Situational and personal orientations of the chief and its impact on the readiness to professional activity

Dynamics of the law enforcement system of Ukraine, rapid protection of the rights and freedoms of a citizen requires from the officer's personality trancification of the psychology readiness. Philosophical and psychological problem of modifications.

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Situational and personal orientations of the chief and its impact on the readiness to professional activity

S.A. Mul

Mul S.A. Situational and personal orientations of the chief and its impact on the readiness to professional activity / S.A. Mul // Problems of Modern Psychology: Collection of research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the National Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine / edited by S.D.Maksymenko, L.A.Onufriieva. - Issue 25. - Kamianets- Podilsky: Aksioma, 2014. - Р 300-313.

С.А. Мул. Ситуативно-особистісна орієнтація керівника та її вплив на готовність до професійної діяльності. Військова діяльність нашої держави в контексті ведення локальних бойових дій із залученням офі-церів підрозділів вимагає деталізованих досліджень проблем діяльності особистості в різних умовах обстановки. Не є виключенням і діяльність прикордонної служби України. В статті наведено результати емпірично-го дослідження, проведеного в рамках вивчення проблеми ситуативно- особистісних орієнтацій керівника в сфері охорони державного кордону України. Дослідженням охоплено значну частину правоохоронців, кон-кретизовані показники по кожному ситуативно-особистісному напрямку орієнтацій як необхідних складових забезпечення ефективної діяльності правоохоронця. Ситуативно-особистісні орієнтації офіцера-керівника в сфері охорони державного кордону України забезпечують значний вплив на ефективність управлінської діяльності підпорядкованим особовим складом органів охорони державного кордону.

Результати досліджень серед чоловіків і жінок-офіцерів показують, що серед чистих типів ситуативної та особистісної орієнтації чоловіки мають деяку перевагу в 1,2%. Але серед змішаного типу ситуативна та особистісна орієнтації є рівними. Особистісна та ситуативна орієнтація лідера, спрямована на психологічний клімат у колективі, стосунки з людьми, в рівній мірі виявлені серед чоловіків і жінок-офіцерів.

Офіцери, які характеризуються ситуативною та особистісною орі-єнтацією якогось одного типу, є більш передбачуваними. Можна перед-бачити їх поведінку, дії і вчинки, як вони будуть реагувати в певній си-туації, які рішення вони можуть зробити.

Офіцери, які мають змішаний тип ситуативної та особистісної орі-єнтації є більш непередбачуваними, тому що вони можуть діяти по- різному в різних ситуаціях, все залежить від сили стимулу і мотиву.

Ключові слова: готовність, професіоналізм, діяльність, ситуатив- но-особистісна орієнтація.

С.А. Мул. Ситуативно-личностная ориентация руководителя и её влияние на готовность к профессиональной деятельности. Воен-ная деятельность нашего государства в контексте ведения локальных боевых действий с привлечением в них офицеров подразделений тре-бует детализированных исследований проблем деятельности лич-ности в различных условиях обстановки, не является исключением и деятельность пограничной службы Украины. В статье приведены результаты эмпирического исследования проведенного в пределах изу-чения проблемы ситуационно-личностных ориентаций руководителя в области охраны государственной границы Украины. Исследованием охвачено значительную часть правоохранителей, конкретизированы показатели по каждому ситуационно-личностному направлению ориен-таций, как необходимых составляющих обеспечения эффективной дея-тельности правоохранителя. Ситуативно-личностные ориентации офи- цера-руководителя в сфере охраны государственной границы Украины обеспечивают значительное влияние на эффективность управленческой деятельности подчиненным личным составом органов охраны государ-ственной границы.

Результаты исследований среди мужчин и женщин-офицеров показывают что среди чистых типов ситуативной и личностной ориен-тации, мужчины имеют некоторое преимущество в 1,2%. Но среди сме- шаного типа ситуативная и личностная ориентации являются равными. Личностная и ситуативная ориентация лидера, направленная на психо-логический климат в коллективе, отношения с людьми, в равной степе-ни выявлены среди мужчин и женщин-офицеров.

Офицеры, которые характеризуются ситуативной и личностной ориентацией какого-то одного типа, являются более предсказуемыми. Можно предсказать их поведение, действия и поступки, как они будут реагировать в определённых ситуациях, какие решения они могут при-нять.

