Trends of alteration of educational programs of foreign language training of philology masters (at the beginning of the 21st century)

The main problems and prospects for the development of master's education in Ukraine in general and the foreign language training of philology masters in particular. Ideas of scientists regarding the development of educational professional programs.

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Дата добавления 26.07.2023
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Trends of alteration of educational programs of foreign language training of philology masters (at the beginning of the 21st century)

Natalia Sultanova,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Department Of Pedagogy and Psychology, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv (Mykolaiv, Ukraine)

Mania Korniienko,

postgraduate student, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv (Mykolaiv, Ukraine)


The aim of the study is to to reveal the main trends of alteration of programe provision of foreign language training of philology masters at the beginning of the 21st century.

Relevance of the problem is determined by transformational changes in educational and professional programs in accordance with national interests and individual needs in the context of the European educational space.

The article covers the main problems and prospects for the development of master's education in Ukraine in general and the foreign language training of philology masters in particular. Constructive ideas of scientists regarding the development of educational professional programs at the master's level of various profiles are highlighted. First of all, it is about: a) innovative orientation of training specialists; b) scientific and research component of educational and training programs; c) variable part of educational plans; d) cross-cultural nature of educational content; e) close cooperation of programe provision developers with employers and e) European orientation and value meaning of educational activities.

The authors outline the main trends in the development of programe provision of the foreign language training of philology masters at the current stage, among which they point to the standardization of the content and results of educational activities; differentiation of the content of education and forms of control over its results at different levels of higher education; competence orientation and personal orientation of training specialists with higher education; correlation between the educational and professional program and programs of academic disciplines; variability of the content of higher education taking into account European, national and individual needs and opportunities.

European educational and cultural integration is considered an indispensable condition for effective transformational changes of programe provision of foreign language training of philology masters in Ukraine.

Keywords: standardization of education, programe provision, transformational changes, European integration, content of education, results of educational activity, value orientation, competence character.


Напрями трансформації освітніх програм іншомовної підготовки магістрів-філологів (початок XXI ст.)

Наталя Султанова,

доктор педагогічних наук, професор кафедри педагогіки і психології,

Миколаївський національний університет імені В.О. Сухомлинського (м. Миколаїв, Україна)

Марія Корнієнко,


Миколаївський національний університет імені В. О. Сухомлинського (м. Миколаїв, Україна)

Мета статті -- розкрити основні напрями трансформації програмового забезпечення іншомовної підготовки магістрів-філологів у вітчизняних закладах вищої освіти на початку ХХІ століття. Актуальність проблеми зумовлюється трансформаційними змінами освітньо-професійних програм, відповідно до національних інтересів та освітніх потреб у контексті Європейського освітнього простору.

У статті висвітлено основні проблеми й перспективи розвитку магістерської освіти в Україні загалом та іншомовної підготовки магістрів-філологів зокрема. Описано конструктивні ідеї вчених стосовно розробки освітніх професійних програм магістерського рівня різного профілю. Ідеться передусім про: а) інноваційну спрямованість підготовки фахівців; б) науково-дослідницький складник освітніх і навчальних програм; в) варіативну частину навчальних планів; г) кроскультурний характер освітнього контенту; ґ) тісну співпрацю розробників програмового забезпечення з працедавцями та д) європейську орієнтацію й ціннісне значення освітньої діяльності. Автори окреслюють основні напрями формування програмового забезпечення іншомовної підготовки магістрів-філологів на сучасному етапі, із яких вказують на стандартизацію змісту й результатів освітньої діяльності; диференціацію змісту навчання і форм контролю за його результатами на різних рівнях вищої освіти; компетентнісну спрямованість й особистісну орієнтацію підготовки фахівців з вищою освітою; взаємозв'язок між освітньо-професійною програмою та програмами навчальних дисциплін; варіативність змісту вищої освіти з урахуванням європейських, національних та індивідуальних потреб і можливостей.

