Integrated approach to developing the foreign language competence of philological specialities in theory and practice

Integration of knowledge as a pedagogical regularity in the study of disciplines. Determination of interdependence between academic disciplines. Conducting educational and research observations. Conducting integrative lectures and practical classes.

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Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of State University of Trade and Economics

Integrated approach to developing the foreign language competence of philological specialities in theory and practice

Bondar Nataliia Dmytrivna

PhD (Pedagogics), Associate professor of Department of Foreign Philology and Translation

Vinnytsia, Ukraina


The article provides a systematic analysis of articles, dissertations, monographs and other literary sources on the definition of an integrated approach to the training of specialists in the field of philology.

It is proved that the integration of knowledge as a pedagogical pattern in the study of disciplines should be carried out holistically and in interaction.

It is justified that the main idea of knowledge integration in the educational process is to unite educational material into a certain integral system, to determine interdependencies between disciplines, to reveal interdisciplinary links. In the article integration is interpreted as a certain unification: unification into a whole of any separate parts; unification of elements, accompanied by complication and strengthening of links between them; combination and coordination of different parts of an integral system.

Productive knowledge integration has been proven to include the following ways: solving interdisciplinary tasks; performing complex practical tasks; conducting learning and research observations; conducting integrative lectures and practical classes; applying problem situations in one subject to the classes of another subject.

Integration at the level of forms of learning has been shown to aim at combining different forms of organisation of the learning process, namely asynchronous and synchronous learning; blended learning; distance learning; and the compilation of formal and non-formal education.

It is described the usage of an integrated approach in teaching the discipline “Practical Course of Translation from the First Foreign Language” to specialists in the field of philology.

Keywords: integration, learning process, language professionals, forms of learning, foreign language competence, practical course of translation from the first foreign language.



Бондар Наталія Дмитрівна

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземної філології та перекладу,

Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут Державного торговельно-економічного університету,

м. Вінниця, Україна

У статті проведено системний аналіз статей, дисертацій, монографій та інших літературних джерел щодо визначення інтегрованого підходу до навчання фахівців філологічних спеціальностей.

Доведено, що інтеграція знань як педагогічна закономірність у вивченні дисциплін повинна здійснюватися цілісно й у взаємодії.

Обґрунтовано, що головна ідея інтеграції знань в освітньому процесі, полягає в тому, щоб об'єднати навчальний матеріал у певну цілісну систему, визначити взаємозалежності між навчальними дисциплінами, розкрити міжпредметні зв'язки. В статті інтеграцію трактуємо, як певне об'єднання: об'єднання в ціле будь-яких окремих частин; об'єднання елементів, яке супроводжується ускладненням та зміцненням зв'язків між ними; поєднання та координація дій різних частин цілісної системи.

Доведено, що продуктивна інтеграція знань включає такі шляхи: розв'язування міжпредметних задач; виконання комплексних практичних завдань; проведення навчально-дослідних спостережень; проведення інтегративних лекцій та практичних занять; застосування проблемних ситуацій з одного предмета на заняттях з іншого.

Доведено, що інтеграція на рівні форм навчання має за мету поєднання різноманітних форм організації навчального процесу, а саме: асинхронне і синхронне навчання; змішане навчання (blended learning); дистанційне навчання; компіляція формальної та неформальної освіти тощо.

Описано використання інтегрованого підходу при викладанні дисципліни «Практика перекладу з першої іноземної мови» фахівцям філологічних спеціальностей.

Ключові слова: інтеграція, навчальний процес, фахівці філологічних спеціальностей, форми навчання, іншомовна компетентність, практика перекладу з першої іноземної мови.


The expansion of political, economic and cultural relations between Ukraine and European countries contributes to the fact that foreign language training of specialists in the field of philology becomes one of the main means of academic and social mobility, adaptation to modern conditions of a multicultural society. This, in turn, imposes new requirements on higher education institutions, which according to the Standards of Higher Education [8], should provide the necessary conditions for the formation of philologists' foreign language competence, because it is competent communication ability to be competitive in the labor market. In this regard, it is important to find new approaches, methods, forms aimed at improving the educational process. In our opinion, one of the ways to improve the foreign language training of philological specialists in the higher education system is the introduction of an integrated approach to the selection of content, forms, teaching methods, etc., which prevails in most leading European universities.

