Use of modern approaches in teaching foreign languages in non-language institutions

Consideration of the means of information and communication technologies used in the process of language training. The experience of using computer technologies in the process of teaching foreign languages to students in non-language institutions.

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Дата добавления 27.09.2022
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Use of modern approaches in teaching foreign languages in non-language institutions

Hontarenko I.S., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Senior Lecturer of Pedagogics, Foreign Philology and

Translation Department Simon Kuznets

Kharkiv National University of Economics

The article deals with modern means of information and communication technologies that are used in the process of language training of students in higher educational institutions. The relevance of the usage of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) in the practice of teaching foreign languages in non-language institutions are considered. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is one of the most important components of the learning process.

Advantages and disadvantages of modern computer technologies are characterized. The experience of using computer technologies in the process of teaching foreign languages to students in non-linguistic institutions is described. It is pointed out that the experience of using modern technologies in the process of studying foreign languages makes it easier for students and creates comfortable and familiar environment for them. Information and communication technologies (ICT) helps students to overcome the language barrier and psychological complexes. Thanks to multimedia resources and the Internet the study of foreign languages can be carried out beyond the limits of practical lessons. The latest achievements in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) provide an opportunity to reveal the creative potential of students, which makes the learning process of foreign languages more interactive, entertaining and productive.

The methodology of teaching a foreign language nowadays continues to develop actively; effective teaching systems are created using various means and forms of presentations of lexical, grammatical and speech material. In the complex, all learning systems form the communicative as a whole and the skills and abilities of oral and written speech in particular. But achieving the final goal of mastering a foreign language depends on many factors, one of which is the correct selection of teaching methods.

Key words: foreign language, information and communication technologies (ICT), multimedia resource, non-linguistic institution of higher education, the Internet, video material.

Використання сучасних підходів при викладанні іноземних мов у немовних установках

У статті розглянуті сучасні засоби інформаційно-комунікативних технологій, які використовують у процесі мовної підготовки студентів у вищих навчальних закладах. Розглянуто актуальність використання сучасних інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій (ІКТ) у практиці викладання іноземних мов у немовних установах. Використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій (ІКТ) є одним із найважливіших складників процесу навчання. Охарактеризовано переваги та недоліки сучасних комп'ютерних технологій. Описано досвід використання комп'ютерних технологій у процесі навчання іноземних мов студентів у немовних установах. Зазначається, що досвід використання сучасних технологій у процесі вивчення іноземних мов полегшує студентам процес начання і створює для них комфортне та звичне середовище. Інформаційно-комунікаційні технології (ІКТ) допомагають студентам подолати мовний бар'єр і психологічні комплекси. Завдяки мультимедійним ресурсам та інтернету вивчення іноземних мов може здійснюватися поза межами практичних занять. Найновіші досягнення в галузі інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій (ІКТ) дають можливість розкрити творчий потенціал студентів, що робить процес вивчення іноземних мов більш інтерактивним, розважальним і продуктивним.

Методика викладання іноземної мови продовжує активно розвиватися; ефективні системи навчання створюються за допомогою різних засобів і форм викладу лексичного, граматичного та мовленнєвого матеріалу. У комплексі всі системи навчання формують комунікативність, вміння та навички усного та писемного мовлення. Досягнення кінцевої мети володіння іноземною мовою залежить від багатьох факторів, одним із яких є правильний підбір методів навчання.

Ключові слова: іноземна мова, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології (ІКТ), мультимедійний ресурс, інтернет, відеоматеріал.

computer teaching foreign language


XXI century is the age of informatization, undoubtedly, makes its own adjustments to the traditional teaching of foreign languages. Expanding business and cultural relations with other countries leads to new requirements for the study of English as a foreign language. Knowledge of a foreign language is an integral part of higher education, the key to professional success, a respected student's career. Achieving a high level of foreign language proficiency requires thorough language training in higher education institutions. The need to train a highly qualified specialist who meets all the modern requirements makes it necessary to find innovative approaches to learning a foreign language, to satisfy the state's request for a competent and fluent foreign language speaking specialist. In the context of globalization processes, communication of young specialists is not only through correspondence, but, increasingly, directly with colleagues, business partners, native speakers. Not only Standard English but Casual English is required. However, the limiting number of classroom hours to learn a foreign language in higher education institutions and lack of opportunities being able to communicate with native speakers during foreign language training is a major learning problem [6].

In recent years, the issue of using new modern technologies for teaching foreign languages has been increasingly raised. This is not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, and a new approach to the learning process. In modern pedagogical practice, various teaching technologies are used, with the help of which the interest of students to the subject increases sharply; the academic performance and the level of intellectual culture are also increased. Traditional pedagogical technologies are no longer adequate for complete acquisition of increasing amount of knowledge as well as rapid renewal of educational materials does not keep pace with rapidly changing information flow.

