Methods of shaping the historical memory among higher education students

The forming the historical memory of student youth on the basis of the true history of our country, in the context of the formation of civic consciousness of future specialists. Ways to solve this task in conditions of Russian military aggression.

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Дата добавления 31.03.2023
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Mariupol state university

Methods of shaping the historical memory among higher education students

Volodymyr Romantsov

Natalya Romantsova


The article discusses the problem of developing the historical memory of students based on the accurate history of Ukraine in the context of forming civic consciousness among future specialists. Solving this problem is essential in the context of full-scale Russian military aggression, where deceitful enemy propaganda tries to justify fictional, pseudo-scientific historical myths. This topic is covered in the context of an interdisciplin ary approach, anthropological history, and history of mentality.

The theoretical positions of Ukrainian and foreign scientists support the publication of the chosen topic (Gyrych, V. Hrynevych, L. Zashkilnyak, I. Kovalska-Pavelko, H. Kasyanov, V. Masnenko, L. Nagorna, P. Nora, E.D. Smith, Y. Shapoval, B. Shatska, O. Shevel, and others). The study proves the need to transform historical memory in the context of the historical policy and memorial legislation of events. On the principles of t hese methodological approaches, the issues of the historical policy of the modern Ukrainian state during the Russian-Ukrainian war that address the ideas of communist totalitarian influence in the students' minds are considered. According to the interdisci - plin ary approach, the article combines elements of history and sociology.

Keywords: historical memory formation, historical policy, memory policy, students of history at Mariupol State University, extracurricular activities, anthropological approach, history of mentality


Засоби формування історичної пам'яті здобувачів освіти

Володимир Романцов

Маріупольський державний університет (Україна)

Наталя Романцова

Маріупольський державний університет (Україна)

У статті аналізується проблема формування історичної пам'яті студентської молоді на засадах правдивої історії нашої країни, у контексті становлення громадянської свідомості майбутніх фахівців. Вирішення цього завдання є важливим в умовах повномасштабної російської військової агресії, яку брехлива ворожа пропаганда намагається обґрунтовувати, спираючись на вигадані, псевдонаукові історичні міфи. Зазначена тема висвітлюється в контексті міждисциплінарного підходу, антропологічної історії, історії ментальності.

Висвітлення обраної теми ґрунтується на теоретичних положеннях, запропонованих зарубіжними та українськими вченими І. Гиричем, В. Гриневичем, Л. Зашкільняком, І. Ковальською-Павелко, Г. Касья - новим, В. Масненком, Л. Нагорною, П. Нора, Е.Д. Смітом, Ю. Шаповалом, Б. Шацькою, О. Шевель та іншими. Дослідження свідчить про необхідність трансформації історичної пам'яті в контексті здійснення історичної політики, меморіальними законами заходів. На засадах зазначених методологічних підходів розглядаються питання здійснення історичної політики сучасної Української держави у період російсько-української війни щодо подолання у свідомості здобувачів вищої освіти залишків комуністичного тоталітарного впливу. Згідно з міждисциплінарним підходом у статті поєднані елементи історії, соціології.

Ключові слова: формування історичної пам'яті, історична політика, політика пам'яті, студенти-історики МДУ, позааудиторна робота, антропологічний підхід, історія ментальності.

Main part

The concept of «historical memory» is widespread in the modern scientific discourse of humanities. Ukrainian scientist L. Nahorna emphasises that there is a «memory boom» in Ukraine. In support of this, the scientist cited the National Report «Socio-Economic Status of Ukraine: Consequences for the People and the State», noting that Ukrainian society has become «sick with history», painfully reacting to any problems related to its own past (Nahorna, 2013). This is an essential direction of modern theoretical developments of Ukrainian scientists, focused on active, practical use.

The Constitution of Ukraine states that the state promotes the consolidation and development of the Ukrainian nation, its historical consciousness, traditions, and culture, as well as the development of the ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious identity of all indigenous peoples and national minorities of Ukraine. Therefore, the historical memory of young Ukrainians is being formed to implement this constitutional clause.

In the theoretical context, the problem of the formation of historical memory is the object of historical, political, and sociological research. As for the practical application of these theoretical developments, history has priority because it provides the knowledge that lays the foundation for historical memory.

