The influence of pedagogical communication on the effectiveness of the educational process in general secondary education institutions

The study of the impact of pedagogical communication. Analyses the current state of pedagogical communication in general secondary education institutions and its impact on the effectiveness of educational and management processes in these institutions.

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Дата добавления 25.11.2023
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The influence of pedagogical communication on the effectiveness of the educational process in general secondary education institutions

Vitalii Brynko,

student of the Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation of Kharkiv National University named after Semena Kuznets, deputy director of the educational work of the secondary, Kharkiv Lyceum № 31, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Hanna Kravchenko

doctor ped. Sci., Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation, Kharkiv National Economic University, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Teachers' communication skills are one of the key factors that influence the quality of learning and student development. Teacher-student interaction can influence students' attitudes to learning, motivation, ability to cooperate and learn independently. Effective communication is a key factor in learning success. It not only helps to ensure that the material is learned correctly, but also keeps students motivated and creates a favourable emotional climate in the classroom. This can only be achieved through good communication techniques, such as listening and speaking, using positive and supportive language, and presenting material in a clear, understandable and engaging way. Its impact on learning effectiveness depends on the quality of communication itself, which includes various forms and methods of communication, such as verbal and non-verbal communication.

The study of the impact of pedagogical communication on the effectiveness of the educational process involves the study of various aspects, such as the emotional side of communication, interaction between teacher and student, the use of different methods of interaction, and others. In a world of profound social and economic changes, the reform of the education system should promote the establishment of a person as the highest social value.

Therefore, understanding how pedagogical communication affects the effectiveness of the educational process is very important for improving the quality of education in secondary schools.

The article analyses the current state of pedagogical communication in general secondary education institutions and its impact on the effectiveness of educational and management processes in these institutions. Therefore, we see the study of technologies focused on the personal influence of participants in the educational process on the development of communication competencies of teachers and managers as a prospect for further research in this area.

Keywords: communication, pedagogical communication, general secondary education institution.


Бринько Віталій Миколайович,

магістрант кафедри педагогіки, іноземної філології та перекладу Харківського національного університету ім. Семена Кузнеця, заступник директора з навчально-виховної роботи комунального закладу «Харківський ліцей № 31 Харківської міської ради, м. Харків, Україна

Кравченко Г анна Юріївна

доктор пед. наук, доцент. професор кафедри педагогіки, іноземної філології та перекладу Харківського національного економічного університету імені Семена Кузнеця, м. Харків, Україна


Комунікаційні навички педагогів є одним з ключових чинників, які впливають на якість навчання та розвиток учнів. Взаємодія вчителя з учнями може впливати на їхні ставлення до навчання, мотивацію, здатність до співпраці та самостійного навчання. Ефективна комунікація є ключовим чинником успіху в навчанні. Вона не тільки допомагає забезпечити правильне засвоєння матеріалу, але й підтримує мотивацію учня та створює сприятливий емоційний клімат в класі. Це можливо досягнути лише за допомогою якісних методів комунікації, таких як вміння слухати та висловлюватися, використання позитивної та підтримуючої мови, викладення матеріалу чітко, зрозуміло та цікаво. Її вплив на ефективність навчання залежить від якості самої комунікації, що включає в себе різноманітні форми та методи спілкування, такі як вербальна та невербальна комунікація.

Дослідження впливу педагогічної комунікації на ефективність освітнього процесу передбачає вивчення різних аспектів, таких як емоційна сторона комунікації, взаємодія між вчителем та учнем, використання різних методів взаємодії та інші. У світі глибоких соціальних та економічних змін, що відбуваються, реформування системи освіти має сприяти утвердженню людини як найвищої соціальної цінності.

Тому, розуміння того, як педагогічна комунікація впливає на ефективність освітнього процесу, є дуже важливим для покращення якості освіти в загальноосвітніх закладах.

У змісті статті проаналізовано сучасний стан педагогічної комунікації в закладах загальної середньої освіти та її вплив на ефективність освітніх та управлінських процесів, які відбуваються в цих закладах. Тому перспективою для подальших досліджень в цьому напрямку ми вбачаємо дослідження технології зорієнтованих на особистісний вплив учасників освітнього процесу на розвиток комунікаційних компетентностей педагогів та управлінців.

Ключові слова: комунікація, педагогічне спілкування, заклад загальної середньої освіти.


pedagogical communication educational

The influence of pedagogical communication on the effectiveness of the educational process in a general secondary education institution is an extremely relevant topic in the modern world, since the quality of education in general education institutions depends not only on the knowledge and skills of teachers, but also on their ability to communicate effectively with students and other participants in the educational process. Education is the process of transferring knowledge, skills and values from teachers to students. This process depends not only on the qualifications of the teacher and the quality of the teaching material, but also on the communication between the teacher and the student, which takes place through pedagogical communication.

