Peculiraties of the use of innovation means of teaching in professional training of future teacher-philologists: methodical aspect

The importance and advantages of using innovation methods in the teaching of foreign languages, which provides the development of communicative, professional and creative competences and stimulates the need for a future specialist’s self-education.

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Дата добавления 13.11.2023
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Peculiraties of the use of innovation means of teaching in professional training of future teacher-philologists: methodical aspect

Svitlana Tanana

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor at the Department of Foreign Linguistics, Translation and Methods of Education Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

The article deals with the importance and advantages of using innovation methods in the teaching of foreign languages, which provides the development of communicative, professional and creative competences and stimulates the need for a future specialist's self-education. The implementation of innovation means of teaching of foreign languages have a positive effect at motivation of students and the end result of learning - the level of language acquisition is detected in it. The formation of readiness to innovation activity offuture teachesr-philologists is one of the main tasks of the educational process of the higher school is accented attention.

The conceptual approaches of formation of professional competenceof teacher-philolofists are analyzed; socioculture bases, it contributes of formation and developments of personality specialist are grounded in it. The theoretical aspects ofproblem of readiness to innovation activity are analyzed, the meaning of«interactive methods», «innovation means», «preparation».

Professional development of the future teacher of philological subjects - the process is complicated and lengthy. Theoretical and practical study is a necessary part of future teacher's master of system or research knowledge in the branch of philological subjects in conjunction with general professional training. The problem of using interactive methods in preparation of teacher-philologists of higher shool is considered in the article.

The readiness to innovation teaching activities - especially personal status of the teacher, which implies the presence of a motivation-value attitude to the professional activity. Therefore, the analysis of the scientific and methodological literature has shown that innovation interactive methods, in contrast to traditional teaching methods, are more effective. As a result, there is not only a transformation of goals, from teaching a foreign language to learning speaking a foreign language, but also rethinking the role of teacher and student. The systematical use in the educational process of the project method makes it possible to teach of future teachers-philology of the establishment of higher education independently acquire of new knowledge and use its in practice for solve ofprofessional problems in future professioinal activities.

Key words: professional preparation, readiness, innovation methods, innovation technologies, teacher-philologists, effectiveness of studies, interactive methods.

Світлана Танана

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземної філології, перекладу, методики навчання Університету Григорія Сковороди в Переяславі м. Переяслав


У статті розглянуто важливість і переваги використання інноваційних засобів у навчанні іноземних мов, що забезпечує розвиток комунікативних, професійних і творчих компетенцій та стимулює потребу майбутнього учителя-філолога у самоосвіті. Встановлено, що впровадження інноваційних засобів навчання іноземних мов позитивно впливають на мотивацію студентів і на кінцевий результат навчання - рівень володіння мовою. Звертається увага на формування готовності до інноваційної освітньої діяльності майбутніх учителів- філологів, що є одним із головних чинників освітнього процесу закладу вищої освіти. Проаналізовано концептуальні підходи формування професійної компетентності вчителів- філологів, обгрунтовано соціокультурні чинники, що сприяють формуванню та розвитку особистості фахівця. Проаналізовано теоретичні аспекти проблеми готовності до інноваційної діяльності, розглянуто зміст понять «інтерактивні методи», «інноваційні засоби», «підготовка».

Професійне становлення майбутнього вчителя філологічних дисциплін - процес складний і тривалий процес. Серед його обов 'язкових складових - теоретичне й практичне навчання, під час якого майбутні вчителі оволодівають системою наукових знань і вмінь у поєднанні із загальнопрофесійною підготовкою. У статті розглянуто проблему використання інноваційних засобів навчання при підготовці вчителів-філологів закладів вищої освіти. Визначено роль інтерактивних методів навчання у професійній підготовці майбутніх учителів-філологів у педагогічній діяльності; окреслено сутнісні характеристики змісту інноваційних процесів у сучасній освіті; обгрунтовано предмет тема і завдання освітньої інноватики у закладі вищої освіти.Доведено, що систематичне використання в освітньому процесі методу проектів, дає змогу навчати майбутніх учителів-філологів закладу вищої освіти самостійно здобувати нові знання та застосовувати їх на практиці для розвязання професійних проблем у майбутній професійній діяльності.

Ключові слова: професійна підготовка, готовність, інноваційні засоби, новітні технології, викладач-філолог, ефективність навчання, інтерактивні методи.