The importance of the problem of training of self-instruction skills and abilities to obtain educational materials independently, to process obtained information, to draw conclusions and to support them on the basis of necessary data is constantly increasing. Dealing with information in foreign languages, especially taking into account the opportunities of the Internet, is the greatest importance. Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) open up enormous potential of a computer as an educational technology and enables to create marvellous world of knowledge which is accessible to everyone [7]. They integrate audio-visual information of any forms (text, sound, graphic, animation, etc.), during foreign language lessons, which will allow you to immerse learners in a foreign language more deeply and improve their communication skills in a foreign language.

Statement of the goals and methods. The aim of the article is to learn how to use modern information and communication technologies (ICT) correctly and effectively in the educational process. The analytical method of scientific research is used, on the basis of which the study of foreign sources, using the analysis, systematization and evaluation of the facts, phenomena and processes is done.


The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in classes helps to form the ability of students to work with various information, critical attitude towards it, develops logical thinking, provides information and emotional saturation of lessons, promotes interest of students to the subject, and activates their creative potential with the surrounding life. The use of computer and information and communication technologies (ICT) in the second and third levels of training allows students to prepare better for the final certification in English in accordance with the requirements of the state standard. In the process of training: students not only improve the knowledge they acquired during the previous period of training, but also expand their vocabulary taking into account the practical knowledge of a foreign language in the standard situations (within the framework of monologue utterances with elements of reasoning and dialogical conversations in the form of an exchange of views.

Since information and communication technologies are both means of supplying material and controlling agent - such technologies provide high quality of the material supply and use various communication channels (text, sound, graphic, and touch) [5]. All this allows increasing students' motivation and forming their communicative competence. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) at the lessons of a foreign language makes it possible to implement a personality-oriented approach to learning, provides for individualization and differentiation of instruction, increases activity, motivates students, intensifies the learning process, and provides them with a comfortable learning environment. For use in foreign language lessons, a wide range of computer programs are currently offered:

- Educational programs;

- Training programs;

- Control programs;

- Game programs.

Using information technologies the following goals and tasks can be realized:

1. When teaching phonetics:

- acquisition of skills of adequate pronunciation and differentiation by ear;

- formation of auditory, pronunciation and intonation skills.

2. When teaching grammar:

- expansion of the volume of grammatical means, mastering of new grammatical phenomena and their use in speech;

- (for high school students), productive mastery of certain grammatical phenomena - for example, recognition and use in speech of various types of sentences, and constructions (for middle-class students);

3. When working with vocabulary:

- the systematization of lexical units, the expansion of the potential dictionary, the development of skills for recognizing and using lexical units in speech;

- formation of lexical skills of reading, listening and productive writing skills.

4. When teaching reading:

- perception of authentic texts of different styles (publicity, artistic, non-fiction), using basic types of reading: study, review, and search;

- formation of the ability to independently overcome language difficulties, providing reference and information support by providing language information (electronic encyclopedias, automatic dictionaries) [6].

The advantages of modern information and communication networks and the potential of electronic forms of educational materials are being used extensively nowadays. The application of ICT in the teaching process gives an opportunity to reach qualitatively new level of foreign languages learning. The application of new teaching methods, for example project-based learning, enables to ensure quality of education. Thus, the use of ICT and game technologies and the Internet offers a wide range of modern communications, including: email, feedback blogs, social networks such as

Twitter, Facebook and Skype software. With the help of modern means of the Internet it is possible to access the educational information online, to exchange it with the other students. The Internet is very important in the modern educational process [3].

Indeed, it is relevant to use software such as Skype. Skype is a state-of-the-art Internet communication software designed to provide audio and video communication between users and instant messaging. Moreover, Skype provides the ability to quickly transfer files and text documents that are easily to use for reporting purposes. Another advantage of Skype is to stream the desktop to the other part. This feature allows the interlocutors to simultaneously work on text documents, discussing them, helping to use various software to prepare presentations, videos, photos, drawings, diagrams, structures, graphs, tables and more. With Skype, you can quickly and visually tell the other person how to work with a particular program or online resource. The feature can also be very useful for working together on various projects and visual consultations. That way you can stream videos, photos, work with text documents, consult, and more [2]. Skype also allows you to hold educational chat and chat conferences that are easily to use for remote discussions, discussion of problematic issues, problematic topics, and brief reporting on work done. Chat conferences can be used to provide group and one-on-one consultations.

Modern communication is a social network with Twitter microblogging service, based on the placement of short messages, which were enough to exchange ideas, participate in international projects and learn in the process of communication. Here are the main advantages of using Twitter microblogging:

1) lack of social isolation when looking for an answer (the student does not remain alone with the task set before him); 2) speed of response; 3) a variety of answers with examples and links to online resources (for example, a student is working on a project creation, presentation and does not know how to add information to the slides, he writes his question on Twitter for the members of his group and receives answers, indicating the various online resources with examples explaining how to add information to a slide show, and then the student completes the task); 4) rapid dissemination of useful information among classmates (for example, students found a good video resource on YouTube on the subject of online projects being studied and posted a message on Twitter for the members of their group); 5) supporting distance learning (for example, teachers went to a conference, but thanks to Twitter they can leave instructions to students and discuss what they hear at a conference); 6) implementation of “live” communication [1].

