Pedagogical coaching in the modern educational process

Revealing the essence of pedagogical coaching as a technology of professional development of the individual in the system of professional development, a productive and rational means of organizing training. Conducting a theoretical analysis of coaching.

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Vinnytsia Mykola Pyrohov National Medical University

Lviv State University of Life Safety

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection

Pedagogical coaching in the modern educational process

Nataliia Kalashnik

Ph.D. (Public Administration), Ph.D. (Pedagogy)

Associate Professor of the of Ukrainian Studies Department

Kseniia Bereziak

Senior Lecturer of the Practical Psychology and Pedagogy Department

Dmytro Kostenko

Ph.D. (Public Administration), Ph.D. (Pedagogy)

Assistant Professor of the Foreign Languages for

Mathematical Faculties Department,

Associate Professor of the Language Training Department

Doctoral Student of the Institute of Problems on Education

of the NAES of Ukraine


The article deals with the essence of pedagogical coaching as a technology of professional development of personality in the system of advanced training, namely as a productive and rational means of organizing training in the current educational system.

The presented article deals with theoretical analysis of coaching - as innovative pedagogical technology. Relying on a comparative analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources, the authors note common problems in the scientific research of domestic andforeign scientists. The article also provides etymology, origin and meaning of the word "coach ".

The authors identify, those common features in domestic and foreign studies of coaching are: the construction of educational processes based on motivational interaction; creation of opportunities to disclose individual's potential; the equitable creative activity ofparticipants in the educational process; partnership to support people in achieving their goals.

It is shown that an expert coach might demonstrate many of the characteristics of coaching, but the ability to provide effective instruction using a variety ofpedagogical approaches may be one of the greatest factors in a student's development. It has been proved that coaching has all signs of pedagogical technology, common pedagogical activity model of design, organization, and introduction in the educational process.

This article is intended for researchers and coaches, teachers, educational institutions heads who deal with the educational activities.

Keywords: higher education; educational process; coach; coaching; pedagogical coaching; professional development; innovative pedagogical technology.

Наталія Калашнік, доктор філософії, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри українознавства, Вінницького національного медичного університету імені М.І. Пирогова

Ксенія Березяк, старший викладач кафедри практичної психології та педагогіки, Львівського державного університету безпеки життєдіяльності

Дмитро Костенко, доктор філософії в галузі державного управління, кандидат педагогічних наук, асистент кафедри іноземних мов математичних факультетів Навчально-наукового інституту філології Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка; доцент кафедри мовної підготовки Інституту державного управління та наукових досліджень з цивільного захисту; докторант Інституту проблем виховання Національної академії педагогічних наук України

Педагогічний коучинг у сучасному освітньому процесі


coaching training professional

Розкрито сутність педагогічного коучингу як технології професійного розвитку особистості в системі підвищення кваліфікації, а саме як продуктивного та раціонального засобу організації навчання у чинній системі.

У представленій статті здійснено теоретичний аналіз коучингу як інноваційної педагогічної технології. Автори, спираючись на порівняльний аналіз науково-педагогічних джерел, зазначають проблеми, які є спільними у наукових дослідженнях вітчизняних та зарубіжних учених. Зазначено, що технологія коучингу отримала ґрунтовний теоретичний аналіз і широке практичне застосування саме в теорії та практичних дослідженнях зарубіжних учених. У публікації також наведено етимологію, походження та значення слова "коуч ".

Автори визначають, що спільними ознаками у вітчизняних та зарубіжних дослідженнях коучингу є: побудова освітнього процесу на мотивуючій взаємодії; створення можливостей для розкриття потенціалу особистості; рівноправна творча діяльність учасників освітнього процесу; партнерство для підтримки людей у досягненні своїх цілей.

Показано, що досвідчений коуч може продемонструвати багато характеристик коучингу, але здатність забезпечити ефективне навчання з використанням різноманітних педагогічних підходів можуть бути одним із найважливіших факторів у студентському розвитку. Доведено, що коучинг має всі. ознаки педагогічної технології, єдиної моделі педагогічної діяльності проєктування, організації та впровадження в навчальний процес.

Стаття призначена для науковців і тренерів, викладачів, керівників навчальних закладів, які займаються освітньою діяльністю.

Ключові слова: вища освіта; навчальний процес; коуч; тренерство; педагогічний коучинг; підвищення кваліфікації; інноваційна педагогічна технологія.