Research problem

innovation teaching professional training teacher

The Ukrainian Innovation Development Strategy for 2010-2020 years, in the context of globalization trends and modern challenges, Ukrainian higher education should professional prepare people for life in the information society, society of knowledge and innovation, to form a person with innovation thinking, innovative culture, and ability to innovation activity. The globalization and integration country, of world association and European community contributes of to the rapid growth of the role of quality education for the futher development of society, and in accordance its intensive reform. Given this problem actualized improve the quality of process of preparation the future teachers, including of future teachers of English for increase their competitivencess, it require of process to effective realization of competence approach. Effective deciding of these tasks possible for conditions by the improvement of educational content and its procedural-methodical using on innovation basis. The quality of professional preparation of future teachers depends of the content of modern education, it should include of full orientation on purchase by students' of system the competencies and permanent by improving the mechanisms and their using in everyday practice (Tanana, 2020).

The educational process of today requires constant improvement, as there is a change of priorities and in social values: scientific and technological progress is increasingly recognized as a means of achieving the level of production that most closely meets the needs of constantly increasing human development of the spiritual wealth of the individual. Therefore, the current situation in the training of specialists requires a fundamental change in the strategy and tactics of teaching in higher education (Bahno Y. M., Serhiichuk O. M., Tanana S. M., Tkachenko L. V., 2021).

Over the last decade, interest in foreign language learning has increased significantly in our country, and the is that many faculties where foreign language is taught as a specialty and the long¬term demand that these specialists use are a confirmation of this.

Innovations in methodology used in the educational process of higher institutions are connected with the new technologies. Interactive training as a new methodological approach to the foreign languages teaching gives a chance to solve communicative-cognitive tasks through foreign languages communication (Аоаапафе, 2019).

Analysis of the recent research and publications

The problem of using interactive methods of foreign language at the higher educational institutions were also studied by Blair R., Liakhovytskii J., Berman I. Bim, Martinelli S., Konoplianyk L., Siutkina O., Shubin E., Stern H., Polat Ye., Tailor M., Shapran O., Tanana S. and others. The current contradiction between the growing requirements for the level of foreign language proficiency by specialists in different specialties and their real low level of knowledge, the inability to practically use a foreign language in the professional field proves the need to solve problematic issues in teaching a foreign language students of different specialties and explaining.

The purpose of this article is to consider the use of innovative technologies in the study of English by students of pedagogical university and there by prove their expediency in teaching foreign languages and high efficiency in the learning process.

Methods and Techniques of the Research

The methodological basis of the research is general scientific methodological provisions, theory of cultural linguistics, communication studies, intercultural communications, and complex approach to the material: axiological, cultural.

Presentation of the basic material

Innovations in the methodology used in the educational process of higher institutions are connected with the use of new technologies. Interactive training as a new methodological approach to the foreign languages teaching gives a chance to solve communicative- cognitive tasks through foreign language communication (Eifae, 2019). Interactive teaching is this kind of learning and cognition activity, which is realized in the form of a dialogue (student, teacher, student- student) with continuous modification of the learning content according to the analysis of activity of the subject of teaching. It is a condition of the use of interactive methods in the teaching process that almost all students participate in the learning process. The purpose of interactive methods in the process of learning a foreign language is to create of learning conditions in which all students' interaction with among ourselves.

Thus, in terms of methodology, the meaning of a category of interactive training will be considered as: a) dialogue training in the course of which interaction between a teacher and a students occurs; b) training the purpose of which tackes linguistic, communicative and action tasks. Interactive training activity involves the organization and development of dialogue speech aimed at mutal understanding, interaction, solving of modern and general but significant tasks for everyl participants of the educational process (Richard, 2017).

The main principles of cooperative learning within the interactive training system are:

1) positive interdependence - when each students performs his (her) job well, the group succeeds;

2) individual responsibility - when working together in a group each student has a different job;

3) equal participation - each student is given the same amount of time to speak or complete a task;

4) simultaneous interaction - when all students are involved at the same time (Cononelos & Oliva, 2013).

In the process of dialogue training the students learn: to solve complex problems on the basis of analyzing the circumstances and corresponding information, to consider alternative views, to take well- considered decisions, to engage in discussions, to connect with different people.

It's necessary to organize of different forms of activity at the foreign language group that is individual, pair, and team. Among the most well-known form of pair and group work the following types should be mentioned: inside (outside) circles, brain storm, lines, jigsaw reading, think-pair¬sharing, debating, and paired interviews and so on. e.g., reading is an activity jigsaw that involves splitting text into different parts or using different texts on the same text. The sections are given to different learners to read. They must communicate with each other in order to discover the whole message or different points of view on the subject (Blair R., 2019).

