Training of specialists of modern vocational Ukrainian education in the context of its formation in Western Ukraine of the interwar period

Research of the model of professional education development. Reorientation of the educational process to the acquisition of key competencies by students. Activities of educational and public organizations on the organization of professional courses.

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Дата добавления 16.10.2021
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Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Training of specialists of modern vocational ukrainian education in the context of its formation in western Ukraine of the interwar period

Strazhnikova Inna -- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Bogdan Stuparyk Pedagogical Department

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine


The article describes the model of development of modern vocational education, peculiarities of the design of the educational process for the preparation of specialists of the workers ' professions of modern Ukraine in the context of training specialists in Western Ukraine of the interwar period for professional activity. Three reasons for reforming the education system with the aim of increasing its efficiency

have been identified: humanistic, geopolitical and strategic. And the result of the work of an educational institution in modern conditions should be a reorientation of the educational process towards students obtaining key competencies.

The need for a person to acquire a certain professional qualification, which will determine his or her place in society, the main component of vocational education is vocational training as a set of special knowledge, skills and abilities, qualities, work experience and behavioural norms that ensure the possibility of successful work in a particular profession. A positive result can be achieved through the introduction of a dual system of education, but this form can be used only by those institutions that have relevant specialties and are enterprises of the relevant direction.

The first steps of higher educational institutions of the Western region of Ukraine for the development of a modern vocational education system based on higher education institutions thanks to the Erasmus+ project «Improving teacher education for applied learning in the field of vocational education (ITE-VET)» are shown, taking into account the training of specialists in various industries, especially for rural areas, in accordance with the needs of the labour market and the abilities of the future employee in Western Ukraine of the interwar period. The activity of educational and public organizations on the arrangement of various professional courses, which gave participants theoretical and practical knowledge from all areas of the household and cooperation, was analyzed. Also in the period under review, almost all Western Ukrainian lands opened vocational schools, depending on the needs of the locality in specialists, where cooperation, state law, Ukrainian language and literature, history, and geography were necessarily studied.

A complex of qualities of a future specialist was selected, which would allow him, taking into account the labour market, his own capabilities and needs, to effectively compete and realize his potential, and for a university, this approach to organizing its own activities means the need to find and implement technology or technologies that would ensure a future specialist existence in terms of personal and social development goals.

Key words: vocational training; vocational education; reformation; Western Ukraine; education; knowledge; skills.



СТРАЖНІКОВА Інна -- доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри педагогіки імені Богдана Ступарика, ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», Івано-Франківськ, Україна

У статті охарактеризована модель розвитку сучасної професійної освіти, особливості проектування навчального процесу щодо підготовки фахівців робітничих професій сучасної України в контексті підготовки спеціалістів на західноукраїнських землях міжвоєнного періоду до професійної діяльності. Виокремлено три причини реформування системи освіти з метою підвищення її ефективності: гуманістична, геополітична, стратегічна. А результатом роботи закладу освіти в сучасних умовах має стати переорієнтація освітнього процесу на отримання студентами ключових компетентностей.

Необхідність набуття людиною певної професійної кваліфікації, яка буде визначати її місце у суспільстві, основним компонентом професійної освіти є професійна підготовка як сукупність спеціальних знань, навичок та умінь, якостей, трудового досвіду та норм поведінки, які забезпечують можливість успішноїроботи у певній професії. Позитивного результату можна досягти завдяки впровадженню дуальної системи навчання, але цю форму можуть застосовувати тільки ті заклади, які мають відповідні спеціальності, і є підприємства відповідного спрямування.

Показано перші кроки закладів вищої освіти Західного регіону України щодо розвитку системи сучасної професійної освіти на базі ЗВО завдяки проекту Erasmus+ «lmproving teacher education for applied learning in the field of vocational education (ITE-VET)», враховуючи підготовку фахівців різних галузей промисловості, особливо для сільської місцевості, відповідно до потреб ринку праці та здібностей майбутнього працівника на західноукраїнських землях міжвоєнного періоду. Проаналізовано діяльність освітніх та громадських організацій із влаштування різноманітних фахових курсів, які давали учасникам теоретичні та практичні знання із всіх ділянок господарства та кооперації. Також у досліджуваний період майже у всіх західноукраїнських землях відкривалися фахові школи залежно від потреб місцевості у фахівцях, де обов'язково вивчалися кооперація, державне право, українська мова і література, історія, географія.

