Issue of barriers of self-knowledge in the process of formation of future specialists' readiness for self-improvement

Обґрунтовано педагогічні бар’єри самопізнання майбутнього фахівця: відсутність мотивації до професійного самовдосконалення, втрату інтересу до навчання, несформованість навичок самоспостереження, несистематичність пошуку помилок, аналізу роботи.

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Дата добавления 03.07.2023
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Issue of barriers of self-knowledge in the process of formation of future specialists' readiness for self-improvement

Svоtlana Khatuntseva,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Iryna Glazkova,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Berdiansk State Pedagogical University, Berdiansk,

Oryna Khatuntseva,

Teacher Kyiv National Linguistic University, Kyiv



доктор педагогічних наук, професор


доктор педагогічних наук, професор

Бердянський державний педагогічний університет, м. Бердянськ,


Викладач Київський національний лінгвістичний університет, м. Київ


У статті розкрито основні результати дослідження актуальних проблем вивчення бар'єрів самопізнання в процесі формування в майбутніх фахівців готовності до самовдосконалення.

Наголошено, що бар'єри самоосмислення сприяють осмисленню, усвідомленню уявлення про себе та власну діяльність, виступають свідченням високого рівня розвитку самосвідомості, що передбачає наявність у індивіда постійного діалогу з самим собою, спостереження і самоаналізу власних почуттів, вчинків, дій. Самовдосконалення базується на самомотивації як спрямованій дії особи на актуалізацію прагнень та концентрації енергії для виконання заданої цілі. Самооцінка є важелем усвідомлення власної активності майбутнього фахівця.

Обґрунтовано педагогічні бар'єри самопізнання майбутнього фахівця: відсутність мотивації до професійного самовдосконалення, втрату інтересу до навчальної діяльності, несформованість навичок самоспостереження, несистематичність пошуку помилок, аналізу результатів поточної роботи, блокування розкриття особистих інтересів і цінностей, відсутність установки на досягнення близьких і віддалених цілей, неспроможність здійснювати критичний аналіз власної діяльності.

Зауважено, що проблема саморозуміння - одна з найважливіших характеристик природи особистості, форма освоєння дійсності, яка означає розкриття значеннєвого змісту діяльності, котра містить бар'єри самопізнання, забарвлена пізнавальною, творчою активністю майбутнього фахівця. педагогічний мотивація навчання

На основі одержаних результатів зроблено висновок, що самопізнання майбутнього фахівця, по-перше, є основою усвідомлення особистістю себе як самоцінності, розкриття здібностей, пізнавальних можливостей, актуалізації ціннісного ставлення до учасників процесу, пошуку, підтримки й посилення важелів ефективності механізму організації професійної діяльності; по-друге, є підґрунтям та стимулом прагнення до самовдосконалення, чинником самореалізації професіонала. Воно уможливлює внутрішнє оцінювання освітнього процесу та співвіднесення з передбачуваним результатом, подальше регулювання власної поведінки відносно професійних завдань. Аналіз викладеного дає змогу стверджувати, що самопізнання полегшує самовдосконалення фахівця.

Зауважено що, аналіз власної діяльності як процес осмислення професійного досвіду є інструментом подолання існуючих у роботі бар'єрів самопізнання, стимулом самовдосконалення. Тому розвиток здатності майбутнього фахівця до подолання та запобігання бар'єрів самопізнання є важливою умовою для визначення основних аспектів своєї професійної діяльності й труднощів, які виникають під час професійної підготовки.

До подальших напрямів дослідження цієї проблеми належить вивчення еволюції наукових уявлень про формування професійних компетентностей майбутніх фахівців на засадах індивідуалізації професійної підготовки.

Ключові слова: самовдосконалення, бар'єри самопізнання, майбутній фахівець, готовність, самоосмислення, самомотивація, самореалізація


In the article, the main results of the research of relevant issues of discovering barriers of self-knowledge in the process of formation of future specialists' readiness for self-development are disclosed.

