Conceptual foundations of ethical formation competences of future educators of institutions preschool education in the process of professional training

The article is devoted to the determination and scientific substantiation of conceptual foundations of the process of formation of ethical competence of future educators of preschool educational institutions in the process of professional training.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Дата добавления 15.10.2023
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Conceptual foundations of ethical formation competences of future educators of institutions preschool education in the process of professional training

Sushchenko L.,

Doctor of Pedagogy Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pre-school and Primary School Education Zaporizhzhia National University

The article is devoted to the determination and scientific substantiation of conceptual foundations of the process of formation of ethical competence of future educators of preschool educational institutions in the process of professional training which is aimed at students' deep awareness of moral responsibility and the significance of their own social missions; implementation of strategic professional and pedagogical communication on ethical basis; design of competence oriented training of future preschool teachers in context of spiritual and moral paradigm and their focus on professional and ethical self-improvement on a reflexive basis.

The author determines that the basic ethical norm that regulates creative process of professional activity of preschool education specialists is one of the important human's qualities (moral and volitional trait), personality ability to perform a socially significant job is a responsibility.

It is proved that one of the key priorities in the process of formation of ethical competence of future educators of preschool educational institutions in professional training is spiritual cultural dominance of professional and pedagogical communication on a moral basis. In this context of particular importance is the integrative factor of ethic which manifested in: humanely personal orientation of the subjects of study; willingness to see, hear and understand each other, with an intrinsic attitude towards others; moral and transformative focus on the interlocutor; personal mutual enrichment and interpenetration into the world of feelings and each other's experiences; adherence to ethical principles between participants interaction (expression of respect for the individual, his position, thoughts, reasoning), etc.

Investigating the problem of orientation of future educators of preschool educational institutions on professional and ethical self-improvement on an ongoing basis, the main goal we have defined: creating preconditions in the high school space for purposeful receipt of information about the features of the implementation of the advanced strategy of moral and ethical self-changes of the teacher (awareness they have such a need); activation of motivational resources of the individual with point of view of humanistic ethics; active qualitative transformation by the individual emotional and value self-attitudes; search for new opportunities in design of programs of professional and ethical self-realization in professional activities.

Key words: conceptual foundations, ethical competence, future teachers of preschool educational institutions, professional training.


Статтю присвячено визначенню й науковому обґрунтуванню концептуальних засад процесу формування етичної компетентності майбутніх вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти у фаховій підготовці, спрямовану на глибоке усвідомлення студентами моральної відповідальності й значущості власної' соціальної місії; реалізацію стратегічного професійно-педагогічного спілкування на етичних засадах; проектування компетентнісно орієнтованого навчання майбутніх педагогів у контексті духовно-моральної парадигми та зорієнто- ваність їх на етичне самовдосконалення на рефлексивній основі.

Доведено, що одним із ключових пріоритетів у процесі формування етичної компетентності майбутніх вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти у фаховій підготовці виступає духовна культуродомінантність професійно-педагогічного спілкування на моральних засадах. У цьому контексті особливої значущості набуває інтеграційний фактор етичності, який виявляється у: гуманно особистісній орієнтації суб'єктів навчання: готовності бачити, чути і розуміти один одного, із самоцінним ставленням до іншого; морально-пере-творювальній спрямованості на співрозмовника: особистісне взаємозбагачення й взаємопроникнення у світ почуттів і переживань один одного; дотриманні етичних принципів між учасниками взаємодії (вияв поваги до особистості, його позиції, думок, міркувань) тощо.

Досліджуючи проблему зорієнтованості майбутніх вихователів ЗДО на професійно- етичне самовдосконалення на постійній основі, основною метою ми визначили: створення передумов у просторі вищої школи для цілеспрямованого отримання інформації про особливості реалізації випереджальної стратегії морально-етичних самозмін педагога (усвідомлення ними такої необхідності); активізацію мотиваційних ресурсів особистості з точки зору гуманістичної етики; активне якісне перетворення особистістю емоційно-ціннісних самоставлень; пошук нових можливостей у розробленні програми професійно-етичного самоздійснення в професійній діяльності

Ключові слова: концептуальні засади, етична компетентність, майбутні вихователі закладів дошкільної освіти, фахова підготовка.


ethical competences preschool education training

Relevance of the topic due to the socio-pedagogical need for professional training of the new generation of specialists who are able to effectively implement the idea of personally oriented philosophy of education in accordance with the competence approach that defines preschool childhood as a unique period in the development of abilities and talents, formation of the basic qualities of the personality that will determine its lifelong activities.