It needs to be noted that all types of interactive training mentioned above are efficient in case a problem is discussed as a whole as students have previous experience and ideas that they have gained earlier in their classes or during their lives private. . In the process of carrying out work the teacher should take into account the fact that the topics to be discussed in class should not be limited or very narrow. One of the most common peculiarities of the interactive forms is those in which these types of training stimulate the student not only to express his or her own opinions but after some debate by them partners in the process of working to change the perspective (Аошеї, 2017).

The following advantages of interactive cooperative learning are determined:

- friendly atmosphere and relationships between learner are formed;

- learners have the opportunity to be more independent and self-confident; they are not afraid to make mistakes;

- it will help learners overcome problems of language barrier, confidence and fear of making mistakes;

- learners talking time is longer, it's good for communication;

- teacher doesn't dominate;

- a teacher has the opportunity to give each student the task. All learners are involved in the work;

- it is good for individual work;

- learners can use their background knowledge (ЕаРіпйеа).

The language is a social product, and as a form of existence of human intellectual activity it embraces all spheres of individual and social life. Perhaps one of the most essential pedagogical principles of language teaching is one that emphasizes the study of language in a cultural context. One of the main tasks of learning foreign languages is to delve into the culture of the peoples who are taught their language, into the system of their perception of the world. The language is the result of theoretical and practical activity of an individual and society. People's culture, the social conditions of life and the language are inseparably connected (Tanana, 2021).

The project method requires special skills and training from the teacher. The role of teacher and student is changing significantly. Teachers should not only conduct classes in the form of lectures, but they need to be flexible, to an extent artistic, interesting, and interested in a subject . The teacher should always keep up with the times and give as much current information as possible and help students in mastering the subject. In the context of this method, students play a leading role, and the teacher is only a navigator on this huge ship sailing to knowledge (Каае, 2019).

There are different types of projects. The project's choice is determined by a communicative task. Everything depends on the purpose and the tasks that need to be solved during the work. The type of project determines a structure, methods, sources of information and reporting form:

1. Group project - research is conducted by a group and each student studies a particular aspect of the topic;

2. Mini-project - research consists of conducting interviews;

3. Individual proj ect - research involves reading up for interesting topic for the student and suitable for individual work.

The method of project is a game method, and the result is achieved through joint group activity and the final product is developed of collectively and presented publicly. Therefore, the development of competence speech is developing, which is particularly important for foreign language learning. Group work contributes to improving students' communicative skills, and the project activity itself makes it possible to select assignment and topics according to students' individuality and interests (Tsiguleva, 2014).

While preparing for the project students get acquainted with the peculiarities of behavior in a specific communicative situation, get experience in public speaking, and develop the ability to express their position openly on a particular topic, learn new lexical and grammatical units, and activate using of language cliches.

The work on the project takes place in several stages; it is more convenient to represent the stages by the example of individual project assignments.

Name of Project: «Great Britain».

Purpose: To learn the history, culture, traditions of the country, assimilate vocabulary and grammar, experience public speaking, work in a group, develop communication skills.

Culminating Products and Performances: Create mental map of chosen region of the country, which reflects the main, interesting and most memorable elements of culture. Create the presentation and perform it publicly.

Stages of preparation for the project:

- definition and development of the topic: learning vocabulary, grammatical structures, listening and reading texts on the topic, activating the material in lexical and grammatical exercises;

- discussion of the project topic: search for answer to problematic issues;

- development of the project plan;

- distribution of task, roles: the formation of creative groups, each group must be responsible for a certain region of Great Britain (Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England), the distribution of tasks between group;

- discover additional information: search and selectin of material in various sources, using of authentic materials (at least 1) for greater reliability of data;

- design the project in Power Point.

Project Presentation. Present a project using the basic vocabulary and grammar for the topic. Discussion of the project and summary: Reflection. After the project presentations, a general discussion is required, in accordance with the plan prepared by the teacher.

Name of Project: «Back in Days».

Purpose: To form students' understanding of possible ways to realize themselves in live, learning of vocabulary, grammatical structures, listening and reading texts on the topic, activating the material in lexical and grammatical exercises, develop the skill of oral presentation and working in group.

Culminating Products and Performances: With the experience of older generation, helping of students with a difficult choice of their future life path. Students publish a collection of stories in which specific family stories of related to growing up and professional development are told.

Stages ofproject's preparation:

- definition and development of the topic: learning of vocabulary, grammatical structures, listening and reading texts on the topic, activating the material in lexical and grammatical exercises;

- discussion of the project topic: each student creates a story using journalistic research methods, such as interviews and documentary research. They solve specific questions that help to understand how their family members went through the stages of growing up and how they chose this or that profession.