Research Results

Our systematic analysis of articles, dissertations, monographs and other literary sources has shown that there is no unambiguous, generally accepted definition of the integrated approach to learning.

In the “Large Glossary of the Modern Ukrainian Language” integrated is defined as based on unification, integration; complex [9, p. 358]. Let's analyze the definitions of scientists who, in our opinion, most significantly reflect the essence of this concept.

An integrated approach to learning (according to O. Mitriasova) is a special type of constructing the content of education, its organization and direction, which are subject to solving the system of internal and interdisciplinary problems. It is designed to resolve the contradictions between: the content of learning and life; structural and logical way of knowing and other ways of perceiving the world; whole and elements of the whole; various training courses [6, p. 95].

В. Smirnova believes that the essence of the integrated approach to the learning process differs from other approaches in that the establishment of connections between knowledge comes not from restructuring existing curricula and programmes, but by didactically substantiating feelings [6, p. 21].

Professor I. Kozlovska defines this term as “the process of convergence and connection of sciences, which operates along with the process of differentiation, which is the highest form of embodiment of interdisciplinary links at a qualitatively new level of education [5, p. 556]. As rightly noted by V. Tenishcheva integration ensures the movement of the pedagogical system to its greater integrity and as a result leads to an increase in the level of educational process, which is expressed in the formation of the necessary competencies of students [3, p. 69]. Zimnyaya I., Zemtsova E. believe that “an integrated approach is a holistic representation of a set of objects, phenomena, processes that are united by at least one common characteristic, resulting in their creation of a new quality [12, p. 14].

In the general scientific and philosophical literature, there are different definitions of the concept of "integration". In particular, integration as a phenomenon has a dual nature and is, on the one hand, a process and, on the other, a result:

the process of merging into a single whole previously differentiated elements, which leads to new and potential opportunities for this integrity, as well as changes in the properties of the elements themselves;

the process of organizing, coordinating and combining structures and functions in the whole organism;

the process of establishing links between relatively independent things, processes, phenomena [7, p. 127];

the process and result of creating an inextricably linked, unified, continuous. In education, it can be done by merging in one synthesized course of elements of different subjects;

the process of formation of integrity [10, p. 59].

It should be noted that educational integration is understood as interpenetration:

research methods from one science to another, in developing a common approach to a number of sciences to the study of theoretical description and explanation of phenomena;

elements of one object in the structure of another, as a result of which there is no addition, no improvement in the quality of two objects, but a completely new object with its own properties;

identification and establishment of cognitive, methodological, instrumental and other links between different disciplines [2, p. 35].

To better understand the integrated approach, let's look at some of the characteristics of integration (functions, levels, shapes, types, kinds, etc.). In this context, it is appropriate to consider the main functions performed by integration in the educational process.

Yu. Zhydetskyi described the following important functions of integration in detail:

educational (increasing the level of science and accessibility of education, improving the quality of knowledge, practical application of knowledge in professional activities, the formation of a holistic system of knowledge, specification and generalization of knowledge, etc.);

developmental (development of interdisciplinary skills, efficiency of knowledge, logical thinking);

methodological (providing a system of content, methods, techniques and skills, improving the scientific and theoretical level of education, identifying unity in processes and phenomena, taking into account the complexity of the problems of modern production);

organizational (saving study time, eliminating duplication, introducing new forms of learning);

stimulating (stimulating interest in current trends in science and technology, the development of a sense of respect for technology, materials);

active creation of associative systems and images [11, p. 59].

Integration factors are important, which include: complex objects of research, methods of cognition, scientific theories, individual sciences or groups of sciences, interdisciplinary problems [6, p. 54].

Kozlovska characterizes the forms of integration much more broadly, distinguishing: object (combination of different disciplinary images of one object in one topic), conceptual (disclosure of the content of general scientific and interdisciplinary concepts), theoretical (disclosure of conceptual foundations of integration) and methodological (methodological analysis integrative processes) [5, p. 556].

Note that in addition to forms of integration, researchers distinguish its types: spontaneous and controlled. Managed integration has two directions: the content of one subject complements the content of another; selection and development of a certain set of knowledge and skills that does not fit within one subject.