The quest to obtain coaching knowledge to reach a high level of expertise is an ongoing journey, and a variety of factors can influence the development of a coach in becoming an expert (Turner, Nelson, & Potrac, 2012) [13].

The main goal of modern higher education is to prepare a qualified specialist (a bachelor, a master, a postgraduate student) who is ready to a professional activity and growth, having social and professional mobility, ability to adapt in changing external conditions.

An important component of the professional training of a teacher is his professional educational activity for the accumulation of professional competencies. It is one of the elements of the model, which combines special, informational psychological and pedagogical training. The need to introduce pedagogical coaching as a technology in higher educational institutions is caused by the following circumstances: the complexity of the tasks currently facing pedagogical workers of educational einstitutions; dynamism and variety of tasks that cannot be solved by the traditional ways; high competition in the market of educational services between various educational institutions.

Western scientists distinguish about ten main types of coaching: leadership coaching (employee support and motivation); life coaching (life planning); career or professional coaching (covers the job search process); administrative coaching; business coaching; sports training; family coaching, etc. Among them, educational coaching (“educoaching”) is a separate type, which is actively used not only in higher education. Therefore, it is quite relevant to consider educational coaching as a system of the innovative pedagogical technologies.


Is workplace coaching effective in terms of delivering individual learning and development, and improvements in performance and results? We examined a number of practice of the effectiveness of coaching, analyses of which have important implications for practitioner coaches concerning the effectiveness of specific coaching tools and techniques. The popularity of coaching appears to be enduring, with an estimated 53, 300 professional coach practitioners worldwide (International Coach Federation, 2016).

Pedagogy is a discipline that involves the theory and practice of how best to teach. Pedagogical coaching (from English coaching - to instruct, inspire, train for special purposes, prepare for solving certain tasks). According to the Association for Coaching (AC), Coaching is “a collaborative solution-focused, results-orientated and systematic process in which the Coach facilitates the enhancement of work performance, life experience, self- directed learning and personal growth of the Coacher.”

Pedagogical coaching assumes systematicity, vertical and horizontal integrity of the educational process; integration of formal and informal education, educational, practical and self-educational activities; taking into account the content of the teacher's educational needs at different stages of the life cycle; unity of professional, general and humanitarian education, etc.

The aim of the work is the study of the pedagogical coaching in the modern educational process.

Analysis of scientific sources and publications

One of the innovative approaches to the professional development of a teacher is coaching, which, into our opinion, applies to all modern demands in the educational process. C. Davis, M. Devine, R. Dilts, K. Douglas, M. Emitter, S. Covey, K. Colet, J. Jameson, С. Munro, L. Whitworth, J. Whitmore, B. Wuytsek, C. Houssemand, R. Hudson, substantiated the scientific and theoretical foundations of the use of coaching as a factor in revealing the personality in various fields of social life - education, psychology, business, management and sports etc.

The most important emphasis of coaching in education - in-depth diagnosis of the configuration of individual talents.

“As Honorary President of Special Olympics Monaco, I am committed to supporting our athletes who carry the colors of the Principality of Monaco with strength and determination. Every moment they inspire our admiration with their dedication and desire to go further in respecting the values of sport that I hold dear. I've always believed that sport is a means of fulfillment and integration, and Special Olympics Monaco proves that every day. I also emphasize the great work of the volunteers and management who work every day to provide support and help to the athletes and enable them to cope with all the difficulties”. Her Royal Highness Princess Charlene of Monaco. Honorary President of the Special Olympics of Monaco.

Special Olympics was founded in the United States by Eunice Kennedy Shriver, one of the sisters of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Since the beginning of the 1980s, Special Olympics Monaco has enabled people with mental disabilities to flourish through sport and sports competitions. “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt” ... This is the motto of the Special Olympics, the largest international sports movement for children and adults with mental disabilities. “I am at Special Olympics Monaco because I love sport in general and tennis and table tennis in particular. I like the atmosphere. I have good memories of traveling thanks to tennis in Los Angeles in 2015, in the Dominican Republic in 2018 and Special Olympics Games Abu Dhabi in 2019. The atmosphere, the culture, the discovery of other civilizations have enriched it. Thanks to Special Olympics Monaco for allowing me to discover all these countries”.