- development of the project plan;

- distribution of tasks, roles: the groups is divided into little groups of 3 to 5 (depending on the number of students), each group is entrusted with creating a collection of short stories in English:

- discover additional information: search and selection of material in various sources; questioning, interview;

- design the project in Power Point.

Project Presentation: publish a thoughtful collection of narrative factual writing in which students tell specific family stories about growing up. Present a project using the basic vocabulary and grammar for the topic (Tanana, 2017).

Discussion of the project and summary: reflection. After the presentation of the project, a general discussion is required, according to the plan prepared by the teacher. The best stories from collections of short stories are published in the university' newspaper.

The idea of implementing a project method is justified by the fact that its using leads to the development of communicative competence and aims to create a sustainable incentive for learning English. Interesting and unusual tasks create conditions for successful language learning, as students participate in the educational process. However, do not assume that the project approach may exist in isolation from all other teaching methods. Only in combination with all pedagogical methods and techniques can we can achieve positive results (Новак, 2019).

Skype allows you to send files, keep a notebook, receive news, attend various conferences. It should be noted that this program is easy to implement and economically viable.

Students can chat with native speakers or participate in group classes run by native speakers. The well-known fact of immersion in the language environment in the process of learning a foreign language. But not everyone can afford to stay in the country where the language will be studied for a long time. Skype allows you to communicate with native speakers of foreign languages. Students can observe gestures, facial expressions, interlocutor intonation, as well as observe correct pronunciation and intonation movements, pay attention to the phrase accents in the interlocutor's speech. The great merit of the scap is that the communication comes with a native English speaker who is a first language.

On the Internet, there are «language exchange» clubs, where you can register and communicate with people who speak the language being taught, and instead help in learning of the Ukrainian language. Also, a good way to find interest-based communication is form foreign social networks (Wynn, 2016).

Skype is also a means of replenishing the vocabulary with spoken phrases that have not yet entered the academic vocabulary and are essentially neologism. Interesting expressions and jargon of youth jargon type: He is a very-together guy. He is a very nice kid.

None of the best vocabulary provides information about such phrases and expressions. All of these factors highlight the benefits of Skype and transform it into one of the important tools for independent foreign language learning. It should be agreed that teachers need to master the new philosophy of education and pedagogy in information technology. Certainly, skype can be attributed to such technologies (Khmelnytska O. S., Bahno Y. M., Serhiychuk O. M., Tanana S. M., Tkachenko L. V., 2021).

The use of e-mail and blogs is also advisable in the learning process. The latest information technologies in education allow to make more active use of the scientific and educational potential of leading universities and institutes, to einvolve the best teachers in the creation of distance learning courses, and to widen the student audience. The use of Internet resources in education is already extensive due to the fact that on the global networks can find the right information. The Global Internet offers many useful resources for foreign language teachers. These are special foreign language training programs, as well as authentic material that the teacher can choose on his own and adapt to specific learning tasks. Incorporating network materials in the content of the lesson is one of the main uses of the Internet (Khomenko O; Buhiniska T; Terleska L; Hladkoskol L; Tanana S., 2021).

Conclusions and prospects for further research

As research shows in the fields of use of educational resources for educational purposes and media education, the use of new information and innovation technologies in the educational process allows: to show teaching materials in a foreign language not only in print, but also in print graphics, sound, animated form, which gives many students a real opportunity to master the subject at a higher level; automate the process of assimilation, consolidation and application of educational material, taking into account the interactivity of many electronic manuals; to differentiate and individualize learning; significantly increase interest in foreign language learning, which also determines the quality of learning; organize independent educational work; to provide distance learning opportunities to those who need it.

The interactive teaching methods give the foreign language teachers the possibility to master some new communicative methods of foreign language training. Strategy of innovative teaching implies: the change of knowledge, function and organization ways of creative process; emphasizing of social goals of teaching and personality development.

Список використаних джерел і літератури

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1. Bahno, Y. M., Serhiichuk, O. M., Tanana, S. M, Tkachenko, L. V. Practice in the System of Training the Future Educator: Opportunities and Advantages. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S4), р. 311-326. .

2. Blair, R. Innovation approaches to language teaching. New York: Newbury House, 2019. 252 p.

3. Celce-Murcia, M. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. Boston, MA : Heinle & Heinle, 2017. 584 p

4. Cononelos, T. & Oliva, M. (2013). Using computer networks to enhance foreign language/ culture education. Foreign Language Annals, 26(4), p. 527-534.

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