Complex educational e-dictionary:compilation methods, expedience and usage specificity

Justification of the need to compile a comprehensive educational electronic dictionary on a number of disciplines in a particular field, to clarify its place in the educational space. Formation of a holistic worldview of the professional future.

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Odessa National Polytechnic University

Odessa National Maritime University

Complex educational e-dictionary:compilation methods, expedience and usage specificity

Svitlana M. Melnyk

Candidate of philological sciences

Viktoriia V. Sikorska,

Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor

Tetiana A. Luhova,

Candidate of art history, associate professor


The purpose of the article is to justify the necessity of making a comprehensive educational e-dictionary from a number of disciplines within a certain domain, to show its place in the educational space, to find out compilation principles and usage specifics in the educational process. It is noted that modernization of the modern Ukrainian higher education system requires the search for new approaches to the organization of educational activities that would contribute to the creation of a comprehensive perception of the subject field. It is shown that the formation of the integral outlook ofthe professional to-be at the educational process as well as developing his system approach to analysis of any phenomena of reality can facilitate the selection and structuring of material on the principles of differentiation and integration. Part of this problem is solved by a complex educational e-dictionary, which is made up of the key concepts of disciplines of a certain speciality (in a particular case, a journalism). The logic and topicality should become conceptual foundations of the electronic dictionary, which will be represented in the elements of its macrostructure (prefaces, rules of using the dictionary, term register, conceptual-terminological groups of terms, illustrations). On the basis of thorough theoretical and applied lexicographic works, a system of lexicographic macrocomponents is developed that characterize the general structure of the dictionary and the principles ofpresentation of materials in it, as well as a system of microparameters that determine the properties of the term-dominants of the vocabulary article. The value of our research is that it describes in detail the micro- and macro tructure of the complex educational electronic dictionary, solves the key problems associated with the selection of terminology units of the register, and also outlines the advantages of the electronic dictionary in comparison with its paper analogue. The results of the study will promote convergence of sciences and the introduction of integration methods into education for the formation of a comprehensive perception of the world among students and, in particular, for individual understanding through the personal «self» how crucial it is to overcome the contradictions between people and environment.

Keywords: complex educational electronic dictionary; the methods of editing of dictionary; dictionary entry; dictionary macro- and microstructure; term; dominant concepts.

Мельник Світлана Михайлівна,

кандидат філологічних наук

Одеський національний політехнічний університет

Сікорська Вікторія Вікторівна

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент

Одеський національний морський університет

Лугова Тетяна Анатоліївна

кандидат мистецтвознавства, доцент,

Одеський національний політехнічний університет

Комплексний електронний навчальний словник: методи складання, досвід і специфіка використання


educational electronic dictionary

Метою пропонованої статті є обґрунтування необхідності укладання комплексного навчального електронного словника з низки дисциплін певної галузі, з'ясування його місця в освітньому просторі, а також визначення принципів укладання і специфіки використання в навчальному процесі. Виявлено, що формування цілісного світогляду професійного майбутнього в освітньому процесі, а також вироблення системного підходу до аналізу будь-яких явищ реальності, можуть сприяти відбору і структуруванню матеріалу за принципами диференціації та інтеграції. Частина цієї проблеми вирішується за допомогою складного навчального електронного словника, який укладено з ключових понять дисциплін певної спеціальності (у нашому випадку - журналістики). Логіка і актуальність повинні стати концептуальними засадами електронного словника і втілитися в усіх елементах його макроструктури (передмові, правилах використання словника, реєстрі термінів, концептуально-термінологічних групах термінів, ілюстраціях). Результати дослідження сприятимуть зближенню гуманітарних і технічних наук, впровадженню методів інтеграції в освіту для формування всебічного сприйняття предметної галузі і світу в цілому.

Ключові слова: комплексний навчальний електронний словник; методи редагування словника; запис словника; макро- та мікроструктура словника; термін; домінуючі концепції.