It is emphasized that barriers of self-understanding encourage understanding, awareness of ideas about oneself and one's own activity, testify to a high level of selfawareness development that implies the presence of a permanent dialogue of an individual with themselves, observation and self-analysis of their own feelings, deeds, actions. Self-development is based on self-motivation as a direct action of a person on actualization of aspirations and concentration of energy for achieving a goal set. Selfesteem is a lever of awareness of future specialist's activities.

Pedagogical barriers of self-knowledge of a future specialist are justified: the absence of motivation for professional self-development, inadequacy of skills of introspection, no systematicity in searching for mistakes, analysis of results of current work, blocking disclosure of personal interests and values, absence of installation to the achievement of close and far goals, inability to carry out a critical analysis of one's own activity.

It is admitted that an issue of self-understanding, one of the most important characteristics of nature of a person, form of mastering reality that means the disclosure of semantic content of activity that contains of barriers of self-knowledge, is coloured with cognitive, creative activity of future specialist.

On the basis of gained results the conclusion was made that the self-knowledge of a future specialist, first of all, is a base of awareness by a personality themselves as a self-value, disclosure of aptitudes, cognitive abilities, the actualization of value attitude to the members of a process, search, support and amplifying of levers of the effectiveness of mechanisms of organization of professional activity; secondly, it is a background and stimulus of a desire to self-improvement, a factor of self-realization of a specialist. It enables internal assessment of the educational process and interrelation with a predictable result and further regulation of one's own behaviour relating to professional tasks. The analysis of the material above gives an opportunity to assume that self-knowledge facilitates the self-development of a specialist.

It is noted that an analysis of one's own activity as a process of professional experience is an instrument of overcoming the existing barriers at work, and stimulus to self-improvement. That is why the development of an ability of a future specialist to overcome and prevent the barriers of self-knowledge is an important condition for determination of the main aspects of the professional activity and complications which appear during the professional preparation.

To further areas of research on this issue belongs the study of the evolution of scientific ideas about the formation of professional competencies of future specialists on the basis of individualization of professional preparation.

Keywords: self-development, barriers to self-knowledge, future specialist, readiness, self-understanding, self-motivation, self-realization.


System-forming factor to increase the effectiveness of future specialists' preparation in high school is a synthesis of personality with essential-informative characteristics of the professional activity of a teacher. Currently, new vision of individuality faces the problem of overcoming and preventing barriers in process of professional formation. Nowadays social realities demand a review of ideas of self-development, its essence and opportunities in providing life, professional, and personal self-determination for each student and their competitiveness in the market of labour, orientation and permanent development. One of the demonstrative indicators of such a process is research of the issue of self-knowledge as a process of solving professionally essential points of value orientations, and relations, and rethinking the content of the professional activity.

The works of V. Voytko, K. Rogers, L. Terletska and other scholars are dedicated to the problem of discovering the process of self-knowledge, its structure, role in the formation of personality. Psychological prerequisites for the development of self-esteem of contemporary specialists' personal qualities are highlighted by M. Boryshevskyi, L. Zlochevska, S. Koliadenko and other scholars. Y. Buterko, O. Humenik, O. Morschakova, A. Furman and others dedicated their works to research issues of self-reflection as an individual factor of self-determination of a person. N. Myronchuk, M. Mochalova, H. Pecherska, V. Shapovalova dedicated their research to the topic of self-motivation as a component of the self-organization of a specialist. An issue of formation of future specialists' readiness for self-improvement in process of individualization of professional preparation is highlighted in scholarly works of T. Burlakpva, B. Hryniova, S. Kampova, S. Khatuntseva,

I. Unt and others. Theoretical and methodical principles of formation of future teachers' competence in prevention and overcoming pedagogical barriers in process of formation of future specialists' readiness for self-development are disclosed in the works of V. Boyko, I. Glazkova, O. Kucheriavyi, N. Yakovleva. However, the issues of barriers to self-knowledge in process of future specialists' readiness for self-improvement are out of sight.