With the transition to distance learning, the issue of communication in the educational process has become even more relevant. Teachers need to be able to communicate effectively with students online, which also affects the quality of education and students' learning achievements. Effective pedagogical communication has many advantages, such as:

1. Improving the comprehensibility of the material: if a teacher communicates constructively with students, they can explain complex material in an accessible way.

2. Increasing student motivation: if students feel that teachers understand and support them, they will be more interested in learning.

3. Reducing conflicts: effective communication helps to avoid misunderstandings that can lead to conflicts in society and the environment.

4. Development of communication skills: when a teacher pays attention to pedagogical communication, students get an example of quality communication, which is useful in later life.

5. Improving the overall classroom atmosphere: if teachers care about effective communication with students, this can have a positive impact on the overall classroom atmosphere.

Therefore, the study of the impact of pedagogical communication on the effectiveness of the educational process in a general secondary education institution is very relevant and important for ensuring quality education.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Today, pedagogical communication is an object of study for many scholars. Thus, in the works of K. Atamanchuk, H. Yelnikova, T. Borova, N. Volkova, V. Hudz, O. Zhyrun, O. Kovalenko, H. Kravchenko, V. Lunyachek, I. Martynenko, N. Oliyar, N. Rodiuk, O. Stadnikova, O. Shkurenko, N. Shumilova, and others. Shumilova and others state that a teacher needs to be able to quickly and correctly navigate in constantly changing communication conditions, find appropriate communication tools that would correspond to his/her personality, communication circumstances and maintain feedback during communication.

The purpose of the article is to study and analyse the relationship between the quality of pedagogical communication of teachers and the effectiveness of the educational process in a general secondary education institution. The aim is to determine the factors influencing the effectiveness of pedagogical communication and the impact of pedagogical communication on the effectiveness of the educational process in a general secondary education institution.

Presentation of the main material

Professional and pedagogical communication as a specific process of information exchange in systems: "person - person, person - computer, person - computer - person" is a means of carrying out the professional activity of a teacher, whose skill and uniqueness should be based, on the one hand, on social knowledge, principles and versatile professional skills, and on the other - on the ability to exchange information with students, parents, colleagues, administration, education workers, etc. to achieve mutual understanding. The success of its implementation is ensured by competence in communication - an integral personal formation that combines the teacher's conscious understanding of the value of communication activities, theoretical and practical readiness for its skilled implementation.

An analytical study of the impact of pedagogical communication on the effectiveness of the educational process in a general secondary education institution is an important task, since the quality of interaction between teacher and student has a significant impact on learning outcomes and student personality development [9].

The study can use various methods, such as questionnaires, observations, document analysis, and others. It is important to determine which aspects of pedagogical communication have the greatest impact on the effectiveness of the educational process, such as the teacher's communication style, the quality of teaching, cooperation with students, etc.

The results of the study will help teachers and pedagogical staff improve their communication skills to be more effective in teaching and educating students. The study concludes that effective teacher communication is a key element of success in the educational process.

On the one hand, teacher communication is the basis of effective teaching, where teachers impart knowledge and skills to students, promote their development and form interpersonal skills. Modern teachers are actively using various forms and methods of teaching, including interactive ones, which help to activate students' cognitive activity and develop their creative abilities. In addition, teachers use information technology to improve the quality of learning and facilitate effective communication with students and parents [8].

On the other hand, ineffective communication can be an obstacle to learning success. Insufficient attention to the individual needs and capabilities of each student, lack of interaction with parents, and conflict situations between students and teachers can affect learning outcomes and reduce students' motivation to learn [4].

It is also important to note that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected pedagogical communication in schools, as much of the learning has been moved online. This has led to the need to use new communication tools, such as video communicat ion and messengers, as well as the growing importance of communication with parents and guardians.

The development of information and communication technologies, determining the content and direction of modern education policy, and establishing student feedback channels are all tools to improve the efficiency of modern higher education. At this stage, there is an urgent need to transform educational institutions with a partial transition to the online environment [10].

Modern communications, on the one hand, provide new opportunities for interaction between teachers and students, and on the other hand, they face formalism and lack of readiness (technical, moral, etc.) for full use.

Against the backdrop of unexpected and rapid changes in recent years, onlin e education has made significant progress around the world. But this transformation began much earlier. As the Internet began to play a more or less prominent role in education in the late 1990s, educational institutions gradually began to make greater use of this innovative technology and change their strategic priorities. Online learning has proved to be convenient for employees and has gained acceptance among the millennial generation. Inspired by this experience, educational institutions have begun to use online communication to enrich curriculum content and attract new students. The legitimacy of online education is strengthening with the emergence of new needs among representatives of target groups and has already irrevocably entered our lives [8].