Higher education students who entered Mariupol State University (MSU) brought an ambiguous influence from their families and schools. As a result, they oftencame to the university infantile in cognitive activity, in social life. Therefore, the question arose about the need to eliminate old Soviet and Russian historical myths in students' minds and transform their historical memory in the context of modern Ukrainian historical policy.

Various aspects of this scientific problem were covered by Ukrainian scientists V. Artyukh, I. Hryrych, V. Hrynevych, M. Hrushevsky, L. Zashkilnyak, I. Kovalska-Pavelko, L. Nagorna, B. Shatska, O. Shevel, and others. However, for the most part, these studies are devoted to theoretical issues, and the practical aspects of historical memory formation are not sufficiently studied. Thus, it is necessary to distinguish the relevant activities with students.

This research aims to study the impact of various ways of shaping historical memory among students at Mariupol State University during extracurricular activities.

Studying the methods of shaping the historical memory of higher education students during extracurricular activities requires applying modern methodological approaches provided by historians, sociologists, and philosophers. Therefore, the coverage of the chosen topic is based on the theoretical provisions proposed by foreign and Ukrainian scientists (Hyrych, Shapoval, 2010; Hrynevych, 2016; Hrushevskyi, 2002; Zashkilnyak, 2009; Kovalska-Pavelko, 2022; Kasyanov, 2014, 2016;

Nahorna, 2011, 2013; Nora, 1996; Smith, 1994; Shatska, 2011; Shevel, 2016) and others. Their works reflect the theoretical aspects of historical memory development as the basis for national identity and the impact of memory wars on the transformation of historical consciousness. In addition, scientific developments devoted to the issues of historical memory require the introduction of anthropological and interdisciplinary approaches.

British scientist E.D. Smith, while analysing the cultural foundations of nations, pointed out the need to consider this issue in the context of the «historical sociology of nations» in different periods of history. In his concept, he proceeded from the point of view that a nation is «a named and self-determined human community whose members cherish common myths, memories, symbols, values and traditions» (Smith, 1994). These ideas lay the theoretical foundations of the view of historical memory.

French historian P. Nora, whose scientific studies are primarily related to the research of historical memory and identity, considering the differences between memory and history, formulated his own understanding of these concepts and defined their place in the scientific discourse. According to the scientist, memory is a phenomenon of modern life, «embodied in existing communities», and history is an intellectual activity, an incomplete reconstruction of the past, and its representation (Nora, 1996).

Elaborating on these views, Polish historian B. Shatska argues that the «mithologisation of the past» is inextricably linked to collective memory. The scientist believes that «it is imperative to establish the correlation between history and collective memory», defines history as an academic discipline «with scientific status», and «collective memory as a set of ideas of community members about its past» (Shatska, 2011).This opinion leads to understanding the relationship between history as an academic discipline and historical (collective) memory, the inextricable link between them.

M. Hrushevsky, while analysing its «social and educational value» from the perspective of modern history, insisted that it can be used in different ways in public life. According to the scientist, sometimes history can degenerate into an instrument of cannibalistic chauvinism, national exclusivity, and hurrah-patriotism. For teachers, it should serve the victory and consolidation of ideas and sentiments of humanity, democracy, and socialism. According to Mykhailo Hrushevsky, the study of «the history of the native land» creates the basis of «historical education» and should form in the mind of a person «the cult of native tradition, native side, moral values, revealed by it,» namely, the deeds of previous generations, which by their sacrifices, sufferings, feats, the work of thought and hands, brought the current citizenship to the present stage of life (Hrushevsky, 2002).The scientists' theoretical positions in the early twentieth century laid the methodological foundations for historical memory in Ukrainian historiography.

L. Zashkilnyak, a prominent Ukrainian expert in the field of history methodology, in his analysis of the place of historical memory in modern social functions of history, noted that historical memory is significant for contemporary society. It allows the legitimation of all social groups, nations, and countries. Furthermore, the scientist noted that scientific, historical knowledge is designed to adjust the historical memory of society. Moreover, the theorist in the field of historical cognition provided a scientific understanding of the phenomenon of historical memory, noting that it reveals the ability of the human mind based on the preserved individual and collective experience of interpersonal relations. It, in turn, forms an idea of history as such and creates an information framework for the social identification of the individual and the community and is the result of the interaction of the individual and the social environment (Zashkilnyak, 2009).

