Theoretical and methodological framework of integrated learning of professionally oriented English communication of future journalists in the Ukrainian context

Analysis of powers between terms of understanding integration in education. Designation of characteristic signs and synergetic principles of subject and procedural types of integration in the formation of English-speaking competence of Ukrainian students.

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Temopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

Theoretical and methodological framework of integrated learning of professionally oriented English communication of future journalists in the Ukrainian context

Levchyk Iryna Yuriyivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor at Foreign Languages Department of

Mazur Oksana Ivanivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

lecturer at Foreign Languages Department



The concept of integrated learning is addressed as one of the ways to resolve the contradiction between high requirements to professionally oriented English-speaking competence of future graduates, including journalists, and a significant expansion of educational information to be learnt in the restricted time limits. The differences between the related terms of the concept of integration in education have been highlighted.

The definition of integrated learning includes interpretation of the structure of cognitive / academic language competence and the characteristic features of subject and procedural types of integration in teaching specialty subject and foreign language (English).

The issue of the structure of the content of integrated learning of specialty subject and the English language has been tracked according to a tendency in works by multiple Ukrainian researchers to determine content, target components and the programmed results.

Priority of learning activities and operations due to cross-disciplinary links in teaching English and specialty subject has proved the positive synergistic effect of the interaction of cognitive processes in the procedural integration.

The key synergetic principles of integration in foreign language teaching include systematization, unity and integrity, self-determination of the pedagogical system. While the reviewed in the study theoretical-methodological principles of mutual complementarity, holism, developmental learning, anthropocentrism, cultural relevance and a modular principle are based on the system approach, as well as epistemological, hermeneutic, activity and information.

The review of theoretical foundations of integrated learning of English language and specialty subject in the homeland methodology of foreign language teaching reveals that issue of formation of professionally oriented English knowledge and skills in students by means of integrated learning has been addressed in numerous scientific and methodological explorations.

Keywords: integrated learning, professionally oriented English communication, future journalists, structure of cognitive academic language competence, content of specialty-language teaching, synergetic and theoretical- methodical principles.


Теоретико-методичні засади інтегрованого навчання професійно орієнтованого англомовного спілкування майбутніх журналістів в українському контексті

Левчик Ірина Юріївна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов, Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка, вул. Максима Кривоноса 2, м. Тернопіль

Мазур Оксана Іванівна кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач кафедри іноземних мов, Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка, вул. Максима Кривоноса 2, м. Тернопіль

Концепція інтегрованого навчання розглядається як один із шляхів розв'язання протиріччя між високими вимогами до професійно орієнтованої англомовної компетенції майбутніх випускників, у тому числі журналістів, та значним розширенням освітньої інформації, яку необхідно засвоїти в обмежені часові рамки. Висвітлено відмінності між суміжними термінами поняття інтеграції в освіті.

Визначення інтегрованого навчання включає інтерпретацію структури когнітивної академічної мовної компетенції та характерних ознак предметного та процесуального типів інтеграції у навчанні спеціальності та іноземної мови (англійської).

Питання структури змісту інтегрованого навчання спеціальності та англійської мови відслідковується за тенденцією в роботах багатьох українських дослідників до визначення змістових, цільових компонентів та програмних результатів.

Пріоритетність навчальної діяльності та операцій завдяки міждисциплінарним зв'язкам у викладанні англійської мови та спеціальності довела позитивний синергетичний ефект взаємодії пізнавальних процесів у процесуальній інтеграції. До ключових синергетичних принципів інтеграції у навчанні іноземної мови належать системність, єдність і цілісність, самовизначення педагогічної системи. При цьому розглянуті в дослідженні теоретико-методологічні принципи взаємної доповнюваності, холізму, розвивального навчання, антропоцентризму, культурної актуальності та модульного принципу базуються на гуманістичному, системному підході, а також гносеологічному, герменевтичному, діяльнісному та інформаційному підходах.

Огляд теоретичних основ інтегрованого навчання англійської мови та спеціальності у добірці вітчизняних робіт з методики навчання іноземної мови показує, що питання сформованості професійно орієнтованих знань і вмінь з англійської мови у студентів засобами інтегрованого навчання розглядалося в численних науково-методичних дослідженнях. .

Ключові слова: інтегроване навчання, професійно орієнтоване спілкування англійською мовою, майбутні журналісти, структура когнітивної академічної мовної компетенції, зміст фахового навчання, синергетичні та теоретико-методичні засади.


Social development at the current stage is acquiring clear features of internationalization and information overload in conditions of the rapid development of the innovation research directions in most fields of knowledge.

This volatile process is fuelled with availability and openness of scientific achievements to a wide range of international academia.