Офицеры, которые имеют смешаный тип ситуативной и личност-ной ориентации, являются более непредсказуемыми, потому что они могут действовать по-разному в разных ситуациях, всё зависит от силы стимула и мотива.

Ключевые слова: готовность, профессионализм, деятельность, си-туативно-личностная ориентация.

Problem in general. Dynamics of the law enforcement system of Ukraine, rapid protection of the rights and freedoms of a citizen requires from the officer's personality trancification of the psy-chology readiness on specification of performing the professional tasks in the certain way and time. And today philosophical and psy-chological problem of modifications and conversions is one of the most important and also supported in the study of psychology readi-ness. Situational and personal orientation of the сЫ-ef in the sphere of protection of the State border of Ukraine provides significant in-fluence on the efficiency of management activity of managers of the different directions in the sphere of state border protection. psychological right freedom modification

Researching the situational and personal orientations of the officials of the senior management is especially important during this historical period of Ukraine, as the military component of en-suring the existence of nation nowadays.

The aim of our article is carrying out the analysis of situational and personal orientations of the chief of law enforcement community.

For researching the connection of psychology of readiness and professional activity were chosen diagnostics of situational and per-sonal orientations of the manager. This research was analyzed in the collection of social-psychological diagnostics of the development of personality and small groups by Fitiskin M.P., Kozlov V.V., Man- oilov G.M. [7].

The main research. The research of situational and personal orientations of the chief was carried out with a group of law enforce-ment officers of the senior management team of 620 people, among them male-officers are 506, female - officers are 114.

Dominant situational and personal orientation of the chief are studied among the 95 investigated.

In any case, 47 participants, it is 7,6%, primarily in his activ-ity of the chief were anxious about the problems of personnel, their relationship and the psychological climate in the collective:

dominant situational and individual orientation on the psychological climate in the collective, relationships with people (P) is observed in 47 participants, it is 7,67 per cent.

21 participants (3,48%) always directs all efforts in the management activities on the implementation of the interests of the case:

— dominant situational and individual orientation to the interests of the case (D) is observed in 21 participants (3,48%o);

15 participants (2,45%) primarily try to satisfy their own interests and their situational and personal orientation is focused on themselves:

dominant situational and personal orientation to themselves (C) have 15 participants (2,45%).

12 people (1,94%) always too strictly follow the distance with the senior management and their situational and personal orientation is directed to clear official subordination:

dominant situational and personal orientation directed to the official subordination (O) is observed in 12 participants (1,94%).

Due to the research 8 participants were found to have mixed type of dominant situational and personal orientation:

- dominant situational and personal orientation is always di-rected to the interests of the case and to the psychological climate in the collective, relationships with people (DP) is observed in 5 par-ticipants, it is 0,87%;

- dominant situational and personal orientation is always di-rected to the interests of the case and to themselves (DS) 2 partici-pants, it is 0,38%;

- dominant situational and personal orientation always focused on the psychological climate in the collective, relations with people and on the official subordination (ON) is observed in 1 participants, it is 0,19%.

Summing up the general results of the dominant orientation, the individual features directed to the interests of the case, the psy-chological climate of the staff, personal relationships, and official subordination are observed in 86 participants (13,9%). Researching the mixed type of orientation, we found that only 15 people (2.4%o) primarily try to satisfy their own interests.

Evident situational and personal orientation characteristic of 192 participants (30,9%o). Distinct features of the characteristic manifes-tations is in non-standard situations. At occurrence of non-standard situations leaders show features of one of the next orientations:

Evident situational and personal orientation, which is focused on the psychological climate in the collective, relationships with people (P) is researched in 80 participants (13,06%);

Evident situational and personal orientation, which is focused on the interests of the case (D) is researched in 39 participants (6,39%);

Evident situational and personal orientation, which is focused on themselves (C) is researched in 45 people (7,25%);

Evident situational and personal orientation, which is focused on official subordination (O) appears in 28 participants (4,57% ).