H. Kasyanov offers his vision of the «nature of the relationship between history and memory» and considers the latter in the context of myth-making. According to the scientist, history writing debunks the myths of memory and builds the past following strict rules of «objectivity» (Kasyanov, 2016). The issue of historical policy, which is harmoniously intertwined with the lace of history and historical memory, also occupies an important place in the field of Kasyanov's research.

Comparing historical science and historical memory, L. Nahorna noted that they use different strategies of historisation. The scientist states that the social significance of historical memory is associated with its symbolic form of conveying cultural meanings, warnings, and cautions. According to the researcher, historical memory does not carry knowledge about the past but gives the perception of the past as a heritage.

The unequal perception of this heritage in Ukrainian society causes constant battles for history, which must be supported by fundamental scientific developments to avoid undermining Ukraine's image and national security. The scientist is convinced that without reliance on the scientific achievements of historians, the concept of «public memory» is blurred, and group views are eclectic and multidirectional, which casts doubt on the future of such a society (Nahorna, 2013).

G. Hyrych and Y. Shapoval drew attention to the need to distinguish classical history as the coverage of historical events from the established public view of historical events, which records the historical memory of a particular society. In addition, scientists noted that in the post - totalitarian era, it was necessary to overcome the stereotypes of thinking imposed by ideologists and propagandists of the Soviet era (Hyrych, Shapoval, 2010).

V. Hrynevych pointed out the need for the decommunisation of Ukrainian society. His opinion that decommunisation in Ukraine is slow since, after the declaration of independence, the power in the country belonged to the post-communist elites for a long time is quite reasonable (Hrynevych, 2019).

This set of modern methodological approaches focuses scientists on the scientific analysis of the research topic.

In Ukraine, there are memory wars, which are caused by the fact that in the country, according to O. Shevel, «contradictory interpretations of many historical events and epochs have been formed», which are manipulated by anti-Ukrainian political actors. Moreover, these Kremlin propagandists receive robust funding from the Russian authorities to distort the consciousness of Ukrainians with pseudo-historical ideas. All this creates a «divided memory of the past», which is the basis for the unfolding of «conflicts over memory» that complicate the construction of a unified national identity (Shevel, 2016).

The Russian-Ukrainian war, which began in the spring of 2014, has significantly changed all spheres of public life in our country. To a large extent, it concerns the formation of national consciousness, which is especially relevant for the multi-ethnic region of the Northern Azov area. There the Soviet-, Russian-oriented, or politically uncertain mental views of the population carried by some older and middle generations residents, are preserved mainly among the inhabitants. Unfortunately, this can also be said about some history teachers in secondary schools. The war clearly demonstrated the nature of public leaders in Ukrainian society.

The tragic experience of Mariupol during the current full-scale Russian military aggression against Ukraine shows that along with patriotic citizens and courageous defenders of our land, there were treacherous supporters of the «Russian world», collaborators who joined the service of the occupiers.

The task of overcoming the consequences of totalitarianism in the minds of Ukrainians is an essential factor in the formation of the national identity of our people. In this process, the issue of transforming historical memory and rethinking our historical past is acute. This is especially important when working with higher education students, as it is necessary not only to provide them with quality professional training but also to make efforts to form members of civil society in Ukraine. But unfortunately, experience shows that not always good specialists are able to withstand the extreme trials of wartime.

Nowadays, the decommunisation and decolonisation of the Ukrainian consciousness are very relevant. Still, first of all, society must get rid of Soviet and Russian historical myths. For many decades and centuries, those ideas have distorted the historical memory of the Ukrainian people and, to some extent, retain their harmful influence to this day by fakes of the «Russian world». Moreover, these historical myths have great propaganda support from the Kremlin authorities.

This encourages historians to rethink Ukraine's colonial and totalitarian past. In the post-Soviet period, there was a growing scientific interest of Ukrainian scholars in the issues of the Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian people, Ukraine in World War II, the Holocaust, the Orange Revolution, and the Revolution of Dignity, which largely determines the direction of the historical policy of the Ukrainian state.