The aim of this work is an illumination of the issue of barriers of selfknowledge in process of future specialists' readiness for self-improvement.

Methods of the research. For solving the set tasks, achievement of the goal is used the complex of contemporary general scholarly methods which are relevant to the nature of the phenomenon which is under investigation: theoretical, and empirical.

The results and discussion. The readiness for self-development is determined by us as a result of future specialists' preparation for selfdevelopment in the process of individualization of professional preparation which is a stable integral personal and occupational ability of a future specialist which is based on formed motivational values, personal and professional qualities, gained knowledge and skills, provides its self-development, selfawareness by means of overcoming barriers of self-education [4].

Hence, the issue of research an issue of barriers of self-knowledge in process of formation of future specialists' readiness for self-development arises.

From our point of view, professional self-knowledge needs a study of pedagogical barriers that appear in process of professional preparation. "Barrier" is determined as: first of all, a complex subjective psychological phenomenon which is accompanied by negative emotions which limit the cognitive abilities of an individual; secondly, peculiarities of the psyche of the person who studies hinder the formation of productive cognitive models, if the peculiarities are ignored; thirdly, a complication that appears in process of solvation of educational tasks which prevent the awareness of cognitive needs [5]. We rely on the research of I. Glazkova who substantiates the binary entity of the pedagogical barrier admits that the last one hinders, restricts and decreases the effectiveness and success of the pedagogical process and for this reason needs to be prevented. However, a simultaneously pedagogical barrier is a vehicle which stimulates, prompts, and increases the effectiveness of activity of subjects of the pedagogical process by means of overcoming [4]. Issues of self-development of personality attracted the attention of scholars who reckoned that self-development encourages awakening of interest to knowledge, social being, the actualization of accumulated experience in this issue and enables to analyze the factors which influence the process [6]. The special feature of researching an issue of specialist's self-development gains philosophical concept which expands the understanding of fundamental principles of a human being, about essential characteristics of the attitude of personality to changes in society.

Let's identify some barriers to self-knowledge and justify our own position.

One of the forms of self-knowledge is self-reflection. The most important characteristic of personality is the senses which they rely on in process of self-development and self-improvement, based on certain "benchmarks". From the position of biological measurement, senses which are common to a person are specified in a certain way because they are a product of society and culture. Based on these senses a person uses stereotyping as a strategy of sense-formation. Such a strategy of senseformation is simple because a personality copies present examples in society, and no quality changes happen. In a way, they are a character of other people's narratives, and life projects [3].

The social dimension of the development of personality takes place within the social dimension of social dimension which means that senses which are used by a person may be named as owned, and the strategy of sense-formation may be named as sense-absorbing. In this case, personality does not just copy sense samples which are present in culture and society but absorbs with no intention to create their own sense systems on this basis [3]. Hence, barriers to self-reflection encourage reflection, awareness of selfimage and activity are pieces of evidence of the high level of development of self-awareness which involves the presence of a permanent dialogue of individuals with themselves, observation and self-analysis of their own feelings, deeds, and actions.

The preconditions of the appearance of will are the development of self-consciousness of a person, and the appearance of motivational representations which is the beginning of the liberation of behaviour from situational dependence and its subordination to internal goals. Gradually the separation of motives and goals, the realization of a motive through the achievement of a goal happens having overcome certain complications. The image of a desirable subject becomes more important than situational reasons. An important personal neoplasm appears - the subordination of motives that is caused by a desire to meet certain requirements, between the motives "want" and "need" the second one will be determined as a priority. So it is important to understand the social usefulness of goal achievement.