The focus of preschool education on the final pedagogical results is comprehensive development of the child and ensuring their success at further stages of training involves a high level of professional com-petence of teachers of preschool educational institutions. Among the key competencies that the future preschool specialist should master, professional and ethical is of paramount importance.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Analysis of scientific literature of I. Bekh, G. Vasianovych, V. Hrynova, I. Zhadlenko, I. Ziaziun, O. Otych, O. Piekhota, O. Sukhomlynska, L. Khoru- zha, G. Shenchenko proved that ethical foundations of professional activites of the teacher are studied quite widely, but definition and justification of the provisions of the holistic concept of the formation of ethical competence of future teachers of preschool educational institutions in the process of professional training is not given.

The purpose of the study is to determine the conceptual foundations of the process of formation of ethical competence of the future teachers of preschool educational institutions in the process of pro-fessional training.

Presentation of the main material

The concept of our research we will understand as a system of initial provisions and approaches that determine the strategy of the process of formation professional and ethical competence of future teachers of preschool educational institutions in the process of professional training. The conceptual approaches of our scientific research will be in revealing the main idea of the above-mentioned process as a congruent system, the central vector of which will be the moral and ethical aspects of professional activities of future teachers of preschool educational institutions.

In search of scientific truth, we proceeded from being one of the dominant of the process of formation of ethical competence of future teachers of preschool educational institutions must be a deep awareness by them moral responsibility and dedication to the profession.

This opinion is supported at least by the fact that the basic ethical norm that regulates the creative process of professional activity of specialists of preschool education is one of the important human's qualities (moral and volitional trait), the ability of the teacher's personality to perform socially significant work is responsibility. After all, it is able to harmonize subjectivity of the moral and ethical activities of the teacher of a preschool educational institution, here moral freedom and self-determination become integral features of professional teacher's life.

Responsibility implies the recognition of the only active involvement of an individual to the social and natural world. This is not about a result of appreciation of a person by other people, but their own beliefs, moral principle, the result of self-awareness. Responsible person cannot impartially reflect on any social events; they always consider them as a participant. From this point of view, human life is continuous responsibility that determines its moral value.

Taking into account the above-mentioned, it becomes clear that professional and moral responsibility of the teacher appears in personality structure as a fundamental value for the results of their work. For such a teacher social and pedagogical requirements, moral laws and principles, code of pedagogical morality are internal regulators of their consciousness, behavior and activities, characterizing the social and moral maturity of the highly spiritual personality.

In our opinion, the professionally constructive path of pre-school teacher consists in the conscious (without coercion) performance of professional functions in accordance with moral and personal beliefs and vocations. In its turn, the highest manifestation for pedagogical duty is dedication personality to the profession as its moral and spiritual guideline of being.

So, according to our conceptual hypothesis we have identified the following indicators of moral responsibility of the teacher of the preschool educational institution:

- understanding and awareness by the individual of the significance of their duty to students, their parents, society, after all, themselves;

- forecasting, planning and overcoming possible difficulties in professional activity;

- expectation of positive emotions from the performance of professional duties;

- self-organization of the teacher's activities on the basis of ethics oriented pedagogy;

- ability to be responsible for the quality of the obtained result and awareness of the importance of the teacher of the consequences of their actions for society in general and every child.

Recognizing the need for the research in the authorial concept of age and individual characteristics of children, we will stop on psychological and pedagogical laws of development of a child of preschool age as a subject of ethical influence of the teacher.

