Improving the professional competence of english teachers

The problem of professional development competencies of English teachers. The demand for highly qualified specialists in the modern education system in Ukraine. Pedagogical activity for the purpose ofself-improvement and self-development ofteachers.

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Дата добавления 05.02.2023
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Improving the professional competence of english teachers

Svetlana Makukhina,

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business and Foreign Languages Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University (Kherson, Ukraine)

The article deals with the problem of professional development competencies of English teachers. The urgency of this problem is caused by the demand for highly qualified specialists in the modern education system in Ukraine. The article analyzes pedagogical activity for the purpose ofself-improvement and self-development ofteachers. Three groups ofconditions for the implementation of the process offorming professional competencies are considered: motivational, organizational and methodological. The article discusses the forms stimulation of professional development of the teacher and influence on the formation of a favorable atmosphere in the team. Professional competence is a set of professional and personal qualities necessaryfor successful pedagogical activity. A professional teacher carries out pedagogical activity at a sufficiently high level, achieves consistently high results in teaching and educating students. The changes taking place in the modern education system, the introduction ofnew standards make it necessary to improve the qualifications and professionalism ofthe teacher, that is, his professional competence. Competence implies the presence of internal motivation for the qualitative implementation of one's professional activity and the formation ofprofessional values. Proper student assessment is a high level of teacher qualification and a way to motivate students to achieve better results in foreign language studies. In elite education, it becomes obvious that no educational reforms are effective without fundamental changes in the teacher's professional consciousness. The focus is on knowledge ofthe subject and the ability to teach it. Important is the desire ofthe teacher to work in this area, his positive attitude towards teaching and the need to improve his professional knowledge and skills.

Key words: professional competence, educational process, intensification, self-improvement, foreign language.

professional teacher development

Світлана МАКУХІНА,

старший викладач кафедри готельно-ресторанного та туристичного бізнесу й іноземних мов Херонського державного аграрно-економічного університету (Херсон, Україна)


Стаття присвячена проблемі розвитку професійної компетентності викладачів англійської мови, що зумовлено потребою у висококваліфікованих спеціалістах в сучасній системі освіти України. Розглянуто три групи умов реалізації процесу формування професійних компетентностей: мотиваційні, організаційні та методичні. У статті проаналізовано форми стимулювання професійного розвитку педагога. Професійний розвиток розглядається, як системно організований процес удосконалення професійної компетентності, оволодіння освітніми інноваціями з метою зростання професійних досягнень, накопичення практичного досвіду, систематичного перегляду власного викладання, який характеризується формуванням здатності до свідомої професійної діяльності; успішністю оволодіння професійними знаннями, уміннями та навичками; усвідомленням професійного плану самореалізації. Професійна компетентність - це сукупність професійно-особистісних якостей, необхідних для успішної педагогічної діяльності. Викладач-професіонал на достатньо високому рівні здійснює педагогічну діяльність, досягає стабільно високих результатів у навчанні та вихованні учнів. Зміни, що відбуваються в сучасній системі освіти, запровадження нових стандартів зумовлюють необхідність підвищення кваліфікації та професіоналізму викладача, тобто його професійної компетентності. Компетентність передбачає наявність внутрішньої мотивації до якісного здійснення професійної діяльності та формування професійних цінностей. Правильне оцінювання студентів - це високий рівень кваліфікації вчителя та спосіб мотивації студентів на досягнення кращих результатів у вивченні іноземної мови. Наголошено на тому, що жодні освітні реформи не є ефективними без фундаментальних змін у професійній свідомості вчителя. Основна увага повинна приділятися знанням предмету та вмінню його викладати. Важливе значення має бажання викладача працювати в освітній сфері, його позитивне ставлення до навчання та потреба вдосконалювати свої професійні знання та вміння.

Ключові слова: професійна компетентність, освітній процес, інтенсифікація, самовдосконалення, іноземна мова.

