Value-forming concept of education of personality of a school student in independent Ukraine

Analyzes of the leading regulatory and legal documents containing relevant provisions on the foundations of the value-forming concept of personality education. Highlighted and characterized the purpose of the concept of raising children and youth.

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Дата добавления 26.11.2022
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Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Value-forming concept of education of personality of a school student in independent Ukraine

Halyna Lemko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Iryna Didukh, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Oksana Voroshchuk, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine


Ціннісно-формувальна концепція виховання особистості школяра в незалежній Україні

Галина Лемко, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Ірина Дідух, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Оксана Ворощук, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Для теперішнього періоду розвитку суспільства властиві вагомі процеси, які відбуваються в учнівському середовищі. Під дією різних соціальних і політичних чинників постають нові форми мислення, формуються специфічні цінності та ціннісні орієнтації. Особливої гостроти формування ціннісних орієнтацій у школярів набуває в сучасному суспільстві, для якого є характерними соціальна нестабільність, криза духовності, моральності, нехтування правовими нормами. Така ситуація на перший план висуває проблеми формування нової людини, її свідомості та самосвідомості, життєвих цінностей, духовних сил, можливостей та здібностей.

У педагогічній науці концепція трактується як система поглядів, що істотно відрізняється від її теорії чи методології у зв'язку з тим, що концепція не може бути остаточно верифікованим конструктором. Вона потребує постійного доопрацювання, її тези можуть бути дискусійними, які передбачають перевірку фактами, потребують формулювання тенденцій і закономірностей.

У статті проаналізовано провідні нормативно-правові документи, що містять відповідні положення щодо основ ціннісно-формувальної концепції виховання особистості: Державну національну програму «Освіта» («України ХХІ століття»), Закон України «Про освіту», Національну стратегію розвитку освіти України на період до 2021 року, Концепцію національного виховання студентської молоді, Програму українського патріотичного виховання дітей та учнівської молоді, Концепцію Нової української школи, обласну цільову соціальну програму національно-патріотичного виховання дітей та молоді на 2021-2025 роки, яку затвердила Івано-Франківська обласна рада. Також висвітлено актуальність побудови й реалізації концепції виховання дітей та юнацтва, виокремлено її мету та схарактеризовано основні принципи побудови концепції.

Ключові слова: концепція, цінності, виховання, школярі, ціннісно-формувальна концепція.


The current period of social development is characterized by important processes that take place in the student environment. Under the influence of various social and political factors, new forms of thinking appear, specific values and value orientations are formed. The formation of value orientations among schoolchildren becomes particularly acute in modern society, which today is characterized by social instability, a crisis of spirituality, morality, and neglect of legal norms. Such a situation brings to the fore the problems of forming a new person, their consciousness and self-awareness, life values, spiritual forces, opportunities and abilities. In pedagogical science, the concept is interpreted as a system of views, which is significantly different from its theory or methodology due to the fact that the concept cannot be a finally verified constructor. It needs constant refinement, its theses can be debatable and require verification by facts, require the formulation of trends and regularities.

The article analyzes the leading regulatory and legal documents containing relevant provisions on the foundations of the value-forming concept of personality education: State national program "Education" ("Ukraine of the 21st century"), The Law of Ukraine "On Education", the National Strategy for the Development of Education of Ukraine for the period until 2021, Concept of national education of student youth, Program of Ukrainian patriotic education of children and student youth, The concept of the New Ukrainian School, the regional targeted social program of national-patriotic education of children and youth for 2021-2025, approved by the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council. We also highlighted the relevance of building and implementing the concept of raising children and youth, highlighted the purpose of the concept of raising children and youth, and characterized the main principles of building the concept.

Keywords: concept, values, education, schoolchildren, value-forming concept.


The problem formulation. The development of a democratic, humane society, which is aimed at national and universal values, acquires an educational character. First of all, this concerns school-age children who have to support Ukrainian national ideas, defend Ukraine's independence and unity and increase its achievements. The development of the Ukrainian state puts on the agenda an extremely important and urgent task - the formation of personal qualities and values of a schoolchild.

Analysis of recent research and publications. In the works of O. Vishnevskyi, T. Demjaniuk, P. Kononenko, V. Kostiv, N. Lysenko, R. Skulskyi, M. Stelmakhovich, B. Stuparyk, and others the features of education of value attitudes among schoolchildren are highlighted.

In the scientific studies of V. Andrushchenko, I. Bekh, T. Dmytrenko, I. Zyazyun, V. Kremen, V. Ognevyuk, O. Sukhomlynska, and others the concept of educational innovation and leading values in Ukrainian education are characterized.

Aim and Tasks Research: based on the research of scientists and legislative framework to outline the value-forming concept of educating the personality of a schoolchild in independent Ukraine.