With the transition of society to an informational lifestyle and a significant increase in multicultural communication in the industrial sphere, there have been outlined a number of new and increasingly complex problems in the field of education, which require changes in the structure and content of the learning process in higher education.

Future professionals, including journalists, are expected to intertwine knowledge and skills of a purely professional nature and to develop skills of fluent communication on professional matters, including oral, written and electronic communication in English, attributed with lingua franca status nowadays, the level on the professional interaction has been determined with norms and patterns of speech behaviour in the intercultural media space.

According to the Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine in Journalism accepted in 2019 [1], the general competence of a specialist in the field of social communications includes knowledge of a foreign language for professional communication, which corresponds to current trends in journalism and editors work on multimedia platforms with application of cross-media technologies in an intercultural environment.

This regulation obliges the Ukrainian institutions of higher education to provide the necessary conditions for the formation of professionally oriented English-speaking competence in future journalists, as far as, effective social communication in all its forms and types determines the productivity and efficiency of interaction with foreign audiences and other consumers of media products.

The objective of the research paper is to review the theoretical and methodological framework of integrated learning of professionally oriented English communication of future specialists, namely journalists.

Literature review. Accordingly, in the search for new approaches, methods and forms of improving the process of teaching English in a professional direction, the combination of traditional and innovative methods becomes relevant again in the absence of a holistic effective concept of teaching professionally oriented English communication to future journalists.

Among the effective ways to resolve this contradiction between expanding range of educational information and raising requirements for the level of the English language qualification of future graduates in order to ensure their competitiveness in the international arena in vocational education, there are admitted persistent tendencies to merge the content of the correlated subjects into new integrated disciplines and to integrate ways of teaching them into procedural unity. education integration english competence

Integrated approach, integration in the context of foreign language learning were studied by Ukrainian researchers have considered various aspects of the methodology of integrated foreign language teaching in search of effective options for teaching professionally oriented English communication students of non- linguistic specialties.

In particular, A. Kotkovets (2014), K. Ruzhyn (2014), Dubrova (2015) explored the application of the principles of integration in the process of learning of English; O. Krat (2011), N. Yevtushenko (2013), I. Mirkovych (2014), T. Druzhchenko (2015), R. Martynova (2017), V. Sulym (2018), Yu. Kozlovsky (2018), I. Guziy (2018), Bryk et al. (2019), N. Mukan, I. Pastyrska, S. Kravets (2020), A. Kordonova (2020), O. Gorban, I. Pysmenna, V. Scherbytska (2020), Chernyavsky (2021) and others - integrational processes in specialty subject education and professionally oriented English; Z. Korneva (2004, 2006), Turchynova (2006), O. Tarnopolsky et al. (2008, 2011, 2013, 2017), A. Vyselko (2013, 2015), L. Filippova (2015), T. Myronenko, L. Dobrovolska, O. Rudnychek (2018), I. Yakushenko (2018) - content language integrated learning for professional purposes in non-linguistic departments of universities, particularly exploring the possibilities for adaptation of the immersion technique in Ukraine.

Main part

The multiplicity of interpretations of the concept of integration in the research works of scientists is explained by the variety of objects and levels of its application in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. Every researcher, depending on the subject and conditions of the study, puts their own semantic nuance in the concept of "integrated learning". This is primarily due to the fact that the term integration is universal, and depending on the field of application, usually some specifying peculiarities come to surface. T. Zasekina [2] points out the inconsistency in the interpretation of the derivative terms: “integrational”, “integrated”, “integrative” and suggests to use the concept in the following contexts, having analysed previous researches [3; 4; 5] on distinct and differentiating lexical features of each term: "integrational" (the same as integration), i.e. one that relates to integration, the unifying process, which is implemented by means of integration, in order to implement the external and internal content and procedural aspects of integration; as a continuous, integral object or phenomenon; "integrated" implies being under the influence of integration, i.e. it is a holistic, without internal contradictions state, set from the outside, such as integrated learning or integrated course; "integrative" (integrating) is the property of being intended (used) for integration, it can denote phenomena that, in fact, integrate or act as unifying factors.