Виокремлено комплекс якостей майбутнього фахівця, який би дав йому змогу враховуючи ринок праці, власні можливості і потреби ефективно конкурувати і реалізовувати свій потенціал, а для ЗВО такий підхід до організації власної діяльності означає необхідність пошуку і реалізації технології чи технологій, що забезпечували б майбутньому фахівцю комфортне існування з погляду особистісних і суспільних цілей розвитку.

Ключові слова: фахова підготовка; професійна освіта; реформування; західноукраїнські землі; виховання; знання; уміння.


Fleeting changes in all spheres of modern society, the active development of new technologies, the intensification of the complexity of cognitive processes, cause an increase in attention to the professional training of specialists in the modern higher education system. Reforming education, in particular at the level of functioning of vocational education, makes demands on educating a new generation of highly qualified personnel, actualizes the problems of improving the quality of vocational training through mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities of the chosen profession.

The modern model of development of vocational education is aimed at the formation of a mobile personality capable of independent and effective activity in the realities of modern life, due to sharp different political, social and economic or other changes. That is why, in our opinion, the education system is most actively responding to new socio-cultural trends, through constant updating of the content of education itself, introducing into the pedagogical circulation of new methods, means, forms of training and education, and through improving already known and effective ones, creating the most effective synthesis of tradition and innovation. P. Munsch and L. Cortez (2014) note that along with the knowledge, skills and abilities that students receive during their studies in the HEI, it is readiness for professional activity that is an important component of the characteristics of the future teacher.

Since only the synthesis of all these qualities is the indicator that allows you to determine the ability to implement a graduate student in a future profession and in society. Therefore, the result of the work of an educational institution in modern conditions should be a reorientation of the educational process towards students obtaining key competencies that are necessary to solve life and professional tasks and productively implement life as an individual project (Vashchenko, 1999, p. 53). However, V. Brancato (2003) argues that in any practical scientific activity it is not enough to express an idea, it is necessary to find a form, embodied in which, this idea could come into life, become usable. If this statement is true in relation to any practical disciplines, then it is all the more important for the pedagogy of higher education.

The main purpose of the article is to analyze the features of the design of the educational process for the preparation of specialists of working professions of modern Ukraine in the context of training specialists in the Western Ukrainian lands of the interwar period for professional activities.

Presentation of the main material

The current state of the household of Ukraine, as well as the directions for its reformation, leave no doubt that in the market conditions only a highly skilled worker who perfectly masters his profession and has the necessary special knowledge to quickly change the specialization within this profession or a profession within the same group of professions can keep the workplace. We state that today society has come close to the assessment in the sociopolitical and economic reform, in which there is a competition of skilled labour. That is why we identify several reasons that encourage the reform of the education system in order to increase its effectiveness. The first reason is humanistic; its essence lies in the fact that it is necessary to appreciate each person and, consequently, we need to strive to give everyone the best possible education and profession in accordance with their individual abilities and wishes. The second is geopolitical - it is necessary to strengthen the social structure of society, as well as social contracts with citizens, in order to create and develop various societies, organizations, firms, companies that could successfully cooperate and lead healthy competition in the labour market. The third reason is strategic, it is important to improve the system of vocational education in order to ensure productivity and economic prosperity in the future, and that is why it is necessary to teach children how to become productive adults in the near future.

Vocational education is an integral part of the system of continuous education, which ensures the implementation of human needs in the mastering of working professions, specialties, qualifications in accordance with his interests, abilities, health and social order of society and the state. Vocational and technical education is a complex of pedagogical and organizational-management measures aimed at ensuring that citizens acquire knowledge and skills in their chosen field of professional activity, develop competence and professionalism, and learn a common and professional culture. In the general structure of education, vocational education is found in the intermediate link between school and higher education.

The first step towards reforming the vocational education system was the development of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) - a competency-structured description of qualification levels aimed at identifying with the European qualification system, bringing vocational education to the global space. There is a need to develop updated professional standards, describe the content of qualifications, and then change the law on vocational education («Natsionalna ramka», n.d.).

In this regard, currently the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is considering the «Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine. The first (bachelor's) level of education. Area of knowledge - 01 Education / pedagogy, specialty - 015 Vocational education (by specialty)», which specifies the general requirements for the volume of the educational program, the list of competencies of the graduate (integral and general competence), the normative content of the preparation of students, formulated in terms of learning outcomes, forms of certification of applicants for higher education, requirements for the presence of a system of internal quality assurance of higher education formations, etc. At the same time, the Standard is based on the competence approach and shares the philosophy of defining the requirements for a specialist, which is the basis of the European Commission's project «Tuning Educational Structures in Europe» (Tuning Educational Structures in Europe, TUNING) («Standart vyshchoi osvity», 2017).