In the legislative arena of Ukraine during the first decades of the XXI century, a number of memorial legislative acts and presidential decrees were adopted, which determined the place of specific historical events in Ukraine. In this regard, the following laws are important: the Law of Ukraine «On the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine» of November 28, 20061, the Laws of Ukraine of April 9, 2015, «On the condemnation of the communist and national socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes in Ukraine and prohibition of propaganda of their symbols»2, «On the legal status and commemoration of the fighters for independence of Ukraine in the twentieth century»3, «On perpetuation of the victory over Nazism in the Second World Warof 1939-1945» On perpetuation of the victory over Nazism in the Second World War of 1939-1945. The Law of Ukraine. Bulletin of the Verk-hovna Rada. 2015, № 25., «On amendments to Article 73 of the Labour Code of Ukraine» On Amendments to Article 73 of the Labour Code of Ukraine. The Law of Ukraine. Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada. 2021, №40..

Other important aspects of historical memory were reflected in the Decrees of the President of Ukraine «On measures in connection with the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine - the genocide of the Ukrainian people» of 26.11.2021 Decree of the President of Ukraine "On measures in connection with the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine - the genocide of the Ukrainian people" of 26.11.2021., «On the Day of the Defender of Ukraine» Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the Day of Defender of Ukraine" of October 14, 2014., «On the celebration of the Day of Dignity and Freedom in 2015» of 09.11.2015 Decree of the President of Ukraine "On celebration of the Day of Dignity and Freedom in 2015" of 09.11.2015. The Decree of the President of Ukraine "On honouring the feat of the participants of the Revolution of Dignity and perpetuating the memory of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes" of 11.02.2015., «On honouring the feat of the participants of the Revolution of Dignity and perpetuating the memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred» of 11.02.2015, Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of 17.01.2017 «On the establishment of the Day of Ukrainian Volunteer» Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of January 17,2017. On the establishment of the Day of Ukrainian Volunteer.URL:

These memorial legislative acts are related to historical events that have determined the country's development for many decades and are important indicators of shaping the historical memory of Ukrainians, which lay the foundation for the systematic work of university teachers of history. It is therefore important to bear in mind the opinion of L. Nahorna that presenting historical knowledge to students is a task of great social significance that directly affects the state of national security (Nahorna, 2013).

The Faculty of History of Mariupol State University, at the Department of History and Archaeology, by using various forms of research, carries out systematic activities to form historical memory among students. Faculty staff conduct activities related to the commemorative dates of historical events and anniversaries of prominent figures in Ukrainian history. Students are actively involved in different forms of scientific activity and participation in scientific societies. For instance, on September 29, 2021, Ukraine marked the 80th anniversary of the tragedy in Babyn Yar. This period was one of the most terrible in Ukrainian history. Therefore, it is necessary to preserve the memory of the Holocaust so that people do not allow such an act of violence to happen again.

A similar tragedy also took place in Mariupol when the Nazi occupation of the city on October 8, 1941, began the oppression of the Jewish population. Then, on October 20, 1941, thousands of people were herded to a gathering point, divided into 1000 people, and escorted by 4-6 guards to the anti-tank ditches of the Agrobase. About 9 thousand people of the Jewish population were ruthlessly murdered there.

On September 28, 2021, the Faculty of History held an action to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust in Ukraine, organised by the Department of History and Archaeology and the Dean's Office. The Head of the Department, Professor Volodymyr Romantsov, addressed the participants of the memorial event with an introductory speech. A detailed picture of the tragedy of Babyn Yar in Kyiv and the shooting of Mariupol Jews at the Agrobase was presented in his speech by the Ph.D. student of the Department of History and Archeology, an employee of the Mariupol Historical Museum Anton Guz. Associate Professor of the Department Vadym Korobka participated in discussing the Holocaust tragedy in Ukraine. The participants of the event honoured the memory of the Holocaust victims with a minute of silence11.