Integration is multifaceted, because the combination of individual parts into a harmonious whole contributes to the implementation of many principles of education. Integration can be based on a variety of relationships: cross-curricular, intra-curricular, intra-sectoral, methodological, and so on. Integration processes in science are mainly interdisciplinary (horizontal and vertical). Horizontal integration involves combining content and meaning, which is developed by individual branches of knowledge, into new content and meaning, creating complex theories, consolidation of research objects, exchange of methods and means of knowledge and expanding their diagnostic capabilities outside the narrow profile area. Vertical integration is a process of gradual complication of the object under study, the transition to the study of increasingly abstract properties. This gradual ascent to a higher level of abstraction in the modern scientific field can be reflected in the gradual transition from linguistic knowledge to production-related knowledge through so-called “intermediate”, communicative (acquired speech skills) to more thorough narrow-profile foreign language communication.

Kozlovska more fully and reasonably characterizes these types of integration depending on the specifics of the fields of knowledge and the degree of their relationship: horizontal (within the economic sciences); vertical (between groups of sciences). She proposes to classify its species on the basis of integration of knowledge, forms of learning, teaching methods, learning technologies, skills, abilities, methods of activity, mental operations, learning objectives [5, p. 560]. The researcher pays attention to the types of integration:

differentiated object - an integrated subject (several different objects are studied from one position;

differentiated object - differentiated subject (study of objects from different positions);

integrated object - a differentiated subject (a single object for different disciplines);

integrated object - integrated subject (deep specialization at the level of object and subject at the same time).

Our study needs to determine the levels of integration such as intradisciplinary, interdisciplinary, general scientific, methodological, philosophical. In determining the levels of integration I. Kozlovska traces two approaches. The first approach involves the following levels of integration: exchange of facts and concrete data of sciences; use of categorical-conceptual apparatus and specific language common to different fields of knowledge; interpenetration of theories, ideas and principles; mutual exchange of graphic means, methods and scientific methods. According to the second approach, the following levels of integration are distinguished: empirical - integration of classified research data or empirical concepts and laws, etc.; theoretical - integration of basic categories, principles, theories and ideas. The researcher notes that at each subsequent level the degree of integration increases: the highest level is the integrative system [5, p. 561].

The integration of the educational process is one of the important factors in optimizing the professional training of specialists in philological specialties. The need for interdisciplinary integration, which is much broader than interdisciplinary links, stems from their linguistic, pedagogical, philosophical and psychological implications for improving the learning process. Interdisciplinary connections are a reflection in the content of academic disciplines of those dialectical relationships that objectively operate in nature and are known by modern sciences. Integration strengthens not only the connection but also the interpenetration of individual disciplines. Integration of the content of the discipline “Practical Course of Translation from the First Foreign Language” in higher education institutions, in particular in VITE KNUTE with the content of professional training of specialists in philology will allow them not only to acquire competencies that will ensure their competitiveness in the labor market. languages within the limits of raising their level.

Analysis of the practical experience of integrated learning gives grounds to highlight the following principles of its organization:

Integration at the subject level: combining the content of foreign language training with the content of specialized professional disciplines.

Integration at the level of teaching methods: presentations, projects, research.

Integration at the level of forms of learning: compilation of various forms of organization of the educational process.

The fundamental principle of the organization of integrated learning is subject integration, ie enrichment of the content of one discipline with the content of another, in our case - teaching a foreign language in view of professional disciplines of philology. This means “subject-language integrated learning”, which involves mastering any subject area through a foreign language and at the same time a foreign language through the subject.

The integration of subjects not only creates alternative ways of teaching and learning, but also allows you to build unique educational trajectories. Integration of language and content of profile disciplines within educational programs, which is one of the examples of a new type of development of foreign language vocational education. knowledge discipline educational integrative

Subject-based integrated language learning is considered one of the most effective means of establishing interdisciplinary links and prepares professionals for professional foreign language communication. Thus, a foreign language is used as the main language of instruction, which immerses the audience of higher education in the authentic conditions of the language environment. The profile-oriented context of such classes stimulates the growth of student motivation to study the required discipline in a foreign language, helps to eliminate the language barrier and fear of public speaking.