Based on the theory of holistic personality development, scientists associate the problem of childhood, first of all, with the study of all laws of its formation as a subject of the educational process with taking into account all aspects of life through the integration of efforts of pedagogy, psychology, sociology, biology based on the attitude towards the child as self-worth and to childhood as an important sensitive period in human's life.

A characteristic feature of preschool childhood is that this period is significantly different from all other periods of human life.

In our opinion, the need of preschool children is an expression of the teacher of high moral qualities is due to the corresponding age features of a certain period of their life:

- the rapid pace of development of preschoolers, because not a single age period is characterized by so many qualitative changes;

- intensive mental changes;

- imbalance of nervous processes of excitation in inhibition;

- increased vulnerability, state of anxiety;

- need to communicate with adults, which is important component of the mental and emotional state of the child;

- emotionally sensitive dependence of the child on the teacher.

Thus, taking into account the above provisions, let us define the efforts that, in our opinion, determine the effective process of harmonious development of children of preschool age, according to their age and individual features. First of all, it is the creation of a positive emotional basis, the sensual basis for the optimal educational subject-subject interaction; awakening a sense of success (sense of self-importance) as a factor of moral personality; the ability of the teacher to captivate students insight to all living things, to convince with a word; daily fill their heats with love, warmth and smiles, finally, permanent ensuring a holistic ethical impact on the child.

One of the complex methodological issues is the choice of character and logic of constructing intellec-tual and moral interaction of subjects of learning in professional training future teachers of preschool edu-cational institutions. It is about strategic professional and pedagogical communication on ethical basis.

Researchers of the theory of communication prove that only in communication personality is revealed for real, not even revealed personality, but the subject of spiritual vision, the source of association people to each other.

It should be mentioned that communication will have a personality transformative meaning according to the requirements of a deep understanding of a person, emotional- value attitude to her and the choice of such a way of behaving with them, which is optional corresponded to their individual features.

Therefore, one of the key priorities in the process of forming ethical competences of future teachers of preschool educational institutions in professional training is spiritual cultural dominance professional- ly-pedagogical communication on a moral basis.

In this context, the integration factor acquires special significance of ethics, which is manifested in:

- humanely personal orientation of the subjects of learning: readiness to see, hear and understand each other with an intrinsic attitude towards the other;

- moral and transformative focus on the interlocutor: personal mutual enrichment and interpenetration into the world of feelings and each other's experiences;

- adherence to ethical principles between the participants of the interaction (manifestation respect for the individual, their position, opinions, reasoning), etc.

We emphasize that level of spiritual and developmental atmosphere of a group of students in general and the full formation of each child depends precisely on the mastery of future teachers of professional and pedagogical communication on moral and ethical basis.

In summary, we note that in this way, humane-creative interaction of teachers and future specialists of preschool education in the process of professional preparation is manifested primarily in formation of the humanistic attitude in the latter as the basis of the moral responsibility of the individual towards others; students mastering the technique of a person-centered communication; readiness of future pre-school teachers for interpersonal communication, accompanied by a number of complications (individual, age, communicative, features of children's behavior); ethical communicative orientation, openness, intelli-gence, initiative trust in communication, contact.

It is important to note that modern scientists focus on study of patterns and conditions of rational and successful activity of the teacher, it is about the implementation of the praxeological («praxeology» from Greek praxis - action, practice and literally means «knowledge of actions») approach in higher education.

In accordance with the praxeological approach in the authorial pedagogical process in the university future teachers of preschool educational institutions are expected to master skills of professional func-tioning in the educational space as a prerequisite for the formation of praxeological skills; organization of pedagogical activity that ensures the success of future specialists of preschool education, taking into account the principles of purposefulness, expediency, constructiveness, technological effectiveness, instrumentality, practicality and meaningfulness; finally, the effective formation of self-knowledge skills, self-organization, self-regulation of behavior and activities, intraethical reflection .

Let us make an attempt to supplement the existing conceptual approaches with another direction which will allow an unconventional approach to understanding the central construct of our research «formation of ethical competences of future teachers of preschool educational institutions». We believe that the integration of bioethics into the educational process of higher education is a new fundamental concept in the theory and methodology of professional education, value-semantic guideline in the philosophy of life- creation of future specialists of preschool pedagogy.