Research methods: theoretical analysis of psychological-pedagogical and educational-methodical scientific literature, legislative framework of education to determine the state of the problem; synthesis, induction, deduction and generalization - for theoretical analysis of the problem.

Results of the research

Concept in pedagogical science is defined as a system of views, that significantly differs from its theory or methodology due to the fact that the concept cannot be a finally verified construct; it requires constant refinement, its theses can be debatable or require verification by facts, require the formulation of trends and regularities. In addition, the concept includes methodology and theoretical approaches as internal components, so it cannot be identified with them.

In the process of scientific research, the concept is usually refined and supplemented, it integrates a certain amount of knowledge about the studied phenomenon. Due to the fact that value orientations are a result of many centuries of historical development, the modern concept of raising children and youth can use all the accumulated potential over a long historical time in all its manifestations (Rusyn G., 2021).

The main components of the pedagogical concept, as evidenced by the scientific research of I. Zyazyun, M. Kultaeva, T. Usatenko, and others, are the following:

General provisions to which we refer: relevance of the problem, which is at the center of the pedagogical concept; the purpose and basic principles on which it is built; regulatory documents regulating the content of the specified pedagogical concept. personality education child youth

The core of the concept, which contains the main notions (which reflect the content of the concept), basic scientific approaches, stages of concept implementation, trends and regularities of its implementation in modern conditions of the educational system.

Pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the content of the pedagogical concept and the possibility of its verification in the modern educational sphere, which highlight the system of activities thanks to which the pedagogical concept is implemented (Zyazyun I., 2011, Kultaeva M., 2000, Usatenko T., 2014).

The foundations of the value-forming concept of personality education are based on the leading regulatory and legal documents containing relevant provisions.

In 1993, the State National Program "Education" ("Ukraine of the 21st century") was adopted, which defined the creation of a viable system of continuous training and education for achieving high educational levels, providing opportunities for continuous spiritual self-improvement of the individual, and the formation of intellectual and cultural potential as the highest value of the nation.

In the Law of Ukraine "On Education" (Article 6) (Law of Ukraine "On Education", 2017) it is stated that the main principles of state activity in the field of education are recognized as an inseparable connection with world and national history, culture, national traditions. We believe that studying the history of one's people will help educate children and youth, form their values, and help them identify themselves as a nation, which is confirmed by the thesis that the "unity of education, upbringing and development" should be observed; education of patriotism, respect for the cultural values of the Ukrainian people, their historical and cultural heritage and traditions.

In 2013, the National Education Development Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2021 was adopted. This document notes that the key task of education in the 21st century is the development of future-oriented thinking, and with the development of society, the integration of the country into the world educational space requires constant improvement of the national education system. Among the main problems of society there are the lack of a comprehensive system of education, physical, moral and spiritual development and socialization of children and youth; decrease in social morals, spirituality, culture of behavior of a part of school and student youth, etc (About the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine).

In 2009, the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine approved the "Concept of National Education of Student Youth", which formulated the general provisions and principles of national education (democratization, humanization, unity of educational activities, consistency, systematicity and thoroughness, differentiation and individualization of the educational process, unity of theory and practice, conformity to nature, priority of legal consciousness). After all, the youth formed on national values become the foundation of the Ukrainian intelligentsia, which is based on the national idea. It unites the society, becomes the basis of an active life position and formation of an individual. According to this document, the main goal of national education is "the formation of a conscious citizen - a patriot of the Ukrainian state, an active leader of the national idea, a representative of the Ukrainian national elite through the acquisition of national consciousness, an active civic position, high moral qualities and spiritual aspirations by the young generation" (On the approval of the Concept of national education of student youth. Decision of the board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).

One of the important aspects of national-patriotic education is national consciousness. National consciousness is revealed through its carriers, meaning that people who make up the community are an important component of the individual's worldview. It contains, as S. Rusova claims in her pedagogical concept, the subject's perception of his national belonging, positive acceptance of his ethnicity, attitude to the historical past of the nation, its present and future, activity in mastering and learning the native language, studying folk culture, awareness and acceptance of national interests and value orientations, formation of relations with other ethnic communities, readiness to preserve the territorial integrity of the Motherland and the desire to enrich it. The national consciousness of a young person is its integrative characteristic, which, among other things, includes awareness of belonging to a certain national community along with a positive assessment of representatives of other national cultures (Rusova S., 1997).

In 2014, at the Institute of Educational Problems of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine the "Program of Ukrainian Patriotic Education of Children and School Youth" was prepared (Bekh I., Chorna K., 2014). This document is about the fact that patriotism is currently an urgent need of the state, which needs all children to become nationally conscious citizens - patriots, capable of providing the country with a worthy place in the civilized world in the near future, and in the event of a military threat, be able to defend its independence and sovereignty; and the individual who, with his active love for the Motherland, strives to achieve reciprocity in order to create conditions for free self-development and preservation of individuality; and society, which is interested in the fact that the self-development of the individual, the formation of his patriotic self-awareness is carried out on a moral basis.

