Skilled communication as a necessary skill of the 21st century: planning educational activitites and opportunities of profession-oriented foreign language

Overview of innovative approaches to teaching and learning; consideration of 21st century skills that will contribute to the future successful career of students in general and effective communication; analysis of students' educational activities.

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Skilled communication as a necessary skill of the 21st century: planning educational activitites and opportunities of profession-oriented foreign language

Kulish Iryna

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of the Foreign Languages Chair, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

Skilled communication as a necessary skill of the 21st century: planning educational activitites and opportunities of profession-oriented foreign language

Introduction. The 21st century curriculum focuses on innovative teaching and learning practices, on forming and developing skills that will help the younger generation be successful in their future careers. The learning environment of the 21st century is characterized by a problematic nature, active participation of students in the educational process, students' construction of their knowledge based on their experience under or without the guidance of a mentor, the change of the role of a teacher from the transfer of knowledge to the process of joint construction of knowledge with a student.

Purpose. The aim of the study is to review innovative approaches to teaching and learning; to consider the 21st century skills that will contribute to students' future successful careers, in general, and the skilled communication, in particular; to analyze students' learning activities aimed at developing the skills of communication according to the rubrics of the project "Innovative teaching and learning" and the experience of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University; to determine the possibilities of the discipline "Profession-Oriented Foreign Language" in relation to the development of the skilled communication of students majoring in "Sports Physiology and Rehabilitation"; to design and analyze types of learning activities while studying profession-oriented foreign language in accordance with the codes of rubrics for the development of the skilled communication of students.

Methods. We found out the attitude of the teaching staff of the University to the use of educational forms and methods of work that would promote social skill such as the skilled communication, and the attitude of students to the forms and methods of work that contribute to the development of the skilled communication 98 representatives of the teaching staff and 109 students of various educational programs and learning stages of Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University took part in the survey.

Results. The study of the opinion of the scientific and pedagogical staff and students of Cherkasy National University indicates the awareness of teachers and students of the importance of effective communication skills in various spheres of human life. Most teachers plan learning activities that involve more than one means or type of communication or provide students with a choice of means of communicating their ideas, as well as learning activities that encourage students to explain their ideas, support their ideas with facts or examples. Half of the teachers plan educational activities that are designed for a particular audience. The opinions and beliefs of students mostly confirm the opinion of teachers with minor differences, which may be due to insufficient explanation of the purpose and progress of a particular learning activity.

Originality. We consider the possibilities of the discipline "Profession-Oriented Foreign Language" in relation to the formation and development of the skilled communication of students majoring in "Sports Physiology and Rehabilitation". The analysis of types of learning activities aimed at developing the skilled communication of students in the study of profession-oriented foreign language allowed to develop and distribute some forms and types of education in accordance with the rubrics proposed by the project "Innovative teaching and learning".

Conclusions. Nowadays, the educational sector is characterized by innovative approaches, promoting the formation and development of students' skills that will help them adapt to modern society and be successful in it. The analysis of types of learning activities in the study of a profession- oriented foreign language shows that this discipline has potential opportunities to develop the skilled communication as it allows to develop and distribute some forms and types of learning according to the rubrics proposed by the "Innovative Teaching and Learning" project.

Keywords: 21st century skills; Profession- Oriented Foreign Language; learning environment; skilled communication; innovative teaching and learning.

Куліш Ірина Миколаївна

кандидатка педагогічних наук, доцентка, завідувачка кафедри іноземних мов, Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького


Навчальні програми 21 століття зосереджені на інноваційних методах викладання та навчання, на формуванні та розвитку навичок, які допоможуть молодому поколінню бути успішним у майбутній кар'єрі. Навчальне середовище XXI століття вирізняється проблемним характером, активною участю студентів у навчальному процесі, конструюванням студентами своїх знань на основі досвіду під керівництвом наставника чи без нього, зміною ролі викладача, від передачі знань до процесу спільної побудови знань разом зі студентом. learning teaching students