Problem setting. The intensification of the dialogue of cultures, political and economic contacts between states has increased the pragmatic importance of foreign language proficiency and the modern methodology of teaching foreign languages has proclaimed the defining personality-activity orientation of the content of the process of teaching a foreign language. This orientation involves the search and creation of optimal conditions for the linguistic and cognitive activities of the teacher. Modern society needs highly qualified specialists with knowledge of a foreign language, professionals who are able to test the new and progressive, ready to assimilate and implement new ideas, self-knowledge and self-esteem. Only a teacher who is capable of analyzing his activities, self-development, selfimprovement as a person and a professional, can implement innovations, find non-standard ways to solve professional problems, be flexible in decisionmaking, promote self-realization of the student's personality, that is, achieve success.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. At present, the problem ofthe formation of professional competencies causes great interest among scientists and young researchers. So, E. A. Polyakova writes that “in the formation of professional competencies, a future specialist does not rely on scientific knowledge, and the ability to solve production tasks and carry out production activities within the framework of the standard”. The scientific and theoretical foundations for improving the training of teachers were developed by G. S. Alshuller, A. A. Verbitsky, G. I. Ilyin, Yu. N. Kulyutkin, E. M. Nikitin, K. A. Nefyodov, A. P. Sitnik and others. General pedagogical problems were developed by O. A. Abdullina, S. P. Baranov, M. Ya. Basov, B. Z. Vulfov, N. D. Nikandrov, L. F. Spirin and others. Researcher also notes that the structure of the pedagogical competence is complex, including the readiness of a person, on the basis of previously gained experience, to mobilize the necessary skills, knowledge, and skills in a particular situation. At the same time, it is also necessary to form production-technological, social-communicative, reflective and didactic-technological competencies, which, together with pedagogical competence is the substantive basis of the professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher of professional education.

The purpose of the article. The goal of the article is to reveal the need to develop and improve the professional skills of English teachers.

Presentation of the main material. The integration of cultural, social, economic information in English into different areas of the living environment requires the correct understanding and processing of this information by representatives of different professions. Optimizing the effectiveness of training and education of students, improvement of the education system is impossible without high professional skills and great responsibility of the teacher. The formation of professional and methodological skills of a foreign language teacher is carried out through mastering the basics of teaching methods and continuous self-improvement. In other words, the teacher is the person who himself regularly learns new things, and also who, fundamentally analyzing his work, finds reserves to increase the productivity of their work. The effectiveness of a foreign language lesson can be judged by the main indicator - the result of learning activities. Correct the organization and conduct of the lesson significantly contribute to increasing its effectiveness. Preparing for classes involves well thought out and implemented a system of learning activities aimed at implementation of the main objectives of the lesson. Each teacher has individual personal characteristics, methodological competence and way of pedagogical thinking. A true professional is distinguished confidence in the effectiveness of ongoing in learning actions, the ability to prove the appropriateness of the applied training methods.

In modern conditions of development of society graduates of professional educational organizations that have mastered professional competencies, mobile, adaptable can be in demand and successful professionally. Optimization of the process of forming professional competencies depends on the completeness implementation of the following groups of conditions: motivational group, organizational and methodological.

The motivational group of conditions includes positive motivation for learning, the need for selfdevelopment and professional development. The motivational group is based on the activity approach in teaching.

The organizational group includes a sufficient material and technical base for the formation of professional competencies, structured content of the disciplines of the professional cycle of the curriculum, coordination of programs of disciplines of the professional cycle with employers, participation of representative professions (specialist practitioners) in the educational process.

The methodological group combines the presence methodological complex in providing disciplines of the professional cycle, integration active and traditional teaching methods, expanding the use of the case technology method, ensuring controlled selfreliance student work.

Development of professional competencies is a dynamic process modernization of professional experience leading to the development of individual competencies, accumulation of professional experience, which involves continuous development and self-improvement.

The process of forming professional competencies largely depends on the environment, therefore the environment should be conducive to professional selfdevelopment. This includes an employee incentive system and various forms of teacher monitoring, which may include questionnaires, tests, interviews, and interuniversity meetings, events for the exchange of experience, competitions and presentation of their own achievements. These forms stimulation can reduce the level of emotional anxiety of the teacher and affect the formation of a favorable psychological atmosphere in the team.

Thus, professional competencies are specialized knowledge and skills necessary for effective problem solving in production activities.

It is noted, that the competence of a teacher means the synthesis of professionalism (special, methodological, psychological and pedagogical training), labor (labor relations, the learning process itself, the optimal use resources, techniques and teaching methods) and art (acting and oratory.) And in nowadays it is obvious that a simple combination of knowledge is not capable of "forming" a competent professional specialist, the teacher who educates the current generation must have a great sense of responsibility. Target training involves the formation of new concepts and methods of work and systems for student scientific knowledge. The purpose of education includes the formation of personal qualities and certain character traits in students.