Let's consider the barriers of self-motivation of future specialists more in detail. Researchers consider the motivational sphere of a specialist as a base the development and values of its components provide productivity and success as a professional activity, as a personality of a specialist, and selfmotivation is determined as a driving force of self-development and selfimprovement of a personality in professional activity. Scholars emphasize that the basic function of motivation lies in the self-regulation of actions of a person during different phases of their activity, especially before and after completing the action; a process in which the transformation of the external set goal of a person's activity to their internal need happen [2]. Self-motivation is a mental process which involves control under any activity or activities the goal of which is the development and improvement of personality. The process of selfmotivation builds on internal incentives such as ambitions, promotion, and awareness of the importance of the work being done or an essential event. The driving force of self-motivation is relevant goals for personality. The significance of a goal is an important, internal need to achieve it - in this case, a person will have a desire to achieve it. Self-motivation is described as selfstimulation, self-pushing to a goal which is based on the internal beliefs of a person. Self-organization in professional and pedagogical activity is based on self-motivation of conscious activity and is reflected in the direction of conscious self-organization. During self-motivation purposeful disclosure of structure of motives by personality happens, purposeful search and reflection of internal motives of self-organization of personality in their own consciousness take place, their acceptance, verbalization and utilization through the volitional act, the result of which is the achievement of goal selforganization [2].

One of the valuable techniques of self-motivation is the use of reframing which is a special reception which allows looking at a situation, a fact, or an action in a different way, from another perspective. A classic example of the reception of reframing is a situation when an optimist sees a half-full glass with water, while a pessimist considers the same glass as half- empty. The success of realization of reframing depends on a level of following its main rules: firstly, reformulation of a positive side ("I got a positive task to show himself, getting experience, prove the ability to grow up" instead of "I complete extra load for the same money"); secondly, the use of the particle "however/but", to show the advantages of the situation (Though I have to spend a lot of free time to do a task, I will get invaluable experience"); thirdly, the setting of the fact, person or situation in a profitable row for comparison ("Now I have a big load, however in a second term I will have more free time"), fourthly, use of words like "or" for creating a contrast (What do I want, agreeing or disagreeing for promotion: recognition, wealth and extra duties or stability and ordinary life on a current place?") [2]. So self-development is based on self-motivation as an action of a person aimed at actualization of aspirations and concentrating energy on achieving a set goal.

One of the forms of self-knowledge is self-esteem. In contemporary science, there are several types of self-esteem which reflect peculiarities of objects of assessment, their quality and quantity characteristics. Two types of self-esteem are determined: global which is understood as general undifferentiated self-esteem of a personality, and partial which belongs to different levels of cognition of properties of the individual. One of the types of self-esteem has such characteristics as adequacy. According to the degree of adequacy two types of self-esteem are distinguished: adequate and inadequate. Inadequate self-esteem is distinguished in relation to a gold standard with which it is compared as inflated and understated. The selfesteem of a modern person is formed under influence of different factors, such as comparison of the image of the Real Self and the Ideal Self, appropriation of ratings and benchmarks from the closest setting, and most importantly, from the successful actions of a person, which they reproduce in reality or only imagine them to themselves. Self-esteem is formed on the basis of the results of the actions, and also on the basis of the correlation between real and ideal notions about themselves. Low self-esteem may be caused by different reasons: it may be adopted from parents in childhood who did not figure out their own problems; it may appear because of the bed grades at school; because of mocking peers and excessive criticism of adults; personal problems, disability to behave in certain situations also form an unflattering opinion about themselves [1]. M. Mishchenko admits that the content of the professional activity and achieved results at work influence professional selfesteem. The professional self-esteem of more experienced workers is based not only on the opinion which is spread among the colleagues but also on previous professional experience. Specialists with low self-esteem are more prone to self-justification in a case of failure, while bosses with high selfesteem are more confident in their value as professionals. Inflated self-esteem leads to a decrease in results of work, to the formation of the complex of exclusiveness. Specialists with high self-esteem make generalizing conclusions about their own personality after achieving positive results, and those who have low self-esteem do the same after accomplishing tasks unsuccessfully. High self-esteem gives an opportunity to concentrate on the process of solving problems. Specialists with low self-esteem are more worried about their own feelings and expectations of failures and reactions of others. Low self-esteem blocks the cognitive activity of a person which is directed toward self-knowledge [1]. So self-esteem is a lever of awareness of the activity of a specialist.