Визначено напрями трансформації програмового забезпечення іншомовної підготовки магістрів-філологів, що зумовлені стандартизацією змісту й результатів освітньої діяльності, диференціацією змісту навчання і форм контролю за його результатами та варіативністю змісту вищої освіти з урахуванням європейських, національних та індивідуальних потреб і можливостей. Зроблено висновок, що неперехідною умовою ефективних трансформаційних змін програмового забезпечення іншомовної підготовки магістрів-філологів в Україні є її європейська освітньо- культурна інтеграція.

Ключові слова: стандартизація освіти, програмове забезпечення, трансформаційні зміни, європейська інтеграція, зміст освіти, результати освітньої діяльності, ціннісна орієнтація, компетентнісний характер.


trend educational foreign language

The problem formulation. The transformational changes taking place in the field of higher education in Ukraine concern primarily programe provision of professional training of future specialists. The development of master's educational programs is of great interest, since the second level of education in Ukraine requires special programe provision that does not duplicate the content of bachelor's training and is a stepping stone to scientific activity. In addition, it is the master's level of higher education that is designed to provide specialists with the appropriate level of competitiveness, promotes their further professional and educational activities. At the same time, the trends and difficulties of alteration of educational and professional programs of the second level of foreign language higher education of philologists in Ukraine are not sufficiently covered in scientific periodicals.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Problems and trends of master's training have been highlighted by scientists: A. Baliuk, N. Batechko, I. Batsurovska, S. Vitvytska, I. Haidai, V. Lozova, N. Machynska, N. Myronchuk, O. Piehota, A. Rastryhina, S. Sysoieva and others.

The author's concept of pedagogical training of masters of education is offered by S. Vitvytska. With regard to the content and focus of educational programs, we are interested in her ideas of forming master's abilities for innovative activity, self-development and self-realization, bringing the educational process closer to research activity and creating one's own product of cognitive work (Vitvytska S., author's abstract, 2011, p. 42). A. Baliuk holds a similar opinion, insisting on the preparation of masters for the organization and conduction of scientific and research activities (Baliuk A., 2015, p. 7-11); N. Machynska emphasizes the innovative component of educational programs, insisting on close cooperation with employers (Machynska N., 2013, p. 97-98).

Professional interest is also caused by the acmesynergistic approach to master's training, the essence of which N. Batechko sees in the openness of all factors of influence on the pedagogical environment, which strives for selforganization (Batechko N., 2016, p. 272). Therefore, the scientist pays special attention to the selective part, considering it the basis of the master's program (Batechko N., 2016, p. 275).

The cultural aspect of the problem of the formation of professional competence of higher school teachers is highlighted by N. Myronchuk, naming the main trends which cause changes in the training of specialists: a) the formation of a planetary communicative space, in which the processes of professional communication are intensified, including a foreign language, and b) the expansion of opportunities and needs of personal development the growth of the need of personal and professional self-organization" (Myronchuk N., 2017, p.334), which significantly strengthens the motivation for studying foreign languages languages and training for this purpose the relevant pedagogical personnel of high qualification.

V. Lozova names the main components that determine the content, forms and directions of subject action, which relate to the key components of the pedagogical process (Lozova V., 2013). She points to "...four components of the content of education: knowledge about the world and methods of intellectual and practical activity; experience in the implementation of methods of activity; experience of creative activity and experience of emotional and value attitude", which proves the developers' orientation to knowledge, rules of activity and value orientations of the subjects of the educational process, giving educational activity a cultural and competence orientation.

V. Bobrytska points out the correspondence of the professional training of masters in the field of education to the European structure of the profile of the educational and professional program; problems and prospects of master's education are analyzed by A. Rastryhina; I. Batsurovska characterizes the features of master's training in the conditions of open distance courses. V. Zakharchenko, V. Lugovyi, Yu. Rashkevych and Zh. Talanova offer methodical recommendations for the development of educational programs of higher professional education.

In general, scientists put forward constructive ideas regarding the development of educational professional programs at the master's level, in particular, they point to their: a) innovative orientation; b) scientific and research component; c) variable part; d) cross-cultural nature; e) close cooperation with employers and e) European orientation and values. However, their works are not enough connected with foreign language training of philology masters.