An important component of the education process is the emotional state of the teacher, his or her sense of security and stability. The current state of pedagogical communication in general secondary education can be described as diverse and in some cases ineffective.

One of the main factors influencing the state of pedagogical communication in secondary schools is the level of training of teaching staff. Some teachers may have limited experience with students or lack sufficient communication skills to communicate effectively with different types of students. In such cases, the educational process may become less interactive and effective.

Another problem is the lack of standards for pedagogical communication, which can lead to inconsistencies in teaching methods and communication styles between teachers and students. This can cause difficulties in understanding the material and reduce student motivation [9].

Also, the impact of new technologies and social media can negatively affect communication between teachers and students. Many students use mobile devices in class, and teachers may have difficulty keeping students' attention and maintaining their motivation.

Overall, the current state of pedagogical communication in general secondary education needs to be improved. This can be achieved by training teachers in effective communication, developing standards and best practices, and using innovative teaching methods and technologies to support learning and communication.

Pedagogical communication is a vital part of the learning process. Effective communication between teachers and students, as well as between members of the educational community, can significantly contribute to the success of the learning process.

One of the significant challenges facing educational institutions today is the proliferation of technology and its impact on communication. While technology has revolutionised the way we communicate, it has also created a gap between students and teachers. Today, students are more accustomed to communicating through electronic devices and social media platforms, which can create a barrier to effective face-to-face communication.

In addition, traditional methods of communication, such as lectures and presentations, may not always be effective in engaging students. In many cases, students may feel disconnected or disinterested in the material presented. Thus, it is important to incorporate interactive and engaging communication methods such as group discussions, debates and role-playing to engage students and improve their understanding of the subject.

Another challenge faced by educational institutions is the diversity of the student population. Schools are increasingly becoming more diverse in terms of culture, language and social background. This diversity is a challenge for teachers as they need to find effective ways to communicate with students from different backgrounds. It is therefore crucial to promote cultural sensitivity and awareness among teachers and encourage them to develop communication strategies that are inclusive and respectful of diversity.

There is also a need to promote effective communication among members of the educational community. Teachers, students, parents and administrators need to work together to create a supportive learning environment. Effective communication between these groups can help identify and resolve issues that may affect learning [11].

The impact of pedagogical communication on the effectiveness of the educational process in a general secondary education in stitution can be determined by various methods: observations, surveys, interviews, and analysis of performance data.

Observations can be conducted to monitor the interaction between teachers and students in the classroom. This can help identify any communication barriers, ineffective teaching strategies, and areas for improvement. Surveys and interviews with students, teachers, and parents can be conducted to gather feedback on the effectiveness of pedagogical communication in the institution. This can help identify any issues and concerns as well as strengths.

Analysing performance data can also help determine the impact of pedagogical communication on the effectiveness of the learning process. If there is a correlation between the quality of communication between teachers and students and academic performance, this may provide evidence of the importance of effective pedagogical communication [5].

A teacher plays a key role in influencing the educational process in a general secondary education institution. They ensure the transfer of knowledge, skills and competences to students and develop their personal qualities. A teacher can influence the educational process at different levels:

- Organisational level. A teacher can influence the organisation of the educational process, the development of programmes and plans, the choice of methods and forms of teaching.

- Methodological level. The teacher uses different teaching methods and techniques to help students learn the material.

- Personal level. The teacher interacts with students, creating a favourable atmosphere in the classroom, helps to develop their intellectual, moral and social qualities [3].

Determining the impact of pedagogical communication on the effectiveness of the educational process in a general secondary education institution is a difficult task, since the success of education depends on many factors. However, the study of communication processes and their impact on the learning process can help to understand what factors contribute to improving the quality of education.

One of the key aspects of the impact of pedagogical communication on the effectiveness of the educational process is building relationships between teachers and students, which promotes mutual understanding, stimulates motivation to learn, creates a positive classroom atmosphere and contributes to the successful completion of tasks.

Pedagogical communication also includes the effective transfer of knowledge and skills, which ensures that students understand the material and learn it successfully. The communication process can be used to stimulate creative thinking and develop students' critical thinking.

Additionally, pedagogical communication can influence students' motivation to learn and their interest in subjects. Effective communication can help learners understand the benefits of learning and how the knowledge they acquire can be applied in the future. Thus, pedagogical communication has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the educational process in a general secondary education institution. It can stimulate motivation to learn, form a positive attitude and the necessary emotional state [2].

Communication is not a simple process of information transfer, but a complex process that involves the presence of basic structural elements that determine its effectiveness. The first structural element is "the source of information or the transmitter of the message". The role of the source is important in the communication process [12].