Formulation of the problem

The key tendency of the modem educational space is the formation of systematic thinking in future specialists and based on it, a worldview that will represent the individual perception of global problems throughout human existence. Establishment of a solid system of knowledge, according to domestic scientists, is only possiblewith a complete creation of the subject image, ability to distinguish the main links, interdependencies, which determine the specific peculiarities of its functioning, formation of integral properties, which requires the restructuring of the educational material, thus, compiling it into comprehensive complexes. Such reorganization will help instill intersubject connections, strengthen basic training and help to distinguish in a certain discipline the basic part of the contents, which once self-mastered and reconstructed, can be used by a student at a new level during the study of other disciplines [5, p. 166].

Given the relevance of intersubject coordination organizationin the educational process, scientists and educators adviseto begin studying each course with the presentation of key concepts that will enable students to realize the integrative nature of the proposed knowledge [5, p. 166]. Therefore,it is important to make an educational thesaurus for each discipline (or even better - for a few interrelated subjects), in which it is necessary to single out the key concepts, while also identifying, if possible, their interdependence and subordination. Such a representation of educational material from the very first lessons will orientate a student, give him or her an opportunity to combine new and already known facts in a coherent complete data system, create prerequisites for comparison with the acquired knowledge and become the basis for developing a systematic approach to the study of any phenomena.

Despite the fact in Ukraine there have been published numerous special purpose and narrow-branch glossaries, in particular educational ones, reference books and practical publications, the problem of terminological substantiation of certain subject areas remains unfulfilled.

Nowadays there is a tendency to makeuniversal educational dictionaries, each of them containing information that belongs to various lexicographical works: accentologic, antonymic, grammatical, oreographical, orthographic, translational, synonymous, thematic, interpretative, etc., which is outlined, in particular, in the dissertation research by E. Kupriyanov [3]. The most popular ones among glossarians and pedagogues are electronic dictionaries, and it is caused by a number of objective factors. First of all, an electronic dictionary has much greater potential when giving different kinds of illustrations for a definition, as well as shortening the search of a term or its foreign counterpart up to a few seconds. Among the key advantages of electronic glossaries, we would also name its interactivity, which meansthe ability to create such linguistic constructions, which can then be edited or expanded by other users.

Related work

Various aspects of the creation and use of electronic dictionaries as a vital industrial technology [24] have been investigated in many papers. Scientists addressed linguistic aspects of the topic: the development of large linguistic databases that capture natural language phenomena [21; 24], tendencies of transformation of lexicography, particularly reference works, in the history of dictionary making, the role of dictionary form in language reception, production and the retention of meaning and collocations [15]. Technology-software solutions for electronic dictionaries are being actively developed [12], [20], [22], [25].

An important direction in the development of electronic dictionaries is the use of Web2 technology - collaborative enrichment of electronic [16], [18], [23]. Problems of identifying technical vocabulary [13; 19] were investigated. At the same time, it is interesting to raise the question of creating an electronic dictionary as a professional map [11].

Therefore, the purpose of the article is to justify the necessity of making a comprehensive educational e-dictionary from a number of disciplines within a certain domain, to show its role in the educational space, to find out compilation principles and usage specifics in the educational process.

Becoming familiar with education technology used in modern universities justifies the statement that teacher and student still co-exist within the strict limits of the reproductive (lectures and seminars) system. In such circumstances, the teacher is unable to introduce creative research methods to the educational process, and the student, in fact, is deprived of the opportunity to demonstrate his creative and scientific potential, since he receives and reproduces only «ready knowledge». Solution to this problemis envisioned by scientists [8], [14], [17] in the teaching of integrational courses, which should be based on interpersonal connections that will stimulate thought process and activate creativity, form a full picture about the world in general and about the future occupation in particular.

We suppose that the first stepis to identify the conceptual basis of the subject, whose elements «would reflect the main points of its contents» [5, p.166], and were grouped and presented in such a way that the student, when becoming familiar with the discipline, couldvisualize its «embeddedness» in the modern scientific picture of the world.