Let's consider ways to improve the efficiency of the educational process through intensification and activation. Schukin A.N. development that the content of the concept of "intensive methods" is closely related to the term "intensification", intensification in didactics approaches the connection with a general illness, as one of the possible directions of treatment. we believe that the main indicators of the optimization of the learning process should be considered: a) the effectiveness of solving the set learning task. The effectiveness of learning will be the higher, the higher the level of language proficiency compared to some objective indicators of such proficiency for each stage of learning. Achieving the highest performance in each type of speech activity and for each stage of training will be the main results of class optimization; b) time and effort spent on solving a learning problem. To intensify the educational process means to increase the amount of material studied in the classroom and ensure the strength of its assimilation per unit of time,

e. to achieve a higher quality of education, maximum productivity (optimality) of the educational process.

It should be noted that the most important methodological factor in the intensification of learning is the density of communication in the classroom, the saturation of the lesson with the types and forms of work that require students to actively participate in the act of communication. Activation of learning, contributing to its intensification, is ensured through the special organization of educational material, the use of specific teaching methods for the introduction and consolidation of educational material, for the organization of group interaction, as well as through the mobilization and more productive use of the potential of the teacher and student and their interaction in the educational process. (Barkassi, 2004: 18) In the methodology, intensive methods are considered as a specific training system, which differs in a number of parameters from the existing so-called traditional methods.

The distinctive features of all intensive methods that make up their essence are: a) the maximum possible activation of students during classes; b) mobilization of hidden psychological reserves of the student's personality; c) the global use of all means of influencing the student's personality.

The professional competence of a teacher of foreign languages, according to O. E. Lomakina, suggests the presence of three main components, which, in turn, include a number of key competencies: communicative (language, speech, socio-cultural competencies); didactic (didactic competence, which is an acquired synthesis of knowledge, abilities, skills of creative pedagogical activity, functioning in the form of methods of activity); reflexive (personal competence is a regulator of personal achievements) (Holovan, 2008: 25).

The Council of Europe has identified five key competencies that all young professionals should have, including a foreign language teacher:

political and social competencies the ability to take responsibility, participate in group decisionmaking, resolve conflicts non-violently, participate in the maintenance and improvement of democratic institutions;

competencies related to life in a multicultural society, intercultural competencies acceptance of differences, respect for others and the ability to live with people of other cultures, languages and religions;

competencies related to oral and written communication - knowledge of more than one language;

competencies associated with the increasing informatization of society - possession of modern technologies, understanding of their application, weaknesses and strengths and ways of critical judgment in relation to information disseminated by the mass media and advertising;

the ability to learn throughout life as the basis for continuing education in the context of both personal and professional, as well as social life.

Understanding the educational process as a twoway process, in which the activities of the teacher and the activities of students are interconnected by functional channels, the unity of which appears in the process of their interaction, which is especially important for revealing the specifics of the educational process. According to some researchers, the principles of the activation method are implemented in the form, nature and content of the interrelated activities of the teacher and students. The form of organization of educational activity corresponds to the principle of collective (group) interaction, the nature of communicative activity is determined by the principles of personality-oriented communication and its game (role) organization, and the methodological content of training reflects the principles of concentration and semi-functionality of educational activity (Pometun, 2004: 175). The personality of the teacher, his authority are directly related to the learning outcomes. The teacher influences not only learning, but also the development of the personality of students. It can be a consciously controlled process, or it can happen unconsciously, intuitively. The word and action of the teacher can support, inspire the student, and they can also cause students to have a painful, negative attitude towards the subject being studied.

In general, in order to obtain effective results in the educational process, the symbiosis of the correct teaching work and the correct chosen system of exercises is important. Researchers have developed the following three approaches to assessing the formation of students' skills and knowledge in the framework of the educational process:

Criteria-oriented approach allows you to assess how students have achieved the required level of knowledge and skills.

An approach focused on the individual norms of a particular student, the real level of his development.

Teachers who are aware of the high level of control in the educational process, striving to increase the number of cases that show an increased risk and individualize the control process, adapt its content and meaning to the characteristics of students, but this sometimes leads to a sharp increase in the amount of pedagogical work. It should be noted that the formation of the competencies of a foreign language teacher in the field of monitoring the results of students is an important factor in an effective learning process.


Today, each teacher himself determines the most important aspects of improving his skills. The choice is quite large: it is the passage of advanced training courses and self-education, participation in the work of networked pedagogical communities. All forms of advanced training of pedagogical qualifications pursue a good goal - to assist the teacher in increasing competence in the field of the subject and methods of teaching it.


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Simonova O.A., Sitnikova A.Y., Chmykh I.E. Improvement of English Language Teachers Professional Competence Through Training Courses : materialyi Mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-prakt. konf., Vena, 21-21 marta 2018 Vena, pp . 267-274.

Spratt M., Pulverness A., William M. The TkT Teaching Knowledge Test Course. Modules 1, 2 and 3. Second edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. 256 p.

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