The national education system, as evidenced by this Program, is obliged to increase the importance of patriotic education in Ukrainian society; to expand the composition of subjects of patriotic education, strengthen the coordination of their efforts; to strengthen the role of the family in the patriotic upbringing of children, strengthen its interaction with educational institutions; to revive the system of out-of-class and out-of-school patriotic education of children and student youth on new theoretical and technological bases; promote the development of children and youth's public organizations as centers for the formation of patriots of Ukraine; to contribute to the further democratization of the management of the process of patriotic education of the younger generation.

The development of the ideas of this document is reflected in the Concept of the New Ukrainian School (NUS, 2016). The basis of this concept was "child-centrism", the child's personality is the main subject of the educational process; therefore, the formula of the new school envisages the implementation of partnership pedagogy in the conditions of a new content of education, restructuring of this process, focusing on the student. An unconditional prerequisite for the implementation of the mentioned concept is education based on values. The concept of NUS reveals the key competencies that are currently relevant for a modern Ukrainian school. From childhood, children are being brought up with love for their native land and everything that surrounds it. A person develops their own age-appropriate life experience, his vision of the beauty of nature, his native land; the ability to express thoughts, feelings, facts and views through listening, reading, and writing develops; the ability to respond to all aspects of social and cultural phenomena at school, at home, in the community is formed (The concept of NUS).

Civic competences of an individual are developed in the process of forming the ability to work in a team, negotiate, find a compromise and perform joint work, get results.

In the modern education system of the Western region, teachers rely on the works of modern educators and, in particular, on the legacy of O. Vishnevskyi, V. Kostiv, R. Skulskyi, M. Stelmakhovich, B. Stuparyk, who devoted their works to national education, family education, and the transfer of experience of the older generation, the education of youth in Ukrainian traditions, family traditions, customs, and ceremonies. To execute the decrees of the President of Ukraine from 18.05.2019. No. 286/2019 "On the Strategy of National Patriotic Education", from 01.12.2016, № 534/2016 "On priority measures to promote strengthening of national unity and consolidation of Ukrainian society, support of public initiatives in this area", order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 09.10.2020. № 1233-р «On the approval of the Concept of the State targeted social program of national and patriotic education for the period until 2025 », Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council approved the regional targeted social program of national-patriotic education of children and youth for 2021-2025. It was developed with the aim of carrying out a qualitatively new policy in the field of national and patriotic education, based on the principles of the national identity of the Ukrainian people, its consolidation around a common future, the protection of the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and the formation of common value guidelines through effective participation in the process of building the Ukrainian state. The program is built taking into account the age limits of youth aged 14 to 35 inclusive, including children aged 14 to 18.

Thus, among the principles of this program, the developers prioritize the principles of national orientation, which promotes the education of love for the native land and the Ukrainian people, while affirming respect for the culture of all peoples and ethnic groups living in our state. This is where the foundation for the formation of national self-awareness is laid, and hence the preservation of one's own self-identity. The principle of multiculturalism, aimed at the assimilation and tolerance of other values and features of art and culture of the world by the younger generation, is also highlighted, which will speed up the process of European integration of national assets.

Instead, the principle of historical and social memory is aimed at preserving the spiritual-moral and cultural-historical heritage of Ukrainians and reproduces it in reconstructed and modernized forms and methods of activity. The principle of social conformity also appears in unison with it, which determines the need to harmonize the content and methods of patriotic education with the real social situation in which the educational process occurs, and aims to educate children and youth to be ready to protect the homeland and effectively solve life's problems (Regional targeted social program of national and patriotic education of children and youth for 2021-2025).

The purpose of the Program is to create and develop a comprehensive system of national-patriotic education based on the formation and affirmation of the principles of love and pride for one's own state, its history, language, culture, national and universal values, awareness of civic duty and establishing the qualities of a patriot and citizen of Ukraine as a worldview factor aimed at the development of a successful country and ensuring one's own well-being in it; formation of national consciousness, active citizenship, high moral qualities and spiritual values. Among the main tasks of the Program, in our opinion, it is worth paying attention to the construction of a comprehensive system of national-patriotic education, which involves the formation of national dignity and respect for the cultural and historical past of Ukraine in young people; awareness of the need to fulfill the constitutional and civic duty in order to protect the national interests of Ukraine and foster respect for the state symbols, the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine; youth awareness of the achievements of the Ukrainian people, their intellectual and spiritual heritage; forming a tolerant attitude towards other peoples, cultures and traditions; countering manifestations of chauvinism and xenophobia in the youth environment; the formation of democratic values and active citizenship and a sense of self-worth .