The aim of the study is to reveal the main trends of the alteration of the programe provision of foreign language training of philology masters at the beginning of the 21st century.


Research methods: theoretical analysis, historical-pedagogical approach, systematization of pedagogical ideas.


The issues of programe provision of foreign language training of philology masters, although have their own subject specifics, are inseparable from the problems of master's education in general. For example, V. Bezliudna actualizes the issue of content renovation of the training of future teachers of foreign languages, emphasizing the variability of curriculum and building on the basis of higher education standards of the competence model of this work using the credit system (Bezliudna V., 2018). S. Vitvytska points out the need to develop an educational and professional program for specialized training of specialists in accordance with their future scientific and research, management and teaching activities. Examining the problem of training future teachers of foreign languages, she identifies the main stages of the formation of the master's degree in Ukraine and Russia, that cover the second half of the last century and the beginning of the current one (Vitvytska S., 2006, p. 69-71).

In turn, H. Piatakova characterizes the leading trends in the foreign language didactic training of philology masters in the universities of the Visegrad Group countries, emphasizing the aim and content of master's education, the relevance of the educational program and the European vector of education in Ukraine (Piatakova H., 2020). I. Haidai, for example, calls humanitarian, psychological-pedagogical, and scientific-practical as the main components of the professional training of philology masters, including foreign language training, which should fill the content of higher education (Haidai I., 2017).

Regardless of the different views of scientists on the problems of modernization of educational programs, all of them mainly concern the content of educational activities. At the beginning of the XXI century there was a more clearly visible trend of renovation of educational programs, curriculum and programs not only taking into account national needs and opportunities, but also the requirements of the European educational society in the context of Ukraine's integration into the EU. Therefore, transformational changes in the content and forms of higher education in Ukraine are increasingly oriented towards European standards. Radical transformations caused by the requirements of the State Educational Standard for a Foreign Language (1998) concern primarily the content components of educational programs, especially regarding the formation of the ability of specialists to communicate in foreign languages and further training, which should prepare speakers of another language as the driving force of European integration.

Since the achievement of the specified in the program documents results of the educational process means the transformation of the defined competencies into personal qualities of the subject level and competence filling, the communication capabilities of the foreign language activities of the future philology masters are actualized, the quality of their training directly depends on the content of the educational programs and the results of their assimilation. The effectiveness of the development of educational programs, curriculum and programs of educational disciplines, means of diagnosing the results of educational activity is determined by understanding the aim, content and expected results of higher education of a certain level and specific profile, by understanding the key patterns of this process.

Integration processes in the European space require in Ukraine a significant reform of the content and forms of education in accordance with world, national and personal challenges, which corresponds to the modern cultural theory of the tripling of education, which, according to A. Sbruieva, "presupposes taking into account general trends in education, specific regional educational needs and individual interests of each participant in the educational process" (Sbruieva A., 2004, pp. 71-73). Therefore, the coverage of the problem of the variability of the content of higher, in particular, master's education is actualized. In addition, the variability of education is a requirement of the European community. Emphasizing on the alteration of the aim and content of master's education in Ukraine, the relevance of the educational program in the European space, H. Piatakova points out the necessary components of state standards of higher education in the countries of the Visegrad Group: state, branch and the component of the institution of higher education (Piatakova H., 2020 , p. 229), the consideration of which corresponds to the challenges of the time.

A similar trend is progressing in our country. In the decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine "On the approval of the Regulation on the organization of the educational process in higher educational institutions" dated June 2, 1993 No. 161, the main concepts of this work have been defined: the State Standard of Education, educational and professional program, curricula of disciplines, normative and selective, developed to implement the educational process in higher education in modern Ukraine.

