Adult vocational education system in Ukraine and Central Europe

Introduction of vocational education of adults. Principles of integration into the European educational space, taking into account international trends in the development of professional, technical education for adults. Analysis of the legal framework.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Дата добавления 21.11.2022
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Adult vocational education system in Ukraine and Central Europe

Yu. D. Boichuk

A.V. Boiarska-Khomenko

L.A. Shtefan


The article identifies that adult vocational education in Ukraine needs significant reform, taking into account progressive changes in the European educational space. Common and different approaches to the implementation of adult vocational education were identified. Common aspects are: integration into the European educational space; taking into account international trends in the development of vocational education of adults; the desire to improve the system of vocational education of adults on the basis of harmonization of national traditions with world requirements and standards; focus on the development of adult vocational education in the context of lifelong learning; awareness of the need to reform the system of vocational education of adults in accordance with the requirements of society, the economy and the modern labor market, etc.

Distinctive aspects of the system of vocational education of adults in Ukraine are: imperfection of the legal framework for determining the purpose, objectives, functions of vocational education of adults, regulating the activities of educational entities, defining their rights and responsibilities, the nature of interaction with the state; insufficiently high level of economic support for the development of vocational education of adults, imperfection of the principles and forms of funding; uncertainty of the functions of central and local executive bodies for the organization of vocational education of adults; lack of normative regulation of issues of systemic recognition and certification of professional qualifications and competencies acquired in non-formal and informal education; imperfection of the system of accreditation and evaluation of previous professional experience; lack of sufficient capacity of state organizations for development, coordination, management of the adult education system; insufficiently high educational and qualification level, competence and competitiveness of managerial, pedagogical, scientific personnel in the field of adult vocational education and others.

Keywords: adult education, continuing education, vocational education, higher education, education system, Central European countries.


Бойчук Ю.Д., Боярська-Хоменко А.В., Штефан Л.А. Система професійної освіти дорослих в Україні та Центральній Європі.

У статті визначено, що професійна освіта дорослих в Україні потребує суттєвого реформування з урахуванням прогресивних змін у європейському освітньому просторі. Було виявлено спільні та відмінні підходи до впровадження професійної освіти дорослих. Спільними аспектами є такі: інтеграція в європейський освітній простір; врахування міжнародних тенденцій розвитку професійно-технічної освіти дорослих; прагнення до вдосконалення системи професійно-технічної освіти дорослих на основі гармонізації національних традицій зі світовими вимогами та стандартами; орієнтація на розвиток професійної освіти дорослих у контексті навчання впродовж життя; усвідомлення необхідності реформування системи професійно-технічної освіти дорослих відповідно до вимог суспільства, економіки та сучасного ринку праці тощо.

Відмінними аспектами системи професійно - технічної освіти дорослих в Україні є: недосконалість нормативно-правової бази щодо визначення мети, завдань, функцій професійно-технічної освіти дорослих, регулювання діяльності суб'єктів освітнього процесу, визначення їх прав та обов'язків, характер взаємодії з державою; недостатньо високий рівень економічного забезпечення розвитку професійно-технічної освіти дорослих, недосконалість принципів і форм фінансування; невизначеність функцій центральних та місцевих органів виконавчої влади з організації професійно-технічної освіти дорослих; відсутність нормативного врегулювання питань системного визнання та атестації професійних кваліфікацій та компетенцій, здобутих у неформальній та інформальній освіті; недосконалість системи акредитації та оцінки попереднього професійного досвіду; відсутність достатнього потенціалу державних організацій для розвитку, координації, управління системою освіти дорослих; недостатньо високий освітньо-кваліфікаційний рівень, компетентність і конкурентоспроможність управлінських, педагогічних, наукових кадрів у сфері професійної освіти дорослих та інші.

Кліючові слова: освіта дорослих, неперевна освіта, професійна освіта, вища освіта, система освіти, країни Ценртальної Європи.

