Component structure of a teacher-defectologist`s professional competence in conditions of postgraduate education

The components of the professional competence of special education teacher. Indicators of formation of professional competence of special education teachers in the conditions of postgraduate education. Formation of the motivational and value component.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 23.02.2023
Размер файла 44,8 K

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H.S. Skovoroda KhNPU


Kazachiner Olena Semenivna Doctor of Pedagogy, Docent, Associate

Professor of Human Health, Rehabilitation and Special Psychology Department

Boychuk Yuriy Dmytrovych Doctor of Pedagogy, Full Professor, Professor of Human Health, Rehabilitation and Special Psychology Department



professional competence education teacher

The article substantiates that the formation of professional competence of special education teachers is necessary not as a discrete pedagogical phenomenon aimed at local changes in certain aspects of correctional and educational process of working with children with special educational needs, but as a holistic system - from goal setting to finalization the result.

Based on the theoretical analysis of the components of the teacher's professional competence, the following interrelated components of the professional competence of special education teacher were identified: motivational-value; correctional and pedagogical; diagnostic and analytical. Criteria were specified, indicators of formation of professional competence of special education teachers in the conditions of postgraduate education were characterized.

Thus, the indicators of the formation of the motivational and value component according to the personal criterion are: 1) motivation and interest in working with children with SEN; 2) promotion of the values of inclusive education during correctional and developmental work; 3) personal and professionally significant qualities for the implementation of correctional and developmental work with children with SEN.

Indicators of the formation of the correctional and pedagogical component according to the practical-activity criterion are: 1) the availability of professional knowledge in pedagogy, age and pedagogical psychology, ICT; 2) availability of professional knowledge in correctional pedagogy, its branches, rehabilitation, special psychology, neurophysiology, medicine, medical pedagogy; 3) the formation of special skills.

Among the indicators of the formation of the diagnostic-analytical component according to the monitoring criterion are the following: 1) implementation of diagnostics and comprehensive assessment of the child's development, conducting consultative activities; 2) maintaining the IRC documentation within the framework of professional activity; 3) monitoring the dynamics of child development.

Keywords: competence, professional competence, special education teacher, components, criteria, indicators, inclusive education, postgraduate education


Казачінер Олена Семенівна доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри здоров'я людини, реабілітології і спеціальної психології, ХНПУ імені Г.С.Сковороди, м. Харків

Бойчук Юрій Дмитрович доктор педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри здоров'я людини, реабілітології і спеціальної психології,член-кореспондент НАПН України, ректор, ХНПУ імені ьГ.С.Сковороди, м. Харків


У статті обґрунтовано, що формування професійної компетентності вчителів-дефектологів є необхідним у вигляді не як дискретного педагогічного явища, спрямованого на локальні зміни окремих аспектів корекційно-освітнього процесу роботи з дітьми з особливими освітніми потребами, а як цілісної системи - від постановки мети до отримання кінцевого результату.

На основі теоретичного аналізу компонентів професійної компетентності педагога було виокремлено такі взаємопов'язані компоненти професійної компетентності вчителя-дефектолога: мотиваційно-ціннісний; корекційно-педагогічний; діагностико-аналітичний. Було конкретизовано критерії, схарактеризовано показники сформованості професійної компетентності вчителів-дефектологів в умовах післядипломної освіти.

Так, показниками сформованості мотиваційно-ціннісного компонента за особистісним критерієм є: 1) мотивація та інтерес до роботи з дітьми з ООП; 2) пропаганда цінностей інклюзивної освіти під час проведення корекційно-розвиткової роботи; 3) особистісні та професійно значущі якості для здійснення корекційно-розвивальної роботи з дітьми з ООП.

Показниками сформованості корекційно-педагогічного компонента за практично-діяльнішим критерієм слугують: 1) наявність професійних знань із педагогіки, вікової та педагогічної психології, ІКТ; 2) наявність професійних знань із корекційної педагогіки, її галузей, реабілітології, спецпсихології, нейрофізіології, медицини, лікувальної педагогіки; 3) сформованість спеціальних умінь.

Серед показників сформованості діагностико-аналітичного компонента за моніторинговим критерієм визначено такі: 1) здійснення діагностики та комплексної оцінки розвитку дитини, провадження консультативної діяльності; 2) ведення документації ІРЦ у межах професійної діяльності; 3) здійснення моніторингу динаміки розвитку дитини.

Ключові слова: компетентність, професійна компетентність, вчитель-дефектолог, компоненти, критерії, показники, інклюзивна освіта, післядипломна освіта

Formulation of the problem

Inclusive education is in dire need of qualified teachers, as the fate of not only inclusive education but also education in general largely depends on the results of their activities, intellectual search and worldview.