Researchers identify the three most common variations of integrated subject-language learning [6, с. 54]:

ESP (English for specific purposes;

CLIL (Content and language integrated learning);

EMI (English as Medium of Instruction).

These terminological concepts are used in the practice of teaching professionally-oriented foreign language and to varying degrees combine linguistic and purely professional content aspects. However, special attention is paid to the CLIL model.

CLIL is based on the following provisions:

language is used both for academic purposes and everyday communication;

language content is determined by the content of the subject to be mastered.

Peculiarities of professional training of students of higher education in philological

specialties, topics of practical classes in foreign languages in primary courses cover the general (basic) block and the block aimed at the gradual introduction to the highly specialized field of future activities. Speech and speech material is selected according to the context and aimed at practical application. Of particular importance is the gradual expansion of professional vocabulary and terminology; professional communication skills are formed. In senior courses it is proposed to introduce and teach a foreign language of professional and communicative orientation in order to prepare future professionals for quality intercultural interaction and communication, the formation of their professional foreign language communicative competence.

With regard to professionally oriented disciplines, CLIL can be implemented in the following areas [4]: certain topics of certain disciplines can be taught in a foreign language (usually such topics are studied after prior training in a practical language lesson); certain disciplines may be taught in a foreign language.

Integration at the level of teaching methods is by means of presentation, project development, analytical research in a foreign language. The choice of teaching methods is influenced by certain didactic circumstances, educational environment, goals and content of education.

The practice of training indicates the effectiveness of training, which takes place not only traditionally (lecture or practical lesson), but also as work on a research project to be created in a foreign language. The project involves independent solution of a real problem at the interdisciplinary level and requires higher education students to spend some time productive and creative work with sources of relevant scientific periodicals on their own or compose an essay with an answer to a question suggested by the teacher.

It is worth emphasizing the importance of elements of problem-based learning, the essence of which is to create problem situations for graduates in order to intensify their search activities to solve the identified problems and encourage critical thinking. For example, given the specifics of the philological translation specialty - it may be the preparation and translation of their business plans, projects in accordance with the concept of international enterprises. The result of a study or project may be the creation of presentations in a foreign language by higher education students.

Integration at the level of forms of education aims to combine various forms of organization of the educational process. It can be asynchronous and synchronous learning; blended learning; Distance Learning; compilation of formal and non-formal education, etc. Today, the concept of blended learning is gaining popularity in education, which aims to combine traditional forms of teaching with innovative and a combination of online and offline learning. Researchers define blended learning technology as “a combination of offline and online learning that intensifies the educational process, combines teacher professionalism and technological tools, and allows teachers to work in small groups using adaptive potential and new technologies” [1, 450]. The technology is based on the provisions of synergetic, activity, creative, innovative approaches and the principles of the means of creating interactive dialogue, computer visualization of educational material. The use of technology requires constant alternation of work with the teacher, in groups, individually and with the computer

Another form of organizing the process of foreign language training of philological specialties in the context of integrative learning is the technology of inverted learning (“Flip-the-classroom technique”), which is based on the principles of interactive dialogue, the ability to gradually master skills and communication skills, including and professional, ensuring the structural integrity of the educational process, provided the involvement of information and communication tools.

In order to diversify the forms of teaching professional theoretical material and at the same time stimulate the process of forming future specialists in economic specialties of foreign language competence, teachers-practitioners, organizing integrated learning, turn to dual lectures. Dual lecture is a form of lecture in the mode of dialogue between two teachers (subject and linguist). The purpose of such lectures is to thoroughly train future professionals, to form in them a sense of connection between disciplines and the need to combine theory with practice. Conducting dual lectures promotes better understanding and mastery of the material, focusing on the professional communication needs of applicants-economists.


Therefore, summarizing the above, it is necessary to emphasize the feasibility of implementing integrated learning in the practice of training future philologists. The integrative nature of mastering knowledge allows to form not only professional, but also foreign language professional competence of the future specialist. For the quality organization of the educational process, integration should take place at three levels: subject, which involves combining the content of foreign language training with the content of relevant professional disciplines; integration of methods, which determines the combination of different teaching methods in order to achieve the maximum effect from academic training; integration of forms, which is based on the compilation of various forms of educational process in accordance with the purpose and content of academic disciplines.


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