their estimates are significant at p < 0.05 (t = 2.1**).

For students, who chose cultural value orientations of the harmony pole in order to solve social problems of the third dimension, accepting the surrounding world as a whole, dominating aspirations to understand and appreciate the environment rather than change. In our opinion, the predominance of certain values and aspirations of students who came to study in higher educational institutions from villages was due to the fact that before that they had lived for a long time in more favorable natural (ecologically clean areas) and social (humanity, benevolence, mutual support and etc) conditions.

Cultural value orientations of the poles of the first dimension, “the nature of the interactions between the individual and the group”, belonging to the poles of “intellectual autonomy” and “affective autonomy”, have gained considerable importance from the students.

Cultural value orientations of the “intellectual autonomy” pole were of less importance to students who came to study in higher educational institutions from cities (4.64), compared with students who used to live in villages (5.19). The values of this pole is creativity, openmindedness, curiosity. However, the differences between the obtained quantitative data of this pole are statistically insignificant (t = 1.8). Cultural value orientations of the pole “affective autonomy” are more significant for students who came to study in higher educational institutions from cities (4.95), in contrast to students who came from villages (4.86). They give importance to pleasure and diversity of life. Differences between the obtained quantitative data of this pole are also statistically insignificant (t = 0.2). A person who considers cultural value orientations of the poles “intellectual autonomy” and “affective autonomy” to be significant, seeks to manifest his independence, individuality, independence, his own feelings, abilities, etc.

Cultural value orientations of the “mastery” poles belonging to the third dimension are important enough for students. They are connected with the solution by society of the problem of regulating the relationship of the individual to the natural and social environment. The differences in the importance of the values of this pole for students who came to study in higher educational institutions from cities (4.7) and villages (4.95) of the country are statistically insignificant (t = 1).

The respondents highly appreciated the cultural value orientations of the pole “embeddedness”, which refers to the first dimension. The meaning of life of people in a society, which is fundamental for the values of this pole, is in social relations; focus on the preservation of existing public order; in identifying with the group, observing its goals, lifestyle, etc. These values include: social order, security, duty, respect for traditions, wisdom. They were rated lower by students who came to study in higher educational institutions from cities (4.45), compared with students who came from villages (4.95). Statistical differences between their assessments of the values of this pole are significant at p < 0.05 (t = 2.1**). We believe that these differences are due to the small number of villagers, and then their greater cohesion.

Cultural value orientations of the “hierarchy” pole belonging to the second dimension received the lowest marks from the subjects. Authority, wealth, social power, humility belong to the values of this pole. They were somewhat higher rated by students who came to study in higher education institutions from cities (3.76), compared with students who came from villages (3.66). The estimates indicate a negative attitude of students to legitimize inequalities in the distribution of power, roles and resources. Statistical differences between the estimates of the values of this pole by students of both groups are not significant (t = 0.4).

So, it has been established that all students provided the greatest importance to cultural value orientations of the pole with “egalitarianism”, the smallest with “hierarchy”. Students who came to study from cities and villages of various importance provided the cultural value orientations of the poles with “embeddedness” and “harmony”.

It is worth mentioning that during 2012-2013, Ukrainian students aged 17 to 19 years also gave the greatest significance to cultural value orientations of the pole “egalitarianism”, the smallest - “hierarchy”. However, the hierarchy of cultural value orientations of the other poles is different (Спивак, 2014) compared to the current (2018-2019) Ukrainian students of this age. Other scientific studies (Комарова, 2006; Орбан-Лембрик, 2005) have proved the influence of the urban or rural lifestyle on the formation of an individual value system among young people.

The results of solving the second issue of the national affiliation of students who came to study from cities and villages of the country are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 shows that a high level of national affiliation was found in a few respondents - 4.35% of students who came to study from cities and 1.11% of students who came to study from villages.

Despite the fact that the number of students from cities and villages is different, the statistical differences between them are not significant (9* = 1.403). According to the convictions of students with this level, a modern person needs to maintain the national traditions and lifestyle of his nation; comply with national cultural norms and rules; feel part of a nation and always remember your nationality.