Метою дослідження є огляд інноваційних підходів до викладання та навчання; розгляд навичок XXI століття, які сприятимуть майбутній успішній кар'єрі студентів загалом та ефективному спілкуванню зокрема; аналіз навчальної діяльності студентів, спрямованої на розвиток навичок спілкування за рубриками проекту "Інноваційне викладання та навчання" та досвідом Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького; визначення можливостей дисципліни "Іноземна мова професійного спрямування" щодо розвитку ефективного спілкування студентів спеціальності "Фізіологія спорту та реабілітація"; проектування та аналіз видів навчальної діяльності при вивченні іноземної мови професійного спрямування відповідно до кодексів рубрик для розвитку ефективного спілкування студентів.

Методи. За допомогою проведеного опитування в додатку Google Form з'ясовано ставлення професорсько-викладацького складу університету до використання навчальних форм і методів роботи, які сприяли б розвитку соціальних навичок, таких як ефективне спілкування, та ставлення студентів до форм і методів роботи, що сприяють розвитку. ефективного спілкування. В опитуванні взяли участь 98 представників професорсько-викладацького складу та 109 студентів різних освітніх програм та етапів навчання Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького.

Результати. Вивчення думки науково-педагогічних працівників та студентів Черкаського національного університету свідчить про усвідомлення викладачами та студентами важливості ефективних комунікативних навичок у різних сферах життя людини. Більшість викладачів планують види навчальної діяльності, які включають більше ніж один спосіб або тип спілкування, або надають студентам вибір способів передачі своїх ідей, а також навчальну діяльність, яка заохочує студентів пояснювати свої ідеї, підкріплювати свої ідеї фактами чи прикладами. Половина викладачів планують навчальні заходи, які розраховані на певну аудиторію. Думки та переконання студентів здебільшого підтверджують думку викладачів з незначними розбіжностями, що може бути пов'язано з недостатнім поясненням мети та ходу певної навчальної діяльності.

Оригінальність. Розглядаються можливості дисципліни "Іноземна мова професійного спрямування" щодо формування та розвитку ефективного спілкування студентів спеціальності "Фізіологія та реабілітація спорту". Аналіз видів навчальної діяльності, спрямованої на розвиток ефективного спілкування студентів при вивченні іноземної мови професійного спрямування, дозволив розробити та поширити окремі форми та види навчання відповідно до рубрик, запропонованих проектом "Інноваційне викладання та навчання".

Висновки. Сьогодні освітня сфера характеризується інноваційними підходами, що сприяють формуванню та розвитку навичок студентів, які допоможуть їм адаптуватися в сучасному суспільстві та досягти успіху в ньому. Аналіз видів навчальної діяльності при вивченні іноземної мови професійного спрямування показує, що ця дисципліна має потенційні можливості для розвитку ефективного спілкування, оскільки дозволяє розвивати та розподіляти окремі форми та види навчання за рубриками, запропонованими проектом "Інноваційне викладання та навчання".

Ключові слова: навички XXI століття; іноземна мова професійного спрямування; навчальне середовище; ефективне спілкування; інноваційне викладання та навчання.

Formulation of the problem. The 21st century society is characterized by innovative approaches that cover all areas of its life, including education. The essence of innovative approaches is to focus on rapid changes in the information and communications technologies and take these changes into account for success in professional activities. Therefore, the education sector reviews and adjusts curricula and programmes, focusing on changes in society. The 21st century curriculum focuses on innovative teaching and learning practices that move away from learning through memorization and focus on forming and developing skills that will help the younger generation be successful in their future careers. The learning environment of the 21st century is characterized by a problematic nature (enquiry-based learning, problem-based learning, question-based learning, problem-solving), active participation of students in the educational process, students' construction of their knowledge based on their experience under or without the guidance of a mentor, the change of the role of a teacher from the transfer of knowledge to the process of joint construction of knowledge with a student. At the same time, the 21st century learning environment is based on the concept of `self-taught professional', i.e., the teacher understands how the student learns using available resources, including ICT, applies a collaborative approach that covers the change and flexibility of methodology, develops productive relationships with students that contribute to their involvement in the educational process, practices a differentiated approach, and a teacher himself/herself is a student, a person who studies [1].