During the research a huge number of managers (72) with mixed type of the evident situational and personal orientation was identified:

Evident situational and personal orientation, which is focused on the interests of the case and on the psychological climate in the collective, relationships with the people (DP) is researched in 16 participants (2,68 %);

Evident situational and personal orientation, which focuses on the psychological climate in the collective, personal relationships, and on the official subordination (PO) is researched in 15 participants (2,49%);

Evident situational and personal orientation, which focused on themselves and on the official subordination (CO) is researched in 12 participants (1,97%);

• Evident situational and personal orientation, which is focused on the psychological climate in the collective, relationships with people

• Evident situational and personal orientation, which is focused on the interests of case.

• Evident situational and personal orientation, which is focused on themselves

• Evident situational and personal orientation, which is focused on the official subordination

Evident situational and personal orientation, which is focused on the psychological climate in the collective, relationships with people, and on themselves (PS) is researched in 11 participants (1,77%);

Evident situational and personal orientation, which is focused on the interests of case on the psychological climate in the collec-tive, relationships with people, and itself (DPS) is researched in 10 officers (1,69%);

Evident situational and personal orientation, which is focused on the interests of the case and on the official subordination (DO) in 4 subjects (0,67%);

Evident situational and personal orientation, which is focused on the interests of the case and on (DS) 2 officers (0,38%);

Evident situational and personal orientation, which is focused on the interests of case, on the psychological climate in the col-lective, personal relationships and on the official subordination (DPSO) is researched in 1 person (0,19%);

Evident situational and personal orientation, which is focused on the interests of case, on the psychological climate in the collec-tive, relationships with people, myself and the official subordina-tion (DPPR) is researched in 2 participants (0,38% ).

Mixed type of the evident situational and personal orientation helps officers in abnormal situations to be more diplomatic, calm, balanced in interpersonal interaction. The combination of several types provides the adoption of correct, informed decisions, possibil-ity to foreseen the next actions.

Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orienta-tion was detected among 109 officers:

- Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orien-tation which is aimed at case interests (D) among 45 officers, it equals to (7,26%):

- Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal

orientation which is aimed at psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people (II) among 38 officers, it equals to (6,18%):

- Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orien-tation which is aimed at a person (C) among 12 officers, it equals to (2,98%):

- Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orien-tation which is aimed at official subordination (O) among 14 officers, it equals to (2,27%):

Mixed type of insignificant demonstration of situational- personal orientation was detected among 128 tested;

Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orien-tation which is aimed at official subordination (O) among 14 officers, it equals to (2,27%):

- Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orien-tation which is aimed at case interests and psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people (DP) at 30 officers it equals to (4,88%):

- Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orientation which is aimed at case interests and official subordination (DO) among 2 tested it equals to (0,38%):

- Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orien-tation which is oriented at psychological climate in collective, relations with people and at a person (DPS) among 8 tested it equals to (1,24%);

- Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orien-tation which is oriented at psychological climate in collective, relations with people and at official subordination (DPO) among 11 tested it equals to (1,77%);

- Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orien-tation which is oriented at psychological climate in collective, relations with people and at official subordination (DPO) among 11 tested it equals to (1,19%);

- Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orien-tation which is oriented at psychological climate in collective, relations with people and at official subordination (DPSO) among 15 tested it equals to (2,49%);

- Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orien-tation which is oriented at psychological climate in collective, relations with people and at a person (PS) among 22 tested it equals to (3,57%);

- Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orien-tation which is oriented at psychological climate in collective, relations with people and official subordination (PO) among 11 tested it equals to (1,77%);

- Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orien-tation which is oriented at psychological climate in collective, relations with people, at a person and official subordination (PSO) among 7 tested it equals to (1,19%);

- Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orien-tation which is oriented at personal and official subordination (SO) among 5 tested it equals to (0,87%);

- Insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orientation which is oriented case interests and official subordination (DO) among 2 tested it equals to (0,38%).

It is difficult to make a prognosis of the actions of officers with insignificant demonstration of situational-personal orientation is difficult as they can act in different circumstances that appear and make decisions depending on the force and meaning of the irritant. The leaders are more unpredictable in actions and behaviors. With the high level of intellect the leaders of this type successfully lead the people and submitted case.

Dominating orientation among officers (men 506 detected among 72 tested (14,22%). Among them:

aimed at case interests (D) - 17 people (3,35%); at psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people (P) - 31 officers (6,12%);

at a person (С) - 13 officers (2,56%); at official subordinaion (О) - 11 tested (2,17%).

Expressed orientation among men officers is typical for 153 of-ficers (30,23%).