Je veux gagner mais si je ne peux pas, je ferai preuve de courage dans mes efforts”, or in English “Let me win but if I cannot, let me be brave in the attempt!”. This is the motto of the Special Olympics has been proved signs of pedagogical technology, common pedagogical activity model of design, organization, and introduction in the educational process; that coaching has all signs of possibility for the development of the participant's/student's personal potential and realization of teacher's potential; the organizational component of the realization of the pedagogical consideration is also taking a part in educational process, including the ability to teach so that the learner understands; the ability to provide tactical instruction, and a desire to pursue personal mastery like in the case with Jody Onnis, Special Olimpics Monaco [10].

Pedagogical coaching is based on the idea that each person is unique, differs in his own needs, goals, interests, motives and provides individual methods, forms, approaches the increase of professional and personal level.

Etymology, origin and meaning of the word “coach” in accordance with Etymonline can be traced back to the 1550s from the Middle French coche, the German kotsche and also from the Hungarian word kocsi (kocs, szeker), which meant “carriage” (which literally translates “carriage of Kocs”, from the name of the village where carriages were made) and and forms are found since 16c. in most European languages (Spanish and Portuguese coche, Italian cocchino, Dutch koets). The meaning “instructor / trained' we use today for a coach as an instructor or trainer first came about in approximately 1830; it was used as slang at Oxford University for a tutor who “carries” a student through an exam.

Coach in the “athletic sense” came about around 1861. Translated from English, “coach” is interpreted as “train”, “inspire”, “mentor / mentornity”. Transferred sense in sports, “person employed to train athletes for a contest” is attested from 1861. A more classical word for an athletic trainer was agonistarch, from Greek agonistarkhes “one who trains (someone) to compete in the public games and contests” [14].

The emergence of terms such as “coaching”, “educational coaching”, “coaching technology” is a new phenomenon in our educational environment. Indeed, coaching, or the idea of being a coach, began to acquire currency at the close of the twentieth century just as the related concepts of “mentoring”, “facilitating”, and “organisational learning” were entering the vocabularies of reformers in business and government as well in education. Coaching also seems to call teachers to deploy a wide and subtle repertoire. Typically, this repertoire is associated with constructivist learning theory. The pedagogy of coaching is a pedagogy of construction, expression, and transformation. Being a coach, in other words, implies being a “certain kind of teacher” [3]. And for good reason, some ideas have achieved such broad appeal among educators as those implied by the aphorism, “teacher as coach, student as worker” T. Sizer, (1984) Horace's compromise (Boston, MA, Houghton-Mifin.), that has proved the statement of coaching in education. Thus, educational coaching is a structured interaction between teacher - student, student - student, which creates opportunities for students to discover abilities, creative ideas to achieve their goals, increase the level of motivation and interest in studying the discipline [5].

A coach is a counseling trainer who encourages the participant to make the right choice to achieve their goals, developing the leadership skills. This opinion is shared by Terrie Lupberger (Senior Trainer, Master Certified Coach), who teaches executive coaching at the University of Miami as well as internationally. She is a contributing author to several books on coaching including: A Coach' s Guide to Emotional Intelligence and The Handbook of Knowledge-Based Coaching. She is considered a pioneer in the profession of coaching having been instrumental in the creation of the core coaching competencies still used as the standards of professionalism today. She is a former Board Member of the International Coach Federation and former manager of coach training programs at several U.S. Universities.

Terrie Lupberger helps her clients improve performance, build relationships, and get results without sacrificing wellbeing. She helps them navigate the mine fields and blind spots inherent in playing a bigger and bolder game. She defines, that coaching is a specific type of conversation between the coach and the employee (or team) being coached. Instead of directing or advising, the coach asks powerful questions that help the participant reframe their challenge and identify new behaviors and actions that will help them better achieve the desired outcomes. The participant then becomes accountable to the coach for the changes they commit to make. “We judge constantly and aren't even aware of it most of the time: “I don't like that”. '“I do like this”. “I agree with them. I don't agree with them”. “They're right”. “He's wrong”. “That's good”. We not only spend much of our time and energy judging but, what's worse, is that we then come up with reasons to justify why we believe what we believe so we can be right about it. And, we human beings LOVE to be right. We will kill off (metaphorically speaking) relationships, ideas, people, to prove how right we are and how wrong they are. Consider, however, that your conclusions and judgments will condemn you to do more of the same and produce the same results. Every time you have a judgment or point of view about something or someone, you limit what else is possible. You limit your options and your choices by Terrie Lupberger [8].