For example, «Practical journalism» and «Comprehensive journalism», studied at the Odessa National Polytechnic University on the humanitarian faculty, are inherently integrative courses, because in order to master them the student needsto have knowledge from many related and unrelated disciplines, such as: theory of communication, social communication, theory and history of journalism, language culture and public speaking, the basics of literary editing, practical stylistics, etc. Using the universal e-dictionary from the first lessons will help the students realize that some of the terms in the discipline, which they begin to study, are already familiar to them. Such a perception of the course creates psychological comfort for the student and guides him to the solution of other problematic issues, while awell-organized, interdisciplinary conceptual apparatus will become the basis for solving various educational and research-related problems.

Consequently, the need for an e-dictionary does not provoke objections. Therefore, it is worthwhile to dwell on the methods of its compilation and the specificity of use.

When determining the type of the proposed vocabulary, we rely on the generally accepted classification of lexicographical publications [1], [2], [4], [10]. We shall specify that a dictionary, in which the main terms are collected, clearly structured according to the course sections and presented in the form of a list of terms that reflect the contents of the disciplines, can be called a thesaurus («the dictionary with the conceptual differentiation of lexicon in certain thematic groups of different degrees of generalization and number» [6, p. 598]). Based on it, the represented version of this lexicographic work will now be called a vocabulary-thesaurus, which, in our opinion, will promote the assimilation of the material as a complete, logical, clearly structured system and thus-help study the key principles of journalism, along with achievements and problems in this sphere, as a part of contemporary world culture and an inalienable component of human existence. The dictionary, in our opinion, has to be translated, since modern national education and science try to engage in the process of spreading knowledge on a global scale.

It should be noted that logic and topicality should become conceptual foundations of the electronic dictionary, which will be represented in the elements of its macrostructure (prefaces, rules of using the dictionary, term register, conceptual-terminological groups, illustrations).

A special role in the proposed work will belong to the preface, in which the glossarian would reveal his standpointon the feasibility of his creationby demonstrating awareness of the terminological problems of our country and the world and orienting future users in the specifics of its application.

The best examples of preface, which not only contain information about the rules of using the materials, but also call for intensive language development through the creation and restoration of specific Ukrainian terminology, we consider to be the prefaces by Y.M. Bidzil «Journalist's Dictionary» [7, p. 4-5] and L. Shevchenko «Medialinguistics: dictionary of terms and concepts» [9, p. 9-14].

At the level of microstructure, it is recognized that the dictionary article will be formatted according to the zonal principle (described in the works of E. Kupriyanov [3]). Usually scientists distinguish: 1) the title term; 2) a remark on the sphere of use; 3) translation of this heading if the dictionary is translated; 4) accentologic, grammatical, orthographic, orthophonic, word-formation characteristics of the term; 5) definition if the dictionary is explanatory; 6) examples of collocations with other words; 7) derivative words; 8) ethymological information; 9) synonymous / antonymic units; 10) belonging to lexical-semantic fields and groups, etc. It is understood that in a comprehensive educational e-dictionary, which is not intended for the training of a physiologists, there is no need to use such a number of zones, because it may confuse the student user. In our thesaurus, we propose to limit it to 5 zones, in particular 1st, 3rd (translation of dictionaries in three languages - Ukrainian, Russian and English), partially 4th (accentologic and spelling characteristics of the term), 5th, 9th (synonymous units) from the above list.

The process of creating a dictionary should begin with the establishment of a term register, that is, the selection of dominant concepts, the contents of which will help to create a clear, logical structure of the course, as well as the dependent terms for the designation of categories and other concepts that are related to the dominants. The choice of terms is should be carried out by analyzing the scientific and most commonly used educational and methodological literature. Dominant termsas well as theirdependents (complementary or subdomainary) will form hierarchical block frames, which are elements of a thesaurus, and in this way serve as examples of the optimal subject organization presented in the form of visual structures, as shown below (according to the materials of the courses, developed for the «Journalism» major).

Let's point out that lexicographic work should also be compilated based on subject, that is, the sequence of information presentation that teachers stick to when giving lectures on specific courses. Implementation of the subject principle can be described, for example,basedon courses mentioned earlier. Thus, studyof the courses «Practical journalism» and «Comprehensive journalism», according to the logic, begins with the study of theoretical and methodological principles of journalistic activity, then studentslearn the characteristics of certain genres of journalistic activity, after which they look at the mechanisms of journalistic creativity and, in the end, go on with the evaluation of how effective journalistic activity is. This kind of material presentation, reflected in the dictionary, will be well-coordinated with the didactic objectives of more effective course study - to offer users aless energy-consuming process of study, revision and summarizing of large volumes and complicated material. Therefore, the work described above should become an integral part of the learning process and one of the basic materialson top oftextbooks and reference books.