Main part

Introduction. In the context of the integration of Ukraine into the European educational space, special attention needs to be paid to adult education, in particular to the improvement of the system of vocational training and retraining. Considering changable needs of the labor market and progressive demographic changes, adult vocational education is the key to successful social coexistence of the mankind and further progressive economic development of each state (Keijzer, 2020). Modern conditions of the society development prove that the knowledge and skills acquired by a person while studying in the system of basic vocational education lose their relevance and need to be improved over time. Numerous new professions, short - term employment relationships and technical innovations reinforce the need for adults to meet the conditions of the labor market and respond flexibly to the changeable environment of the modern economic space. The field of adult vocational education has a significant existential impact on the society development, and also requires the formation of such conditions under which access to qualified lifelong learning is open to all. Currently, the Ukrainian system of adult vocational education needs significant reforming and improvement, taking into account the concept of lifelong learning and progressive changes in the society. The positi ve experience of the countries of Central Europe suggests the necessity and expediency of the development of adult vocational education, which is a guarantee of the progress of industry, science, technology, and information and communication technologies.

In view of this, a comparative analysis of adult vocational education systems in Ukraine and Central Europe is currently topical, as they are characterized by more progressive development and strong regulation at the legislative, managerial, institutional and didactic levels.

The analysis of scientific sources shows that the problem of adult vocational education has been studied from different positions in European and Ukrain ian pedagogy. Thus, the development of concepts of adult education as part of lifelong learning was the subject of research by W. Adamski, M. Baethge, O. Bertrand, P. Grootgings, A. Jozefowicz (Adamski, 1993), O. Anishchenko, O. Banit and others. Didactic aspects of adult learning were studied by T. Aleksander, D. Barwinska (Aleksander, 2017) and others. The issues of professional training of adults were considered by N. Sacaliuc (Sacaliuc, 2012), N. Nychkalo (Nychkalo, 2008) and others. Comparative and pedagogical research on the development of adult education in European countries was carried out by R. Icardi (Icardi, 2019), L. Lukyanova (Lukyanova, 2013) etc. However, the comparative analysis of the organization of adult vocational education in Central Europe and Ukraine is currently topical in pedagogical science.

Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to carry out a comparative analysis of the experience of implementing adult vocational education in Central Europe and Ukraine.

Research methods. It should be noted that common and different approaches of the implementation of adult vocational education in the Ukrainian and European educational spaces have been identified in the course of the scientific research. We are considering them in accordance with the following components: theoretical and methodological basis, statutory regulation, organization and management, development strategy, institutional structure, social and economic component, content and technology of education, quality assurance.

The theoretical and methodological basis of adult vocational education in both Central Europe and Ukraine is grounded on the provisions of humanism, pragmatism, constructivism, advanced development, anthropocentrism and curricularity. In the course of the scientific research it has been established that adult vocational education in the countries of Central Europe and in Ukraine is being developed in accordance with the concept of lifelong learning. Continuing professional education is considered as the basis of the development of society, intellectual and human resources, is the key to the socialization of the adult population. The issues of differentiation, electiveness and the relationship between labor and vocational training are particularly important in the theoretical and pedagogical discourse.

Research results. Adult vocational education is recognized as an urgent modern problem in Central Europe and in Ukraine, which is gradually joining the international scientific community and developing a system of lifelong learning. Thus, Ukraine ratified the documents adopted by the VIth International Conference on Adult Education («CONFINTEA VI»), which was held under the auspices of UNESCO in 2009, which stated that adult education and training were the main tools in solving global problems of the XXIth century. The Ukrainian state shares a panEuropean position on the fact that the traditional educational systems of each country must be adapted to modern realities. In turn, the development of lifelong lerning and vocational education of adults should be one of the main priorities of social and political development of European countries, promote social cohesion and high employment of adults.