The introduction of graduate education (1997) in Ukraine contributed to a deeper differentiation of the content of education and forms of control over its results at different educational and qualification levels: "bachelor", "specialist" and "master". Then, - reminds H. Piatakova, - "... it was proposed to form the content of the variable part of the educational and qualification characteristics" (Piatakova H., 2020, p. 229), which made it possible to make corrections to the list of specialties and educational plans and programs. The variability of higher education was a noticeable step towards meeting the needs of applicants, expanding the opportunities of graduates to get a profitable job, finding their way in the difficult market circumstances of life in a timely manner. The relevance of a variable approach to higher education programming is also explained by the fact that domestic scientists consider the openness of Ukrainian education to be an important condition for cultural integration. V. Ogneviuk affirms "Globalization of economic, political and cultural relations in the world causes the formation of open educational systems and generally accepted dimensions of education" (Ogneviuk V., 2013, p. 43). The openness of education is explained as the ability to change its content and forms under the influence of not only internal but also external factors. It is the variability of the content of education that is the basis of the transformation of educational activity programe provision at the current stage.

The analysis of the main publications on the research problem still shows that programe provision of foreign language training of philology masters in particular future teachers of the English language, has not yet become the subject of a special systematic research of specialists. It is positive thing, that scientists focus on the structure and openness of the content of professional training of students, emphasize the competence potential and the psychological-pedagogical component of educational programs, determine the results of educational activities and methods of their diagnosis, which is of fundamental importance for the development and improvement of educational program documents. Transformations of programe provision are connected with the conditions and requirements of the European educational space, which leads to the appropriate standardization of educational programs of higher professional education. The content characteristics of the educational process, reflected in educational program documents, are interpreted by scientists as pedagogical values of modern education, which have a long-term prospective character regarding the content and results of educational activities, which are the main components of every educational program for training specialists of the appropriate profile and level of education.

There is also a risk of exceeding the variable share of the educational program and thus of the educational plan of specialists, which will give these educational documents local character. Among the shortcomings of the programe provision is the separation of the subject planning of educational disciplines from the educational program, the content and scope of which was formed according to the educational and qualification characteristics of the specialist, and not according to the state standard of higher education. Hence, universities have different profiles of the same specialties, which does not contribute to the formation of given competences within certain qualification "frameworks" and makes it difficult to monitor the quality of higher education.


Conclusions. The main directions of formation of programe provision of foreign language training of philology masters at the current stage are the following: standardization of the content and results of educational activities in the European context; differentiation of the content of training and forms of control over its results at different levels of higher education; competence and personal orientation of the training of specialists with higher education; the interconnection between the educational and professional program and programs of academic disciplines; variability of the content of higher education taking into account European, national and individual needs and opportunities.

Prospects for further research of the problem are outlined in the directions of alteration of programe provision of foreign language training of philology masters and in search of the interaction of programe and methodical provision of foreign language training of philology masters, taking into account the main trends of their transformations.


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Batechko, N. G. (2016). Theoretical and methodological principles of training of teachers of the higher school in the conditions of the master's degree: thesis... Dr. Ped. Sc.:13.00.04 - theory and methodology of professional education. Kyiv.

Bezliudna, V. V. (2018). Theory and practice of professional training of future foreign language teachers in higher pedagogical educational institutions of Ukraine (1948-2016): thesis...Dr. Ped. Sc.: 13.00.01 - general pedagogy and history of pedagogy; 13.00.04 - theory and methodology of professional education. Rivne.

Vitvytska, S. S. (2006). Systemic and historical analysis of the stages of formation of the magistracy in Ukraine and Russia. Bulletin of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University. Zhytomyr. ZhDU, Issue 19, 69-71.

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thesis Dr. Ped. Sc.: 13.00.04 - theory and methodology of the professional education. Ivan Franko State University.

Haidai, I. O. (2017). Training of double-profile philologist teachers at higher pedagogues. education institutions of Ukraine (1956-XXI century). thesis ... candidate ped. Sciences. 13.00.01 / Zhytomyr State Ivan Franko University. Zhytomyr.

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Sbruieva, S. S. (2004). Comparative pedagogy: teaching. manual 2nd ed., pp. Sumy: VTD "University Book".

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