On October 13, 2021, in order to commemorate the defenders of Ukraine, a meeting of students-historians and professors with the military commandant of Mariupol Yurii Melnychuk was held at the Faculty of History of MSU. He emphasised that according to the Constitution of Ukraine, «Article 17. Protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine», ensuring its economic and information security are the most important functions of the state and the business of all Ukrainian people.

The story of the military commandant aroused the attention and keen interest of the listeners, who asked many questions about topical aspects related to the Day of Defenders of Ukraine. During the discussion, the issues of practical training of higher education students, the development of soft skills, and informal education were discussed. Also, students learned about the prospects for further employment, the conditions of military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the possibility of concluding a contract for military personnel12.

On November 29, 2021, at the Faculty of History of MSU, as part of the events to commemorate the victims of the Holodomor in Ukraine in 1932-1933, historical readings were hosted by the Department of History and Archaeology, where the head of the department, Professor V. Romantsov, and the third-year student of the specialty «History and Archaeology» Angelina Ivanova, spoke about the tragic events of 1932-1933 in Yalta. In addition, Angelina participated in the All-Ukrainian competition for student research papers on this topic and won third place13.

The required activities are also being carried out within the framework of the Historical and Archaeological Student Scientific Society (supervisors - Ph.D., Associate Professors S. Arabadzhi and V. Zabavin), as well as the Student Scientific Society «History of the Nadazov Region» (supervisors - Ph.D., Associate Professors V. Ko - robka and Y. Korobka).

In 2021, the Ukrainian scientific community celebrated the 155th anniversary of the birth of Mykhailo Hrushevsky - an outstanding Ukrainian scientist of the late nineteenth - first third of the twentieth century. On November 20, 2021, Mariupol State University hosted an online conference, «Mykhailo Hrushevsky - Scientist, Public, and State Activist,» dedicated to the 155th anniversary of his birth. The meeting was attended by well-known, distinguished Ukrainian scientists, Bachelor's and Master's degree students majoring in History and Archaeology and Secondary Education: History, Cultural Studies, Sociology, Political Science, and public officials of the city.

Along with the Internet conference in the Museum of History and Archaeology of MSU, an exhibition of materials from the State Memorial Museum of Mykhailo Hrushevsky in Lviv was opened. It was kindly provided by its director Maria Mahun. The exhibition attracted the interest of students and professors of the Faculty of History. During November 22-27, 2021, Professor V. Romantsov conducted excursions and acquainted visitors with an essential period of the scientist's life on the materials of the Lviv Museum 155th anniversary of Mykhailo Hrushevsky's birth at MSU. URL: narodzhennja_mikhajla_grushevskogo_v_mdu/2021 -11 -30-341.

Furthermore, on February 21, 2022, members of the student scientific society «History of the Nadazov Region» under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of History and Archaeology Vadym Korobka, held an online event called «Heroes Do Not Die» celebrating the events of the Revolution of Dignity, which was the expression of the national idea of freedom. The multimedia presentation depicted a powerful outbreak of civic activity among Ukrainians in February 2014. In addition, the event participants observed a minute of silence in memory of the Heroes of Ukraine The student scientific society "History of the Nadazov Region" celebrated the Day of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred. URL: istvi_istorija_nadazov_ja_vidznachili_den_gerojiv_nebesnoji_sot ni/2022-02-22-369.

In July 2020, the NGO «Cultural and Educational Platform «Sense» in cooperation with the Student Scientific Historical and Archaeological Society of MSU, with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, conducted an online workshop on the development of historical board games for students, teachers, and professors of educational institutions of Mariupol. Svitlana Arabadzhy, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Archaeology, coordinated the project.

A team of teachers and professors of history, as well as students of MSU, developed a card game, «Chronicle of Events», which helps students prepare for the ZNO (External Independent Testing) in the history of Ukraine. The game is based on the chronological sequence of cards with important events for the country, and thus players get acquainted with historical figures, documents, institutions, and organisations.

Moreover, in the autumn of 2020, the NGO «Cultural and Educational Platform «Sense» held contests on the history of Ukraine and Mariupol among schoolchildren and students. It enabled the participants to receive sets of historical board games developed in this project. Copies of these games were donated to city libraries and libraries of educational institutions. They will be used in history lessons and extracurricular activities Gamification of learning: teachers and students of MSU developed five historical board games. Mariupol State University. 19 November, 2020. URL. navchannja_vikladachi_ta_studenti_mdu_rozrobili_p_jat_nastilni kh_istorichnikh_igor/2020-11 -19-3753.