At the same time, it should be noted that adult vocational education in Central Europe and Ukraine has a number of unresolved issues. In particular, in Ukraine there are problems of accessibility to adult vocational education and the realization of adults' constitutional rights to lifelong learning, imperfection of the national policy in the field of vocational training, uncertainty of the structure of adult vocational training and qualifications, which is necessary for developing financial support of adult vocational training. The system of management and quality assurance of adult vocational education also needs improvement.

It has been established that in Ukraine adult vocational education is often understood as education to increase economic development and ensure a high employment rate. While the mission of adult vocational education in the European society is much broader and involves the development of important social values, the involvement of adults in the full social life. Adult vocational education provides not only economic benefits, but aims to establish the stability and development of the Ukrainian society, the development of civic, cultural and professional industries, considering the principles of unity and interaction. Accordingly, the regulatory framework should establish guarantees for the development of adult education, ensure the realization of the right to education of every adult. This approach is the basic norm in the progressive European countries.

The countries of Central Europe have a thorough legal framework for the regulation of adult vocational education, which defines the purpose and objectives of adult education, its principles and mechanisms of the state support, identified key subjects, their rights and responsibilities, ways of coordination between different providers of educational services, as well as funding principles and schemes (Vychova, 2008). It has been found that the regulatory and legal support of vocational education in Ukraine needs significant refinement. In particular, in contrast to Central Europe, the Ukrainian legal framework is characterized by imperfections in specifying the purpose, objectives, functions of adult vocational education, regulation of the activity of subjects of the educational process, defining their rights and responsibilities, the nature of interaction with the state. Due to the imperfect legal framework in Ukraine, the issues of economic support for the development of adult vocational education, imperfection of the principles and forms of funding remain unresolved, which leads to extremely low material and technical support of adult vocational education institutions.

It has been established that today the countries of Central Europe are constantly improving the management system of adult vocational education. In particular, they pay special attention to the development of a realistic approach to funding, involvement of regional authorities in the development and implementation of plans for adult vocational education, effective methods of forecasting the regional labor market needs, ensuring widespread use of information and communication technologies in the management and administration.

The issues of adult vocational education management are also characterized by common and different aspects. In particular, among the common ones there is the country's leadership's awareness of the need to reform the system of adult vocational education in accordance with the requirements of the society, economy and modern labor market. It should also be noted that the path to decentralization is common in the development of the management system of adult vocational education. Decentralization of adult vocational education in Ukraine is part of a nationwide reform initiated in 2014 under the EU-Ukraine Cooperation Agreement. One of the key areas is the transfer of the authorization of funding and the right of ownership of professional educational institutions to lower levels of government. In the context of EU-Ukraine cooperation and considering the current economic and social challenges in Ukraine, the decentralization of adult vocational education can also be seen as an opportunity for reforming based on a multilevel partnership that will increase the prestige and status of vocational education and promote economic growth of the country, increase of the level of employment and regional development of Ukraine.

Special attention needs to be paid to the issue of the autonomy of educational institutions for adults, the level of which is quite high in Central European countries.

In Central European countries, the autonomy of an educational institution is usually understood as the autonomy of human resources management, curriculum development and financial management of an educational institution. Vocational education institutions are generally considered to have a high degree of autonomy if they are fully responsible for making management decisions within legal constraints or requirements to consult with other bodies and stakeholders. Educational institutions are partially autonomous if they make decisions within several defined options or their decisions require the approval of the relevant body in the field of education.

In Ukraine, the problems of determining the level of autonomy of vocational education institutions for adults remain quite painful, and the level of autonomy itself is quite limited. It has been found that, first of all, these restrictions are set due to the imperfection of the legal framework in the field of adult education. Thus, the law gives the authorities of an educational institution autonomous rights in only a few areas of activity, principals are allowed to make some decisions independently, and the management of a vocational education institution for adults is usually carried out by numerous commissions. Although the principle is responsible, his ability to act is limited by other members of the commission. This issue is especially important in the context of the decentralization process and the need to optimize the network of vocational education institutions for adults. Particular attention should be paid to the uncertainty of the functions of central and local executive bodies on the organization of adult vocational education, which is also a consequence of imperfect regulatory and legal support. In this context, it should be noted that state organizations do not have sufficient capacity to develop, coordinate and manage the system of adult vocational education.