The Program also points to the urgent need to involve children and student youth in the processes of state formation, the life of civil society and the development of communication skills in communicating with social institutions, authorities, the ability to comply with laws and protect human rights, the readiness to assume responsibility, which in turn it will contribute to the consolidation of Ukrainian society around the ideas of a common future, protection of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, reforms and state building.

A special role is given to the process of formation of linguistic culture among students, mastering and using the Ukrainian language as the spiritual code of the nation, increasing the role of the Ukrainian language as a national value; the use of national traditions and the study of modern educational systems, technologies and methods in the field of national- patriotic education, generalization and dissemination of the best experience.

As we can see, considerable scientific-theoretical and professional-pedagogical experience in raising children and youth has been accumulated in the Western Ukrainian region. Turning structure of the concept above, we can reveal it by each of its components. Therefore, the relevance of the construction and implementation of the concept of education of children and youth is determined by the fact that the last decades of Ukraine's independence determined the task of education individuals with a clear civic position, a developed national and spiritual culture, appropriate value orientations based on deep folk-pedagogical experience of their formation. The goal of the concept of education of children and youth is the formation of a comprehensively developed, integral personality of a citizen-patriot, capable of changing the surrounding world on the basis of the historical values of the Ukrainian people, which have been formed for centuries.

We consider the following to be the main principles on which our concept is built:

The principle of humanism, which permeates the entire system of folk-pedagogical influence on the child from the ethno-cultural, socio-cultural and purely educational environment. According to this principle, the unity between the individual and the society with its centuries-old traditions of educating the younger generations should be realized.

The principle of integrity, which ensures the interconnection and interdependence of all components of the educational process.

The principle of conformity to nature, which involves "education of a human in a human" and observance of the unity of human and nature in the process of education.

The principle of ethno-cultural conformity, according to which the upbringing of children and youth is filled with ethnocultural content, taking into account the historical traditions of its formation; the educational process is carried out in the child's native environment of Family, Faith and Community, taking into account the traditional foundations of Faith and its fundamental axiological concepts.

The principle of unity of efforts of the Family, Community and educational institutions in using the resource potential of ethnopedagogy in the education of children and youth.

The principle of continuity and continuity in the internalization of folk-pedagogical values and norms by each subsequent generation, which ensures the continuity of the educational process.

The core of the concept consists of basic notions that determine the specifics of the content of modern models and technologies of raising children and youth (such as: ethnos, national, ethnocultural, national values, folk pedagogy, folk didactics, folk deontology, folk familology, etc.). Also, the core of the concept includes leading scientific approaches that methodologically outline the problem of the value component in the content and methods of education. As a result of our research, we identified three levels of the named scientific approaches: general philosophical (systematic approach to the analysis of the research problem), general scientific (sociocultural and civilizational approaches to the research problem) and specific scientific (axiological and sociocultural approaches). In our opinion, the indicated approaches are not only modern, but also predictive in nature.

We outline the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the content of the value concept of raising children and youth, based on the main provisions that regulate the education of value orientations of the individual in our country in recent decades. By using them we outline the following pedagogical conditions for the implementation of our concept:

The transformation of the content of education at its various levels, taking into account the folk-pedagogical experience of raising children over a long historical period, the achievements of teachers of the Western region of Ukraine (the end of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st century).

Preservation of the system of folk-pedagogical values substantiated by us in the process of pedagogical analysis of the work of teachers of the Western region of Ukraine (end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century).

The close relationship of educational institutions with the Motherland, Society; taking into account the specifics of folk- pedagogical processes in modern Ukrainian society, which confirms the role and importance of Faith in the process of personality education.

Ensuring the nation-building status of the Ukrainian Language in the process of educating children and youth.

Creation of a modern educational environment that takes into account the thousand-year folk-pedagogical experience of Ukrainians and the work of teachers of the Western region of Ukraine (end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century).

Conclusions and prospects of further research

Thus, we substantiated the structure and content of the value concept of education of the personality of the schoolchild. It has been established that the educational system of the student's personality is a process that has many centuries of development; in this regard, the modern concept of educating schoolchildren can use the entire potential of the work of teachers of the Western region of Ukraine accumulated over a long historical period (end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century) in all their manifestations. The complex of formation of the value concept of educating schoolchildren on the basis of folk-pedagogical experience (theoretical, socio-historical, practical) and the achievements of teachers of the Western region of Ukraine (end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century) is substantiated. The main normative documents that regulate educational processes in modern Ukraine and contain separate educational aspects are characterized. The position on the stable connection of the leading value concepts with the Concept of the new Ukrainian school and the need to take into account the achievements of teachers of the Western region of Ukraine (end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century) in the process of educating the personality of a schoolchild is formulated.


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