The average level of national affiliation is established in the largest number of respondents. However, the number of students who came to study from cities (70.65%) was significantly less compared to the number of students who came to study from villages (86.67%). The significance of the differences in the obtained quantitative indicators was confirmed statistically (9* = 2.678*). According to students with this level, it is important for a modern person to maintain the lifestyle of a nation and to remember its own nationality. However, in their behavior they should take into account personal interests, because an individual cannot be held responsible for the affairs of the whole nation.

The low level of national affiliation was seen in a significantly smaller number of respondents, equally with the average and slightly more than the high. The number of students who came to study from cities (25%) is significantly higher compared to the number of students who came to study from villages (12.22%), which is statistically confirmed (9* = 2.246**). According to students with this level, for the modern person it is more important to be guided not by group, but by personal interests. The personality needs to “live according to own mind”, without taking into account the norms and rules of the nation. A number of national customs and traditions are obsolete, and therefore unnecessary to a modern person.

So, the largest number of students (significantly more - from villages and fewer - from cities) differ in the average level of national affiliation, much less (significantly more - from cities and less - from villages) - low and lowest (a few more - from cities and less - from villages) - high. We believe that the results obtained are due to the appropriate way for students to enter higher education institutions - urban or rural. In contrast to cities, in villages it is still important that residents of a number of religious and ethnic customs and traditions observe them that are the components of Ukrainian culture.

The solution of the third task envisaged the establishment of the strength and direction of relationship between cultural value orientations and the national affiliation of students who came to study from cities and villages of the country. Students who came to study from cities identified strong (p <0.01) and positive (direct) relationship between the national affiliation and cultural value orientations of such poles as “embeddedness” (r = 0.5), “hierarchy” (r = 0.48), “harmony” (r = 0.39), “mastery” (r = 0.34), “egalitarianism” (r = 0.3), “affective autonomy” (r = 0.29). For these students, the link between the national affiliation and cultural value orientations of the “intellectual autonomy” pole (r = 0.1) turned out to be weak. Strong and positive (direct) relationship between the national affiliation and cultural value orientations of such poles as “egalitarianism” (r = 0.27; p < 0.01) and “embeddedness” (r = 0.21; p < 0.05). These students have a strong and negative (reverse) relationship between the national affiliation and cultural value orientations of the “affective autonomy” pole (r = -0.25; p < 0.05). Weak and negative (reverse) relationship is fixed between the national affiliation and cultural value orientations of such poles as “intellectual autonomy” (r = -0.12), “hierarchy” (r = -0.09), “mastery” (r = -0,05), “harmony” (r = -0,02).


The conducted empirical research reveals the features of the relationship between complex psychological systems that ensure the stability of a nation. It is proved that the important factor for the national affiliation of Ukraine higher educational institution students is the hierarchy of our cultural value orientations. For all students, the most important cultural value orientations are those one from the “egalitarianism” pole, the least important orientations are “hierarchy”. For students who have come to study from cities and villages, there are statistically significant differences in the importance of cultural value orientations of the “harmony” and “embeddedness” poles.

The majority of students (much more from villages, compared to cities) have an average level of the national affiliation, a minority (more from cities, compared to villages) - a high one.

For students who came to study from the cities, there are strong and positive relationship between the cultural value orientations of the poles “embeddedness”, “hierarchy”, “harmony”, “egalitarianism”, “mastery” and “affective autonomy” and national affiliation. For these students, the relationship between cultural value orientations of the “intellectual autonomy” pole and the national affiliation is weak.

For students who came to study from the villages, the strong and positive relationship of the cultural value orientations of the poles “egalitarianism” and “embeddedness” and the national affiliation are identified. For these students, a strong and negative (reverse) connection of cultural value orientations to the pole of “affective autonomy” with national affiliation is established. Also, the negative relationship of cultural value orientations of the poles “intellectual autonomy”, “mastery”, “hierarchy”, and “harmony” and the national affiliation is noted to be weak.

We consider it promising to study the development of psychological support for the development of students youth from the first to the last year of their education in higher education institutions, which will contribute to increasing the stability of the nation, taking into account the relationship between cultural value orientations and national affiliation.


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