The source must give a personal tone to their messages, which must be reliable and combine their knowledge and experience. The second is "codification". This is the process by which the transmitter is guided by the concept of an idea before creating a thematic message. Ideas and perceptions take the form of fixed symbols, such as words, movements, numbers and tone of voice. The third is "message transmission", in which the message is transmitted through a channel. Channels, or means of transmitting a thematic message, are constantly increasing due to the rapid development of technology. The fourth is "decoding". This is a mental process in which the recipient of the message tries to interpret it and tries to turn it into information. The last one is the "response to the message and feedback". This is the phase in which the communication process is completed. It is clear from the communication process that its effectiveness is related to the ability of people to understand and interpret in order to interact. The process of feedback, where the sender knows that the receiver has received the message and understood it in a way that is consistent with the sender's intent, proves that true communication is reciprocal. The purpose of communication is fulfilled when both the sender and the receiver understand each other.

Effective communication for an educational institution Communication is a crucial factor in every organisation and is essential for achieving goals in every organisation, as the individuals involved develop team spirit and join for ces by communicating with each other. They gain a shared vision and manage their behaviour in a way that is consistent with their common goals. The role of hierarchical culture in change in organisations provides new and important insights into organisational culture in relation to change management and the challenges faced by such organisations. Communication in a secondary school is the basis on which educational practice is built. It is a process that leads to the achievement of goals [7; 8].

The pedagogical aspect reveals the nuances of organising effective interaction between the teacher and the student through the methods of implementing hybrid learning, including in individual subjects/disciplines, and educational content.

In order to seamlessly combine all three aspects of blended learning, we suggest using online platforms This is a learning management system that unites all participants in the educational process and helps teachers and school leaders organise the internal business processes of an educational institution. The system is used to switch to paperless workflow, provide participants in the educational process with round-the- clock access to educational materials, exchange and comment on them [6].

The teaching staff is the main governing body of an educational institution, as it decides on the main issues of its activities. It is a social organisation that has rules, roles, hierarchy, power, and emotional relationships. To improve their work, members of a teachers' association are called upon to interact with each other, to communicate in different ways, and to understand the attitudes and views of others. They are asked to communicate in order to make good decisions.

The effectiveness of human interaction can be compromised by obstacles that may arise. Communication can be ineffective for many reasons. However, a key factor in success or failure is the personality of those communicating and their willingness to learn how to communicate effectively and recognise the need to communicate. The concept of effectiveness is multidimensional and it is impossible to give a single definition. The effectiveness of an educational institution depends on many factors that relate to every aspect of its activities. Identification of these factors will help to define the characteristics of an effective school. The interest in identifying school effectiveness factors is confirmed by a large number of studies. Edmonds was the first to identify the key factors of effectiveness. According to him, an effective school is determined by four factors:

(1) strong leadership;

(2) school climate;

(3) high expectations of students;

(4) emphasis on the acquisition of basic educational skills [5].

Farrell introduced the factor of school effectiveness in the ability of a school to integrate students who experience difficulties and to be interested in their learning and progress. Accordingly, effective schools are defined by school-family collaboration, professional administration and organisation of the school environment, and high expectations. The concept of school climate is directly related to a number of specific internal features that define the identity of each school and distinguish it from the rest. Like any organisation, schools also face challenges and conflicts. In a positive school environment, problems are solved through democratic methods, and conflict management uses collaborative strategies. Conflicts are resolved in a way that satisfies all parties, improving the relationships of the participants as well as their ability to constructively handle future conflicts [3;7].

Devos and Bukenuge investigated the relationship between school effectiveness and principals' behaviour as it is shaped by their perceptions of their leadership role.

According to the study, a necessary element of teacher development and active participation in school matters is the fostering of team spirit by the school leader. Those principals who prefer the human factor develop an atmosphere of open communication and, as a managerial leader, play a leadership role and strive to achieve a common vision in a climate of mutual trust. In contrast, those who perceive their role as coordinators with an emphasis on management cannot effectively support staff and instill a shared vision. This leads to a negative school climate that is not conducive to effective school performance. School leadership and policy makers who cultivate a climate of open communication can effectively improve student achievement in a school context. Each educational organisation has its own culture that determines the climate of communication, such as the atmosphere and conditions in which ideas, information, actions and feelings are shared. Effective communication involves an open communication atmosphere that makes people feel safe and encourages them to take initiatives to improve the organisation. In such a climate, communication participants develop equal communication relationships with each other and learn to cooperate and understand each other [1;2].


Summing up, we can conclude that the current state of pedagogical communication in general secondary education is complex and multifaceted. In order to improve communication in the educational environment, it is important to accept technology while keeping in mind its potential negative impact. In addition, teachers should use participatory and interactive methods of communication and promote cultural sensitivity and awareness. Finally, effective communication between members of the educational community is crucial to creating a supportive learning environment.

Prospects for further research include the study of technologies focused on the personal impact of participants in the educational process on the development of communication competences of teachers and managers.


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