It has been found that the issues of financing adult vocational education in Central Europe are determined by the common approach to meeting the requirements of the society in the training and retraining of professional staff, as well as to state support for the educational policy in the field of lifelong learning. In addition, it has been established that in Central Europe there is a strong funding of the adult vocational education system both from the state and through private entities. In Ukraine, the issues of financial support of the adult vocational education system are quite acute and problematic. Thus, the transfer of responsibility for financing vocational education institutions for adults located in regional cities from regional budgets to the budgets of the respective cities did not contribute to the formation of a holistic approach to vocational education and training of staff. Most Ukrainian regional cities do not have sufficient funds in their budgets to ensure adequate funding for adult vocational education. They expect for additional funds from the state budget, which makes them dependent on financial decisions made at the state level. This situation creates difficulties for the formation of a regional order for training specialists. The procedure for forming a regional order is not defined in the laws «On Education», «On Vocational Education», and there is still no special law on adult education in Ukraine. To help the adult vocational education system cope with financial difficulties, the Ministry of Finance has introduced a grant and a reserve of funds for adult training or retraining through employment centers. As a result, vocational education institutions have not received enough funds to organize vocational training for various categories of adults.

The method of financing adult vocational education in Ukraine does not take into account the needs of the local labor market, and the current legislation does not provide educational institutions financial autonomy. One of the few areas in which adult vocational education institutions have autonomy is the provision of paid educational services. But even in this area there are strict rules for setting the price of educational services. Such a system does not benefit regions, local schools and communities.

Vocational education of adults in Central Europe and Ukraine is based on the principles of academic freedom, individual autonomy of students, the graduation of the educational process in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework, continuity, variability, interdisciplinarity, practical orientation and integrativity. In addition, it is worth emphasizing the significant differences in the formation of the content of vocational training of adult Europeans and Ukrainians. Thus, the content of adult vocational education in Central Europe is aimed at the formation of professional competencies by involving them in educational, cognitive, creative, research and applied activities. The content of adult vocational training in these countries is based on a competency-based approach, taking into account the needs of the labor market. In particular, among the competencies there are the following: possession of a sufficient amount of theoretical knowledge in a particular professional field, the ability to understand theoretical concepts; ability to professionally apply knowledge and skills in their work or specialty in certain professional situations; the ability to identify and use data to formulate answers to clearly defined concrete and abstract problems, the ability to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within one's field) to substantiate judgments that include reflections on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues; ability to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialists in this field and nonspecialists; possession of skills that are necessary for further study with a certain degree of autonomy. Accordingly, the content of vocational training in Central Europe is formed in the following areas: mastering computer programs, foreign languages, personal development programs, communication skills development programs, literacy education programs for young people, programs for the elderly; specialization, retraining, advanced training, mastery of certain competencies or certain professional skills, etc. In contrast to the countries of Central Europe, the content of vocational training in Ukraine is based on the acquisition of basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills. This approach allows adult students to acquire knowledge about the basic concepts in a particular field of professional activity, scientific approaches to its development, to form an idea of the social and economic significance and more. In addition, adult students do not have a sufficient level of practice-oriented knowledge, do not have knowledge of modern aspects of the professional development.

A comparison of the leading aspects of practical training in the system of vocational education of adults in Central Europe and in Ukraine has convinced that European countries pay more attention to adult education at the place of production and the promotion of dual education. This form of vocational education and training combines training in a real work environment under the guidance of a mentor through employment in the enterprise and simultaneous training in vocational education institutions for adults. The financing of training by individuals and legal entities is provided by a contract between the parties. The state and business are responsible for the quality of professional training provided through work. On-the-job training (dual training) promotes the application of various flexible approaches to the organization and implementation, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise and the students' capabilities.