We attribute pedagogical barriers to self-knowledge of a future specialist to the lack of motivation for professional self-development, loss of interest in educational activity, the inadequacy of skills of introspection, no systematicity in searching for mistakes, analysis of results of current work, blocking disclosure of personal interests and values, absence of installation to the achievement of close and far goals, inability to carry out a critical analysis of one's own activity.

In such a way, an issue of self-understanding, one of the most important characteristics of nature of a person, form of mastering reality that means the disclosure of semantic content of activity that contains of barriers of selfknowledge, is coloured with cognitive, creative activity of future specialist.

The success of a professional establishment of a future specialist determines self-knowledge as a subject of professional activity [7]. The process of self-knowledge is connected with an activity of a personality. The cognitive activity of a student encourages detection and disclosure of their abilities, professionally essential aptitudes, development of individuality, and the embodiment of an individual project of self-development in the professional field.

Hence, the connection of self-knowledge, self-improvement and selfrealization has a manifestation in the orientation of the abilities of the future specialist, their knowledge, skills, desires, and concentration of volitional and creative efforts on realization of professional needs. The operational state of a student is supported by the professional activity of a future specialist. Knowledge is a precondition and a mechanism simultaneously for the selfrealization of a personality. Self-realization involves qualitative changes in a personality and is characterized by the possession of a stable system of motives, interests, convictions, and deep formations that form in the mutual activity of a student. That is, a "leap" happens from potential to actualization.


In this way, self-knowledge of a future specialist, first of all, is a base of awareness by a personality themselves as a self-value, disclosure of aptitudes, cognitive abilities, the actualization of value attitude to the members of a process, search, support and amplifying of levers of the effectiveness of mechanisms of organization of professional activity; secondly, it is a background and stimulus of a desire to self-improvement, a factor of self-realization of a specialist. It enables internal assessment of the educational process and interrelation with a predictable result and further regulation of one's own behaviour relating to professional tasks. The analysis of the material above gives an opportunity to assume that self-knowledge facilitates the self-development of a specialist.

So, an analysis of one's own activity as a process of professional experience is an instrument of overcoming the existing barriers at work, and a stimulus to self-improvement. That is why the development of an ability of a future specialist to overcome and prevent the barriers of self-knowledge is an important condition for determination of the main aspects of the professional activity and complications which appear during the professional preparation.

To further areas of research on this issue the study of the evolution of scientific ideas about the formation of professional competencies of future specialists on the basis of individualization of professional preparation.


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2. Мирончук Н.М. Самомотивація як складова самоорганізації викладача у професійній діяльності. Проблеми освіти: зб. наук. праць / ДНУ "Інститут модернізації змісту освіти" МОН України. Вінниця: ТОВ "Нілан-ЛТД", 2018. Вип. 88 (частина 2). С. 65-74.

3. Чепелєва Н.В., Рудницька С.Ю. Психологічна характеристика особистості, здатної до самопроектування. Педагогіка і психологія. 2018. № 1. С. 71-77.

4. Glazkova, I., Khatuntseva, S., Vaseiko, Y., Shymanovych, I., & Yaroshchuk, L. Future teachers' training to application of cognitive barrier s in professional activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Amazonia Investiga. 2022. 1 (50). Р. 66-78. URL: https://doi.ora/10.34069/AI/2022.50.02.7 (дата звернення: 01.08.2022).

5. Glazkova, I.,Khatuntseva, S., Yaroshchuk L. Professional Pedagogical Culture: Historical Culturological Aspect. Revista Romвne ascapentru Educate Multidimensional. 2020. 12 (3). Р. 144-162. UrL : (дата звернення:

6. Khatuntseva, S., Kabus, N., Portyan, M., Zhernovnykova, O., Kara, S., & Knysh, S. The Method of Formingthe Health-Saving Competence of Pedagogical Universities' Students. Revista Romane ascapentru Educatie Multidimensionala. 2020. 12 (1). Р. 185-197. URL: (дата звернення:

7. Nalyvaiko О., Prokopenko А., Kabus Н., Khatuntseva S., Zhukova О., & Nalyvaiko Н. Project-digital activity as a means of forming digital competence of humanities specialties' students. Information Technologies and Learning, Tools. 2022. 87(1). Р. 218-235. URL: (дата звернення:

8. References

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12. Glazkova, I., Khatuntseva, S., Vaseiko, Y., Shymanovych, I., & Yaroshchuk, L. (2022). Future teachers' training to application of cognitive barrier s in professional activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Amazonia Investiga, 1 (50), 6678. URL: [in English].