Analysis of recent research. Researchers note that, in general, the role of education has not changed, including the preparation of students for an active, successful, influential role in society. At the same time, society has changed, in addition, continues to change in the future [2]. Therefore, the role of education is transformed into preparing students for active and successful activities in a rapidly changing society, forming and developing the students' skills that will help them adapt to modern society and be successful in it.

The key skills of the 21st century are those that differ from traditional academic skills based on knowledge and content of education, and are identified as necessary for success in educational and professional activities in the society of the 21st century, which is informative and rapidly changing. They cover problem-solving and innovation skills, global awareness, knowledge construction, skilled communication, cooperation, selfregulation and evaluation. Stanford Research Institute, with the financial support of Microsoft Partners in Learning, developed the Innovative Teaching and Learning Research Project (2012), which aims to help teachers plan learning activities that enable students to develop the 21st century skills [3]. One of the key skills of the 21st century is the skilled communication. Researchers consider communication as a process of understanding and exchanging meaning [4] and note that the process is a dynamic activity that is difficult to describe because it is changing [4]. The next important aspect of defining communication is understanding [5]. This concept is defined as the perception, interpretation and relationship of our perception with what we have already known [6]. Therefore, an important part of the communication process is understanding the words, concepts or objects to which they relate. An important aspect of communication is the exchange, i.e., the transfer of thoughts, ideas, feelings. Finally, the meaning is understood as what we exchange during communication [5].

To better understand the process of communication, scientists divide it into constituent parts, which include source, message, channel, recipient, feedback, environment, context and conclusion [5]. Experts (Shannon C., Weaver W.) consider communication as a number of specific steps, namely: motive, message, encoding, transmission, reception, decoding, interpretation [7]. At the same time, scientists do not consider these steps in a certain sequence, because they may intersect and overlap [8].

Researchers consider communication to be the basis of human interaction. The 21st century has created new opportunities for communication, developing information and communications technologies [3]. Teachers are faced with the task of developing students' skills of clear and convincing communication on different topics with different audiences. The need for the skilled communication is not limited to certain disciplines or professions. Experts emphasize certain characteristics of the skilled communication, namely: problem solving and achieving the desired result, cooperation between students or colleagues, respect for other opinions and points of view, mutual respect for consensus and mutual understanding, relevance of words and actions, access to relevant communications technologies and the ability to use them, attention to communication style and the desire to improve [9].

According to the research project "Innovative teaching and learning" [3], the 21st century planning for learning contains rubrics, namely, the study of each skill covers two types of rubrics: the rubric of planning for learning and the rubric of student work. In particular, the purpose of planning for learning rubrics on the development of the skilled communication is to help teachers identify and understand the possibilities of the educational process for the formation and development of the skilled communication. The purpose of the rubrics of the student's work on the development of the skilled communication is to determine the degree of demonstration of the skilled communication by students' work [10]. In particular, the rubrics investigate whether students create extended or multimodal communication, whether the communication is based on logical explanations, examples or evidence that confirms the central thesis [3]. At higher levels of the rubric, students must create their own communications for a specific audience. Experts identify different forms of communication when students express their ideas in the form of a presentation, podcast, written document, email, performance, etc. The result of students' learning activities is directly related to educational goals [3].

The goal of the research is to review innovative approaches to teaching and learning; to consider the 21st century skills that will contribute to students' future successful careers, in general, and the skilled communication, in particular; to analyze students' learning activities aimed at developing the skills of communication according to the rubrics of the project "Innovative teaching and learning" and the experience of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University; to determine the possibilities of the discipline "Profession-Oriented Foreign Language" in relation to the development of the skilled communication of students majoring in "Sports Physiology and Rehabilitation"; to design and analyze types of learning activities while studying profession-oriented foreign language in accordance with the codes of rubrics for the development of the skilled communication of students.