In addition, as G. Gubenko notes: «Now, more than ever, bioethical principles in education are becoming relevant, and bioethics as a new field of knowledge emphasizes on the need to focus on the future and on the formation of such a value system of each person, which will help them with understand-ing the new knowledge. Bioethichs is a worldview, integrative branch of knowledge based on values and ideas of humanism, goodness and nonviolence, ethichs of reverence for any life form, preserving of biotic devistry on planet Earth, and in general, to search for the limits of ethically permissible intervention in natural structures and the dynamics of living organizms. Bioethical education will provide funda- mentality of a student's education at all stages - from the first to fifth year, and will also serve as a navigator in the knowlegde» [1, p. 75].

A thorough analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature provided an opportunity to dis-cover that in most cases bioethics is considered as a medical direction, and special courses in this field of knowledge have been approved as elective and are taught in medical universities and academies of post-graduate medical education. In our opinion, in today's conditions, the question of integration bioethics in educational process of higher education institutions of Ukraine, in particular, pedagogical ones is acute. The idea of introducing this innovative direction will form a value-moral worldview among future educa-tors which is important for the implementation of the provisions of transcendental pedagogy, which is now is in the stage of radical deployment.

The socio-pedagogical significance of bioethics is determined by its methodological characteristics, will contribute to the expansion of the spiritual horizon of future educators, clarification personally transformative meaning of ethical norms and principles in the profession, values of moral life, and search for one's own personality as a carrier of the image of fairness and kindness.

The next natural step in building the authorial concept will be the focus of future teachers of preschool educational institutions on the ethical self-improvement on a continuous basis. For any teacher pur-poseful and consistent work on oneself is a necessary prerequisite of the perfect professional life which will provide an expedited professional ascent of a specialist to the heights of his professional skills.

Describing the ethical nature of professional self-improvement, L. Horuzha notes: «definition of clear ethical guidelines for pedagogical professions, teacher's awareness of the moral meaning of their activities, compliance with the norms and rules of ethics in practical actions will make negative mani-festations, will influence the formation of their professional culture and worldview, will allow to harmonize its entire sphere of subject-subject interaction. An important role is played by the professional improve-ment of the teacher, which is a prerequisite for their professional development, it is a component of peda-gogical profession» [2, p. 145].

Based on these positions, we consider it necessary to draw conclusions. Studying the problem of orientation of future teachers of preschool educational institutions for ethical self-improvement on an ongoing basis, the main goal we determined: creating preconditions in the high school space for purposeful receipt of information about the features of the implementation of a proactive strategy of moral and ethical selfchange of the teacher (awareness they have such a need); activation of motivational resources of the individual from point of view of humanistic ethics; active qualitative transformation by the individual of emotional and value self-attitudes; search for new opportunities in development programs of professional and ethical self-realization in professional activities.

Summing up, we note, the methodological basis of this process will be the awakening of the future specialist of preschool pedagogy spiritual superiority which should occur by deploying a universal systems of universal human values, the improvement of their moral consciousness, finally, the teacher's ascension to their spiritual greatness.


Thus, we have identified and scientifically substantiated conceptual foundations of the process of formation of ethical competence of future teachers of preschool educational institutions in the process of professional training which is aimed at the students' deep awareness of moral responsibility and significance of their own social mission; implementation of strategic professional and pedagogical communication on the ethical basis; competency-oriented design of training of future preschool teachers in the context of spiritual and moral paradigm and their focus on professional and ethical self-improvement on a reflexive basis.

It was found that under such conditions that awakening of spiritual superiority of future specialists of preschool pedagogy will take place by deployment of a universal system of universal human values, improving their moral consciousness, finally, the ascent of the teacher to their spiritual greatness.


1. Губенко Г. Інтегративна педагогічна біоетика як новий напрям підготовки фахівців. Вища освіта України. № 3. 2014. С. 75-81.

2. Хоружа Л.Л. Етичний розвиток педагога : навч. посіб. Київ : Академвидав, 2012. 208 с.

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