13. Glazkova, I., Khatuntseva, S., Yaroshchuk L. (2020). Professional Pedagogical Culture: Historical Culturological Aspect. Revista Romвne ascapentru Educajie Multidimensionala, 12 (3), 144-162. URL: [in English].

14. Khatuntseva, S., Kabus, N., Portyan, M., Zhernovnykova, O., Kara, S., & Knysh, S. (2020). The Method of Formingthe Health-Saving Competence of Pedagogical Universities' Students. Revista Romane ascapentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 12 (1), 185-197. URL: [in English].

15. Nalyvaiko О., Prokopenko А., Kabus Н., Khatuntseva S., Zhukova О., & Nalyvaiko Н. (2022). Project-digital activity as a means of forming digital competence of humanities specialties' students. Information Technologies and Learning, Tools, 87(1), 218-235. URL: [in English].

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    статья [22,2 K], добавлен 31.08.2017

  • Психолого-педагогічні засади розвитку читацького інтересу учнів. Активні методи у викладанні літератури. Система роботи з розвитку читацької компетенції семикласників активними методами навчання. Аналіз нормативного та методичного забезпечення роботи.

    дипломная работа [184,6 K], добавлен 12.07.2013

  • Типи ставлення школяра до навчання за А.К. Марковою. Способи формування мотивації на уроках іноземної мови. Роль батьків у формування інтересу до навчання у дітей. Підвищення мовленнєвої компетентності учнів на уроках. Різновиди пізнавальних мотивів.

    курсовая работа [541,2 K], добавлен 24.04.2014

  • Роль самостійної роботи студентів у процесі навчання, її види і рівні. Вибір оптимальних форм та розробка завдань для самостійних робіт при вивченні дисципліни "Методика професійного навчання". Організація самостійної роботи у вищому навчальному закладі.

    дипломная работа [369,7 K], добавлен 23.08.2011

  • Поняття мотивації та мотиви навчання. Опис процедури проведення дослідження особливостей мотивації студентів та використаних методик. Особливості формування позитивних навчальних мотивів, особистих якостей майбутнього спеціаліста та дійових цілей.

    курсовая работа [85,9 K], добавлен 15.12.2011

  • Психолого–педагогічні засади використання ігрової діяльності в процесі навчання історії. Вживання дидактичних ігор на уроці. Підготовка вчителя до застосування інтерактивних технологій навчання. Формування у учнів навичок до пошуково-дослідницької роботи.

    курсовая работа [88,4 K], добавлен 09.04.2015

  • Теоретичні основи формування пізнавального інтересу в початковій школі. Структура і роль мотивації та зміст навчального матеріалу. Проблема співвідношення понять мотивації та пізнавального інтересу до навчання, методичні рекомендації щодо формування.

    курсовая работа [94,7 K], добавлен 07.08.2009

  • Психолого-педагогічні особливості учнів 1-4 класів. Самостійна робота як форма організації навчання. Аналіз передового педагогічного досвіду з формування вмінь та навичок самостійної роботи в учнів. Організація індивідуальної роботи у молодших класах.

    курсовая работа [47,0 K], добавлен 08.01.2013

  • Розвиток у дітей-олігофренів інтересу до навчання. Уточнення і розвиток слухового сприймання, розвиток мовленнєвого та фонематичного слуху, умінь в області звукового аналізу. Методи та прийоми роботи з розумово відсталими дітьми в добукварний період.

    курсовая работа [54,5 K], добавлен 16.03.2014

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