The uncertainty often surfaces as tension - between tradition and innovation, between showing and telling, between right and wrong- in both the language and practice of teachers aiming to become coaches. A strong foundation of sport knowledge (i.e., training systems, knowledge of the game, skill / technique performance) shapes the pedagogical knowledge with which teaching theory and practice can be applied. It is this applied knowledge or pedagogical content knowledge that coaches use to help in studying process. Research has suggested that expertise in coaching requires effective pedagogical skills [11].

We are agree with the opinion of Mariia Dzikovska who detected coaching as a phenomenon of educational process, built on a motivating interaction, where the teacher creates the conditions that can unlock the student' s personal potential to achieve his key goals in a certain area of knowledge, in the optimal terms.

Within the coaching education literature, the key characteristics demonstrated by expert coaches are frequently discussed (see Table 1). They include the ability to teach so that the learner understands, the ability to provide tactical instruction, and a desire to pursue personal mastery [11].

Table 1. Characteristics of Expertise in Coaching



Ability to be flexible and adaptable in dealing with a variety of scenarios

Jones & Wallace (2005)

Ability to provide accurate instruction

Grant et al. (2012)

Ability to provide tactical instruction

Martens (2012)

Commitment to lifelong learning

Turner et al. (2012)

Desire to pursue personal mastery

Gallimore et al. (2014)

Extensive subject knowledge

Cote & Gilbert (2009)

Intuitive decision making and ability to solve problems

Schempp & McCullick (2010)

Making time for deliberate planning

Schempp et al. (2006)

Effective pedagogical skills

Lyle (1998), Martens (2012)

It is shown that an expert coach might demonstrate many of the characteristics of coaching expertise, but the ability to provide effective instruction using a variety of pedagogical approaches may be one of the greatest factors in a student's development (Sheridan, 2011) [9, 11].

Pedagogical Coaching is based on a partnership of equals where the goals are co-decided. It is dialogic, developmental and happens in an ongoing cyclical manner. Among the variety of defined and other interpretations of coaching, we consider the integrated consolidated definition of the International Coach Federation (ICF) to be an important reference point for its understanding. In this basic document - the “Ethical Code of Coaching” - it is observed as a process built on the principles of partnership, which stimulates a person's thinking and creativity and contributes to the maximum disclosure of his personal and professional potential [4, 6].

Coaching, as the newest alternative pedagogical technology in teaching and effective technology of competence formation in students, is presented in the scientific achievements of both Ukrainian and foreign scientists. Coaching features, prospects of introduction of elements of the specified technology in the educational process of institutions of higher education are presented in studies of our (N. Goruk, S. Zhitska, L. Kudryk, G. Poberezska, Y. Surmak, O. Shevchuk) and foreign (D. Druckman, R. Bjork, J. Wittmore, R. Diltts, B. Wuytsek) scientists [5].

The analysis of scientific works shows that the use of innovative training technologies provides the training of highly qualified, professionally knowledgeable in their and related fields specialists who are capable of thinking logically, motivated and able to learn and self- develop. One such technology that provides effective training is coaching technology. Coaching technology is considered as an innovative means of developing self- educational and professional competence of teachers. Under the analysis of theory and practice concerning the research problem, the main components, forms of self-educational activity are determined: educational, scientific-methodical, scientific-research. The basic principles of self-education activities of teachers are identified as follows: integrity, practical orientation, mobility, self-organization and self-realization.

Research scientific material. C. Munroe (2016) describes coaching as a partnership to support people in achieving their goals. He notes that coaching conversations are deliberately guided conversations that use active listening, skillful questions and other coaching skills, enhanced by a high level of emotional intelligence, in order to raise awareness and encourage accountability in the coaching staff. The process involves explaining goals, exploring reality, options, agreement on actions, and their review and implementing. For educators coaching can be a highly personalized form of professional training that enhances learning in classes, teams, management, and even career advancement [2].

In our opinion, coaching in education or educational coaching is a structured interaction between teacher - student, student - student, which creates opportunities for students to discover abilities, creative ideas to achieve their goals, increase the level of motivation and interest in studying the discipline.

G. Poberezhska (2017) states that coaching as a pedagogical educational technology is based on some equal, creative participants in the educational process and is aimed at the identification and realization of student potential to achieve high educational and professional, social, and personal development. Unlike other scientists, N. Goruk (2015) emphasizes that the technology of coaching should be considered not only as a pedagogical support or creation of optimal conditions for the disclosure of the individual potential, but also for the formation of self-educational competence of the individual. After all, it trains the ability to act and learn effectively, develops the skills of independent cognitive search, self-management and effective management of their own learning activities [12].