Conditions for the rapid development of inclusive education require teachers to have a high level of professional competence, the ability to evaluate their own activities, to build a trajectory of development of a child with special educational needs.

The formation of professional competence of special education teachers is necessary not as a discrete pedagogical phenomenon aimed at local changes in certain aspects of the correctional and educational process of working with children with special educational needs, but as a holistic system - from goal setting to the end result.

Thus, there is an urgent need to develop a component structure of professional competence of a special education teacher in postgraduate education.

Analysis of the latest research and publications

The submissions that discover in detail to the phenomenon of professional competence, its structural and functional components are presented by N.Banko, V.Bodrov, T.Volodko, G.Nikiforov, G.Lozhkin, O.Mamicheva, A.Markova, T.Matsevko and others.

However, given the achievements of scientists, it should be noted that there is no single approach to the selection of types and structural components of professional competence. Classical professional competence of a specialist is considered in its following structural components: special (professional-subject), socio-psychological, methodological and communicative competence [1].

Scientists A. Derkach, I. Mishchenko, A. Sitnikov, T. Shcherbakova offer a structure of professional competence, which distinguishes the following components: psychological, psychological-pedagogical and autopsychological.

E. Zeyer identifies the following components of professional competence: social and legal; special; personal and auto-competence [1].

Of scientific interest is opinion of N. Kuzmina's who identifies components of professional competence: socio-perceptual; socio-psychological; autopsychological; communicative; psychological and pedagogical [4].

The most complete description of structural and functional components professional competence is found in A. Markova. The researcher identifies the following components: socio-legal competence; special competence; personal (personal) competence; incompetence; extreme competence. In addition to these species competence, the researcher identifies some common types of professional competencies needed by a person of any profession. These are the so-called “professionally important qualities and types of professional behavior” [5].

The complex structural structure of professional competence, described in the works of representatives of many scientific schools (A.Abulkhanov, A.Bodalov, V.Zazykin, E.Klimov, etc.), contains the following components: 1) motivational: the desire to show competence in behavior and activities human beings; 2) cognitive: knowledge of the content of competence, i.e. means, methods and programs of action, solving social and professional problems, the implementation of law and norms of behavior; 3) behavioral: experience of competence in a variety of standard and nonstandard situations; 4) value-semantic: the presence of personal significance of the content of competence and the object of its implementation; 5) emotional-regulatory: the ability to adequately to situations of social and professional interaction to carry out emotional and volitional regulation [2, Р.135].

Purpose of the article consists in working out a component structure of professional competence of special education teachers as a certain category of educators in the conditions of postgraduate education.

Presentation of the main material of the study

Based on the theoretical analysis of the components of the professional competence of the teacher, carried out in scientific research, we have identified the following interrelated components of the professional competence of special education teacher: motivational-value; correctional and pedagogical; diagnostic and analytical.

We believe that the content of the motivational and value component of professional competence of a special education teacher implies the presence of motives for his professional activities in working with children with PDD (external: motives for achievement, personal development and self-affirmation, material, promotion, team approval, prestige, etc.; internal: the desire to work with a child with psychophysical development, to ensure its maximum socialization, awareness of the possibility and necessity of drawing up an individual curriculum for maximum development and in cooperation with specialists - ensuring the formation of student life activity; perception of the child's problems as personally significant) [3], as well as personal qualities (including awareness and promotion of inclusive education, compassion for children with special needs, tolerance, empathy, responsibility, patience and patience, pedagogical optimism, ability to avoid stressful situations, respect for the personality of the problem child, etc.).

In our opinion, the motivational and value component of the professional competence of a special education teacher implies not so much a positive attitude towards a child with SEN, as a willingness to take an active position in solving new professional tasks, namely:

upbringing of socially acceptable behavior of children with SEN by acquaintance, joint discussion of its rules;

the desire to instill in children with SEN skills of interaction with participants in the educational process, skills of social orientation, love for parents, relatives, friends, etc.;

formation of the culture of speech and non-speech communication, the culture of speech and non-speech behavior (by introducing means of additional and alternative communication);

feeling the need to take into account the peculiarities of learning material by children with different special educational needs; accordingly plan and use different activities during correctional and developmental classes to identify, correct, prevent possible learning difficulties, adapt and modify educational materials according to the type of disorder, individual, age and other characteristics of children with SEN who are registered in the IRC;

readiness and feeling of necessity to apply in own pedagogical practice the most effective correctional and pedagogical forms, tools, methods, receptions, and also special diagnostic and corrective methods of complex assessment and psychocorrection of development of children;

the desire to create a safe environment during the correctional and educational process, the use of health technologies, the desire to prevent bullying in relation to a child with SEN.