Among them 28 officers (5,53%) are aimed at case interests (D). For psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people (P) we have 62 tested (12,25);

At a person (С) - 38 officers (7,5%);

At official subordination (О) - 25 tested (4,94 %).

Insignificant demonstration of orientation among tested was detected among 90 men (17,78%).

Among them aimed at case interests (D) are 37 officers (7,31%).

For psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people (P) - 2 tested (6,32);

At a person (С) - 10 officers (1,97%);

At official subordination (О) - 11 officers (2,17 %).

Mixed type of leadership of dominating orientation is typical for 6 offices (1,18%).

Among them 3 tested (0,59%) are aimed at case interests, psy-chological climate in the collective, relations with the people (DP).

For interests aimed at a person (DS) sent 2 tested (0,39);

psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people, official subordination (PO) sent 1 officer (0,19);

Mixed type of expressed orientation is detected among 72 of-

ficers (14,22%).

Among them aimed at case interests, psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people (DP) sent 16 tested (3,16%).

For interests of the case aimed at a person (DS) - 2 officers (0,39%);

For interests of the case by means of official subordination (DO) - 4 officers tested (0,79%);

For interests of the case by means of psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people, aimed at a person (DPS) - 10 officers (1,97%) tested;

For interests of the case by psychological climate in the collec-tive, relations with the people and official subordination (DPSO) 1 officer is aimed (0,19%);

For psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people, aimed at official subordination (PO) - 11 officers (2,17%);

For psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people, aimed at official subordination (PO) - 15 officers (2,96%);

Aimed at a person, official subordination (SO) - 12 officers (2,37%).

Mixed type of leadership, insignificant detection of orientation is detected among 113 officers (22,33%). Among them:

Aimed at case interests and psychological climate in the collec-tive, relations with the people (DP) - 27 officers (5,33%).

Aimed at case interests and official subordination (DO) - 10 of-ficers (1,97%).

Aimed at case interests and psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people (DPO) and on themselves - 8 officers (1,58%);

Aimed at case interests and psychological climate in the collec-tive, relations with the people (DPO) and official subordination - 9 officers (1,77% );

Aimed at case interests and official subordination (DSO) - 6 of-ficers (1,19%);

Aimed at case interests and psychological climate in the collec-tive, relations with the people, on themselves and official subordi-nation (ДПСО) - 13 officers (2,57%);

Aimed at psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people and on themselves (PS) - 20 officers (3,96%);

Aimed at psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people and official subordination (PO) - 8 officers (1,58%);

Aimed at psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people, on themselves and official subordination (PSO) - 7 of-ficers (1,39% );

Aimed at a person, official subordination (SO) - 5 officers (0,98%).

Dominating orientation among male-officers was detected among 23 participants (20,17%). Among them:

Aimed at case interests (D) - 4 officers (3,5 %)

Aimed at psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people (P) - 16 officers (14,03%);

Aimed at a person (C) - 2 officers (1,75%);

Aimed at official subordination (O) - 1 officer (0,87%.).

Expressed orientation among male-officers is typical for 39 officers (34,21%.). Among them:

Aimed at case interests (D) - 11 officers ( 9,64%)

Aimed at psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people (P) - 18 officers (15,78%;)

Aimed at a person (C) - 7 officers (6,14%);

Aimed at official subordination (O) - 3 officers (2,63 %.)

Insignificant demonstration of orientation among male-officers was detected among 19 participants (16,66%). Among them:

Aimed at case interests (D) - 8 officers (7,04%;)

Aimed at psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people (P) - 6 officers (5,26%);

2 officers are focused on themselves (C), that is (1,75%);

3 officers are aimed at official subordination (O), that is (2,63%.).

Mixed type of expressed dominating orientation among male-

officers was detected among 2 male-officers (1,75%). Among them:

Aimed at case interests and psychological climate in the collec-tive, relations with the people (DP) - 2 officers (1,75%).