It has been established that in Ukraine dual education is only gaining popularity. Most domestic adult vocational training institutions prefer theoretical training, and practical training is limited to short-term internships or internships in enterprises.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that in Central European countries applicants for adult vocational education are involved in project activities that promote the development of creative abilities and creative thinking, the ability to constantly experiment and learn. In the system of adult vocational education, applicants implement projects of various types (individual, group, research, volunteer, interdisciplinary, etc.). In Ukraine, on the other hand, this type of practical training is practically non-existent in state institutions of adult vocational education. Adult Ukrainians have the opportunity to master the basics of project activities through the initiatives of private companies and public organizations, as well as through the system of informal education. It should be noted that the methods of project practical training are gaining popularity in the higher education system of Ukraine.

It has been found that the system of vocational education of adults in Central Europe is characterized by the active use of information and communication technologies, which contributes to the effective implementation of traditional, digital and blended learning models. Modern interactive learning technologies have proved their effectiveness in the practice of organizing adult vocational training in the studied countries. In particular, the system of vocational education of adults actively uses methods of complicating tasks, corporate training, research work in enterprises focused on solving applied problems in each field of science and production, group teaching methods, trainings, game methods of adult learning, etc. In Ukraine, formal vocational education institutions prefer traditional forms and methods of teaching, such as lectures, talks, discussions, consultations, advice, work with a book (reading, memorization, summarizing and abstracting, quick review, etc.), illustration, demonstration, artistic methods, mentoring, analysis of real situations of the professional activity, study of positive practical experience, etc. Traditional teaching methods have proven effectiveness in the study of fundamental disciplines and during theoretical training, but they have not been effective enough in the practical training of adults. Traditional teaching methods do not meet all the requirements of the modern labor market and do not ensure the competitiveness of Ukrainian professionals in the global and European labor market.

It is worth noting the fact that Central European countries are actively implementing innovative forms and methods of teaching in the system of vocational training. For example, «E-Learning», «М-learning», distance learning methods, blended learning, sociometry, inverted class, benchmarking, coaching and more. These forms, methods and technologies of vocational education of adults are characterized by a high level of adaptation of didactic techniques. In Ukraine, due to the relatively low level of computer equipment of adult vocational education institutions, the problem of free access to the Internet, the low level of digital literacy of pedagogical staff of vocational education institutions and adult students, interactive technologies are not as widespread as in Central Europe. Although it should be noted that the private sector of non-formal vocational training of adults actively uses interactive and innovative teaching methods, which significantly increases the effectiveness and relevance of education for Ukrainian adults. However, the cost of training in such educational institutions is often unaffordable for most industrial workers, the public sector, social workers, and so on.

It has been established that in the countries of Central Europe the movement towards official recognition and certification of vocational education obtained in the system of non-formal and informal education is gaining extraordinary power. Most of the studied countries have a regulatory framework governing the validation of professional competencies and qualifications. In addition to the regulatory support, Central Europe has powerful services for the implementation of non - formal and informal learning (Europejskie wskazowki dotyczqce walidacji uczenia si? pozaformalnego i nieformalnego, 2009). In concrete, there is a platform «Europass», the EU Skills Panorama (EU Skills Panorama), the National Coordination Centers of the European Qualifications System, the Portal «Educational Opportunities and Qualifications in Europe», etc. In Ukraine, on the other hand, there is no legal regulation of issues of systemic recognition and certification of professional qualifications and competencies acquired in non-formal and informal education. At the same time, it is worth emphasizing the imperfections of the Ukrainian system of accreditation and evaluation of previous professional experience.

It should be emphasized that the issues of quality assurance of adult vocational education are of current particular importance. In Central European countries they are based on a common approach to determining learning outcomes and assigning professional qualifications, as defined in the Dublin Descriptors and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) (Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework, 2018). Ukraine also recognizes the need to align the national qualifications framework with the European one, but this process has been under reform for several years and is not yet complete.