The formation of the motivational and value component can be checked by personal criteria.

Motivational and value component is formed on the basis of professionally significant qualities of a special education teacher as a result and generalized expression of stable relationships of the individual, his professional activity and behavior.

Personal criterion determines the presence and degree of motivation, values and interest of a special education teacher in the formation and improvement of professional competence, the formation of personal and professional qualities in this category of teachers, awareness of analysis and evaluation of alternatives, personal choice and decision making, responsibility for their actions.

It is necessary to single out the following indicators of the formation of the motivational and value component according to the personal criterion:

1) motivation and interest in working with children with SEN;

2) promotion of the values of inclusive education during correctional and developmental work;

3) personal and professionally significant qualities for the implementation of correctional and developmental work with children with SEN.

Correctional and pedagogical component of the professional competence of a special education teacher - the ability to think pedagogically on the basis of the system of knowledge and experience of cognitive activity necessary to work with children with SEN who are registered in the IRC; ability to perceive, transform and reproduce information important for solving theoretical and practical problems within this professional activity.

Based on the functional responsibilities of the IRC specialists [6] and general components of the professional competence of the teacher, it was determined that the correctional and pedagogical component of the professional competence of special education teacher also includes professional knowledge:

- the essence and content of legislative documents in the field of education of children with special educational needs; regulatory documents governing the activities of the IRC;

- psychological and pedagogical features of education, upbringing and development of children with special educational needs of different categories;

- the content of developmental work programs with children with special educational needs, standard curricula of special schools (for children with mental and physical disabilities), general secondary education institutions with inclusive education;

- content and purpose of methods of comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assessment of child development;

- the essence and content of correctional and developmental methods of teaching, education and development of a child with special educational needs;

- Features of planning, structure and conduct of correctional and developmental classes with children with special educational needs of different categories;

- requirements for electrical and fire safety, sanitary and hygienic regime;

- requirements for equipping classrooms to help children with various types of mental and physical disabilities;

- the state language at the level of business communication.

This component covers a number of skills:

- to provide pedagogical support and provision of psychological-pedagogical, correctional and developmental services to children with special educational needs who are registered in the IRC, by conducting individual and group classes;

- to develop skills of self-regulation and self-development of the child taking into account available knowledge, abilities, skills of communicative activity, formation of the person;

- to form compensatory methods of activity as an important condition for preparing children with special educational needs to study in preschool, general secondary, vocational education institutions;

- Participate in the team of psychological and pedagogical support of children with special educational needs in general secondary and preschool education, as well as psychological and pedagogical commissions of special secondary schools in order to develop an individual development program, individual curriculum and implementation monitoring the dynamics of the child's development at least twice a year;

- provide methodological assistance to pedagogical staff of preschool, general secondary, vocational (technical) and other educational institutions that provide general secondary education, parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of children with special educational needs on the peculiarities of the organization of psychological pedagogical, correctional and developmental services for such children;

- provide advice to parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of children with special educational needs regarding the network of preschool, general secondary, vocational (technical) and other educational institutions that provide general secondary education, and enrollment in these institutions;

- provide counseling and psychological assistance, conduct interviews with parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of children with special educational needs in order to form a positive motivation for the development of such children;

- carry out informational and educational activities by holding and participating in conferences, seminars, webinars, round tables, trainings, workshops, etc. in various formats on the organization of psychological, pedagogical, correctional and developmental services for children with special educational needs;

- comply with sanitary and hygienic and fire regulations, safety requirements, labor protection;

- have the skills to work with office equipment and computer - Word, Internet, Excel, Power Point etc.

The following personal qualities must be inherent in a professionally competent special education teacher:

- adhere to pedagogical ethics, respect the dignity of employees, children and their parents;

- show genuine interest, kindness towards the child, parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of the child with SEN;

- build their work on mutual trust and respect for the child, parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of the child with special educational needs, regardless of gender, age, lifestyle, national or social origin, language, religion, physical or intellectual characteristics ;

- to express faith in success, in the ability of an adult or child to cope with a situation, problem, maintain faith in his own strength;

- to be correct in the process of obtaining information, use it carefully, adhere to the principle of confidentiality, which excludes the possibility of disclosure of any information about the child, parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of the child, except with their consent or in the manner prescribed by law;

- to appreciate the individuality of the child, accept it as it is;

- to increase constantly the level of own professional skills.