Consequently, the framed structure will make it possible to create an educational dictionary based on the logical and thematic principles, on the basis of which the generic, partitive, equonimic and other lexico-semantic relations will be explicitly expressed in the article numbering and font design. It should be noted that a dictionary articleindicated by one index (the letter denotes the thematic block, and the digit is the order of the term), can consist of one term or of a number of terms related bythe dominant naming unit.

The e-dictionary also solves the key problem of its paper analogue: as a user, how should one find the required terminology unit, since the thesaurus-framed organization of the proposed dicitonary involves not an alphabetical, but a thematic arrangement of terms. As a result, the term communication (комунікація) will precede the naming unit communicative linguistic personality (комунікативна мовна особистість), the term means of mass communication (засоби масової комунікації) to the naming unit massmedia (засоби масової інформації), the term journalism (журналістика) to the naming unit Internet journalism (Інтернет-журналісти- ка), etc. In order to find the necessary term, a user should simply use the search engine of the dictionary. By the way, a user can search for a term in any of the three languages provided in the dictionary.

Before compiling a thesaurus, it is necessary to work in detail on the questions connected with the grammatical zone and the zone of the term synonyms, or rather, variance, because there is not much unity between terminology specialists and scientists regarding term formation. In the following work we share the «rational» approach to the solution of the terminological problems, which involves an attempt to develop an optimal version of term evolution based on the principle of stabilization in the scientific language - equalizing the update of term formation in the dictionaries of the 1920-1930s, generating authentic and borrowing units for new concepts while trying to preserve the terms that already exist in the scientific circle and which currently do not have adequate specific Ukrainian analogs. It is obvious, that putting thisapproach into practice is difficult, since it requires coordinated efforts of many scholars. In the grammatical zone, the glossarian faces the controversial questions in morphology, syntax, phonetics and derivative studies, because terminology in general should be correspondent with the Ukrainian mentality. When developing a comprehensive educational e-dictionary, we adhere to the modern norms of the Ukrainian literary language and use the normalized terms (for example, «вичитування» instead of «вичитка» (proof reading), «вступ» instead of «введення» (preface), «диктор» instead of «ведучий» (TV/radio presenter), «іміджування» instead of «іміджирування» (image making) etc).

In the dictionary, other problems must be solved, including the choice of dominant terms among variative forms, for example: «мас-медш» (mass media) and «засоби масової Інформації» (methods of mass media); «ай-стопер» (eye-stopper) and «виразний впуальний елемент» (expressive visual element), «телекартинка» (TV picture), «картинка» («picture») and «телезображення» (telescreen). In this regard, we share the opinion of foreign scholars [23], who suggest considering the terms «equal» and putting them into the dictionary as absolutely identical concepts, thus, allowing the users to choose the most suitable ones for themselves.

The electronic dictionary is very simpleto use, since the terms are grouped into blocks in accordance with the logic of teaching disciplines of the «Journalism» speciality. When mastering a course, a student is introduced to a certain block of terms. For example, the semantic block «Coomunication» is covered by studetns when studying such courses as «Communicative Theory», «Social Communication», «Fundamentals of Social Communicative Activity»; this unit of vocabulary is used once again when studying such disciplines as «Media Communication», «Audiovisual Communications», «Professional and business communication» in order to revise the key concepts which cover the informational basis of the discipline. Giving information from a certain domain in several languages significantly facilitates and accelerates the professional communication of the future specialist in the context of intercultural interaction, in particular during speeches at international conferences, symposiums, seminars.

Table 1. Approximate macrostructure of the dictionary




Р1 Правка - відповідальний етап підготовки видання*, який передбачає внесення у

текст* необхідних виправне] іь.

Розрізняють авторську, видавничу, друкарську, літературну, редакційну правки.