The state national program «Education» provides for identifying promising national and regional needs for training workers due to professions and skill levels for all sectors of the household, developing a scientifically based nomenclature of working professions and specialties in accordance with new socio-economic and cultural-educational needs, optimizing the network of vocational training institutions and other events that are already being implemented (State national program «Edu- cation» (Ukraine of the XXI century). It is necessary to take into account the fact that most of the enterprises (factories) in the regions are closed due to «unprofita- bility» or bought out for the construction of cottage townships.

Therefore, in order to work out the technology of training workers of high qualification of the relevant professions, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the college is an institution of II level of accreditation or a structural unit of an educational institution of Ш or IV level of accreditation, which provides higher education in related areas of training or in several related specialties; technical school (college) - a higher educational institution of I level of accreditation or a structural unit of HEI of the III or IV level of accreditation, providing higher education in several related specialties («Zakon Ukrainy», 2014). Teachers mainly work there (masters of industrial training, in particular) without a higher pedagogical education.

According to the dual form of education, in 2015 a pilot project was launched on the basis of three educational institutions that provide the profession «painter», «cook» and «turner». The graduation in 2017 proved the effectiveness of the pilot project: employment of former students was 97 %, improvement of the quality of vocational training - 12-17 %, and educational institutions reduced their costs for utilities and educational materials. Therefore, in the 2017-2018 school years, the project became widespread: elements of the dual form of education on September 1, 2017 were introduced in 49 vocational education institutions with 54 working professions in 25 regions. More than 300 employers were involved in the organization of vocational training.

But practice shows that this form of education can be applied only by those institutions that have relevant specialties and are enterprises of the relevant direction. However, even when studying at the HEI, the hours of students' internship at various educational institutions are reduced (85 % of the surveyed students of State Higher Educational Institution «Vasyl Stefanyk Carpathian National University» are against it). At the same time an important role is assigned to employers who become full participants in training. They must monitor the labour market, predict the need for specialists, and provide funding for the activities of institutions, their material and technical base. They organize certification and internships, employ, while taking into account the practical training of a specialist.

The level of satisfaction of the needs of separate HEI depends on the quality of the material, technical, scientific, information and methodological base and teaching potential. One of the important criteria for the activity of the HEI is the quality of the product being produced - a graduate, a future specialist. In this case, it is this product of HEI activity that is considered, although it is not the only one.

Vocational education of the interwar period in Western Ukraine. Even in the interwar period, in newspapers and magazines, including the Western region of Ukraine, the issues of training specialists in various industries, especially for rural areas are raised, in accordance with the needs of the household and the abilities of the future employee. After all, the effect of labour «of each unit will be the greatest when a person works in such a specialty that best suits his or her innate abilities ... With an appropriate organization of social labour each person can have the most suitable occupation for themselves, which will be fulfilled with pleasure and suc- cess» («Poradnia dlia vyboru», 1933).

Therefore, educational and public organizations organized various courses that gave participants theoretical and practical knowledge from all sectors of the household and cooperation. Thus, at the Ukrainian Academy of Economics in Po- diebrady, in 1933, beekeeping courses were launched, which were aimed at «dee- pening the knowledge of beekeepers and preparing them for the rational management of the beekeeping», in addition, practical classes were organized for those who wanted in Galicia and Czechoslovakia («Novynky», 1933). The community «Prosvita» organized economic courses at the economic and horticultural school in Milovannie «for improving the well-being of the village» and training cooperation. At the same time, in addition to special education, students took a course in Ukrainian literature, history, geography and other general education disciplines. A total of 732 hours were devoted to the theoretical course (professional subjects - 318, additional - 92, general education - 230, cooperation - 92); the classes mainly took place in the winter period, and in the summer the students worked in all areas of the school's household and at district milk plant («Hospodarsko-sadivnycha shkola», 1933).