In the context of our research, definition of the concept of integrated learning of professionally oriented English-speaking communication of future journalists, it is advisable at first to consider the generally accepted definition of integrated learning of specialty and foreign language, it implies formation of linguistic and communicative competencies in students' foreign language skills. The concept of prognostic linguistic and communicative competences is closely associated in our study with the notion of cognitive/ academic language competence (CALP) by J. Cummins [6]. Thus, students are supposed to acquire it by integrating their previous experience and personal interests in the subject area, namely, journalism. Consideration of this competence as an integrative characteristic of a personality indicates the ability of a future journalist to carry out educational and cognitive activities in English due to synthesis of higher-level mental skills and means of verbalization in a foreign language. In the structure of cognitive / academic language competence, researchers [7:43] identify three components: the cognitive component, which is associated with the level of development of higher-level mental skills (analysis, synthesis, evaluation) in specialty subject (e.g. Journalism), characterized by the ability of critical thinking, clear argumentation and result analysis, abilities to provide evidence, make judgments, separate parts of the whole and identify relationships between them, generalize, be able to distinguish primary and secondary information, evaluate and interpret phenomena); academic component, which in the context of our study includes knowledge of the necessary minimum of terminology, journalism language register, language cliches typical of the communicative sphere of the journalist, the ability to define, comment on the event in two languages, media literacy, ICT skills, learning strategies awareness); as well as the language component, which consists of knowledge of English as a language system including language skills (lexical, grammatical and phonetic) and speech skills to address issues in typical communicative situations that are characteristic of the professional activity of a journalist.

Application of specialty subject knowledge in English encourages future specialists to develop skills and abilities in communicative situations related to the field of their professional activity, deepening the thinking processes of analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization and systematization. Thus, one of its two types, namely - subject integration - arose on the basis of merging parts of different subject information, which may, according to R. Martynova [8:57-58], “semantically complement each other, expand their own information field within the information field of a related discipline”. However, differences between the content of English language teaching and the need for authentic communicative practice in a foreign language professional environment resulted in appeal to improve methodological approach to subject integrated courses. Despite the fact that this transformation contributes to the effective formation of intercultural communicative competence of future professionals, integration links are believed to be established not only with help of the content, but also of the learning activities and operations, i.e. in "integration on procedural grounds". The followers of procedural integration [9:56] admit “the influence of English on formation of the necessary professional skills and abilities by means of activation of its extra linguistic functions”. While maintaining links with the so-called profile disciplines, the emergence of qualitatively new characteristics is reported in procedural integration. That is, English as a foreign language is viewed as a discipline with a specific linguistic system, but without semantic content [10:100; 8:61; 11], therefore it can be combined with a core subject from the professional unit disciplines, in procedural integration, i.e. the type of integration that unites in the way of activity, not in content.

In contrast to the classic content-language integrated models of teaching English for special purposes, addressing the needs of the Ukrainian students in the author's vision of R. Martynova [8] procedural integration in teaching foreign language involves teaching professionally oriented English with emphasis on critical and scientific thinking and gradual growth of the academic component in integrated learning through the performance of research work in the field of the future specialty. Overall, this method differs from CLIL in the English-speaking countries but does not contradict the approaches of the other group of the Ukrainian methodologists [12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21] aiming to adapt CLIL to the Ukrainian context in modelling content-language integrated learning of professionally oriented English communication.

Review of the previous research papers on integration of foreign language (English) with content of specialty disciplines resulted in outlining a comprehensive approach with a number of integration types, identified as integrated courses that form a system of all components of foreign language training. Regarding the issue of the structure of the content of integrated learning of English and specialty subject, we have tracked a tendency in works by multiple Ukrainian researchers [22; 23; 9] to determine the following components: 1) content elements (linguistic component aimed at selection and effective combination of language and speech learning material); 2) target, motivational, operational elements (psychological component, which includes skills and abilities to use English in various professional speech activities, forming a positive attitude in students to reading authentic English texts, listening to audio fragments and watching educational videos); 3) the result of integrative learning (methodological element is associated with qualitatively new knowledge, with increase in students' proficiency in rational didactic techniques, awareness of learning strategies and development of English speaking skills to interact fluently in professional communication.

Besides, interaction of cognitive processes in integrated specialty subject discipline and foreign language teaching is attributed with a positive synergistic effect, which is expressed in development of students' mental activity and increase of a learning motivation. In line with this point of view, the followers [24; 25; 26; 8:33-47] of the synergetic approach to integrated learning of foreign language (English) and specialty subject have grounds to substantiate “the feasibility of combination of such different in content and structure systems into a single learning process”. The necessary condition is following the synergetic principle of systematic educational process, as far as, “it involves the construction of a holistic system of teaching foreign languages in higher education” [24:63].

Among the main resources of the synergetic approach, which are relevant to the integrated learning of specialty subject and foreign language, O. Vozniuk [25] highlights the synergetic principle of systematization, which involves building a holistic system of foreign language teaching in higher education; the principle of unity and integrity of subjects and phenomena based on introduction of interdisciplinary links in teaching of foreign languages, the use of resources of all subjects; the principle of self-determination of the pedagogical system with interaction of its elements, i.e. their mutual reciprocal strengthening involves common application of different methods of teaching foreign languages. The interdisciplinary nature of the Synergetics contributes to a deeper understanding of many contradictory aspects of research subjects due to the fact that the principles of their actualization are universal. Therefore, as argued by O. Vozniuk [25:163] “language should be considered as a system-synergetic formation, characterized by a set of synergetic properties, such as openness, systemic integrity, emergence, bifurcation, attractiveness, hologram, potentiality, probability, and others”. These properties are considered to be universal system-forming factors of language actualization and can act as the basic principles of construction of methods of teaching foreign languages.