P.l Правка - ответственный этап подготовки издания*, который предусматривает внесение в текст* необходимых справлений.

Различают авторскую, издательскую, печатную, литературную, редакционной правки.

PI Correction--crucial stage in the preparation of apublication*, which require smaking corrections that are necessary in the text*.

There is author's, publisher's, print, literary7, editorial correction.

Р ]. 1 Авторська правка - органічна частина творчого процесу написання твору, що здійснюється до подання у видавництво чи редакцію* ЗМІ*. А.П. передбачає уточнення, заміну, вилучення частин тексту

Р1.1 Авторская правка - органическая часть творческого процесса написания произведения, осуществляется до подачи в издательство или редакцію* ЗМІ*. А.П. предполагает уточнение, замену, изъятие части текста.

PI .1 Author's correction--organic part of the creative process when writing a work, which is carried out before submission to the publishing house or media* editorship*. A.C. requires specification, replacement or removal of text parts.

Р ] .1.1 Уточнення (син. деталізація, конкретизація) -- <..>

PL 1.1 Уточнение (снн. детализация, ко нкрстизацня)

PI.1.1 Specification (syn. totalization, concretization) --

Р1.1.2 Заміна - <_ __>

Р 1.1.2 Заміна --

PL 1.2 Replacement - <__>

Р ] .1.3 ВііЛу ЧСІІІІЯ(С№і. видалення) -<...>

PL. 1.3 Удаление - <...>

P1.1.3 Removal (syn. deletion)

Р1.2 Видавнича правка - <.. ,>

Р1.2 Издательская правка - <..>

PI.2 Publisher's correction - <_>

Р1.3 Друкарська правка

Р1..3 Печатная правка - <...>

P l .3 Print correction - <. ..>

Р1.4 Літературна правка -- <...>

РІ.4 Литературная правка - <...>

P l .4 Literary correction -

Р1.5 Редакційна правка -- <...>. Передбачає вичитування, скорочення, обробку, переробку авторського тексту*

Р1.5 Редакционный правка -- <..>. Предусматривает вычитку, сокращение, обработку, переработку авторского текста*

P 1.5 Editorial correction - <...>. Requires proofreading, reduction. processing, rearrangement of the author's text*

Р 1.5.1 Вичитування --усунення незначних похибок мови та стилю; уніфікація скорочень; систематизація посилального матеріалу; перевірка фактичного і цитатного матеріалу

Р] .5.1 Вычитка - устранение незначителен ых погрішностей язика и стиля; унификация сокращений систематизация ссылочного материала;

проверка фактического і цитатного материала

PL5.1 Proofreading elimination of minor errors in language and style: unification of cuts: systematization of reference material: verification of actual and quotation material

*underlining means there is expected to be a hyperlink for a specified term

Therefore, by using an electronic dictionary, the future specialist will gradually master the necessary terminological apparatus of a certain sphere by using the materials of the corresponding blocks, and in this way will generate solid knowledge of a particular industry, while fully realizing its significance in the scientific picture of the world. At the same time, if necessary, the student can at any time look up the necessary term for revision or prospective study, using the search engine of the e-dictionary.

Conclusions and perspectives for further studies

To sum up, we can conclude that a comprehensive educational electronic dictionary for a certain subject area (or for related subjects), compiled as a thesaurus, should help students comprehend the modem scientific picture of the world in its systemacity and unity. Based on the logical and thematic principles, such a dictionary must be clearly structured, arranged in a hierarchical manner, for example, depending on the degree of generalization within the lexico- semantic groups: the basic terms (dominants) will serve as the main content agents in a certain subject area and other units, which are subordinate to them (sub-dominants), will fully reveal the essence of the dominant units. The universality of this lexicographic work can be shown by filling it with various aspects, such as definition of the term, rules of its spelling and pronunciation, and translation into a few languages.

It is also promising to study the various aspects of gamification of creating dictionaries, given their constant updating from open sources and the use of open data.

In our view, such an attempt will be a step towards the convergence of sciences and introduction of integrational methods into education for the formation of a comprehensive perception of the world among students and, in particular, for individual understanding through the personal «self» how crucial it is to overcome the contradictions between people and environment.


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