Ukrainians faced the problem of unemployment on the regional lands in 19191939, although there was a shortage of specialists: «dressmakers, tricotons, hairdressers, fashioners...». Therefore, when choosing a profession, it was recommended to choose a school in which «1) the process of education is not very long; 2) payments are not high; 3) admission to the school and the final exam does not present great difficulties; 4) there is an opportunity after the graduation to help materially yourself and your family». One of such vocational schools for girls existed in Lviv, organized by the community «Native School», where they were though by professional qualified teachers. Pupils had been studying general education and practical disciplines for 3 years: cooperation, book keeping, dressmaking, singing, and physical education, household. The practice was held in the «sewing workshops, fashion, knitting workshops, depending on the students' choice» («Fakhova osvita», 1931). Since 1931, the State Lacework School has been working in Zakopane, which had two areas of professional training: «the hotel business, which prepares managers for hotels and retirees, for cooks and for service; industrial, where they studied about lacework and silk embroidery» («Derzhavna Zhinocha Shkola», 1931). In Stanislav (now Ivano-Frankivsk) the trading school was opened at the beginning of March 1931. That school was «the type of practical knowledge that could help youth more easily earn money and which in general had as much opportunity as possible in current life» («Nova ukrainska shkola», 1931).

During the study period, vocational schools were opened in almost all Western Ukrainian lands, depending on the needs of the locality for specialists. One of the methods of educational activities was the arrangement of various professional courses at schools, unions, public organizations and communities (table 1).

The greatest importance had professional courses, which were short, contained a large number of practical exercises and helped to start raising independent earnings. In particular, at the «Native School» for 1938 there were 64 courses (1.480 students), which by type of training were presented as follows: library, bibliography, knitting, cooking, sewing and cutting, vocational women course («Orhanizatsiini spravy», 1938). In addition, at almost all schools / courses, hostels worked in order to facilitate vocational training for Ukrainian children from poor families. Upbringing and guardianship is the basis of any team life. Therefore, the superintendants of the hostels and tutors needed to work in three directions: «1) on developing the character of the pupils; 2) on the addition of their education; 3) over the cultural way of their life and developing». And in order to have a pedagogical impact on the development of the character of the pupils, the management of the hostel must study them, teach and discover the positive and negative sides; so that each educator must be a practical teacher. Weekly, the superintendent needed to talk with the residents of the hostel on topics of different areas of education, discipline and forms of cultural education. And to improve professional knowledge, scientific conferences took place, professional circles worked, cooperatives, economic (educational) sections, thrift funds were established, dramatic circles, choir, orchestras, and so on were created in the hostel (Horytsvit, 1935).

Table 1. Vocational schools /courses in Western Ukraine of the interwar period




Private Jewish factory women's school

Stanislaviv, Kolomyia

The average women's factory school of the «Vuzet» community

Stanislaviv, Horodenka

Plumbing-mechanical school of the «Vuzet» union

Kolomyia, Dolyna

Trade school


Private tailoring school


Industrial college


Women's Craft School of Cooperative «Labour»


Trade School of the community «Prosvita»


Trade courses by O. Skrentovych

Lviv, Peremyshl

Vocational complementary schools (2 for men, 2 for women)

Ternopil, Stanislaviv

Vocational complementary schools (2 for men)


Vocational complementary industrial school


Women Vocational Secondary School of SU Vasyliianka

Yanchyn, Lviv, Lutsk

The course «Farmer»

Lviv, Lutsk, Rivne

Merchant Gymnasium (in Lviv - trade and cooperative course, administrative and trade course)


Trade School of the ІІ grade school; cooperative school


Course for Guiders of School Native work


Crop and Gardening school; Husbandry school


Maiden school


Wood craft school


Carpentry school

All schools were well supplied with material and technical means, all teachers had higher education and practical training; students necessarily studied cooperation, state law, the Ukrainian language and literature, history, geography (Ko- renets, 1938).

As we see, in the period under study, vocational education developed its own household, organized new educational institutions taking into account the demand on the labour market, while at the same time envisioning the path of further social and household development guided by the choice of the necessary specialists in the future. After all, the demand for working professions depends on the household and social structure of the region, the nation and its political position. education competence professional course

Therefore, the approach to training a specialist from the point of view of a market economy gives reason to explore the complex of qualities of a future specialist which would allow him, taking into account the labour market situation, his own capabilities and needs, to effectively compete and realize his potential. For a university, this approach to organizing its own activities means the need to find and implement technology or technologies that would ensure a future specialist existence in terms of personal and social development goals. This is possible when the educational process will consciously develop a complex personal need for combining narrow professionalism and universalism, which can provide the individual and future specialist with competitiveness in the labour market, and universities - competitiveness in the market of educational service providers.