Facebook site is one of the most popular multilingual social networks. In May 2012, Facebook page in education was created on the social network Facebook, the main purpose of which is to explain to teachers, students, and their parents how to use Facebook in schools and universities, to involve them in participating online, projects. This social network plans to expand services for teachers and teachers to work with students, students and their parents. Recently, some educational social networks have been merged with Facebook. In particular, in collaboration with Facebook, the George Lucas Educational Foundation (George Lucas) has developed the Edutopia social network whose main purpose is to help educational institutions create and introduce social media into the learning process. J. Lucas' main motivation in developing the Edutopia network was, he said, “... the isolation of traditional education from real life and the abstractness of curricula, as well as the urgent need for teachers and students to seek resources and seek advice from outside...” [1].

Recently, one of the most popular methods of distance learning - webinar, has become widely used. This term is formed from the words “web” and “seminar”. It is used to refer to various online activities: seminars, conferences, discussions, meetings, presentations, and in some cases trainings and online broadcasts of certain events. In the course of the webinar, communication between participants is maintained via the Internet, using a computer-installed or custom web application.

As you know, webinars have many distinct benefits, especially for corporate training. It is also important that any webinar can easily be recorded and subsequently used for a variety of purposes - the formation of an internal corporate knowledge library, the teaching of the Internet in open to all or only for participants access. Another benefit of webinars is that a lot more people can participate in one event of this format than in an in-person seminar or training. The number of participants is limited only by the possibilities of a technological solution and the conditions of their use.

Advantages of using webinars:

1) cost savings need to pay for the rent of the hall, food, printed materials, transportation costs;

2) the scale of the audience. An unlimited number of participants can participate in the webinar except when it comes to training. During the training, the teacher should not only give out information but also receive it. In particular, to monitor the reactions of the audience and promptly adapt the form of submission of information to ensure the implementation of the training project;

3) direct access to support libraries. During the course of study, a student can visit any of the online data repositories listed in the webinar. It is also convenient for the teacher, who can prepare the necessary references to external resources in advance;

4) easy archiving. The webinar can easily be stored, archived, hosted on a web resource or on an electronic medium, and provided on request. Moreover, it is quite possible to create an online course from webinar materials [1].

However, in addition to the benefits, there are some limitations that should not be avoided in online seminars:

1) personal contact;

2) limited training.

Thus, webinars technology provides powerful functionality for the learning process and has considerable didactic capabilities, but they still remain fully comparable to traditional learning opportunities. One of the most powerful video support webinars is the BigBlueButton platform: video and audio, images, slide presentations, polls and polls, drawing and comment boards, text chat, application sharing. The only thing that may not be enough in the webinar is the personal component, the psychological contact between the teacher and the students.

Let's consider the usage of Blog technology. “Blog” is the public diary with comments [3]. The ordinary diary is not shown to a lot of people. Blog is opened for reading by all interested persons and, moreover, the readers can make their comments to the notes. Blog advantages: - clear structure of the course with instructions for seminars, descriptions of tasks; - frequently update content; - simplicity of using: possibility to add any objects without restrictions (video, illustrations, etc.); - possibility to develop the writing skills and publish your own thoughts in the Internet; - possibility to continue the discussion started in class; - fulfilling of creative tasks with using of pictures, audio and video materials; - possibility to communicate both with group mates and with teachers; - possibility for each student to take part in the discussion, “which is not always possible in the case of conventional organization of teaching process because of the lack of time and amount of hours during the course of study” [2].

That is to say the Internet does not alter conventional forms and educational methodologies but allows achieving educational goals and tasks faster and more effectively. Moreover, the Internet enhances students' educational interest, promotes the growth of their cognitive activity which helps their obtaining and learning more information, and facilitates training such skills as reading, speaking, listening comprehension and so on.


The use of information and communication technologies in teaching foreign languages help to solve various problems of modern methods, such as the organization of successful communication- directed learning, creation of an educational language environment, involving all students in the communication process at the lesson (with the help of attraction of interests of the last in a choice and work with the information), improving the role of the teacher, his active participation in adjusting the content of training, the selection of the most effective ways of presenting information. Thus, at present, the issue of using new methods for teaching the foreign language is working with multimedia technologies. All these innovative techniques ensure the effectiveness of training within the framework of a modern system activity approach.


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3. Білецька Ю.Г. Формування професійної компетентності майбутніх перекладачів засобами інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій: автореф. дис.... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.04 / Юлія Геннадіївна Білецька. Харків, 2016. 20 с.

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