A third-year student of the specialty History and Archaeology at Mariupol State University, Angelina Ivanova took part in the VI International Interdisciplinary Competition of Scientific and Creative Papers named after Volo - dymyr Manyak and Lidia Kovalenko. This time the essays were devoted to a single social theme: «Regional history in the context of understanding the Holodomor era - the genocide of the Ukrainian people». Angelina submitted the research «The tragedy of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in the village of Yalta, Donetsk region». The student examined the consequences of Stalin's policy of creating the Holodomor through family experience and the history of particular regions as components of a common all - Ukrainian space MSU student Angelina Ivanova became one of the three top participants of the international competition. 19 January, 2022. URL:




Finally, members of the theatrical and artistic group Tallent represented Mariupol State University at the open «Love Ukraine!» Festival-Contest of readers, poets, artists, and photographers dedicated to the memory of V. Sosy - ura. Following the festival results, the third-year student majoring in History and Archaeology, Maksym Filippov, ranked first in his age group MSU student Maxim Filippov became the winner of the festival-competition in the memory of V. Sosyura URL: emozhcem_festivalju_konkursu_pam_39Jati_v_sosjuri/2022-02- 22-370. Therefore, participation of higher education students in scientific, cultural, and artistic competitions of patriotic focus is a meaningful way to shape the historical memory among young people.

In the context of full-scale Russian military aggression, which false enemy propaganda is trying to justify based on fictitious and pseudo-scientific historical myths, the task of their overcoming is essential. Furthermore, it will help shape students' historical memory following the true history of Ukraine. Moreover, the solution to this task is crucial in the context of the formation of civic consciousness of future specialists who receive not only professional training but also are educated on the principles of patriotic civil position.

Specialists-historians and professors of the Department of History and Archaeology of Mariupol State University make efforts to this end in their academic and extracurricular work with students. As a result, nowadays, we have the necessary theoretical developments on the issues of historical memory. Furthermore, the historical policy of the Ukrainian state and the appropriate memorial legal framework on these issues has been developed.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that different means are actively used to shape the student's historical memory, such as thematic memorial historical readings, round tables, and activities of the student scientific societies, e.g., historical, archaeological, and local «History of the Nadazov Region», and participation of students in memorial events.

The research is the initial study of students' practical activities regarding historical memory development. Therefore, this issue requires more thorough research and critical analysis of work with students to form their civic consciousness.


historical memory student consciousness

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3. Hyrych, I., Shapoval, Yu. (2010). Chomu neobkhidno pereos - myslyuvaty mynule? Kyiv, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. (In Ukrainian)

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6. Kovalska-Pavelko, I. (2022). «Viyny pamyati» yak klyuchovyy chynnyk formuvannya derzhavnoyi polityky pamyati v suchasniy Ukrayini. Krakowskie Studia Mafopolskie, 3 (35), 7-26 - ksm/35/ksm3501.pdf (In Ukrainian).

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8. Nahorna, L. (2013). Istorychni znannya v systemi hromadyan - skoyi osvity. Naukovi zapysky Instytutu politychnykh i et - nonatsionalnykh doslidzhen im. I.F. Kurasa NAN Ukrayiny, 2 (64), 5-28 (In Ukrainian).

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11. Shatska, B. (2011). Mynule - pamyat - mit. Chernivtsi: Knyhy - XXI. (In Ukrainian).

12. Shevel, O. (2016). Chy ye vykhid? Viyny pamyati u postradyan - skiy Ukrayini v porivnyalniy perspektyvi. Ukrai'na Moderna. (In Ukrainian).

13. Smith, Anthony D. (1994). National identity (Trans. from English by P. Taraschuk). Kyiv, Osnovy. (In Ukrainian).

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    реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013

  • Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.

    презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015

  • The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.

    презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.02.2014

  • Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.

    презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012

  • History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.

    курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016

  • Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.

    презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 28.11.2012

  • Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.

    презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013

  • Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.

    отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013

  • The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

    реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012

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