Presentation of the main material. According to innovative approaches, the learning environment should promote the development of students' effective communication skills. The skilled communication requires to consider certain aspects of communication, namely: enhanced communication, multimodal communication, evidence-based communication, communication planning for a specific audience.

Methodologists consider extended communication to be the communication, which is a set of related ideas, not a single simple thought. There are several paragraphs in writing, as opposed to a single sentence or phrase. For electronic or visual media, a video or podcast sequence or presentation slide is provided illustrating several ideas. Methodologists consider extended communication to be the communication that produces results that require students to relate the ideas they are discussing. However, the duration of communication is not considered in the assessment of extended communication [3].

Experts call communication multimodal if its elements work together to create a more powerful message than any element alone; if it includes more than one type of communication means used to transmit a coherent message; if the educational activity offers the student the opportunity to choose a means or means of communication [3].

Researchers believe that communication is effective if the communication is designed for a specific audience. In this context, it is important to make sure that communication is appropriate for certain readers, listeners or viewers to whom communication is directed. Experts emphasize that reaching out to a general audience on the Internet is not a sufficient condition for effective communication. At the same time, students must choose the means, content and styles of communication designed for a particular audience [3].

According to the 21st century curriculum, effective communication rubric explores whether students create extended or multimodal communication, whether the communication process provides evidence, explanations, facts, examples, or whether they design a communication process for a particular audience. The project "Innovative teaching and learning" offers a visual idea of the skilled communication in the form of a deci-

As stated in the project, not every task in the learning process will include all levels of the students' skilled communication, but the learning experience of all levels should be included during the study period. According to the project, the decision tree can be presented in the form of rubrics, indicating the code and criteria:

1 - students are not required to create extended or multimodal communication;

2 - students are required to create extended or multimodal communication, but they are not required to provide evidence-based communication or design communication for a particular audience;

3 - students are required to create extended or multimodal communication and provide communication with evidence by explaining their ideas or providing facts and examples or designing communication for a particular audience;

4 - students are required to create extended or multimodal communication and provide communication with evidence, explaining their ideas or providing facts and examples and designing communication for a particular audience [3].

Fig.1. Decision tree of the skilled communication according to the project "Innovative teaching and learning" [3].

Since the study of each skill covers two types of rubrics: rubric of planning for learning and rubric of student work, we found out the attitude of the teaching staff of the University to the use of educational forms and methods of work that would promote social skill such as the skilled communication. and the attitude of students to the forms and methods of work that contribute to the development of the skilled communication. 98 representatives of the teaching staff and 109 students of various educational programs and learning stages of Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University took part in the survey.

Concerning the necessity of the skilled communication, there were no negative answers among the University teachers; and the vast majority (90.8%) consider this skill necessary in all spheres of human life. A small percentage of teachers (8.2%) prefer the need for skills only in the educational process, and 1% - only in professional activities. The vast majority of students (80.7%) also consider the skill of effective communication necessary in the educational process, as well as in professional activities and personal life. The need for this skill only in professional activities is noted by 8.3% of students, only in the educational process - 7.3%, only in personal life - 2.8%. However, a small percentage (0.9%) of students do not consider this skill necessary; this fact requires explanatory work among students on the 21st century skills that will lead to a successful career and their life, in general.

It should be noted that the vast majority of teachers (88.7%) believe that it is necessary to specifically plan and design learning activities aimed at developing effective communication skills. At the same time, 11.3% of teachers do not consider such a need, but believe that communication skills are developed indirectly in the educational process. For comparison, approximately the same percentage is observed in students' beliefs on this issue (89.9% and 10.1%, respectively).

More than half of students (63.3%) believe that the educational process uses educational activities that are aimed at extended communication, i.e., requires the production of a set of related ideas. One third of students (35.8%) believe that such types of communication are used from time to time, and 0.9% of students deny the use of such types of educational activities. At the same time, 76.5% of teachers are convinced that they use such types of educational activities that require students to produce not a single opinion, but a set of related ideas, 21.4% of teachers do it from time to time, and 2% of teachers do not plan such types educational activities or do not think about it specifically.