L. Brzezinski (2014) notes that coaching is a process that helps people and teams to perform tasks in the most effective way. It involves developing people's strengths, bypassing internal barriers and limitations to achieve personal excellence and facilitate more effective collaboration as a team [1].

Mania Dzikovska (2019) defines that coaching has all the features of pedagogical technology:

is a model of joint pedagogical activity for the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with the provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers;

is an organic component of the structure of various forms of organization of educational lessons, realization of other types of pedagogical interaction of subjects of educational process;

has opportunities for developing the student's personal potential and realizing the potential of the teacher [5].

We are agree with M. Kachmarek (2013) that coaching is to assist the development of a person in need with the assistance of a trainer. The goal is to develop or improve specific professional and / or life skills. We can add, if mentoring is “Do as I do!”, training is “You don't know - let's teach”, consulting is “I will help you”, then coaching is “I want! - Can! - I believe! I! “I have a result!” [7].

Results of the scientific research

Based on the results of numerous theoretical studies and using the accumulated practical experience, we argue that the use of coaching technology in the organization of the educational process helps the individual to learn more than it teaches. Coaching is a learning and development approach that places the learner at the centre of the learning experience. Coaching can be described as a “learner-focused constructivist experiential approach”. So, we can conclude that coaching has all the features of pedagogical technology:

is a model of joint pedagogical activity for the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with the provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers;

is an organic component of the structure of various forms of organization of educational lessons, realization of other types of pedagogical interaction of subjects of educational process;

has opportunities for developing the student's personal potential and realizing the potential of the teacher.

The Methods Coaches Utilize in Learning How to Coach are represented in the next aspects (see Table 2).

Table 2. The Methods of learning how to coach

Learning How to Coach

1. Seeking the assistance of a mentor.

2. Hands-on training with guidance from a head coach.

3. Observing other coaches.

4. Reading books on coaching.

5. Informal discussions with other coaches.

6. Websites on coaching.

7. The method of trials and errors.

As we see, coaches use many techniques and styles when conducting practices to facilitate the development and motivation. In fact, many coaches often use several different teaching styles during instruction. Energizing is about supporting, motivating and enthusing both ourselves and others. We all know motivation is intrinsic but we also know that positive energy is contagious. Don't you know, that enthusiasm is infectious? Positive energy builds on positive energy until positive action becomes irresistible. We agree with International Coach Academy (ICA, Australia), that the more you enthuse the Source, the more they will feel positive and the easier they will become to enthuse. They will then go out into the world able to enthuse others into supporting them in their change. If you think of positive energy as a fuel that powers movement, enthusing could be described as giving the Source a “boost” of enough positive energy to help them move into action. Scientists say that the main purpose of the coach, as a facilitator, is to organize a productive dialogue, which should help generate new ideas and experiences. I know you can do this! This is exciting! You' ve got what it takes! I' m so excited by this decision! Let me acknowledge how powerful you are! [11].

The further research includes the coaching as part of a coherent set of approaches to teaching and learning in the following:

How coaching fits in with other pedagogical approaches.

The popular image of coaching as a process which transforms learners' knowledge and practice.

Learning from experience and reflection.

How the coachee can learn to be coached.

The power dynamic between the coach and coachee.

Discussion of goals and sub-goals.

Establishing an authentic relationship.

Situational and problem-based learning.

Social and cultural implications of coaching.


According to researchers, coaching is not only a technology that is used in certain circumstances; effective coaching is a method of management, a method of interaction with people, a way of thinking, a way of being. Effective coaching leads the teacher to the goal, brings pleasure and joy, which will benefit all participants in the educational process. However, through the development of sound pedagogical skills, a coach can improve his or her effectiveness in reaching participants/students as learners and lay a foundation for developing expertise as a coach. We believe that the main advantages of using coaching as a pedagogical technology are:

increasing the activation of the educational process;

increase of students' motivation to study the course;

identification of students' abilities, which reveal them as creative people, capable of logical thinking;

development of leadership skills in students;

high productivity of the educational process;

development of communication skills;

development of emotional intelligence;

creation of perspective tasks for personal and professional growth.


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6. ICF Credential - International Coach Federation. Available at: [in English].

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