In addition to the synergetic approach, which reflects the common patterns and principles of self-organization of different macro systems, the theoretical and methodological foundations of integrated learning of English-speaking professionally oriented communication are viewed in the present study from the perspective of a common concept of integration in education that has been earlier addressed by Yu. Kostiushko [27], M. Adamko [10], O. Dindarenko [28] and others. Thus, the theory of integrated learning is based on a number of methodological principles: mutual complementarity of the content of the specialty subject and methods of educational activities in the methodological tradition; system approach: methodical system of integrated learning is the result of systematization of higher order; epistemological approach: integrated teaching of professionally oriented English embodies the method and process of forming multidimensional and organically intertwined knowledge, skills and abilities due to the specifics of the specialty subject based on a combination of different ways and forms of comprehension of reality; the principle of holism - formation of the student's holistic understanding and beliefs about the subject by emphasizing the points of intersection in various fields of knowledge, including professional one and English language learning - construction of a unified quality based on many other qualities; balance in combination of English and professionally oriented forms of activity in integrated learning; hermeneutic approach: in integrated learning - this is a principle that is manifested in the transformation of all components of the educational system in the direction of unification, merging to develop integrating educational programs, training courses, lessons, activities, etc.; activity approach: integrated learning of professionally oriented English-language communication - provides a holistic knowledge of the world and the student's ability to think systematically in solving (un) typical communicative problems in simulated professional communication situations; information approach: in integrated learning educational content tends to be constantly updated, actualizing the use of English as a means of extralinguistic activity; developmental learning: according to the hypothesis of the input material of slightly higher complexity than the current level of a student, integrated learning creates conditions for the development of professionally oriented communicative competence of a learner; correspondence between integration and differentiation, which are in the dialectical aspect inseparable categories and define each other; anthropocentrism, according to which lessons are viewed as integrated systems, where the comprehensive presentation of a student's point of view, which resonates, in our opinion, with notion of “comprehensive output” suggested by M. Snow [29], is considered to be one of the most striking manifestations of this principle in integrated learning of foreign languages; cultural relevance of integration in education defines culture as a general model of organization of education, it provides a significant increase in the level of cultural correspondence of modern education through interdisciplinary integration and promotes tolerance in the intercultural communication; modular principle because it promotes intensification of students' autonomy, taking into account their individual characteristics, allows to choose a set of modules and the order of their learning courses depending on the level of lexical skills.


Thus, the carried out analysis of the theoretical foundations of integrated learning of English and specialty subject in the homeland methodology of foreign language teaching reveals that issue of formation of professionally oriented English knowledge and skills in students by means of integrated learning has been addressed in numerous scientific and methodological explorations. Among the effective ways to resolve the inconsistency between the expanding educational information and raising requirements to the level of qualifications of future specialists in order to ensure their intercultural communication in the professional context, there are admitted tendencies to merge the content of subjects and to integrate ways of teaching them into procedural unity. The definition of integrated learning of specialty and foreign language is related to the concept of cognitive / academic language competence, which was analysed at the level of its structural elements. Merging of pieces of multidisciplinary information in education has led to the emergence of subject type of integration, which has converted into procedural one due to differences between the content of foreign language teaching and the need for real communicative practice in a professional foreign language environment. Followers of procedural integration are convinced of the priority of learning activities and operations in establishing integration links in teaching foreign language and specialty subject and the positive synergistic effect of the interaction of cognitive processes in integrated learning. Consideration of the key principles of Synergetics in relation to integrated learning as universal system-forming factors of language actualization allows them to be complemented to the fundamental pedagogical and linguistic- methodological aspects of modelling in English language and specialty subject integrated learning.

However, there are some limitations of presented research of theoretical and methodological foundations of integrated learning of English-speaking professionally oriented communication of future journalists. It will be incomplete without reviewing the concept of integrated learning of English and subject content in the Theory of Second Language Acquisition and variants of its methodological application. After all, development of various models of content language integrated learning was determined by the goals and national context of a particular country. For example, in the United States, methodologists were faced with the task of bridging the gap in academic and spoken English of students who studied it as a second language. In the bilingual Canada, subject-language integrated learning was aimed at improving competence in the second state language - French. Unlike the most European and Asian countries, where students did not have a natural language environment to communicate in English and teachers were not native speakers.

Therefore, we see the prospects for further research in the review of the main models of subject-language integrated learning and various models of its implementation in the national context, in particular in Ukraine.


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