It has been established that the purpose of the quality management system of Ukrainian adult vocational education is to achieve such a condition of vocational education and training that guarantees high quality results that meet short - term and long-term social and individual needs. In particular, in order to improve the quality management system of domestic vocational adult education it has been arranged

• to introduce functioning systems for ensuring the quality of adult vocational training (including self-assessment) at the level of the educational institution;

• to improve the system of external evaluation of vocational education institutions;

* to improve the system of external assessment of professional knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students in the system of adult professional education;

• to strengthen the control (inspections and monitoring) of the activities of licensed adult vocational education institutions;

• to question students if they are satisfied with learning and introduction of feedback to assess the level of qualifications and professional skills acquired in the learning process;

• to involve independent stakeholders in developing the content of adult vocational education

Discussion. The study confirms the conclusions of scientists O. Anishchenko, O. Banit, T. Aleksander, D. Barwinska, R. Icardi on the feasibility of determining the conditions, ways, methods and means of adult learning, including vocational education. This is the key to their self-determination and self-expression in educational and professional activities. Our study expanded the research of L. Lukyanov by finding a solution to the problem of adult vocational education in formal non-formal and informal education.

Conclusion. The conducted scientific and pedagogical search has showed that the adult vocational education in Ukraine needs significant reforming, taking into account the progressive changes in the European educational space. In the course of the study, common and different approaches to the implementation of adult vocational education have been identified. Common aspects include the following: integration into the European educational space; taking into account international trends in the development of adult vocational education; the desire to improve the system of vocational education of adults on the basis of the harmonization of national traditions with the world requirements and standards; focus on the development of adult vocational education in the context of lifelong learning; awareness of the need to reform the system of adult vocational education in accordance with the requirements of the society, economy and the modern labor market, etc.

Differsnt aspects of the system of vocational education of adults in Ukraine are the following: imperfection of the legal framework to specify the purpose, obj ectives, functions of vocational education of adults, regulation of the activity of the subjects of the educational process, defining their rights and responsibilities, the nature of interaction with the state; insufficiently high level of economic support for the development of adult vocational education, imperfection of the principles and forms of funding; uncertainty of the functions of central and local executive bodies on the organization of adult vocational education; the lack of normative regulation of issues of systemic recognition and certification of professional qualifications and competencies acquired in non-formal and informal education; imperfection of the system of accreditation and evaluation of previous professional experience; the lack of sufficient capacity of state organizations for the development, coordination, management of the adult education system; insufficiently high educational and qualification level, competence and competitiveness of managerial, pedagogical, scientific staff in the field of adult professional education and others.

Promising areas of the research include the analysis of the system of vocational training and retraining in Western Europe, North America and the East.


education adult technical professional

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1. Adamski W., Baethge M., Bertrand O., Grootgings P., Jozefowicz A. Edukacja w okresie transformacji. Analiza porownawcza i propozycje modernizacji ksztalcenia zawodowego w Polsce. Warszawa: IFiS PAN, 1993. 142 s.

2. Aleksander T., Barwinska D. Stan i perspektywy rozwoju refleksji nad edukacjq dorosfych. Krakow-Radom: Instytut technologii eksploatacji, 2017. 487 s.

3. Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) - Learning Opportunities and Qualifications in Europe - European Commission. Learning

4. Opportunities and Qualifications in Europe, 2018. URL:


6. Europejskie wskazowki dotyczqce walidacji uczenia si§ pozaformalnego i nieformalnego. Luksemburg: Biuro Urz^dowych Publikacji Wspolnot Europejskich, 2009. URL:

7. explnum_id=63

8. Icardi R. Does workplace training participation vary by type of secondary level qualification? England and Germany in comparison. International journal of lifelong education, 2019. Vol. 38. Issue 6. pp. 615-631. DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2019.1689434

9. Keijzer R., Admiraal W., Van der Rijst R., Van Schooten E. Vocational identity of at-risk emerging adults and its relationship with individual characteristics. International journal for educational and vocational guidance, 2020. Vol. 20. Issue 2. pp. 375-410. DOI:

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