Thus, the correctional and pedagogical component of the professional competence of special education teacher covers the system of psychological and pedagogical (pedagogical: information awareness, mastery of pedagogical technologies, knowledge of general, age and special psychology, correctional pedagogy and its branches, knowledge of individual and age characteristics of children in ontogenesis and dysontogenesis, the use of special correctional forms, methods, techniques, tools and technologies in the process of correctional and developmental work; psychological: emotional acceptance of children with various types of developmental disabilities, involvement of children with SEN to participate in the process of comprehensive assessment of development and activities in correctional and developmental classes, satisfaction with their own teaching activities) and inclusive knowledge and special inclusive skills needed for correctional pedagogical activity, successful and adequate solution of multifaceted pedagogical situations related to the transition to an inclusive model of learning [3].

The criterion of formation of the correctional and pedagogical component was chosen activity criterion.

The activity criterion of formation of professional competence of a special education teacher reflects the humanistic orientation of all knowledge, skills mastered by the teacher, the inclusion of any knowledge in the knowledge system that provides a strategy for working with children with psychophysical development of various categories in inclusive resource centers and institutions of general secondary, vocational, higher education.

Indicators of the formation of the correctional and pedagogical component according to the practical-activity criterion are:

1) availability of professional knowledge in pedagogy, age and pedagogical psychology, ICT;

2) availability of professional knowledge in correctional pedagogy, its branches, rehabilitation, special psychology, neurophysiology, medicine, medical pedagogy;

3) the formation of special skills.

The content of the diagnostic-analytical component of the professional competence of special education teacher is the ability to carry out diagnostic and analytical activities, namely:

- conduct a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assessment of the child's development in order to determine its special educational needs, categories of educational difficulties, the level of support with the participation of parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of the child;

- to formulate a conclusion on a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assessment of the child's development, indicating the relevant recommendations; to acquaint parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of the child with special educational needs with a conclusion on the comprehensive assessment, learning conditions and provision of psychological and pedagogical, correctional and developmental services in educational institutions (if the child gets preschool or general secondary education);

- keep documentation of the IRC within its functional responsibilities in electronic form: maintain a register of children who have passed a comprehensive assessment and are registered in the IRC, a register of educational institutions, as well as a register of specialists who provide psychological and pedagogical, correctional and developmental services to children with the SEN with their consent, etc.;

- provide consultations and interact with pedagogical staff of preschool, general secondary, vocational (technical) and other educational institutions that provide general secondary education, on the organization of inclusive education;

- monitor the dynamics of child development through interaction with parents (legal representatives) of children with special educational needs and educational institutions in which they study.

The monitoring criterion is chosen as a criterion for the formation of the diagnostic-analytical component of the professional competence of a special education teacher.

The monitoring criterion characterizes the ability of a special education teacher to conduct diagnostic, evaluation, analytical, counseling procedures for the development of a child with SEN, the ability to analyze, synthesize, evaluate information, as well as the ability to keep the necessary documentation within the functional responsibilities.

Among the indicators of the formation of the diagnostic-analytical component according to the monitoring criterion are the following:

1) implementation of diagnostics and comprehensive assessment of the child's development, conducting consultative activities

2) maintaining the IRC documentation within the framework of professional activity

3) monitoring the dynamics of child development


Based on the theoretical analysis of the components of the professional competence of the teacher, we have identified the following interrelated components of the professional competence of special education teacher: motivational-value; correctional and pedagogical; diagnostic and analytical. We specified the criteria, characterized the indicators and levels of professional competence of special education teachers.

Thus, the indicators of the formation of the motivational and value component according to the personal criterion are: 1) motivation and interest in working with children with SEN; 2) promotion of the values of inclusive education during correctional and developmental work; 3) personal and professionally significant qualities for the implementation of correctional and developmental work with children with SEN.

Indicators of the formation of the correctional and pedagogical component according to the practical-activity criterion are: 1) the availability of professional knowledge in pedagogy, age and pedagogical psychology, ICT; 2) availability of professional knowledge in correctional pedagogy, its branches, rehabilitation, special psychology, neurophysiology, medicine, medical pedagogy; 3) the formation of special skills.

Among the indicators of the formation of the diagnostic-analytical component according to the monitoring criterion are the following: 1) implementation of diagnostics and comprehensive assessment of the child's development, conducting consultative activities; 2) maintaining the IRC documentation within the framework of professional activity; 3) monitoring the dynamics of child development.

However, the study does not cover all aspects of the declared problem. In our opinion, the development and implementation of diagnostic tools for assessing the levels of development of professional competence of special education teachers as a certain category of teachers in postgraduate education may be promising.


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