More than half of the students (63.3%) believe that the educational process uses learning activities that are aimed at extended communication, i.e., require the production of a set of related ideas. One third of students (35.8%) believe that such types of communication are used from time to time, and 0.9% of students deny the use of this type of learning activities. At the same time, 76.5% of teachers are convinced that they use such types of learning activities that require students to produce not a single thought, but a set of related ideas, 21.4% of teachers do it from time to time, and 2% of teachers do not plan such types of learning activities or do not think about it on purpose.

At the same time, the majority of teachers (75.5%) plan learning activities during their course that involve more than one means or type of communication or provide students with a choice of means of communicating their ideas. It should be noted that 19.4% of teachers plan this from time to time, and 5.1% of teachers do not specifically plan it. For comparison, a slightly lower percentage of students (67.9%) believe that they have a choice of communication, while a higher percentage of students (37.2%) believe that from time to time, they have a choice of means to communicate ideas, which, in total. corresponds to the opinion of teachers.

Most students are convinced that the educational process uses learning activities that encourage them to explain their ideas, to support their ideas with facts or examples ("Yes" - 74.3%, from time to time - 22%). A small percentage of students (3.7%) deny the existence of such learning activities. Teachers are convinced that they use such types of educational activities (91.8%) or use them from time to time (8.2%). Slight differences of opinion between teachers and students on this issue may be due to insufficient explanation of the purpose and progress of a particular learning activity.

Concerning the types of learning activities that are designed for a particular audience, half of teachers plan such activities, a third of teachers do it from time to time, and 13.4% of teachers do not plan such educational activities (Fig. 2).

According to students' beliefs concerning the activities designed for a particular audience, less than half of students think that such activities are applied in the education process; more than a third of students believe that such activities are used from time to time; almost a fifth of students think that that such types of learning activities are not used in the educational process. Slight differences of opinion between teachers and students on this issue may be due to insufficient explanation of the purpose and progress of a particular learning activity (Fig. 3).

Fig.2. Planning activities designed for a particular audience

Thus, the study of the opinion of the scientific and pedagogical staff and students of Cherkasy National University may indicate the awareness of teachers and students of the importance of effective communication skills in various spheres of human life. Most teachers plan learning activities that involve more than one means or type of communication or provide students with a choice of means of communicating their ideas, as well as learning activities that encourage students to explain their ideas, support their ideas with facts or examples. Half of the teachers plan educational activities that are designed for a particular audience. The opinions and beliefs of students mostly confirm the opinion of teachers with minor differences, which may be due to insufficient explanation of the purpose and progress of a particular learning activity.

Fig.3. Application of the learning activities designed for a specific audience

Table 1

Types of educational activities aimed at forming and developing the skilled communication of students

Types of learning activities


Characteristics according to rubrics

English proverbs about communication

1) Read proverbs and think about their equivalents in your native language.

2) Read the beginning and think about the end of the proverb.

3) Explain the meaning of the proverbs; discuss the proverb you like most with a partner or groupmates and explain why you like it.

4) Find other proverbs about communication in English, present them to your groupmates and ask them to translate the proverbs or find equivalents.

1 - learning activity is extended, is not multimodal

Presentation "Exercise Physiology: Meaning. Definition.



1) Make your presentations answering the following questions: What is Exercise Physiology? What is the aim of Exercise Physiology? What are the effects of Exercise Physiology?

2) Present it for your groupmates.

3) Determine and present all the benefits of Exercise Physiology.

2 - learning activity is multimodal; includes more than one type of means of communicating ideas; students have an opportunity to choose a means or means of communication (communicating their ideas)

Types of learning activities


Characteristics according to rubrics

Group Presentation "Types of Physical Exercises"

1) Make group presentation, find features and differences of exercises, and present them for your groupmates.

2) Show examples of different types of exercises in various sports.