The preparation of managers of modern vocational education. At the heart of the approach to training, both specialists and professional managers of education is a single pedagogical concept, the essence of which is the formation of three skills groups among students: technological, communicative and conceptual. Technological skills are associated with the development of a particular profession. Communicative ones are directly related to communication with different people and yourself. Conceptual skills are the art of predicting events, planning the activities of large groups of people, making responsible decisions based on system analysis. M. Izadinia (2013) argues that in determining the level of a specialist's abilities is assessed his ability to: make decisions, plan, lead a conversation, organize people, monitor the activities of subordinates.

In this regard, it is necessary to involve the stakeholders' councils in vocational education. These are regional representatives of all who are interested in skilled workers: employers, local authorities, educational institutions. Stakeholders can involve Ukrainian and foreign experts. The task of these councils will be to coordinate the processes in vocational education: representatives of the regions know better which workers are now in demand, which will be in demand, which areas should be developed and which ones are ineffective. Stakeholder councils will come up with proposals for the reorganization of educational institutions, the development or closure of certain training programs, and the development of economic optimization programs in education.

In a market economy, a modern vocational education system on the basis of its educational institutions could provide training for a temporarily working population, raising the skills of workers by agreement with regional state employment services (which also do not work very actively in this area).

Within the project Erasmus+ «Improving teacher education for applied learning in the field of vocational education (ITE-VET)» CNU signed cooperation agreements with city colleges (internships by students, provision of educational services to teaching staff for higher pedagogical education, etc.), and at the National Lviv University named after Ivan Franko - a new qualification was introduced for graduates of «Special Education», who must serve as an assistant or tutor for employment. In February 2018, Lviv University approved a new specialization «Assistant of Master of Industrial Training» in the specialty «Special Education».

The curriculum of the new specialization provides for the formation of didactic, psychological and pedagogical competences, vocational education and education in the field of modern information technologies. In particular, the vocational education component of the specialization «Apprenticeship» means that future master's assistants should gain knowledge of the needs of the labour market, specific activities in industry, enterprises and related workplaces, as well as the ethics of work and civil relations, and the skills they need to develop in the performance of basic labour operations, the analysis of various situations in the labour market and production, etc. Education in the field of information technology involves the development of skills in the application of modern information and communication technologies for the preparation of educational materials and the organization of interactive communication of participants in the educational process.

Such cooperation allows students to observe, take into account and simulate effective patterns of activity and behaviour of the teacher. The main conditions for the organization of effective learning are the environment of pedagogical courses to influence the development of future teachers; pedagogical consciousness stimulates the active participation of students; constant appeal to the pedagogical experience of future teachers at each stage of the educational process; organization of teaching and training of future teachers in the context of professional and educational activities; coordination of theoretical courses and practical activities of students in the selection and application of teaching methods; identification of lecturers and students' expectations from the learning process; providing them support, assistance and the gradual elimination of support according to their success; application of the content of pedagogical courses and didactic methods to meet the needs and interests of students; involvement of future teachers in thinking about their teaching activities, as well as self-assessment of their success in school.


The practical orientation of the training of teachers and masters of industrial education in vocational education is realized through the introduction of a professional component into the content of pedagogical courses of HEI, the use of active and interactive teaching methods and methods that attract students to various types of practical activities and improve the quality of practical training by promoting targeted pedagogical guidance and contacts between universities, schools / colleges companies / organizations / enterprises.

So, the fundamental changes occurring in the education system of Ukraine require the formation of a new approach to training specialists, which will provide not only the necessary level of education, but also the development of professional abilities, the formation of independence, innovative thinking, dynamism in decision making and the ability to implement them in future professional activities.


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  • Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.

    презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015

  • Transfer to profile training of pupils of 11–12 classes of 12-year comprehensive school its a stage in implementation of differentiation of training. Approaches to organization of profile education and their characteristic, evaluation of effectiveness.

    курсовая работа [39,4 K], добавлен 26.05.2015

  • The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

    реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012

  • History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.

    курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016

  • Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.

    презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 08.10.2016

  • The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.

    презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.02.2014

  • The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.

    учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015

  • Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.

    презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013

  • Planning a research study. Explanation, as an ability to give a good theoretical background of the problem, foresee what can happen later and introduce a way of solution. Identifying a significant research problem. Conducting a pilot and the main study.

    реферат [26,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2012

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