Mixed type of expressed orientation among male-officers was detected among 16 officers (14,03%). Among them:

Aimed at case interests and psychological climate in the collec-tive, relations with the people (DPO) - 3 officers (2,63%);

Aimed at case interests and on themselves (DS) - 3 officers (2,63%);

Aimed at case interests through the official subordination (DO) - 1 officer (0,87%);

Aimed at case interests, on themselves and official subordina-tion (DPS) -1 officer (0,87%);

Aimed at case interests and psychological climate in the collec-tive, relations with the people, on himself and official subordina-tion (DPSO) - 1 officer (0,87%);

Aimed at psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people, on themselves (PS) - 2 officers (1,75%);

Aimed at psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people, on themselves and official subordination (PO) - 3 offi-cers (2,63%);

Aimed at case interests and on themselves (DS) - 3 officers (2,63%);

Aimed at psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people, on himself and official subordination (PSO) - 1 officer (0,87% );

Aimed at himself, official subordination (SO) - 1 officer (0,8%);

Aimed at psychological climate in the collective, relations with the people, on themselves (PS) - 2 officers (1,75%)

Mixed style of leadership, insignificant demonstration of ori-entation is observed in the 15 officers, representing 13,15% of test-ed female officers.

3 officers of these, show us the interests of the case focused on the psychological climate of the collective, relationships with peo-ple, which is representing 2,63% (of the total number female of-ficers);

2 officers are focused on the interests of the case, itself , that is (1,75%);

2 officers are focused on the interests of the case and the psy-chological climate of the collective, relationships with people, the official subordination (1,75%);

1officer is focused on the interests of the case, on himself and official subordination (0, 87%);

2 officers are focused on the interests of the case and the psy-chological climate of the collective, the relationship with the people and official subordination (1,75%);

2 officers are focused on the psychological climate of the collec-tive, relationships with people, that is (1,75%);

3 officers are focused on the psychological climate of collective, relationships with people and official subordination (2, 63%).

It's revealed that more than half of the tested staff - 396 persons, it is 63,8% (of the total number tested), are with some dominant and distinct situational and personal orientation. 224 officers (36,2%) have a mixed type of situational and personal ori-entation. Definitely we can not argue that one type is better than another.

So, if we compare the results of studies of male and female of-ficers among pure types of situational and personal guidance, male have a slight advantage in 1, 2%. Amount of male and female offi-cers among the mixed type of situational and personal orientation is equal. Personal and situational orientation of leader aimed at psy-chological climate in the team, relationships with people was equaly discovered among male and female officers.

Officers characterized by situational and personal orientation of any one type are more predictable. It is possible to foresee their behavior actions and deeds, how they will react in a given situation, what decisions they can make.

Officers of the mixed type of situational and personal orienta-tion are more unpredictable and it is more difficult to predict their actions, deeds and behavior, because they may act differently in dif-ferent situations, that depends on the strength of the stimulus and motive.

A further area of research activity is the management of the study of psychology readiness for professional activity.


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    реферат [20,2 K], добавлен 22.12.2009

  • This article suggests specific ways in which college teachers can foster relationships with students that promote motivation and satisfaction. Fostering personal relationships with students. Motivating students to work. Handling interpersonal issues.

    статья [18,6 K], добавлен 10.05.2014

  • The definition of conformism as passive acceptance and adaptation to standards of personal conduct, rules and regulations of the cult of absolute power. Study the phenomenon of group pressure. External and internal views of subordination to the group.

    реферат [15,3 K], добавлен 14.05.2011

  • Definition of Leadership. Trait theory. How this theory works. Origin and Analysis and basics Pre-conditions for effective use of Trait theory. Inborn leadership characteristics. Process of impact and interaction among the leader and his followers.

    реферат [436,9 K], добавлен 24.09.2014

  • Unhealthy food, lack of sleep, passive lifestyle, related works. Survey, Passive Lifestyle, Lack Of Sleep, Nutrition. How often pupils have negative feelings. Teachers' complaints. Can we do to reduce these negative displays of pupil’s behavior.

    курсовая работа [25,5 K], добавлен 18.05.2015

  • The study of harm to children from watching American cartoons. Problem of imitating negative or mindless characters from cartoons. Leading role of American cartoon industry in the animation history. First steps in the progress of a child’s development.

    эссе [16,3 K], добавлен 11.04.2013

  • The major constitutional principle, considering the person, his rights and freedoms. Law of the subject of the Russian Federation. Rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, their protection as the basic contents of activity of the democratic state.

    реферат [15,5 K], добавлен 07.01.2015

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