3 - learning activity is extended and multimodal; students must explain their thoughts or give facts or examples

Group Presentations "Types of Physical Exercises"

1) Divide into three groups and choose a presentation (Flexibility Exercises / Aerobic Exercises / Anaerobic Exercises) for your group.

2) Make your presentation and present it for other groups for discussion.

3) Show your presentations for the first-year students at their English lesson.

4 - learning activity is extended and multimodal; students must explain their thoughts or give facts or examples; students prepare presentations for a particular audience

We consider the possibilities of the discipline "Profession-Oriented Foreign Language" in relation to the formation and development of the skilled communication of students majoring in "Sports Physiology and Rehabilitation". The analysis of types of learning activities aimed at developing the skilled communication of students in the study of profession-oriented foreign language allowed to develop and distribute some forms and types of education in accordance with the rubrics proposed by the project "Innovative teaching and learning" [3].

We designed learning activities for students majoring in "Sports Physiology and Rehabilitation" (discipline: "Profession-Oriented Foreign Language", topic: "Exercise Physiology") and identified their code in accordance with the rubrics of effective communication (Table 1).

Thus, some types of educational activities used during the study of the discipline "Profession-Oriented Foreign Language" have potential for the development of the skilled communication, as they allow to develop and distribute some forms and types of learning activities according to the rubrics of the project "Innovative teaching and learning".


Thus, at the present stage of the society development, the educational sector is characterized by innovative approaches, promoting the formation and development of students' skills that will help them adapt to modern society and be successful in it. The skilled communication is an important skill of the 21st century. This skill requires students to consider certain aspects of communication, namely: extended communication, multimodal communication, evidence-based communication, designing communication for a particular audience.

The study of the beliefs of the scientific and pedagogical staff and students of Cherkasy National University shows the awareness of teachers and students of the im portance of the skilled communication in various spheres of human life and the use of learning activities involving more than one means or type of communication or provide students with a choice of means of communicating their ideas, as well as types of learning activities that encourage students to explain their ideas, support their ideas with facts or examples, and designing for a specific audience.

The analysis of types of learning activities in the study of a profession-oriented foreign language shows that this discipline has potential opportunities to develop the skilled communication as it allows to develop and distribute some forms and types of learning according to the rubrics proposed by the "Innovative Teaching and Learning" project.

References / Список бібліографічних посилань

1. Kulish, I.M., Koroliuk, H.O. (2022) Self-Regulation as a Necessary 2 1st Century Skill: Formation and Development in the Process of Learning Professional- Oriented Foreign Language. Modern Aspects of Science. 16th volume of the international collective monograph. Czech Republic (PP. 358-377).

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  • The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.

    учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015

  • Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.

    курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012

  • The bases of teaching a foreign language. Effective methodology of teaching a foreign language as a second. Using project methods in teaching. The method of debate. The advantages of using games. Various effective ways of teaching a foreign language.

    курсовая работа [679,3 K], добавлен 21.01.2014

  • Intercultural Communication Competence: Language and Culture. The role Intercultural Communicative Competence in teaching foreign languages. Intercultural Competence in Foreign language teaching. Contexts for intercultural learning in the classroom.

    курсовая работа [94,1 K], добавлен 13.05.2017

  • The employment of Internet in teaching Foreign Languages. The modern methods of teaching 4 basic skills. The usage of Internet technologies for effective Foreign Languages acquisition. Analysis of experience: my and teachers of Foreign Languages.

    курсовая работа [2,3 M], добавлен 30.03.2016

  • Effective reading is essential for success in acquiring a second language. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills. The characteristic of methods of Teaching Reading to Learners. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension. Approaches to Correcting Mistakes.

    курсовая работа [60,1 K], добавлен 28.03.2012

  • Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.

    отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013

  • Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.

    статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014

  • The problem of linguistic abilities of a child. Goals and objectives of foreign language teaching preschoolers. Number of pupils in a group, the frequency, duration of sessions. The game as the leading method of teaching preschoolers. Learning vocabulary.

    курсовая работа [39,5 K], добавлен 26.06.2015

  • The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.

    курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015

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